Faculty Checklist – Online and Course Material Access Questions to

Faculty Checklist – Online and Course Material Access
Questions to ask Publisher Reps:
1) If the faculty selects an online textbook, what is the process for requesting accessible text for
a student with a documented print disability to have access to the online textbook?
2) What is the accessibility of the test/quiz banks of questions by use with screen readers and
text to speech software programs? Which programs work with the formatted questions?
3) What is the 508 compliance for any online materials, including the assignments/handouts;
videos (including captioning); practice/homework problems; etc.?
Online Textbook compliance (versus print-based textbook access request process)? Which Textto-Speech (TTS) and screenreading software is compatible with the online textbook?
Videos and animations? (captioned or subtitled? Access to transcript? Transcript visible along
with video/animation?)
Discussion forums? (compatible with screenreading/TTS software? Compatible with alternative
entry software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking?)
Workbook/worksheets/handouts? (compatible with screenreading/TTS software? Dragon
Naturally Speaking?)
What screen reading software is compatible with the vendor’s proprietary interactive software or
course materials site? JAWS? WindowEyes? ZoomText?
What other assistive technology software is compatible (and usable) with the vendor’s proprietary
interactive software or course materials site(s)? TextAloud? Natural Reader? Kurzweil? ReadWriteGold?
Dragon Naturally Speaking? Others?
4) What training is provided to the faculty using the online materials to ensure that all
accessibility features are activated and engaged (both from the vendor’s system and also as it
is imported into the Delta D2L system?)
5) What is the process/response to technical help questions/needs for ensuring access for
textbooks, online textbooks, online course materials, test/quiz situations, etc.? What is the
expected response time (within 24 hours or up to two weeks)? Does the technical response
also respond to the students and the Office of Disability Resources, not only the faculty of the
Creating Accessible Courses (online and F2F) and Course Materials
Information about Online Accessibility (Dear Colleague letter and FAQs):
http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-201105-pse.pdf (letter)
http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/dcl-ebook-faq-201105.html (FAQs)
General Access in Higher Ed: http://accessed.r2d2.uwm.edu/Tools_Resources/Checklists_Evaluations
Tip Sheets: http://access-ed.r2d2.uwm.edu/Tools_Resources/Tips_Posterettes
Faculty Kit for UD: http://access-ed.r2d2.uwm.edu/Tools_Resources/Tips_Posterettes
Checklists for access: http://access-ed.r2d2.uwm.edu/Tools_Resources/Checklists_Evaluations/
Videos about UD: http://access-ed.r2d2.uwm.edu/Tools_Resources/Video_Resources/
National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials:
Additional Resources for Accessible Materials Creation:
PowerPoint creation: http://webaim.org/techniques/powerpoint/
Universal Design: http://access-ed.r2d2.uwm.edu/
Checklists for accessibility (syllabus, universal design, activities, tests, etc.): http://accessed.r2d2.uwm.edu/Tools_Resources/Checklists_Evaluations
Step-by-step directions for accessible PDFs; Word; Excel; PowerPoint; MS Office 2010; HTML
files; and multi-media files: