2012 2013 University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

University of Wisconsin
University of WIsconsin-Milwaukee
This Guide is produced in
partnership with the Student
Success Center at UW-Milwaukee
and University Parent Media.
University Parent Media
2995 Wilderness Place, Suite 205
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (866) 721-1357
Email: ask@universityparent.com
Advertising Inquiries:
(866) 721-1357
Sarah Schupp
Rebecca Maytubby
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Student Success Center
Bolton Hall Room 120
(414) 229-5385
Allison Black
Rebecca Boozan
Scott Griesser
Sharon Haddad
Jon Hydeman
Emily Rayes
Griffin Sandberg
Henry Springer
Clay Wise
About Our Guides
For more information, please contact
University Parent Media works closely with
institutions around the country to bring together
the most relevant, timely information into one
all-inclusive resource.
Anna Baldwin
Peregrine Bosler
Grace Cassara
Eric Hosmer
Katie Williams
We have published this guide with the mission of
helping you easily navigate the University and its
surrounding community. Ultimately, we hope these
resources help nurture your connection and
involvement in your student’s college years!
Linsey Straugh
Adam Walsh
Make the Most of Your Parent Guide
Hang on to your Guide! Inside you’ll
find information that’s useful all year
long, including important phone
numbers, websites and calendars.
Store your copy in a purse or glove
compartment for convenient reference.
Pass it along to parents of prospective
college students to promote the school.
Please recycle when finished!
Discover more content, tips and local
business information by visiting us online
at: www.universityparent.com/milwaukee
UWM Guide
Comprehensive advice, information for campus success
Greetings From the Chancellor
Academic Calendar
Tips for Family Members
Academics and Advising
Academic Resources
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act
Student ID
Financial Matters
On and Off Campus Housing
Textbooks; Transportations and Parking
Campus Map
Helping Your Student Make Healthy Desicions
Caring and Safe Community
Career Planning
Student Life
UWM Athletics and Recreation
Campus Technology
40 | Milwaukee Community
Make the most of your visit by getting to know the area
40 | Welcome to Milwaukee!
42 | Insider Tips to the Best of Milwaukee
The presence of University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee logos and marks
in this Guide does not mean the school
endorses the products or services
offered by advertisers in this Guide.
©2012 University Parent Magazines, Inc.
46 |
Must-have knowledge to navigate your way
44 | Notes
46 | Proud Supporters of UWM
from the
Welcome to the University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
You may have read, heard or seen
information recently about the exciting
new construction projects and academic
program expansion under way at UWM.
We know that, as a family member of
an incoming UWM student, you are far
more concerned about the personal
and academic growth of your student
as he or she becomes part of our
dynamic university. It is important that
you know that the members of our
faculty and staff share that concern.
That is why in recent years, we have
expanded many academic and support
services with resources like the UWM
Student Success Center. It has tools
like a Virtual Reference Desk, Peer
Mentoring and Tutoring. It is a clear
demonstration that we want to give all
students the best possible opportunity to
succeed throughout their college years.
I appreciate the role you have played
in the development of your student
to date, and am honored that you are
entrusting the UWM community to
continue that work in the coming years.
You will find these initiatives and more
described in this booklet or explained
today during orientation sessions. Please
do not hesitate to ask questions if you
need more information on any topic.
Michael R. Lovell
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Academic Calendar
August 1
Deadline for University Housing
Early Arrival Applications
August 28
$200 minimum payment fee due
August 29-September 1
Residence Hall Move-In
August 30-September 3
Fall Welcome 2012: Roll out the Gold Carpet
September 3
Labor Day
September 4
Start of fall semester
October 13-14
Family Weekend & Panther Prowl 5K
October 26-27
UWM Open House
November 21 - 25
Thanksgiving Recess
December 6
Deadline to request Winter Recess Housing
December 12
End of fall semester classes
December14, 15, 17-21
Fall semester Finals
Dec. 24 – Jan. 1, 2013
Winter Break
Tips for Family Members
As a family member you may ask
yourself, how can I best support my
student? What can I do to help them
succeed? Referring your student to
campus resources will allow them
to take responsibility for their own
success while allowing you to take
part in important conversations
regarding their transition.
January 1
Deadline for University Housing Early Arrival
Applications (Spring Term residents only)
January 2 - 18
January 21
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 22
Start of spring semester
March 1
Financial Aid Priority Filing Date
How is your student
connecting to UWM?
March 17 - 24
Spring Break
May 9
End of spring semester
May 11, 13-18
Spring semester Finals
Have they made friends, joined
a study group or a student
organization? What about campus
employment, undergraduate
research or studying abroad?
May 18
Residence Hall Contract Ends
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Has your student talked with their
Mentor and/or Resident Assistant?
These upper-class, student leaders
can refer your student to all the
resources UWM has to offer.
Has your student signed-up for tutoring?
Many students wait too long to access
tutoring or supplemental instruction,
making it difficult to catch-up. Tutoring
is not just for students who may be
struggling in a course; it provides
valuable supplemental instruction for
students at all skill levels. The Writing
Center can also benefit writers of all
levels to gain feedback on their work.
Is your student making
healthy decisions?
Are they exercising and eating healthy?
What about getting enough sleep?
Have their social behaviors changed?
Has your student met with
their academic advisor?
Your student’s advisor plays a major role
in their success, specifically graduating
in a timely manner. Their advisor can
inform them of all add/drop deadlines
and any fees associated with courses.
Has your student gotten to
know their professors?
Are they attending and participating
in class regularly? Have they been
to their professors’ office hours?
How will your student pay for college?
Have they completed their FAFSA? What
about scholarship applications? Have
they found on-campus employment?
Academics and Advising
Academic advisors are professional staff who assists students
on their path toward graduation. Students should meet with
their academic advisors at least once each semester.
Panther Families
Stay connected to UWM!
We understand the crucial role that families play in the college experience,
and we realize that maintaining communication with your UWM student is
important, whether you live hundreds of miles away, or just down the block.
In order to help you support your student throughout his or her college career
at UWM, we created the Panther Families Website. Visit and bookmark
www.pantherfamilies.uwm.edu, where you will find:
• A free electronic subscription to Panther Family News
Academic Opportunity Center
College of Nursing
Mitchell 177
(414) 229-4696
Cunningham 135
(414) 229-5047
• Frequently Asked Questions
African American Student Services
• Important dates, deadlines, and announcements
Bolton 170
(414) 229-6657
• Information about events especially for parents and families
If you can’t find what you need on the website, you can contact us at
(414) 229-5188 or at panther-families@uwm.edu.
Global Studies
Garland 108
(414) 229-6925
American Indian Student Services
Bolton 195
(414) 229-5880
College of Engineering
and Applied Science
Engineering and Mathematical
Sciences 386
(414) 229-4667
College of Health Sciences
Merrill 115
(414) 229-2758
College of Letters and Science
Holton 142
(414) 229-4654
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Academic Resources
Access to Success
Access to Success (A2S) is our campus commitment to enhance access to
UWM while at the same time, promoting greater student success.
Center for International Education
The Center for International Education
(CIE) offers a wealth of internationallyfocused programs and activities for
students, faculty, staff, and the public.
CIE connects domestic and international
students and scholars with on-campus
and overseas research and study
opportunities while expanding public
access to UWM’s international resources.
Helen Bader School of Social Welfare
School of Education
Enderis 1110
(414) 229-4852
Enderis 209
(414) 229-4721
Honors College
School of Information Studies
Honors House 154
(414) 229-4658
NWQ B Room 3550
(414) 229-4707
Peck School of the Arts
Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business
Theatre 120
(414) 229-4763
Lubar N297
(414) 229-5271
Roberto Hernandez Center
Southeast Asian American
Student Services
Bolton 183
(414) 229-6156
Study Abroad
CIE’s study abroad office offers numerous
study program opportunities throughout
the world. The study abroad office houses
study abroad program files, brochures,
and other information about overseas
programs, as well as information about
working abroad, international careers,
teaching abroad, and international travel.
Learning about people and places beyond
U.S. borders has never been more
important. At UWM, students have access
to a wide-range of international study
programs that allow them to earn credits
toward their degrees without extending
the time needed to graduate. Financial aid
can be used to cover the costs of all study
abroad programs. Instruction for most
programs is in English, even in countries
where English is not spoken. Study
abroad is an excellent way for students
to expand their horizons and gain the
skills currently in demand by employers.
Study abroad and separate yourself from
the pack! For more information visit
Bolton 160
(414) 229-5282
School of Architecture
and UrbanPlanning
Student Support Services
Architecture and Urban Planning 225
(414) 229-4015
Mitchell 135
(414) 229-3765
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
International Activities
CIE organizes and supports numerous
international activities and events each
year, among them the Culture Café, the
“Kennan Forum” and “Great Decisions”
speaker series, “International Focus,” a
weekly TV program, a two-day Model
UN conference, international education
week, summer learning institutes for K-12
educators, and numerous internationallyfocused student organizations.
Garland 138
(414) 229-3757
The UWM Libraries are at the heart of
the campus and offer a safe, comfortable
and technologically-rich environment that
is essential for our students’ success. In
addition to providing academic resources
like books, online articles, and digital
collections of unique photos and maps
held in our library, we have CDs, DVDs,
laptops and other digital equipment
for student use. The library focuses on
student-centered learning and providing
assistance to students in-person or online.
UROP (the Undergraduate Research
Opportunity Project) which pairs each
student with a faculty researcher
in a field of his or her interest.
Mitchell 112
(414) 229-6287
Bolton 192
(414) 229-2641
Writing Center
(414) 229-4785
Panther Academic Support
Services (PASS)
Office of Undergraduate
Research (OUR)
OUR is an excellent resource for
students who want to take an active
role in their education through handson learning in a research environment.
OUR particularly encourages first- and
second-year undergraduates to get
involved in research activity through
Panther Academic Support Services
offers free tutoring for more than 120
100- and 200-level courses. PASS
has walk-in, online and group tutoring
available as well as study groups.
Bolton 180/Bolton 120
(414) 229-3726
The Writing Center welcomes all UWM
writers to meet one-on-one, confidentially,
with a highly qualified tutor to discuss
their writing projects at any stage of the
work, e.g., brainstorming, generating
topics, organizing ideas, developing
theses, polishing style and editing
drafts. All majors, subjects and skill
levels are welcome. Appointments or
walk-ins accepted, in-person or online.
Curtin 127
(414) 229-4339
Student Accessibility Center (SAC)
The Student Accessibility Center (SAC)
is charged with the mission of creating
an accessible University campus and
climate for students with disabilities
which fosters the development of each
student’s full potential. SAC serves UWM
students who have physical, learning,
sensory or psychological disabilities that
substantially affect a major life activity.
To receive academic accommodations
and services, students need to register
with SAC, self disclose their disability or
medical condition, and provide current
disability/medical information from a
qualified health professional. SAC offers
academic accommodations, disability
counseling, referral services, library and
laboratory assistance, adaptive equipment
and materials and an assistive technology
computer lab for eligible students.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
How are grades reported?
At UWM grades are reported
electronically directly to students
via their PAWS account. Typically,
students will see grades and academic
standing reported on PAWS within
two weeks of final exams ending.
a unique login and password for PAWS
and assign them permission to see/
do any combination of the following:
⊲⊲ View “To Do” items
⊲⊲ View Financial Aid
⊲⊲ View Billing Statements
Records and Graduation
Mellencamp 274
(414) 229-4226
Stay Connected via PAWS
As an important step in facilitating
connections between families and
students, UWM offers a feature within
our PAWS student information system
called “Designate Access.” By utilizing
designated access, students will now have
the ability to give up to three individuals
⊲⊲ Make a Payment
⊲⊲ View Grades
If you are interested in being able to
have your own access to this information
within your student’s PAWS account,
your first step is to connect with your
student as they alone can set this up.
Step-by-step tutorials to guide
students through setting up your
designated access are available as are
instructions for you to follow once your
student has granted you access at
Family Educational Rights
& Privacy Act (FERPA)
When your child was in elementary and
high school, the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gave
you and your child rights to access
and control your child’s educational
records. Now that your child is in
college, these same laws transfer
ownership of the records directly to
your student. According to FERPA,
college students are considered
responsible adults and are allowed to
determine who will receive information
about them. While family members
understandably have a vested
interest in a student’s academic
progress, they are not automatically
granted access to a student’s
records without written consent.
In our experience, open and honest communication about academic standing
and grades is the best way to help them succeed. Begin discussions with your
student now about your expectations and how you would like to see their progress
reported to you. More detailed information about your student’s rights under
FERPA and resources available to you can be found at www.ferpa.uwm.edu.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Student ID
Students will need their Panther Card
ID to enter the residence halls, use their
meal plan, utilize the Klotsche Center,
check out books at the Library, and to
attend free UWM sporting events.
Panther Card Resident Account
Available to any student but required
for those living in Cambridge Commons,
Riverview and Sandburg Halls. Money
is added to this account through
University Housing and is best for those
students who will eat most of their
meals in the residence halls. This card
is used for meal plan purchases only
and includes an administrative fee.
(414) 229-4065
The Panther Gold Account
Used to purchase items from the UWM
Bookstore, laundry in the residence
halls, or purchasing meals at any of the
dining service locations. Best “Meal
Plan” option for those who will eat
most of their meals in other on campus
locations outside the residence halls.
Money can be added to this account in
the residence halls, UWM Bookstore
or the Panther Card office in Union 161.
Family members can add money over
the phone or on the website 24/7:
(414) 229-2231
Financial Matters
Bursar Office
August 28, 2012
Fall 2012 tuition and fees due date
January 16, 2013
Spring 2013 tuition and fees due date
Questions about where, when, and how
to make payments for your student’s
education may be answered by using
any of the following information:
Mitchell 285
(414) 229-4914
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Financial Aid,
Student Employment and
Military Education Benefits
Visit the Financial Aid website for the
fastest and easiest way to have your
questions answered. Here you will
find the handbook which every parent
and student is obligated to read,
information on various financial aid
programs, and an opportunity to submit
questions 24/7 via “Ask the Panther.”
Mellencamp 162
(414) 229-4541
On and Off
Neighborhood Housing (Off
Campus) and COAST Leaders
The Neighborhood Housing Office
(NHO) provides direct outreach and
advising to help students find quality
off-campus housing and roommates.
The website contains a list of rental
properties and landlords as well as
rooms for rent and student roommate
requests. The NHO offers multiple
programs each year to assist students
in finding quality off-campus housing,
including the April Housing Fair and
the July Tour of Homes. The NHO also
offers a Preferred Tenant Program for
UWM students to earn reduced rent or
security deposits through participating
landlords. COAST Leaders are students
hired, trained, and supervised by the
Neighborhood Housing Office to serve
as peer educators and a resource for
identified student neighborhoods.
Union WG85
(414) 229-6999
University Housing (On Campus)
University Housing Office
Helps with tours, resident room
assignments, and questions about
housing bills and meal plans
(414) 229-4065
First-year students are primarily assigned
Cambridge Commons, Riverview
Residence Hall, and Sandburg traditional
Towers (North, South, and West Towers).
University Housing areas that often serve
sophomore and above students, such
as Sandburg East Towers, Cambridge
Commons Upgrades, Purin Hall, and
Kenilworth Square Apartments also
feature full kitchens in addition to semiprivate bathrooms. To better meet the
needs of upperclassmen, Kenilworth
Square Apartments are limited to
students who are 21 years or older.
University Housing is committed to
the safety and security of residents.
University Housing residential facilities
include 24/7 student security staff.
Each residence hall has a Service Desk
that serves an information resource
for students, provides mail service to
residential students, as well as provides
products for sale or rental. Students and
guests are also held accountable for
behavioral expectations while living or
visiting University Housing facilities.
Residence Life is the group of University
Housing professionals and student staff
members assigned to help your student
succeed both personally and academically
at UWM. Resident Assistants – an
upperclassman who serves as a guide,
peer mentor, and event planner for a
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Residence Life Offices
Helps with resident behavior
concerns, student involvement,
roommate conflicts.
Purin, Sandburg East, North,
South, and West Tower Residents
(414) 229-5712
Cambridge Commons,
RiverView, and Kenilworth
Square Apts. Residents
(414) 935-6911
set of residents in a particular “house”
in University Housing. Our residence
life professionals help guide the overall
community and student development.
In addition to supervising the Resident
Assistants, these professionals meet
with students who might need additional
guidance on academics, want to get
involved, might need help mediating
more difficult roommate conflicts,
or have behavioral concerns.
Residential Facilities Office
Work order questions, facility
amenity questions.
Electronic Room/Suite/
Apartment Work Orders
(414) 229-6591
Purchasing Textbooks
New and used textbooks are available
at the UWM Bookstore. Used books
are on a first come, first serve basis.
Union 1st Floor
(414) 229-4201
convenient mode of transportation
between the UWM campus and all
residence halls. For shuttle schedules
and information about GPS tracking and
text message alerts, visit the website.
(414) 229-4065
Getting Home
Ride share boards are available
online at Zimride.uwm.edu.
Milwaukee depot:
(414) 272-5841
Badger Bus
Milwaukee depot:
(414) 276-7490
Coach USA
Transportation and Parking
(Chicago, Midway and O’Hare Airport,
Minneapolis & various cities in WI)
(800) 747-7407 #4
General Mitchell International Airport
Every UWM student is eligible for a
Milwaukee County transit pass. They
can pick them up beginning a week
before the start of the semester.
Students can get route information by
calling or visiting the MCTS website
for the most detailed information.
Union WG25
(414) 344-6711
location provides FREE parking and a
FREE bus ride to campus– no permit or
special identification is needed to use this
lot. Buses operate at 10 minute intervals.
(414) 747-5300
Greyhound Bus
Union WB25
(414) 229-4000
Campus Parking
Parking prices range from $0.80 $1.25 per hour. Space is limited.
(800) 231-2222
Lake Express
(866) 914-1010
Mega Bus
U-Park Lot
There is a U-Park lot near the campus
open to students, visitors and staff which
operates during the Fall and Spring
semesters (no summer service). The
University Housing
Shuttle Service
(Chicago & Minneapolis)
(877) 462-6342
Operating 24-hours a day, the shuttle
services gives residents a safe,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Helping Your Student
Make Healthy Decisions
Want to help your student thrive at UWM? Talk with them about alcohol and other
drug use, both before they arrive on campus and throughout their time in school.
While many UWM students choose to drink moderately or not at all, substance
use has the potential to cause a variety of interpersonal, academic, legal, and
health concerns that may derail a student’s successful college experience.
Tips for talking with your student about their alcohol and other drug use:
Be direct. Ask your student
about how they intend to navigate
decisions related to the use of
alcohol and other drugs within the
college environment. Check in with
them often to discuss what they
have experienced academically,
legally, and socially as a result of
these decisions, and help them to
develop new strategies, as needed.
Express your own values, as they
relate to alcohol and other drug
use, and work with your student
to create shared expectations
for their college experience.
Parents and other family members
have a powerful influence on
the substance-related behaviors
of their college students.
Promote connections to campus.
Encourage your student to seek
opportunities to connect with other
UWM students in substance-free
environments, through involvement
in student groups, recreational
activities, and on-campus programs.
Reinforce positive coping
techniques. Some students turn to
substance use as a means of coping
with stress or other emotional
difficulties. Remind your student
that alcohol and other drugs are
not an effective way of coping
with issues that may be causing
them worry or distress, and help
them connect with appropriate
academic or counseling resources.
If your student’s use of
alcohol or other drugs is
detrimentally impacting
their health, academic
performance, or general
transition to college –
or if you are otherwise
worried about their
substance use – express
your observations and
concerns in an open
and nonjudgmental
manner, and offer to
help them connect with
available resources.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Caring and Safe Community
UWM student health services provide
students with general medical and
mental health care, assist students in
understanding their health needs and
guide them to make healthy choices on a
daily basis. Our services are provided at
low cost, and there is a lab and pharmacy
on site at the clinic. The Medical and
Counseling Services are located within
Norris Health Center, and students can
call for a routine or same day appointment.
In the event of an emergency during or
after clinic hours, Columbia-St. Mary’s
Hospital Milwaukee is the hospital
located closest to campus, and there
are several nearby convenient care and
urgent care options. For mental health
emergencies, contact the Milwaukee
County Crisis Line at (414) 257-7222.
Our Department of Health Promotion
and Wellness, including our Peer Health
Advocates, is located in Union 350
and provides training and outreach
on a range of topics including stress
management and alcohol and other drugs.
More details regarding the range of
services offered can be found at our
website (www.norris.uwm.edu),
phone (414) 229-4716 or email
Union GE09
(414) 229-6469
Emergency from a campus phone 9-911
Alcohol and your College
Experience (ACE):
Neighborhood Relations
S.A.F.E. Alert
UWM is located in an area of Milwaukee
known as the “East Side.” The East Side
has many unique neighborhoods, with
many active and engaged long-term
residents and students. Neighborhood
Relations works as a communication
link between those living in the
neighborhoods, the city of Milwaukee,
and the university. Tips for living off
campus and being a “good neighbor”
are sent to students living off campus
every year, and can be a helpful tool for
parents and families when preparing
their student for off-campus living.
S.A.F.E. Alert allows students to register
to be notified via text message or email
in the event of a campus emergency.
S.A.F.E. Alert is completely voluntary,
and will be used for emergency contact
purposes only. Emergency purposes
include credible, life-threatening incidents
that present imminent danger. S.A.F.E.
Alert is only available to members of
the UWM campus community. If parents
would like to receive the alerts, the
student can add the parent’s email or
phone number on the S.A.F.E. Alert
website: www.safealert.uwm.edu.
(414) 229-4451
S.A.F.E. Patrols
Designed specifically for UWM students,
this program includes a group alcohol
skills class, brief screening, and an
individual feedback session.
Email aceclass@uwm.edu for
more information or visit
www.uwm.edu/ace to register.
An anonymous online alcohol
assessment and personalized
feedback tool is available at
Having health insurance is highly
recommended for every student and
should include coverage for accidents
and injuries, hospitalizations, surgery,
specialty care, prescriptions, and
radiology services. As a UWM student
there is a plan coordinated by UWSystem that is available for purchase.
(800) 328-2739
Be On the Safe Side (B.O.S.S.)
Be On the Safe Side (B.O.S.S.) is a FREE
van escort service to students around
the UWM community, and has served
almost 1.25 million students since its
inception in 2000. They operate as many
as 10 vans, 7 days a week between the
hours of 6pm-2am, Sunday — Wednesday
and 6pm-4am, Thursday — Saturday
while school is in session. BOSS
shuttles students within a 2 mile radius
of campus during operating hours.
UWM Police
A vital part of The UWM Police
Department is the S.A.F.E. Patrols.
Trained students observe and report
on neighborhood activity between
7 p.m. and 1 a.m. They also provide
walking escorts on campus and into the
neighborhood for students and staff.
S.A.F.E. Phones
UWM maintains an advanced system
for the reporting of any problems to
the University Police. The heart of the
system is a dedicated 911 emergency
telephone computer with enhanced
location determination capabilities.
The phone system is ADA compliant
and includes Braille instructions.
Emergency S.A.F.E. Phones are located
across campus in yellow boxes which
are topped by blue lights. To use the
Emergency S.A.F.E. phone, open
the door to the box and hold the red
button until the call is answered.
The UWM police department is located at
the base of West Tower in the Sandburg
Residence Halls. The UWM campus is
patrolled 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
by 39 officers empowered to enforce
all Wisconsin statutes in Milwaukee
County. UWM Police patrol the campus
area on foot, bicycle and car. The police
department offers services including
self-defense training, engravers to
mark property, campus lost and found,
as well as a host of other services to
meet the needs of the campus.
Sandburg West Ground Floor
Non Emergency (414) 229-4627
Emergency (414) 229-9911
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Career Planning
Career Development Center
The Career Development Center helps students make informed choices on
majors and careers, build marketable experiences into their education and
find satisfying jobs after graduation. Classes, workshops, job fairs, counseling/
coaching and web-based tools provide help with resumes, networking, job
seeking skills, internships, and interview preparation. The resources include:
• Career Counseling: Career
Counselors work one to one with
students on an appointment or
walk-in basis on a variety of career
development tasks and challenges.
• Workshops and presentations
are given on topics like resumes,
utilizing social media, choosing a
major, conducting career research,
networking and interviewing.
• PantherJobs: The primary web
based resource that connects
UWM students and alumni with
local and national employers.
• Helping Your Son/Daughter’s Career
Development: This podcast is found
on the CDC website www4.uwm.edu/
• Educational Psychology 101
(2 credits): Planning Your
Major and Career: Learn about
careers and majors that fit your
interests, values, and skills.
• Educational Psychology 301:
Successful Career Transitions (2
credits): Receive support, structure
and guidance on employment goal
setting and job seeking skills.
Parents, family, role models, and friends
can play a significant role in contributing to
a student’s motivation and effectiveness
in achieving their career goals and in
their success during and after college.
The UWM Career Development Center
provides services to gain career skills
and competence that help students from
freshman year through graduation to
gain more from their classes, prepare
for the world of work and navigate
the college experience overall.
• Ask to share in their research
of careers, identifying what
they most want in a career, and
determining their career goals.
• Help explore perspectives that
you and your college student may
have about career and college.
• Encourage behaviors that are
helpful such as meeting regularly
with an advisor regarding classes,
speaking with a career counselor
once a semester regarding career
building activities, and learning how
to navigate the college experience.
• Most importantly, listen and provide
a safe and supportive environment
for your college student to share
their fears, concerns, excitement.
As family members, you are
encouraged to check with your student
and ask them questions like:
⊲⊲ What are your interests—what
do you really like to do?
⊲⊲ What are your skills and abilities—
what do you do well?
⊲⊲ What are your values—or what
do you really care about?
⊲⊲ What specific resources are
you using at UWM to learn
about career possibilities?
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Schedule an appointment
with a Career Counselor
Get familiar with UWM majors,
departments, schools and colleges
Sign up for a CDC two credit course
Use CDC Career Library and
website to research careers
Attend Career Days to learn
about careers and employers
Use UWM Panther Jobs, to
identify on/off campus, parttime and work-study jobs
Meet with your Academic Advisor
and First Year Center Mentor
– develop relationships and
network throughout college
Get involved in student
organizations related to your
major/career interests
Enroll in classes that help you
explore potential majors and
careers as well as build career skills
Mellencamp 128
(414) 229-4486
Student Life
Getting connected to campus is one
of the most important factors in your
student’s success. Encourage them
to take advantage of UWM’s many
forms of support to help them in
their academic and personal lives.
First Year Center
The First Year Center (FYC), located in the
Student Success Center, is the one stop
where new students can find information
about all of the valuable resources on
campus. The mission of the FYC is to
provide comprehensive services to new
first-year and transfer students enrolled
at UWM. The FYC is also home base
to the First Year Mentors and Student
Success Advocates who meet one-onone and maintain communication with
new students to assist in their transition.
Bolton 120
(414) 229-5385
Dean of Students
If your student is experiencing a
university related problem and has been
unsuccessful in resolving it elsewhere
Center for Volunteerism &
Student Leadership (CVSL)
Center for Volunteerism & Student
Leadership (CVSL), located in the Union,
promotes student volunteerism and
leadership development through cocurricular activities such as an annual
student leadership retreat, a Big Brothers
Big Sisters Program, weekly food pantry
volunteer opportunities, work-study jobs
as tutors in local public schools, and a
scholarship program for first-generation
and Pell Grant eligible students.
on campus, the Dean of Students office
should be their next stop. They act on
matters of student conduct, student
grievances and appeals, and serve as
a liaison to student government. For
student conduct information go to:
and for a copy of the student handbook
please go to www.uwm.edu/osl/students.
Mellencamp 118
(414) 229-4362
Union G28
(414) 229-3161
Black Cultural Center
LGBT Resource Center
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
and Transgender)
The BCC is a critical component of the
University’s efforts to recruit and retain
students of African descent. Working in
conjunction with other campus offices
and departments, the BCC designs and
implements social, cultural and academic
programming designed to enhance
the cultural competency of the campus
and greater Milwaukee community.
A series of educational/academic,
social, cultural, career development, and
leadership workshops and activities are
sponsored by the Black Cultural Center.
The LGBT Resource Center connects
with various student populations and the
community at large by embracing the
diversity of campus, increasing awareness
and providing resources on LGBT topics.
In addition, this entity offers a safe space
for LGBT students and their allies.
Union WG89
(414) 229-4116
Bolton 176
(414) 229-5566
Center for Student Involvement
The Center for Student Involvement (CSI)
works with over 300 student organizations
and provides students with meaningful
opportunities for involvement in social,
cultural, intellectual, recreational, and
civic activities that augments their
education and personal development.
Union 363
(414) 229-5780
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Religious Centers
Catholic Campus Ministry at UWM
The Newman Center
3001 N. Downer Avenue
(414) 964-6640
Jewish Hillel Foundation – Milwaukee
3053 N. Stowell Avenue
(414) 961-2010
Lutheran Campus Ministry
Corner House
3074 N. Maryland Avenue
(414) 962-9320
Wisconsin Evangelical
Lutheran Synod (WELS)
Points of Grace
Wisconsin Lutheran Student Center
2215 E. Kenwood Boulevard
(414) 963-2047
University Christian Ministries (UCM)
2211 E. Kenwood Boulevard
(414) 962-5460
Students from other faith backgrounds
may contact Laurie Marks, the UWM
liaison to the Religious Centers, at
either (414) 229-3161 or lmarks@
uwm.edu for more information on
places of worship for their faith.
UWM Union
The mission of the UWM Student Union
is to be of service to all campus. The
Union serves as the center of campus
life and offers a variety of services such
as Restaurant Operations, the Adventure
Center, Sociocultural Programming, the
Recreation Center and the Art Gallery.
The Union supports the academic
mission of the University through the
provision of quality programs, services
and experiences,and fosters the
development of an inclusive community.
(414) 229-4825
Women’s Resource Center (WRC)
The WRC promotes the success and
well-being of UWM students through
gender-related education, personal
support and advocacy. The WRC
provides all students with opportunities
for campus involvement and learning,
sponsors programs and events, houses a
specialized lending library, and works with
women students to address their concerns
and to achieve their full educational and
personal potential at UWM and beyond.
Union WG93
(414) 229-2852
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
UWM Athletics and
UWM is home to 15 Division 1 NCAA
sports. Men’s teams include Baseball,
Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer,
Swimming & Diving, and Track & Field.
Women’s teams include Basketball, Cross
Country, Soccer, Swimming & Diving,
Tennis, Track & Field, and Volleyball.
Klotsche Center and Pavilion
(414) 229-5287
Recreational Sports
and Facilities (RSF)
The department of Recreational Sports
and Facilities (RSF) is the campus
destination for recreational sports,
fitness and wellness programs and
facilities. We offer students a variety of
recreation opportunities and services in
the areas of fitness, wellness, intramurals,
open recreation and aquatics.
The Klotsche Center and Pavilion together
make up a multipurpose recreation,
athletic and instructional complex. Within
the complex are numerous activity areas
and services to meet the recreation
and fitness needs of our students.
6-court arena with 200
meter running track
4-court auxiliary gymnasium with
1/8 mile elevated jogging track
Fitness center with strength and
cardiovascular training equipment
8-lane 25 yard swimming pool
8 racquetball/handball courts
Group exercise/activity room
Group exercise/martial arts room
Intramural Program
Group cycle/activity room
Personal Training Studio
Locker rooms with locker
rentals available
Student commons area to
meet friends or study
The RSF Intramural Program offers
intramural opportunities throughout the
year. The program consists of team and
individual sport activities. Examples of
team sports include co-ed volleyball,
flag football, basketball, co-ed dodge
ball, soccer, fustal, co-ed softball, co-ed
floor hockey, trivia and arena football.
Individual sports include activities such
as disk golf, racquetball, triathlon and
badminton. Special events offered
have included horseback riding, late
night Olympics, and downhill skiing.
Fitness, Wellness and
Instructional Program
RSF offers a variety of fitness and wellness
opportunities including group exercise
classes, personal training, and nutritional
services. We also offer many instructional
classes including martial arts, CPR/AED,
Water Safety Instructor and SCUBA.
Klotsche Center
(414) 229-5287
Campus Technology
University Information
Technology Services
University Information Technology
Services (UITS) provides Web-based
ePanther services, technology resources
and infrastructure to support students,
faculty and staff in their teaching, learning,
administrative and research work.
UWM Help Desk
UWM Help Desk consultants are
available for technology assistance 7
a.m. to midnight seven days a week.
Walk-in services are available in
Bolton 225 for campus wireless
service assistance and SRS (Student
Response System) clickers help.
(414) 229-4040
Toll free: (877) 381-3459
Online request:
ePantherID and password
Each student is given a unique ePantherID
for access to campus technology services.
Campus Computer Labs (CCLs)
CCLs have Mac and Dell computers,
software and laser printers/scanners.
Printing is available in the
Campus Computer Labs (CCLs)
for a fee with a print card.
Campus WiFi
Wireless access is available in most
campus public spaces via two services.
PROWLnet is an unsecured wireless
service providing connectivity via
“hot spots.” UWM WiFi has replaced
PROWLnet in the UWM Union and Golda
Meir Library and will be expanded
to additional areas of campus.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Wired Connections
Public Internet jacks are available in
and around the Union, UWM Libraries
and residence halls. Students need a
standard Ethernet cable to connect.
Web Kiosks
Web Kiosk stations are located throughout
campus on the first floor of most academic
buildings providing quick access to
ePanther services and the Internet.
An ePantherID is not required for use.
These are Web-only access stations.
CAMPUS ePanther Services
pantherLINK Campus E-mail
& Calendar Service
Each student receives a pantherLINK
account where all official campus
email is sent. pantherLINK calendars
provided include a personal calendar,
enrolled course calendars and campus/
community event calendars.
pantherFILE Campus File
Storage and Sharing Service
pantherFILE is the campus Web-based
secure file storage and sharing service.
PAWS (Panther Access to
Web-based Services)
PAWS is the online student services
system used to register for classes,
check the status of financial aid,
receive and pay bills for housing and
tuition, contact an advisor, review
grades, request a transcript, etc.
D2L (Desire to Learn) Online
Course Management System
The D2L online course management
system is used by students to
electronically submit assignments,
read announcements, take quizzes,
participate in class discussions, and
view course assignments and grades.
technicians who repair computers,
upload software and assist
with syncing mobile devices.
The UWM Software Shop
provides access to the Wisconsin
Integrated Software Catalog (www.
WISCSoftware.wisc.edu) where
students can purchase software
at a substantial discount.
Personal Web Space
Personal websites can be hosted
on pantherFILE space providing an
opportunity to showcase academic
work and other initiatives.
Free Poster Printing
Survey Instrument
Learning TECHniques
The campus Survey Instrument can
be used for coursework and research.
Surveys can be created and deployed,
and data can be collected and analyzed.
Non-credit technology-related
training is available focusing on
use of ePanther services (free)
and commonly-used technologyrelated software (nominal fee).
Students are eligible for free course
or research-related poster printing.
Instructor permission is required.
UWM Mobile
UWM Mobile is UWM’s official iPhone and
Android app available for free download.
It provides real-time information about
UWM shuttles, laundry facilities, and open
computers in Campus Computer Labs,
as well as personal course info, contact
info, campus maps, and much more!
UWM TechMall
The online UWM TechMall has several
stores to serve students’ personal
computing needs. The UWM TechStore
(www.TechStore.uwm.edu and in
Bolton 225A) sells Apple, Dell and HP
computers with educational discounts,
iPods, iPads, printers, peripherals,
and accessories. UWM TechRepair
located in Bolton 218, has certified
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Computer and Information Security
Students can protect their computers
from unauthorized access by
password-protecting their devices,
installing a computer firewall, keeping
software up to date, and installing free
anti-virus software provided by the
campus. Free virus removal up to two
times per semester is also available
at UWM TechRepair in Bolton 210.
Music/Movie File Sharing
Students with file sharing programs
on their computers are vulnerable
to illegal file sharing and potential
violation of copyright law. All students
living in University Housing have their
computers scanned during movein to detect file sharing software.
Welcome to Milwaukee!
One of Newsweek’s 20 “Can-Do
Capitals” in America, Milwaukee
boasts major Fortune 500 companies.
But the city is also an incubator for
visionary concepts like the Milwaukee
Water Council, a collaboration of
water-based industry and university
research. You’ll find our growing
technology base and lively creative
industry provide lots of opportunities
for internships, making Metro
Milwaukee the perfect place to
study, earn, grow and develop
your work and professional life.
Don’t miss Milwaukee’s SoHo, the
Historic Third Ward, home to the
Milwaukee Public Market, art galleries,
shopping, restaurants and theaters.
Then stroll along the colorful RiverWalk
to Old World Third Street, where the
city’s German heritage is celebrated
with restaurants, and specialty
shops featuring sausages, cheese
and spices. Spirited nightlife can be
found all over downtown, in university
neighborhoods, the eclectic Brady
Street and hipster Walker’s Point.
Dear Parents and Students:
Welcome to Milwaukee! Ever notice how a city’s interesting quirks, cultural
mix and historical perspective give it an aura, a vibe, an identity that sets it
apart? Milwaukee’s is a relaxed sophistication. We’re a city where historic
“cream city brick” buildings complement sweeping modern architecture
and where a vibrant downtown combines with quaint neighborhoods
and a green network of parks and bike trails. Add to this the warm
sincerity of our residents and you’ve got the perfect university town.
Milwaukee’s expansive green lakefront
and preserved riverside trails provide a
green urban environment for running,
bike riding, sailing, paddling and
hiking. The city’s premiere performing
arts groups showcase a wide range of
cultural offerings in music, dance and
theater – many with student discounts
– to round out the winter season.
Listen to an indie band, a concert or
dance on the tables at a non-stop
parade of summer festivals. Dine
out at restaurants that run the gamut
from James Beard-nominated chefs
to cozy neighborhood pubs. And
don’t forget to take in a lively Brewers
tailgate party. There’s no end to the
options in Milwaukee!
Big-city entertainment, urban outdoor
adventure and must-see attractions all
combine with ease and accessibility,
giving Milwaukee an enviable
quality of life any time of year.
Milwaukee is often referred
to as a smaller version of
Chicago. But here’s what the UK
Guardian said in July of 2011,
“…if Chicago and Milwaukee really
are related, then Milwaukee’s the
hip younger sister you secretly
want to hang out with.”
You’ve made a great choice in coming
to Milwaukee for your studies. We
think your family and friends and
will envy you your new hometown,
and you just may wish to settle
down here! Please check out
www.visitmilwaukee.org to
learn more about the city and
what’s happening in town.
Best wishes in your career choices!
Photo courtesy of Zaitz Photography
For more info about Milwaukee, visit:
Insider Tips to the
Summerfest and the ethnic festivals
Take a breather from the rock and
roll, Irish jigs and colorful parades
and get a bird’s eye view of the 75acre Maier Festival Park along Lake
Michigan. Locals know the Sky Glider’s
spectacular view over the crowds
and the many stages can’t be beat!
Best of Milwaukee
Florentine Opera
Company, Milwaukee
Ballet, Milwaukee
Repertory Theater as well
as numerous innovative
theatre companies
and music concerts.
Fish Fry Anyone?
Milwaukee Public Market
Along with artisan Wisconsin
products, who can say no to the
decadence of oysters on the half shell,
lobster, and red velvet cakebites!
The Wild Urban Outdoors
Hike the trails along Milwaukee’s
green lakefront, at Urban Ecology
Center or Schlitz Audubon Nature
Center. For a different view of
downtown architecture, rent a
kayak or canoe and paddle through
downtown on the Milwaukee River.
All the World’s a Stage
Thrill to the internationally recognized
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra,
Enjoy a classic Milwaukee
Friday night fish fry and
dance to a live polka band
at Lakefront Palm Garden
at the Lakefront Brewery.
Consistently voted the
city’s favorite fish fry!
Winter in the city
There’s no better way
to join the locals than
ice skating in downtown
Water Street’s Red
Arrow Park, where it’s
easy to rent skates and
warm up afterwards with
steaming hot coffee.
Beach Blanket
Bradford Beach
attracts families
and volleyball
players all summer
long, but colorful
cabanas and drink
service on a beach
in Milwaukee?
Who knew?
Best Views
Blu, the Pfister Hotel’s 23rd floor
lounge, is famous for its view of the
east/southeast end of downtown and
the lake, but the ladies know that
the view to the west from the ladies
room is an unexpected surprise!
Fastest route from Old World Third
Street to Historic Third Ward
The colorful Milwaukee RiverWalk
– named a Top Ten Great Public
Space in 2011 – will get you from
north to south in about 10 minutes.
Along the way, be sure to stop for a
thumbs-up photo with the “Bronze
Fonz” – a life-sized statue of Henry
Winkler’s iconic character Fonzie of
Milwaukee-based “Happy Days” fame.
Cheer on the Sausages
Cheer on the famous Klement’s
“Racing Sausages” at a Milwaukee
Brewers game – only in Milwaukee!
Photo by Andi Lopinow
For more info about Milwaukee, visit:
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
This Guide brought to you by these
Proud Supporters of UWM
Places to Stay
Courtyard Milwaukee Downtown
300 W. Michigan St.
Milwaukee, WI 53203
(414) 291-4122
Courtyard Milwaukee Downtown offers
flat screen TVs, Ipod docking clocks,
wired internet and WIFI. Less than 1
mile from campus. Parents code: U60.
Please see ad on p. 21.
Where to Shop
Hampton Inn and Suites Downtown Milwaukee
176 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53203
(414) 271-4656
Free daily breakfast! Indoor Pool,
Fitness Center, Whirlpool and
banquet facilities for graduation
dinners, 20-200 guests.
Please see ad on p. 34.
Hotel of the Arts- Days Inn
& Suites Milwaukee
1840 N. 6th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53212
(414) 265-5629
Minutes to campus! Free airport
and downtown shuttle! Free
WIFI and breakfast, 24 hour
fitness center and more! *Parents
use code: UNIV Parent*
Please see ad on p. 30.
Bayshore Town Center
5800 N. Bayshore Dr.
Glendale, WI 53217
(414) 963-8780
Milwaukee’s favorite shopping
destination with over 100 stores &
25 great restaurants. Located just
15 minutes away from campus!
Please see ad on p. 17.
University of Wisconsin students
get the best price on consumer
PCs from Dell. Plus, get 10% off
Dell mobility products. If you find
a better price on your day of
purchase, contact a Dell
University sales specialist and
we will beat that price.
Please see ad on p. 29.
The Popcorn Factory
13970 W. Laurel Dr.
Lake Forest, IL 60045
(800) 541-2676
America’s Source for College Snacks!
Receive 15% off your purchase! Let
your student know you’re thinking
of them. Call or visit website!
Please see ad on p. 32.
UWM Bookstore
2200 E. Kenwood Blvd.
Milwaukee, WI 53211
(414) 229-4201
On the First Floor of the Student
Union. UWM’s official, single
best source for information on
UWM course materials. Visit
website for more details!
Please see ad on p. 3.
Places to Live
2040 Lofts
2040 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 344-2040
Studios- 4 bedroom units. All
inclusive rates. Brand New Units Fall
2009. Restaurants on site. Private
Shuttle. Short term agreements.
Please see ad on p. 10.
Bell Property Management, Inc.
2545 N. Maryland Ave. #102
Milwaukee, WI 53211
(414) 332-1117
Great selection of apartments
located near campus with on-
site managers. Please visit our
website or stop by our office!
Please see ad on p. 11.
Fountainview Apartments
3909 N. Murray Ave.
Shorewood, WI 53211
(414) 332-0360
Experience Convenience. Minutes
to Lake Michigan, fests and
activities. Beautiful lake views
from your own private balcony.
Please see ad on p. 23.
Juneau Village Apartments
614 W. Brown Deer Rd. Suite 300
Bayside, WI 53217
(414) 332-8080
The nicest, largest and best selection
of studio, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 bedroom
apartments near UWM. Please call
414-350-9081 for a personal tour!
Please see ad on inside cover.
Panther Bookstore Building
3122-36 N. Downer Ave.
Milwaukee, WI, 53211
(414) 241-4396
Newly renovated apartments for rent
above Nebraska Bookstore (formerly
Panther books) located across from
Mitchell Hall on Downer Ave.
Please see ad on p. 14.
Student Services
Associated Bank
2590 N. Downer Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202
(414) 961-5800
Buying a car? Home improvements?
Debt consolidation? Paying for
college? We have the right loan
solution for you. Call today.
Please see ad on p. 18.
Riverside Automotive
2750 N. Oakland Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53211
(414) 963-0707
10% discount with student ID! Serving
Milwaukee’s Eastside since 1924.
Repairs, domestic and import. Tune
ups, 24 hour towing and more!
Please see ad on p. 15.
Dependable Cleaners
2525 Arapahoe Ave.
Boulder, CO
(303) 443-0290
At Dependable Cleaners, we
deliver high-quality cleaning and
laundry services when promised
from clean, pleasant and
convenient locations.
Please see ad on p. 3.
Wells Fargo Bank
1242 Pearl St.
Boulder, CO
(303) 441-0355
Six convenient locations in Boulder.
Please see ad on p. 25.
Supershuttle - Yellow
Cab - ExecuCar
2750 Industrial Ln.
Broomfield, CO
Boulder Medical Center, P.C
(303) 227-0000
2750 Broadway
Boulder, CO
SuperShuttle provides low cost,
(303) 440-3000
shared-ride door-to-door
airport shuttle service 24/7 from all
The Boulder Medical Center is a multi- points in Boulder County to/from DIA.
specialty clinic with 20 specialties
Please see ad on p. 43.
including primary care
and Urgent Care.
Please see ad on p. 20.
University Legal Clinic
2200 E. Kenwood Ave.
Union Bldg. 357
Milwaukee, WI 53211
(414) 229-4140
Free legal assistance for UWM
Students. Experienced and
effective legal advice since 1971.
No appointments necessary!
Please see ad on p. 20.
College Student Storage
(303) 545-9525
CSS is a storage, shipping,and moving
service specifically designed for
college students at CUBoulder, University of Denver,
and Colorado College.
Please see ad on p. 26.
Easton Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
1750 30th St. #22
Boulder, CO
(303) 938-1275
Classes for kids and adults of all ages.
Classes are offered in Brazilian
Jiu-Jitsu, Submission Grappling,
MMA and Muay Thai Kickboxing.
Please see ad on p. 32.
For advertising inquiries, please contact UPM Sales Consultant
Emily Rayes at (866) 721-1357 or email: ask@universityparent.com
For more info about UWM, visit: