Southeastern Louisiana University - Department of Chemistry and Physics CHEM 101-03 General Chemistry I Spring, 2008 Pursley Hall 211 MWF 10:00-10:50 AM WebAssign Information WebAssign is a web-based homework delivery system that will be used to both deliver and grade homework assignments. The assignments contain various types of questions, including numerical, multiple-choice, and even essay questions. For the numerical questions, each student receives a unique question. The questions are basically the same, but the numbers are randomized for each student. Why are we using WebAssign? I have found that to do well in chemistry, you must practice solving the problems. They must be graded or students will not take them seriously. • WebAssign can immediately grade your homework. • WebAssign will tell you which problems you got wrong. It will also give you feedback to help you figure out what you did wrong and how to fix it. • WebAssign will give you a chance to resubmit your answers to improve your score. • WebAssign helps make homework a learning experience, not a test. How do I start using WebAssign? 1. The fist thing you need to do is obtain an access code. This allows you to log into the WebAssign system. These codes can be obtained by purchasing a WebAssign access code card available at the bookstore. You will have a 10 day grace period in which you can do the assignments without purchasing the access code card. 2. Log on to your Blackboard account (, link is at bottom of the page frame). Your login is the same as for LeoNet and webmail. If you have trouble, click on the “Students - Locate answers to your questions” link on the Blackboard signin web page. 3. Click on this course to get to our course homepage. 4. Click on the “Course Tools” link midway down the left hand side of the page. 5. Click on the “WebAssign” icon (at the bottom of the list; you may have to scroll down). This will automatically log you into WebAssign. 6. At this point, you will have three choices: buy an access code online, enter an access code from a card you’ve purchased at the bookstore, or enter without a code (this will only work for the 10 day grace period). 7. Once you login, you will see a list of available assignments. Do I have to do all the assignments I see? Yes, but not right away. Due dates for assignments are listed beside the assignment. You are welcome to do an assignment early—but not late. Can I work with other students or tutors? Yes, but it is in your best interest to understand the problem, not just get instructions on how to get the answer. Southeastern Louisiana University - Department of Chemistry and Physics CHEM 101-03 General Chemistry I Spring, 2008 Pursley Hall 211 MWF 10:00-10:50 AM How do I do an assignment? • I recommend that you login at the website, click on the assignment, then Print it. • Exit from an assignment without using one of your submissions by using the other navigation links in the assignment. Do not use the back button as this may confuse the computer and cost you one submission. Instead, click on “home” or “logout” on the top of the page. • When you have finished solving the problems on paper, log back in and submit your answers for a grade (either question-by-question or for the whole assignment). • Your answers will be marked as right or wrong. Many questions will give you feedback (hints) if you are wrong. • Re-try the problems that were not correct and return to the website to resubmit your new answers. WebAssign says I am not a student in any class - what do I do? If this happens, there are two probable causes: 1. You did not go through Blackboard 2. Maybe you registered late for the course. If this is the case, you will have to contact your instructor so that he/she can “sync” the rosters through Blackboard. What if I need WebAssign for more than one course, do I need another Access card? Yes. You need one access card per course. Remember, you do not need to purchase the card right away, you have 10 days. What if I am pretty sure I got the question correct, but WebAssign marks it wrong? Several things could happen if you got a question wrong: • You could have done the problem wrong - i.e. made a physics or math mistake. • You could have made a sign error. Be sure and carefully read the question. Does it imply a direction for positive. What sign should the answer be in? • If you used scientific notation - did you use the correct format? Check the WebAssign manual for the correct format. • Did you have a rounding error? If you round a number and then use that rounded number, you may be more than 1% off from the correct answer. • Look for a hint under the answer. Some questions provide hints after the first answer is submitted.