Biology of People – Anatomy and Physiology Lab

Biology of People – Anatomy and
Physiology Lab
Biology 13AL
Spring, 2010
Instructor: Pam D’Arcey
Office: Room 619
Office Hours:
Mon. 1:30 – 2:30
Thurs. 1:30 – 2:30
Fri. 12:05 – 12:35
Phone: 477-5620
Email: padarcey(at)
Text: Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Shier, Butler and
Lewis, 10th edition.
Previous editions are acceptable.
This laboratory accompanies Bio13A Lecture. It offers hands-on experiences to
help you understand structure and function of the body. It will be informative and
fun, and will enhance your lecture experience.
Required Material
You must have a copy of the Bio 13A Lab Manual. The lab manual consists of
activities for each week. You may download it from my website at
<>. You will probably want to purchase a binder to
keep the lab manual in so that you can study for quizzes and have easy access
to material we have covered.
Bio13A Lab Syllabus, Spring 2002
Several of our activities require gloves and we do not provide them for you.
Purchase a box of gloves at Longs Drugs, Costco, or numerous other drugstores.
You may share a box—one box would probably be enough for two people.
Grades will be based on weekly quizzes, participation and attendance, and a lab
A. Quizzes
Each week you will have a quiz over the previous week’s material. Quiz
questions will consist of short answers, identification of material we have studied
in previous labs, and longer essay questions. To study for the quiz, know the
definitions of bold face words in the laboratory manual exercises. Answer the
“Check Your Understanding” questions in the lab manual. Review notes and
drawings from the previous week.
Please keep all graded quizzes returned until the semester is over. If
there is any question regarding a score, you will be required to provide the
original quiz for reconsideration. If you miss a quiz because of an absence, no
matter the reason, you have a maximum of two weeks to make it up. The highest
score you can get on a make-up quiz is 9 points (rather than the usual 10). If it is
not made up within two weeks, you will get a zero for that quiz. It is your
responsibility to request a make-up from your instructor. Your lowest quiz grade
will be dropped at the end of the semester.
The final quiz will be given the last day of lab and will be worth 25 points.
You must attend the final quiz or you will receive 0 points for the lab final quiz.
B. Participation and Lab Manual Check
Lab activities require cooperative work with others. You are expected to
actively engage and contribute. Participation for each lab will be worth 4 points.
If you do not actively participate in a positive manner you will not earn the 4
points. Obviously, if you are absent you also don’t get the points.
The lab manual incorporates data tables, drawings, and recording
answers to various questions. Toward the end of each lab, I will check the
manual for completion of the day’s activities. This is worth 4 points. In sum,
participation and completing the lab assignment (including the written portions)
for the day are worth 8 points per lab.
Final Grade
approximately 110 points
Final Quiz
25 points
48 points
Lab manual check
48 points
231 points (approximately)
The final grade in the lab will be based on percentages of the total possible
points. 90-100%=A; 80-89%=B; 65-79%=C; 55-65%=D; Below 55%=F
Bio13A Lab Syllabus, Spring 2002
LAB 1: Feb. 19
LAB 2: Feb. 26
Comparative Anatomy & Physiology
Focus on DNA Structure & Function
LAB 3: March 5
Biological Levels: Cells and Tissues
LAB 4: March 12
The Cell: Movement Across the Membrane
LAB 5: March 19
Skeletal System
LAB 6: March 26
Muscular System
April 2
LAB 7: April 9
The Nervous System
LAB 8: April 16
Special Senses
LAB 9: April 23
LAB 10: April 30
Cardiovascular System I – Blood & Heart
Cardiovascular System II – ECG & Heart Disease
LAB 11: May 7
Immune Defense & Infectious Disease
LAB 12: May 14
Respiratory System
LAB 13: May 21
Nutrition and Digestion
May 28
Final Quiz