us constitution project

100 points U.S. History
DUE: ____________________________________________
You will be creating a portfolio of assignments centered on
the U. S. Constitution. We will be analyzing the
Constitution as a written document and as a piece of
history. Your assignments will be both written and creative,
as you examine and reflect on the contents of the
Constitution. The following assignments are included in the
1) Cover Page – title, illustration, full heading
2) Preamble Interpretation Collage – your interpretation
of the preamble and pictures to represent each of its
3) Constitution Book – an illustrative summary book of
the Constitution’s contents, including the preamble,
7 articles of Constitution, and amendments
4) “Separation of Powers” Diagram – triangular visual
representation of the powers of the 3 branches of
government and the checks & balances system
5) “How a Bill Becomes a Law” Book – visual
representation of the steps to a bill becoming a law
6) Amendment Illustrations – paraphrases and
illustrations of 8 of the amendments
Name: ____________________________________________ Period: ____________
100 points U.S. History
DUE: _______________________________________
Criteria for grading:
Cover Page – Title/Picture/Heading
Neat, colorful, original, eye-catching!
Preamble Interpretation Collage
Constitution Book
Neat, colorful, 6 pictures, your own words
Neat, 9 detailed pages with colorful pictures
“Separation of Powers” Triangle
Neat, colorful, title, 3 pictures, detailed
“How a Bill Becomes a Law” Book
Amendment Project – 8 amendments
Neat, colorful, 6 steps & pictures, creative cover
Number/Paraphrase/Picture, neat, colorful
(*Extra Credit – 2 points each extra amendment)
Example of
DIRECTIONS: Create your very own Constitution book using the
“Structure of the Constitution” note sheet. Your book should
include a creative cover and contain the following 9 pages:
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Each page should include:
1. Title
2. Descriptive Details!
3. Colorful Picture
(see example below)
The Constitution is divided into several parts. It begins with a
preamble, or an introduction. This preamble explains the reasons the
Constitution was adopted. The main body of the Constitution is made up of
seven major parts called articles. The articles are further divided into
smaller parts called sections and clauses.
The first three articles of the Constitution describe the organization
and powers of the three branches of the federal government. ARTICLE I
describes the legislative branch, or the branch that makes the laws. This
branch includes Congress which has 2 houses, the Senate and the House of
Representatives. ARTICLE II describes the executive branch, or the
branch that carries out the laws. The President and Vice President are part
of this branch. ARTICLE III describes the judicial branch, or the branch
that interprets the laws. In this branch, the Supreme Court and other
federal courts decide whether laws have been broken or not.
The last four articles of the Constitution explain how the powers of
government are to be shared by the federal government, the states, and the
people. ARTICLE IV is mostly about the relationship among the states. For
example, states are required to respect each other’s laws. ARTICLE V
explains how Congress, with the consent of 2/3 of both houses, can change or
amend the Constitution. ARTICLE VI makes clear that federal laws and
treaties are the supreme laws of the land. ARTICLE VII explains how the
Constitution was to be ratified, or approved.
Finally, changes made to the Constitution after 1789 are called
amendments. These are at the end of the document. There are presently 27
amendments, which make changes in or additions to the original Constitution.
The first 10 amendments are the basic American freedoms, called the Bill of
Directions: On your diagram, include each branch’s 1) leader(s), 2) job, 3) picture(s), and 4) checks on
other branches (using arrows).
Name: ________________________________
How A Bill Becomes a Law
1. A bill is _________________ in the
______________ or House of Representatives
and sent to a committee.
2. The House or Senate ___________________
and ________________ on its version.
3. The House and Senate _______________ the
final version of the bill.
4. The bill is sent to the _________________ to
be _________________ into a law.
5. The President _______________ (refuses to
sign) it and sends it back to
6. Congress ___________________ veto if each
house passes the bill again by a _________
(Now, write each step and draw a picture on each page of your mini-book.)
How a Bill Becomes a Law
1. A bill is introduced in the Senate or House of
Representatives and sent to a committee.
2. The House or Senate debates and votes on its
3. The House and Senate approve the final version
of the bill.
4. The bill is sent to the President to be signed into
a law.
5. The President vetoes (refuses to sign) it and
sends it back to Congress.
6. Congress overrides veto if each house passes the
bill again by a 2/3 vote.
Amendment Illustrations
There are 27 amendments, or changes, in the U.S. Constitution. You will
paraphrase (put into your own words) and illustrate your choice of eight of
these amendments. You will place two amendments on
each page of your project (see example below). Each page must have:
1) Number of amendment
2) Paraphrase (your own words) of amendment
3) Picture of amendment’s meaning
You may use images from newspapers, magazines, clip art, or your own
original art. The example below shows one part of the First Amendment.
Obviously you need to choose one of the other rights guaranteed by the
Constitution for the First Amendment… Have fun!
Individuals have the right to gather peacefully.
Name: _____________________
Paraphrasing the Amendments
Use your copy of the Amendments, which includes the Bill of Rights, or the first 10
amendments. Choose 8 of the amendments to paraphrase (put into your own words) and
illustrate (draw a picture or use clip art) to put into your Constitution Project. You may do
more than 8 for extra credit. Start by choosing one freedom in Amendment 1.
Amendment ______: (Choose only one of the five freedoms for Amendment 1)
Amendment ______:
Amendment ______:
Amendment ______:
Amendment ______:
Amendment ______:
Amendment ______:
Amendment ______: