GradExpo Useful Links - The University of Maine

GradExpo Useful Links
PechaKucha Links:
Check out the site. It has examples of award winning PechaKucha.
Here is a story from Wired about PechaKucha
General Poster Design Advice:
Creating Effective Poster Presentations: An Effective Poster- excellent overall (NC
Poster Design: Tips and Resources- some advice on poster design for the humanities
(Stanford University)
The Basics of Poster Design- useful for all disciplines
Advice on designing scientific posters- excellent tips and examples (Swarthmore
How to Make a Great Poster- practical advice (American Society of Plant Biologists)
Designing Effective Posters- online tutorial (Kansas University)
Preparing Professional Scientific Posters- planning and construction (University of
Effective Poster Design (University of Guelph)
Create a poster that graphically communicates your message (University of Guelph)
Poster Production Show (Dartmouth College)
Poster Advice for Specific Disciplines:
Neuroscience Poster Design
Developing Poster Presentations in the Social Sciences (George Mason University)
Poster Presentations in the Natural Sciences (George Mason University)
Poster Design Software:
Using PowerPoint to design posters
o Advice on Designing Scientific Posters (Microsoft PowerPoint)
o Designing Effective Posters Using PowerPoint (UNC-Health Sciences Library)
o Creating a Poster in PowerPoint (University of Washington)
o Creating a Poster Using PowerPoint
(Penn State)
o Creating a Large Format Posters using PowerPoint (Wake Forest University)
o PowerPoint XP (2002) for academic posters
(University of Bristol)
Using InDesign or Illustrator to design posters
o Designing Effective Posters Using InDesign (UNC-Health Sciences Library)
o Designing a Poster with Adobe Illustrator (Whitman College)
o Creating a Poster Using Adobe Illustrator
(Penn State)
Poster Templates:
Google template search
Poster Example Files (UC Davis)
PowerPoint Poster Templates (Wake Forest University)
PowerPoint Poster Templates (Penn State)
PowerPoint Poster Templates (Rice University)
PowerPoint Poster Template (Virginia Tech)
Suggested links to preparing an oral presentation include:
Giving an Oral Presentation an Oral Presentation (University of Canberra)
A very good presentation in PDF format by Professor Edwards (University of Michigan)
Effective Presentations for Chemists and Other Scientists (Lab Manager Magazine)
Preparing Effective Oral Presentations (University of Kansas)
Informative Speaking (Colorado State)
Dos & Don'ts of Giving a Good 15 Minute Talk (Australian University)
The Art of Communicating Effectively
Impromptu Talks: Addressing a nonscientific audience (NC State)
Ten Secrets to Giving a Good Scientific Talk
Oral Presentations (Rice University)
Dazzle 'em with Style: The Art of Oral Scientific Presentation (Ohio State)
How to Give a Bad Talk- Oral Presentation Advice (UC Berkeley)
How Not To Give a Scientific Talk (York University)
Dealing with Presentation Disasters (Strategic Communications)
Suggested Links for your PowerPoint include:
Oral Presentations and Writing for PowerPoint (George Mason University)
Advice for Preparing and Delivering Research Slide Shows (Swarthmore)
Learning from Bill Gates vs. Steve Jobs (Presentation Zen)
Life After Death by PowerPoint (Funny video clip: How NOT to do PowerPoint)
14 Tips for Better Presentation Slides (Viget Labs)
PowerPoint Is Evil (Edward Tufte in Wired Magazine)
PowerPoint Does Rocket Science--and Better Techniques for Technical Reports
(Edward Tufte)