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AN51004A Ethnographic Film | Goldsmiths, University of London
AN51004A Ethnographic Film
(Autumn term 2014-15)
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This course explores ethnographic film and its
relationship with anthropology and documentary
Asch Timothy and Chagnon Napoleon A. 1987. “The Ax Fight.” Yanomamo series.
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Grimshaw Anna and Ravetz Amanda. 2009. Observational Cinema: Anthropology, Film, and
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Hertzfeld Michael. 2011. “Hindsight/Postscript: Ethical and Epistemic Reflections On/of
Anthropological Vision.” Made to be seen: perspectives on the history of visual
anthropology. Retrieved
AN51004A Ethnographic Film | Goldsmiths, University of London
James C. Faris. 1993. “A Response to Terence Turner.” Anthropology Today 9(1):12–13.
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John A. Price. 1973. “The Stereotyping of North American Indians in Motion Pictures.”
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Kildea Gary and Leach Jerry W., University of California (System) and Papua New Guinea.
1975. “Trobriand Cricket: An Ingenious Response to Colonialism.”
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Lutkehaus Nancy Christine. 1989. “‘EXCUSE ME, EVERYTHING IS NOT ALL RIGHT’: On
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MacDougall David. 1999. “When Less Is Less.pdf” edited by Henderson B. and Martin A.
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MacDougall David. 2006a. “Introduction to The Corporeal Image: Film, Ethnography, and
the Senses.” The corporeal image: film, ethnography, and the senses.
MacDougall David. 2006b. The Corporeal Image: Film, Ethnography, and the Senses.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
MacDougall David and MacDougall Judith. 1991. “Photo Wallahs.”
MacDougall David and Taylor Lucien. 1998. Transcultural Cinema. Princeton, N.J: Princeton
University Press.
Mishler Craig. 1985. “Narrativity and Metaphor in Ethnographic Film: A Critique of Robert
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Metaphor’.” American Anthropologist 90(4):978–80. Retrieved
O’Rourke Dennis. 1988. “‘Cannibal Tours’.”
Paul Henley. 2006. “Spirit Possession, Power, and the Absent Presence of Islam:
Re-viewing ‘Les Maîtres Fous’.” The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
12(4):731–61. Retrieved (http://www.jstor.org/stable/4092563).
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Rony Fatimah Tobing. 1996. “Taxidermy and Romantic Ethnography. Robert Flaherty’s
Nanook of the North.” The third eye: race, cinema, and ethnographic spectacle.
Ruby Jay. 2000. “The Aggie Must Come First: Robert Flaherty’s Place in Ethnographic Film
History.” Picturing culture: explorations of film & anthropology. Retrieved
Spencer Paul. 1975. “The Masai.” RAIN (6). Retrieved
AN51004A Ethnographic Film | Goldsmiths, University of London
Stoller Paul. 1984. “Horrific Comedy: Cultural Resistance and the Hauka Movement in
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Terence Turner. 1992. “Defiant Images: The Kayapo Appropriation of Video.” Anthropology
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Communication and Anthropology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.