9. GUI: Design and Ergonomics 9.1 Overview 92M 9.2 Menus and d di dialogs l 9.3 Models of the human-computer interface (HCI) 9 4 Design criteria 9.4 9.5 Usability and interaction Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 1 Course Structure Introduction Human cognition and perception (aspects of human actions and perception) Color perception and color models Graphical p output p devices Raster graphics 2D graphics Interaction GUI: foundation, basics GUI: toolkits,, development p Usability engineering 3D computer t graphics: hi objects, transformations, visibility, illumination, shading Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 2 9.1 Overview Graphical user interfaces: Design • Use of menus and dialogs • Element arrangement, grouping, keyboard short cuts/accelerators • Placing: pull down, pop up, pie, transparency • Dialogs: completion, option/list selection • Models of HCI – Seeheim, model-view-controller, document-view, PAC Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 3 9.1 Overview Graphical user interfaces: Ergonomics • Design criteria – Standards (ISO) – Rules (Shneiderman's 8 Golden Rules) – Metaphors • Usability y engineering g g Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 4 9.1 Overview Why was the iPod and the iPhone user experience such a success? Good Design! g Affordance, Mapping, Visibility, Feedback Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 5 9.2 Menus and dialogs 9. GUI: Design and Ergonomics 9.1 Overview 92M 9.2 Menus and d dialogs di l 9.3 Models of the human-computer interface (HCI) 9 4 Design criteria 9.4 9.5 Usability and interaction Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 6 9.2 Menus and dialogs Selection of commands by pointing & selecting • Binary default • Arrangement for several elements – Typically in lines – Functional, alphabetical, according to importance or relative frequency – Grouping by dividing lines – Width vs. depth • If more than 7 ± 2 entries – Cascading menus – Selection dialogs – Non-selectable entries: insensitive Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 7 9.2 Menus and dialogs Acceleration by keyboard selection • Accelerator keys vs. shortcuts Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 8 9.2 Menus and dialogs Pull-down vs. pop-up menus • Pull-down menus: – Permanently available via menu bars – Standardization Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 9 9.2 Menus and dialogs Pull-down vs. pop-up menus • Pop-up menus: – Appear by user request (e.g., right mouse button) or automaticallyy (interaction ( required) q ) – Depend on • Selected object • Underlying windows – Advantage: minimum cursor movement – Disadvantage: bad for beginners because existence may be unclear (e.g., in xterm: Ctrl-right) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 10 9.2 Menus and dialogs Menu variants • Transparent menus – No occlusion • Pie menu – Selection S l ti via i di direction ti ((e.g. iin S Second d Lif Life)) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 11 9.2 Menus and dialogs Example from Second Life Link: http://wn.com/pie_menu http://wn com/pie menu Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 12 9.2 Menus and dialogs Example from Second Life Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 13 9.2 Menus and dialogs Pie menu problem • Navigating hierarchies – No hierarchy visible – Main menu occluded • Possible P ibl solution l ti – Pull-down submenus – But: Long distances between submenus submenu • Therefore Second Life 2.0 uses standard menus Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 14 9.2 Menus and dialogs Dialog window • Combination of interaction elements – Simultaneous selection and text/value input – Explicit completion/activation – Options • 1 ffrom n: • m from n: – List selection • 1 from n: • m from n: radio di b box check box combo box list box Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 15 9.2 Menus and dialogs Is this the right control? 1. Use radio buttons if the meaning of the cleared check box isn't completely obvious. 2. A check box is an efficient use of screen space for this peripheral option. 3 Ad 3. drop-down d lilistt ffocuses on the th currentt selection and discourages users from making changes. Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 16 9.2 Menus and dialogs Faceted Search: Example facets (3) update faceted search: result set (1) select facet (2) filter attribute Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 18 9.2 Menus and dialogs Faceted Search: Example number of results facet category facet count (3) update facet attribute result set (1) select (2) filter Audiobooks Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 19 9.2 Menus and dialogs Faceted Search: Advantages • • • • • • Facets and their attributes are given (reduced effort) Attributes are categoriezed (understanding) No facet attribute can lead to an empty result set Resulting number of results is shown in advance Rapid update of result set (dynamic queries) Selected attributes are shown and can be deselected Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 20 9.2 Menus and dialogs Information access in the Semantic Web y Hierarchy: National team has Player y born in Countryy • Common Web: Entering words in an input field (e.g. Google or Bing) • Problem: Ambiguity Natural language is ambiguous! Fi di the Finding th right i ht iinformation, f ti h however, requires i th the semantic ti off what should be searched to be specified by the user. • Solution: Artificial query languages like SPARQL that are uniquely defined. Access via SPARQL endpoints (e.g. DBpedia or the LOD cloud). SELECT DISTINCT ?object ?label WHERE { ?object rdf:type <URI of Football player> . ?object rdfs:label ?label . } Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 21 9.2 Menus and dialogs Information access in the Semantic Web • Problem: P bl Required R i d knowledge k l d SPARQL requires the language to be learned by the user (rather a task for experts). ) • Solution: Intuitive graphical interfaces to express search queries that are semantically ti ll unique i b butt d do nott require i any extra t kknowledge! l d ! How can they look like? Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 22 9.2 Menus and dialogs Information access in the Semantic Web: Facet Graphs DEMO Æ Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 23 9.3 Models of HCI 9. GUI: Design and Ergonomics 9.1 Overview 92M 9.2 Menus and d di dialogs l 9.3 Models of the human-computer interface (HCI) 9 4 Design criteria 9.4 9.5 Usability and interaction Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 24 9.3 Models of HCI • Reference models for HCI implementations • Often basis for – Design of GUIs – Development of tools for GUI generation • Two T main i aspects t – Separation of user interface and application – Consistency between application data and visible representation • Approaches: – Layer models: procedural approach – Object-oriented models: cooperation of objects – Device D i models: d l standardization t d di ti off iinput/output t/ t t d devices; i lless important today Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 25 9.3 Models of HCI Seeheim model (layer model) • • UIMS Workshop 1983 (User Interface Management Systems) L Layer model d l only l partly tl suitable it bl ffor di directt manipulation i l ti presentation layer static part “look” (Xlib / Xt) dialog control dynamic part “feel” (callback) application layer application semantic layer action Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 26 9.3 Models of HCI Model-view-controller (MVC) • Object-oriented model: communication i i b between iinteraction i objects bj • Inter-object modeling: Cooperating objects for – Presentation P t ti – Dialog control – Application access • Idea: Separate – Application pp cat o data a and d logic og c from o – Presentation and manipulation • Examples: Adobe Flex, Java Swing, Smalltalk Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 27 9.3 Models of HCI Model-view-controller (MVC) input output t t view controller ll visible representation of the component interface to events data that is represented updates model state of the component Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 28 9.3 Models of HCI MVC as introduced in SmallTalk (1992) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 29 9.3 Models of HCI Model-view-controller (MVC) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 30 9.3 Models of HCI MVC in event-driven systems Observer pattern [3] (a subset of the publish/subscribe pattern) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 31 9.3 Models of HCI MVC in event-driven systems Observer pattern (a subset of the publish/subscribe pattern) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 32 9.3 Models of HCI MVC in event-driven systems Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 33 9.3 Models of HCI MVC in event-driven systems Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 34 9.3 Models of HCI MVC in event-driven systems Benefits • Minimal coupling between the Subject and the Observer • Can reuse subjects without reusing their observers and vice versa • Observers Ob can be b added dd d without ith t modifying dif i th the subject bj t • All subject knows is its list of observers • Subject S bj t d does nott need d tto kknow th the concrete t class l off an observer, just that each observer implements the update interface • Subject sends notification to all subscribed observers • Observers can be added/removed at any time Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 35 9.3 Models of HCI MVC Example A concrete Example Multiple controllers Link: http://www.enode.com/x/markup/tutorial/mvc.html http://www enode com/x/markup/tutorial/mvc html Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 36 9.3 Models of HCI MVC Example Model: Minimum=0 Maximum=100 Value=15 Width=5 View: Controller: Accept mouse clicks on end buttons Accept mouse drag on thumb Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 37 9.3 Models of HCI MVC in Java Swing (model-delegate) View and Vi d controller t ll are merged into delegate Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 40 9.3 Models of HCI PAC model • Coutaz [1987] • PAC = presentation-abstraction-control • Presentation: handles input/output, the visible components, is typically changeable • Abstraction: handles application semantics • Control: handles interaction and the dialog between “presentation” and “abstraction” A P user C Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 42 9.3 Models of HCI PAC model - characteristics • Input and output are handled together by PAC (in contrast to MVC) • Explicit task of the “control” component of PAC – E Ensure th the consistency i t b between t “presentation” “ t ti ” and d “abstraction” – MVC: Consistencyy has to be ensured byy the developer p • General problem: Notification between components Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 43 9.3 Models of HCI PAC model Application as a hierarchy of subsystems Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 44 9.4 Design criteria 9. GUI: Design and Ergonomics 9.1 Overview 92M 9.2 Menus and d di dialogs l 9.3 Models of the human-computer interface (HCI) 9 4 Design criteria 9.4 9.5 Usability and interaction Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 46 9.4 Design criteria Bad design • Elevator controls and labels on the bottom row all look the h same, so iit iis easy to push h a llabel b lb by mistake i k instead of a control button • People do not make same mistake for the labels and buttons on the top row row. Why not? F From: htt // http://www.baddesigns.com/elecon.html b dd i / l ht l Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 47 9.4 Design criteria Why is this vending machine so bad? • N Need d tto push hb button tt first to activate reader • Normally insert bill first before making selection • Contravenes well known convention From: http://www.baddesigns.com/parking2.html http://www baddesigns com/parking2 html Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 48 9.4 Design criteria How to build good interactive systems? • Combine knowledge about – The technical possibilities – The physiological, psychological aspects • Orientation on: – – – – – Laws and regulations Standards R l Rules Style guides (look-and-feel industry standards) Development p tools ((APIs’ UI builders)) • Standards: – DIN EN ISO 9241 parts 10-17 (since 1990) – DIN EN ISO SO 13407 (1999) ( ) – DIN EN ISO 14915 (2002) (multimedia) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 49 9.4 Design criteria • Bild Bildschirmarbeitsverordnung hi b it d (geltendes Recht in Deutschland) Zusammenwirken Mensch – Arbeitsmittel 20. Die Grundsätze der Ergonomie sind insbesondere auf die Verarbeitung von Informationen durch den Menschen anzuwenden. anzuwenden 21. Bei Entwicklung, Auswahl, Erwerb und Änderung von Software sowie bei der Gestaltung der Tätigkeit an Bildschirmgeräten hat der Arbeitgeber den folgenden Grundsätzen insbesondere im Hinblick auf die g zu tragen: g Benutzerfreundlichkeit Rechnung 21.1 Die Software muss an die auszuführende Aufgabe angepasst sein. 21.2 Die Systeme müssen den Benutzern Angaben über die jeweiligen Dialogabläufe unmittelbar oder auf Verlangen machen. 21.3 Die Systeme müssen den Benutzern die Beeinflussung der jeweiligen Di l Dialogabläufe blä f ermöglichen ö li h sowie i eventuelle t ll Fehler F hl bei b i der d Handhabung H dh b beschreiben und deren Beseitigung mit begrenztem Arbeitsaufwand erlauben. 21.4 Die Software muss entsprechend den Kenntnissen und Erfahrungen der Benutzer im Hinblick auf die auszuführende Aufgabe angepasst werden können. 22. Ohne Wissen der Benutzer darf keine Vorrichtung zur qualitativen oder quantitativen Kontrolle verwendet werden. Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 50 9.4 Design criteria Core ISO standards for usability • ISO 9241 parts 1-17 – “Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals” – Parts 1 1-9: 9: hardware, hardware environment – Parts 10-17: software (new parts: 100 and above, e.g. 110 is the update of 10) • ISO 13407 – “Human-centered design processes for interactive systems” • ISO committees – ISO Technical Committee TC 159 “Ergonomics” – Sub Committee SC 4 “Ergonomics Ergonomics of Human System Interaction” – Working Group WG 5 “Software Ergonomics” Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 51 9.4 Design criteria Criteria of ISO 9241 parts 11 (Guidance on Usability) • Effectiveness: – How precisely and completely does a user reach a goal? • Efficiency: – What effort was necessary to reach a certain level of precision and completeness? • Satisfaction: – Lack of adverse effects and positive attitude toward using a program Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 52 9.4 Design criteria ISO 9241 parts 110 (Dialogue Principles) • Dialog Problems, examples • Understanding ISO 9241/110 Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 53 9.4 Design criteria Terms of ISO 9241 parts 110 (Dialogue Principles) • Suitability for the task • Self descriptiveness • Controllability • Conformity with user expectations • Error tolerance • Suitability for individualization • Suitability for learning Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 54 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Suitability for the task “A di dialog l supports t suitability it bilit ffor th the ttask, k if it supports t the user in the effective and efficient completion of the gp presents the user onlyy those concepts p task. The dialog which are related to the user’s task. “ Ö Hide internal tasks from user Ö Task-oriented information input/output Ö Macros and defaults for recurring subtasks and data Ö Store old data values for reuse requested by the user Ö Know users and their tasks Ö Concentration C t ti on iimportant t t control t l actions ti Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 55 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Suitability for the task Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 56 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Suitability for the task Mapping • Relationship between controls and their movements and the results in the world • Why is this a poor mapping of control buttons? Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 57 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Suitability for the task Mapping • Why is this a better mapping? • The control buttons are mapped better onto the sequence of actions of fast rewind rewind, rewind rewind, play and fast forward Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 58 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Self descriptiveness “A dialog supports self-descriptiveness, if each dialog step is immediately comprehensible through feedback from the system or is explained to the user on his or her requesting the relevant information.” Ö User-adapted, context-sensitive help Ö Visibilityy of the system y status Ö Clarify possible actions Ö Consistent terminology for feedback Ö Minimize need for reading the manual Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 59 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Self descriptiveness Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 60 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Self descriptiveness Logical g or ambiguous g design? g • Where do you plug the mouse? • Where do you plug the keyboard? • top or bottom connector? • Do the color coded icons help? F From: www.baddesigns.com b dd i Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 61 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Self descriptiveness How to design g them more logically? g y (i) A provides direct adjacent mapping between icon and connector (ii) B provides id color l coding di to associate the connectors with the labels F From: www.baddesigns.com b dd i Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 62 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Controllability “A dialog di l supports t controllability, t ll bilit if th the user iis able bl tto maintain direction and speed over the whole course of point at which the g goal has the interaction until the p been met.“ Ö Ability to interrupt and continue partial dialogs Ö Cancelable actions (undo) Ö Adaptive interface (user’s (user s choice of input/output style) • Different hardware (PDA vs. large screen) • Beginner, occasional, and experienced users • Different Diff t (cognitive) ( iti ) abilities biliti Ö Speak the language of the user Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 63 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Controllability Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 64 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Conformity with user expectations “A dialog supports conformity with user expectations, if it corresponds to the users task knowledge, education, experience, and to commonly held conventions.” Ö Uniform dialog behavior Ö Similar dialogs for similar tasks Ö “Principle Principle of least astonishment" astonishment Ö Scalable feedback (e.g. response time) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 65 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Conformity with user expectations Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 66 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Conformity with user expectations Consistency Consistenc • Design interfaces to have similar operations and use similar elements for similar tasks p • For example: – always use ctrl key plus first initial of the command for an operation – ctrl+C, ctrl+S, ctrl+O • M Main i benefit b fi iis consistent i iinterfaces f are easier i to llearn and use Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 67 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Conformity with user expectations When consistenc consistency breaks down do n • What happens pp if there is more than one command starting with the same letter? – e.g. save, spelling, select, style • H Have to t find fi d other th iinitials iti l or combinations bi ti off kkeys, thereby breaking the consistency rule – e.g. ctrl ctrl+S, S, ctrl ctrl+Sp, Sp, ctrl ctrl+shift+L shift L • Increases learning burden on user, making them more prone to errors Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 68 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Conformity with user expectations Internal and e external ternal consistency consistenc • Internal consistency y refers to designing g g operations p to behave the same within an application – Difficult to achieve with complex interfaces • E External t l consistency i t refers f to t designing d i i operations, ti interfaces, etc., to be the same across applications and devices – Very rarely the case, based on different designer’s preference Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 69 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Conformity with user expectations Ke pad n Keypad numbers mbers la layout o t • A case of external inconsistency (a) phones, remote controls (b) calculators, computer keypads 1 2 3 7 8 9 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 0 0 Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 70 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Error tolerance “A dialog supports error tolerance ifif, despite evident errors in input, the intended result my be achieved with g to be either no or minimal corrective action having taken.” Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Correction C ti hints, hi t correction ti alternatives, lt ti automatic t ti correction ti Draw attention if necessary Constructive, user-oriented Help to avoid user errors Avoid the need to memorize too many things Combine visual and language-based interaction Make undo possible Interpretable error messages Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 71 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Error tolerance Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 72 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Error tolerance Plugging gg g in a USB connector • • • • Which way to plug in? Wh t about What b t vertical ti l plugs? l ? You have to try it out (try and error) How to avoid errors? F From: www.baddesigns.com b dd i Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 73 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Error tolerance How to avoid errors? F From: www.baddesigns.com b dd i Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 74 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Suitability for individualization “A dialog supports suitability for individualization, if the dialog system is constructed to allow for modification t th to the user’s ’ iindividual di id l needs d and d skills kill ffor a given i task.” Ö No substitute for ergonomically designed dialogs! ÖC Choice o ce o of language a guage / vocabulary ocabu a y Ö Adaptation to user deficits Ö Modifiable extent of explanations Ö Choice of the interaction technique, form of the representation Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 75 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Suitability for individualization Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 76 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Suitability for learning “A dialog supports suitability for learning, if it guides the user through the learning stages minimizing the learning time.” Ö Support relevant learning strategies (learning by doing, learning by the example) Ö Recognizing instead of memorizing Ö Consistency (interior, exterior, metaphorical) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 77 9.4 Design criteria EN ISO 9241-110: Suitability for learning Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 78 9.4 Design criteria … and some that are only funny Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 79 9.4 Design criteria Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules of interface design 1. Strive for consistency 2. Shortcuts for frequently used elements 3. Offer informative feedback 4. Closed dialogs (grouping beginning – end) p g 5. Easyy error prevention/handling 6. Reversal of actions (undo) ( “non-causality”) y) 7. Controllabilityy (avoid 8. Reduce short-term memory load Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 80 9.4 Design criteria Metaphors • Language pictures or images / analogy of the terms – – – – – Interface metaphor Desktop metaphor (office: folder, trash ...) H House metaphor t h ((virtual i t l areas)) Travel metaphor (computer games) Book metaphor (hypertext systems) • Pros and cons + Easier handling g of systems y byy “alleged” g understanding g + Can support memory – New possibilities remain unused – Possibly country-specific or dependent on cultural background Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 81 9.4 Design criteria Dialogs: Hall of Shame Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 82 9.4 Design criteria Dialogs: Hall of Shame Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 83 9.4 Design criteria Dialogs: Hall of Shame Controllability interpreted differently… [P. Hummel] Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 84 9.5 Usability and Interaction 9. GUI: Design and Ergonomics 9.1 Overview 92M 9.2 Menus and d di dialogs l 9.3 Models of the human-computer interface (HCI) 9 4 Design criteria 9.4 9.5 Usability and interaction Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 85 9.5 Usability and Interaction … and the users – Own many different interactive devices – Are working mobile in different places – Suffer from information overload – Are under pressure and have stress – Have known cognitive limitations – Have a higher average age every year Navigation capabilities of a fly stamina of a camel Skills of a monkey Memory of an elephant Eyes of an eagle Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 86 9.5 Usability and Interaction Convergence of different worlds Users Mental Model, Expectations, Behavior, ... Application & System Designers & Developers Functionalityy User Interface Technology Image of t ti user expectations and application requirements IZMF Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 87 9.5 Usability and Interaction Convergence of different worlds The design model and the user's model (b (based d on N Norman 1986 [4] [4], p.46) 46) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 88 9.5 Usability and Interaction What is Usability? Example: Phone (system) • Suitability for Task • Consider the main tasks of a system for structuring user access to functions Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 89 9.5 Usability and Interaction What is Usability? Usability and Software Ergononomics –Analysis, Design and Evaluation of computerbased work –Goal: adaptation of technology to abilities and needs of users and the tasks to be accomplished p with the system y –People in the focus with their individual and social needs –Vision: “The old computing was about what computers t could ld d do; th the new computing ti iis about what people can do” Ben Sheiderman (2002) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 90 9.5 Usability and Interaction What is Usability? Traditionally: „Quality of Use“ Perceived pragmatic quality Usability of a product: The extent to which it can be used by a user to achieve goals in a specific context in an effective, efficient, and satisfactory manner. see also DIN EN ISO 9241-11 + Perceived hedonistic quality „Joy off Use““ (new) Usability = Quality of Use + Quality of Experience Hassenzahl et al. 2000 – Higher acceptance through fun of application – Better quality of work results (emotional labor) Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 91 9.5 Usability and Interaction Usability – hidden product quality: “Dissatisfyer” • • Good usability is normally not perceived consciously as a positive product attribute But bad / missing usability has direct influence on satisfaction, acceptance t and d frequency f off use Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 92 9.5 Usability and Interaction Usability as “Trust Builder” P iti und Positive d negative ti impact i t 60 factors on online trust • • • • • • • F1 = Authenticity F2 = Simple Si l iinteraction t ti F3 = Competency F4 = Credibility F5 = P Personall / iindividual di id l communication F6 = Advertisements F7 = Unprofessional U f i l Appearance 40 20 0 -20 20 -40 • • F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 Source: Stanford University, 2001 More information: http://credibility.stanford.edu/ credlit.html Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 93 9.5 Usability and Interaction Classes of test-able prototypes • • • • Paper prototypes The application is being simulated by paper Clickable PC prototype The screen sequence is simulated e.g. by Powerpoint slides Emulator (PC) software that simulates the behavior of the device developed Wi d f OZ prototyping Wizard-of-OZ t t i Hidden operator simulates the interaction with / reaction of the system Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 94 9.5 Usability and Interaction Wording Tests and Information Architecture Wording & Information Definition of Card Sorting Structure for / with: Terms − Links Introduction of Introduction of a term (e.g. correlated − Menu structures „navigation navigation terms on cards bar“) − Views / object representations − Actions Typical Results What does it How do they fit mean? together? – Identification of vague Please sort. sort and d iincomprehensible h ibl terms – Identification of problems of the content structure – Ensuring correct wording in conjunction with graphical representation Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 Naming Introduction of a functionality or content Which hyperonym would you choose (e.g. for a link)? 95 9.5 Usability and Interaction How Does Eye Tracking work? –Basic assumption: Eye movements correspond to cogniti cognitive e processes and reflect the h human man information processing –Eyes fixate the object currently process by the brain –Types of eye movement important to analyze attention: – Fixations = eye movement with the retina oriented quite fixed to a stationary object – Saccades = fast eye movement from one fixation point to the next while moving the focus of attention (no information perceived!) – Smooth Pursuits = movements occurring while following a moving object Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 96 9.5 Usability and Interaction How Does Eye Tracking work? –Eye Eye tracking = Identification of fixation points and the order in which they are viewed –Eye tracker = Devices used to record eye movements of users –Examples: – Duration D ti off fixation fi ti – Number of fixations at one object – First fixation at one object j – Order of fixations – Length and frequency of saccades – User data like mouse clicks or reaction time Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 97 9.5 Usability and Interaction How Does Eye Tracking work? If you are interested i t t d in i working ki with ith such h a system!? t !? W We h have one att VIS iinstitute! tit t ! Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 98 9.5 Usability and Interaction Specification of User Requirements Scenarios Personas Scenarios Description of typical actions of persons within the planned system Personas Vivid descriptions of a user Use Cases Use Cases Precise description of flows, system functionality / interaction, user tasks and roles Different methods imply • different level of detail different e e level e e o of formalization o a a o • d • different effort necessary • different formats of documentation of user characterization and tasks Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 99 9.5 Usability and Interaction Essential Use Cases [Constantine & Lockwood] • • Based on user goals and sense of interactions – Not on concrete actions / steps to achieve goals (in contrast to standard use cases) Essential Use Cases: problem-oriented rather than solution-oriented (even more than use cases) – They leave room for possible design solutions so ut o s and a d interaction te act o co concepts cepts Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 100 9.5 Usability and Interaction ISO 14915 Software Ergonomics for Multimedia User Interfaces Suitability for communication goal Suitability for perception and understanding - According to goals and tasks of the user - According to the goals of the provider - Avoid perceptual overload - Avoid cognitive overload caused by additional tasks - Take into account different perceptual and cognitive abilities of the user Suitability for Exploration - Support for orientation, search, and navigation - Alternative navigation paths - Involvement of emotion y for engagement g g Suitability - Aesthetics - Credibility, transparent security concept Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 101 9.5 Usability and Interaction Guidelines and Norms • “The The Windows Guidelines for Software Design” Design (platform style guide guide, Microsoft) • ISO/IEC 11581 and 18035: Symbols (Icons) • ISO 13407: Human-centered design process • ISO 14915: Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces • German “Bildschirmarbeits-Verordnung” (BildscharbV) (as part of EU directive) • ISO 9241: Ergonomic g requirements q for work with display p y terminals – ISO 9241-1 to -7 and -9: (not important here) – ISO 9241-8: Color design – ISO 9241-10/-110: Dialogue principles – ISO 9241-11: Guidance on usability – ISO 9241-12 to -17: Presentation of information, user guidance, menu / command / direct manipulation / form-filling form filling dialogues Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 102 9.5 Usability and Interaction User-Centered Design Process 1) Analyze User-Centered Design means... Follow / design a development process p of an application such that at every point of it, the needs of the intended users are the focal point Analysis of user and context requirements 2) IInterpret t t Evaluation with users Specification of user requirements 4) Evaluate Design of solutions as user interface i t f prototypes t t 3) Create ISO 13407 Scenario-based Design - Activity-centred Design - Context-centred Design – Human-centred … Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 103 9.5 Usability and Interaction The Path to Generative User Interfaces Model-based user interface development environments MB-UIDE User interface development environments UIDE User interface management systems UIMS Application programming interfaces API Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 104 9.5 Usability and Interaction Mobile Devices – Trends Toward Heterogeneity Personal Agent –Window to the world The world of possibilities for technical support is accessed by one single and personalized (multimodal) user interface. With this interface, context-adaptive services are accessed. Usability Challenges: Personalization, multimodality, adaptivity, application-integrating control, user models Ubiquitous Computing –Networking, integration, intelligent environments The whole Th h l socio-technical i h i l environment i represents the h user interface. It is context-adaptive and adapts to the user, too, by offering a variety of interaction and service offers. Switching between different input and output devices happens seamlessly and according to the user user‘s s goals and context context. Usability Challenges: Complexity, consistency of applications, heterogeneity of user groups adaptivity groups, adaptivity, new types of interaction interaction, integration Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 105 9.5 Usability and Interaction Ubiquitous Computing Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 106 9.5 Usability and Interaction Mobile Devices – Ubiquitous Computing [Weiser 91] Applications Real world Augmented Reality Sensor data Tourist guide Navigation Augmented world model Federation Source of information Multimedia WWW Digital libraries Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 107 9.5 Usability and Interaction Augmented Reality in medicine Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 108 9.5 Usability and Interaction Augmented Reality in games Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 109 9.5 Usability and Interaction CSCW – Computer C t S Supported t dC Cooperative ti W Work k • • Support for different functions: – Communication: exchange of information – Collaboration: working together on objects (documents, concepts, software) – Coordination: planning, control, monitoring of dependencies (logical and temporal) of sub-tasks Benefits: – Support for operational tasks – Exchange of knowledge and experience – Support for creative teamwork – Groupware is a class of tools with different d e e t scope a and d features eatu es for o realizing ea g CSCW Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 110 9.5 Usability and Interaction G Groupware – Main M i Dimensions Di i other place – Video conferencing – Chat systems – Remote presentation – Application sharing – Shared media spaces – E-mail E mail – Shared document repositories – Group board – Calendar – Presentation software – Whiteboard apps apps. – Group decision support systems – (Same functions as above) – Brainstorming software – Rating systems same place synchronous Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 asynchronous 111 9.5 Usability and Interaction S Semantic ti Wikis Wiki Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 112 References [1] Flatscher, Rony G.: Skript zur Vorlesung Graphische Benutzerschnittstellen, Universität GH Essen, WS00 [2] Nievergelt, Nievergelt J., J Weydert, Weydert J.: J : Sites, Sites modes and trails: Telling the user of an interactive system where he is, what he can do, and how to get to places. In: Methodology of Interaction, R.A. Guedj, P.J.W. ten Hagen, F.R.A. Hopgood, H.A. Tucker, D.A. Duce (Eds.), North Holland, 1980, pages 327-338 [3] Gamma, Gamma E., E Helm, Helm R., R Johnson, Johnson R R.:: Design Patterns Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Object Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley Longman, Amsterdam, 1994. [4] Norman, D. A.: Cognitive Engineering. In: N. D. A. & D. S. W. (Eds.), User-Centered System Design: New perspectives in human-computer interaction. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum A Associates, i t 1986. 1986 Thomas Ertl Graphical-Interactive Systems WS 10/11 113