~l\epulthr of tiJe lPIJfllpplues ~llpl'CIHC ([ourt .flllnn il n N () T I Cj E S irs/Mesdan1es: inc tlwl the ( 'oul"t c:ll duit:d ( )( 'TOUEH 2, 2012, 11 /,ich 1euds usjuflolt'S · J>feust: iule !WI /June issued u Nesofutiun "G.R. No. 203299 (Louis '·Barok" C. Biraogo vs. National Bureatt of lnvesligalio11 and Philippilte National Police); G.n. No. 20:1:106 (Alai> ng Matnatw.dtayag I AI .AM], lltdwman llg 1\lanwmayan IVI(J\:t~lllelll Inc., .Jerry S. Yap, Berteni "Toto" Causing, Hcrnani <l. Cuare, Percy Ltpid, Tracy Cabrera, Roualdo E. l{cnta, (~irilo P. Sabarre Jr. and Dervin Castro, et al. vs. Office uf the President, represeuted by Presideul Beuigt1o Simeon Aqui11o HI, Se11ale of the Philippines and llouse uf Representatives); G.U. No. 20:J:1:-J5 (Jose .Jesus l\11. ])isini, .Jr., Rowena S. Disi11i, Liauue lvy P. Medina, .Janette Toral and Ernesto Sonido, .ll'. vs. Secretary of .Jllslice, Secretary of I11teriur a11d Local CovemnJetlt, Executive Director of lnfonllation and Co!lllllUJlicalions Techuology Office, Chief of the PhilippillL~ Natio11al Police c.t11d Director of lite National Bureau of Investigatiou); n.R. No. 2o:-J359 (Senator Teufisto DL c;uiugona Ill vs. Executive Secretary, Secretary of Justice, Secretary of Interior a11d Local c;oVCi'llll1CIIt, Chief of National Pulice <IIHI I )ireclor of National Bttreau of luvesligaliott); G.R. No. 20:-J:J7B (Alexa11der Adouis, Ellen Tordesillas, Ma. Cisela Ordenes- CascolaJI, I 1. Harry 1.. Roque, .Jr., Rotllel I{. Bagares and ( ;ilbert T. Andres vs. The Executive Secretary, The Department of Budget attd lVlatiagellient, Tlte Deparltnelll of .Justice, The Departllleut of Lhe f11terior <lltd Local Coverlllllcnl, The National Bureau of Investigation, Tlte l'ltilippiiiC Natio11al Police and The Information and Collllllllllications Technology Ollice-DepariBiell t of Science and Technology); G .lL No. 20:l:l91 (lion. Raymond V. P;datino, lIon. Antonio Tinio, Vcticer !VIari Crisust omo of ANAKBA YAN, M a. Katherine Flh.na of Lhe Pltili ppiue ( 'ollegian, Isabelle Therese Baguisi of the Nat io11al llnion of Students of the Philippines, el al. vs. lion. Paquitu N. Ochoa, .Jr., in !tis capacity as Executive Secretary and alter-ego of President Be11iguu Simeon Aquino III, aiHliion. Leila De Li111a, in her capacity as Secretary of .Justice); (}.R. No. 208407 (Bagong Alyansang lVI akabayau Sene I ary General Renal o M. Reyes .Jr., National Artisl Bienvenido L. l.uJnbera, Chairperson of Concerned Artists of the Philippines, Elmer C. Labog, Chairperson of Kilusang Mayo llno, Christina E. Palabay, Secretary General of Karapalan, Ferdinand R. Cai te, Chairperson of COlJ lU\C E, .Joel B. Maghmsod, Vice President of Anakpawis Party--List, Lma R. Linaban, Secretary General Gabriela \:\Tomen's Party, Atlolfo Ares P. Gutierrez and .Julius (;arcia Matibag vs. llis Fxcelletlcy Benigno Simeon Aquino Ill, President of the Notice of ){csoltttiuu -2 0. R. N u. 2 0 3 2 9 l), c t al. ( >ctubcr 9, 20 1.!. Republic of the Philippines, lion. Paquito N. Ochoa, .Jr., Executive Secretary, Senate of the Philippines, represented by Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, House of !{eprese!llatives, represented by Speaker Feliciano Belntonte .Jr., !loti. Leila J)e Li1lla, Se<:retary of .Justice, Louis Napoleotl C. Casa!lllHe, Executive Director of the Information and CoiillllLIIlications Technology Office, Nonnalus Caesar lC Rojas, Director of the National Bureau of Investigation, Dj(;en. Nicanor A. Bartolollle, Chief of tlte Philippine National Pulice, and lion. Ma11llel A. Roxas ll, Secretary of Interior and Local Goventlttenl); G.R. No. 20;j440 (Melenciu S. Sta. J\!laria, Sedfrey M. Candelaria, Atuparita Sta. Maria, l{ay Paolo .J. Santiago, <; i ll>c rt V. Semi> ra 110 and l{ya 11 .I crenliah D. ( 2LI<lll, a II of the At en eo Iltiillati l{ights <:enter vs. lion. Paquito N. Ochoa, .Jr., in his capacity <ts Executive Secretary, I Ion. I .eila I )e l.itna, it I her capacity as Secretary of .Just ice, llotl. M<tlluel ){oxas, i11 his eapacity as Secretary of Juterior and I .ocal CovertlllH.~IIt, Chief of the Philippine National Police, Director of the National Bureau of lnvestigatioll attd All of the Executive Deparltllellt ol Coverlltllent); G.n. No. 203453 (National lJnion of .Journalists of tl1e Pltilippi11es, Philippine Press f11stitute, Ce1ller for Media UreedoJn and ){espousil>ility, Rowena Carranza Paraan, Melinda Qui11los De .Jesus, .Joseph Alwyti Alburo, Ariel Sel>ellino a11d Petitioners in the e-Petition I!! lp:/ hnvw ,t~ttip,<)rg/IIQ t~lJ<! W !'l[1 vs. Exec ttl i ve Secretary, Secretary of .Justice, Secretary of ft1lerior a11d Local Govermllent, Secretary uf Budget and !\·Ianagettlent, I )ireclor < ;eneral of tile Pllilippinc National Police, I >ireclor Ceneral of Pltilippine National Police, l )ireclor of National Bmeau of fnvestig<llion, Cyben:rinw fttvesLigatiotl and Coordinating Center, and All Agencies aud lnslnttllentalities of Covernlllellt and All Persotts Acting u11der Tltei r Ins I r11 ct iu Its, () rders, Di reel ion in l{ela Lion Iu Ihe fiiiJlh~meiiiatiull of l{epublic Act No. l0l75); G.R. No. 20;:1454 (Paul Cortteli11s T. Castillo and f{yall 1>. Andres \'S. Secretary of lttterior a11d Local <;ovcnttllenl); G.H.. No. 20::1469 (Antlw11y la11 l\-1. Cruz, JVLm:elo R. Landidw, lkttjattlitl Noel A. Espina, l\larck l{ouald C. H.itltorin, .Julius D. Eocas, < )Jiver Hicltard V. I<ol>illo, Aaron Erick A. I .ozada, ( ;eranl Adriatt P. Magnaye, Jose l{eginald A. ){autos, !VIa. l{osario T . .l11an, Brendalytl P. l{;tmircz, Maureen A. flennitanio, Kristine .JoyS. Rementilla, Marice! 0. (;ray, .Julius I va11 U. Cahigon, Ben ralph S. Yu, Cchtt Bloggers Society, fttc. President l{uben B. Licera, Jr., and Piuoy Expat/OFvV Blog Awards, Inc. Coordinator Pedro K Rahom vs. llis Excellency Benigno S. Aq11ino III, in his capacity as President of the l~cpublic of the Philippines, Senate of the l'ltilippines, represented by lloit. .Juan Ponce Enrile, in ltis capacity as SeiJale President, !louse of Eepresentalives, represented by Feliciano 1~. HelnJollte, .Jr., i11 his capacity as Speaker of the House of Representatives, I Ion. Paquito N. Ochoa, .Jr., in his capacity as Executive Secretary, Ilon. Leila M. De Lima, in Iter capacity as Secretary of Justice, lion. Louis Napoleon C. Casatttbre, in his capacity as Executive Director, National Bureau of Investigation and P/DGEN. Nieanor A. Bartolome, in his capacity as t'hief, Philippine National Police); G.R. No. 20::1501 (Philippine Bar Association, Inc. vs. llis Excellency Benigno S. Aquino Ill, i11 his official capacity as Presidettl of Lite J{epublic of the Philippines, lion. Paquito N. Ochoa, .Jr., in his official capacity as Executive Secretary, lion. Leila 1\'1. I >e Lillla, itl Iter official capacity as Secretary of Justice, Louis Napoleott C. ( ~asalllbre, in Itis official capacity as Executive Director, lnforlllation and CotlllllltllicatioiiS Teduwlogy Office, Non11atus Caesar R. Notice oll{esolutioll -3- < i.IC Nu. ~OJ~9!J, ct al. ( kluber lJ, 2012 J{ojas, in his official capucily as Director of the Natioual Btm:au ol lllvestigatiorl, a11d niredor Ceneral Nicauor A. Bartolome, in his official capacity as ( :!Jief of the Philippine Nalional Police); G.n. No. 20;1509 (Bayan Muna l{epresenlative Neri J. Colntenarcs vs. Executive Secretary Paquilo N. Ochoa, .Jr.); G.R. No. 20~}515 tNalio11al L'ress Club of tl1e Philippines Inc., represented by Benny D. Antiporda, in his capacity as Preside11t and in !lis perso11al capacity vs. Office of the Presidertt, President Henigno Si rneo11 Aquino Ill, l>eparlment of .Jus lice, Department of Interior and Local Covertllllelll, Philippine National Police, National Bureau ul l11vestigation, Depart111e11t of Budget and Ma11agemcnt and All Other Covenl!llCilt lllstrtl11lelltalities vVho !lave llands itl the Passage and/or Implementation of l{epul>lic Ad IOl'JS); and G.IL No. 20:J518 (Philippi11e Internet Freedon1 Alliance, composed of Dakila-Philippinc Collective for Modern lleroislll, represented by I ,eni Velasco, Partido Lakas 11g l\1asa, represented by Cesar S. Meleticio, Fra11l:is Euston l~. Acero, IVlarloll Anthony i{otnasatlta ToiiSOII, Teodoru A. Casit1o, Noemi Lardizaball>adu, l111elda 1\lorales, .J<t111es Mallhew B. lVIiralll)f, .Juan C.M. Ragrllgio, lVIaria J<atilll<l A. \'ii!LJJ<t, !Vledardo J\:1. l\lanrique, .Jr., LattiTtl Dado, Marco Villoria Tobias S111uayao, I rene Chia, Erastus Noel T. I )elizo, Crist ina Sara lJ E. Osorio, l~mneo Factolerin, f'-laotni L. Tup<ts, Kenneth Ke11g, aud Ana Alexa11dra C. Castro vs. Tl1e Executive Secretary, The Secretary of .Justice, The Secretary of lllteriur iJIJ(l Local c:ovenlnletll, Tile Secretary of Science and Tecllltology, Tlte Executive Director of the lllfonuatioll Technology Office, The Director of the Natiottal Bureau of Investigation, Tlte Chief, Philippine National Police, The !lead of the DOJ Office of CybercriuJe, and The Otl1er Members of tl1e Cybercrin•e lnveslig<tlion and Coordinating Ce11tcr).- Acting 011 the petitions itl the above-entitled cases, tire Court l{esolved, will](jut giving due course to the petition, lo (a) CONSOLlDATE the petitions; tb) REQUIRE the respondents and the Office of the Solicitor Ueneral I o CO lVI M ENT 011 the peti I ions within len (10) days fm111 110tice l1ereof; SET the cases for ORAL ARGUMENTS on .January IS, :!<H:~, Tuesday, at :!.:oo p.m. al the New Session (c) Ilall, New Supreme Court Building, Padre Faura St., Ermila, Manila; a11d ISSUE a TEMPORARY RESTRAINING OIU)ER, effective imttlediately all(! for a period of one hundred I we11ty ( 120) days, enjoining the respondents frotn impletnenling and/or e11forcing Republic Ad No. 10175 (Cybercrime Preve11lioJJ Ad of :2012)." (d) Very Indy yums, 1"--.,t-..._~ llETA E. VIDAL ( 'lulur ('utili Resolution lotJis "8a10l<" c Biraoau (x) Petitioner in c;R fiJo 203299 c/o OIJI Beve1ly Villa!Je l fi!Cklill) Cot poraliOII I·Jo. 131 Banay Banay Stl eet, Ci:lbuyao, lagt111a Allys. !:3erteni Cataluna Causin!J, Cililo P SaiJdrre, Jr, & Dervin V. Castro (x) m:rJTA PE CAlJSINCi SAeARHE CAS nm & ASSOCIATES Counsel for Pelilioners ill C;R f'JO. 203306 Unit 1, 2368 JB Roxas St, cor t eon GtJinlu St, Malate, Ma11ila Attys. Jose Jesus 1\11. Disi11i, JJ , Rowena S Disi11i, & Lia1111e Ivy PasctJa rvleuina (x) DISif\11 & DISif\lllAW OFFICE Counsel fur PetitioneJ s in <; R f\Jo. 203335 320 Pllilippine Social Science Center CollHnOtlwealtlt Avenue Dilirllall, QtJeZUII City Allys. Alex 0. Avisado, Jr , f~ayn1011d M. Cajuco111, R(lllald Michel f~ Ullana, Maria C1istina B. Gwcia Rarnirez & nose Anne P Rosales (x) GANA A fiEf~ZA AVISADO LAW OFFICES Counsel for Petitione1 in G.R. f'lo. 203359 3" 1 Floor IIPL B11ildina No. 60 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City Allys. II. !larry L. Roque, Jr., Rornel Regalado Bagares & Gilllerl Teruel Andres (x) I~OQUE & BlJTUYAtiJ I AW OFFICES Counsel for Petitioners in GR No. 203378 1904 Ante! 2000 Corporate Center 121 Valero SL, Salcedo Village, fvlakati City Allys. Julius Garcia Mali!wg, Callos lsagani l. Zawte, Greuorio Y Fabros & Maria Cristina P. YarniJOt (x) f\JATIOf\JAl UNION OF PEOPLES' LAWYERS Counsel for Petitioners in G.R. ~~o 203,107 3' 0 rloor, Erytluina Buildina No. 1 Maaralin COl. Matatag Sts. Central District, Quezon City Atlys Melencio Sta. Maria, Sedfrey M. Candelalia, Am pat ito de los Santos Sta. Maria, Gilbert V Ser111Jrano, l~yan JerentialrD. Quan, Maria Patlicia R. Cetvantes, Ray Paolo J. Santiaao and Nina Patricia D. Sison Arroyo (x) Counsel for Petitioners itl c; R No. 203440 Ateneo !Iuman Riullts Center C)/F Ateneo P10fessiunals ScllOols Building 20 Rockwell Urive, f~ockwell Center Makati City c~ .R No 203299, et al. October 2, 2012 Atty. liJeodoro 0. Te (x) Cow tsel for all Petitioners in G R. No. 203453 Free I eual Assistance Group !FLAG] Roor11 201, Malcolrn II all, University of tl1e Pl1ilrppines Dllir1tan, Qt 1ezon City Allys Paul Comelius T. Castillo and Ryan D Andres (x) PetilicHieiS ill G.R. No. 203454 6' 1' Hoor, Tuscan Buildina, 114 VA Rufino St. . Makati City Ally. l<:1istoplter Jarnes E. F'uris1111a (x) Counsel for Petitioners in G.R. No. 203469 6/F LTA Btlllclin(J, 118 Perea Street I egaspi Village, Makati City Allys. Rico A. Lilnpingco, Artlllll Anti tony S. Alice!, and Micltelle AnneS Lapuz (x) Counsel for Petiticmer in G.R 1\ln. 203501 Solis Medina Limpinuco and Fajardo Law Offices l J 06 East Tower, Philippine Stock Exchange Cenlie, Excl1ange Road, Ortiuas Conunercial Centet, Pasig City Ally Edsel F. lupaz (x) CotiiiSel for Petitioner in G. R f\Jo. 203509 41 N. Romualdez Sli eet, BF llomes SuiJdivision 1120 Quezon City Atty. Micl1ael J. Mella (x) Counsel for Petitioner in G.R. No. 203515 Santillan Felix Magllanua anll Mella Law Office Unit 1106, Prestige Tower, F. Ortigas Jr. Road Ortigas Center, Pasia City Ally. Renecio S. Espi1itu, Jr. (x) Cotlltsel 101 Petitioners in G.R. No. 203518 Guevarra Mendoza and Espiritu Law Offices Suite 602 F~iciHnonde Plaza Hotel 21 San Miguel Avenue, Ortigas Center Pasia City Ally. Jarnes Mark l euy L. 1-<idon (reg) Cot111sel for Petitioners in G.R. No.20339l 89 I\ 7 St , l<alllias, Qtrezon City Ally. I< elvin Lester f<. Lee (x) Counsel for Petitioners in G.R. No. 203518 San Juan Tayag Lee a11d Vergara Law Office Unit 805 Xavierville Square, Xavierville Avenue Qtiezon City ll1e Solicitor General (x) 134 Alllorsolo St, Legaspi Village 1229 Makati City C].R. No. 2U32~S, et i:il. OctotJer 2, 2012 l<esolutiott Secretary I ella M. de lillld (x) Departrrrerrt of Jt rstice DCJ.J, Padre Fatlla, Marilld Secrelary Manuel A. l<oxas Ill (x) Uepailllttlll of II tlelior elf td t ocul Gover 1111 Jell I A. Fra11cisco (~old Condullllllitllll II I::IJSA, flilrllldll, tjlltL'tlll City Ui1. t~ell. f111LdiiOI !::li:UtuiUJIIe (x) Clrief PNP f\Jatlurral Pulice PNP Naliollallleadqualler s Ca111p Gerwral CJaJile, QtJeLOil Crty IJir ector r4ur lltdll IS Cdesar FC ~~UjdS (x) of 111vestigatio11 NBI!::luildiii(J, Tctlt Aventle Uir euur f Jonnallrs Caesar R l<ojas (x) r~JcitiunaiBtlleau of lnvestigaticJII 1~131 Buildi11y, 1aft AverHre Er11 lila, ~;lanila l::xemtive SecJetdly f-laquito r~. Uclwa, J1. (x) Pr e11 rier C)llt~st I louse, Malacananu JP I amel St, Sa11 Miu11el , Ma11ila Secretdly F-lurencru 8. AlJad (x) De par tlllellt ot Bud yet a11d Marwuernent MctlacalletiiU, f'vla11ila SecJetary Malio Mo11tejo (x) Depallnlellt of Seier tee and Teclu10logy DOS! Bllildiltg, Ge11. Sa111os AveJHJe l::lictlldlt, I aguiu City r~JatiollaiBlll eau Err11ita, Mrtflila Executive UirectOJ louis C. CasarniHe (x) lnforlllation and COilllllllllicatiuns reclu10louy Oflice ~JCC Buildinu, C P C)a1cia Avenue Dilirnan, QtreL'Oit City f lis ExcelleJtcy Btlli[Jitll Si11Jeo11 C. Aqllino Ill (x) Office ut tile P1 esident Malacafiany, Manila Se1wte of lite Pltilrppines (x) c/o Senate President JtJaJt Purtee buile CJSIS Bldu, F<eclamation Area, Pasay City llottse ut !Itt: RepJeseJrtatrves (x) c/o Speaker Felicidlto BelnroJtle, J1 I louse ot F<ep1esentatives, BalasaJt C(JJtrplex Batasan llills, Qttewn City PuiJiic lr1for r11alion Office (x) Stfllltltte Culllt G.H. No. 203299, et al. ~Jilll/l02J2