The Brescia

Brescia University College - Affiliated with Western University
1285 Western Road | London, ON Canada N6G 1H2
The Hive: Inquiries, Admissions, and Tours
Tel: 519.858.5151 Fax: 519.858.5137 Email:
some see a university.
i see my future.
W h at i t M e a n s t o b e b r e s c i a B o l d
Women change at Brescia University College. Those who come in quiet
and shy find their voice. Women who arrive “bold” leave with an even
greater sense of purpose and conviction. When you choose Brescia, you
choose an education that will prepare you to lead—whether that’s in
your home or on the world stage.
to Lead
About Brescia
“Brescia has really helped
boost my self-esteem
and confidence. It has given
me the encouragement
I needed to take on bold
opportunities, which I
never saw myself taking on.
The supportive environment
and friendly faces make
you feel welcomed and right
at home. Brescia is the best
decision I have ever made.”
E u n i c e Ch o i | H o n o r s
S p e c i a l i z at i o n i n N u t r i t i o n a n d
Dietetics | Hong Kong
The Brescia
Eunice Choi
Our Campus
Take the Lead
Your Future
and Fees
Visit Brescia
Brescia University College
Eunice Choi knew after her first campus visit that
she would choose Brescia. “I really felt the family
atmosphere and fell in love with the beautiful
campus,” says the Honors Specialization in Nutrition
and Dietetics major, who is from Hong Kong.
Because of Brescia’s affiliation with Western
University, Eunice liked that she would have the
experience of a large university in Western and
a smaller, more intimate environment at Brescia
where she would get to know her classmates and
professors. Eunice is a member of the Students’
Council, serves as a Student Ambassador and is a
facilitator in Brescia’s Bridging Program, which helps
international and out-of-province students transition
to life at Brescia. “Brescia provides its students
with so many opportunities. I’m so excited to see
where these opportunities will take me.”
Undergraduate Viewbook | 0 1
The Ursuline Sisters, strong
women of faith who were
committed to social justice,
community service, and the
development of women,
founded Brescia in 1919. Their
vision and values continue
to shape Brescia today.
1919 by Ursuline Sisters
of Chatham
London, Ontario, Canada
with Western University
granted by Western
pre-university Preliminary
Year: Brescia’s Foundation Year
program; Bachelor’s degrees in Arts
and Social Sciences, Leadership,
Management and Organizational
Studies, Family Studies, Health
Sciences and Kinesiology;
Bachelor’s and Master’s of Science
degrees in Foods and Nutrition
with Specializations in Nutrition
and Dietetics and Food Science
and Technology
s t u d e n t- c e n t r e d
Student/faculty ratio:
At B r e s c i a U n i v e r s i ty C o l l e g e — C a n a d a’ s
o n ly wo m e n ’ s u n i v e r s i ty—you ca n e x p e ct
a bo l d e d ucat i o n that ’ s c e n t r e d o n you .
Because Brescia is affiliated with Western University, you’ll have the
advantage of Brescia’s intimate environment along with the resources
that come with Western, one of the largest universities in Ontario.
You can take classes with women—and men—at Western’s main campus
and at Huron and King’s University Colleges. When you graduate,
you earn a Western University degree.
0 2 | Brescia University College
1,300 full-time students;
200 part-time
O n e that ’ s co m p a s s i o n at e a n d e m p ow e r i n g ,
Entrance scholarships:
i n v i g o r at i n g a n d cha l l e n g i n g . It w i l l b e
80 percent admission average
begin at
e v i d e n t f r o m you r f i r s t d ay o n ca m p u s to
you r l a s t that you a r e what ’ s i m p o r ta n t
to u s . T hat ’ s what ou r f ou n d e r s e n v i s i o n e d
wh e n th e y e s tab l i s h e d th i s c e n t r e o f
l e a r n i n g f o r wo m e n n e a r ly 1 0 0 y e a r s a g o .
Brescia is Canada’s
women’s university.
Undergraduate Viewbook | 0 3
Research proves what Brescia alumnae know—that
women benefit from attending women’s-only institutions
of higher learning. Consider these highlights from the
Women’s College Coalition’s Hardwick-Day Comparative
Alumnae Survey that found a women’s college education:
Women’s college alumnae report
more experience making presentations
and gaining leadership experience
on campus than their peers at
other institutions.
The percentage of women who
believe the financial investment in
their women’s university education
was worthwhile.
As Canada’s only women’s university, we absolutely have an environment that
encourages, shapes, and supports women in leadership. But that doesn’t mean
you’ll be separated from men. In fact, you’ll have male professors—and because
of our affiliation with Western, you may even have male students in your classes.
You will certainly see them taking advantage of our amazing Beryl Ivey Library
and the Mercato, our new state-of-the-art Marché, and dining pavilion. Brescia
isn’t about excluding men—it’s about creating an atmosphere where women like
you feel inspired, challenged, and empowered.
Creates leaders,
communicators, and
Proves its value
over a lifetime
Graduating from a women’s
college significantly increases
a woman’s chances of earning
a graduate degree.
D e v e l o p c r i t i c a l s k i ll s
for life and career
Women’s colleges surpass public and private
colleges in helping students:
Enables students to engage
with top faculty and resources
Graduates attribute their success to
interaction with “a high quality teaching-oriented
faculty”—and to resources that were focused on,
and available, to them.
• L e a r n to th i n k a n a lyt i ca l ly
• B
r i n g s oc i a l a n d h i s to r i ca l
p e r s p e ct i v e s to i s s u e s
• W o r k a s pa r t o f a t e a m
• W r i t e a n d s p e ak e f f e ct i v e ly
• Mak e s ou n d d e c i s i o n s
• Ga i n e n t r y to a ca r e e r
• P r e pa r e f o r ca r e e r cha n g e
o r a d va n c e m e n t
• B e p o l i t i ca l ly a n d s oc i a l ly awa r e
0 4 | Brescia University College
Undergraduate Viewbook | 0 5
Dimensions of
Leadership Major
We’re so committed to leadership, we
developed a major in it. Our Dimensions
of Leadership program incorporates a
strong foundation of core leadership
courses and gives you the opportunity
to investigate leadership through an
interdisciplinary approach.
Comm u nit y of Le ade rs
At B r e s c i a , you ’ l l b e s u r r ou n d e d by i n s p i r i n g
l e a d e r s l i k e D r . Do n n a Ro g e r s , ou r I n t e r i m
P r i n c i p a l , a n d D r . Ma r l e n e J . L e B e r , a f acu lty
m e m b e r i n ou r D i m e n s i o n s o f L e a d e r s h i p P r o g r a m .
It wa s B r e s c i a’ s m i s s i o n to d e v e l o p you n g wo m e n
to “ l e a d w i th w i s d o m , ju s t i c e , a n d co m p a s s i o n i n
a cha n g i n g wo r l d ” that d r e w D r . L e B e r , a n ot e d
r e s e a r ch e r a n d s cho l a r , to B r e s c i a . D r . Ro g e r s
ha s s how n out s ta n d i n g l e a d e r s h i p i n a l l o f
h e r r o l e s at B r e s c i a , i n c l u d i n g a s A ca d e m i c D e a n
a n d a s a m e m b e r o f th e P r i n c i p a l’ s C ab i n e t .
“As Canada’s only women’s university,
we focus on preparing a Brescia
graduate not just to lead, but to lead
wisely, justly, and compassionately,
whatever her choices are in academics
and in life.”
D r . D o n n a Ro g e r s | i nte r i m pr i n ci pa l
Choose to Lead
“Bold” and “leader” don’t describe every student who arrives on the
Brescia campus their first day. Confidence and boldness develop out of an
education that gives you the courage to live up to your potential. You’ll
learn to think critically and communicate effectively so you can choose to
lead—in your home, your church, your company, your community, or the
ever-changing world at large.
0 6 | Brescia University College
“Brescia not only develops
young women to lead but
also works towards creating
the systemic changes so
needed for women to thrive
and flourish in all aspects
of society.”
Dr. Marlene Janzen Le Ber |
A s s i s ta n t P r o f e s s o r ,
Dimensions of Leadership
Undergraduate Viewbook | 0 7
“By taking classes at Brescia and
at Western, you really get the best of
both worlds. I love that at Brescia you
have small classes and can engage
in great discussions with peers and
professors you are fond of.”
Number of students
Brescia’s largest
classroom holds
Brescia’s small classes lend themselves to dynamic exchanges, to lectures
that blend into lively discussions. Your professors will challenge you to think,
to question, to confront. When you disagree, they’ll say, “Tell me more.”
They’ll be there when you need them—to talk in their office or over a cup
of coffee. They’ll help cultivate your confidence so that you can stand
strong in your convictions.
0 8 | Brescia University College
Sh e e r e e n H a s s i b | h o n o r s s p e c i a l i z a t i o n i n
n u t r i t i o n a n d d i e t e t i c s | L o n d o n , O n ta r i o
We want you to succeed at Brescia. That’s why we have
the most relevant and specific resources you need to
programs and people in place to help. It starts with your
support your academic goals. Our Writing Centre will
academic advisor, who will guide you through your time
help you develop writing strategies—from structuring
at Brescia. Our “1-on-1” research appointments at the
paragraphs to crafting essays.
Beryl Ivey Library are designed to assist you in finding
Undergraduate Viewbook | 0 9
Whether you’re coming
to Brescia from another
country—or from the other
side of the Province—we
have programs in place to
help your transition:
Orientation Week: During “O-Week,”
you’ll make new friends, participate
in fun activities, and get to know the
campus—before classes start
Soph Team: This dedicated group
of upper-year students will be
there with you during O-Week and
beyond—to support and guide you
Through our International Exchange program, you
can study abroad for a term or a full year in France,
The Netherlands, London, England, or Barbados.
Your academic experience can be life changing when
you visit Wayo Women’s University in Ichikawa,
Mariana Prado
Nutrition and Dietetics student Mariana Prado,
a native of Mexico City, Mexico, is helping
to develop The Food First Program, a studentbased nutrition micro-finance project in
Uganda. She will explore nutritional deficiencies
in communities around Kampala and then
help create a product that can be produced
in the country at a low cost for schools and
orphanages. Mariana loves to travel and has
recently spent time in Rwanda, India, Europe,
and Mexico. These experiences have broadened
her perspective on the value of education and
the potential of her future career. She hopes
to someday use her passion for nutrition
and sustainable global development to create
an organization that can bring health and
well-being to communities around the world.
Chiba, Japan to complete a nutrition field course!
all faiths
through your first year at Brescia
International Bridging Program:
While our roots are
in the Catholic faith,
Brescia welcomes
and celebrates
women of all faiths
and backgrounds.
International and out-of-province
students will receive guidance
on everything from academics to
transportation—even where to
eat and shop
During your time in the International
Bridging Program, you will:
some see restless.
i see adventurous.
• Tour London
“Some people think I have trouble
staying still in one place. Why would
I want to stay in one place? I thrive
when I step out of my comfort
zone. I like to show others that
these opportunities that may seem
irrational or unattainable can lead to
the most incredible life experiences.
Brescia gets that.”
• Visit Niagara Falls
M a r i a n a P r a d o | H o n o r s S p e c i a l i z at i o n i n
• Get your student card and bus pass
• Set up your bank account
• Settle into residence
• Learn about Brescia
• Learn about Canadian culture
• Shop
• Dine out
N u t r i t i o n a n d D i e t e t i c s | M e x i c o C i t y, M e x i c o
1 0 | Brescia University College
When you study at Brescia, you’ll be living and learning with women from
around the world—from the Caribbean, Hong Kong, Africa, and China to the
United Kingdom, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates.
Undergraduate Viewbook | 1 1
“Brescia helps you
find your voice and
become confident
enough to use it—
both in the academic
world and in the real
world. It creates an
environment where
you can discover
who you really are.”
B e c c a H e at h | H o n o r s
S p e c i a l i z at i o n i n
English Language and
L i t e r at u r e | L o n d o n ,
O n ta r i o
I n va lu a b l e E x p e r i e n c e
You’ll prepare for your future through
internships and practicums at places such as:
• A l z h e i m e r Soc i e ty
• b m w ca n a d a
• D e a f B l i n d O n ta r i o S e r v i c e s
• G e n e r a l Moto r s
• H o s p i ta l f o r S i ck C h i l d r e n
• Lo n d o n H e a lth Sc i e n c e s C e n t r e
• Mou n t S i n a i H o s p i ta l
• Sa lvat i o n A r m y C o r r e ct i o n a l
and Justice Services
• S e x ua l A s s au lt C e n t r e Lo n d o n
• Su n n yb r ook H e a lth Sc i e n c e s C e n t r e
• U n i t e d Way
• Y outh O p p o r tu n i t i e s U n l i m i t e d
1 2 | Brescia University College
It’s been said that learning is more effective when it is active rather
than passive. We put this belief into practice by offering internships,
practicums, research, and study abroad opportunities. You’ll gain
invaluable experience while preparing for your future—whether that’s
through the leadership practicum with a local agency for students in
our Dimensions of Leadership program or our Industry Internship Program
for students in the Management and Organizational Studies program
or an internship that’s combined with study abroad in places like China,
Russia, Egypt, Pakistan, Tunisia, and Turkey.
Undergraduate Viewbook | 1 3
Bold Living
We listened to our students when designing our new
and a window seat where you can read or look out over our
residence. Located in the middle of campus, this gorgeous,
striking courtyards. You’ll either have your own washroom—
sustainability-focused building is organized into “houses”
or share with just one other student. You’ll eat made-to-
for small groupings of students. You’ll have your own room
order dishes in our marché style dining pavilion—and you’ll
with a queen-size bed, big closets and plenty of storage,
enjoy wide-open lounges and a well-equipped fitness centre.
Lively Campus
The wonderful part about being a Brescia student is that you can live and
learn on our cozy, intimate, and welcoming campus—and you also have access
to all that Western University has to offer. Our exquisite Beryl Ivey Library
has the resources and space you need for research and study. Brescia’s rich
history is captured in our iconic Ursuline Hall, our beautiful “castle” on
campus. Most of your classes will be at Mother St. James Memorial Building.
Our boldest building to date is our stunning new residence—your beautiful
home away from home.
1 4 | Brescia University College
“I love my queen-size bed,
having access to the full
kitchen, and the incredible
cafeteria. The new residence
has been everything I hoped
it would be.”
S a r a h Va n D u s e n | P s yc h o lo g y |
S a r n i a , O n ta r i o
Undergraduate Viewbook | 1 5
some see TIMID.
“Being of Asian descent
some people instantly label
me as quiet. I may not be
the loudest but I know when
I need to speak my mind.
I learned that at Brescia.”
Hien Ngo | Sociology | London,
O n ta r i o , C a n a da
Hien Ngo
Hien Ngo is a firm believer in giving back. She chose to attend Brescia
because the university values community and community service. At Brescia,
she’s grown as a leader, serving as Orientation Director, Vice-President
of Communication and Athletic Director for the Brescia University College
Students’ Council (BUCSC), and as a volunteer/facilitator at Brescia’s
International Day of the Girl. Outside of Brescia, she volunteers at the soup
kitchen at St. Joseph’s Hospitality Centre in London East, and tutors students
for Ontario Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) testing.
Brescia continues the commitment to community service established by
our founders, the Ursuline Sisters. You’ll see it in the classroom—and on
campus. Through Community Service-Learning, you’ll benefit from an
educational approach that integrates service in the community with intentional
learning activities. You’ll have opportunities to give and be of service by
getting involved in events with iWIL (Institute for Women in Leadership),
volunteering at local agencies through Community Connections, and through
Student Human Ecology Association (SHEA), which hosts an annual
conference and sponsors numerous activities.
girls lead
E v e n b e f o r e you e n r o l at B r e s c i a , you ca n l e a r n
m o r e about you r s e l f a n d how to b r i n g p o s i t i v e
cha n g e to th e wo r l d . O u r G i r l s L e a d p r o g r a m
( L e a d e r s h i p, E d ucat i o n , a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ) i s a
s u m m e r ca m p f o r g i r l s i n G r a d e s 3 - 6 . W e ’ v e e v e n
e x pa n d e d th e p r o g r a m i n t e r n at i o n a l ly, w e l co m i n g
h i g h s choo l s tu d e n t s f r o m H o n g K o n g to ca m p u s
e ach s u m m e r . C u r r e n t B r e s c i a s tu d e n t s b e n e f i t ,
too , by hav i n g th e o p p o r tu n i ty to p ut th e i r
d e v e l o p i n g l e a d e r s h i p s k i l l s i n to p r act i c e a s
G i r l s L e a d cou n s e l l o r s .
Retention rate of students
who stay at Brescia from
first year to second year
L e a r n m o r e at
b r e s c i a . uw o . c a /a b o u t/ c o m m u n i t y/ s u m m e r - c a m p s
1 6 | Brescia University College
Undergraduate Viewbook | 1 7
take the lead
Brescia empowers women to be bold and value leadership—
even before they’re students here. Take the Lead, our public
speaking contest for young women in Grades 11 and 12, focuses
on women in leadership. Participants have five minutes to speak
on a woman—or group of women—who has empowered others
to lead. The contest winner receives an academic scholarship
to Brescia for the 2016-2017 fall/winter term, including the
cost of a room in our magnificent new residence. If you don’t
live near campus, you can still compete. Women who live
across Canada—or across the world—can participate via video;
submit yours by January 4th, 2016!
Take One
Make a Video
Gain Experience
Our students are seen—and heard—
outside of Brescia as well as
through Community Development
placements. You can apply what
you learn in the classroom to
community service-learning—even
expanding your studies to the
global community, if you choose.
Be Heard
Even before you’re officially a Brescia student, it will be clear that you
count at Brescia. Your voice, your opinions, your contributions. That Brescia
celebrates women—their leadership and learning—is evident in our Take the
Lead public speaking contest, open to girls in Grades 11 and 12. That we want
to advance your learning is unmistakable by our participation in Western’s
Initiative for Scholarly Excellence (WISE) Program, where you can take one
university course—tuition free—while you’re still in high school.
1 8 | Brescia University College
Take two
“Brescia is
such a welcoming
and inclusive
environment. It
has empowered
and challenged
me to stretch my
personal limitations
and explore
I never thought
were possible.”
A m a n d a K a y | F a m i ly
Studies and Criminal
Justice | komok a ,
O n ta r i o
Do it Live
Take three
Win Free Tuition
& Residence
Learn more about Take the Lead at
Undergraduate Viewbook | 1 9
Our Programs
Your future. Maybe it’s crystal clear—or maybe you’re uncertain about
which area of study is for you. Aside from specialized programs, such as
Management and Organizational Studies or Foods and Nutrition, we
keep your first-year requirements flexible so you can explore disciplines—
at Brescia and across all of the Western campuses—before making your
final decision. Brescia offers the following undergraduate programs:
Health sciences
This program is offered through Brescia’s affiliation with
This degree program reflects our commitment to developing
Western’s main campus. You’ll register at Brescia and match
you as a leader. You’ll participate in activities outside of the
your required courses at main campus with courses at
classroom (including a practicum placement) to enhance your
Brescia. In this Bachelor of Arts program, you’ll explore health
learning and put your leadership skills into practice. You’ll
and wellness of individuals and populations through this
be prepared to continue your studies at the master’s level,
innovative interdisciplinary program. You can pursue an area
pursue professional programs from law to the HBA program
of specialization, such as Health Promotion, Rural Health
at the Richard Ivey School of Business, or for careers ranging
or Rehabilitation Sciences. You’ll be prepared for graduate
from business to financial services, government to health
studies and for future careers in areas such as medicine,
care, and manufacturing to the not-for-profit sector.
health policy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speechCommunit y Development
Foods and Nutrition
You’ll develop the skills you need to be an engaged citizen
Brescia is known for this outstanding program. The
and lead for social change. You’ll be involved in placements
Honors Specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics (BSc)
and projects in the community and abroad. You’ll take
is accredited by Dietitians of Canada, which means
courses such as Interpreting Law and Social Policies to Build
when you earn this degree, you are eligible to apply for
Communities, where you will focus on social change and
a dietetic internship—your next step to becoming a
community leadership. You can go on to further your studies
Registered Dietitian (RD)! A variety of other specializations
at the graduate level—or pursue a career in areas as diverse
are available (including Food Science and Technology)
as community services, counselling, law, and fundraising.
within the nutrition program. You’ll be introduced to many
careers through class projects, visiting lecturers, student
associations, volunteer placements, and groundbreaking
Your studies will range from the medieval period to
research. You’ll be prepared for graduate studies and
contemporary literature. You’ll learn from professors whose
for careers, from management to sales, quality control
work is recognized nationally and internationally. Brescia
to teaching, food inspection and safety, to diet therapy
specializes in British poetry and gives you the opportunity
and research, or at Brescia in our Master of Science
to complement your studies with an upper-year exchange
Foods and Nutrition program and our Diploma in Dietetic
in England. You’ll be prepared to further your studies
Education and Practical Training.
at the Master’s level—or pursue careers from teaching
to journalism, library work to media work.
Our intensive French program meets the challenges of your
Family Studies
future profession. Like all of our programs, you’ll enjoy small,
You’ll explore areas of family life, from parenting to marriage,
student-centred classes. Your studies will be personalized
divorce to family violence, immigration to family finances.
for you and your learning style. If you’re thinking of teaching,
Your studies will draw on other fields, such as psychology,
Brescia’s Major in French for Teaching provides the basis
anthropology, sociology, and economics. You’ll be placed in
for a successful career in education, while offering a French
a community agency so you can apply the skills you learned
Volunteer Teacher Program option for experience in the
in the classroom to the real world. Our graduates go on to
classroom. You’ll also be prepared for further research
graduate and professional schools, or straight into careers,
and study at the graduate level and for careers as diverse
from teaching to case management, mediation to work
as immigration officer, translator, publicist, foreign
with crisis hotlines.
correspondent, and intelligence analyst.
2 0 | Brescia University College
language pathology, and audiology.
Management and Organizational Studies
You’ll gain a solid business foundation through compelling
courses in finance, marketing, operations, strategy,
When you pursue a history degree at Brescia, you’ll go
accounting, and organizational behaviour. Through a field
beyond learning facts about the past to interpreting those
project course, you’ll establish a consulting relationship
facts as well. You’ll gain insights into the human experience,
with the management of an actual organization. Through
as you explore not just where we have been, but how it
Brescia’s business club, “The Pink Ties,” you’ll gain a sense of
informs the present and the future. You’ll experience a
community and attend exceptional workshops and speaking
student-centred approach to analyzing complex problems.
events. Our specializations include Consumer Behaviour, Food
You’ll be encouraged to think critically as you investigate a
Management, Accounting, and Non Profit Management. You’ll
variety of areas in history—from political to economic, social
be prepared for a variety of careers that value your skills in
to environmental. You’ll learn in small classes, through
public speaking, communication, and problem solving—from
interactive lectures, invigorating discussions, individual
marketing to consulting, public relations to management.
and small-group work, workshops, and through class
presentations. In the end, you’ll be ready for your future,
whether you continue your studies at the graduate level
This engaging program will teach you to not only think
or pursue careers in education, information management,
critically, but to consider the ethical implications of your
human resources, business and finance, law, politics,
decisions. You’ll acquire basic cultural literacy, enhance
government, journalism, or the social services.
communication skills, and reflect on issues ranging from
happiness to justice. You’ll gain the tools you need to
live an examined life. With your professors and peers,
Brescia is fortunate to offer spaces through Western
you’ll explore fundamental questions, from “What is
University, home to one of the most comprehensive
important in life?” to “Is there a sense to the Universe?”
Kinesiology programs in Canada. You’ll register at Brescia
You’ll also further enhance your leadership skills. You’ll
and match your required courses at main campus with
be prepared for graduate and professional studies—and
courses at Brescia. Your studies will range from the scientific
for careers ranging from business to law, education
basis of human movement, to exercise and dance, to
to government.
dimensions of sport, and to the sociocultural and bioscientific
aspects of physical activity. You’ll be prepared for future
professional programs and for a variety of careers.
Undergraduate Viewbook | 2 1
Our Programs
other cou rse s
We also offer courses in:
• A n th r o p o l o g y
• B i o lo gy
Political Science
Religious Studies
Conflicts and disputes abound in today’s world. As a political
This is a far-reaching subject that explores the depths
science student, you will seek to understand these issues—and
of what it means to be human. You’ll study scripture,
to recommend bold solutions to them. You’ll learn the role of
women and religion, religion and the family, and current
• F i r s t Nat i o n Stu d i e s
government in settling major societal issues—from health care
religious and theological trends so that you expand your
• G e o g r a p hy
to the global economy. You’ll explore the political process
understanding of how religion has shaped contemporary
• I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y Stu d i e s
and its role in helping solve problems crucial to the well being
thought and culture. You’ll be prepared to continue your
• Math e m at i c s
of families, communities, the environment, and the world at
studies and for a wide range of careers.
large. You can combine your political science studies with
business, leadership, philosophy, psychology, or sociology so
that you’re prepared—to apply to the Ontario Government
You’ll tackle big ideas in small classes taught by professors
parliamentary Internship Program, further your studies at the
who teach and do research on fresh and diverse issues
graduate level, or pursue careers ranging from journalist to
in the news. Topics can range from how we choose our
lobbyist, business leader to nonprofit organization director.
partners to the social causes and consequences of crime—
to the relationships between Canada’s wealthiest and poorest
Preliminary Year Progr am
citizens to the situations and challenges unique to those new
If you’re ready for university but don’t have the necessary
to Canada. This program is enriched by our Family Studies
academic background, Brescia’s Preliminary Year (Foundation
program, as well as Community Development, which links
Year) program will give you the required basis for admission
what you learn in the classroom with important community
into first year university studies. During this co-educational,
service-learning projects. You can combine your sociology
one-year program, you’ll learn how to write essays, take
major with a major from another discipline, such as political
lecture notes, and write exams—from university professors on
science. Honors specializations are also available and
the Brescia campus. You’ll also learn about time management
provide excellent preparation for graduate studies. You’ll
and study skills, and experience what it’s like to participate in
be prepared for diverse careers—from counselling to
class discussions. In the end, you’ll have marked improvement
education, journalism to public relations, youth services
in reading, writing, and research skills.
to senior services.
If you’re interested in understanding and explaining human
thought, emotion, and behaviour, Brescia’s psychology
program is ideal for you. You’ll experience small classes that
allow you to have more interaction with your classmates—
and with outstanding faculty members. Your courses will
range from the Fundamentals of Forensic Psychology to
• Chemistry
• Eco n o m i c s
“Through my courses, I’ve grown
and changed my outlook on the world.
I’ve gained confidence to become a
bold individual.”
• Phy s i c s
• S pa n i s h
• Writing
Ch r i s t i n a V i v i n e t t o | H o n o r s D o u b l e M a j o r
F a m i ly S t u d i e s a n d R e l i g i o u s S t u d i e s |
L o n d o n , O n ta r i o
“Brescia’s academic learning
environment can only be
described as bold—testing you
not only for what you know,
but for who you are and for who
you want to become. It can be
challenging, but so rewarding!”
josie baker | Community and Criminal
J u s t i c e | T i l l s o n b u r g , O n ta r i o
the Exceptional Child. You can pursue a minor, major,
specialization or honors specialization—or you can double
major in psychology and another major, such as sociology.
Your studies will prepare you for graduate school or to
pursue careers in far-ranging fields, from law to education,
health care to occupational therapy, and even business.
2 2 | Brescia University College
Learn more about our undergraduate programs at
Undergraduate Viewbook | 2 3
Brescia Competencies
A superior university education, rooted in academic excellence and a focus on
leadership. That’s what is in store for you at Brescia. You will not only master
your chosen area of study, but also be prepared to lead—with wisdom, justice,
and compassion. Our commitment to our Brescia Competencies means you will
go out into the world with crucial, highly sought-after abilities in:
Excel in oral, written, interpersonal, and group communication skills
critical thinking
Explore issues, ideas, and events before drawing a conclusion
inquiry and analysis
Break down complex issues to arrive at informed decisions
problem solving
Create and execute strategies to answer questions or achieve goals
Self Awareness and Development
Demonstrate honest and fair reflection and self evaluation
social Awareness and engagement
Engage in and contribute to positive change
Make decisions and choose actions based on principles and ethics
“By launching our competency based curriculum,
Brescia demonstrates its continued commitment to
student success. This approach assures our students
that they will gain both subject area expertise and
a core set of abilities. From communication through
valuing, our graduates will be able to articulate exactly
what they gained from their Brescia experience.”
M a r ia n n e S i m m | Vi ce- Pr i n ci pa l , S t u d e nt s
2 4 | Brescia University College
some see obstacle.
i see opportunity.
“My studies at Brescia
have been about more
than just my classes.
Brescia strongly
encourages student
leadership and community
involvement. When I
graduate, I will leave
with a degree, but also
with the confidence that
I am prepared to be
successful in whatever
field I choose.”
C a i t l i n Ch e e s e m a n | H o n o r s
S p e c i a l i z at i o n i n N u t r i t i o n
and Dietetics, Major in Food
M a n ag e m e n t | Wat e r l o o ,
O n ta r i o , C a n a da
Undergraduate Viewbook | 2 5
From Day 1, Brescia is focused on your future. We offer resources that
will help you launch your career—from interactive workshops like our
Career Development Series, where you’ll learn job search strategies
and other skills, to Career Peers, a team of upper-year student leaders
who will provide on-the-spot review of your resume and cover letters.
a symbol of success
When you graduate, the Principal will
present you with your Brescia ring. It
will forever remind you of your time at
Brescia, from fun times with friends to
wisdom-filled moments, to all that you
learned and take out into the world.
Mentoring Progr am
A g r e at way to e x p l o r e you r ca r e e r
o p t i o n s i s to co n n e ct w i th p e o p l e
“My experience at Brescia gave me the
confidence to start and run my own
business. The all-female atmosphere is a
huge benefit. The women I met at Brescia
still inspire me all these years later.”
H e at h e r R e i e r ’ 9 6 | P o l i t i c a l S c i e n c e |
F o u n d e r a n d c eo | C a k e B e au t y (c a k e b e au t y. c o m )
i n th e co m m u n i ty who a r e d o i n g
what you wa n t to d o . T h r ou g h ou r
P r o f e s s i o n a l M e n to r i n g P r o g r a m ,
you ’ l l b e m atch e d w i th a B r e s c i a
a l u m n a o r co m m u n i ty m e m b e r who
w i l l s p e n d t i m e e ach m o n th h e l p i n g
you to d e v e l o p you r s k i l l s wh i l e
s ha r i n g th e i r e x p e r i e n c e s .
2 6 | Brescia University College
Undergraduate Viewbook | 2 7
All the information you need to apply to Brescia is available online at Our regular
academic term begins in September, though select programs offer start times in January. You can apply to Brescia year-round.
For Ontario High School Students
International high school applicants
Tr ansferring to Brescia
If you are applying to Brescia and live outside of Canada, you will be
From College: To be considered for admission, you must have:
evaluated under the admission requirements unique to your country
• Completed or are currently completing the first year of a General Arts
and your area of study. Admission requirements for the International
Baccalaureate (IB) program are as follows:
• Successful completion of the IB diploma
• Passes in a minimum of 6 subjects, of which 3 must be at the higher level
• A grade total of 26 (bonus points to a maximum of 3 will be
• Completed or currently completing a two-year or three-year CAAT
Admissions team for more information if you are applying to Family
the final year of the IB program
Family Studies, Families and Communities,
Nutrition and Families
ENG4U required for BA; SCH4U or SCH3U
recommended for Nutrition and Families;
required for BSc
Foods and
Nutrition and Dietetics, Foods and Nutrition,
Food Science and Technology, Foods and
Nutrition Dual Degree HBA—Apply year two
ENG4U, SBI4U, SCH4U and one of MCF3M
or MCR3U; MCV4U or MHF4U is strongly
recommended (SPH3U is recommended for
Food Science and Technology)
Health Sciences
BA Health Sciences, Community Rural
Health Development
ENG4U and SBI4U; One of: MHF4U,
MCV4U or MDM4U; SCH4U is recommended
BA Kinesiology
ENG4U; SBI4U; A 4U Math course is
recommended; A 3U or 4U Physics is
Leadership; apply under Social Sciences
Management &
Accounting, Food Management, Consumer
Behaviour, Non Profit Management
ENG4U; Two of: MHF4U, MCV4U or
MDM4U; SCH4U or SCH3U is recommended
for Food Management
Canadian Social and Environmental History;
Community Development; Community
Development in a Global Context; Community
and Criminal Justice; Criminal Justice;
Dimensions of Leadership; History; Political
Science; Psychology: Sociology
ENG4U; MHF4U is recommended for some
Psychology programs
Pre-university courses in Biology, Chemistry,
English, French, Geography, Leadership,
Mathematics, Physics, Religious Studies,
and Sociology
• Have the necessary prerequisite requirements in math or science,
Theory of Knowledge)
in the IB program on the basis of interim grades (a grade total of 26) in
English Language and Literature, French
Language and Literature, French for Teaching,
Philosophy, Religious Studies, Spirituality and
Community Leadership
Diploma program with a minimum overall average of “B” (3.0 GPA)
depending on the program to which you apply. Please contact our
• O ffers of early provisional admission are granted to students registered
Average for
and Science, Pre-Health Science, or Human Services Foundation
Certificate program with a minimum overall average of “B” (3.0 GPA);
awarded for the successful completion of the Extended Essay and
• No mark less than 4
Available Concentrations of Study
Ontario High School Requirements
and Recommendations
Studies (BSc), Foods and Nutrition, Kinesiology, or Management
and Organizational Studies
To be considered for potential transfer credits you’re currently
completing or have already completed:
• Admission scholarships will be based on diploma results
• A two- or three-year CAAT Diploma program
For more information, visit
• Achieved an average of “B” (3.0 GPA)
• You may receive a maximum of 3.0 transfer credits for a two-year
Diploma program or 5.0 credits for a three-year Diploma program.
Out- of- Province High School Applicants
If you’re applying from a Canadian province outside of Ontario,
you must present admission requirements specific to your province.
Conditional offers are extended if you have a minimum of a 78% midyear average, although limited enrolment programs may require higher
admission averages. Your admission average is calculated based on
your best academic courses, including English. Some programs may
require background in math and/or science. Please connect with our
Admissions Office to confirm your eligibility. For more information
visit our web site at
requirements/out_of_province_high_school for information about
their provincial requirements.
Advanced Pl acement Ex ams
From University: If you have a minimum overall average of 70% at your
previous accredited university, you will be considered for transfer to Brescia.
• We will assess your admission eligibility and your previous course
work to determine which credits can be transferred.
• Advanced standing may be granted for courses completed at another
university with a minimum mark of 60%.
• We will assess your application on an individual basis and can
transfer a maximum of 10.0 courses.
• You may be required to submit official course outlines/syllabi to
determine a course equivalency at Brescia
• Transfer credit is subject to department approval
Social Sciences
International Transfer: If you had a minimum overall average of
Transfer credits may be granted for Advanced Placement (AP) courses
70% at your previous accredited university, you will be considered for
with a grade of 4 out of 5. All transfer credits are subject to faculty
transfer to Brescia. Please contact our Admissions Office to see if your
approval. Some AP courses may not be eligible for transfer credits.
institution qualifies for transfer to Brescia.
A maximum of 2 may be awarded per student.
Year (co-ed)
English L anguage Proficiency
Homeschooled Applicants
You must be proficient in written and spoken English to be admitted to
Brescia welcomes homeschooled applicants, whom we assess on an
Brescia. If English is not your first language and you have not lived or
individual basis. You will need to submit some/all of the following:
studied in an English environment, you’ll be required to provide proof
• Transcript of grades
• Standardized testing results (ACT or SAT)
• Portfolio
70% based on entire
high school transcript
**Admission averages are based on the 2015 admissions cycle. Applicants who meet the minimum average are not guaranteed admission.
of your English language abilities, such as: TOEFL Internet-based
(iBT), paper-based (PBT), or the TWE, MELAB, IELTS, CanTest, CAEL,
and Cambridge English. Brescia University College offers conditional
admission to our programs after successful completion of English
language training through one of our ESL partners, CultureWorks, Fanshawe
College, and the English Language Centre at Western University.
L e a r n m o r e o n ou r w e b s i t e o r co n tact ou r a d m i s s i o n s o f f i c e r s
w: | e: | t: 519.858.5151
To learn more, email our Admissions Office at
2 8 | Brescia University College
Undergraduate Viewbook | 2 9
Scholarships for Canadian High School Students
Board of Trustees Continuing Scholarship
Offered to the top
three students in the
entering class
Full Academic Tuition
Principal’s Entrance Scholarship
91.0% +
Academic Dean’s Entrance Scholarship
Brescia Faculty Entrance Scholarship
Brescia Entrance Scholarship
for Academic Excellence
Brescia Merit Entrance Scholarship
All above scholarships are automatically assessed based on final admission averages with the possibility for renewal up to four years.
International Baccalaureate Students
Diploma Score
Principal’s Entrance Scholarship
38 +
Academic Dean’s Entrance Scholarship
Brescia Faculty Entrance Scholarship
Brescia Entrance Scholarship
for Academic Excellence
Brescia Merit Entrance Scholarship
International Entrance Scholarship
Sister St. Anne Lachance
International Student Scholarship
Brescia Community Leader Award
Four (based on application
demonstrating community
involvement and leadership)
(Entrance and General Bursaries range from $200-$2000 each)
90.0% +
80% or above
$6,000 and a double room
in Brescia Residence
A wide range of scholarships are
available to you—from $1,000 to
full tuition
in entrance bursaries
in general bursaries
Applicant must have an offer of
admission from Brescia
If you reside in Ontario, you may
apply for a student loan and grants
Fo r a f u l l l i s t o f s cho l a r s h i p s ava i l ab l e to n e w s tu d e n t s , v i s i t
Canadian Permanent Resident*)
Preliminary Year: $7,534.91
Year 1: $7,624.91
(Full-Time , International*†)
Preliminary Year: $15,262.39
Year 1: $25,275.07
†Please note the Brescia
International Bridging Program
is required for all students who are
Canadian citizens or permanent
residents living abroad. The
program is included in your fees.
Residence Fees*
Single room with shared
en suite: $7,350
Scholarship Information
Double room: $5,850
Premium single: $8,050
Meal Plan A: $3,725
Through paid positions on campus,
you’ll receive income and valuable
work experience
tuition fees (Full-Time ,
*Estimate for tuition fees based on
2015–2016 fees; subject to change.
Work Study program
Academic Requirements
Tuition & fees
Tuition Fees
Canadian students who are
new to Brescia may apply for a
non-repayable entrance bursary
of $500-$2,000
Other Entrance Awards
Number Awarded
in total bursaries awarded
All scholarships are automatically assessed based on final grades and may continue up to four years.
International High School Students
snapshot of 2014-15 academic year
in donor funded
IB Scholarships are awarded based on final diploma scores (with up to 3 bonus points). All scholarships may continue for up to four years,
and will be based on final grades.
We’re committed to
providing the financial
assistance you need to
make your Brescia
education affordable.
In fact, we’re known
for our outstanding
scholarship program.
For example, most of
our scholarships
are automatic and
awarded to incoming
students in automatic
entrance Scholarships
awarded to Brescia
students in continuing
in additional
Scholarships and
Students are enroled in Meal Plan A,
but for a heartier meal plan,
contact the Business Office and
enrol in Meal Plan B ($3,925). Meal
Plan dollars are nonrefundable.
*Estimate for residence fees
based on 2015–2016 fees; subject
to change.
3 0 | Brescia University College
Undergraduate Viewbook | 3 1
some see bossy.
i see bold.
Open Houses
Open Houses are a great way to learn more
about Brescia. We offer:
Fall Preview Day 2015
Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015
sw ontario
Important Dates
Port Huron
March Break open house 2016
Saturday, March 12, 2016
january 13, 2016
Deadline for OUAC 101 applications
Niagara Falls
L e a h G e e ta n | N u t r i t i o n a n d
Fa m i li e s | Tr i n i da d
June 1, 2016
Community Leader Award application deadline
Sept. 25–27, 2015
Ontario Universities Fair
June 1, 2016
Deadline for students to respond to offers of admission
“I knew Brescia was the
place for me when I saw
other young women being
active leaders in this closeknit community. They were
leaving their mark and
inspiring others every day.
I wanted to be that type
of leader, too.”
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Ontario
April 2, 2016
40 km
Brescia—just a 2-hour drive
to Detroit and Toronto!
Take the Lead, Final Round
Public Speaking Contest
Leah Geetan
The number of steps
from Brescia to Western—
a mere 5 minute walk.
When Leah Geetan attended Summer Orientation
Days (SOD), she was given a campus tour by a student
ambassador who inspired Leah to be a bold leader,
too. During her time at Brescia, she has worked
for the university, volunteered as an International
Bridging Program facilitator, and held several
executive positions in a variety of extracurricular
clubs, including President of Brescia’s professional
development network, The PINK Ties.
You can take a campus tour
Monday through Friday at 10:30 a.m.
and 1:30 p.m. To schedule a tour,
contact us at or
call 519.858.5151. You can also book
a tour online at
admissions/visit-us .
Visit us online at
3 2 | Brescia University College
Undergraduate Viewbook | 3 3