2015 Luigi Micheletti Award: European Museums for the Future

2015 Luigi Micheletti Award: European Museums for the Future
Creative museums for smart citizens
Brescia, Italy
7-8-9 May 2015
REGISTER by completing this form (one per participant) in BLOCK LETTERS and return to Mrs
Stefania Itolli, Miss Anna Ghirardi: segreteria@luigimichelettiaward.eu, Fondazione Luigi Micheletti,
via Cairoli 9 - 25122 Brescia Italy Tel. +39 030 48578 - Fax +39 030 45203.
Please also send a copy to Ann Nicholls, EMA Co-ordinator ann.n1493@gmail.com
First name ……………………………………………… Second name
Institution ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……
Postal address ……………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………….……
E-mail address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
Name for conference badge ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Accompanying persons:
First name ………………………………………………. Second name ……………………………………………………………………
First name ……………………………………..……… Second name …………………………………………………………………..
Full conference: € 150 - early registration € 110, if before 1 March.
One day: € 70 - early registration € 50, if before 1 March.
After you have registered you will receive an invoice from Fondazione Luigi Micheletti for this
amount, which will include bank details.
fondazionemusil - Via Cairoli 9 - 25122 Brescia, Italia - Tel. +39 030 3750663 - Fax +39 030
2404554 - fondazione@musil.bs.it
Signed: ………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………….…………
We have selected some hotels to give you information on price (per night) and location.
Best Western Hotel Master www.hotelmaster.net
Bed and breakfast in a single room € 95,00
Bed and breakfast in a double room € 120.00
The hotel is near the heart of Brescia, just a few steps from the Santa Giulia Museum.
Hotel Master, Via Luigi Apollonio 72, cap 25128
e.mail: info@hotelmaster.net
Centro Congressi Paolo VI, http://www.centropastoralepaolovi.it/
The price per night includes a parking space:
Bed and breakfast in a single room € 60.00
Bed and breakfast in a DUS (double room for single use) room € 70.00
Bed and breakfast in a double room € 75.00
The hotel is in an historic building in the heart of the city near the Santa Giulia Museum and the
main city squares.
Centro Paolo VI, Via Calini Gezio, 30, 25121 Brescia
Tel. +39 030 3773511 - Fax. +39 030 48229
E-mail: segreteria@paolovi.it; ricevimento@paolovi.it
Relais Il Leoncino, http://www.illeoncino.it/
Bed and breakfast in a single room is € 48.00.
Bed and breakfast in a double room is € 60.00.
The B&B is a 15-minute walk from the centre and from the railway station.
Relais Il Leoncino, Viale Italia 19, 25121 Brescia
Tel: +39 030 8080235; mobile: +39 349 4569031
Email: info@illeoncino.it
fondazionemusil - Via Cairoli 9 - 25122 Brescia, Italia - Tel. +39 030 3750663 - Fax +39 030
2404554 - fondazione@musil.bs.it
Participants should send their reservation requirements to the MUSIL Foundation OR
make their own reservations directly with the hotel, quoting ‘Micheletti Award’ for this
special price.
The Railway Station (Stazione) is close to the city centre, just 15-20 minutes on foot to Piazza
Loggia. If you prefer, you can get bus nr 1 or 2 to reach the city centre.
Brescia is on the Trenitalia railway line Milan-Verona-Venice (Frecciabianca and Frecciargento
Connections to Lake Iseo and the Camonica Valley are run by Ferrovie Nord
Trenitalia tel. 892021 (toll free) http://www.trenitalia.com/
Ferrovie nord tel. 199 151 152 http://www.trenord.it/
Milan-Bergamo ‘Orio al Serio’, is served by Ryanair, and is 50 km from Brescia:
http://www.orioaeroporto.it/. The shuttle bus to Brescia Railway Station is run by the company
Autostradale www.autostradale.it/.
Verona ‘Valerio Catullo’, 60 km from Brescia: http://www.aeroportoverona.it/, connections to
Brescia by train and shuttle bus.
Milan-Linate ‘Forlanini’, 100 km from Brescia: www.milanolinate.eu/it connections to Brescia by
train and shuttle bus.
fondazionemusil - Via Cairoli 9 - 25122 Brescia, Italia - Tel. +39 030 3750663 - Fax +39 030
2404554 - fondazione@musil.bs.it
The city of Brescia, 149 metres above sea level, lies at the foot of the hills below the Pre-Alps,
almost at the mouth of the Trompia valley. It is bordered to the north-east by Cidneo Hill, an
extension of Mount Maddalena, which rises to the east. There are very pleasant panoramic roads
which climb the slopes of the hilly zone of the Ronchi amid varied almost Mediterranean
Since the beginning of the 20th century, in the presence of vigorous industrial growth, the city has
been expanding. The demolition of the city walls, which began towards the end of the previous
century and the urbanization of the green areas which separated the old city centre from outlying
villages, destroyed the original conformation of the town. The wide ring roads, built where the
walls once stood, connect the different districts and ease the traffic in the town, which still has an
historic city centre quite different from the newer parts.
Today the population of Brescia is about 200,000 - the same number as at the end of the postwar
period. It is the second most important city in Lombardy and capital of a province with a
population of over a million. With a territory of which more than half is mountainous, it has
become one of the most industrialised areas of Italy.
Brescia combines the efficiency of a modern town with the attractions of a historic city full of art
treasures and offers the visitor the pleasure of strolling through a fascinating urban setting which
reveals its past history. A number of judicious improvements have been made, from setting up
pedestrian areas and providing plants and benches for gardens and streets, to the work carried out
in the quiet residential area surrounding one of the major museum complexes in Italy: Santa
Giulia - the City Museum with 12,000 m² of exhibition space. It was opened to the public in 1999
and since 2011 it is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List for the serial site Longobards in
Italy. Places of the power (568-774 AD).
fondazionemusil - Via Cairoli 9 - 25122 Brescia, Italia - Tel. +39 030 3750663 - Fax +39 030
2404554 - fondazione@musil.bs.it
EXPO 2015
The 2015 Micheletti Award Meeting and Ceremony will be held in the town of Brescia, seat of the
Micheletti Foundation and the sister organization Museum of Industry and Labour FoundationMUSIL.
Brescia is located about 45-60 minutes from Milan and connected by train to Milan’s airports as
well as to the low cost flights airport of Bergamo-Orio al Serio, which is less than 30 minutes by
bus or train from Brescia. The train line (www.trenitalia.com) is the one from Milan to Venice via
Verona and Lake Garda, so there is the chance to plan nice excursions at a distance of no longer
than two hours by train.
The date of our event in Brescia is 7-8-9 May 2015, the same week that the great Universal
Expo 2015 will be open in Milan under the theme ‘Feed the Planet’, a great event not to be missed.
145 countries will be present and among them certainly also YOUR country. To know more about
this event you can visit the website http://www.expo2015.org/
Every country has organised its pavilion and programme independently, but in addition to what
will happen within the precincts of the EXPO, Milan will be full of cultural international events
which will profit from the special visibility offered by the large number of visitors expected (about
20 million people) .
Expo in città is the project developed by the Municipality and the Milan Chamber of Commerce that
coordinates and promotes the offer of cultural and recreational initiatives, and which will be held
inside the metropolitan area during Expo 2015. Expo in città manages a virtual catalogue of the
spaces and locations available for these events, offering a unique supporting service for obtaining
the necessary permits and
licences. Some of the venues are expensive but others are at very
affordable prices. The catalogue is available at the following website: http://it.expoincitta.com/.
fondazionemusil - Via Cairoli 9 - 25122 Brescia, Italia - Tel. +39 030 3750663 - Fax +39 030
2404554 - fondazione@musil.bs.it
EMA is a non-profit Foundation established to reflect museums at the international level, to
promote research on museography and museology as a high cultural activity, to provide
constructive criticism and promote discussion on new exhibitions and museums, and to diffuse
museological knowledge and ideas among members of the profession. It aims to promote the
conception and development of new as well as of traditional museums as tools of social change.
The Micheletti Award is organised to illustrate best museum practice, in co-operation with the Luigi
Micheletti Foundation. Thirty-one countries are currently represented within the EMA organisation.
The MUSIL – Museum of Industry and Labour of Brescia is dedicated to industry as a social fact
and main force of Italy's modernization. It includes the following centers:
- the Museum of Industry and Labour of Rodengo Saiano, in Franciacorta, a store open to the public
with a permanent exhibition dedicated to cinema ad cartoons;
- the Museum of the Hydroelectric power, in the middle of the Valle Camonica, in a big building
which is a symbol of the modernity of the 20th century;
- the Museum of Iron, located in an old forge in Brescia, totally intact and intended to keep a
thousand year old tradition alive.
THE LUIGI MICHELETTI FOUNDATION (Fondazione Biblioteca Archivio Luigi Micheletti)
The Foundation (established in 1991 in Brescia) is a research centre specialising in 20th-century
history. Scientific research covers ideologies of the 20th century, wars, the ambivalence of
technical progress, industrialization and labour, conspicuous consumption, the origin of
environmentalism. The ideological, social and material contemporary history, led by international
researches and conferences, is linked to a rich collection: writings, postcards, photos, posters,
videos, audio documents, but also objects, furniture and machines. It is in this context that the
MUSIL – Museum of Industry and Labour – was created, in order to focus on the recovery of
productive plants and whole urban areas.
fondazionemusil - Via Cairoli 9 - 25122 Brescia, Italia - Tel. +39 030 3750663 - Fax +39 030
2404554 - fondazione@musil.bs.it
20th edition of the Luigi Micheletti Award 2015
Brescia, 7-8-9 May 2015
Thursday, May 7
Museums for Life. Exhibiting Food and Land
10.00 – 13.00 Museum of Science and Technology “Leonardo da Vinci”, Milan
An international trip through the museums of food and agriculture - with Expo, looking over Expo.
With the participation of:
Roberto Maroni, President of Regione Lombardia
Alberto Meomartini, President of Musei d'Impresa Association
Invited (provisory list): Archivio e Museo Storico SAME - Treviglio (Bg), Archivio Storico Barilla Parma, Collezione Branca - Milano, European Roots of Oil and Wine, Galleria Campari - Sesto San
Giovanni (Mi), Gelato Museum Carpigiani - Bologna, Herring Era Museum - Siglufjordur (Iceland),
Musei del Cibo - Parma, Museo Mumac - Binasco (Mi), Museo Ricci Curbastro - Capriolo (Bs),
Museum of Industrial Oil production (Lesbos, Greece), Strada del Vino della Franciacorta, Erbusco
(Bs) [...].
In collaboration with: Regione Lombardia, Museum of Science and Technology “Leonardo da Vinci”,
Musei d'Impresa Association, Provincia di Brescia.
Creative welcome with HERITAGE IN MOTION 2015
19:00 Palazzo Martinengo-Colleoni
Multimedia event in collaboration with creative groups of the territory - a welcome to the guests
between heritage and new cultural codes – City of Brescia, Brescia Musei Foundation, Laba
Accademy, Industry Association of Brescia (AIB ). Master Class by Sonic Arts Award (Roma).
Presentation of Heritage in Motion 2015, organized by EMA and Europa Nostra.
In collaboration with: AIB – Association of Brescia Industrials.
fondazionemusil - Via Cairoli 9 - 25122 Brescia, Italia - Tel. +39 030 3750663 - Fax +39 030
2404554 - fondazione@musil.bs.it
Friday, May 8
Luigi Micheletti Award 2015: Presentation of the participants
9:00 White Room at Museum Santa Giulia
Guest of honour: Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Consiglio d’Europa
Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities
Cristina Cappellini, Department of Culture of Regione Lombardia
Keynote Speech: J. Patrick Greene, CEO of Museum Victoria, Melbourne
12:00 Lunch
Excellence in Museums. Twenty Years of Luigi Micheletti Award
14:00 White Room at Museum Santa Giulia
Daniele Jalla, President of ICOM Italia
Profiles of Success: stories of winners of Luigi Micheletti Award. With Agua Museu (Cornellà
de Llobregat, Spain), DASA (Dortmund, Germany), Ekomuseum Bergslagen (Sweden – to
be confirmed), Herring Era Museum - Siglufjordur (Iceland), Idrija Municipal Museum
(Slovenia), Jaermuseet – Naerbo (Norway), Riverside Museum (Glasgow), Science Museum
(Coimbra, Portugal), TIM - Textil and Industry Museum (Augsburg, Germany) [...].
Presentation of Report “Luigi Micheletti Award 1996-2015”.
In collaboration with: City of Brescia, Brescia Musei Foundation, Provincia di Brescia.
in in
15.30 White Room at Museum Santa Giulia
Award ceremony of the competition European Heritage in Motion, organized by EMA and Europa
Inauguration of the new exhibition at the Museum Santa Giulia and Quarta Cella at
17:00 Brescia, Museum Santa Giulia – Capitolium
fondazionemusil - Via Cairoli 9 - 25122 Brescia, Italia - Tel. +39 030 3750663 - Fax +39 030
2404554 - fondazione@musil.bs.it
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Museums at Work: Conferences, Projects, Ideas
10:00 MUSIL – Museum of Hydroelectric Power of Cedegolo
Parallel sessions
1 - Towards the 24th General Conference of ICOM, Milan 2016
With the participation of: Alberto Garlandini (Executive Board)
2 - Museums and Digital Creativity
In collaboration with: PIN Prato, Brescia Museum Foundation, Europeana Creative.
3 - History at Museum. Sharing our experiences
In collaboration with Euroclio (European network of history teachers) and WorkLab (International
Association of Labour Museums).
Lectio Magistralis: ‘Quality of life and Creative Museums’ - Jorge Wagensberg, Professor of
Irreversible Processes Theory at the Faculty of Physics, , University of Barcelona and Manager,
Hermitage Barcelona Project.
12:30 INAUGURATION of a restaured area of the Cedegolo Museum.
Bio-local lunch
15:00 Guided tour of MUSIL Rodengo Saiano
Award Ceremony of the Luigi Micheletti Award 2015
18:00 Salone Vanvitelliano - Palazzo della Loggia
Delivery of Luigi Micheletti Award and DASA Award.
Gala Dinner
20:00 La Sosta Restaurant
fondazionemusil - Via Cairoli 9 - 25122 Brescia, Italia - Tel. +39 030 3750663 - Fax +39 030
2404554 - fondazione@musil.bs.it
fondazionemusil - Via Cairoli 9 - 25122 Brescia, Italia - Tel. +39 030 3750663 - Fax +39 030
2404554 - fondazione@musil.bs.it