AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 1 O N FI D EN TI AL Sci-Fi and CHI, HCI, UX: Past, Present, Future U PA 中 国 C Aaron Marcus, President, Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc. 1196 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1F, Berkeley, California 94708-1640,USA Tel: +1-510-601-0994, Fax: +1-510-527-1994 Email:, Web: Facebook: LinkedIn: Twitter: Ebook: AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 2 Lecture Objective and Agenda: Mission Impossible! AL Objectives: Survey topic, Discuss issue EN TI N FI D Agenda: My personal connection to Sci-Fi HCI and Sci-Fi taxonomies Early Sci-Fi/HCI cinema and video Tour of recent cinema Further issues and some conclusions U PA 中 国 C O AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 3 Future Vision from the Distant Past: Roger Bacon, c. 1260 CE/AD AL “Machines may be made by which the largest ships, with only one man steering them, will be moved faster than if they were filled with rowers; wagons may be built which will move with incredible speed and without the aid of beasts; flying machines can be constructed in which a man…may beat the air with wings like a bird…machines will make it possible to go to the bottom of seas and rivers.” U PA 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI [De secretis operibus, c. 4. ed. Cit. 533; cf. L. Thorndike, History of Magic and Expermental Science, ii (1929), 654-5; F. Boll, “Technische Träume des Mittelalters”, Die Umschau, xxi (1917, 678-80, all cited in White, Lynn, Jr. (1962). Medieval Technology and Social Change. London: Oxford, p. 134.] AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 4 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI Optimistic vision; robots rule U PA AL Sci-Fi in the 1950s: Post WW2 Utopian Kitsch AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 5 Personal Credentials and History: Sci-Fi in the 1950s FI D N O C 国 Radical, hydroscopic, lunar-dimensional, superspectrum, sinusoidal tabulating- operating-system communication-radio Short nickname: the Goo-goo machine 中 EN TI AL Dreaming of the future in Omaha, Nebraska, USA U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 6 Personal Credentials and History: Sci-Fi in the 1950s 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Drawing HCI images for high-tech rocketry U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 7 Personal Credentials and History: CHI 92, CHI 99, Cyberpunk to CHI 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Bruce Sterling, Verner Vinge, etc. imagine future U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 8 EN TI FI D N O C 国 中 Hardware Software User community Content Metaphors Mental models Navigation Interaction Appearance U PA AL Taxonomy of HCI AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 9 EN TI FI D N O C 国 中 Genre Story narrative Technology Society Temporal view Culture Hardware Software Medium U PA AL Taxonomy of Sci-Fi AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 10 Combining HCI and Sci-Fi Analysis AL Analyzing HCI and Sci-Fi taxonomies combined -> too much complexity (work for future PhDs) Limited lecture objective: Examine selected examples of what science fiction movies (and some videos) have chosen to show of world of HCI and “our” HCI issues, objectives, and technologies U PA 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI Movie challenge: must design/build full perceptual experience of hardware and “imply” software Verbal literature: focus more easily on thoughts, physical details; movies must show backgound AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 11 Selected Sci-Fi/HCI Topics AL EN TI FI D U PA 中 N O C Assumptions about “users” Connection Control panels Cultural diversity Hardware: phones, display terminals, heads-up displays, body suits, etc. Information visualization Speech/audio User-centered design Visual displays: transparency 国 AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 12 Themes to Consider What seems futuristic? Past vs. future? What masculine vs. feminine issues emerge? What people vs. machines issues emerge O N FI D EN TI AL 中 国 C What positive vs. negative views of technology emerge? U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 13 Selected Historical Examples AL EN TI FI D N O C 国 中 Earliest Sci-Fi films, 1895-1907 Metropolis, 1927 Flash Gordon, 1936 Superman: The Mechanical Monsters, 1941 Captain Video, 1951 Journey to the Center of Time, 1967 Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women, 1968 U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 14 Earliest Sci-Fi Films: French [via Wikipedia] AL La Charcuterie mécanique, Lumière Bros, FR,1895 FI D Gugusse et l'Automate, Georges Méliès, Director, starring Georges Méliès, France, 1897 C 中 A Trip to the Moon, Georges Méliès, Director, starring Georges Méliès, France, 1902 U PA Early “sci-fi” ; circus performer makes, fights with automaton 国 O N “First” sci-fi film, according to some; machine turns pig into pork EN TI “First” sci-fi film, uses innovative animation and special effects 20.000 Lieues Sous les Mers, Georges Méliès, Director, starring Georges Méliès, France,1907 One of first color film; female factory workers hand-tinted frames AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 15 Friz Lang’s Metropolis, 1927, Most Expensive Silent Film Ever Made 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Social themes, robots, classic controls, and TV! U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 16 Early Examples: Flash Gordon, 1930s “Videophones on the Wall” 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL 1936 vision of wall TVs vs. 2001’s from 1968 U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 17 “Mechanical Monsters,” 1941, Second Superman Animation 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Superman saves Lois, battles robots U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 18 Early Examples: Captain Video, 1950s 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL 1950s TV rocket-ship space-captain’s adventures U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 19 Journey to the Center of Time, 1967 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL “Classic” dials and gauges, and ritual inspections! U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 20 Mensch und Komputer, 2011 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Even in 2011, 1950s MMI stereotypes persist U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 21 Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women: 1968, Peter Bogdanovich, Dir. 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Low-budget film with 50s tech but men vs. women! U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 22 Recent Sci-Fi Cinema and HCI 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Lets look at more recent Cinema U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 23 Again: Selected Sci-Fi/HCI Topics AL EN TI FI D U PA 中 N O C Assumptions about “users” Connection Control panels Cultural diversity, species diversity Hardware: phones, display terminals, heads-up displays, body suits, etc. Information visualization Speech/audio User-centered design Visual displays: transparency 国 AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 24 Again: Themes to Consider What seems futuristic? Past vs. future? What masculine vs. feminine issues emerge? What people vs. machines issues emerge O N FI D EN TI AL 中 国 C What positive vs. negative views of technology emerge? U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 25 Blah 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Blah U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 26 Star Wars Series, 1977-2008 Director: George Lucas 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Dirty rockets, robots; HW, characters; not HCI U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 27 Terminator Series, 1984-2009 Action Hero: Arnold Schwarzenegger 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Robot vision impressive, HRI usually speech, faces U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 28 StarTrek (2366), TV 1966-69, Film 79Creator: Gene Roddenberry 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Voice Communicator, HCIs copied in Galaxy Quest U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 29 2001 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Movie scene U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 30 2001, 1968 (2001), 1/2, Writer: Clark, Director Stanley Kubrick 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Epic, sci realism, effects, min dalogue, no mobis! U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 31 2001, 1968 (2001), 2/2 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL 1960s styling, many conventional displays U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 32 Tron Legacy 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Screen image U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 33 Tron, Tron Legacy, 1982, 2010 Writer, Director: Steven Lisberger 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Retro replay of original, little HCI, mostly action U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 34 Brazil 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Sceen Image U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 35 Brazil, 1985 Director: Terry Giliam 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL 19th/21st century dystopian hi-tech tubes and HCIs U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 36 Total Recall 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Screen Image U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 37 Total Recall, 1990; Author: P.K. Dick Director: Paul Verhoeven 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Tech innovation, memorable scenes, if not HCI U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 38 Matrix 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Matrix full-screen scene U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 39 Matrix Trilogy, 1999 and 2003 Writer, Director: Wachowski Brothers 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Plugging in, industrial HW, fantasy wetware U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 40 eXistenZ 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Screen image U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 41 eXistenZ, 1999, 1/2 Director: David Cronenberg 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Video game worlds, biomorphic tech, bloody tech! U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 42 eXistenZ, 1999, 2/2 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Video game worlds, biomorphic tech, bloody tech! U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 43 21st Century Sci-Fi Cinema and HCI 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Present time catches up with the future! U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 44 Again: Selected Sci-Fi/HCI Topics AL EN TI FI D U PA 中 N O C Assumptions about “users” Connection Control panels Cultural diversity, species diversity Hardware: phones, display terminals, heads-up displays, body suits, etc. Information visualization Speech/audio User-centered design Visual displays: transparency 国 AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 45 Again: Themes to Consider What seems futuristic? Past vs. future? What masculine vs. feminine issues emerge? What people vs. machines issues emerge O N FI D EN TI AL 中 国 C What positive vs. negative views of technology emerge? U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 46 Minority Report (2054), 2002 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Screen image U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 47 Minority Report (2054), 2002; Author: P. K. Dick; Director: Steven Spielberg 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Hand gestures! Transparent displays! U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 48 Aeon Flux 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Movie scene U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 49 Aeon Flux (post-2011 virus), 2005 Director: Karyn Kusama 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Skin displays, M2M pills, whistles, drug worlds! U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 50 Ultraviolet 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Movie scene U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 51 Ultraviolet (2078), 2006 Writer, Director: Kurt Wimmer 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Paper phones, diagrams, innovative HCI! U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 52 Idiocracy 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Screen image U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 53 Idiocracy (2506), 2006: Director: Mike Judge 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Devolution of HCI: hilarious, appalling, scary U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 54 Blah 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Blah U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 55 Avatar (c. 2150), 2009 Writer, Director: James Cameron 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Male, metal, destruction vs. blue, female, connection U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 56 District 9 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Screen image U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 57 District 9, 2009 Director: Neill Blomkamp 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Inventive alien HCI, or ACI U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 58 Not Only Hollywood: Computer Industry Markets Demos of Future SciFi: limited UCD and realistic HCI HCI futurists also sometimes limited EN TI FI D N Benefit of increased contact with others side in development teams 中 Examples: Apple’s “Knowledge Navigator” demo (1992) AT+T’s Connections (1993) DARPA’s “Augmented Cognition” demo (2005) U PA 国 C O AL AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 59 Apple K-Navigator 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Fullscreen scene U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 60 Apple’s Knowledge Navigator, 1992 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Envisioning Steve, AI-speak, ethical controversy U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 61 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI Flexible, extended surfaces U PA AL AT+T Connections, 1993 AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 62 DoD: Augmented Cognition 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Screen image U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 63 DoD: Augmented Cognition, 2005 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Brain channel-overload sensors, auto media-shifting U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 64 Other Cultures: India and China AL What differences/similarities of Sci-Fi and HCI among Western, Chinese, or Indian cultures? N FI D Cross-Cultural Sci-Fi/HCI trends, patterns EN TI C O Hollywood influenced by Bollywood danding/songs and Hong-Kong action cinema, oriented to ex-USA sales U PA 中 国 Future Hollywood SciFi may be affected in future decades. Where will cross-cultural Sci-Fi/HCI go in future? AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 65 India: Rise of Cultural Icons 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL New interest in local comix heroes/heroines U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 66 India: Selected Sci-Fi Films, since 1952, 1/2 AL Kaadu (The Jungle), 1952, Tamil-American EN TI Kalai Arasi, c. 1960, Tamil N First Sci-Fi film in Tamil Nadu tells of expedition finding cause of strange behavior of animals: invasion of woolly mammoths FI D Aliens kidnap Earth girl to teach arts; hero rescues her C O 国 Karutha Rathrikal, 1967, Malayam Doctor takes revenge on uncle’s death with medicine he invented that creates split personality; first Malayam sci-fi film U PA 中 Jaithra Yaathra, 1987, Malayalam Scientist invents locket to make one invisible,battles villain. Koi... Mil Gaya, 2003, Bollywood Alien visits, a la E.T and Indian “ The Alien” AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 67 India: Selected Sci-Fi Films, since 1952, 2/3 O N Ailen visits India Mr. India, Hindi Superhero film, with super-hero Indian stars Krrish, Hindi U PA 中 FI D Patalghar, Bengali Alien Mr. Ang visits Bengali urbanite C EN TI AL The Alien, late 1960s, canceled 国 Superhero film Dasavathaaram, Tamil 3rd highest grossing Indian film, USA virus threatens earth AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 68 India: Selected Sci-Fi Films, since 1952, 3/3 EN TI AL Enthiran, Tamil Scientist makesRobot, lives with it, adds emotions; robo tfalls in love with his girlfirend; most expensive India film, highest grossing Action Replayy, Hindi Rudraksh, 2004, Hindi Action-adventure film based on Ramayana classical literature U PA 中 国 C O N FI D Bharathan, Malayam Aditya 369 , Tulugu [Source: Wikipedia, with apoloties to academia] AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 69 China: Brief, Selected History of Sci-Fi AL "Yueqiu Zhimindi Xiaoshuo" (月球殖民地小說), ("Lunar Colony"), 1904 FI D Jules Verne imported during late 19th, early 20th EN TI N Earliest original Chinese Sci-Fi writing 国 Zheng Wenguang, father of Chi Sci-Fi, wrote in 50s, 70s, e.g., "Flying to the Centaur" U PA 中 C O Tong Enzheng wrote "Death Ray on a Coral Island” made into China's first Sci-Fi movie, 1980 [Source: Wikipedia, with apologies to academia] AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 70 Death Ray on Coral Island 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Movie scene U PA AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 71 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI First Chi Sci-Fi, traditional HCI U PA AL Death Ray On Coral Island, 1980 Author: Tong, Enzheng [Dean Pickles:\\max-results=20] AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 72 Raise the Red Lantern, 1991 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Cited as like a Chinese Sci-Fi-like film U PA AM+A U PA 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 73 AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 74 Japanese Sci-Fi Films: A Selection 中 国 C O N FI D EN TI AL Ghost in the Shell (film) Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Godzilla 2000 Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla Godzilla vs. Biollante Godzilla vs. Destoroyah Godzilla vs. Gigan Godzilla vs. Hedorah Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II Godzilla vs. Megalon Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell Gunhed (film) Invasion of Astro-Monster Meatball Machine Memories (film) Message from Space Metropolis (anime) Mirai Ninja Neo Tokyo (film) Paprika (2006 film) Patlabor 2: The Movie Patlabor: The Movie Planzet Prophecies of Nostradamus Pyrokinesis (film) Redline (2009 film) The Return of Godzilla Returner RoboGeisha Rubber's Lover Sayonara Jupiter (film) Screamers (1995 film) U PA 1,778 Stories of Me and My Wife 20th Century Boys The 6 Ultra Brothers vs. the Monster Army 964 Pinocchio A.LI.CE Akira (film) Alien vs Ninja Andromedia Appleseed (film) Appleseed Ex Machina Arcadia of My Youth Assault Girls Avalon (2001 film) Battle in Outer Space Be Forever Yamato Casshern (film) Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Cyclops (1987 film) Daijōbu, My Friend Darkside Blues Dead Leaves Dead or Alive: Final Death Powder Dirty Pair: Project Eden Electric Dragon 80.000 V The End of Evangelion Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo The Face of Another (film) Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Final Yamato Full Metal Yakuza G.I. Samurai Gamera 2: Attack of Legion Gamera 3: Awakening of Irys Gamera vs. Zigra Gamera: Guardian of the Universe Gantz (live action films) Seth et Holth The Sky Crawlers (film) Solar Crisis (film) Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie Space Amoeba Space Battleship Yamato (2010 film) Space Battleship Yamato: Resurrection Space Brothers (manga) Specter (film) Starship Troopers: Invasion Steamboy StrayDog: Kerberos Panzer Cops Summer Time Machine Blues Taitei no Ken Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space Teito Monogatari Gaiden Terror of Mechagodzilla Tetsuo II: Body Hammer Tetsuo: The Bullet Man Time Traveller: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Toki o Kakeru Shōjo (1997 film) Toki o Kakeru Shōjo (1983 film) Tokyo: The Last War Venus Wars Vexille Virus (1980 film) The War in Space The War of the Gargantuas Wicked City (film) WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3 Yakuza Weapon Yamato: The New Voyage Zeiram AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 75 Sci-Fi and HCI: Closing Thoughts Sci-Fi lit/media have innovated and inspired HCI HCI usually a minor theme of Sci-Fi storytelling Sci-Fi cinema often avoids UCD issues, extremes O N FI D EN TI AL C Cross-Cultural Sci-Fi/HCI trends, patterns unexplored U PA 中 国 Tech world and film world can both benefit by listening, looking, and learning across boundaries Much to analyze, compare, contrast in detail, e.g., films vs. animations, social themes, etc. AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 76 References, Selected/Suggested AL EN TI 中 U PA 国 C FI D Google Images, with apologies to academia. Heads-up and GUIs of the Future: Marcus, Aaron. Personal collection of drawings, science-fiction books, magazines, videotapes and DVDs, 1950s-2010s. Robertson, Frank M. (2002). Art of Imagination: 20th Century Visions of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy. Portland, Oregon: Collectors Press. Science-fiction book trailers taxonomy: “Hogan, Ron [2008]. “Towards a Taxonomy of Science Fiction Book Trailers” [Checked 17 June 2011] Wikipedia, with apologies to academia. N Emchowicz, Antoni, and Nunneley, Paul (1999). Future Toys: Robots, Astronauts, Spaceships, Ray Guns. London. UK: New Cavendish Books. O AM+A Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.,, 77 O N FI D EN TI AL Sci-Fi and CHI, HCI, UX: Past, Present, Future U PA 中 国 C Aaron Marcus, President, Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc. 1196 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1F, Berkeley, California 94708-1640,USA Tel: +1-510-601-0994, Fax: +1-510-527-1994 Email:, Web: Facebook: LinkedIn: Twitter: Ebook: