160 Lo, I am with you 163 L’ajuda em vindrà Iona 1. Lo, I am with you to the end of the world; Lo, Taizé (Catalan) I am with you L’ajuda -em vindrà del Senyor, del Senyor, el nostre Déu, que ha to the end of the world; Lo, I am with you, fet el cel i la te - rra, el cel i la te - rra. L’a- (My help comes from the Lord, from the Lord our God who made heaven and earth). Lo, I am with you, Lo, I am with you to the end of the world. 2. Lo, I am with you in the struggle for peace. Lo, I am with you in the struggle for peace. Lo, I am with you, lo, I am with you, lo, I am with you in the struggle for peace. 3. Lo, I am with you when you suffer for love, lo, I am with you when you suffer for love. Lo, I am with you, lo, I am with you, lo, I am with you when you suffer for love. 4. Lo, I am with you in the changes of life, lo, I am with you in the changes of life. Lo, I am with you, lo, I am with you, lo, I am with you in the changes of life. 5. Lo, I am with you in the darkness of death, lo, I am with you in the darkness of death. Lo, I am with you, lo, I am with you, lo, I am with you in the darkness of death. 6. Lo, I am with you to the end of the world lo, I am with you to the end of the world, lo, I am with you, lo, I am with you, lo, I am with you to the end of the world. 164 Bóg jest miłością Taizé (Polish) Bóg jest mi – łoś - cią miejcie od wa-gę Bóg jest mi - łoś - cią. żyć dla mi-łoś-ci. Nie lę-kaj - cie - się. English: God is forgiveness. Dare to forgive and God will be with you. God is forgiveness. Love and do not fear. German: Gott ist nur Liebe. Wagt, für die Liebe alles zu geben. Gott ist nur Liebe. Gebt euch ohne Furcht. 161 Nkosi Sikelela i Africa (God, bless Africa) (Translation) God bless Africa, May her spirit rise high up. Hear our prayers, God bless us. God bless Africa, may her spirit rise high up. Hear our prayers, God bless our family. Chorus: Come spirit, come spirit, come spirit, holy spirit, God, bless us, your family Xhosa Nkosi sike le I’l Afri – ca Maluphakanylsw’ uphondo Iwayo Yizwa imithandazo yethu Nkosi 162 Frieden, Frieden Taizé (German) Frie- den, Frie - den hin-ter-las-se ich euch. sike-le - la Nkosi sike-le-la Thi – na lusapho Iwayo Wo-za mo-ya Wo-za sike - lela Woza Mei-nen Frie-den Wo-za moya ge- be ich euch. Euer Herz ver-za – ge nicht. (My peace I leave, my peace I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled). Wo-za moya Woza we - le O-yu - nge- sike - lela Woza. Nkosi Sike-le- la Thi - na lu - sapho Iwayo 165 Behüte mich, Gott 169 Give thanks Taizé (German) Be hü-te mich, Gott, ich vertraue dir, du zeigst mir den Weg zum leben. Bei dir ist Freude, Freude in Fül - le. Give thanks with a grateful Give thanks to the Holy Give thanks because He’s heart. One. Begiven Jesus (Keep me, O God, for I trust in You. You show me the path of life. With You there is fullness in joy). 166 Dona la pace Christ His Son. Give Son. And Taizé (Italian) now, Dona la pace Si – gno - re Dona la pace Si – gno - re, a chi confida in do - na la (Give peace, Lord, to those who trust in you) let the weak say ‘I am strong’, let the te. Dona, pa - ce. poor say ‘I am rich’, done us. for because of what the Lord has And now let the 2. Lord, I come to Your awesome presence,/ from the shadows in to Your radiance;/ by the blood I may enter Your brightness/ search me, try me, consume all my darkness./ Shine on me, shine on me. Chorus 3. As we gaze on Your kingly brightness,/ so our faces display Your likeness,/ ever changing from glory to glory,/ mirrored here may our lives tell Your story./ Shine on me, shine on me. Chorus x2 167 Lord, the light of your love (See 159) 1. Lord the light of your love in 168 I have decided to follow Jesus Jesus, set 1. I have de - ci - ded to follow the midst of the light us of free have de - ci - ded to follow the have de – ci - ded no turning back, world shining. shine upon you now us, bring us. Je - sus, me, shine on me. Je - sus, Shine Je - sus I shining, dark - ness, by the truth Shine on I is to follow Je - sus, land with blaze spirit shine, the fill Father’s blaze, this glory, set our hearts on fire. no turning back. 2. The world behind me, the cross before me, (3 times) No turning back, no turning back 3. If no one joins me, I still will follow, (3 times) No turning back, no turning back Flow, ri - ver, flow, na - tions Send forth your let there be flood the with grace and word, Lord, and light. mercy. 173 As the deer (Sperti Rusa - See 83) weak say ‘I am strong’, let the poor say ‘I rich’, because of what the Lord has done us. Give us. am for 1. As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after Thee. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship Thee. Chorus: You alone are my strength, my shield, to You alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship Thee. Give thanks. 170 Kasih Pasti (Love is) Indonesian Kasih pasti lemah lembut, Kasih pasti memaafkan, Kasih pasti murah hati, Kasih-Mu, Kasih-Mu Tuhan. Ajarilah kami ini saling mengasihi, Ajarila kami ini saling mengampuni Ajarila kami ini Kasih-Mu oh Tuhan, Kasih-Mu tulus tiada batasnya. (Love is certainly soft and gentle, forgiving, generous, your love, Lord. Teach us how to love each other, how to forgive, your love oh God is eternally sincere.) 2. (Indonesian) Sperti rusa rindu sungai-Mu Jiwaku rindu Engkau Kau lah Tuhan hasrat hatiku Kurindu menyembah-Mu Chorus (Indonesian): Engkau kekuatan dan perisaiku Kepada-Mu rohku berserah Kau lah Tuhan hasrat hatiku Kurindu menyembah-Mu. 3. I want You more than gold or silver, only You can satisfy. You alone are the real joy-giver and the apple of my eye. Chorus. 4. You’re my friend and You are my brother, even though You are a king. I love You more than any other, so much more than anything. Chorus. 172 Danos un corazón (Short version see 61) 171 Create in me a clean heart Spanish Danos un corazón, grande para amar; Danos un corazón, fuerte para luchar. Give us a heart, big enough to love; Give us a heart, strong enough to fight. Hombres nuevos, creadores de la historia, Constructores de nueva humanidad, Hombres nuevos que viven la existencia Como riesgo de un largo caminar. New men, creating history, Building a new humanity, New men living their life As a risk of a long walk Hombres nuevos, luchando en esperanza, Caminantes sedientos de verdad, Hombres nuevos sin frenos ni cadenas, Hombres libres que exigen libertad. New men, fighting in hope, Pilgrims thirsty of truth, New men without restraints or chains, Free men who demand freedom for others. Hombres nuevos, amando sin fronteras, Por encima de razas y lugar, Hombres nuevos al lado de los pobres, Compartiendo con ellos techo y pan. New men, loving without boundaries, Beyond races or places, New men alongside with the poor, Sharing with them roof and bread. Cre-ate in me a clean heart, O, and re-new a right spi – rit within ate in me a clean heart, and re-new a right spi – rit Cast me not away Cre- God. me. from your presence, take not your holy spirit from me. joy of your salvation. me. O, within God O Lord. Restore unto me And renew a right spirit within me. And the 174 Goodness is stronger than evil 178 Su ali d’aquila Words: Desmond Tutu Music: John Bell, Iona Goodness is stronger than e - vil; love is stronger than hate; Italian 1. Tu che abi - ti al ri - paro del Si - gnore e che dimori alla sua ombra, Light is stronger than dark - ness; Victory is ours, victory through him who loved us. life is is stronger than death. fu - gio, mia roc - cia Ref. E ti ri - al - ze - rà, ours d’a–qui –la di’al Signore: “Mio ri- su cui con - fi - do.” ti solleverà su ali ti reggerà sulla bre-zza dell’alba ti fa- us. rà brillar come il sole, 175 Nyanyilah dan menarilah co - si nelle sue mani vivrai. Indonesian Nyanyilah dan menarilah Bagi Sang Raja Nyanyilah dan menarilah Bagi Sang Raja Sing and dance for the King Sing and dance for the king. Angkatlah suaramu Pujilah Dia Tinggikan nama-Nya Sukacita bersoraklah Lift up your voice Praise Him lift His name on high rejoice and shout 2. Dal laccio del cacciatore ti libererà, e dalla carestia che distrugge poi ti coprirò con le Sue ali e rifugio troverai. Refrain. 3. Non devi temere I terrori della notte, ne’ freccia che vola di giorno mille cadranno al tuo fianco, ma nulla ti colpirà. Refrain. 4. Perché ai Suoi angeli ha dato un comando, di preservarti in tutte le tue vie, ti porteranno sulle loro mani, contro la pietra non inciamperai. Refrain. 1. You that live on the Lord’s shelter and that stay at his shadow. Say to the Lord: “My refuge, my rock in which I trust”. R. And he will lift you up, he will take you on eagle wings, he will hold you up, on the morning brezze he will make you shine like the sun, like that you will live on his hand. 2. He will freee you from the ropes of the hunter, and from the famine that destroys he will protect you. With his wings you will find refuge. 3. Do not be afraid of the dread of the 1. Era un giorno come tanti altri e quel giorno lui passò. Era un uomo come tutti gli altri, e passando mi chiamò. Come lo sapesse che il mio nome era propio quello Come mai volesse propio me nella sua vita, non lo so. Era un uomo come tutti gli altri, e quel giorno mi chiamo. 2. It was a day like so many others and that day he passed by. He was a man like so many others and passing by, he called me. Like he knew that was my name. How he ever wanted me in his life, I don’t know. He was a man like all others and that day he called me. R. Tu, Dio, che conosci il nome mio fa che ascoltando la tua voce io ricordi dove porta la mia strada nella vita, al incontro con te. R. You, God, who know my name. Make me remember, by listening to your voice, where my life path should take me, to meet you. 2. Era l’alba triste e senza vita e quel giorno lui passò. Era un uomo come tanto altri ma la voce quella no. Quante volte un uomo con il nome giusto mi ha chiamato, una volta sola l’ho sentito pronunciare con amor. Era un uomo come nessun altro e passando mi chiamò. Refrain 3. It was a morning, sad and without life and that day he passed by. He was a man like so many others but his voice was not. How many times a man has called me by my name, but only once I have heard my name pronounced with love. He was a man like no other, and passing by, he called me. 176 Vocazione (Italian) 1. Era un giorno sò. mò come Era un uomo tanti al - tri come e quel giorno lui pas- tutti gli altri, e passando mi chia- come lo sa pesse che il mio nome era come mai vo - lesse propio me nella sua Era un uomo come R. Tu, Dio, tutti propio quello vi-ta, non lo so. gli altri, e quel giorno mi chiamo. che cono - sci il no - me mio fa che 177 I will call upon the Lord I will call… I will call upon the Lord, Who is worthy to be praised. So shall I be saved from my enemies. The Lord liveth and blessed be my rock, And may the God of my salvation be exalted. (2 times) Ascoltan - do la porta la mia strada tua vo - ce io ri - cor-di dove ne – lla vita, al in - contro con te. R. E ti rialzerò, ti solleverò, su ali d’aquila ti reggerò, sulla brezza dell’alba ti farò brillar, come il sole, così nelle mie mani vivrai. night, and the arrows that flight on the day thousand will fall at your side, but none will hit you. 4. Because to his angels he has commanded to protect you during all your life. To carry you on their hands, against the rocks you will not stumble. 179 Tuhan menetapkan Indonesian Tuhan menetapkan langkah-langkah orang Yang hidupnya berkenan kepada-Nya Apabila ia jatuh, tak sampai terg’letak S’bab Tuhan menopang tangan-Nya Tangan-Nya tangan-Nya. S’bab Tuhan menopang tangan-Nya Apabila ia jatuh, tak sampai terg’letak S’bab Tuhan menopang tangan-Nya Psalm 37:23 It is the Lord who directs a man’s steps He holds him firm and watches over his path. Though he may fall, he will not go headlong, For the Lord grasps him by his hands. 182 Dios está aquí (God is here) Dios está aquí, Tan cierto como el aire que respiro Tan cierto como la mañana se levanta Tan cierto que cuando le hablo él me puede oir. God is here As certain as the air I breath As certain as the sun rises in the morning As certain that when I talk to him, he listens to me. Dios está aquí, Y el goza con la alabanza de su pueblo Pues se que nos está hablando y transformando hoy Nos manda su mensaje de amor. God is here, And he enjoys his people’s worship I know he is talking to us and transforming us He sends us his message of love. Dios está aquí, Se siente fuerte su presencia entre nosotros Mas fuerte y mas brillante que la luz del sol Por medio de su espíritu de amor God is here, You can feel strongly his presence between us Stronger and more brilliant than sunshine You can feel his spirit of love. 183 Behold what manner of love (Canon) Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us. That we should be called the children of God, that we should be called the children of God. 180 Gloria 2. Honour the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, Three in One, we sing our song to You. Peace to all people who rejoice in love and goodness. Three in One, our thoughts are full of You. Papua New Guinea On - a long Pa - pa na long Son na Ho - li Spirit God Tri- Chorus: We all sing our song to You, Praising You and sharing joy. Three in One, we sing our song to You. wan, mi - pe - la sing long yu. 3. In sun and moon and stars, in clouds and in the oceans, Three in One, we see Your beauty, Lord. Mountains and rivers, flowers, animals and people, Three in One, by these You are adored. 181 Take, O take me Gut ta im long Wan mi - ol man i lai - kim gut-pe - la pasin God Tri- Iona Take, O take me as I am; summon out what I shall be; LA set your seal up-on my heart and live in pe - la ting long I SING LONG YU, PRESIM yu. MI - PE- YU NA HA - MA - MAS, GOD TRI- me. WAN, MI - PE - LA SING LONG YU YU. 184 I will make you fishers 187 De noche (By night) Taizé (Spanish) Spanish I will make you fishers of men, De noche iremos, de noche que para encontrar la Sólo la sed nos alum fishers of men. I will make you fuente, fishers of men, bra, sólo la sed nos alumbra. De fishers of men, English. By night, we hasten in darkness, to search for living water, only our thirst leads us onward, only our thirst leads us onward if you follow Me, if you follow Me. If you follow 188 Da pacem … in diebus (canon) Taizé Da Me. I will make you fishers of men if you follow pacem Domine, da pacem O Christe, in di –e – bus nostris Me. (stris.) Da pacem Domine, (Grant us your peace, O Lord, grant us your peace, O Lord, may it fill all our days) da pacem O Christe, in die - bus no- 186 We will lay our burden down We will lay our burden down. 185 Change my heart, O God We will Change my make lay our burden down. We our burden down, in ver true, change my heart, O God, will I of be like You. the I the son God, e - You are hands of O it may lay heart, the am the pot - ter, clay, God. Mould me and this is make what me, I pray. 189 Yun Shang Tai Yang ( ) Chinese 192 Wij zijn het lichaam Iona Wu lun shi zhu zai, mei li de gao shan, Huo shi tang wo zai, yin an de you gu, English Dutch Dang ni tai qi tou, ni jiang hui fa xian, Zhu yi wei ni wo er yu bei, Yun shang 1. One is 1. Wij zijn one is the Spirit Eén Geest geeft leiding the bo - dy het lichaam and one en Eén is the Head, is het hoofd. by whom we are led; en roept tot ge - loof. one God and Eén God de Tai yang. Ta zong bu gai bian, Sui ran xiao yu sa zai lian shang, Yun shang Father, one faith and one call for all. Vader wij al - len ge - doopt in één hoop. Tai yang, ta zong bu gai bian, Ha, 1. Wu lun shi zhu zai, mei li de gao shan Huo shi tang wo zai, yin an de you gu, Dang ni tai qi tou, ni jiang hui fa xian, Zhu yi wei ni wo er yu bei, (x2) Refrain Yun shang tai yang, ta zong bu gai bian, Sui ra xiao yu sa zai lian shang, Yun shang tai yang, ta zong bu gai bian, Ha, ta bu gai bian. (x1) 1. Wu lun shi… (x1) Refrain (x2) ta bu gai bian. The sun above the clouds. No matter whether you live on a beautiful high mountain, or live in a dark valley. When you look up to the sky, you will find that Lord has already prepared everything for all of us. The sunshine above the clouds. It will always be there. Even when the rain is falling on your face. The sunshine above the clouds. It will always be there, it will always be there. 2. Christ who ascended to heaven above is the same Jesus whose nature is love, who once descended to bring to his earth new birth. 3. Gifts have been given well suited to each; some of the prophets, to pastor or preach, some, through the Gospel, to challenge, convert and teach. 4. Called to his service are women and men so that his body might ever again witness through worship through deed and through word to Christ our Lord. 4. Lord. 4. woord. 2. He comes the broken hearts to heal, the prisoners to set free. The deaf shall hear, the lame shall dance, the blind shall see. Chorus 190 Make way 3. And those who mourn with heavy hearts, who weep and sigh; with laughter, joy and royal crown, He’ll beautify. Chorus 1. Make way, make way, for Christ the King in splendour arrives. Fling 4. We call you now to worship Him as Lord of all. To have no gods before Him, their thrones must fall! Chorus wide the gates and welcome Him in - to your lives. Make 191 Tu sei sorgente viva Italian (Taizé) Tu sei sor - gente Vieni Spirito vi - va, tu sei fuoco, sei ca-ri - San - to, vieni Spirito tà. San- to. (You are the living source; You are fire and love. Come, Holy Spirit) way! Make way! for the King of kings. Make (Ladies: Make way!) (Make way!) (for the King of kings) way! Make way! And let His kingdom (Make way!) (Make way!) in. 193 Come now, O Prince of Peace (O-so-so) 196 Mothering God Iona Korea 1. Come now, O Prince of peace, come, O Je - sus, Lord 1. Come now, O prince of peace, make us one body, come, O Lord Jesus, reconcile your people. 2. Come now, O God of love, make us one body, come, O Lord Jesus, reconcile your people. 3. Come now and set us free, O God, our Saviour, come, O Lord Jesus, reconcile all nations. 4. Come Hope of unity make us one body, come, O Lord Jesus reconcile all nations. make us reconcile one your 1. Mothering God, you gave morning the world. me birth in the bright bo - dy, people. 1. O-so-so o-so-so, pyong-hwa-ui-im-gum, u-ri-ga han-mom i-ru-ge ha so-so. 2. O-so-so o-so-so, sa-rang ui-im-gum, u-ri-ga han-mom i-ru-ge-ha-so-so. 3. O-so-so o-so-so, cha-yu ui-im-gum, u-ri-ga han-mom i-ru-ge ha-so-so. 4. O-so-so o-so-so, tong-il ui-im-gum, u-ri-ga han-mom i-ru-ge ha-so-so. of breath, you are my rain, rain, my wind, my Creator, my wind, my sun.__ Source of sun. ev - ery You are my know.__ 194 This is the body of Christ Iona 195 God’s eye be within me Iona This is the body of Christ, broken that we may be God’s eye be with - in me, God’s foot be be - fore me, God’s spi – rit freedom be round me to shield and res - tore me. God’s to choose me, God’s justice to whole; liberate and promised by God, true to his fuse me, God’s word, purpose to this cup, as transform and use me. cradles our Lord: food for the good of the soul. 202 Sisters and brothers 2. Mothering Christ, you took my form, offering me our food of light, grain of life, and grape of love, your very body for my peace. Iona 3. Mothering Spirit, nurturing one, in arms of patience hold me close, so that in faith I root and grow until I flower, until I know; until I flower, until I know. English 1. Sisters and Dutch 1. Wees in uw and re - joice: kostbaar kind, 197 Beati voi poveri brothers, with one voice roeping eens ge - zind confirm you en zie in calling elk een each is God’s child and each God’s choice. door God ge – koes - terd en be - mind. Italian(Taizé) Be - a - ti voi poveri, perché vostro è il regno di Di-o. Be- Al - le - lu - ia! Al Hal - le - lu - jah! Hal - le - lu - ia! Al – le – lu - ia! le - lu - jah! Hal – le –lu - jah! ( How blessed the poor in heart, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven). 198 El alma que anda en amor Spanish(Taizé) El alma que_anda_en amor,ni cansa ni se cansa. El cansa. O_ (The soul filled by love, never tires others nor grows tired) O_ El 2. Strangers no more, but cherished friends, Live as the body God intends, Sharing the love the Spirit sends. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 3. Not tough by wisdom, wealth or skill, Nor by ourselves can we fulfil What, for the world, is God’s own will. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 4. Christ is the way. By him alone, Seeds of the kingdom’s life are sown, Patterns of heaven on earth are shown. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 5. Then follow him through every day. Fear not what crowds or critics say: Those on the move stir those who stay. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 6. In factory, office, home or hall, Where people struggle, strive or stall, Seek out and serve the Lord of all. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 2. Doelloze vreemden van weleer, Word levend lichaam van de Heer, Delend in liefde, meer en meer. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 3. Geen eigen wijsheid, geld of macht, Geen sluwe geest of demme kracht Breng naderbij wat God bedacht. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 4. Christus, die liefde heeft gedaan, Hij is de weg die moet gegaan, Een hemels spoor in aards bestaan. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 5. Volg Hem en wees op Hem gericht, Geef aan de spotters geen gewicht En ga de route van het licht. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 6. In de fabriekshal, thuis, op straat, Waar zo veel onrecht nog bestaat, Dien daar de Heer met hart en daa Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 200 Jesu tawa pano (Jesus we are here) Iona (Zimbabwe) Je - su ta - wa pa-no; Je - su 199 Brother let me be ta - wa pano; 1. Brother, let me be your servant, let me be as Christ to you; Je - su ta-wa pano; ta- wa pano, mu zi-ta re-nyu. pray that I may have the grace to let you be my Jesus, we are here, Jesus we are here, Jesus, we are here, Jesus we are here for you. 201 Cantarei ao Senhor Portuguese (Taizé) Cantarei ao Senhor, enquanto viver; louvarei o meu Deus enquanto existir. Nele en contro a minha ale –gri - a. Nele encontro_a minha ale - gri - a. ( All life long, for the Lord I will sing; while I live I will praise my God. My joy is in God). Canta- 2. We are pilgrims on a journey, and companions on the road; we are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load. 3. I will hold the Christ-light for you in the night-time of your fear; I will hold my hand out to you, speak the peace you long to hear. 4. I will weep when you are weeping; when you laugh I’ll laugh with you. I will share your joy and sorrow till we’ve seen this journey through. servant, too. 5. When we sing to God in heaven we shall find such harmony, born of all we’ve known together of Christ’s love and agony. 6. Sister, let me be your servant, let me be as Christ to you; pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant too. 7. Seeking and serving, with one voice, Confirm your calling and rejoice: Each is God’s child and God’s own choice. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 7. In liefdesdienst wees eensgezind, Wetend: elk is een koningskind, Door God gekoesterd en bemind. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 203 God to enfold you Iona English. God to Dutch. Gods groot en - fold you, Christ er - bar - men, Chris - Spi - rit to Geest van de keep lief - so may God grace Mo - ge ge - na - you de, you, de je in op to up - hold tus’ om – ar - hea - ven’s jou ge - you, men, sight; richt. heal and em - brace you, he - len en war - men, lead you through dark - ness in - to bren - gen door don - ker - te naar 204 Praise Him 1. Praise him, praise him, Praise him in the morning, Praise him in the noontime Praise him, praise him, Praise him when the sun goes down. 2. 3. 4. Love him… Trust him… Serve him… the het light. licht. 206 I believe in Jesus 205 If you believe and I believe Zimbabwe I believe in Jesus, I believe He is the Son of God. I believe He died and rose again, I believe He paid for us all. I believe that You’re here, standing in our midst. With the power to heal, and the grace to forgive. I believe in You, Lord, I believe You are the Son of God. I believe You died and rose again, I believe You paid for us all. I believe that You’re here now, standing in our midst. With the power to heal, and the grace to forgive. If you believe and I believe and we together pray, The Ho- ly Spirit must come down and set God’s people free, and set God’s people The 207 All heavens declare All heavens declare the glory of the Risen Lord. Who can compare with the beauty of the Lord. Forever he will be the lamb upon the throne I gladly bow the knee and worship him alone. I will proclaim the glory of the Risen Lord who once was slain to reconcile man to God. Forever You will be the lamb upon the throne. I gladly bow the knee and worship You alone. Holy free, and set God’s people free; Spirit must come down and set God’s people free.