Back Packet - Appleton Area School District




Lightning Link

Communicating to the Appleton North High School Community

August 2015 ● Volume 21 ● Issue 1

Main Office 832-4300 Absence/Appointment Line 832-4308 Guidance Office 832-4309

Appleton North Welcome Packet

Dear Parents and Students of North High School,

The 2015-16 school year is nearly here! I hope that your summer is going well and that you have had many opportunities to spend time with your family and friends. We’re eager to see our returning students and are looking forward to meeting and working with all of our new students and their families. I know that the coming school year will be filled with many exciting learning and growing opportunities for each and every one of you. Even though we have quite a few summer days left, the first day of classes will soon be here and this newsletter has a lot of important information about the many important events and dates on the horizon.

As implemented last fall, we will continue to have one daily bell schedule for our “typical” Monday through Friday week. Our school day begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 3:05 p.m. More importantly, our schedule includes a daily “I/E” time, which stands for “Intervention/Enrichment” time. This flexible period will allow students additional time to receive assistance from their teachers within the school day. It is flexible because in addition to being able to respond to academic intervention needs, students will be able to take advantage of enrichment opportunities as well. Though not exhaustive, some of the options for this time are making-up tests, labs and other class extensions, AP exam reviews, mini lessons, course explorations, college and career focus sessions, special guest speakers, peer tutoring, additional study, curricular activities, etc. We’re excited about the additional learning opportunities this time provides for all of our students!

The Appleton Area School District will continue our 1:1 technology program and will once again provide all high school students with a Chromebook for use during the academic school year. The distribution of these will occur during our

“I/E” time once school is underway. North’s Main and Student Services Office entrances were remodeled last summer as part of our District’s “school safety” improvement plan and these updates result in different entrance control measures. All students will have swipe access I.D.’s issued again this year, which allow for them to access our locked

Commons entrance doors during the school day. These I.D.’s need to be safeguarded and carried at all times while students are on campus. As an added convenience, families can directly access our Student Services Office from the

Ballard Road visitor parking lot during the day, in addition to coming directly into the Main Office of North.

Our “New to North” parent orientation and information meeting is scheduled on August 20 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the

North Auditorium. Much of what we will cover at this meeting will be information from our administrative team which was shared with all incoming families this past spring. All new families are welcome to attend, but we highly encourage those who are new to the community, have not attended an orientation session prior, or have not been on our campus before. We look forward to seeing you.


Appleton North High School ● 5000 N. Ballard Road ● Appleton, WI 54913 ● 832-4300

James Huggins, Principal

● Patrick Lee, Associate Principal ● David Pynenberg, Associate Principal

● Kevin Herrling, Activities Director

All future newsletters will again be posted online and we will alert you by phone message when the latest edition has been linked to our website. If you would prefer to have a printed copy of our school newsletter, we will gladly provide copies for our families in the Main Office. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the enclosed information. I encourage you to visit our school’s website often to stay connected with all that is going on at North:

As members of our “North Family” have come to realize, we have an awesome school environment to grow and learn.

Our staff will keep high expectations for our school and our students and are counting on you to partner with us in our pursuit of a successful educational experience for all children.

Go Lightning!

2015-16 Appleton North High School

Regular Monday-Friday Bell Schedule


James K. Huggins, Principal

2015-16 Calendar of Events is located at end of packet






7:30 - 8:18

8:23 - 9:11

9:16 - 9:46

Includes Late Starts, Early Dismissals,

No School Days, other Events, etc.

(dates/times subject to change.)

First Day of School:

Tuesday, September 1, 7:30 a.m.







9:51 - 10:39

10:44 - 11:32

11:37 - 12:25

12:30 - 1:18

1:23 - 2:11

2:16 - 3:05

Student Dress Policy, Revised June 2015

In an effort to keep the learning environment appropriate to a work setting, student dress must conform to the following minimum standards:

 Headgear (including hoods) may not be worn in the school building

Jackets, coats and gloves may not be worn in the building during school hours

Students must wear appropriate footwear in and around school at all times

No pants can be worn below the waist (undergarments may not be visible)

Students may not wear scanty or revealing clothing. Examples may include but are not limited to: short skirts or revealing shorts, clothing that exposes midriffs or undergarments

No garments which advertise or promote alcohol, tobacco products, or other drugs may be worn

No attire or accessory which by its design, use, or intended use, could cause bodily harm, property damage, or intimidation to other persons, may be worn. Examples may include but are not limited to: chains, leather straps, pet collars and spikes

No gang-related attire is allowed

Body markings or tattoos that do not meet the above standards must be fully covered

Since styles change, the administration reserves the right to determine what is inappropriate for the learning environment.

Whom Do I Contact at North High School

Student Services Office

Guidance Office

Main Office

James Huggins

Reporting an Absence

Leaving a message for a student

Discipline / Homework Requests

Work Permits



Enrollment/Testing: ACT/SAT/PSAT

24 Hr. Attendance/Absence Line / Calling in Appointments



832-4300 Ext. 4

832-4300 Ext. 4

Patrick Lee

David Pynenberg

Kevin Herrling

Associate Principal (Attendance & Discipline)

Appleton Career Academy Principal

Associate Principal (Curriculum & Instruction)


832-4300 Ext. 4

Associate Principal (Activities Director) 832-4300 Ext. 4

During the school year if you have an issue with a North staff member, please discuss your issue with the staff member first.

After discussing this concern with the staff member and you still have concerns about the resolution of your issue, please contact Mr. James Huggins or one of our Associate Principals. After looking into your concern, we will try to fairly resolve the issue in the best interest of the individual student and the maintenance of an orderly, consistent learning environment.

Central office administration will not review the problem until all efforts to resolve it at the site are exhausted.

North High School Year Office Hours

6:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Business, Guidance, & Student Services Office

District Website

The Appleton Area School District website: http://www. also provides a wealth of information including district calendars, Board of Education policies, curriculum for all courses, and access to all schools’ websites.

Notice of Intent to Release Student Directory Information

Student Directory Information is defined by law: student’s name, address, name of parent or legal guardian, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major fields of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight/ height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and previous school attended.

Schools may release any of the above information to any person if they have so notified the parents or legal guardian or guardian ad litem of the possibility of the release in a school newsletter (such as this article). If parents or guardians do not wish to have any or all of the categories of information released, they must notify the school by letter.

Directory data is typically requested by parent groups for inclusion in a school directory made available to parents and students of the school attended. Other requests may come from the media or other schools regarding athletic or other school activities. During the high school years, vendors for senior photographs, colleges and universities, the armed forces, and other interested entities may request directory information. Requests typically are for name and address, but may also include any of the categories listed above.

Please notify the Student Services Office in writing if you would not like this type of information released to the entities identified above.


Link Crew Date/Times

Freshman Student Orientation

Thursday, August 20 th , 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. - Commons/Gym

Freshmen will have the opportunity to meet and work with upper classmen who will answer many of the questions new students may have and tour the school. Freshmen should wear comfortable clothing…travel light!

If a student requires special accommodations during this event, please contact Melissa Dickenson at 832-4308.

Freshman Parent Orientation

Thursday, August 20 th , 7:00 p.m. – Auditorium

All parents are welcome to attend; however, those that attended the Incoming 9 th

Grade Parent Meeting last spring do not need to attend this meeting. The intent of this orientation program is to provide a forum acclimating new parents to the North facility and making the transition to North as smooth as possible.

122 E. College Ave., Suite 1A , P.O. Box 2019, Appleton, WI 54912-2019

The Appleton Area School District will be continuing monthly Late Start Instructional Collaboration Days.

The purpose of this additional monthly collaboration time is to allow teams of teachers to meet together regularly to review student progress and to plan more effectively for instruction. Professional collaboration is at the heart of the District’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (CSIP) process.

The two hour late starts will occur on the second Wednesday of each month . The school day will begin exactly two hours later than the regularly scheduled start time. The dates are listed below and have been added to the Appleton Area School District Calendar for 2015-16 on the AASD website.

North’s starting time is 9:30 a.m. for the following dates:

September 9, 2015

December 9, 2015

October 14, 2015

January 13, 2016

November 11, 2015

February 10, 2016

March 9, 2016 April 13, 2016 May 11, 2016

To Keep Our Records Accurate, please update on Parent Portal:

Home Address, Phone (home and work), Email Addresses

Names/Phone of emergency contacts

Any questions: call Guidance 832-4309

North’s Newsletter, Lightning Link,

All newsletters will be available on North’s website

Only the Summer “July” Registration Newsletter is mailed home.

Our newsletter schedule is: July Registration Mailing, August Welcome

Packet, September, October, November, January,

March, and April. When the latest edition is posted on

North’s website, we will phone all families and leave a message to inform you of the next newsletter’s availability. If you do not have access to computer/internet, we will have paper copies available for families in the Main


North’s Website

The Appleton North website is updated regularly throughout the school year and will contain the Lightning Link newsletters, athletic forms, access to staff email addresses, daily announcements, calendars, guidance information and current events @ North.

Check it out at

“Parents Back -toSchool Night”

Monday, September 14, 2015

*6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. - Freshman Parents Only

6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. - Sophomore, Junior & Senior Parents

Appleton North High School cordially invites you to our “Parents Back-to-School Night” on

Monday, September 14th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. *Freshman families please start out the evening in the auditorium at 6:00 p.m. We look forward to meeting you and making this important parent-studentschool connection. You will follow your student’s daily schedule and meet their teachers. This evening is designed for parents; students are not required to attend but may if interested.

Please note that this evening is for the purpose of obtaining a better understanding of your child’s daily program. If you have individual/personal concerns that you would like to address with one of your student’s teachers, we ask that you please make arrangements to meet with the teacher at a later time. We are very proud of North High School and encourage you to attend the “Back-to-School Night” so that you not only better understand your child’s program, but also help us to continue a tradition of positive parental involvement.

Parent Organization Informational Meetings

We would like to extend an invitation to all parent/guardians to join us at our meetings this upcoming school year. They are informal gatherings where parents are given a summary of current events at school and what will be happening in the future. We have open discussions where you can participate and bring your questions and concerns. It is a great way to get to know other involved parents at North and meet the administrators who are working with your children. If you are interested in attending these meetings during the school year, email: with your name. Those who submit their email address will receive a reminder email prior to each meeting including an agenda.

The schedule for this year’s meetings follows:

 Monday, September 21st at 6:30 p.m. in the Lightning Room

 Monday, November 16th at 6:30 p.m. in the Lightning Room

 Monday, January 25th at 6:30 p.m. in the Lightning Room

 Parent Mtg. for Incoming Freshman in the LGI/LMC -

Monday, February 22nd at 6:30 in the Auditorium

Monday, April 25th at 6:30 p.m. in the LGI/Rm. 1360

Student Parking

Student drivers are required to park their vehicles in one of the two designated Student Parking Lots east of the building. These two large lots are the only locations designated for student parking, and failure to do so could result in police citations, towing, and/or loss of parking privileges, as well as possible disciplinary consequences from school officials.

The parking permit policies and procedures to obtain a parking permit are available on the North website. Parking permits are available in the

Student Services office.

Visitor Parking / Staff Parking

The Visitor Parking Lot in front of the school near

Ballard Road is reserved for visitors, substitute teachers, and some staff. Parking is restricted here to provide ample space for parents and others with short-term business in school. Only vehicles driven by staff and displaying a Staff Parking

Permit are allowed to park in the areas designated for staff. These areas include the main Staff

Parking Lot east of the building, the Swimming

Pool/Gym parking spaces north of the building, and limited spaces in the front Visitor Parking Lot near

Ballard Road.

Student Drop-Off & Student Pick-Up

Procedures during School Hours

ONCE THE SCHOOL DAY BEGINS (after 7:30 a.m.)

Parents should drop off students who are late or returning from an appointment at the Student Services entrance #59:

(doors to the right of the Main Entrance—by the blue benches)

 All students arriving/departing school during the school day must stop at the

Student Services office to sign-in / sign-out.

Parents can park in front of the Student Services entrance #59 (by blue benches) to wait for students leaving for appointments or leaving due to illness.

 Parents do not need to stop in and sign out their students in the Student Services office if the office has been notified of their student leaving. The student will sign out and wait for their parents by the doors.

 If parents need to drop off items (lunches/money/clothing, etc.) for students during the school day, use the Student Services entrance #59 (by blue benches) also.

The front driveway of the school (near Ballard Road) is reserved for buses before school (6:00-

7:30 AM) and prior to end of the day and after school (2:45-3:3:15 PM).

 Do not drop off or pick students up in the front driveway of the school during the above

 times.

Do not stop in the front visitor parking lot to drop students off.

Students being picked-up or dropped-off during the above times must use the marked

"Loading/Unloading Zones" near the Commons patio area in the back of the school, or parents may wait in one of the designated student parking lot stalls for students in the back parking lots.

2015-16 Student Services Procedures

Incident/Absence Procedures – To report an incident/absence, a parent or legal guardian:

 Must call the 24 hour Student Services office line at 832-4308 as early as possible

(preferably before 7:30 a.m.) each day the student is absent.

Provide the student’s name, grade, and reason for the absence.

Follow the prompts for calling in your student for an illness or for an appointment.

You can also leave a message on the machine in either English, Spanish or Hmong.

 The message machine is checked continually throughout the day.

Excused Incident/Absence With Prior Parent Request -

A parent/guardian may request that a student be excused from school attendance prior to an absence occurring.

The request shall be made in writing or via phone contact with the school.

 The student may be excused by the parent/guardian under this provision for

not more than 10 days in the school year.

PLEASE NOTE: After a student’s 10th incident/absence, documentation will be required for an excused absence. Call Student Services at 832-4308 if there is a question.

Appointment Procedures –

All student appointments (such as medical, dental, court) must be called in advance to the

Student Services Office by a parent or legal guardian at 832-4308.

Note: Due to the high volume of appointments on the answering machine, if your student is planning on leaving school before 9:30 a.m. on the appointed day, when you call in, please follow the prompt to speak to a Student Services secretary directly.

1. Once the parental call has been made to excuse the student, an appointment form will be given to the student showing the date and time of when the student shall leave his/her class.

2. The student will show the form to the teacher whose class the student is leaving from.

3. The student MUST sign-out in Student Services upon leaving the building.

4. Upon returning to school, the student MUST sign back into Student Services.

Parents DO NOT need to come in when picking up or dropping off your student after an appointment. The parent drop off and pick up area for appointments is the

Student Services entrance (by the blue benches).

Tardy Procedures - School starts at 7:30 a.m. daily/exception: 2 hour Late Start time is 9:30 a.m.

1. A warning bell will ring at 7:25 a.m. daily notifying students that they have 5 minutes to get to their class.

2. If a student arrives to school after the 7:30 a.m. bell rings (whether having an excused absence or is tardy), they MUST always sign into Student Services first.

3. Once a student has been tardy for 5 times during a semester (not a quarter), they will receive an a.m. detention.

4. A.M. detention starts at 6:45 a.m. promptly.

Medications at School

Medications should be administered at home whenever possible. Parents/guardians are urged to consult with their family physician to determine if medications can be scheduled outside school hours. In the event that this is not possible, the district will administer medication within the following guidelines.

Medication Administered by School Staff

Medication must be provided in the original container labeled with the student’s name. A parent/guardian consent statement must be on file for all medications administered by school staff. A prescribing practitioner statement must also be on file for prescription medications.


It is permitted, and sometimes necessary, for students to carry and administer their own medication. If a parent wants his/her child to possess medication for self-administration, the parent must complete an authorization form. Due to state law and district policy, asthma inhalers and controlled substances (such as Ritalin, Adderall, and codeine) also need prescriber authorization. Medication should be kept in the original package labeled with the student’s name, and only a limited quantity should be carried to school. Self-administration of medication is discouraged at the elementary level.

Medication Forms

Medication forms are available in North’s Student Services Office. Medication forms may also be downloaded from the district website:

Please check the expiration date of any medication provided to school.

For the safety of our students, we are unable to administer medication beyond the labeled expiration date.

Student Handbook

Please be advised that your student will be receiving a condensed version of the Appleton

North High School Handbook in their student planners. A complete Appleton North High

School Handbook, which will be the most updated version, is available on the North website at:

Guidance Department

The mission of the North Guidance Department is to provide academic, career, personal, and social guidance to help students transition successfully throughout high school and into life as young adults. Each counselor will handle new student registration, schedule change requests and other guidance tasks for North students assigned to them alphabetically. The Guidance Department has assigned counselors according to the alphabet as follows:

A-F & X-Z

G & M-R

Barbrajean (BJ) Wolfer

Therese Helein

H-L & (ACA)


Lori Krueger

Julie Prudom

Guidance Website

Here you will find specific student success guidelines for all students. Information regarding career paths, financial aid, general college and testing information, high school course guide, scholarships, and other helpful information is at your fingertips!

Processing Fee for College Applications

Seniors will be charged a one-time fee of $5.00 for the processing and postage of college applications. This will be charged when a student brings in their first application to the Guidance Department to process. Additional applications for this student will then be processed with no additional charge.

Student Schedules

The hiring process for this school year and the building of the master schedule for North High School were based on the courses that students chose during the “pre-registration” process last fall. Counselors have attempted to contact students who have “hard” schedule conflicts that require a student to choose between two requested courses. All grade levels were given a tentative schedule on the last day of school to review and the opportunity to make changes prior to the June 27 th deadline . Students will receive another tentative schedule at Registration.

Many classes for next year are already full, but we will try to help students for reasons such as:

Data processing errors Class you signed up for is missing

Early graduation

Retake a failed class

Co-op Schedule

Graduation requirements

LUNCH REQUESTS and TEACHER REQUESTS are not acceptable reasons for changing your schedule.

All students will receive their permanent schedule at the beginning of the first day of school during a brief homeroom meeting. Once school begins, dropping classes will not be allowed until the 5-week mark of the school year . The counselors will be able to address only the most pressing needs due to class sizes, balance, and the limited time they have available.

During non-class periods, all students will be assigned to some form of a supervised study area. Freshmen and

Sophomores will be assigned to study halls during non-class periods. Juniors and Seniors who fulfill academic, attendance, and behavior criteria will be given a variety of on-campus options during their free periods. This privilege will be withdrawn and the student will be assigned to study hall if rules and expectations set forth for maintaining their privilege are not followed. Seniors meeting additional criteria may apply for off-campus lunch and one additional off-campus period. Juniors meeting additional criteria may apply after first semester for off-campus lunch privilege.

2015 - 2016 Testing Information from the Guidance Department

PSAT ( Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test ) & NMSQT ( National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test ) ( Combined tests )




Wednesday, October 28, 2015 (1 st – 4th Hours)

Juniors (sophomores may take test also).

- Experience in taking a college entry type test. This test is a shorter version of the College Board Exams (SAT I).

- Prediction of ability to handle college work, especially as it relates to the selection of a particular school.

- Test results will be used for students who wish to be considered for Special Achievement Scholarships.






Limited to the first 150 students. Register with the Guidance Office Secretary:

Oct 12-16 (Juniors only) and Oct 19-23 (Sophomores and Juniors until sold out).

Please bring your North ID and the $17.00 registration fee to register.

At Appleton North High School. The test takes about 2 ½ hours. (The test will not be administered any other date.)

Scores will be reported to the high school and discussed with the student.

Students eligible for fee waivers, please see your Guidance Counselor, as your fee for the above test may be waived/reduced.

Appleton Area School District 2015-16

Preliminary Testing Schedule

Test Window Test

September 22 - October 14

Fall 2015

MAP: Grade 9

Winter 2015-2016

December 7 - February 5 ACCESS/ELL

Spring 2016

March 1 (Make-Up Day March 15)

March 2 (Make-Up Day March 16)

March 1-15

March 2-16

ACT Plus Writing: Grade 11

ACT WorkKeys: Grade 11

ACT Plus Writing for Students Testing w/


ACT WorkKeys for Students Testing w/


April 11—May 4 MAP: Grade 9

April 25—May 27 Aspire: Grades 9-10

It's Now Easier to Pay School Fees and

Food Service Accounts!

It's now easier to pay School Fees and Food Service Acounts!

The Appleton Area School District is happy to announce a new Online Payment method for School Fees and Food

Service accounts within Infinite Campus. Included in this update, we are proud to offer real-time breakfast and lunch information through the Infinite Campus Portal. The Portal allows you to make payments towards fees and food service, view meal purchases, and submit a confidential free & reduced meals application, all in one convenient location! This is the same Portal you may use for classroom activities, grades, and attendance. Payments will no longer be accepted online through

, payment can be made online through the Infinite

Campus Portal, or at the school via cash or check.

Please note a $1.75 convenience fee will be issued per transaction for online payments. Contact the Appleton Area

School District Helpdesk for questions on the Infinite Campus Portal at 920-993-7062, or email For instructions on how to and pay fees online through the Infinite Campus Portal, please visit .

Youth Options

Eleventh and twelfth grade students who are interested in enrolling in a college course that is not offered at the high school level may elect to enroll in the Youth Options program. Typically, students apply to and are accepted by local colleges including the University of WI-Fox Valley, Lawrence

University, and Fox Valley Technical Collage. If the student is accepted, the course will count for both college and high school credit and will be paid for by the Appleton Area School District. Further information, application forms, and enrollment information is available from your school counselor.

The application deadline:

October 1st in order for students to enroll in courses offered second semester

March 1st to enroll in the following school year first semester.

Noctiluca, Student Newspaper

The Noctiluca wants talented individuals who like to write, edit, take photos, draw, illustrate, and talk to people about their stories. The paper, an extracurricular club that publishes once per month, has continued to gain recognition at regional, state and national levels as an outstanding student newspaper club. Last school year the paper won top honors in the state. Noctiluca is an entirely student-led organization that meets at least twice a month during homeroom, with occasional meetings and work time before or after school. Any student who wishes to experience journalism, media, and storytelling may join the club. The skills your child will practice through journalism will assist them at any college and in any career. Plus, college admissions officers love to see journalism and experience as a news-paper editor on an applicant’s resume. About forty North students contribute articles, cartoons and photographs.

A leadership team of ten editors works with these contributors to publish the paper. Please encourage your son or daughter to join this team and get involved with Noctiluca .

To join or get more information, email advisor Aaron Ramponi at or have your student stop by room 1337.

Advertise Your Business or Service in the School Newspaper

North’s student newspaper can help you get your message out to over 2,000 people each month. Rates will be determined. Advertisers may purchase single or multiple issue advertisements.

Contact adviser Aaron Ramponi at

for more information.

Opportunity to Purchase:

 Class Rings (Sophomores - early October)

Graduation Announcements & Cap/Gowns (Seniors - early October)

 Senior Group Class Picture (Seniors only - late September)

Information will be handed out during the school year in Homeroom and information will also be mailed home to parents from the vendors prior to the event.

Reminder: Senior Pictures for Yearbook

Senior Pictures are due Friday, October 9


Area studios have been informed of this date, as well as the following requirements for the photograph:

* Photographs for the yearbook must be the standard portrait:

- Photos must be in color, 2.5 x 3.5 inches (wallet-size)

- Head and shoulders only (no full body or laying down)

- No props, friends, pets, hands, silly faces, etc.

- No strapless or spaghetti straps tops/dresses

* Photographs must be taken with minimum resolution of 300 DPI.

* A traditional (neutral) background is required (landscape doesn’t always work).

* Area studios generally send out senior pictures directly to the school, but we encourage you to check with your studio to see that this has been done .

* Senior pictures may be sent via email to:


* Submitting pictures through email is the best option, however, if you wish to bring in a hard copy of your photo, please include the name of the student on the back of the photo, using either a post-it note or a permanent marker (ball-point pen or pencil used directly on the photo can damage it); place photo in an envelope (include name on the outside of the envelope) and drop off in the Main Office.

 The RePlayIt app (link found on North website) may also be used. Photo must be tagged with grade, student name, and the tag “senior photo.”

We reserve the right to refuse any pictures that do not meet the aforementioned standards.

Please read the information carefully! In the event that a picture is rejected, we will be using the school ID photo in the yearbook.

Picture Retake Day

Thursday, September 10 : Makeup for students who did not get pictures taken at Registration.

Thurday, October 15 : Makeup for students who purchased picture packets but would like a

Retake (during lunch hours only)

Senior Page on Appleton North’s website:

Will be available later in the fall and will include: all senior events/due dates/prom information, graduation, etc.

Note: Senior Class Group Photo will be taken on September 15.

Valley Transit North Side Tripper Bus

Valley Transit will again provide a fixed route bus connection from the regular Valley Transit bus routes to the north side of Appleton including North High. The north side tripper route will operate one (1) trip in the morning at 7:17 a.m. and one (1) trip in the afternoon at 3:15 p.m. to assist students traveling to North High from Appleton, south of Hwy 41 and from

North Meade St. The route will serve Meade St., between Florida Ave. and Edgewood, Edgewood between

Meade and Ballard, Ballard between Edgewood and Capital, and Capital between Ballard and Meade.

The morning trip will originate from the North transfer point located on First Ave. behind the Piggly Wiggly on Northland Ave./Hwy OO, and will travel north on Meade Street, to Edgewood, to North High. In the afternoon, the route will travel in the opposite direction originating at North High, but still making transfers at the north transfer point. Passengers will be able to board along the route at published tripper signs and stop signs, as well as make transfers directly from Routes 5-N. Oneida and 16-Meade at the north transfer point bus shelter. Students ride FREE only with their student ID. Valley Transit will be available to answer questions at 832-5800.

Valley Transit Bus System -

Middle and high school students can once again this year use their student ID cards to have free rides on city busses.

 Are you looking for part online and part at school?

 What is a blended schedule with eSchool?

 Did you know that AASD high school students can take eSchool classes ongoing from September through February?

 Did you know that AASD high school students can blend online courses into their school day?

 Did you know that AASD high school students can start the semester 1 of a class in November or the semester 2 of a class in September?

 Did you know that students who have participated in our summer session have experienced over a 95% success rate over the past 5 years?

Check out our class offerings and registration information on our website:


Typical registration process during the school year ( Ongoing through February ):

Step 1 - Register online at our website

Step 2 – Complete the online course approval process

Step 3 – Complete the Appleton Orientation Mini course online

Step 4 – Begin your requested online course

Yearbook Purchase

The deadline for ordering a yearbook is Friday, December 18, 2015.

The price is $47.00.

Make your check payable to Appleton North High School and drop off in the Main Office or pay online via Parent Portal.

North Parent Volunteers are Needed!!

We encourage you to sign up to volunteer for activities/events that occur throughout the year at North.

If you are interested in chairing a committee, let us know that also.

A form for Volunteer Sign-Up was included in the Registration Mailing. Return the form to the Main

Office or you can call Melissa Dickenson at 997-1399 X 6500 if you would like to be included.

Examples of areas there is a need:

 Library help

 Provide Food or Drink for Staff Appreciation (during Parent/Teacher Conference Days)

 After Graduation Party Volunteer or Committee Member

 Prom / AfterBash (Spring)

 Homecoming Dance Chaperone (Saturday, October 10)

 AP Testing assistance (Daytime in early May)

 Mailings (stuff envelopes)

 Help where needed

Please Volunteer and help

Appleton North be the best it can be!

The 21st Century Afterschool Program Needs Your Help!

We are looking for high school students who are interested in building a “magical” relationship with young children, while making a lasting impact on their futures!

The 21st Century Afterschool program provides free or low cost after school care for hundreds of young children through a partnership between the Appleton School District, the Boys/Girls Club and YMCA.

Why consider volunteering? Because you will . . .

 Add concrete value to your resume/college application.

 Be a role model for a young person (who will likely think you’re pretty cool)!

 Have experiences that will help you determine if your career interests are in working with young children.

 And, have tons of fun at the same time!

Commit only 1 or 2 days a week—with flexibility to work around your changing schedule.

For more information, call 920-832-6319 or 920-832-1517 to talk to Mary or Lisa.

Or visit AASD’s homepage at and click on Volunteer.

Appleton North Artisan Faire

The Appleton North Booster Club is sponsoring the annual Appleton North Artisan Faire

(formerly the Lightning Craft Fair) on Saturday, November 14, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. in the Gym/Commons area at Appleton North. The Booster Club’s mission is to support and enhance the athletic program at North. This is one of the major fundraisers of the

Booster Club. Artisan Faire funds are raised in two ways: vendors come from throughout the area and pay a booth rental fee and the admission fee to the faire is only $3.00.

Mark your calendar now for Saturday, November 14 th as it will be here before you know it!

This is a great opportunity to begin your holiday shopping plus support North HS athletics.

If you would like more information about the faire or would care to volunteer a portion of your time, please email:

Shopping at Office Depot and Target

Results in Generous Donations to North

Office Depot offers a 5% “Back to Schools” program. If you make a purchase of school supplies anytime during the school year (qualifying merchandise) and reference Appleton North High School

#70108215, our school will receive a 5% credit. These credits accumulate and allow us to make additional school supply purchases.

Target Stores has a “Take Charge of Education” program that includes school fundraising. When you use your Target

Visa or Target Guest Card at a Target store or, they will donate an amount equal to 1% of purchases, and

½ % of Target Visa purchases made elsewhere to the eligible K-12 school of your choice. You can designate

Appleton North High School as your school of choice by calling 1-800-316-6142 or accessing their website

Thank you for supporting these businesses that support our work with students.

Hot Lunch & Breakfast Available at North

Breakfast - $1.15 / Lunch - $2.75

Carton of Milk - 35 cents

(Plus Ala Carte & Salad Bar items available daily).

You may add $$ to your student’s account during the school year by you/your student bringing a check to the North kitchen prior to 1:30 pm daily or online via the Parent Portal.

Truancy Court to be Held at North

In an effort to intervene early in truancy situations, Appleton Area School District in collaboration with Outagamie County Circuit Courts, will continue to conduct Truancy Court every month at North

High School. Truancy is defined as a student who is absent from school without an acceptable excuse for part or all of any day on which school is held during a school semester. Habitual truancy is defined as a student who is absent from school without an acceptable excuse for part or all of five or more days on which school is held during a school semester.

The goal of the Truancy Court program is to provide more timely intervention into truancy and to have interaction between the judge and the truant student. Additionally, the program eliminates transportation to the court house and minimizes the student’s time away from class by having the program on-site as opposed to downtown. It also allows the judge to follow up with the student more frequently with future appearances. While the judge may impose sanctions, which may include a monetary forfeiture, community service, or loss of various privileges, it is the goal of the program to have the student comply with the law and have the ticket dismissed. This is more easily monitored by having the judge appear at the school.

Any students identified as habitually truant will be issued a summons with a mandatory appearance at Truancy Court. This will involve the student appearing in front of a circuit court judge, court reporter, and court clerk to have the student’s truancy addressed. In addition, the school liaison officer, dean of students, or administrator may be present to provide attendance and/or behavioral documentation. Parents of students who are habitually truant are encouraged to attend.

Other students will not be present during the court proceedings. This includes incoming freshmen as identified by their

Middle School Principals. The purpose of this meeting is to allow Judge McGinnis to explain the Truancy Court process and to set expectations for school attendance.

Anonymous Crime Reporting Lightning Quick $50

Available to the Students and

Residents of Appleton





Start your message with keyword: APDTIPS

Reasons to text a tip:

 Information about a crime

 Drugs or drug information

Appleton North High School is committed to providing all students, staff, and community members with a safe, nurturing school environment.

Appleton North High School and the Appleton Police

 Suspicious circumstances

Department are offering the Lightning Quick $50

Program for information leading to the confiscation of


Tips are looked at 24/7 as they come in.

the following on school property:

 Illegal drugs

 Drug paraphernalia

 Alcohol

 Weapons

For Emergencies Dial 911

Add us as a contact: 274-637 All reports will remain anonymous.

(Text a Tip)

Contact School PSL, school administration, or any staff

Text us anytime you have information about a crime or concern. member at any time during the school day.


All students must have the proper forms on file in the Main Office PRIOR to participating (includes tryouts and practice) in each sport and attend the Code of Conduct Meeting.

All forms are available in the Main Office or on the Appleton North website:


 Athletic Permit includes: (Physical Clearance by Physician or Alternate Year)

Waiver Portion

Code of Conduct

WIAA High School Athletic Eligibility

 Medical Treatment Consent Card

 Concussion Form

 $50.00 fee per sport once student makes the team. Make check payable to:

Appleton North High School. We also accept cash. Fees may also be paid via the Portal Portal using a credit/debit card, bank account online.

View All Athletic Schedules online at

Select Appleton North to access the calendar of events or view schedules for a particular team. Click Notify Me to receive email notifications of schedule changes. All schedules are subject to change.


Save money by buying season passes & save time waiting in line at events! You may purchase season passes at the first few games of each sport or in the Main Office.

All Season Pass

Football Only

Boys Volleyball Only

Girls Volleyball Only

Boys & Girls Volleyball

Boys Soccer

Boys Basketball Only

Girls Basketball Only

Boys & Girls Basketball

Wrestling Only

Girls Soccer

Band/Performance Team Only

(during Football & Basketball)



























North’s Garden Club Collecting Used Electronics - PLEASE DONATE

Did you know that the production of consumer electronics directly and negatively impacts the environment? More than 80% of all the electronics we use are reusable but how many of us actually properly recycle all of our used electronic devices and ink cartridges.

 Now is your chance to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

 North’s Garden Club is collecting these items the entire school year!

We are simply asking you to protect the environment by donating your used consumer electronics and used inkjet printer cartridges. Please bring your items to the guidance office and there will be a box labeled Garden Club Makes a Difference (please place your items inside the container).

Items we are accepting (working or not working) are outdated cell phones, digital cameras, laptop computers, ipads/ipods, tablets, inkjet cartridges, mp3 players, gps devices, radar detectors and all assorted book readers.

Thank you in advance for making a difference.

Community First Credit Union at ANHS

Did you know you can do your banking at school?

Community First Credit Union has a student run branch located in the school store near the commons of Appleton

North High School. Students, staff and faculty can enjoy the convenience of opening accounts, making deposits and withdrawals and more at school. The branch is open

Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10



We are once again looking to hire a few more students as employees for the school year. Applications can be picked up at orientation and at the branch. Stop in and open up your new account today.

The Appleton Area School District, Appleton North High School and

Appleton Career Academy are committed to working closely with parents and guardians to resolve issues and concerns in a way that is mutually agreeable.

What are the steps to follow when you have a concern, question, or problem that needs attention?


First, contact the classroom teacher .

If there is a serious issue, you may wish to schedule a meeting rather than phone.


If no resolution has been reached, or if your concern is school wide, please contact:

 James Huggins, Appleton North Principal at 832-


 Patrick Lee, Appleton Career Academy Principal at 832-4308


If resolution is still not reached, please contact Ben Vogel, the

Assistant Superintendent assigned to our school at 832-6301.


Unresolved issues may be appealed to

Lee Allinger, the Superintendent of

Schools, at 832-6126.


The final step in the district appeal process is the Board of Education.

Appeal requests should be submitted in writing to Sharon Fenlon ,

President of the Board of Education,

AASD Administrative Center, P.O. Box

2019, Appleton, Wisconsin 54912-



Fri., Oct. 9

Sat., Oct. 10

Tues., Oct. 13

Wed., Oct. 14

Thur., Oct. 15

Thur., Oct. 15

Mon., Oct. 19

Thur., Oct. 22

Wed., Oct. 28

Thur., Oct. 29

Fri., Oct. 30

Fri., Oct. 30

Sat., Oct. 31

Mon., Nov. 2

Tues., Nov. 3

Wed., Nov. 4


Wed., July 29

Mon., Aug. 3

Thur., Aug. 6

Tues., Aug. 11

2015-2016 North's Calendar of Events

(dates/times subject to change)

Event Time

Free Athletic Physicals @ OSI

Code of Conduct Meeting

Senior - Junior Registration

Senior - Sophomore Registration

5:00 - 7:00 pm - Call for appointment

6:30 PM

9:00 - 11:00 am / 1:00 - 3:00 pm

9:00 - 11:00 am / 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Tues., Aug. 11

Wed., Aug. 12

Tues., Aug. 18 -

Thur., Aug. 20

Thur., Aug. 20

Thur., Aug. 20

Tues., Sept. 1

Mon., Sept. 7

Wed., Sept. 9

Thur., Sept. 10

Football Team Family Kickoff Dinner/Meeting

Senior - Freshman Registration

Marching Band Camp/Uniform Dispersal:

Link Crew - Freshman Orientation

Freshman Parent Orientation

1st Day of Classes for High School

Labor Day - No School

Late Start Instructional Collaboration Day

Make-up Picture Day for Students not at Registration

4:45 PM

9:00 - 11:00 am / 1:00 - 3:00 pm

5:00-7:00 pm

Aug. 18 - 9:30 - 11:45 am

Aug. 19 - 12:30 - 3:00 pm,

Aug. 20 - 6:30 - 8:30 pm

8:00 - 11:30 am

7:00 PM

7:30 AM

9:30 am School Start Time

Mon., Sept. 14

Tues., Sept. 15

Mon., Sept. 21

Parent Back to School Night

Senior Class Group Photo

Parent Organization Meeting

6:00-6:30 pm Freshman Families Only

6:30 - 8:30 pm All Families

9:16 AM

6:30 - 8:00 pm


Thur., Oct. 1


Fri., Nov. 6

Sat., Nov. 7

Wed., Nov. 11

Sat., Nov. 14

Mon., Nov. 16

Mon., Nov. 16

Tues., Nov. 17

Mon., Nov. 23

Tues., Nov. 24

Thur., Nov. 26-

Fri., Nov. 27

MAPS Testing - Grade 9

Youth Options Deadline to enroll for second semester classes Contact Guidance

ASPIRE Testing - Grade 9

DLM Testing - Grade 9

NHS Homecoming Game 7:00 PM

NHS Homecoming Dance

Fall Choir Concert

Late Start Instructional Collaboration Day

8:00 pm - 12:00 Midnight

7:30 PM

9:30 am School Start Time

Picture Retake Day for Students that Purchased a Packet


North Choir Retreat

PSAT Testing - Hrs. 1-4

No School All Day - Staff Development

No School All Day - Fall Break

9:30 am - 1:30 pm

Thur. - 4:15 - 7:45 pm

Mon. - 4:15 - 7:30 pm

4:30-10:00 pm

7:30 - 11:32 am

Haunted House

Code of Conduct Meeting

Fall Orchestra Strings Festival

Party at the PAC - Sophomores

WKCE & WAA-SwD Testing

Science & Social Studies - Grade 10

1:00-4:00 - Oct. 30, 31

6:00-11:00 pm Oct. 30,31

6:30 PM

7:30 PM

9:15 AM

End of 1st Quarter

Lawrence Jazz Festival

Late Start Instructional Collaboration Day

NHS Annual Artisan Faire

ACA Showcase

Parent Organization Meeting

One Act Performance

National Honor Society Induction

Marching Band in Appleton Holicay Parade

No School All Day - Thanksgiving Break

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

9:30 am School Start Time

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

6:30-8:00 pm

6:30-8:00 pm

7:30 PM

7:00 PM

6:30 PM













Lightning Room






Homestead Meadows






Lawrence Chapel


ACA Rooms 1080

Lightning Room



Downtown Appleton

Mon., Jan. 25

Sat., Jan. 30

Sat., Jan. 30

Jan. 25 - 29


Tues., Feb. 2

Sat., Feb. 6

Feb. 8-12

Wed., Feb. 10

Fri., Feb. 12

Mon., Feb. 15

Mon., Feb. 22

Sat., Feb. 27

Sun., Feb. 28

Sun., Feb. 28

Mon., Feb. 29

Tues., Mar. 1



Thur., Mar. 3

Mon., Mar. 7

Sat., Mar. 5

Wed., Mar. 9

Thur., Mar. 10 &

Wed., Mar. 16

Thur., Mar. 10 -

Sun., Mar. 20

Sat., Mar. 19

Mon., Mar. 21

Tues., Mar. 22

Thur., Mar. 24

Fri., Mar. 25

Mon., Mar. 28 -

Fri., Apr. 1

Thur., Dec. 3

Sat., Dec. 5

Mon., Dec. 7

Wed., Dec. 9

Wed., Dec. 16

Thur., Dec. 17

Wed., Dec. 16 -

Fri., Dec. 18

Sat., Dec. 19

Sat., Dec. 19

Wed., Dec. 23 -

Fri., Jan. 1

Sat., Jan. 9

Mon., Jan. 11 -

Fri., Jan. 15

Tues., Jan. 12

Wed., Jan. 13

Fri., Jan. 15

Sat., Jan. 16

Mon., Jan. 18

Band Concert: All three bands

Drama Day - Grades 1-3

Explore 2016

Late Start Instructional Collaboration Day

Holiday Classics - Matinee

Holiday Classics

7:30 PM

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

5:45 - 7:30 pm

9:30 am School Start Time

Dec. 16 - 9:00 am

Dec. 17 - 1:00 pm

Dec. 16, 17 - 7:30 pm

Dec. 18 - 5:00 & 8:00 pm

11:30 am - 4:30 pm

7:30 PM

Kids Cheer Camp


No School All Day - Winter Break

(Classes resume Mon., Jan. 4)

Freshman Snowball Dance (East Sponsored) 7:30 - 10:30 pm

Semester I Finals

Drama Recital - I

Late Start Instructional Collaboration Day

End of 2nd Quarter/Semester

Lightning Bolt Explosion Cheer Competition

No School All Day - Records

Concert: Freshman Lightning & Symphony Orchestras

Parent Organization Meeting

Drama Day - Grades 4 - 6

Band/ Orchestra - District Solo and Ensemble Festival

7:00 PM

9:30 am School Start Time

8:00 am - 7:00 pm

7:30 PM

6:30 - 8:00 pm

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Peers/Key Club - SOAR Basketball Game

Global Awareness Week

Student Council Coffee House

Band Concert: All three bands

WSMA State Honors Auditions

Love Struck Week

Late Start Instructional Collaboration Day


No School

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

During school day

6:30 pm - Cost $5.00

7:30 PM

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

9:30 am School Start Time

7:30 PM

Parent Information Meeting for Incoming Freshmen

Choir/ Piano - District Solo and Ensemble Festival

NHS - Sr. Citizen Mardi Gras

6:30 - 8:00 pm

8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Jazz Ensemble Dinner Show

Code of Conduct Meeting

1:00-3:00 pm

6:15 PM

6:30 PM

Youth Options Deadline to enroll for first semester classes Contact Guidance

ACT Plus Writing: Grade 11 - Juniors only report to school

No school for Freshman, Sophomores and Seniors

Mar. 3 Make-up date - Tues., Mar. 17

All students report to school on Mar. 17

ACT WorkKeys: Grade 11 - All students report to school


Mar. 4 Make-up date - Wed., Mar. 18

All students report to school on Mar. 18

Thur. - 4:15 - 7:45 pm

Mon. - 4:15 - 7:30 pm

8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Late Start Instructional Collaboration Day 9:30 am School Start Time

Musical Matinee

Musical - March 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20

National Honor Society Easter Egg Hunt

Academic Awards

Northside Choral Festival - $5.00

End of 3rd Quarter

No School (Conference Compensation)

No School All Day - Spring Break

(Classes Resume Mon., Apr. 4)

9:00 AM

1:00 pm - Mar. 12, 13, 19, 20

7:00 pm - Mar. 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19

9:00 am -11:00 am

6:10 pm - Sign In

6:30 pm - Program Begins

7:00 PM








East HS - Commons




Lightning Room




Copper Rock


Music Rms/LMC/LGI



East HS





East HS





Lawrence Chapel

Sat., Apr. 9

Wed., Apr. 13

Fri., Apr. 15

Tues., Apr. 19

Mon., Apr. 25


Mon., Apr. 25


Fri., Apr. 29

Sat., Apr. 30


Thur., May 5 &

Fri., May 6

Thur., May 5 -

Sun., May 8

Tues., May 10

Wed., May 11

Wed., May 11

Wed., May 18 &

Thur., May 19

Fri., May 20

Sat., May 21

Tues., May 24

Wed., May 25

Fri., May 27

Sat., May 28

Mon., May 30

Tues., May 31

Thur., June 2

Fri., June 3

Sat., June 11

Fri, June 24

Band Marathon

Late Start Instructional Collaboration Day


Jazz I and II Concert

All City Strings Festival

MAPS Testing - Grade 9

Parent Organization Meeting

ASPIRE Testing - Grade 9 and 10

Exceptional Abilities Prom


Afterbash - Post-Prom Party

AP Exams

Spring Play - Matinee

Spring Play

Band Concert: Concert Band & Freshman Orchestra

Late Start Instructional Collaboration Day

Band Concert: Wind Symphony and Honors Band

Earthtones Choir Concert

10:00 am - 10:00 pm

9:30 am School Start Time

7:30 PM

8:00 PM

7:00 PM

6:30 - 8:00 pm

5:30-8:30 pm






Lightning Room



May 5, 6 - 12:30 pm

7:30 pm - May 5, 6, 7

1:00 pm - May 7, 8

7:30 PM

9:30 am School Start Time

7:30 PM

7:30 PM







Drama Day - Middle School

Senior Honors Orchestra Concert

7:30 PM

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

7:30 PM

Salute to Seniors - Recognition Night

Big Summer Blowout

6:30 PM

Drama Banquet

7:00 PM

6:00 PM

No School All Day (Memorial Day) - Memorial Day Parade 9:00 - 11:00 am

Drama Recital - II

Finals: Posted on North's Website

7:00 PM







Downtown Appleton


End of Fourth Quarter/Second Semester

Seniors Only: report at 12:30 pm Senior Luncheon

Graduation Rehearsal

12:30 pm - Commons

1:30 pm - Auditorium

Graduation 6:00 pm - Gym / Doors Open @ 5:00 pm

Post-Grad Party 9:30 pm - 2:00 am - Commons

Dismissal - for Grades 9, 10, 11: 11:29 PM

Last Day of School - PM No School (Records)

Flag Day Parade

Golf Outing - North Booster Club

2:00 - 4:00 PM

9:45 AM Irish Waters
