School of Mathematics and Statistics Summer School 2016 Information Sheet SS1003 General Information about Summer School Courses offered by the School can be found on the Summer School Web page. SS1003 Integral Calculus and Modelling (Summer School) General Information The unit of study MATH1003 Integral Calculus and Modelling is offered at the Summer School as SS1003. The Exercises and Course Notes used will be essentially the same as those used in the regular course. Website Lecturer Dr Bob Crossman: : Room 527 Carslaw Course Notes NR O’Brian, CJ Durrant and DJ Galloway. Integral Calculus and Modelling. School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2010. The course notes have essentially not changed for the last few years. They are the same notes used in Semester 2 MATH1003. Recent previous editions of the notes are suitable. The notes are now available for purchase at Kopystop, 55 Mountain St Broadway, phone: 9211 2733. Please note that Kopystop will be closing at 3pm on Tuesday 22nd December 2015 and re-opening on Wednesday 13 January 2016. An extract of the first section of the notes will be available via a link on the website for the first two weeks Exercises The Exercises and Objectives (E1-E12) sheets will be available on the SS1003 website before the day’s lectures. It is intended that they be read and attempted before the next day’s tutorial which will cover similar topics The Tutorial sheets (T2-T12) will be handed out in each tutorial on days 2 to 12. All the exercises from both the Exercises and Objectives sheets and the Tutorial sheets are an essential component of the course. They should be attempted before accessing the solutions which will be posted on the website on a daily basis. They will essentially be the same as the Exercises used in Semester 2, 2015 in MATH1003. Tutorials Tutorials are held every day following the lecture and will generally focus on material covered the previous day in the lecture. They will be conducted using Board Format. Before the Tutorial, you should have attempted the preceding Exercises and Objectives Sheet. T1: Room 451 T2: Room 452 T3: Room 453 Alex Casella Alexander Chalmers Student Surname Chen To G James Gregory T5: Room 359 Cherry Ballangan T6: Room 361 Pantea Pooladvand Student Surname N to V W to Z A to Capa T4: Room 454 Van Nguyen Li to M H to La Students will be allocated to their tutorial in the first lecture using the alphabetical breakdown by Family Name above. Tutorial attendance will be recorded but not count quantitatively towards the assessment. Assessment The final mark for this unit will be calculated as follows: 70%: Examination will cover material in the course notes, the 11 Tutorial sheets, the 12 Exercise and Objective sheets, the 2 assignments and the 2 quizzes. It is tentatively scheduled for 1:50 pm Tuesday 23rd February 2014, in one or both of Rooms 350/351. The format is half Multiple Choice questions and half Extended Answer. Further details will be posted towards the end of the course. 15%: Quiz 1 – will be conducted in the lecture at 2pm Monday 1st Feb and based on material covered in Tutorial Sheets 2, 3, and 4 and Exercise Sheets 1, 2, and 3 . 15%: Quiz 2 – will be conducted in the lecture at 2pm Monday 15th Feb based on material in Tutorial Sheets 6, 7, 8 and 9 and Exercise Sheets 5, 6, 7 and 8. Better Mark: The better mark principle will apply to each of the two quizzes individually. If the pro- rata performance on the exam is greater than that on a quiz, that quiz mark will be replaced by the pro-rata exam mark out of 15. Quizzes will be held at 2pm in the lecture on that day. Because of the use of the better mark principle, there will be no special consideration given for circumstances which cause a quiz to be missed. Passing Final Grades: are returned within one of the following bands: High Distinction (HD), 85--100: representing complete or close to complete mastery of the material; Distinction (D), 75--84: representing excellence, but substantially less than complete mastery; Credit (CR), 65--74: representing a creditable performance that goes beyond routine knowledge and understanding, but less than excellence; and Pass (P), 50--64: representing at least routine knowledge and understanding over a spectrum of topics and important ideas and concepts in the course. A student with a passing or higher grade should be well prepared to undertake further studies in mathematics on which this unit of study depends. Assignments Two assignments will be set and available from the website. Assignments do not count quantitatively towards your final mark. They are intended to provide a source of feedback. They will be promptly marked with comment where relevant and returned before the corresponding quizzes. Assignment 1 is based on material in Tutorials 2, 3 and 4 and is due at the start of the tutorial on Monday 25th Jan. It is specifically intended to assist in preparation for Quiz 1. Assignment 2 is based on material in Tutorials 6, 7 and 8 and is due at the start of the tutorial on Monday 8th Feb. It is specifically intended to assist in preparation for Quiz 2. . Timetable Week Day Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 week 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mon 11 Tues 12 Mon 18 Tues 19 Mon 25 Wed 27 Mon 1 Tues 2 Mon 8 Tues 9 Mon 15 Tues 16 Tue 23 Exercises E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 exam Tutorial T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 Assignment A1 due A1 ret A2 due A2 ret Quiz Q1 in lec Q2 in lec Consultation I will be generally available for consultation on Mondays from 5 to 6 pm in Room 527. If possible, please indicate in advance if you will be attending. I am also available at other times on Mondays and Tuesdays by appointment. Communication Communication will generally be by announcements in lectures and information posted on the website. It is your responsibility to regularly check the website. Email is the best way to contact the Lecturer or your Tutor. Dr Bob Crossman, January 2016 Week Topic Content Guidelines Changes and omissions will be advised during the course Week 1 Riemann sums Upper and lower Riemann sums Definition of definite integral Non-positive functions Difference between upper and lower sums Definite integral: Evaluation of integrals Theory & applications Estimation of integrals and sums Properties of the definite integral Fundamental Theorem Part II Week 2 Further applications Areas and volumes by slicing Integration by substitution I Volumes by shells Further applications Integration by parts Indefinite integral Fundamental Theorem Part I Functions defined by integrals Week 3 Log & exp functions Natural logarithm Natural exponential General forms Introduction to Properties of models models and DEs Direction fields Visualization of solution curves Week 4 First-order DEs I Classification of differential equations Separable equations Integration by substitution II First-order DEs II Models including growth and decay Partial fractions Week 5 First-order DEs III Linear equations Examples and models Further examples Radio-active dating and models Flow and mixing problems Week 6 Higher-order equations Second-order homogeneous linear Boundary conditions Factorization, equal root case Systems of equations Reduction to second-order Predator-prey systems SHM, growing and damped oscillations