WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 11. 1931. THE DAILY NERRASKAN TWO Inir an anecdote to Illustrate his tion in campus activities it carries with it, we Doctor Harrison related point, INSPECT ENGINEERS recommend to the present committee that they one- of his own experiences with break all precedent nnd get to work. We are tracks. "Where I saw Station A, Lincoln. Ncbraika only a maize of tracks, they were sure the results would be pleasing and surpris OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION able to tell me how many wero in ine to all. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA the band, the time that they had will committee i Mlnnemta Inllvl of transactions the Financial perience, they get tho reeling of Published Tueiday, Wednesday, Thutiday, Friday and been there, and what caused them In the single university class the twilling after the first few les. Sunday mornino during the academic year. be closelv supervised by the student council to leave. Another time they found d have any sons. However, Benton believes the some camel tracks, and were able where SUBSCRIPTION RATE 0 wise move not to prevent dishonesty, but Government Institution at to advantage over their neighbors, that it takes about a year of actual history complete of th r!v $1.2$ a emester to prevent costly mistakes. Single Copy 5 cent Heholasclc credit is practice and experience to gel m Ma year Grand Island Checks Up the event that had taken place. where no $1.75 a eemester mailed is a year mailed girl, we under one's candidate into proper shape for from copying Trom and election of the The granted 4. Hall Unlverelty owner cam of They knew tho the Editorial Office On Broadcasting. condoned real work. only not is classmate University Hall 4A. be supervised by the council also Buelnese Off io stand, will many were els, how loaded, and (Journal) Night: encouragod, a doien young Telephones Day: Spring Tryouts Planned. they had been. Doctor Har but Another wise move. Humor informs us there Ask for Nebrasnan editor. Twenty-nin- e Junior and senior where men are studying under Wallace previous years, when tryouta In years, students and professors of the rlson hinted that they seemed Benton, girl for Prom a 'elected been not has drum major, the tricks of EDITORIAL STAFF ignorance. his major were held in the amazed.. for drum af drove college with the possible exception of the past two sue electrical engineering the baton that made him an all fall it was difficult for the band f Elmont T. Wait Arabians Have Nerve. "Feb. 8. lor. In leader. band Associate Editor cessful candidates. American Robert J. Kelly An honest election would to Grand Islandgovernment -- "They have brains," declared the new drum major to make Monspectlon of the They strut on their tiptoes, they andgood Managing Editor Doctor Harrison, "They appearance without spring have toss be another good thing. If previous elections itoring a was trip The Mitchell tney C. station. spin In air, batons Arthur the McOaffin William have been crooked, it would be marvelous. It sponsored by the university radio nerve. I have never seen their them behind their backs and twirl practice. nerve break, even in the face of This year, however, tryouts are News Editors them over imaginary goalposts un being they have been straight, it would still be a club, headed by William rooms. almost Arthur Wolf insurmountabl odds." held In the arly spring so accom who are professors Eugene McKIm fingers ache and The muscles til Evelyn Simpson good thing. Doctor Harrison expressed the sore, both the drum major and the that engineering per students rest panied the alter brier belief that if given the opportun- iods, and then will be well acquainted and We extend our hearty sympathy to mem- were Oscar band ....Sports Edltar Leonard Conklln Norris, W. F. again. begin over all Edison. they Women's Editor ity, the backward peoples of the have the campaign for the folFrances Holyoke bers of the Prom committee, but remind them Richard Brackett, and L. A. Bing- world For in spite of the lack of "ex will soon year planned. an lowing would take active upon job university, It themselves. professors of the ham, and the absence of that thev wished the Although roost people think that part in world affairs. He believes aminations" of proctors, the class is lis accordingly up to them to make a good job and Professor Jensen of Wesleyan that the influence or Christianity absence the position of drum major is an one roost serious to its mem- easy one, Benton believes that they has already made remarkable pro bers,of the of the nlfair. tor perhaps the iirst tune, uur college. of any in the university. It Only One. gress would change their minds if they best wishes for a successful Junior-Senio- r Taught. Movements Basic I hope, said Doctor Harrison, once had the actual experience The Monitoring station, the only "While Student council members have been Prom ! one or its Kina in me unueu "that people in school will go into 'Professor" Benton's class, which themselves. The most Important States, checks the frequency of all this kind of work. There is no life meets each Wednesday at 4:30 p. reouisites for the position are na peacefully sleeping, the faculty subcommittee commercial, and like it. It is a challenge of a life m. in the property room of the Au- tural ability, willingness to work iroadcastlng. ou constitutions heard complaints, rciul peti- The Campus Its opera that is exciting." But, in closing. ditorium Is the only class of its and a good knowledge of music. radio stations. amateur concerning recommendations made tions, and Mack Sheep. Drum Major No taty joo. tion was begun on March 30, 1930. Doctor a kind in the United States as far as Harrison expressed the council constitution. Aside from informing post requires no small is located in urana thought that really contained the known. Neither text books nor The The station of jester, reflector official Nebraska's e Is bulwark of his appeal. it basic instruc amount of initiative in the that are lectures used to fact for the council members that t hoy had best unite the Island due campus humor, peddler of wit and comedy, very near the center of the United and drawing up of the intri "It is a life," said Doctor Har- tions and actual workouts are the Tarious student groups before attempting to cate and complicated formations. States and because of its splendid rison, "where we sacrificem our- only methods of instruction. powers, the faculty makes its bow once again before the student At first, there were only a few he explained. Last or an. ine publications board critics. The atmospheric conditions for good selves for others, not others for the body and that suggestion, the one other made group radio operation. The methods ana ourselves." Doctor Harrison was members in the class. The mem- drum major must have the ability magazine since the appear to Awgwan first is to vote on today. council', still equipment used represent the latest introduced by Trofessor Oldfallvr bership, however, increases with of leading men for the march, the banned in November, 929. it will un- and most hlgmy advanced or rauio of almost every lesson until the class drum maior has the last word as the history department. The faculty members recommended that was now contains 10 aspirants to the to the formations to be given and contain the purest of the pule engineering methods, for which power to determine eligibility of candidates doubtedly have, position of drum major. the music to be played. many dollars' thousands of wisecracks. varied among its contor student offices be omitted from the The basic finger twirl is taught Teaching the drum major aspirbeen spent. Measurements made previous the of contents the of nature The more ants the above things and drilling in the first lessons. as stitution, and thus remain, as it is today, in sometimes The are at this station numbers was not Hie only reason the publica- accurate as five parts in one skillful and fancy movements are them as to the "hows" and the the hands of the dean of student affairs. A more vital considerdiscontinued. aequired by diligent application "whys" of leading the band is the was tion a approved faculty In other words, the SENT 10 SORORITIES and continued practice. Since most process which will be going on for deficit piled up The inspection was made mainpowers claui, allowing the council to ation was the of the students are interested in the remainder of the winter each ly to give the students an idea of by succeeding staffs. the course and have had some ex Wednesday afternoon. deal with all student affairs in general, bur the practical and precise work acin our is more sheep once black the Today complished in recent radio refused to give that body any specific powers. no national advertising in its Groups Notified of Scores Voiui lo Give Itadio The council members thought : "Our general midst. With E tobacco profitable every bit the with of paces, will Chili Work It anything. Talk on In Compet; powers clause is clastic as cigarette advertising excluded, the mag- PAUL HARRISON TELLS give us power to do practically anything we and Chi Omcqa Leads. Club Work in "Growth of azine appears with no red ink figures in its OF LIFE AMONG ARABS choose." ' L will be the topic of a BY Nebraska" time for profit made a not has trail. It (Continued from Page 1.) Letters regarding intramurat brief radio talk to be given by The faculty member! thought: '"The gen- soliciting advertising from national concerns they think they do about what a standings have been sent to a,, orYoung, vice president of the Elmer It anything. as is clastic eral powers clause club, over KFAB at was too short to allow that but it has at least patient can stand." declared Dr. ganized groups by tne Inlramuial university group hosto department acquaint can be used to exclude any particular item we paid its war. furthermore, Harrison," and P:50 o'clock Tuesday morning. Mr. All Like Crowds Football prowith individual come and its record expressly authorities here could choose, for no particular items are Young will give an account of how Sigma Delta Chi has worked hard to make pital Instrument; Idea of and study some of our results with gress. club work started in Nebrasincluded. cone deserves a and contwenty-fivsuccess comic Nearly letters the returned profit." ka, and will tell of some of the Ryberg. Eric counthe :ive inwould group faculty taining information as to In brief, the gratulations. But there is one element work done by L. I. Frisbie, state Object to Soft Beds. standings and points acquired durcil power to do everything in general but volved that makes permanent success dubious. leader since 1918. club Everyone who has attended the In Arabia they cannot stand soft ing the year up to the present time nothing in particular. At present .enough subscriptions have beeti beds. They reject all western have been mailed to intiamural football games played by the U. S. The council, we believe. dos not realize the placed to assure a satisfactory cireuMion. equipment. The special nurse that representatives. Chi Omega with A. C. in the past four years ha DEATH PENALTY HIT significance of this point, and seems about to Will students continue to buy and support n is always with the patient is usu- 600 points stands first. The low- become familiar with the electric approve the document with the changes rec- magazine that keeps its pages clean of shady ally a "relative, who sleeps under est number obtained is 25. The ten calliope that is always on hand to high groups who acquired have morning the patient's bed. In the ommended. This would be fatal to any ambi- humor? send forth doleful or peppy music they have a talk fest while Drink- from 600 to 395 points are as fol- as the occasion demands. ComBY CALIFORNIA DEAN they tions the student group might possess. that so constituted are Nebraskans lows in of placement: order their If ing coffee, and eating toast. with are few paratively familiar ' Omega, is Mu, Chi 600; 570: Phi they cannot, enjoy any comic publication that "Why." said Dr. Harrison, Delta. 535: Gamma Phi the manner in which the instrur. not more or less dirty, the Awgwan will fail like it so much in our hospitals, Kappa While the Student council has taken " Beta. 505: A'.pha Xi Delta, 500; ment came into the possession of they want to come back eternity even to advance their prospective again. If they can enjoy clean humor, it will that of Kappa Alpha Tlieta, 445; Alpha the college. It occurred to the Orin K. McMurray Declares imagination to the Appealing editor of the alumni quarterly that constitution thus far. it semis evident they succeed. We wish it micccs- -. his audience. Dr. Harrison, de- Phi. 440; Delta Zcta. 405: Delta students might be interested Capital Punishment Net in remarkXo Delta, d Gamma, 395: Delta Delta job. sketchy the in life the a rather done clared have that to came how college. the gift this Deterrent. 395. countries was a gamble able powers of foresight or forethought have Selection of a staff will pivsent a few more with the Eric Ryberg, a former student you. And against odds Tangling concerned colanyone by been evidenced We hope although the speaker did not ac- LAWMAKERS TO CONSIDER and a good supporter of the problems for campus politicians. SAN FRANCISCO. Urging the originated the idea. Since at abolishment of capitol punishment. with A. "W. S. board members whiled away they will be insurmountable problems. There tually relate all of his experiences, THREE MATTERS TODAY lege, each Thanksgiving day game each many a delightful hour, and left little or no is no place on such a magazine staff for idle one could well imagine the long I Continued from Page l.i .school tried to outdo the other he Prof. Orin K. McMurray, dean of subtime for thought when really significant points talkers or activity men; the publications board hat dusty rides over the desert to subscriptions and delivery thought that the acquisition of a the University of California school village, cr sail- scriptions will be distributed an at issue came up for discussion. steam calliope for the Aggies of jurisprudence recently declared knows this, as does Sigma Delta Chi. winds iu a adverse against ing requir the prom committee aid them materially in the The document they eventually turned over A responsible staff must be obtained. Sigma small sail boat on the Persian gulf, to get our consent before makii.g would it certainly was no deterrent with the U. pep stunts. that competition euinuoi-atioeiioueh experilittle group had faculty commonplace is a which the to murder. io any expenditures over $100." Delta Chi will fight to obtain it. officers of several plan with He discussed the "Might the state not sentence, and of specific powers in it. Une point the that group say. If hard work and a good staff ence in his work. The election of the prom girl Aggie friends and alumni. They will be closeiy supervised by the concurred that it would be a valu- hang innocent men if it can send council managed to inciudt-- : Power to decide will make the Awgwan a success, then there k Rules Out Worry. innocent men to prison? And after Student council. This body will eligibility of students. This point, the only no doubt it will prosper. In dealing with the Arabian peo have charge of the Feb. 17 election able acquisition. the death penalty is carried out, were managers Several circus whole in the importance real Dr. one of any Exclusion of all cigarette and tobacco ad- ple for a lifetime's occupation when prom girl aspirants are contacted. They seemed to be of there can be no pardon,' Proffesor powers clause, the faculty committee recom- vertising will make the struggle for a profit Harrison has discovered that it nominated and it will also taTe the opinion that an air calliope McMurray declared. does not pay to worry. "I have a "The fact that the death penalty of the election the night of would do the job much better than mended be removed. difficult. There is no apparent reason lor this vulcanized epidermis I don't charge is involved in murder trials allows prom. the power to is have making to steam coum-ia After Student the instrument. If ruling that we can discover, except that some worry about anything." said the the defense to get an acquital as Union Report Due. sure that such an instrument could well as permitting the district atregulate all student organizations, it dearly organized women's group or other got ipiite doctor. Ryberg Mr. very practical A committee of the Student be made And in saying that Dr. Harrison torney to get a conviction, where should have power to decide eligibility of can- steamed up about running advertising for the of his experiences in dealing council was appointed shortly be- confei red with the college officials the true verdict should have been didates for membership in these organizations. "filthy old stuff,'' and wrote the chancellor. told fore Christmas vacation to investi- asking- if they would accept such a the opposite. with the medical cases. As affairs are progress nir at present, we Perhaps if another group Mere organized, and There was the case of a father gate the possibilities of a student gift from friends and former stu"The experience of stateswhich strongly-suspethe majority of the council wrote the chancellor a directly opposing view who took enough quinine to cure union building. Members of this dents. The officials consulted said have abolished evecutions should glad surbe of would certainly they been taking have committee son be gathered into a tangible set of members will not even remember what powers of the fpiestion. he might decide the issue oa his son of malaria, because his refused to take it; another similar veys of other schools and have such an acquisition. statistics and studied carefully. une in the tentative constitution and what its own merits. over with matter also the talked case of a native when told to get Many states are getting away were not. Thus far. too, no office has been obtained a bottle for the medicine insisted various members of tiie faculty K. VANS ANT LOSES from it. and I'm sure the whole group in will This time fur for the publication. We sincerely hope they wake up world is moving that way." hte There are several class- - that he did not want the bittle. and student on COUPE CHEVROLET rethe but only the medicine, and when it probably give a professor said emphatically. the deciding vote this afternoon. rooms in the basement of University hall that was finally impressed upon him sults of their investigation during coupe belonging A to Chevrolet no At purpose. the might properly serve that he needed the bottle for th today's meeting. The committee which was dele- Kenneth F. VanSant, a seniorcol-in Sigma (iainina Epxilon We are negb.ciiiig such points us ejii;il time in the day are they all occupied with medicine returned with a five galgated to convey the council's the business administration Will Meet eWdnesday lie be lon oil easily tin. of men and women students o:i recitations. One of them could very on military science has not lege, was stolen Monday night stand exof these Perhaps the worst owner in was the while council, which wc are certain even the most 1u rued over to the Awgwan, and the occasional perience the Sigma Gamma Epsilon, geologiwas the time the yet met with administrative authhotel. Leaving the hotel, cal fraternity, will hold a dinner member will recognize as ab- classes shifted to one of the other rooms, flies cut is ted Dr. Harrisonthat in per- orities. This meeting will be held VanSant noticed that his car had Wednesday noon in the Grand hosolutely necessary for the mi"cs1'u1 conclu- vacant at the hours scheduled. Nothing but forming a delicate operation. "I later in the week. Arrangements for the coming disappeared and turned to see it tel. All members of the fraternity under- inertia, as far as wc can discover, has pre- thought that they would surely sion of the task of constitution-makinup the opposite side of the are invited to attend. infection," said Dr. Harri- election on Feb. 17 will also be going street. He ran after the car but taken Instead, we wish to draw a little pic- vented the operating superitendent from sup- cause son, "they swarmed about my in- dealt with at this meeting. was unable to stop the occupants. ture,' of our worthy council at this time next plying the meessary office space. struments, the wound, and over No report has been received In spite of all the immovable objects iu its myself. I happened to remember, AWGWAN MAKES year. either as to the whereabouts of the ( The Unitarian Church NEW START ON Tniagine the much chagrined faees of next pathway, however, the magazine seems to be however, that the dust upon the I car or the mqn who took it. ) Twelfth and H Streets 130 was flies sterilized about in TODAY CAMPUS yeaf's council members, looking blankly at making noteworthy progress. Once more 't to 140 degrees of heat every day, A ) WITHOUT j CHURCH "THE (Continued from Page 1.) Fort Collins. With a total en- : ? each, other across the table, and realizing that wish it succets. CREED" so I sewed up the wound. The man ment by about 500. The block rollment of 1,502 students, the ; thej' do not indeed have power to do this or Suh.jei't 13 recovered. Feb. "The Sermon day, while other regular subscribColorado agricultural college has a Fermnn, . eHrrn 10 v nai ana. that, because the power so to do was not. The Second Challenge. ers can obtain their copies at the reached a new high mark for any f:Min D"liin painting. rne bearcn ; Turning to a more serious vein booth in Social Science hall. year in the history of the institu- I lor ruin. specifically included in their constitution. of thought. Dr. Harrison spoke of Single copies may be bought for tion. We don't think it will take much of an t. the second challenge that of their fifteen ccnta at any of the booths need. The desert people are today. actual Debriot: hundred and fifty-fiv- e Four Another Yelp. accustomed to about four inches of arts and commerce students Members. Staff Music rainfall each year, but during the TO THE EDITOR: the University of Detroit earned Other members of the editorial at ten years have received only more than $200,000 during the 1929 at "Squelched," maybe you do have some- last the Larimer, Leon included: staff about one inch per year, according term, according to a turvey of the To Do? Military Ball and thing to yelp about when you show your dis- to Dr. Harrison. The people are Marvin Schmid, Ivan Schwen- university employment bureau. Ball Norman Mobinson. Juiiior-x-nioinger, Marvin r be I'rom uiil The fifth annual gust over the nt'uwal of professors to pest leaving the country, and those that P.eeve Hansen, Jack Erickson, for are have staying, is that resistance on that McCast-linyou held in the coliseum March 27. it was with to yelp W. New York: Dr. H. grades. I'll be willing very low. A mere scratch will often Rhodes, Kirke Beard, James medical officer of Columbia yesterday. The coliseum is the ideal score. AFTER ALL . . . Lamme, Dorothy Rosalie had have become large a ulcer. "I states that the typical plac; the committee has accomplished at least P.itt here is another yelp, hy what, right people die, when I was taking Snodgrass and Howard Gillespie. university, It's tlie orchesln fieshman does not Art staff workers included: Columbia one .thing in selecting it. do professors assume that they are privileged every possible precaution, froiu vwo or smoke; more drinks glasses tliat makes the HanRobinson, Norman Three dollars, we presume, will he extracted to hand papers back at the end of a semester just such a scratch as we often Marvin affair. sen, James Pickering, S. Wenke, of milk dailly; regularly eats spinreceive work, the and during days re- and request from each visitor. It mighl not be. amiss Papers that were think nothing of. We can't step Harley Case. William Beacham, ach and lettuce and prefers swima FOR SPRING PARTIES mind the committee members that many a stu- handed in on schedule. Arc not professors as up a man's resistance in ten days, Erma Randall, Grub Groves, and ming as a sport. "They Satisfy" Schill. Ruth Paul Whiteman's out dent danced to the music of when it has been breaking down much responsible as the students to carry ( apologies included: solicitors Advertising LEARN TO DANCE band for this Knie price. To attend a prom the bargain of getting all work done on time? for years." a New Hit It's Don Vem Akin. Maurice Facka. Dr. said that the peoWill teach you to dance In nix for fhe same price, and find a mediocre orchesEddie Jungbluth Students are branded by professors as a ple In Harrison his district were poor, but Welier, Bill Crabill, Ray Caaford, any fault In one Correct and his tra playing mediocre 'dance tunes would be a motley mob of procrastinating youth, just try- those tribes living in the desert Ralph Spencer. Joe Alter, Bob lenson. Private lesnonit daily by appointment. Reditu Charles Skade. Harold Kube, Hotel Cornhngkcr distinct ing to get by in the university. They are ac- were in a poverty stricken condi- Lu. Harold Winqucst, RoRcr Wilker- Orchestra The Karb council, we might remind the cused of letting their work go until the last tion. A man may get a job carry son, LEE A. THORNBERRY Milton Gish, Thomas F.a.son, today, several ing rice earn and committee, lias dcoratcd the coliseum both minute, of handing papers in by the armful in- pennies which he spends for bread Elouise Kairhead, David Bengt- TELEPHONES Private Studio B1014 B 6971 2300 V St. wisely and ucll, not ouce but for evrey stead of singly as they are assigned. Profes- and a handful of dateft. He may son, Frank Jenkim, Mary; Phone L 8ZS1 party. To attend a prom, and find sors lament the situation and point out how have eaten yesterday, but he did Riepma, Allenc Mumcau, Freda ,, not eat the day before, and he does Johnson, Bill KUdy, Stan Wilsey a gymnasium instead of a many arc the papers they must go over. not know whether he will eat to- Frank Morrison. Faitii Lightner, Of but a would be another distinct A suggestion, perhaps not in order morrow or not that is the picture and Francis Obert. course there will be a false ceiling. Every suggestion, nevertheless is that professors at- that Dr. Harrison drew of Arabia. year since we have been in school there have tend to their business of reading papers as reADRIAN NEW ENS Poverty Offers Challenge. ' The challenge of the primitive been plans made for an artificial ceiling, lower ligiously as they hope students will turn in the GIVES READINGS than usual, for the military ball, or the prom, work. Perhaps it is true that the thousand, race is the challenge of extreme It it a challenge which is AT AG COLLEGE or something or other. Never yet have we of papers handed in each semester tax the ca- poverty. urgent because it is unnecesTHOUSANDS TO CHOOSE FROM. FOR . actually seen one of the critters, but perhaps pacity of an instructor. But, surely, it would more Ag students filled the college sary," insisted Dr. Harrison. In times have changed. be much easier to read those papers as they speaking of Arabia, Dr. Harrison activities building to capacity yesEVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. FOR terday morning to hear the read-toThe Junior League sells admissions to Fau! come in than to let the thousands pile up in a admitted that he wouldn't kner M. Newens Adrian by he if resources offered with to do what Barb The only. Whiteman for three dollars corner for Rome future leisure moments. SWEETHEART, PAL, FRIENDS. had them, but citing the case of Before each reading, Mr. Newens COMIC in council, while not rating the All in all, it has become disgusting to have Mesopotamia which he characteri- gave a brief summary of the auget the dance band woild, at least manage to to wait all semester for returned papers so that zed as the "Garden of the Earth" thor's work. He read the "Spell of ONES FOR A GOOD LAUGH. CHEERY reconstruction the Yukon" by Robert W. Serviss, lair music and excellent decorations tor one can discover how he is getting along, and he declared that a system would and "Tomlinson" by Kipling, and e eighty-fiv- e cents per couple. The Prom ONES FOR SHUT IN'S. of which of their Irrigation then find that he ha6 a few allow them their rightful place In concluded with a short r.atire. have to provide at least one, and to dispose during examination time. Mr. Newens is leaving Nebraska the world. better-stil- l both for their three dollar As a striking illustration of the within the next wetk to tak over Chapter two, if not censored, will revive the EASTMAN KODAK STORES, Inc. old complaint of the reader system, which third greatest challenge their his new position as deau of the Dr. Harrison School of PramaliJ Arts at Ithaca. own culture. superior other compulsory drill and ranks along wilh 1217 0 St. told of their newspapers, a morn- -' N. YVHe was piesident of the ." What to do? While a plan- on the Prom ' futile features of the university. edition found in School o." M'l.s'c here in Lincoln Ing and ihusuniveisity. out to unld it sold Sl.'ELClIED II. ithe desert upon the sand. And Committee is usually sought for the partieipa- f The Daily Nebraskan Budding Drum Majors Work Hard to Learn Baton Tricks in Special Class double-jointe- : Editor-in-chie- : While the Council Sleeps. plan-nin- iecurfiJPelf-govcrnment- half-aslee- 1 gci'-en- d ever-increasin- g All-Gre- H ek H H H oack-war- ay to-sh- n l ct i 1 Corn-husk- absent-minde- er d g MORNING MAIL 1 Great Inter-fraterni- ty e, Cra-bil- l, t ) s. let-dow- , wtl!-de,-ora1- ball-room- let-dow- n. VALENTINES gs top-notche- corn-mitte- es j . - rv-ni;.- -