2015 Surgical Science Intensive Course Program Date Monday 19 Jan Time 8.30am 9.00am 10.00am 10.30am 12.00noon 1.00pm Tuesday 20 Jan Session Presenter Anatomy RACS exam requirements and format Continuing assessment and clickers Screening exam result Fiona Stewart Welcome and entry exam 2.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 6.00pm Morning tea Anatomy spot test Lunch Introductory Physiology (1 hour) - Blood products, coagulation factors in trauma, IV fluids, shock, resuscitation and fluid balance, definition of terms molarity, molality SI units, etc Cardiovascular physiology Afternoon tea Cardiovascular physiology Review and finish 8.00am 9.00am Introduction to Neuroanatomy (1 hour) Neuroanatomy (lab) (3 hours) 12.00noon Lunch 1.00pm Renal physiology (2 hours) 3.00pm 3.30pm 5.30pm 1 Afternoon tea Endocrine physiology (2 hours) Pharmacology Review and finish Surgical Sciences Intensive Course Program Monday 19 January – Saturday 31 January 2015 Notes available David Storey Robert Rae Scott D’Armours Peter Kam Peter Kam John Morley Carl Parsons Fiona Stewart Robert Rae David Storey Catherine Storey John Morley Cherylea Brown Matthew Barton Annemarie Hennessy Mark McLean Gerald Muench Date Wednesday 21 Jan Thursday 22 Jan Time Session 12.00noon 1.00pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 6.00pm Lunch Neurophysiology and excitable cells Afternoon tea Neurophysiology (continued) Review and finish 8.00am 9.00am Brachial plexus Anatomy upper limb (lab)(3 hours) 8.00am 9.00am Introduction to head and neck Anatomy of the head and neck (lab) (3 hours) 12.00noon Lunch 1.00pm General pathology – cell injury and death 2.00pm Physiology (respiratory physiology and acid base balance) 3.30pm Afternoon Tea 4.00pm Respiratory physiology (continued) 6.00pm Review and finish Friday 23 Jan 2 Presenter Fiona Stewart John Crozier Fiona Stewart Robert Rae John Morley David Storey Cherylea Browne Matthew Barton Carl Parsons Pat Alley Peter Kam Peter Kam Catherine Storey Greg Leslie Fiona Stewart David Storey Robert Rae James Powell Cherylea Browne Matthew Barton Catherine Storey Pat Alley David Davies Blair Munford Blair Munford Anatomy all day - short 15 minute presentations on listed subject by demonstrators Abdomen and Pelvis: Abdominal wall Fiona Stewart Oesophagus and stomach David Storey Liver segments Robert Rae Pancreas Peter Zelas Biliary tree Peter Cosman Colon and appendix Pierre Chapuis Blood vessels, aorta and its branches, IVC Lou Lemech Pelvic organs Scott MacKenzie Kidneys and ureters Pat Alley Embryology Cherelea Browne Surgical Sciences Intensive Course Program Monday 19 January – Saturday 31 January 2015 Special circulations 12.30 – 1.30 Sat 24 Jan Sun 25 Jan Mon 26 Jan Lunchtime – Barbecue – all lecturers invited Australia Day Holiday and long weekend Tuesday 27 Jan 8.00am 8.30am 9.00am Blood vessels lower limb (0.5 hour) The knee joint (0.5 hour) Anatomy of the lower limb (lab) (3 hours) 12.00noon Lunch 1.00pm GIT physiology (2 hours) Wednesday 28 Jan 3 John Crozier James Powell John Crozier Robert Rae David Storey Fiona Stewart David Robinson Cherylea Browne Matthew Barton Anthony Leslie Neville Yeomans 3.00pm 3.30pm 6.30pm Afternoon tea Genetics (3 hours) Review and finish Joanne Lind 8.00am Radiology Noel Young 10.00am Pathology - General pathology 1 (non-ischaemic type of cell injury) - General pathology 2 (common cancers) Lunch 12.00 noon 1.00pm Thursday 29 Jan Matthew Barton Anthony Leslie Joo Shin Pathology - Immunology 1 and 2 Connie Katelaris 3.00pm 3.30pm Afternoon tea Microbiology 1, 2 and 3 Iain Gosbell 6.30pm Review and finish 8.00am The chest wall – Bony Thorax John Morley 9.00am Anatomy of the chest (lab)(3 hours) Bruce French Robert Rae David Storey Fiona Stewart Cherylea Browne Matthew Barton Surgical Sciences Intensive Course Program Monday 19 January – Saturday 31 January 2015 Friday 30 Jan 12.00noon 1.00pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.30pm The lungs video bronchial tree Lunch Anatomy of the heart (lab) (2 hours) Afternoon tea General pathology - infection and healing Pathology spot test Review and finish 8.00am Haematology David Rosenfeld 10.00am 10.15am Morning tea Practical pharmacology Blair Munford 12.00noon Lunch 1.00pm General pathology 5 - Pathology of adaptive growth disorders and neoplasia 2:00pm General pathology – haemodynamic disorders 3.00pm Afternoon tea 3.30pm Anatomy spot test Review and finish Saturday 31 Jan 4 Anthony Leslie R West 9.00am 1.00pm Exit exam (3 hours) Lunch, feedback forms and certificates Surgical Sciences Intensive Course Program Monday 19 January – Saturday 31 January 2015 David Davies David Davies Soon Lee David Davies