PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS ♦ JUDUL: TYPES AND MODE OF FORMATION OF DURICRUSTS SESI PENGAJIAN: 2005/2006 KUHAN A/L BALA SUBRAMANIAM _____________________________________________________________________________ (HURUF BESAR) Saya mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. **Sila tandakan (√ ) √ SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) TIDAK TERHAD _________________________________ Disahkan oleh _________________________________ (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) Alamat Tetap: 15, LORONG RAJA HAJI OTHMAN, 41100 KLANG, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN. MOHD. FOR MOHD. AMIN ____ _____________________________ Nama Penyelia Tarikh: 28 APRIL 2006 Tarikh: 28 APRIL 2006 CATATAN: * Potong yang tidak berkenaan. ** Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD. ♦ Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). “I hereby declare that I have read this report and in my opinion this report is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering.” Signature : .................................................... Name of Supervisor : Mohd. For Mohd. Amin Date 28 April 2006 : i TYPES AND MODE OF FORMATION OF DURICRUSTS KUHAN S/O BALA SUBRAMANIAM A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2006 ii “I declare that this report entitled “Types and Mode of Formation of Duricrusts” is the result of my own research except as cited in references. This report has not been accepted by any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree”. Signature : .................................................... Name : Kuhan s/o Bala Subramaniam Date : 28 April 2006 iii To my beloved father, mother and brother iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In preparing this thesis I was in contact with many people, researchers, academicians and practitioners. I would like to particularly thank my supervisor, Mr. Mohd. For Mohd. Amin. With his continuous encouragement, concern, guidance and critics, I am able to complete this thesis. I am also thankful to my father and mother for their constant encouragement and spiritual support. Without them, this study would not have been possible. I would also like to thank all the technicians of the Geotechnics and Engineering Geology Department as well as librarians of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for their assistance in providing relevant literature as well as assistance throughout the course of my study. My deepest gratitude also goes to all the lecturers and staff members of the Civil Engineering Faculty for their support and cooperation. v ABSTRACT Duricrusts are the accumulation of sediments which are cemented together by cementing agents. The chemical constituent of the cementing agent is the most important component of duricrusts because they determine the type of duricrust. Duricrusts are usually found in regions that exhibit humid and sub-humid or arid and semi-arid environmental conditions. There are certain characteristics of duricrusts that display a strong resemblance to clastic sedimentary rocks even tough duricrusts cannot be classified as rocks. Similarities between duricrusts and clastic sedimentary rocks are their material texture, mineralogy, strength and physical properties. The mode of formation of duricrusts is what differentiates it from clastic sedimentary rocks. This study was conducted to determine the different modes of formation of duricrusts and come up with a classification method for duricrusts. This study was also conducted to determine the common types of duricrusts that can be found in Malaysia and also provide an appropriate excavation method for duricrusts. Extensive literature reviews conducted include the geological aspects as well as engineering properties such as rebound number (surface hardness), point-load index strength, uniaxial compressive, tensile strength, density and seismic (P-wave) velocity. These parameters are important in determining the degree of excavatability and rippability of rock materials. From the analysis conducted, it was determined that duricrusts have similar material texture, mineralogy, strength and physical properties as certain clastic sedimentary rocks but cannot be termed as a clastic sedimentary rock based on its geological origin and mode of formation. This is because duricrusts suffer considerably less over burden pressure and are formed in situ unlike clastic sedimentary rocks. Due to the similar material properties between duricrusts and clastic sedimentary rocks, it was also concluded that mechanical ripping can be used for the excavation of duricrusts. vi ABSTRAK Duricrust adalah pengumpulan sedimen yang terikat dengan agen-agen pengikat. Jenis-jenis duricrust ditentukan melalui bahan kimia yang menghasilkan bahan pengikatnya. Duricrust biasanya dijumpai di kawasan-kawasan yang menonjolkan iklim tropika lembap atau iklim kontang. Tekstur, kandungan mineral, kekuatan dan kriteria-kriteria fizikal lain duricrust didapati menyerupai batuan sedimen klastik. Cara pembentukan duricrust adalah kriteria yang membezakan duricrust daripada batuan sedimen klastik. Kajian ini telah dijalankan bagi menentukan cara-cara pembentukan duricrust dan menyediakan cara kelasifikasi bagi duricrust. Kajian ini juga dijalankan bagi menentukan jenis duricrust yang biasa ditemui di Malaysia serta menentukan cara pengorekan yang sesuai bagi duricrust. Kajian literature yang menyeluruh telah dilaksanakan bagi menentukan aspek geologi serta kejuruteraan duricrust seperti nombor pantulan (kekuatan permukaan), kekuatan indeks beban titik, kekuatan mampatan ekapaksi, kekuatan tegangan, ketumpatan dan halaju seismik (P-wave). Parameter-parameter ini adalah penting bagi menentukan darjah pengorekan serta robekan bahan batuan. Daripada analisis yang dijalankan, telah dapat dipastikan bahawa tekstur, kandungan mineral, kekuatan serta kriteria-kriteria fizikal lain duricrust menyerupai batuan sedimen klastik tetapi duricrust tidak boleh dikelasifikasikan sebagai batuan sedimen klastik berdasarkan kepada cara pembentukannya. Ini adalah kerana didapati duricrust tidak mengalami jumlah mampatan yang serupa dengan batuan sedimen klastik serta ia terbentuk berdekatan dengan batuan asalnya (in situ). Disebabkan oleh kriteriakriteria bahan yang serupa antara duricrust dan batuan sedimen klastik, ia juga telah dirumuskan bahawa robekan mekanikal boleh digunakan untuk mengorek duricrust. vii CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST IF FIGURES xii INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Statement of Problem 2 1.3 Study Objective 3 1.4 Scope of Study 3 1.5 Methodology 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 5 viii 2.2 Clastic Sedimentary Rocks 7 2.3 Types of Duricrusts 8 2.4 Mode of Formation of Clastic Sedimentary Rocks 11 2.5 Mode of Formation of Duricrusts 12 2.6 Material Texture and Strength of Duricrusts and Clastic Sedimentary Rock 22 2.7 Duricrusts in Malaysia 24 2.8 Typical Properties of Various Rock 2.9 3 27 Engineering Properties of Duricrusts 31 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 35 3.2 Mode of Formation of Duricrusts 36 3.3 Material Texture of Duricrusts and 3.4 4 Types Clastic Sedimentary Rocks 39 Strength and Physical Properties 40 3.4.1 Uniaxial Compressive Strength 42 3.4.2 Durability 43 3.4.3 Point-load Index Strength 44 3.4.4 Surface Hardness 45 3.4.5 Tensile Strength 47 3.4.6 P-wave Velocity 48 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Mode of Formation of Duricrusts 49 4.2 Material Texture 51 4.3 Strength and Physical Properties 52 ix 5 REFERENCES CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions 55 5.2 Recommendations for Future Studies 56 57 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE PAGE The general classification of duricrusts based on its cementing materials (after Mohd. For Mohd. Amin et al., 2005) 6 Classification of sedimentary rocks (after Waltham 2002) 8 The general stages for the formation of calcrete (after Klappa, 1983) 20 Typical static mechanical properties of some common rock types (modified from Bengt Stillborg, 1985) 27 Relative seismic (P-wave) velocity (after Bickel & Kuesel, 1982) 28 Density of Rocks (modified after Manger and Clark, 1966) 28 Uniaxial compressive and uniaxial tensile strengths of rocks (after Pitts, 1984) 28 2.8 Slake Durability Classification (Gamble, 1971) 29 2.9 Classification based on point load index strength (Broch and Franklin, 1972) 29 Classification of rock types based on unconfined compressive strength (after McLean & Gribble, 1980) 30 2.11 Section 2904 of the Boston Building Code (1944) 33 3.1 The compressive strength by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) 42 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.10 xi 3.2 Durability index test results by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) 43 3.3 Point load test by Jerry Chua Kuo Seng (2004) 44 3.4 Rebound test results for block samples by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) 45 Rebound test results for core samples by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) 46 Joint wall compressive strength, JCS value by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) 46 3.7 Tensile strength test results by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) 47 3.8 The result of P-Wave Velocity by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) 48 Summary of test results on samples of duricrusts 54 3.5 3.6 4.1 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 2.1 TITLE PAGE Classification of duricrusts (after Faniran & Jeje, 1983) 6 2.2 Duricrusts formation (after Maignien, 1966) 7 2.3 Stages of weathering causing the accumulation of iron or alluminium to form ferricretes or alcretes. The profile shows the reletive accumulation of iron or alluminium based on time (after McFarlane, 1983) 13 Models of the formation of calcrete: (A) the capillary rise (per ascensum) model; (B) the precolation (per descensum) model with inputs of carbonate from above; (C) the detrital model in which a secondary calcrete is formed through the solution and disintegration of an existing calcrete horizon at a higher level in the landscape (after Goudie, 1973) 15 Typical weathering profile of calcrete at different locations (after Beauvais & Colin, 1993) 16 Typical weathering profile of silcrete (after Summerfield, 1983) 17 A schematic representation of the relationship between the formation of different duricrusts and prevailing conditions of climate and pH (after Summerfield, 1983) 18 Granular texture displayed by sand and gravel size mineral grains imbedded in cement matrix 23 Duricrusts occurring as caprock in Dengkil, Selangor 25 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 xiii 2.10 Secondary duricrusts in Pasir Gudang, Johor 25 2.11 The geological map of the study area (Malaysia New Series Map, Johor Bahru, Sheet 130) 26 Schmidt hammer hardness characteristics of some calcrete profiles on bedrock. (a) In Puerto Rico (after Ireland, 1079); (b) In Sulawesi (after Day and Goudie, 1977); (c) In Puerto Rico (after Day and Goudie, 1977); (d) In Israel (after Yaalon and Singer, 1974) 32 Close-up photographs of sandstone and duricrusts 51 2.12 4.1 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Duricrusts are the accumulation of sediments below the surface which are cemented together by cementing agents. Duricrusts are usually found in regions that exhibit humid and sub-humid or arid and semi-arid environmental conditions. It is common for a duricrusts formation to reach a thickness of 1-10 m but there are cases where the formation may reach a thickness of 50 m. The formation of duricrusts usually occurs several meters below the surface regarded as shallow seated strata but due to continues weathering of the loose and less resistant overlaying sediments, duricrusts formations are easily exposed. Iron, aluminum oxides and hydroxides, silica and calcium carbonate are some of the cementing agent for the formation of duricrusts. Geologically, there is significant interest about duricrusts not only due to its origins but also due to its significant role in landscape development and its role providing indications regarding past climates. From engineering aspects, there are 2 interests regarding the properties of duricrusts particularly their hardness and strength which provides an indication of the degree of excavatability of duricrusts. Formations of duricrusts in Malaysia are not as widespread as those found in countries like Australia and Africa. In Malaysia, duricrusts have been noted in several construction sites in Johor, Malacca and Selangor. Due to the uncertain nature of duricrusts, problems arise during the definition and terms in tender documents regarding excavation. As such, this study was carried out to determine the types and modes of formation of duricrusts so that its properties with regard to engineering interests could be obtained. 1.2 Statement of Problem Disputes often occur between clients and contractors during the classification of excavation materials. It is especially prominent when strongly cemented or indurated sediments such as duricrusts are encountered. Duricrusts exhibit properties that are similar to clastic sedimentary rocks but are not classified as rocks based on its different mode of formation. This study is to determine the mode of formation and classification of duricrusts to help in their classification for excavation purposes. 3 1.3 Study Objective The objectives of this study are as follows: i. To understand the mode of formation and classification of duricrusts based on geological factors. ii. To determine the common types of duricrusts found in Malaysia particularly in Selangor and Johor. iii. To use the mode of formation of duricrusts in classifying the materials for excavation works. 1.4 Scope of Study The scopes that are covered in this study are as follows: i. Overview of duricrusts particularly on types, classification and mode of formation. ii. Types of duricrusts found in Malaysia particularly in Selangor and Johor. iii. Mode of formation and the respective characteristics of duricrusts from an engineering viewpoint. 4 1.5 Methodology In order to achieve the objectives set out, the following steps will be carried out: i. Literature review on geological aspects regarding duricrusts. ii. Compilation of engineering properties of duricrusts related to excavatability. iii. Field observations carried out on related sites in Selangor and Johor. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Duricrusts are hard layers formed as a result of cementation or induration of sediments by cementing agents. The chemical constituent of the cementing agent is the most important component of duricrusts because they determine the type of duricrust (Table 2.1 and Figure 2.1). Iron, aluminium oxides and hydroxides, silica and calcium carbonate are some of the cementing agent for the formation of duricrusts. There are certain characteristics of duricrusts that display a strong resemblance to clastic sedimentary rocks even tough duricrusts cannot be classified as rocks. 6 Table 2.1: The general classification of duricrusts based on its cementing materials (after Mohd. For Mohd. Amin et al., 2005) Cementing materials Aluminium (Al) Iron (Fe) Siliceous (SiO2) Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) Iron (Fe) Aluminium (Al) Duricrusts Alcrete Ferricrete Silcrete Calcrete Laterite Bauxite Nature Indurated Indurated Indurated Indurated Loose Loose Figure 2.1: Classification of duricrusts (after Faniran & Jeje, 1983) Geologically, there is significant interest about duricrusts not only due to its origins but also due to its significant role in landscape development and its role providing indications regarding past climates (e.g. Faniran & Jeje, 1983; Wilson, 1983; Macias & Chesworth, 1992). Many duricrusts show evidence of replacement of one type by another, indicating a complex history of formation under changing conditions of climate and chemical processes. Duricrusts commonly reach thicknesses of 1 to 10m but there have been cases where the formations reached a thickness in excess of 50m (Summerfield, 1991). 7 Duricrusts layers are referred to as shallow seated layers and are subsequently easily exposed to the environment due to continuous weathering of the loose and less resistant overlaying sediments. Exposed duricrusts have a protective effect similar to that of a resistant cap rock in sedimentary sequences, and they can produce topographically significant landforms. Figure 2.2 shows the process associated with the formation of duricrust. Figure 2.2: Duricrusts formation (after Maignien, 1966) 2.2 Clastic Sedimentary Rocks Solid debris and the dissolved mineral matter produced by the mechanical and chemical breakdown of pre-existing rocks are the raw materials of sedimentary rocks. These materials are then transported to depositional environments that are away from the source of the sediments. These depositional environments include 8 meandering rivers, coastal areas, and oceans. Shales, mudrocks, siltstones and sandstones are the types of sedimentary rocks referred to as clastic sedimentary rocks that are comparable to duricrusts. The geological classification for sedimentary rocks is shown in Table 2.2. Table 2.2: Classification of sedimentary rocks (after Waltham 2002) Clastic sedimentary rocks RUDACEOUS: coarse grained Grain size > 2 mm. Conglomerate – rounded fragments. Breccia – angular fragments. ARENACEOUS: medium grained Grain size between 0.06 – 2 mm. Sandstone & allied rocks. ARGILLACEOUS: fine grained Grain size < 0.06 mm. Siltstone – quartz particles. Shales, clays, mudstone & allied rock. 2.3 Non-clastic sedimentary rocks CARBONATES (Organic) Consisting mainly of calcite. Limestone & allied rocks. NON-CARBONATES (chemical) Flint & chert – nodular or banded silica. Coal & lignite – lithified peat & plant material. Ironstone – any iron-rich sedimentary rock; sand, clay or oolite texture. Salt & gypsum – monomineralic rocks deposited by evaporation of water. Types of Duricrusts Duricrusts are the accumulation of sediments below the surface which are cemented together by cementing agents. The chemical constituent of the cementing agent is the most important component of duricrusts because they determine the type of duricrust. Duricrusts are usually found in regions that exhibit humid and subhumid or arid and semi-arid environmental conditions. There are certain characteristics of duricrusts that display a strong resemblance to clastic sedimentary rocks even tough duricrusts cannot be classified as rocks. The types of duricrusts that can be commonly found are as listed. 9 (a) Alcrete Indurated aluminium (Al) rich duricrust are known as alcrete (Macias & Chesworth, 1992). It forms in humid to sub-humid tropics with deep weathering profiles where rainfall totals are particularly high. (b) Bauxite Another common term for aluminium (Al) rich duricrust is bauxite (Macias & Chesworth, 1992). Bauxites are not indurated and are morphologically akin to laterites but its aluminium concentration dominates over its iron oxide concentration. The concentration of aluminium found in bauxites are high enough for it to become economically extractable. (c) Ferricrete Ferricrete is heavily weathered subsoil, rich in oxides of iron, aluminium, or both. Ferricrete is the indurated form of iron (Fe) rich duricrust. It forms in humid to sub-humid tropics with deep weathering profiles (Macias & Chesworth,1992). Ferricrete can be found in exposures having a hard, pavement like surface. Incision of this hard surface by streams can leave the ferricrete as resistant cap rocks on upland mesas and plateaus. Ferricrete deposits range in thickness from a few centimeters to tens of meters. 10 (d) Laterite Another form of heavily weathered subsoil, rich in oxides of iron, aluminium or both is referred to as laterite. Laterite is the loose form of iron (Fe) rich duricrust. It also forms in humid to sub-humid tropics with deep weathering profiles (Macias & Chesworth,1992). Laterite can be found just below the surface as a loose, soil like material and its deposits range in thickness from a few centimeters to tens of meters. (e) Silcrete Silcretes are indurated layers of silica-enriched materials formed beneath the surface in soils. A minimum of 95 percent of SiO2 is commonly found in silcretes. Silcretes generally form in both humid and arid environments (Summerfield, 1983). There have been cases where silcretes occur in humid weathering profiles close to ferricretes and arid weathering profiles close to calcrete. Silcrete tends to form roughly horizontal, highly resistant layers generally less than 5 m thick. When exposed by erosion, silcretes forms highly resistant cap rocks. (f) Calcrete Calcrete are widespread in arid and semi-arid areas with a current mean annual precipitation of between 400 and 600mm (Macias & Chesworth,1992). Calcretes have an average constituent of 80 percent CaCO3. They are a major component of the environment possibly underlying up to 13 percent of the total land surface (Yaalon, 1981). Calcretes are thick, massive, rock-hard accumulations that cement gravel, sand, and fines of sediment, producing dense and impermeable layers that resemble fresh-water limestone. The layers are a few centimeters to several meters thick. 11 2.4 Mode of Formation of Clastic Sedimentary Rocks Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed by sedimentation process of transported sediments such as clay, silt and sand in depositional environments like meandering rivers, coastal areas, and oceans that are away from the source of the sediments. After undergoing lithification processes, these loose sediments will be converted into stronger sedimentary rocks (Lutgens and Tarbuck, 2003; Waltham, 2002 and McLean and Gribble, 1980): 1. Cementation by cement matrix like siliceous (silica), ferrugineous (iron oxides), calcareous (calcite) and clay. Cementing materials are carried in solution by water percolating through the open spaces between particles. The cement then precipitates onto the sediment grains, fills the open spaces and join the particles. 2. Recrystallisation, a small scale solution and deposition of minerals. Confined largely to certain chemical sedimentary rocks. 3. Compaction, restructuring and change of grain packing with decreasing volume of pore space normally associated with high overburden stress (i.e. thick sedimentation). Most significant in finegrained sedimentary rocks such as shale. Sandstone consists of sand grains mostly of quartz and other minerals (mica, feldspars and clays), set in the cement matrix. Shale and siltstone are also expected to have similar mineral composition, except the mineral grains are relatively finer. 12 2.5 Mode of Formation of Duricrusts Pedogenic regimes of soil forming processes are closely related to the formation of duricrusts. Indurated zones in these pedogenic regimes form thick weathering profiles that consist of loose sediments resulting from weathering of in situ rocks that are associated with the formation of duricrusts. This indicates that duricrusts are formed in situ i.e. at location where parent rocks are being weathered to residual soils (in situ weathering deposits). The deep chemical weathering that happens in tropical regions is the main reason for high formations of duricrusts (Faniran & Jeje, 1983) although not confined to just this weathering environment. For duricrusts to form there needs to be a source of its cementing matrix. The relative accumulation of iron and aluminium oxides and hydroxides with the dispersion of other more unstable components like silica from the weathering mantle forms ferricretes and alcretes (Figure 2.3). This relative accumulation occurs due to leaching caused by humid tropical regions where rainfall totals are particularly high. A higher concentration of iron and aluminium may also occur as the elements are transported within the weathering mantle, mechanically or in solution form from high to low topographic positions (Summerfield, 1991). 13 Figure 2.3: Stages of weathering causing the accumulation of iron or aluminium to form ferricretes or alcretes. The profile shows the relative accumulation of iron or aluminium based on time (after McFarlane, 1983). While many duricrusts generally form based on a truly pedogenic formation, “non-pedogenic” duricrusts are those where cementing matrix has been introduced into the host soil or sediment by “absolute” accumulation (Goudie, 1983). There are two main forms of this accumulation process which are fluvial action and those produced by groundwater. The fluvial process involves the deposition of cementing matrix within channels or valleys (Lattman, 1977) or deposition from sheetfloods (Breazeale & Smith, 1930). Throughflow water and groundwater from lateral seepage may also cause cementing matrix to be deposited. The concentration of cementing matrix externally derived from laterally moving groundwater is probably the most common non-pedogenic duricrust. Accumulation may occur due to processes such as evaporation at the capillary fringe. 14 Pedogenic duricrusts form due to the concentration of authigenic cement essentially vertically within the soil profile primarily by “relative” accumulation (Goudie, 1983). The in situ model of duricrust formation comes into the pedogenic category. This model involves the relative accumulation of cementing matrix due to changes of the suitable host materials which results in the selective removal of noncement matrix materials or by solution and reprecipitation causing a reconstitution of the original limestone to produce case hardening (Blank & Tynes, 1965). Reconstituted and detrital duricrusts have the unique position of being in between pedogenic and non-pedogenic duricrusts. Weathered duricrusts are laterally transported and redeposited, which are then reindurated by essentially in situ processes are referred to as reconstituted and detrital duricrusts. Among the three models, the pre descensum model is of more importance because of the realization of the frequency and magnitude of its occurrence (Goudie, 1978;Morales, 1979). Figure 2.4 shows models of formation of calcrete. 15 Figure 2.4: Models of the formation of calcrete: (A) the capillary rise (per ascensum) model; (B) the percolation (per descensum) model with inputs of carbonate from above; (C) the detrital model in which a secondary calcrete is formed through the solution and disintegration of an existing calcrete horizon at a higher level in the landscape (after Goudie, 1973). 16 The absolute accumulation of silica or calcium carbonate forms silcrete or calcrete. The formation of these duricrusts require a source for the cementing agents, a means for the accumulation of the cementing agent and a mechanism for precipitation. These cementing agents can be obtained through the weathering of bedrocks or sediments, inputs from rainfall or dusts, plant residues and solutes in ground water. The cementing materials can move laterally or vertically. Vertical movement can be further divided into upward movement due to capillary rise (per ascensum) or downward movement due to percolation (per descensum)(Goudie, 1973). Figure 2.5 and 2.6 shows typical weathering profiles of calcrete and silcrete. Figure 2.5: Typical weathering profile of calcrete at different locations (after Beauvais & Colin, 1993) 17 Figure 2.6: Typical weathering profile of silcrete (after Summerfield, 1983). Precipitation can happen due to a number of factors other than evaporation of weathering solutions. It can happen due to pH changes, reactions with other cations in solution and organic activities. Changes in pH seem to be of particular importance in the formation of silcrete because it is able to explain why silcrete can be formed in both arid and humid weathering profiles (Figure 2.7). The solubility of silica increases dramatically once the pH level passes 9. In arid environments the pH level is normally between the ranges of pH 8 and 10 (alkaline). The movement of silica from a position that has a pH above 9 to a pH below 9 causes precipitation. In humid environments highly acidic conditions are found. Aluminium becomes more mobile then silica at a pH level below 4. This causes the aluminium to be displaced allowing the silica to accumulate and form silcrete. 18 Figure 2.7: A schematic representation of the relationship between the formation of different duricrusts and prevailing conditions of climate and pH (after Summerfield, 1983). Topography also plays a major role in the formation of duricrusts. The rate of development of duricrusts must be higher then the rate of denudation of duricrusts for it to be created in abundance and this requires low local relief. Topography is also important because it determines the local drainage conditions. The formation of silcretes is dependent on weather silica can be retained due to poor drainage while alcrete formations require efficient drainage to encourage leaching. The constituents of bedrock also play a major role in determining the type of duricrusts because it is the source for cementing agents required to form duricrusts. Another important factor in determining the mode of formation of duricrusts is the change of climatic conditions. Studies that have been carried out, managed to determine the climatic conditions for the formation of calcrete (see Goudie, 1973; Faniran & Jeje, 1983; Wilson, 1983; Macias & Chesworth, 1992; Netterberg, 1983, Summerfield, 1983) but the same cannot be said for the formation of ferricretes, alcretes and silcretes. High chemical and mechanical resistance makes it resistant to prevailing climate that may have changed dramatically. This causes these duricrusts 19 not to be in equilibrium showing signs of chemical, mineralogical and physical characteristics that affect their development. Calcretes on the other hand are extremely responsive to changing conditions. This can be noticed in the relatively high solubility of calcium carbonate which would cause the deforming of calcrete should the climate become humid. This contrasting resistance to environmental climate change is why calcretes that have been exposed to the surface are dated to the Late Cenozoic period while ferricretes and silcretes can be dated to the Early Cenozoic period and even beyond. There have been studies conducted regarding the role of organisms in the formation of duricrusts. The role of organisms in the accumulation and deposition of calcite has generally been overlooked. A certain micro flora which was found on Israeli calcrete (nari) showed that it had capabilities of producing large amounts of calcite (Krumbein, 1968). Also, some blue-green soil algae have calcium carbonate precipitating bacteria which can be found in their slime sheaths (Johnson, 1967). Klappa (1979b) also showed that many calcretes that are found in the Western Mediterranean basin have calcified organic filaments of soil, fungi, algae, actinomycetes and root hairs of vascular land plants. Microdium which has been discussed in studies (Klappa, 1978; Esteban, 1974), also play an important role in calcrete formations. Klappa (1978), states that Microdium grains constitute 43% of the total volume of calcrete. The simulation of precipitation of calcite by gypsum reduction also provides another indication of the role of organisms in the formation of calcrete. Lattman and Lauffenberger (1974) hypothesized that organic decomposition produced the hydrogen sulphide that caused precipitation of calcite by gypsum reduction which helped form thick calcretes in Nevada. Duricrusts have also been known to form under cold conditions. Various forms of calcareous curst are associated with present day or Pleistocene cold-climate landforms. This indicates that crusts are not restricted to form in arid or semi-arid areas. Experiments carried out have shown that when water is frozen, minute amount of bicarbonate is found in parts which freeze first. This then causes an increase in the bicarbonate concentration in the water which remains unfrozen. This 20 causes a build up of hardness and causes fibrous calcite crystals to precipitate (Swett, 1974). It is believed that calcrete generally forms more quickly compared to other types of duricrusts. The rapid formation of calcretes can be shown in the cementation of human artifacts such as gravestones. Silcrete, ferricrete and alcrete generally form slower due to the lower concentration of silica, iron and aluminium in surfaces and regolith waters. But studies carried out to determine the formation of ferrecrite (iron pan) on burial mounds by Breuning-Madsen, Holst and Rasmussen (2002) show that ferricretes have the capabilities of forming quickly given the cementing agent (Fe) is found in abundance. A generalized duricrust formation model is difficult to propose. This is due to factors such as climate, host material, topography, hydrology, organism and time. However, Klappa, 1983, gave a generalized indication regarding the formation of calcrete (Table 2.3). Table 2.3: The general stages for the formation of calcrete (after Klappa, 1983) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Preparation of host material The formation of regolith or weathered detritus from initially consolidated bedrock involves mechanical and biophysical disintegration, physiochemical dissolution and biochemical weathering. Whether this material accumulates in situ or is eroded and deposited elsewhere depends on the rate of sediment production versus its rate of removal. For calcrete formation to take place within a weathered host material, sediment production must equal or exceed the rate of removal. Soil formation Unconsolidated sediment or weathered detritus is transformed into a soil by changes produced by the action of organisms and by changes due to the movements of water through the sediment. Vertical movements of moisture tend to reinforce the changes produced by organisms, the general result being an anisotropy shown by layers or horizons parallel to the land surface. Accumulation of calcium carbonate The soil becomes progressively enriched with calcium carbonate. Pore spaces become lined or filled with calcite whereas relic 21 Table 2.3 (Continued) Stage 4 grains and other minerals inherited from the host material become progressively replaced by calcite. Characteristic structures composed of concentrations of pedodiagenetic calcite, such as glaebules (soil concretions) and calcitans (free and embedded grain cutans), are formed. Biological constituents of the soil may become calcified, thus forming biogenic carbonate structures such as rhizoliths, calcified filaments, calcified faecal pellets, calcified cocoons and Microcodium aggregates. The thickness and depth of carbonate accumulation will depend on: the amount of available calcium and carbonate ions; the depth of which calcium-bearing waters can penetrate; the relative and absolute amounts of precipitation and dissolution of calcium carbonate within the soil profile; and the porosity and permeability of the host material. Profile development In the early stages of calcrete development, the profile is composed of weathered materials with high porosities and permeabilities. Vertical movements of meteoric vadose water can take place relatively easily and the amount of water retained within the soil profile is insufficient to supply the requirements of all plant species. Some plants extend taproots vertically downwards to the capillary fringe above the water table or to a perched water table overlaying an impermeable substrate. Accumulation of calcium carbonate from vertically elongate glaebules and vertically oriented rhozoliths as a result of vertical water movements and the presence of taproots respectively. Roots extend downwards into fractures and joints within the host material, culminating in the formation of the translation horizon. Precipitation of calcium carbonate, without significant cementation because of mechanical or chemical instability, forms the chalky horizon of the pedogenic calcrete profile. The chalky horizon is subjected to frequent periods of wetting and drying. Precipitation and dissolution of calcium carbonate take place concurrently. Pedoturbation (physical, chemical and biological disturbance of soil material) precludes the formation of indurated layers. As the accumulation of calcium carbonate increases, porosity and permeability of the profile decrease. Original constituents of the host material are progressively replaced with increasing amounts of calcite. At some point in profile development, it becomes easier for soil water to move laterally rather then vertically. By this stage, most plants from vertical to horizontal root systems may reflect a change of plant species as the calcrete profile evolves. Intertroot distances in woody species are large compared with herbaceous species (Bowen, 1973). Large (5-20 cm), isolated, vertically oriented rhizoliths are common in glaebular horizons, whereas smaller (1-2 mm), branching, horizontally oriented rhizoliths form the bulk of sheet calcrete horizons. Thus, the development of the sheet calcrete horizon from the glaebular horizon may be a reflection of plant succession. 22 Table 2.3 (Continued) Stage 5 Stage 6 2.6 Induration As accumulation of calcium carbonate increases, a point will be reached when the soil organisms can no longer maintain viability. The intensity of soil-forming processes diminishes and eventually ceases to be important. Diagenetic processes, mainly cementation and replacement lead to the fossilization and induration of the soil profile. Reworking The indurated profile, if it remains at the land surface, is subjected to further processes which will alter or destroy the profile. Soil forming processes, governed initially by lower plant activities (lichens, algae, fungi, bacteria) will form a protosoil. The prepared substrate allows colonization of other plants such as mosses and grasses. Eventually, the soil profile is able to support higher plants. The root systems of these plants penetrate, dissolve and fracture the indurated hardpan. Disturbance of the calcrete profile by vegetation may form tepee structures and rhizo-breccias. Further pedoturbation, carbonate dissolution and reprecipitation, lead to the formation of a reworked, recemented, brecciaconglomeratic calcrete hardpan. Material Texture of Duricrusts and Clastic Sedimentary Rocks Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from fragments and their textures are dependent on the sizes, shapes and arrangement of these fragments. These fragments are cemented together with cement matrix much like duricrusts (see Figure 2.8). The size of the grain of a clastic sedimentary rock is an important indicator regarding the distance between the source of the grain and its depositional area. Coarser particals are an indicator that the grains source is close by and finer particals are indicators that the source is far away. Another indicator regarding the distance of the grains from its source is the degree of roundness (McLean & Gribble, 1979). The further away the grain travels from the source the rounder it gets due to abrasion suffered during transport. 23 The strength of clastic sedimentary rocks and duricrusts come from the strength of the individual mineral grain (quartz feldspar and mica) as well as the cement matrix. Common cementing matrix such as siliceous, ferrugineous and calcareous cementing matrixes are associated with the formation of duricrusts and clastic sedimentary rocks. Calcareous cement matrix can be determined by exposing it to diluted hydrochloric acid. Siliceous cement matrix is the hardest cement matrix and therefore produces the hardest sedimentary rock or duricrust. Ferrugineous cement matrix can be determined if the sedimentary rock or duricrust has an orange or dark red color (Waltham, 2002). The weakest point of these materials is the boundary between the mineral grains and the cement matrix. Therefore, with a stronger bonding between the cement matrix and mineral grains, the material will also be stronger. Due to this it is believed that strength properties of duricrusts are similar to those of clastic sedimentary rocks. Figure 2.8: Granular texture displayed by sand and gravel size mineral grains imbedded in cement matrix. 24 2.7 Duricrusts in Malaysia Formations of duricrusts in Malaysia are not as widespread as those found in countries like Australia and Africa. In Malaysia, duricrusts have been encountered at several construction sites in Johor and Selangor (Mohd For Mohd Amin & Muhd Zaimi Abd. Majid, 1993). Duricrusts can also be found in other states but the problem seems prominent in Johor and Selangor because these states are the states that are undergoing extensive construction activities. Selangor and Johor contains both primary and secondary formations of duricrust (Figure 2.9 and 2.10). Figure 2.11 shows a geological map of the South of Johor (PTA M32.J69 J64 1974), which indicates the site in Johor which is located at Bandar Baru Uda, Johor Bahru. The duricrusts found on site were varied in thickness (1 to 3m) and were exposed to the environment due to intensive erosion and weathering. Based on the surrounding rock masses which are granite, early estimates regarding the type of duricrust are alcrete and ferricrete. The duricrusts are believed to be alcrete and ferricrete because the chemical composition of the granite stone found in the area are probably iron and aluminium. Southern parts of Malaysia experienced semi arid climate during the Quaternary Period (Pleistocene Epoch). Due to the high evaporation rate compared to precipitation rate, the region was exposed primarily to mechanical weathering rather then chemical weathering (Fauzilah Ismail, 2002). This caused the accumulation of salts, sulfates and carbonates that dissolved into the ground during humid climates to exist unaltered, ready to act as cementing agents to form duricrusts (Rollings & Rollings Jr, 1997). The existence of an arid climate in Malaysia can be proven with the findings of iron remnants found in the eastern parts of Johor. The iron (Fe) remnants act as a common cementing agent to form ferricretes which form in arid climates. 25 The flow of time has caused the climatic conditions of Malaysia to change from an arid climate experienced during the Quaternary Period to a humid climate. High precipitation caused soluble minerals to acts as cementing agents. Due to evaporation, the cementing agent formed strong bonds with sediments to form duricrusts. This has allowed the existence of duricrusts that are only found in humid regions to appear in Malaysia as well. Figure 2.9: Duricrusts occurring as caprock in Dengkil, Selangor. Figure 2.10: Secondary duricrusts in Pasir Gudang, Johor. 26 Figure 2.11: The geological map of the study area (Malaysia New Series Map, Johor Bahru, Sheet 130) 27 2.8 Typical Properties of Various Rock Types Table 2.4 through Table 2.7 below show some typical properties of various rock types that include sandstone, siltstone, mudrock and shale. Table 2.4: Typical static mechanical properties of some common rock types (modified from Bengt Stillborg, 1985) Rock class Sedimentary rock Metamorphic rock Igneous rock Rock type Limestone Mudstone Sandstone Siltstone Shale Gneiss Marble Quartz Basalt Gabbro Granite Unconfined compress. strength σc [MPa] 50 - 200 5 - 15 50 - 150 5 - 200 50 - 100 100 - 200 100 - 200 200 - 400 100 - 300 100 - 300 100 - 200 Tensile Strength σt [MPa] Point load Index Is(50) [MPa] 5 - 20 − 5 -15 2 - 20 2 - 10 5 - 20 5 - 20 25 - 30 10 - 15 10 - 15 5 - 20 0.5 - 7 0.1 - 6 0.2 - 7 6 - 10 − 2 - 11 2 - 12 5 - 15 9 - 14 6 - 15 5 - 10 28 Table 2.5: Relative seismic (P-wave) velocity (after Bickel & Kuesel, 1982) Type Of Rocks Dry, loose topsoils and silts. Dry sands, loams; slightly sandy or gravely soft clays. Dry gravels, moist sandy and gravely soils; dry heavy silts and clays; moist silty and clayey soils. Dry, heavy, gravely clay; moist, heavy clays; cobbly materials with considerable sands and fines; soft shales; soft or weak sandstones Water, saturated silts or clays, wet gravels. Compacted, moist clays; saturated sands and gravels; soils below water table; dry medium shales, moderately soft sandstones, weathered, moist shales and schists. Hardpan; cemented gravels; hard clay; boulder till; compact, cobbly and bouldery materials; medium to moderately hard shales and sandstones, partially decomposed granites, jointed and fractured hard rocks. Hard shales and sandstones, interbedded shales and sandstones, slightly fractured hardrocks. Unweathered limestones, granites, gneiss, other dense rocks. P-wave velocity m/s 180-370 300-490 460-910 910-1460 1460-1520 1460-1830 1680-2440 2440-3660 3660-6100 Table 2.6: Density of Rocks (modified after Manger and Clark, 1966) Type of sedimentary rocks Sandstone Limestone Dolomite Chalk Marble Shale Sand Range of Density kg/m3 2170 – 2700 2370 – 2750 2750 – 2800 2230 2750 2060 – 2660 1920 – 1930 Table 2.7: Uniaxial compressive and uniaxial tensile strengths of rocks (after Pitts, 1984) Rock Type Granite Dolerite Basalt Sandstones Mudrocks Limestones Gneisses Uniaxial Compress. Strength (MN/m2) 100-250 200-350 150-300 20-170 10-100 30-250 50-200 Uniaxial Tensile Strength (MN/m2) 7-25 15-35 10-30 4-25 2-10 5-25 5-20 29 The typical classification and description for various rock types based on the properties and strengths are given in Table 2.8 through Table 2.10. Table 2.8: Slake Durability Classification (Gamble, 1971) Group name and description Very high durability High durability Medium High durability Medium durability Low durability Very Low durability % retained after one 10 min. cycle, Id1 (dry weight basis) >99 98-99 95-98 85-95 60-85 <60 % retained after two 10 min. cycle, Id2 (dry weight basis) >98 95-98 85-95 60-85 30-60 <30 Table 2.9: Classification based on point load index strength (Broch and Franklin, 1972) Strength Classification Is (MN/m2) Very strong Strong Moderately strong Moderately weak Weak Very weak rock or hard soil >6.7 3.35-6.7 0.85-3.35 0.4-0.85 0.12-0.4 0.05-0.12 Equivalent UCS (MN/m2) >100 50-100 12.5-50 5-12.5 1.25-5 0.6-1.25 30 Table 2.10: Classification of rock types based on unconfined compressive strength (after McLean & Gribble, 1980) Descriptive terms UCS (MPa) Rock types Very weak rock. Weak rock. Moderately weak rock < 1.25 1.25 – 5.0. 5.0 – 12.5 Some weakly compacted sedimentary rocks, some very highly weathered igneous or metamorphic rocks, boulder-clays. Moderately strong rock 12.5 – 50.0 Some sedimentary rocks, some foliated metamorphic rocks, highly weathered igneous and metamorphic rocks. Strong rock 50 – 100 Some low-grade metamorphic rocks, marbles, some strongly cemented sandstones (silica cement), some weathered and metamorphic rocks. Very strong rock 100 – 200 Mainly plutonic, hypabyssal and extrusive igneous rocks (medium to coarse grained), sedimentary quartzites, strong slate, gneisses. Extremely strong rock > 200 Fine-grained igneous rock, metamorphic quartzites, some hornfelses. 31 2.9 Engineering Properties of Duricrusts It is necessary to have a form of classification for duricrusts to predict its excavatability. Classification suitable for excavation of duricrusts should be of both geological and engineering significance and must be applicable in the field by relatively untrained personnel. Various studies have been conducted to determine the physical characteristics of duricrusts in particular calcrete. The Schmidt Test Hammer Type N is one of the devices that has been used with some success (Day & Goudie, 1977). With this test the hardness of the calcrete sample was able to be determined. Studied conducted showed that the distance of the rebound R, obtained from the hammer was highly correlated with compressive strength (Yaalon & Singer, 1974). Studies conducted in the Kalahari showed that hardpan and laminar calcretes had a mean R value of 42 which indicates a compressive strength of 324 kg/cm2. R values of 51-54 and compressive strength of 600-788 kg/cm2 were obtained form samples obtained for Israel (Yaalon & singer, 1974). Figure 2.12 shows Schmidt hammer hardness characteristics of some calcrete profiles. 32 Figure 2.12: Schmidt hammer hardness characteristics of some calcrete profiles on bedrock. (a) In Puerto Rico (after Ireland, 1079); (b) In Sulawesi (after Day and Goudie, 1977); (c) In Puerto Rico (after Day and Goudie, 1977); (d) In Israel (after Yaalon and Singer, 1974). 33 Information found from the Boston Building Code (Table 2.11), Section 2904 of the 1944 edition provides an indication of the engineering properties of hardpan (also known as duricrusts). It indicates the maximum bearing pressure allowable on hardpans for the construction of foundations above it is 10 tfs (tons per square foot). Table 2.11: Section 2904 of the Boston Building Code (1944). Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Material Massive bedrock without limitations, such as granite, diorite and granitic rocks; and also gneiss, trap rock, felsites and thoroughly cemented conglomerates such as the Roxbury Puddingstone, all in sound condition (sound condition allows minor cracks). Laminated rocks, such as slate and schist, in sound condition (minor cracks allowed). Shale in sound condition (minor cracks allowed). Residual deposits of shattered or broken bedrock of any kind except shale. Hardpan. Gravel, sand-gravel mixtures, compact Gravel, sand-gravel mixtures, loose; sand, coarse, compact Sand, coarse, loose; sand, fine, compact Sand, fine, loose Hard clay Medium clay Soft clay Rock flour, shattered shale, or any natural deposit of unusual character not provided for herein Allowable Bearing Value Tons/sq ft 100 35 10 10 10 5 4 3 1 6 4 1 Value to be fixed by the Commissioner The United States Department of Labour in its occupational safety and health standards classifies hardpans (also known as duricrusts) as “Type A” soil under its Regulations (Standard 29-CFR) Soil Classification-1926 Subpart P, App A. “Type A” indicates cohesive soils with an unconfined, compressive strength of 144 kPa (1.5 tfs) or greater. However, duricrusts are not classified as “Type A” if: (i) It is fissured 34 (ii) It is subject to vibration from heavy traffic, pile driving, or similar effects (iii) It has been previously disturbed (iv) It is part of a sloped, layered system where the layers dip into the excavation on a slope of four horizontal to one vertical (4H:1V) or greater (v) It is subject to other factors that would require it to be classified as a less stable material. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction The main objective of this study is to understand the types and mode of formation of duricrusts and using this understanding to classify duricrusts for excavation. The types and mode of formation of duricrusts will be determined by conducting extensive literature reviews to compare the previous findings. Previous studies regarding the excavatability of duricrusts will also be reviewed to the verify claims regarding the similarities between duricrusts and clastic sedimentary rocks especially in terms of material texture, mineralogy, strength and physical properties. 36 3.2 Mode of Formation of Duricrusts Pedogenic regimes of soil forming processes are closely related to the formation of duricrusts. Indurated zones in these pedogenic regimes form thick weathering profiles that consist of loose sediments resulting from weathering of in situ rocks that are associated with the formation of duricrusts. The deep chemical weathering that happens in tropical regions is the main reason for high formations of duricrusts (Faniran & Jeje, 1983) although not confined to just this weathering environment. Pedogenic duricrusts form due to the concentration of authigenic cement essentially vertically within the soil profile primarily by “relative” accumulation (Goudie, 1983). The in situ model of duricrust formation comes into the pedogenic category. This model involves the relative accumulation of cementing matrix due to changes of the suitable host materials which results in the selective removal of noncement matrix materials or by solution and reprecipitation causing a reconstitution of the original limestone to produce case hardening (Blank & Tynes, 1965). While many duricrusts generally form based on a truly pedogenic formation, “non-pedogenic” duricrusts are those where cementing matrix has been introduced into the host soil or sediment by “absolute” accumulation (Goudie, 1983). There are two main forms of this accumulation process which are fluvial action and those produced by groundwater. The fluvial process involves the deposition of cementing matrix within channels or valleys (Lattman, 1977) or deposition from sheetfloods (Breazeale & Smith, 1930). Throughflow water and groundwater from lateral seepage may also cause cementing matrix to be deposited. The concentration of cementing matrix externally derived from laterally moving groundwater is probably the most common non-pedogenic duricrust. Accumulation may occur due to processes such as evaporation at the capillary fringe. 37 Reconstituted and detrital duricrusts have the unique position of being in between pedogenic and non-pedogenic duricrusts. Weathered duricrusts are laterally transported and redeposited, which are then reindurated by essentially in situ processes are referred to as reconstituted and detrital duricrusts. Among the three models, the pre descensum model is of more importance because of the realization of the frequency and magnitude of its occurrence (Goudie, 1978;Morales, 1979). Precipitation can happen due to a number of factors other than evaporation of weathering solutions. It can happen due to pH changes, reactions with other cations in solution and organic activities. Changes in pH seem to be of particular importance in the formation of silcrete because it is able to explain why silcrete can be formed in both arid and humid weathering profiles. The solubility of silica increases dramatically once the pH level passes 9. In arid environments the pH level is normally between the ranges of pH 8 and 10 (alkaline). The movement of silica from a position that has a pH above 9 to a pH below 9 causes precipitation. In humid environments highly acidic conditions are found. Aluminium becomes more mobile then silica at a pH level below 4. This causes the aluminium to be displaced allowing the silica to accumulate and form silcrete. Topography also plays a major role in the formation of duricrusts. The rate of development of duricrusts must be higher then the rate of denudation of duricrusts for it to be created in abundance and this requires low local relief. Topography is also important because it determines the local drainage conditions. The formation of silcretes is dependent on weather silica can be retained due to poor drainage while alcrete formations require efficient drainage to encourage leaching. The constituents of bedrock also play a major role in determining the type of duricrusts because it is the source for cementing agents required to form duricrusts. Another important factor in determining the mode of formation of duricrusts is the change of climatic conditions. Studies that have been carried out, managed to determine the climatic conditions for the formation of calcrete (see Goudie, 1973; 38 Faniran & Jeje, 1983; Wilson, 1983; Macias & Chesworth, 1992; Netterberg, 1983, Summerfield, 1983) but the same cannot be said for the formation of ferricretes, alcretes and silcretes. High chemical and mechanical resistance makes it resistant to prevailing climate that may have changed dramatically. This causes these duricrusts not to be in equilibrium showing signs of chemical, mineralogical and physical characteristics that affect their development. Calcretes on the other hand are extremely responsive to changing conditions. This can be noticed in the relatively high solubility of calcium carbonate which would cause the deforming of calcrete should the climate become humid. This contrasting resistance to environmental climate change is why calcretes that have been exposed to the surface are dated to the Late Cenozoic period while ferricretes and calcretes can be dated to the Early Cenozoic period and even beyond. There have been studies conducted regarding the role of organisms in the formation of duricrusts. A certain micro flora which was found on Israeli calcrete (nari) showed that it had capabilities of producing large amounts of calcite (Krumbein, 1968). Also, some blue-green soil algae have calcium carbonate precipitating bacteria which can be found in their slime sheaths (Johnson, 1967). Klappa (1979b) also showed that many calcretes that are found in the Western Mediterranean basin have calcified organic filaments of soil, fungi, algae, actinomycetes and root hairs of vascular land plants. Microdium which has been discussed in studies (Klappa, 1978; Esteban, 1974), also play an important role in calcrete formations. Klappa (1978), states that Microdium grains constitute 43% of the total volume of calcrete. The simulation of precipitation of calcite by gypsum reduction also provides another indication of the role of organisms in the formation of calcrete. Lattman and Lauffenberger (1974) hypothesized that organic decomposition produced the hydrogen sulphide that caused precipitation of calcite by gypsum reduction which helped form thick calcretes in Nevada. Duricrusts have also been known to form under cold conditions. Various forms of calcareous curst are associated with present day or Pleistocene cold-climate landforms. This indicates that crusts are not restricted to form in arid or semi-arid 39 areas. Experiments carried out have shown that when water is frozen, minute amount of bicarbonate is found in parts which freeze first. This then causes an increase in the bicarbonate concentration in the water which remains unfrozen. This causes a build up of hardness and causes fibrous calcite crystals to precipitate (Swett, 1974). It is believed that calcrete generally forms more quickly compared to other types of duricrusts. The rapid formation of calcretes can be shown in the cementation of human artifacts such as gravestones. Silcrete, ferricrete and alcrete generally form slower due to the lower concentration of silica, iron and aluminium in surfaces and regolith waters. But studies carried out to determine the formation of ferrecrite (iron pan) on burial mounds by Breuning-Madsen, Holst and Rasmussen (2002) show that ferricretes have the capabilities of forming quickly given the cementing agent (Fe) is found in abundance. 3.3 Material Texture of Duricrusts and Clastic Sedimentary Rocks Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from fragments and their textures are dependent on the sizes, shapes and arrangement of these fragments. These fragments are cemented together with cement matrix much like duricrusts. The size of the grain of a clastic sedimentary rock is an important indicator regarding the distance between the source of the grain and its depositional area. Coarser particals are an indicator that the grains source is close by and finer particals are indicators that the source is far away. Another indicator regarding the distance of the grains from its source is the degree of roundness (McLean & Gribble, 1979). The further away the grain travels from the source the rounder it gets due to abrasion suffered during transport. 40 The strength of clastic sedimentary rocks and duricrusts come from the strength of the individual mineral grain (quartz feldspar and mica) as well as the cement matrix. Common cementing matrix such as siliceous, ferrugineous and calcareous cementing matrixes are associated with the formation of duricrusts and clastic sedimentary rocks. The weakest point of these materials is the boundary between the mineral grains and the cement matrix. Therefore, with a stronger bonding between the cement matrix and mineral grains, the material will also be stronger. Due to this it is believed that strength properties of duricrusts are similar to those of clastic sedimentary rocks. 3.4 Strength and Physical Properties It is necessary to have a form of classification for duricrusts to predict its excavatability. Classification suitable for excavation of duricrusts should be of both geological and engineering significance and must be applicable in the field by relatively untrained personnel. Various studies have been conducted to determine the physical characteristics of duricrusts in particular calcrete. The Schmidt Test Hammer Type N is one of the devices that has been used with some success (Day & Goudie, 1977). With this test the hardness of the calcrete sample was able to be determined. Studied conducted showed that the distance of the rebound R, obtained from the hammer was highly correlated with compressive strength (Yaalon & Singer, 1974). Studies conducted in the Kalahari showed that hardpan and laminar calcretes had a mean R value of 42 which indicates a compressive strength of 324 kg/cm2. R values of 51-54 and 41 compressive strength of 600-788 kg/cm2 were obtained form samples obtained for Israel (Yaalon & singer, 1974). Duricrusts can be classified geologically according to the types of duricrusts, the mode of formation of duricrusts or in terms of engineering properties. The properties that will be looked into include mechanical properties like rebound number (surface hardness), point-load index strength, uniaxial compressive and tensile strength. Properties like density and seismic (P-wave) velocity are also looked into to determine the degree of compactness of duricrusts. The degree of excavatability and rippability of rock materials can be determined with these properties (MacGregor et al., 1994 & Pettifer and Fookes 2004). The raw data for the comparisons were obtained form research conducted by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) and Jerry Chua Kuo Seng (2004) 42 3.4.1 Uniaxial Compressive Strength Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is the most common parameter for studying the strength properties of materials (Jumikis, 1979). For the classification of duricrusts, UCS provides an indication regarding the strength, weather duricrusts will be pulverized during excavation, and resistance against loading and fracturing. Table 3.1: The compressive strength by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) Core Sample No. A B C D E F G H Compressive Strength, MPa 9.06 8.86 12.74 12.95 9.97 10.96 7.36 12.20 43 3.4.2 Durability Durability of materials is important for all applications. Since the disintegration of materials is many and varied, the durability index provides an indication regarding the resistance of duricrusts against slaking and the degree of bonding of cementing agents found in duricrusts. Table 3.2: Durability index test results by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) Lump Group No. A B C D E F Average value Id1 % Id2 % 90.9 83.8 88.4 78.3 80.6 68.5 96.0 89.0 93.9 86.9 88.2 78.2 89.7 % 80.8 % 44 3.4.3 Point-load index strength The point-load index provides an indication regarding the strength, weather duricrusts will be pulverized during excavation, and resistance against loading and fracturing. Table 3.3: Point load test by Jerry Chua Kuo Seng (2004) Sample No. 1 2 3 4 E F Height, D mm 28.0 27.5 30.0 27.0 30.0 28.0 Width, W mm 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Load, P kN 0.8 0.5 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.7 De2 mm2 1782.54 1750.70 1909.86 1718.87 1909.86 1782.54 Is MPa 0.45 0.29 0.47 0.52 0.52 0.39 F 0.77 0.76 0.79 0.76 0.79 0.77 Is50 MPa 0.35 0.22 0.37 0.40 0.41 0.30 45 3.4.4 Surface Hardness Surface hardness provides an indication of resistance against impact and abrasion. Every material has a range of hardness that ultimately depends on the strength of its chemical bonds. Surface hardness provides an indication on how hard it will be to penetrate cutting tools into duricrusts. Table 3.4: Rebound test results for block samples by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) Block No. Rebound Number (R) Total Average Value Block Comp. Strength, Mpa (α=450) Block 1 16 25 15 22 22 15 16 18 20 18 187 Block 2 20 18 22 20 20 15 18 26 26 18 203 Block 3 16 14 18 14 18 22 20 14 24 22 182 Block 4 24 20 12 20 12 12 20 20 12 22 174 Block 5 18 20 18 22 22 16 18 22 22 26 204 Block 6 16 14 20 22 16 18 22 12 14 20 174 18.7 20.3 18.2 17.4 20.4 17.4 <10 <10 <10 <10 10.5 <10 46 Table 3.5: Rebound test results for core samples by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) Core No. Diameter, D mm Height, H mm Rebound Number, R A B C D E F G H 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 106 108 107 106 106 92 102 95 22 23 20 14 15 22 14 18 Core Comp. Strength, MPa (α=-900) 16 16 14 10 10 16 10 10 Table 3.6: Joint wall compressive strength, JCS value by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) Core Sample No. A B C D E F G H Rebound Number, R 22 23 20 14 15 20 14 18 Dry Density, ρ kN/m3 18.9 18.3 18.2 18.9 19.4 20.4 19.3 19.9 Joint Wall Comp. Strength, JCS MPa 23.99 23.99 21.38 17.38 18.62 23.44 17.78 21.38 47 3.4.5 Tensile Strength Tensile strength is the maximum tensile stress which a material is capable of developing against fracturing. Therefore this parameter would provide an indication on the resistance of duricrusts against fracturing and degree of bonding of cementing agents found in duricrusts. Table 3.7: Tensile strength test results by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 Thickness (t) mm m 28 0.028 28 0.028 29 0.029 26 0.026 40 0.040 Diameter (D) mm 48 47 49 48 49 m 0.048 0.047 0.049 0.048 0.049 Penetration Load (P) kPa N 1000 1.344 500 0.658 500 0.711 500 0.624 1000 1.960 Tensile Stress (σt) MPa 0.94 0.48 0.44 0.50 0.64 48 3.4.6 P-Wave Velocity P-wave velocity is a useful value because the waves travel faster through denser materials compared to porous materials. Therefore the value of P-wave velocity provides an indication on the denseness of duricrusts. It also provides an indication of weather duricrusts will be pulverized during excavation. Table 3.8: The result of P-Wave Velocity by Fauzilah Ismail (2002) Core No. A B C D E F G H Diameter, mm 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 Length, mm 106 108 107 106 106 92 103 95 Time (T) μs 51.1 50.8 54.6 48.6 49.7 43.3 57.6 47.0 m/s 2074 2126 1960 2181 2133 2125 1788 2021 Velocity km/s 2.07 2.13 1.96 2.18 2.13 2.13 1.79 2.02 f/s 6804≈6800 6975≈7000 6430≈6500 7156≈7200 6998≈7000 6972≈7000 5866≈5900 6631≈6700 CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND ANALYSIS This chapter discusses the analysis of data obtained from literature reviews conducted during the course of this study. The information obtained will be used to determine the types and mode of formation of duricrusts. 4.1 Mode of Formation of Duricrusts There are a number of reasons which support earlier claims that duricrusts cannot be classified as rock, specifically clastic sedimentary rock. These reasons are as listed below: 1. Sediments that form duricrusts are sediments which are formed within zones of weathering profiles. This indicates that the sediments are residual (in situ) soils which defers from sediments that form clastic sedimentary rocks which are transported and deposited into sediment basins. 50 2. The cementation process that takes place for the formation of duricrusts takes place in situ, i.e. at the location where the parent rocks are being weathered to residual soils. 3. Compaction does not occur during the formation of duricrusts. This is due to the fact that the thickness of overburden sediments during the formation of duricrusts is considerably lesser then that of sediments in a depositional environment. The higher overburden stress found in depositional environments makes compaction a mode of formation for clastic sedimentary rocks and not duricrusts. 4. Climactic regimes play an important role in the formation of various types of duricrusts due to the fact that arid climates form different types of duricrusts compared to humid climates. 5. The formation of duricrusts is less extensive in terms of size compared to sedimentary rocks. This is due to the fact that duricrusts occur in situ as isolated bodies and as capping or layers between 1 to 3m thick (Mohd For Mohd Amin et al., 2005). Sedimentary rocks on the other hand go through the lithification process in a larger scale in depositional environments where thick sediment layers are buried beneath subsequent layers. This allows the sediments to go through compaction and cementation forming more extensive and thicker sedimentary rocks. From the deduction above, duricrusts cannot be classified as clastic sedimentary rocks due to its mode of formation. This is because duricrusts suffer considerably less over burden pressure compared to clastic sedimentary rocks and is formed in situ (i.e. where the parent rock is weathered). 51 4.2 Material Texture Through observations on site and in the laboratory as well as literature reviews carried out, it is noticed that the material texture and cement matrix of both duricrusts and clastic sedimentary rocks are similar. Both materials exhibit granular texture with mineral grains imbedded in between cement matrix. The strength of duricrusts and clastic sedimentary rocks depend on the individual strength of mineral grains and the cement matrix that holds them together. Cement matrixes that are related to the formation of duricrusts and clastic sedimentary rocks are Siliceous, ferrugineous and calcareous (in terms of strongest to weakest) (Waltham, 2002). From the research carried out, it was found that the range of strength properties of duricrusts is similar to those of clastic sedimentary rocks. Figure 4.1 provides an indication regarding the resemblance of material texture between duricrusts and clastic sedimentary rocks. (a): Sandstone (b) Duricrust Figure 4.1: Close-up photographs of sandstone and duricrusts 52 4.3 Strength and Physical Properties Data used to determine the strength and physical properties of duricrusts are those obtained from previous studies (Fauzilah Ismail, 2002; Jerry Chua Kuo Seng, 2004). These data (from Dengkil, Selangor and Pasir Gudang, Johor) can be found in Chapter 3. Summarized data (minimum and maximum value) obtained from various types of tests can be found in Table 4.1. The values are compared with corresponding values (range of values) found in Table 2.4 through to Table 2.10. From the comparison the following deductions were made: 1. Density: Range of values is between 1920 – 2060 kg/m3. Duricrusts exhibit similar range of density as those of sand and shale as observed in Table 2.6. 2. Compressive strength based on Rebound Number: Range of values is between 17.38 – 23.99 MPa. The range of the test results fall within the boundaries of clastic sedimentary rocks as observed in Table 2.4 and Table 2.7. Table 2.10 classifies this range of value as Moderately Weak to Moderately Strong Rock and it is typical of some weakly compacted sedimentary rocks and sedimentary rocks. 3. Slake durability index, after first cycle Id1: Range of value is between 80.6 – 96.0 %. Duricrusts are classified as having Medium to Medium High durability when these values were compared to Table 2.8. This is also typical of clastic sedimentary rocks of moderate strength (ISRM, 1981). 4. Point load index Is (50): Range of values is between 0.22 – 0.41 MPa. Referring to Table 2.4 this range of value falls within the properties of clastic sedimentary rocks. Table 2.9 classifies this range of value as Weak to Moderately Weak and for this strength classification; it includes some weakly compacted sedimentary rocks (see Table 2.10). 53 5. Tensile strength: Range of values is between 0.44 – 0.94 MPa. This range of value falls within the properties of clastic sedimentary rocks as observed in Table 2.4 and 2.7. 6. Uniaxial compressive strength, UCS: Range of values is between 7.36 – 12.95 MPa. The range is within that of clastic sedimentary rocks when compared to the values of clastic sedimentary rocks from Table 2.4 and Table 2.7. Table 2.10 classifies this range of value as Moderately Weak to Moderately Strong Rock and it is typical of some weakly compacted sedimentary rocks and sedimentary rocks. 7. Seismic (P-wave) velocity: Range of values is between 1788 – 2181 m/s. This range of velocity is within the range exhibited by medium to moderately hard shales and sandstones when compared to Table 2.5. It is also indicated in Table 2.5 that hardpan (a type of duricrusts) is classified under the same group as these clastic sedimentary rocks. From the deductions above, it is safe to say that duricrusts exhibit similar strength and physical properties as clastic sedimentary rocks. As such, mechanical ripping which is an excavation method used to excavate clastic sedimentary rocks can be used for the excavation of duricrusts. 80.6 68.5 0.22 Id1, % Id2, % Is(50), (MPa) 0.44 7.36 1788 UCT, (MPa) UCS, (MPa) Vp, (m/s) Tensile Strength Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) Seismic Velocity 2181 12.95 0.94 6.57 0.41 89.0 96.0 23.99 2040 Maximum Value * Note: Data from references are those listed in Table 2.4 through Table 2.10. 3.64 UCS, (MPa) Point Load Index Slake Durability Index 17.38 qu, (MPa) Compressive Strength based on Rebound Number 1820 ρ, (kg/m3) Minimum Value Density Material Properties Laboratory tests on sample 2051 10.51 0.6 5.57 0.34 80.8 89.7 30.00 1916.25 Average Value 1460 - 3660 10 - 200 2 - 20 1.25 – 12.5 0.1 - 7 - - 10 - 200 1920 - 2060 Range *Data from references Table 4.1: Summary of test results on samples of duricrusts Hardpan, medium to moderately hard shales and sandstones (Table 2.5) Similar to clastic sedimentary rocks (Table 2.4 and 2.7) Moderately weak to moderately strong rocks, similar to some weakly compacted sedimentary rocks (Table 2.4, 2.7 and 2.10). Similar to weak to moderately weak rocks including weakly compacted sedimentary rocks (Table 2.4 & 2.9). Moderately weak to moderately strong rocks, similar to some weakly compacted sedimentary rocks (Table 2.4, 2.7 and 2.10). Classified as medium to medium high durability material and similar to moderate strength rocks (Table 2.8). Similar to sand and shale (Table 2.6) Remarks 54 55 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions Based on the literature review and data collected from previous studies, the following conclusions can be made: 1. Duricrusts have similar material texture, mineralogy, strength and physical properties as certain clastic sedimentary rocks but cannot be termed as a clastic sedimentary rock based on its geological origin and mode of formation. 2. The difference between duricrusts and clastic sedimentary rocks is the fact that duricrusts suffer less compaction due to its lower overburden pressure. Duricrusts have less overburden pressure because the thickness of overburden sediments during the formation of duricrusts is considerably lesser then that of sediments in a depositional environment. Duricrusts also form by the cementation of weathered in situ sediments unlike clastic sedimentary rocks that form in sediment basins. 56 3. Types of duricrusts that can be found in Malaysia are calcrete, ferricrete and alcrete. Types of duricrust are determined based on its cementing matrix. The climactic regime of Malaysia also helped in the duricrust identification process. 4. Based on the comparisons carried out, it is recommended that mechanical ripping be conducted as duricrusts fall within the class of clastic sedimentary rocks 5.2 Recommendations for Future Studies For future studies it is recommended that more extensive literature reviews be conducted to further verify the mode of formation of duricrusts. 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