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On Point 1
Academic Word List Vocabulary
Unit 1 Reading 1 ethnic adj. relating to national and cultural origins exclude v. to remove from consideration; leave out hierarchy n. an organization in which people or things are ranked according to status, authority, importance, etc. individual n. a single human being perceive v. to become aware or conscious of something physical adj. relating to the body rather than the mind potential adj. having the possibility to become something in the future principle n. a fundamental truth that is the basis for a system of beliefs or behaviors Reading 2 assume v. to guess to be the case, without proof complement v. to add to something in a way that makes it better conflict n. a serious disagreement or argument conventional adj. based on or following what is generally done or believed flexible adj. ready and able to change to adapt to different situations guarantee n. something that gives certainty of the outcome in a situation overall adj. taking everything into account specific adj. clearly defined or identified Unit 2 Reading 1 constitute v. to be a part of a whole contrast n. the state of being quite different from something else core n. the central or most important part of something evidently adv. clearly; obviously interaction n. action or influence between two or more people maintain v. to cause to continue respond v. to say something in reply theory n. an idea to account for a situation or justify an action Reading 2 abandon v. to leave empty or unused, intending not to come back attitude n. a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something brief adj. lasting only a short time culture n. the shared history, set of beliefs, and way of life of a particular group of people despite prep. without being affected by; in spite of intense adj. of extreme force, degree, or strength minor adj. of lesser importance, seriousness, or significance via prep. by way of; through; by means of Unit 3 Reading 1 bias n. treatment for or against a thing, person, or group, usually in an unfair way consistently adv. in a systematic or consistent way explicitly adv. clearly and in detail factor n. a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome incentive n. a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something income n. money received, especially on a regular basis, for work, etc. medical adj. relating to the treatment of illness and injuries ultimate adj. basic or fundamental Reading 2 exposed adj. uncovered or unprotected, especially from the weather incident n. an event or occurrence, especially a dangerous or exciting one positive adj. showing good progress, gain, or improvement prior adj. coming before in time recover v. to return to a normal state reject v. to refuse as not good enough resource n. a stock or supply of money, materials, etc. survive v. to continue to live or exist, usually in spite of danger or difficulty Unit 4 Reading 1 abstract adj. not based on a particular instance; theoretical derive v. to get something from a source environment n. the surroundings or conditions within which something lives, exists, or operates gender n. the state of being male or female prime adj. of first importance; main reaction n. an action or feeling in response to a situation or event transfer v. to move from one place to another visual adj. relating to seeing or sight Reading 2 affect v. to have an effect on contribute v. to help to cause or bring about impact n. the effect or influence of one person, thing, or action, on another isolate v. to cause to be alone or apart from others monitor v. to watch and check the progress or quality of something over a period of time period n. a length or portion of time tension n. mental or emotional strain; stress whereas conj. in contrast to; in comparison with Unit 5 Reading 1 complex adj. not easy to analyze or understand; complicated hypothesis n. a possible explanation based on limited information inclined adj. willing or likely obvious adj. easily perceived or understood; clear randomly adv. without method or conscious decision resident n. a person who lives somewhere permanently or for a long time status n. social position sustain v. to cause to continue Reading 2 aspect n. a part or feature category n. a class or division with shared characteristics clarify v. to make something more clearly understandable criterion n. (plural n.: criteria) a principle or standard for judging or deciding something crucial adj. very important; a matter of success or failure identify v. to find out or show who or what a person or thing is mutual adj. experienced or done by each of two or more parties toward the other(s) welfare n. the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group Unit 6 Reading 1 attribute v. to regard something as being caused by something else aware adj. knowing or sensing a situation or fact feature v. to have as an important part intelligent adj. being able to understand difficult ideas and to think clearly psychology n. the scientific study of the human mind rational adj. based on reason or logic trigger v. to cause something to happen undeniable adj. unable to be argued against Reading 2 academy n. a society of experts in a field achieve v. to get a desired result by effort, skill, etc. enormous adj. very large illegal adj. against the law major adj. important manipulate v. to control or influence something in a clever or unfair way regulate v. to control by rules and regulations survey v. to investigate the opinions or experience of a group of people by asking them questions Unit 7 Reading 1 contact adj. related to meetings, communication, or relationships enable v. to make it possible for someone or something to do something ensure v. to make certain that something is true or will happen implement v. to start acting according to a certain decision, plan, agreement, etc. mature adj. developed physically; full­grown reinforce v. to strengthen or support sector n. an area or field of activity virtual adj. something that does not actually exist but is made to look real using a computer Reading 2 cite v. to mention as an example community n. a particular area or place and the people who live there concentrate v. to give attention or mental effort to something distinct adj. clearly different from something else that is similar element n. a part or aspect of something focus n. the act of concentrating interest or activity on something minimize v. to reduce something to the smallest amount possible perspective n. a particular attitude toward or way of thinking about something Unit 8 Reading 1 acquire v. to learn or develop a skill or quality demonstrate v. to clearly show the existence or truth of something ethical adj. morally good or correct eventually adv. in the end; after a long time furthermore adv. in addition; besides process n. a series of actions taken to achieve something role n. the function of a person or thing in a particular situation source n. a place, person, or thing from which something comes Reading 2 ambiguous adj. having no clear meaning, or having more than one possible meaning contract n. a written or spoken agreement that is meant to be legally binding decade n. a period of ten years emphasis n. special importance given to something generation n. the group of people born and living at about the same time media n. the main methods of mass communication (i.e., television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet) relevant adj. appropriate for or closely connected to a particular topic, situation, etc. rely v. to depend on with trust or confidence Unit 9 Reading 1 appropriate adj. suitable or proper in the circumstances capable adj. having the ability to do something particular communication n. the sharing of information, news, etc. depression n. a period of severe unhappiness and low spirits expert n. a person who has extensive knowledge of or skill in a particular area generate v. to make something secure adj. sure to remain safe and unharmed straightforward adj. not complicated and easy to do or understand Reading 2 attain v. to succeed in doing something that one desires and has worked for encounter v. to unexpectedly experience something, usually something difficult or unpleasant marginal adj. of secondary or minor importance mentality n. a person's or group's characteristic attitude or way of thinking motivate v. to give someone a reason to do something; to cause someone to have interest in doing something philosophy n. a theory or attitude that guides behavior proportional adj. related to something else in size or amount research n. formal study in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions Unit 10 Reading 1 approximately adv. not quite accurately or exactly; roughly fund n. money for a particular purpose grant v. to agree or admit that something is true intrinsically adj. belonging to something naturally investigate v. to carefully look at something to find out the truth networking adj. related to interaction with others, especially to exchange information and meet new people obtain v. to get something regime n. a government, especially an authoritarian one Reading 2 ceaselessly adv. without stopping considerable adj. large in size, amount, or extent constant adj. happening all the time over a certain period cooperate v. to work together toward the same goal definitely adv. without doubt; certainly evidence n. facts or information that show whether something is true hence adv. as a result; for this reason inherently adv. existing in something as a permanent, essential characteristic Unit 11 Reading 1 diminish v. to make or become less estimate n. a guess about the value, number, quantity, or extent of something link n. a relationship between two things or situations, especially where one thing affects the other priority n. something treated as more important release n. the act of allowing something to move, act, or flow freely sufficient adj. enough; adequate trend n. a general direction or pattern in which something is developing vehicle n. a machine used for carrying people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, etc. Reading 2 alternative n. one of two or more possibilities colleague n. a person with whom one works, especially in a profession or business component n. a part or element establish v. to set up firmly and permanently involve v. to include something as a necessary part or result method n. a way of doing something, especially a systematic or common one restriction n. a limit on something route n. a way or course to get from one point to another Unit 12 Reading 1 domestic adj. tame and kept by people draft v. to create the first version of something written estate n. an area of land or property inevitable adj. certain to happen; unavoidable logic n. the quality of being supported by reason; reasoning nevertheless adv. in spite of that; all the same primary adj. earliest in time or order of development subsequent adj. coming afterwards; following Reading 2 accurate adj. correct in all details; exact advocate n. someone who publicly recommends or supports something apparently adv. as far as one knows or can see evolutionary adj. related to the process by which living organisms have developed from earlier forms function n. an activity or purpose of a person or thing integral adj. necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental objective adj. not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in thinking about the facts reluctance n. unwillingness to do something 