English 101 Final Portfolio & Reflection Essay

English 101: Final Portfolio + Reflection Essay Final Portfolio + Reflection Essay Description Your portfolio is a place to record and document the most important things you have learned about writing and about yourself as a writer during this class. Due date: no later than Tuesday, December 7 at 5pm in HPAC 222. Your portfolio must be contained in a folder with pockets and should contain these 2 components: 1. A reflection essay: a 500-­‐ to 750-­‐word essay that describes the writing in the portfolio – what is there, what it says about you, and what you have learned as a writer in English 101. The reflection essay should include the following: • A context for the work: a brief discussion of you as a writer/student as you began the class. • Influences: references to your textbooks, readings, discussions, conferences, peer responses or other aspects of the course that have influenced your writing. • Accomplishments: a discussion of what you’ve learned this semester. In your reflection essay, you will make claims and assertions like these: o “I’ve learned ways to explore a topic and develop a significant statement about a subject.” o “I can analyze the work of another writer and use effective techniques I’ve learned in my own writing.” o “I write multiple drafts to help me refine my thinking and make my points clear to my audience.” o “I’ve learned how to eliminate or correct comma splices (or other major grammatical errors) in my final papers.” • A look ahead: goals for yourself as a writer and a brief discussion of how what you have learned about writing will impact your future writing 2. Your essays, including all drafts: The pieces of writing (drafts and final essays) you choose to include in your portfolio are the evidence to support the “accomplishment” claims you make in your reflection essay. Include planning pages, free writing, outlines, drafts, revised drafts, final drafts, and other material to document the learning you discuss in the essay. 1