Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority Competency Based Skill Training Logbook Introduction Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Authority of Ministry of Education regulates and monitors the TVET programs conducted according to the National Competency Standards in the Maldives, to ensure that the competency based trainings delivered in the Maldives are quality assured. Thus, to ensure that the industry gets a skilled workforce, trained according to the industry needs, TVET Authority has developed Competency Based Skill Training (CBST) Logbooks for the National Competency Standards. The CBST Logbook is an assurance to all concerned parties that the training is being conducted with the relevant theory, activities and tasks for the occupation specified in the National Competency Standard. Hence the purposes of maintaining the CBST Logbook is to assess, monitor and improve competency, while giving the opportunity to work more on the needed areas of the occupation as the trainee proceeds with the training. Thus the CBST Logbook is an important component for the trainee to move forward in the training. As the CBST logbook specifies the tasks that an apprentice is to complete to be deemed competent according to the NCS, the Trainee must fill the necessary details of the CBST Logbook regularly, as he/she goes along the training. Similarly, the workplace supervisor has to sign in the log when the apprentice successfully completes each task. Additionally, through the CBST Logbook the external assessor who will be assessing the trainer when the training is complete can identify what are the tasks that the trainee completed under each unit, thus easing the assessment. Front Office Logbook Page 1 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority Training Details Training course: Name Coordinator Contact number Name Employer / Supervisor Contact number Address of workplace / company: Seal of workplace / company: Front Office Logbook Page 2 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Develop and knowledge o Elements Of o Competence (Tasks) o Lesson title and date update tourism industry TOU02S1U01V1 Describe the tourism industry of Maldives Describe the organisational structure of the hotel Describe conditions of employment Introduction to Tourism L1 Conditions of Employment Trainee Task Type 1. Define Tourism Oral 2. Describe different types of tourists Oral Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature 3. List the industries that makes up the tourism Oral sector 4. Describe what makes the tourism product Oral different from others 5. Describe the benefits of tourism Oral 6. Describe the negative impacts of tourism Oral 7. Describe the main points of terms and Oral conditions of employment Trainer Name: Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 3 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Observe personal and work place hygiene TOU02S1U01V1 practices o Elements Of Competence o (Tasks) Lesson title and date Observe grooming, hygiene and personal presentation standards Follow hygiene procedures Personal Hygiene Level 01 Basic Hygiene Trainee Task 1. Explain how to wash hands correctly Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral 2. Describe how to develop a daily personal hygiene Oral routine 3. Describe the main reasons for food poisoning Oral 4. Explain how food becomes contaminated Oral 5. Explain general guidelines for protecting food from contamination Oral 6. Explain general hygiene rules for food handlers Oral Trainer Name: Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 4 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority Practice health, safety and security Practices NSC Unit o Follow workplace health, safety and security procedures Elements Of Competence o Deal with emergency situations (Tasks) o Identify and prevent hygiene risks o Clean the work area o Secure work premised Introduction to Health & Safety Guidelines for accident prevention Fire Hazards Bomb threat Lesson title and date L1 Tsunami Alert Type Trainee Task 1. Explain guidelines for accident prevention Oral 2. Explain guidelines for fire procedures Oral Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature 3. Explain guidelines for preventing burns and scalds 4. Explain guidelines hazards for preventing electrical Oral 5. Explain guidelines for lifting and carrying heavy objects Oral 6. Explain guidelines for using cleaning agents and Chemicals Oral 7. Explain guideline for dealing with bomb scares and attacks Oral 8. Explain guideline for dealing with Tsunami Alert Trainer Name: Oral Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 5 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit TOU05S2U01V1 Provide effective customer care o Greet customers and colleagues Elements Of Competence o Identify and attend to customer needs (Tasks) o Deliver service to customers Lesson title and date o Handle inquiries o Handle complaints Introduction to customer service Dealing with enquiries L1 Dealing with Difficult Guest Trainee Task Type 1. Describe standard greetings and how to offer assistance Oral 2. Describe how to address and refer to different types of customers Oral 3. Describe a procedures for handling complaints Oral Trainer Name: Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 6 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Practice effective workplace Communication o Communicate with customers and colleagues Elements Of Competence o Barriers to effective communication (Tasks) o Phonetics Alphabet Lesson title and date Effective Communication L1 Handling Telephone Trainee Task Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature 1. Define the four methods of communication Oral 2. Describe various steps that can be taken to improve oral communication Oral 3. Describe the barriers to communication Oral 4. Explain the phonetic Alphabet Oral Trainer Name: Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 7 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Perform computer operations o Input data into computer Elements Of Competence o Access information using computer (Tasks) o Produce/output data using computer system Lesson title and date Introduction to computers L1 Computer Terminology Trainee Task 1. Produce a document using word processing software Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Demo 2. Produce a document using a spreadsheet Software Demo 3. Save and print output 4. Name the parts of computers 5. Find saved documents 6. Log in and log Off computer Trainer Name: Demo Oral Demo Demo Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 8 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Front Office Systems o Front Office System Elements Of Competence o Components of Front Office (Tasks) o o Use of computer system Lesson title and date Introduction to Front Office Front Office Terminology Functions of Reservations Office Introduction to Property Management L1 System Trainee Task Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature 1. Define the frame work of Front Office System Oral 2. Identify the reason of using a reservations system 3. Explain 5 different information on hotel Diary 4. Explain room reservations and density chart works Oral Oral Oral 5. Explain the function of guest registration Oral 6. Explain the function of rom status board Oral 7. Explain the difference between arrival list ad departure list Oral 8. Explain the basic functions of Property Management system Oral Trainer Name: Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 9 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Preparing for work o Elements Of Competence o (Tasks) o o Lesson title and date Communicate with customers and colleagues Participate in workplace meetings and discussions Handle relevant work related documentation Handle telephone Effective Communication L1 Handling Telephone Food terminology / Jargon Trainee Task Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Assessor Signature 1. Define the four methods of communication Oral 2. Describe various steps that can be taken to improve oral communication Oral 3. Describe the barriers to communication Oral 4. Handle incoming calls Prac 5. Transfer calls Prac 6. Take messages Prac 7. Define from a list of commonly used culinary terms / jargon Trainer Name: Oral Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 10 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Practice effective workplace communication o Define Work Area of Front Office Elements Of Competence o Organize and set up of Reception desk (Tasks) o Personnel hygiene Lesson title and date Planning and preparation for work L1 Grooming and personnel presentation Type Trainee Task 8. Identify the various equipment, supplies used by reception on duty 9. Write a check list before starting reception duty 10. Describe important preparation for duty points in Date Completed Trainee Signature Assessor Signature Oral Written personnel 11. Make a list of important points in presenting a clean & tidy appearance Trainer Name: Written Written Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 11 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Hotel Telephone system o Hotel Telephone System Elements Of Competence o Telephone Directories (Tasks) o Use of Hotel Telephone Lesson title and date Hotel Communication system Trainee Task 1. Define Hotel telephone system 2. Explain the information on telephone directories L1 Type 4. Explain checklist for answering & transferring calls Oral 5. Explain check list for putting call on hold & taking Massage Oral Trainer Name: Trainer Signature Oral Oral 7. Describe general check list of using telephone Trainee Signature Oral 3. Explain golden rules for answering telephone call 6. Explain check list outgoing calls Date Completed Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 12 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Hotel Fax Machine o Use of Fax Machine Elements Of Competence o Record keeping of Fax (Tasks) o Cleaning and Maintenance Lesson title and date Hotel Communication system Trainee L Type 1. Describe the reason of using fax machine Oral 2. What are the advantages of using fax machine Demo 3. Describe the checklist for operating Fax machine Demo Trainer Name: Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 13 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Handling Mail and Messages o Handling incoming messages and mail Elements Of o Dealing with guest mail Competence (Tasks) o Sales of Sundry items Lesson title and date Handing Mail and packages Trainee Task 1. Explain the different types of mail L1 Type Oral 3. Explain the procedure for handling mail for departure guest Oral Explain the procedure for handling mail for Future Guest Oral 5. Explain the procedure for handling post cards and Outgoing mail Oral 6. Explain the Do’s & Don’t of handling mail & Messages Oral Trainer Name: Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral 2. Explain the procedure for handling mail for inhouse Guest 4. Date Completed Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 14 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Hotel Markets and customer profile TOU05S2U10V1 o Identify Market segments Elements Of Competence o Create Customer Profile (Tasks) Lesson title and date Potential Market segments L2 Customer Profile Trainee Task Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature 1. Define Market segments Oral 2. Identify customer needs 3. Identify information on guest profile 4. Identify the difference between profile and Reservations 5. Explain the Courteous service Trainer Name: Oral Oral Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 15 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit TOU05S2U11V1 Welcoming Guest o Create First impression Elements Of Competence o Welcoming guest (Tasks) o Hotel Credit Policy Lesson title and date Welcoming guest Politeness & Etiquette Hotel Credit policy Trainee Task Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature 1. Describe tips for making a positive first impression Oral 2. Describe welcome phrases Oral 3. Identify factors of being polite and maintain Etiquette Oral 4. Demonstrate How to welcome guest Demo 5. Describe check list for welcoming guest Trainer Name: Oral Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 16 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit TOU05S2U12V1 Check-in Guest o Prepare for guest arrival Elements Of Competence o Check-in Procedure (Tasks) o Upselling Rooms Lesson title and date Functions of Registration Standard Check-in Procedures L2 Sales consciousness and upselling Trainee Task Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature 1. Describe Functions of Registering a guest Oral 2. Describe six stages of Check-in process 3. Describe procedure for VIP check –in 4. Describe procedure for Group Check-in Trainer Name: Oral Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 17 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Room Key Control o Hotel Key System Elements Of Competence o Issuing Room Key (Tasks) o Key Control Lesson title and date Safety of Guest and Hotel Key system Procedure for Issuing Room Key L2 Procedure for Hotel Key Control Trainee Task 1. Describe two commonly use key system 2. Describe policy on issuing key for individuals and Groups 3. Describe functions of a key Card 4. Describe the check list for controlling room keys Trainer Name: Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral Oral Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 18 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit TOU05S1U02V1 Check out & Cashiering Service o Prepare for guest check out Elements Of Competence o Accepting payments (Tasks) Lesson title and date Check out Procedure L2 Methods of payments Trainee Task 1. Describe procedure for individual check out Type Oral 3. Describe the procedure for accepting on cash Payments Oral 4. Describe the procedure for processing credit card Payments Oral 5. Describe check out procedure Oral 7. Explain information on tax invoice Trainer Name: Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral 2. Explain the basic principal of billing guest for Charges 6. Explain the taxable services (TGST) Date Completed Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 19 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Handle Guest Luggage o Receiving luggage Elements Of Competence o Distributing luggage (Tasks) o Luggage Storage Lesson title and date Luggage handling for arrival/departure guest. Trainer Task Type 1. Describe how to upload Luggage Oral 2. Describe procedure for luggage Identification Oral 3. Describe procedure delivering guest luggage Oral Trainer Name: Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 20 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Handling Hotel Voucher o Collecting Voucher Elements Of Competence o Check information on Voucher (Tasks) o Inform discrepancies to guest Lesson title and date Report preparation and record keeping Report Terminology Trainee Task 1. Describe procedure for collecting vouchers 2. Describe how to check the voucher 3. Describe the procedure of addressing discrepancies on voucher Trainer Name: Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to Candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 21 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Dealing with Guest Enquiries o Provide Hotel information Elements Of Competence o Dealing with Guest Enquiry (Tasks) o Responding for emergencies Lesson title and date Sources of hotel information Dealing telephone enquires L Responding for emergencies Trainee Task 1. Describe 3 types of enquiries 2. Describe check list for how build up your Knowledge 3. Describe the procedure for dealing with guest Enquiry 4. Describe check list on how to act on emergency Calls Trainer Name: Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral Oral Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 22 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Safe Custody of valuables and lost & Found o Accepting goods for safekeeping Elements Of Competence o Safety of Valuables (Tasks) o Lost & Found Items Lesson title and date Safety and security of guest & valuable L Lost & Found procedure Trainee Task Type 1. Identify different types of safe in use for safe keeping of valuables Oral 2. Describe the checklist for accepting good for Safekeeping Oral 3. Describe the general procedure for handling lost & found items Oral Trainer Name: Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Completion Date: Feedback to candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 23 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit End of the shift Handover o Prepare shift task list Elements Of Competence o Prepare to-do list (Tasks) o Prepare handover check list Lesson title and date Organize work and ready for Handover Trainee Task 1. Identify examples of unfinished work 2. Describe what need to be handover by end of the shift 3. Describe checklist for end of the shift handover Trainer Name: Type Date Completed L Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 24 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Departure arrangement & Bid Farewell o Arrange departure transfer Elements Of Competence o Appreciating guest (Tasks) o Guest comments and feedback Lesson title and date Arranging departure and seeing guest Off Trainee Task Type 1. Describe how to organize transportation for guest Departure Oral 2. Describe procedure for thanking guest for their Stay Oral 3. Identify Porters responsibility at guest departure Date Completed L Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral 4. Describe how to collect guest feedback Oral 5. Describe the reason of collecting guest feedback Oral Trainer Name: Completion Date: Feedback to candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 25 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Handle complaints o Handing complaints Elements Of Competence o Complaint procedure (Tasks) o Record keeping Lesson title and date Strategies for dealing with difficult guest Trainee Task 1. List the reason for customer to complaint 2. Describe the procedure for dealing complaints 3. Describe the tips and on dealing with difficult Customers 4. Describe checklist to remember on attending guest complaint Trainer Name: Type Date Completed L3 Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral Oral Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 26 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Demonstrate sales techniques and product knowledge o Purpose and methods of selling Elements Of Competence o Product Knowledge (Tasks) o Giving directions Lesson title and date Sales technique Product knowledge Trainee Task 1. Explain Purpose of Selling 2. Classify the ABC of selling approach 3. Identify description of hotel products 4. Identify the four main product areas of the hotel 5. Explain the direction to find different service outlets of the hotel Trainer Name: L3 Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral Oral Oral Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 27 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Receive and Process Reservations o Guest Profile Elements Of Competence o Selling Rooms (Tasks) o Create reservations o Extending guest stay Lesson title and date Hotel Sales & Marketing Sales conscious and Maximize Revenue Trainee Task 1. Explain the information on guest profile 2. Identify procedure to sell a room direct to Customer 3. Describe check list for selling room 4. Describe the procedure for extending guest stay Trainer Name: Type Date Completed L3 Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral Oral Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 28 Technical & Vocation Education & Training Authority NSC Unit Pre-arrangements of Events & Excursions o Excursion information Elements Of Competence o Booking an excursion (Tasks) o Documenting the excursion Lesson title and date Value added service of Hotel Trainee Task 1. How to communicate excursion information 2. Describe booking arrangement of excursion 3. Describe how to document the excursion Trainer Name: L3 Type Date Completed Trainee Signature Trainer Signature Oral Oral Oral Completion Date: Feedback to candidate: For TVET Certified External Assessor Use Only Assessor Name and Signature: Unit Assess Date: Feedback to candidate: Front Office Logbook Page 29