English 9 Spelling/Vocabulary Words

English 9 Spelling/Vocabulary Words
Lesson 1-Short Story Unit
Lesson 3-Short Story Unit
1. palatial (adj)- spacious, fancy
1. jovial (adj) - cheerful
2. affable (adj) - approachable
2. valiant (adj) – brave/courageous
3. uncanny (adj) – strange, ironic
3. precious (adj) - special
4. precarious (adj) - dangerous
4. feint (v) - to fake, pretend
5. pillage (v) – to rob with violence
5. benign (adj) - harmless
6. latent (adj) – not obvious
6. indolent (adj) - lazy
7. iridescent (adj) – displaying color
7. obstinate (adj) - stubborn
8. reiterate (v) – to repeat
8. whim (n) – a sudden notion or idea
9. armada (n) – a fleet of warships
9. woebegone (adj) – looking sad
10. solder (v) – join closely
10. aversion (n) – a strong dislike
Lesson 2-Short Story Unit
Lesson 4-Short Story Unit
1. blight (v) – to destroy or wither
1. doffed (v) - removed
2. gaunt (adj) – thin or bony
2. shrill (adj) - high, sharp sound
3. saunter (v) – to stroll happily
3. writhing (v) - squirming in pain
4. livid (adj) – very angry
4. heeded (v) - noticed
5. finicky (adj) - fussy
5. sledge (n) – a heavy sleigh
6. fastidious (adj) –hard to please
6. resolute (adj) - determined
7. burgeon (v) – to grow rapidly
7. voluminous (adj) - of large size
8. epithet (n) – a short description
8. imperceptible (adj) - slight
9. cower (v) – to cringe in fear
9. quarry (n) – a hunted animal
10. malice (n) - evil intent
10. impale (v) – to pierce
English 9 Spelling/Vocabulary Words
Lesson 5
Lesson 7- Romeo and Juliet
1. which (pro) – what one of a group
1. befit(v) – to be proper (The owl befits
the night.)
2. entreat (v) – to beg
2. witch (n) – a wizard/sorceress
3. government (n) – authority for the
4. enough (adj) – adequate amount
3. cunning (adj) - sly
5. absolve (v) – to pardon or forgive
5. courageous (adj) - fearless
6. allusion (n) – an indirect reference
6. knave (n) – a tricky/dishonest man
7. bizarre (adj) - strange/odd
7. unwieldy (adj) - cumbersome
8. candid (adj) - honest
8. rash (adj) – careless action/speech
9. docile (adj) - tame
9. chide (v) – to scold
10. discrepancy (n) – a difference
10. discourse (n) – a long speech
Lesson 6- Romeo and Juliet
Lesson 8- Romeo and Juliet
1. adversary (n) – enemy/opponent
1. valor (n) – bravery/courage
2. anguish (n) - suffering
2. agile (adj) - nimble
3. beseech (v) – to beg
3. calamity (n) – a great misfortune
4. boisterous (adj) - noisy
4. retire (v) – to retreat to a quiet place
5. disposition (n) – nature/tendency
5. absolve (v) – to excuse from guilt
6. esteem (n) – respect/high-regard
6. adversity (n) – a problem
7. fray (n) – a fight
7. reconcile (v) – to settle differences
8. mar (v) – to damage
8. ado (n) – noisy activity
9. naught (n) – nothing
9. sojourn (v) – to visit or linger
10. plague (n) – a disease, annoyance
10. predicament (n) – an unpleasant
4. vile (adj) - evil
English 9 Spelling/Vocabulary Words
Lesson 9
Lesson 11
1. slander (v) – to speak falsehoods
2. resolution (n) – a determination
1. stereotype (n) – a fixed or
generalized idea
2. judicious (adj) - wise
3. kindred (n) – a person’s relatives
3. gullible (adj) – easily fooled
4. wayward (adj) - disobedient
5. reclaim (v) – to recover, restore
4. contemptible (adj) – hateful,
5. upshot (n) - result
6. attire (n) - clothing
6. taunt (v) – to mock, tease
7. subtle (adj) – fine, delicate
7. encroach (v) – to trespass
8. mangle (v) – to ruin
8. embezzle (v) – to steal money
9. curfew (n) – a fixed time(to be home)
9. genial (adj) - friendly
10. solace (n) - peace
10. hypocrite (n) – a fraud, phony
Lesson 10
Lesson 12
1. tattered (adj) - torn
1. mood (n) – climate, feeling of a story
2. meager (adj) – lean, thin
2. perseverance (n) – a continued effort
3. disperse (v) – to scatter
5. famine (n) – a lack of food
3. relapse (v) – to lapse, become ill
4. depreciate (v) – to devalue, lessen in
5. defray (v) – to pay a portion
6. felon (n) – a criminal
6. obligation (n) – a responsibility
7. inter (v) – to bury
7. mania (n) – a craze, obsession
8. rigor (n) – a difficulty, hardship
8. default (v) – to fail
9. unsavory (adj) - unpleasant
9. permeate (v) – to spread throughout
10. menace (n) – a bother, nuisance
10. scholarship (n) – a gift of money
4. aloof (adj) – indifferent, withdrawn
English 9 Spelling/Vocabulary Words
Lesson 13
Lesson 15
1. persuade (v) – to convince
1. surmount (v) – to overcome
2. delinquents (n) – juvenile offenders
2. veneer (n) – a thin-coating
3. communication (n) – exchange of
4. vandalism (n) – willful destruction
3. vestige (n) – a trace
5. controversy (n) – a dispute
5. encounter (v) - to meet
6. arraignment (n) – answer to charges
before a judge
7. parole (n) – early release from prison
6. falter(v) – to hesitate
8. indictment (n) – formal charge
8. intricate (adj) - complicated
9. prosecution(n) – legal action against
9. manifest (v) - to reveal
10. probation (n) – suspension of a
10. poise (n) – confidence, grace
Lesson 14
Lesson 16
1. hectic (adj) – feverish, rushed
1. boundary (n) – a limit
2. intrigue (v) – to plot secretly
3. mimic (v) – to copy
2. knowledge (n) – information,
3. vacuum (n) – a void (empty space)
4. stamina (n) - endurance
4. acceptance (n) - approval
5. subsequent (adj) – something that
6. menial (adj) – servant-like
5. prejudice (n) – racial intolerance
7. morbid (adj) - gloomy
7. mutual (adj) – common, shared
8. strategy (n) – a plan
8. frequent (adj) - everyday, familiar
9. impose (v) – to force on another
9. hindrance (n) – an obstacle
10. dispatch (v) – to send
10. inevitable (adj) – unavoidable,
4. durable (adj) - lasting
7. gaudy (adj) – flashy or showy
6. immediately (adj) – without delay
English 9 Spelling/Vocabulary Words
Lesson 17 (The Miracle Worker)
Lesson 19 (Free Man)
1. vivacious (adj) - energetic
2. badger (v) – to pester, tease
1. dialect (n) - language of a region,
2. rebuttal (n) - an answer, reply
3. placate (v) – to soothe, satisfy
3. ballast (n) - a counterweight
4. morose (adj) – gloomy, cranky
4. pestilence (n) - a sickness
5. resolute (adj) - determined
5. stench (n) - odor
6. inarticulate (adj) – tongue-tied,
7. combative (adj) – fond of fighting
6. palate (n) - sense of taste
8. flail (v) – to thrash about
8. rueful (adj) – regretful, sorry
9. impertinent (adj) - rude
9. lien (n) – legal claim on property
10. pummel (v) – to strike
10. vex (v) – to annoy
Lesson 18 (The Miracle Worker)
Lesson 20 (Free Man)
1. mull (v) – to ponder, think over
1. rogue (n) – rascal, troublemaker
2. interminable (adj) - endless
2. rebuke (v) – blame, scold
3. lament (n) – an expression of
4. exaggerate (v) – overstate,
5. incarnate (adj) – personified with
a human body
6. compunction (n) – a regret
3. lackey (n) - servant
7. ire (n) - anger
7. sullen (adj) - grouchy
8. nettle (v) – to provoke, irritate
8. pious (adj) - religious
9. ineffectual(adj) – useless,
9. tepid (adj) - lukewarm
7. torrent (n) – an overflow, flood
4. unkempt (adj) – dirty, disorderly
5. labyrinth (n) - maze
6. retort (v) – to respond
10. mastiff (n) – large watch dog
10. siege (n) – persistent attack or
English 9 Spelling/Vocabulary Words
Lesson 21 (Free Man)
Lesson 23 (Animal Farm)
1. pungent (adj) – sharp, sour
6. providence (n) – God’s guidance
1. allegory(n) – story in which
people or things are symbolic
2. satire (n) – a literary device using
humor to criticize
3. idealist (n) – one who sees things
as they could be
4. proletariat (n) – working class
5. bourgeoisie (n) –property owners
(middle class)
6. tyranny (n) – cruel use of power
7. myriad (n) – an infinite, endless #
7. enmity (n) - hostility
8. posterity (n) - descendants
8. expounded (v) - explained
9. sedate (adj) - serious
9. grudge (n) – a resentment, ill-will
10. demure (adj) – shy, bashful
10. irrepressible (adj) – innocent,
Lesson 22 (Free Man)
Lesson 24 (Animal Farm)
1. exultant (adj) - triumphant
1. apathy (n) - indifference
2. kindle (v) – to ignite
2. acute (adj) - intense
3. pretext (n) - appearance
3. parasitical (adj) – living on others
4. seemly (adj) – appropriate,
4. indefatigable (adj) – tireless,
5. literate (adj) – able to read/write
2. sprightly (adj) - playful
3. yokel (n) - hillbilly
4. disparage (v) - discredit
5. skulk (v) – to slink, sneak
5. cask (n) – a barrel, keg
6. tractable (adj) - obedient
6. taut (adj) – tight, stretched
7. articulate (adj) – clear, fluent
7. banter (v) – to tease
8. decree (n) – a ruling, ordinance
8. rifle (v) – to rob, steal
9. demeanor (n) - behavior
9. engross (v) – to occupy totally
10 discretion (n) – sound judgment
10. eminent (adj) - famous, wellknown
English 9 Spelling/Vocabulary Words
Lesson 25-Short Story 2 Unit
1. inquisitive (adj) – curious
Lesson 27
1. affluent (adj) - wealthy
2. cache (n) – hidden supply
2. brevity (n) - shortness
3. passel (n) – group
3. explicit (adj) - definite
4. sundry (adj) - several
4. hierarchy (n) –system of ranks
5. infatuated (adj) – foolishly in love
5. jeopardize (v)- to risk
6. fortitude (n) – courage
6. lucrative (adj) – profitable
7. depreciate (v) – decrease in
8. swag (n) – stolen goods
7. nebulous (adj) - indistinct
9. affinity (n) – a liking/sympathy for
9. turgid (adj) - swollen
10. retort (v) - reply
10. wreak (v) – to inflict
Lesson 26-Short Story 2 Unit
1. perpetuate (v) – preserve,
2. nocturnal (adj) – of the night
3. perplexity (n) - confusion
4. compliance (n) – obedience
5. averse (adj) - opposed
6. delirium (n)- insanity
7. impending (adj) – threatening
8. insolence (n) - desrespect
9. vermin (n) – pests
10. askew (adv) - crooked
8. preclude (v) – to prevent
Lesson 28
1. zenith (n) – highest point
2. ambiguous (adj) – can have two
3. condone (v) – to excuse, pardon
4. oblivious (adj) - unaware
5. extricate (v) – to free, move
6. cursory (adj) - hasty
7. tentative (adj) – hesitant
8. mitigate (v) – to relieve
9.repugnance (n) – disgust, distaste
10. succinct (adj) – brief, to the
English 9 Spelling/Vocabulary Words
Lesson 29
1. reticent (adj) – reserved, hesitant
Lesson 31
1. mollify (v) – to soothe
2. abyss (n) – yawning chasm
2. ossify (v) - to harden
3. veracity (n) – truthfulness
3. preclude (v) – to prevent
4. pediatrician (n) doctor who
specializes in child care
5. nostalgia (n) – yearning to return
6. delta (n) – soil deposit @ river
7. caliber (n) – quality
4. recant (v) – to disavow
8. defile (n) – long narrow pass
8. semiannual (adj) – lasting half a
9. retroactive (adj) – affect on
something past
10. paraphrase (v) – to reword
9. dissolved (v)-change from one
picture to another
10. galvanized (adj) – coated with
5. ruminate (v) – to meditate
6. simulate (v) – to imitate
7. biannual (adj) – twice yearly
Lesson 30
Lesson 32
1. matrix (n) – rock with fossils
2. retained (v) – hired attorney
1.epilogue (n) – concluding
2. homophones (n) – two words
with same pronunciation
3. anagram (n) – word formed by
rearranging letters
4. euthanasia (n) – painless
5. intermittent (adj) – stopping
and starting again
6. bonanza (n) – stroke of good
7. alma mater (n) – one’s school
or college
8. faux pas (n) –a slip in manners
3. insinuate (v) – to imply
4. query (v) – to question
5. abut (v) – to adjoin
6. allay (v) – to soothe
7. cajole (v) – to coax
8. encumber (v) – to burden
9. fabricate (v) – to make
10. furbish (v) – to brighten
9. blitzkrieg (n) – violent war
10. hoi polloi (n) – common