LMS pilot courses - Faculty Survey Results

Overall, how well do you think Pilot LMS meets your teaching needs?
Count of TimeLMS
Overall, how wBb Learn Moodle
Grand Total
Very well
Grand Total
Overall, how well do you think Pilot LMS meets
meets your
your teaching
teaching needs?
1:Bb Learn
2:Bb Learn
Adequate I t worked. It was no better than Vista.
Adequate My view of Bb Learn is that it is like the transition from DOS to Windows.
Spreadsheet companies (like Dbase) and word processing companies (like
WordStar) were hamstrung by their old way of doing things. WordStar and
Dbase let previous DOS versions restrict future development. The DOS
programs could not take advantage of the possibilities Windows offered.
Eventually Dbase and WordStar were unable to move forward. I think
Blackboard is like that. Blackboard needed to completely re-tool. They didn't,
and they may have missed their chance.
Had I used Moodle before going to Blackboard Learn, I would have been very,
very, very disappointed in and frustrated with using Blackboard Learn.
Everything is just so difficult and so frustrating in Bb Learn.
3:Bb Learn
Adequate Having taught the same course (CC688) in both pilot LMS systems this
summer, I would give Moodle an overall grade of a B+ (compared to a C- for
BB Learn). Moodle was an easier LMS program to use from the very start.
Obviously, based on this brief pilot and personal experience with Moodle, I
would prefer that the Moodle LMS be selected.
(I'm curious to see how the other Pilot testers evaluated each LMS system.)
4:Bb Learn
5:Bb Learn
Very well
6:Bb Learn
7:Bb Learn
2:Bb Learn
8:Bb Learn
Adequate BbLearn was ok, not significantly better than Vista
Very well
Adequate It was not as robust or intuitive as I had hoped. I used a BB CMS at another
university (1999-2001). I remember it being better in tems if ease of use.
9:Bb Learn Adequate
10:Bb Learn Adequate While adequate, I find BbLearn to be more time consuming in use than VISTA.
11:Bb Learn Very well I did not get a chance to use the system in a large class where I generally
break the students into groups. Therefore I am unaware of how easy or simple
it would be to create and work in groups.
Very well
Very well I would give Moodle an overall grade of a B+ (compared to a C- for BB Learn).
Moodle was an easier LMS program to use from the very start.
Obviously, based on this brief pilot and personal experience with Moodle, I
would prefer that the Moodle LMS be selected. (I'll be evaluating BB Learn
Adequate Adequate for 30 students; unacceptable for a large class
Very well No system is perfect; however, Moodle seemed much easier to use than any
Blackboard product I have used.
Very well Having used both Moodle and Bb Learn, I prefer Moodle. The problems I
found with Bb Learn all have work-arounds, it is just easier to use Moodle.
Very well I am really happy with Moodle and would be pleased to see it as our next LMS.
I thought it offered an excellent balance between structure and flexibility. I was
also pleasantly surprised with its stability; I suppose I had some negative
associations with the "open source" label going in, but those were definitely
reversed at the end of the process. I dealt with very few "technical" questions
or problems from students, which allowed me to concentrate my teaching
energy on the material rather than the delivery method.
Very well
Adequate I found Moodle to be a better LMS for a small class. Moodle is simple, and it is
very easy to learn. However, in a regular semester, with 70 students in a webonly course, Moodle presents several challenges -- many of them are fatal
What did you like best about teaching your course in Pilot LMS?
1:Bb Learn I appreciated the grade book a lot.
2:Bb Learn I did not find anything about Bb Learn that was better than -- and in many instances not as good as --
Bb Vista. I think it has a very steep learning curve. Not many tasks are intuitively obvious. Blackboard
Learn would be OK.
3:Bb Learn This is a tough one to answer--I got so ANGRY while using BB Learn. It just made me think that "It
was the boss--instead of me". Not sure if that makes much sense--but I truly feel that the LMS
featuresof the system we get need to work in such a way as to COMPLEMENT the faculty and student
needs and a myriad of learning/working strategies, not the other way around.
Truly, at times, I felt I was fighting/at odds with BB Learn. Goofy, huh??
I guess I could say that the "calendar" feature was nice to have.
4:Bb Learn Students reported they could access the course using their smart phones. The course content was
easy to read. Student assignments were easy to read.
5:Bb Learn Once set up the content was easy to access - I liked the front page for reminders but... see below
6:Bb Learn Something new- fun to learn
7:Bb Learn Grade book
2:Bb Learn I liked the similarity to Vista, making my time invested to learn a new course management system less
than I would have expected (my test run of Moodle showed that it was significantly different and would
require a much greater learning curve). Better weighted grading options than Vista offers. Also,
adaptive release feature was very helpful. I also very much liked the ease with which I could upload
grades from excel into Blackboard by just using student usernames. In Vista, uploading student
grades is a royal pain because every time a student drops the class
class,, I have to update my upload file so
that student grades are not off by one student. Since Blackboard matches students scores with their
username, this is not an issue the way it is in Vista. Since I upload a minimum of three grades per
week for each of my 144 students, it is no small potatoes to have this feature in Blackboard.
8:Bb Learn 0
9:Bb Learn It is an easy transition from Vista. The are rather similar.
10:Bb Learn
Other than the HTML feature, there is no feature that stands out in BbLearn in comparison to VISTA.
11:Bb Learn
It was very easy to designe the course in BbLearn and set it up. I lov the student tracking ability and
the ease of using the system. In particular, it was nice to click on something and when done not have
the page revert back to the face page, but the last page I used. There wasn't as much jumping around
as with Vista. The grade book is much nicer and easier to use.
12:Moodle User-friendliness of interface. Would be ideal for first-time web course students.
3:Moodle 1. It was intuitive and what I had to do just made sense.
2. Everything was right there on the home page--on one page. Great! Made it easy to find without
lots and lots of clicks!
3. Breadcrumbs were easy to use and I knew where I was most of the time.
4. The forum/discussions were easy to printout, the copy looked good and it was easy grade.
5. I found the "update assignments" button easy to use and it was clearly marked. I didn't feel I had to
"hunt for anything".
6. My modules were very nicely printed out for students' use. (I don't use a textbook, but instead
prepare readings, etc. for the course content for all my courses.) Students need to print these out and
by comparison to VISTA and BB Learn, the copy in Moodle was superior.
13:Moodle I think that the organization from the calendar to the entire course content on the home page makes it
relatively simple for the students.
Grading assignments was easy.. once I learned not to use the single attachment mode
2:Moodle It was so easy to use everything in Moodle. I started teaching on WebCT then went to Vista, then Bb
Learn. In those LMS, everything seemed to be much more difficult and awkward than it needed to be.
I seemed to be spending my time fighting the software with WebCT, Vista, and Learn. With Moodle,
everything seems intuitively obvious. It is easy to get help -- just do a search, and half a dozen
solutions appear.
2:Moodle Moodle was easy to use. I liked the organization of the questions database.
5:Moodle I like the ability to link the assignment in the announcements
14:Moodle I liked the breadth of innovative learning activities available, including lessons, wikis, and more.
Moodle had the feel of something created by teachers for teachers, compared to other products which
feel more "corporate" or less attuned to the real needs and activities involved with teaching an online
college-level course. Just learning about all the features of the program stimulated my creativity a bit
and got me interested in seeing how I could teach in a new way.
2:Moodle quicker than vista.
14:Moodle look and feel of front page
15:Moodle It seems fairly easy
2:Moodle The student tracking in Moodle is outstanding. I liked being able to go to activity reports and clicking
on all. The resulting histogram showing the days students logged on and the list of their activity was
excellent. This beats any thing I saw with Bb Vista or Bb Learn.
I did like being able to have a link to a folder, the contents of which students could download. This was
useful for articles and assigned readings.
Groups and groupings were surprisingly easy to use, but I would like Moodle to have a "NOT" option
for groups. If groupings are used for the promised selective release in Moodle 2.0, we definitely need
a "NOT" option as well as date and times.
What did you like least about teaching your course in Pilot LMS?
1:Bb Learn The inability to create a standard navigation for my students -- and therefore an inability to provide
them with correct steps or practices if they had changed the default
2:Bb Learn I was disappointed. I was ready to like Bb Learn. I thought that a LMS developed by a company would
be more coherent and better integrated than a LMS developed as an open source by anyone
anywhere in the world.
3:Bb Learn 1. I got messages in 2 places--in BB Learn and in my NAU e-mail account Perhaps it was a setting I
did incorrectly.
2. No tracking feature that worked! I could not even determine the first week if all of the students had
yet checked in. That is just simply wrong...
3. Students couldn't find on the assignments page where to submit their assigments. Further, if they
did submit it in BB Learn, many student's files I was unable to open. In Firefox, I'd get "error 404, not
found"; in IE, I get "Webpage cannot be found." They were .doc documents so that wasn't the
problem being a webpage. Odd, indeed. Students sent their assignments to my NAU address who
were having problems.
4. Performance Dashboard and Course reports did not work. This is very unacceptable.
5. I didn't get an alert message that there were e-mail messages or discussion posts (like is shown in
VISTA with a green little asterisk).
4:Bb Learn Student e-mails were not linked to the course. It was difficult to respond quickly to these e-mails.
5:Bb Learn The front page needs to link to the assignments that it is posting reminders to with an auto link while
setting up assignments and assessments. It is time consuming to enter them in three places and
nothing allows the students to link with a click to them
6:Bb Learn Something new!
7:Bb Learn Discussion tool
2:Bb Learn I didn't like that students who had dropped my class were still appearing in in the grade roster.
8:Bb Learn 0
9:Bb Learn Restrictions on the visual appearance. GRADECENTER
10:Bb Learn
Even after familiarization with BbLearn's interface, I find that working in BbLearn is less efficient than
working in the VISTA environment. The features of the interface, basically, need optimization from the
instructor's perspective. For example, if the time spent on accessing a single assignment increases 10
seconds per assignment, and there are 20 assignments per student, and 70 students in the class,
then the instructor's workoad has been increased by nearly four hours. Or, to take another example, if
due dates for assignments are not inserted automatically on the Calendar, and 60 seconds per
insertion is required for 20 assignments, then I've lost 20 minutes (plus increasing the possibility for
11:Bb Learn
There is a definite learning curve and I didn't know the power of the system at first. I learned along
with the students. I find the home page way too busy and would like to see either less on it or arranged
in a different format.
12:Moodle Minor wish-list items: highlighting of threads with new postings, internal email function and gradebook.
Other than that it was terrific! Thank you for kindly letting me participate and for all of your stellar
expert support!
3:Moodle 1. I found the filters in using "recent activities" cumbersome compared to the feature in VISTA.. The
Tracking feature was inadequate for my needs.
2. In setting up the discussions, I was unsure what some of the settings were for--like "subscribe", etc.
Just need to use it more, I think.
3. I tended to get messages and assignments sent to my NAU account automatically. Perhaps I
needed to re-set something?
4. Students had difficulty uploading assignment files for me to grade. They sent them to my NAU email account because we didn't have any more time to "waste" trying to figure it out... This was
perhaps the most frustrating part for me and for students in using Moodle.
13:Moodle Extraordinarily frustrating to do much of the most basic work like communication and using the
gradebook... I dread the thought of using Moodle for my 200 student section
2:Moodle I did not like the British spelling. It creates problems for those of us who emphasize the need to spell
words correctly. I don't like the topic approach to the course home page, but the overall ease of using
Moodle outweighs the limitations of the topical approach.
2:Moodle I did not like the email system, I also do not like having students call me by my first name. Messaging
was OK, but not a replacement for an internal email system. Having them send me emails was
problematical. The subject line did not show that the email was about a problem in a class. Because of
viruses, trojans, and malware, I delete anything that does not have a subject line. If Moodle could
course-stamp emails sent to the nau accounts, the problem would be minimized.
5:Moodle the email system
14:Moodle There are some idiosyncracies and inconveniences, e.g., not having an easy way to do selective
release, email attachments, dealing with the quirks of different types of assignments (inline? online?
text?), and so forth. You do get the feeling within Moodle that you could spend *years* mastering all
the neat features in their entirety, which is OK except when you are under a stiff deadline or need to
solve a problem ASAP.
2:Moodle I don't like the forced layout - limits how I can organize.
Took a while to figure out how the email system worked
Navigating is a pain and not intuitive. you click to go somewhere, and when you go back, you return to
a different place.
14:Moodle no good dimple manual, very hard to figure out email system, except through trial and error with tor
three users
15:Moodle Having to educate myself and my students about it
2:Moodle Communication with students was extremely difficult. I think this is a deal-breaker for Moodle.
accommodations for tests are very time consuming, and there is no guarantee that the ADA tests
were identical to the regular tests. I think this is a deal-breaker for Moodle.
The one-long-window format of the entire course became a problem. I prefer the Bb Learn format. I
think this is a deal-breaker for Moodle.
The grade book hiding scores every time I graded a late submission. This led to a deluge of emails
from students when they were trying to see their course grade and I was grading late assignments or
tests. I think this is a deal-breaker for Moodle.
Considering your students' experiences and feedback in the course, what would you do differently next
1:Bb Learn I would change some assignments to graded as it would make mining them better. For some reason,
ungraded assignments/discussions were very hard to mine.
2:Bb Learn In Bb Vista I had extensive contact with students through Who's Online. I had almost no contact with
students in Summer I. If Bb Learn is selected, I would probably get a Skype account that students
could use to call me when I was online; I would have my grade book outside of Bb Learn. I would
develop all quizzes on Respondus and upload them from Respondus. In short, I would do quite a few
tasks outside of Blackboard Learn.
3:Bb Learn 1. I would learn how to instruct students to upload files correctly in Moodle. OR another way of putting
it, is I would make sure my settings were correct for me to open, grade and then attach a "tracked
changes" file back to the student.
2. I would want to make sure that I didn't get the same e-mail messages, etc. in both Moodle and my
NAU e-mail account.
4:Bb Learn I would ask students to identify themselves as students in BME 500 when posting a message. This
would help me respond quickly to their e-mails. I would ask e-learning to help me access the course
on my I Phone to gain an understanding of the students' view of the course.
5:Bb Learn I would INSIST on the up front support or refuse to open the course :-)
6:Bb Learn The same - I felt good about the process from start to finish
7:Bb Learn I'm not sure, but the discussion experience in the summer course I taught in Learn wasn't a success.
2:Bb Learn I haven't really had any negative feedback from students so I can't say. The students seemed to use
Blackboard with ease.
8:Bb Learn 0
9:Bb Learn The primary feedback I have received from students in pretty simple and more or less operational.
Leaving the comfort zone of Vista was hard for the students. Although I provided detailed written
instructions on the minor differences, the students are trained to use Vista so there were frustrations
when they didn't read the instructions and/or got confused. The biggest complaint was the fact that
there are no little stars next to the menu items to alert them to open assessments, assignments or
Additionally, my course is not self paced. I have been building as we move along to address
educational issues. Some students are annoyed that the whole class is not up and available to them
right away.
10:Bb Learn
At this point the student perspective seems neutral to negative. All the students in the capstone are
online majors and thus VISTA veterans.
11:Bb Learn
Use more of its capabilities such as rubrics, group managing and I would provide a better educational
session for students new to the system.
12:Moodle I'm not sure I would do anything differently. It's a great LMS!
3:Moodle 1. I would learn how to insruct students to upload files correctly in Moodle. OR another way of putting
it, is I would make sure my settings were correct for me to open, grade and then attach a "tracked
changes" file back to the student.
2. I would want to make sure that I didn't get the same e-mail messages, etc. in both Moodle and my
NAU e-mail account.
13:Moodle At this point I don't know
2:Moodle I haven't had any feedback from the students. In fact, there were fewer complaints than usual.
2:Moodle I had no feedback from students. There were fewer complaints than usual. However, I did make an
introductory video showing students how to use Moodle. The video is course-specific for my
anthropology courses. I will be expanding it for my fall classes.
5:Moodle I would do a more extensive Elluminate orientation and perhaps do it in "parts" so students could refer
back to it.
14:Moodle I think I'd set up the final project differently, without relying on trading commenting drafts. I might
consider using Workshops now that I know that some people use this for multi-draft work. I'd also
REALLY emphasize to students that they can opt out of "push" emails sent from discussion fora, with
the exception of the one News forum, to minimize student gripes about numerous emails.
2:Moodle Organize differently, maybe by week or topic
14:Moodle Nothing
15:Moodle Nothing
2:Moodle I would figure out a way to improve student communication. I would not have a separate topic for each
test. That would reduce the amount of scrolling students had to do.
How well did Pilot LMS meet your needs in communicating with students?
Count of Ti LMS
How well d Bb Learn
Very well
Not applicable
Grand Tota
Grand Total
How well did Pilot LMS meet your
needs in communicating
g with students?
1:Bb Learn Adequate
Internal email would be nice (and call it that, not Messaging).
2:Bb Learn Unacceptable My needs as an on-line course could be different from a web-assisted course,
where faculty see their students.
"Office Hours" did not work. To be in Office Hours, you could not leave that
'activity'. That meant that I had to have two windows of Bb Learn open per
class. One for the "Office Hours" and the other to get something done while I
was waiting for any students to contact me. Each class had to have "Office
Hours" open, so I had to have two windows of ANT 350 open and two windows
of ANT 101 open. Timeouts with 'Office Hours' occurred at about 10 minute
intervals, and I would have to re-open 'Office Hours' in both classes. A few
students did chat with me during office hours. I had the feeling that students
didn't really use Tools.
Office hours does have one nice feature, when a student enters the office, a
door creeks. When they leave, the door slams. The sound alert was useful.
Not having an indication that there were new e-mails was a drawback. There
needs to be some indication on the login if a course has a new email.
Students who had me before knew they could use Who's Online. Several
opened Bb Vista and used Who's Online to contact me during my office hours.
The students didn't use the Tools in Bb Learn.
There was no instant messaging in Bb Learn. The email worked well,
particularly after the Folders option was activated.
3:Bb Learn Unacceptable This was a very, very bad feature.
Most of my students had to use my NAU e-mail. For instance, in BB Learn, I
couldn't open up assiginment files that students needed graded without gettting
an "error 401".
Another issue
issue is that I couldn't
couldn't tell if students
students had logged in yet or when they
had logged in last. I am spoiled by Vista's tracking feature, to be sure.
When I tried and tried to get Performance Dashboard and the Course Reports
to give me info, they did not work! Total Frustration!!!!!
4:Bb Learn
5:Bb Learn
6:Bb Learn
7:Bb Learn
Unacceptable The e-mail responses from students were not available in the course shell.
This verges on unacceptable since I apparently didn't set the mail tool up
properly & consequently didn't check it daily.
2:Bb Learn Very well
8:Bb Learn Very well
9:Bb Learn Adequate
10:Bb Learn Adequate
Easy to use email all students feature.
The Announcements feature is the same. The Mail feature is more time
consuming compared to VISTA.
11:Bb Learn Very well
12:Moodle Adequate
The only thing I wished it had is some sort of highlighting or alert so that I could
see where a new posting had been made (in which thread). Also, an internal
email facility would be helpful.
3:Moodle Adequate
It took some getting use to using the People/Participants block well. I found it a
bit awkward and was one of the few features that I didn't like about Moodle. It
took me a few weeks to get comfortable with it. But I liked knowing who was
online from the main page. I also liked the notification that I had messages
13:Moodle Unacceptable Very difficult with contacts both ways being echoed in my NAU e-mail...
complicated, frustrating, much too much effort and would have been impossible
with more than the 30 summer students... I would not want to use Moodle with
my approximate 200 students in the fall
2:Moodle Adequate
I would like to have an in-course email system. The message system was OK,
but not great. I prefer Bb Vista's email system.
2:Moodle Adequate
Messaging was better than chat in Bb Learn. The chat room in Moodle was
better for office hours. Moodle needs an internal email system. I have heard
that Moodle 2.0 has an internal email system.
5:Moodle Unacceptable I dislike the email coming to my nau email and then the answers are in that
system instead of inside the course
14:Moodle Very well
I liked being able to very easily push discussion posts from the News forum to
student email accounts - this made the process of getting out critical
announcements fast and reliable. The within-Moodle mail function is so-so; I
relied on outside accounts for individual email communication, which could be
an issue with a larger class although it wasn't particularly so with my own.
Very well
Not applicable Moodle needs an internal mail system. The Moodle links used send to
commands, but the students sent emails from whatever account they had on
their computer.
computer. In cases where students were discussing grades or asking
about a grading issue, it is a violation of FERPA to reply to a gmail or hotmail or
any account other than the NAU account. Students used message quite a bit,
but the message was never forwarded to my email account. When I replied to
a student who used message, the reply went to their email..
Students never knew were to get their replies from me.
How well did Pilot LMS meet your needs in creating discussions?
Count of Ti LMS
How well d Bb Learn
Very well
Not applica
Grand Tota
Grand Total
How well did Pilot LMS meet your
needs in creatingg discussions?
1:Bb Learn Adequate
I was not impressed by the lack of navigation features and by the need to
repeat instructions in order to accommodate students who may have pop ups
configured differently than myself.
2:Bb Learn Not applicable
3:Bb Learn Adequate
For the most part, the discussion board was easy to use. Noting that "edit
mode is on/off" was also helpful at the top of the page.
The "collection" feature required that I re-try different ways to get a good
printout for grading. Not so good as Moodle.
4:Bb Learn Very well
5:Bb Learn Adequate
6:Bb Learn Adequate
7:Bb Learn Adequate
I found looking for the discussion area to be very nonintuitive
Students dill well - no speed bumps
This was the biggest disappointment. The system seems to foster creating
something more resembling individual blogs than it does true scholarly
"conversation" on a topic.
2:Bb Learn Not applicable
8:Bb Learn Not applicable
9:Bb Learn Adequate
We had a strange incident with a discussion board forum. Students posted
comments or contributions and they didn't "pop-up" or appear for several days.
I tried to document this curiosity by printing out "collected" discussions.
10:Bb Learn Adequate
There are no graded discussions in my capstone course. BbLearn appears to
be equivalent to Vista in this feature.
11:Bb Learn Very well
12:Moodle Very well
3:Moodle Very well
Not applicable
Not applicable
Unacceptable It was difficult to design group discussion where only those in the group could
see the discussion. In fact I never did accomplish this.
14:Moodle Very well
If anything, easier than Vista!
I especially liked the way they printed out for my grading. I had a very clean
and well laid out copy to work from.
Grading them could be tricky, but overall I thought the format and appearance
were good, and they weren't particularly time consuming to set up.
Very well
Good. I like the email subscriptions
Not applicable
Very well
Not applicable
How well did Blackboard (Bb) Learn meet your needs in creating assignments?
Count of Ti LMS
How well d Bb Learn
Very well
Not applicable
Grand Tota
Grand Total
How well did Pilot LMS meet your
needs in creatingg assignments?
1:Bb Learn Adequate
Bb did not make it obvious where the Assignments would be located.
2:Bb Learn Adequate
It was a drop box, what can you say? It worked. Nothing more, nothing less. I
do like Submit Assignment. I use Submit Assignment for all essays submitted
to me. I usually get two or three plagiarized papers every semester. I got to like
Submit Assignments more than TurnItIn.
3:Bb Learn Adequate
Because I had previously saved my word files as webpage, filtered, my files
were ready to upload.
The process at times didn't make sense or I had to make notes so I wouldn't
forget the steps I needed to take.
In comparison, Moodle was easier to set up assignments.
4:Bb Learn Very well
5:Bb Learn Adequate
It was very difficult for the students to find where to submit assignments initially
6:Bb Learn Adequate
It did not shine above Vista nor fall far below
7:Bb Learn Adequate
My impression is that the course remains more fragmented than unified.
Course management blocks or areas seem to be more visible or first order
divisions that govern curricular material. In my lingo, first order heads are stock
CMS items rather than allowing curricular material to provide first order heads.
2:Bb Learn Very well
I especially appreciated the adaptive release capabilities so that I could make
sure students did not have access to more advanced assignments until they
had earned a particular grade on a more basic assignment.
8:Bb Learn Adequate
9:Bb Learn Very well
10:Bb Learn Unacceptable
The lack of a feature that inserts due dates automatically on the Calendar is a
serious deficiency from my perspective.
11:Bb Learn Very well
12:Moodle Very well
Easy to navigate and use. Nice visual interface.
3:Moodle Very well
Because I had previously saved my word files as webpage, filtered, my files
were ready to upload with no difficulty.
I liked the "turn editing on" feature at the top of each page--that feature made it
easy to keep track of what I was doing, if I got confused.
13:Moodle Adequate
2:Moodle Very well
Assignment creation was very easy
2:Moodle Very well
It was very easy to create the assignments. Downloading all of the essays is
easy using DownloadThemAll! (a Firefox add-on). I checked plagiarism using
SubmitAssignment. I did not use Hot Potatoes, but will do so if I teach using
Moodle again.
5:Moodle Very well
14:Moodle Very well
I am a big fan of Moodle's "lessons" feature...it was definitely tricky to figure out
but opened up a whole new way to engage students online.
2:Moodle Very well
A bit of a learning curve to figure out what the different assignment types are.
14:Moodle Adequate
15:Moodle Very well
2:Moodle Not applicable I used Moodle to present assignments, not create them. I create my
assignments in Dreamweaver and in Flash
How well did Pilot LMS meet your needs in creating assessments?
Count of Ti LMS
How well d Bb Learn
Very well
Not applica
Grand Tota
Grand Total
How well did Pilot LMS meet your
needs in creatingg assessments?
1:Bb Learn Adequate
2:Bb Learn Unacceptable In my kinder moments, I would describe the question database as "awkward"
or "unwieldy." At times I found it completely unworkable. Why didn't they stay
with what they had in Bb Vista?
If Bb Learn is selected, I will be creating all my quizzes off-line and uploading
3:Bb Learn Not applicable I didnt use tests, etc., as my graduate-level assessments were papers.
4:Bb Learn Very well
5:Bb Learn Adequate
6:Bb Learn Adequate
7:Bb Learn Adequate
2:Bb Learn Very well
8:Bb Learn Adequate
I was unable to utilize respondus - but that may have been my problem
Same as above not significantly better than Vista nor worse at the end of the
I like the fact that many publishers have created test banks which may be
imported easily into Blackboard.
Some of the settings on how the assessments appear to students are not very
intuitive. There were some minor issues with the quiz tool where students
would be blocked from second attempts. I still have not isolated what is
causing the problem.
9:Bb Learn Adequate
It is a great deal easier to build quiz/exam questions in Vista than in
Blackboard. There seems to be additional and cumbersome steps to save,
store and sort the questions in a question bank or pool.
10:Bb Learn Adequate
I return assignments with extensive written commentary. BbLearn and Vista are
equal in this regard.
11:Bb Learn Very well
12:Moodle Very well
With your colleagues' expert help I was able to create quizzes in Moodle.
3:Moodle Not applicable Did not use tests, etc. as my graduate-level assessments were papers.
13:Moodle Adequate
Had a great deal of help from e-learning, because I did not have time to set up
assessments in moodle
2:Moodle Very well
Quiz creation was much easier than in Bb Learn. The system for downloading
questions from Vista then converting to QTI format and uploading the QTI
format into Moodle was very easy -- much easier than uploading questions to
Bb Learn.
2:Moodle Very well
Moodle 1.9 does not have selective release, but Moodle 2.0 will have selective
release. Groups and Groupings were *very* easy to use in Moodle.
5:Moodle Adequate
14:Moodle Adequate
I wasn't able to import test questions quite as quickly as I have in other
environments, but overall, I found that quizzes were easy to figure out and set
up. I wish that you could duplicate the format of previous quizzes as a time
saving measure...others online seem to have the same wish so maybe this will
be addressed in future versions.
2:Moodle Not applicable Have not used this function yet.
14:Moodle Very well
15:Moodle Very well
2:Moodle Not applicable Moodle is a delivery system. It is not involved in creating the assignments. I do
think that people around the world will be creating more applications for use in
Moodle. BbLearn relies on paid staff and developers, not a world-wide network
of computer geeks that love to great applications tailored to their specific
needs. In that regard, Moodle is more forward-facing than BbLearn.
How well did Pilot LMS meet your grading needs?
Count of Times LMS
How well did Pil Bb Learn
Very well
Grand Total
1:Bb Learn
2:Bb Learn
Grand Total
How well did Pilot LMS meet your grading needs?
Very well
I appreciated the grade book functionality a lot. I especially liked the batch
download ability for submissions.
Unacceptable The Bb Learn grade book was unworkable. Bb Vista was much better
organized with tabs that I could set up for the students (view all) in a way they
would understand then there were two other tabs I could use for calculating my
grades. Not quite a full spread sheet, but Bb Vista's grade book was much
easier, faster, and less frustrating to use than Bb Learn.
If NAU selects Bb Learn, I will downloading the information and using a spread
3:Bb Learn
4:Bb Learn
Unacceptable Most students as stated previously had to submit their attached files to my NAU
e-mail account. I either couldn't open up their file in BBLearn or they couldn't
attach it correctly.
It may have been the way I set up the course, though...???? Just not sure at
this point.
The grading section requires extra key strokes to open assignments and post
5:Bb Learn
Very well
I did find the grading easy to use in BBLearn
6:Bb Learn
some confusion with IE and Firefox, but at the end of the day it was all fine.
7:Bb Learn
Very well
2:Bb Learn
My only complaint is that I use weighted grading (which, thank goodness
Blackboard FINALLY fixed in this version) and there does not appear to be a
way to hide the total points and percentage that appears at the bottom of the
student's grade page. I would like them only to see the weighted grade column
as this is their true grade, but in working with ELC, it doesn't look like that is
8:Bb Learn
9:Bb Learn
Unacceptable I took a little Blackboard online teaching credential program in 2005. It was
provided through the Blackboard company. The instructor provided a guideline
for student navigation. Never make any information more than three "clicks"
away. The new grade center is maddening. You have to select, select, select,
select, to gain access to assessments or assignments. And then select, select,
select, to post a grade. Each selection is punctuated by a disappearing screen,
and TIME.
10:Bb Learn
No discernbile difference from VISTA.
11:Bb Learn
Very well
I didn't see a gradebook and maybe this was my oversight.
Unacceptable My students for the most part had difficulty understanding how to upload
assignments for grading. (It may have been the way I set it up--not sure about
Several students ended up sending their assignments to my NAU e-mail
account when they couldn't upload them properly. One student even worked
with the "help desk" for 30 minutes and was unable to find the upload button.
Perhaps it was my error?
Unacceptable Grading wasn't difficult but maneuvering in the gradebook was frustrating... you
can't scroll horizontally and vertically
Very well
Much, much,
much, much better than Bb Learn.
Learn. Once I understood the system,
system, I
liked it quite a bit.
Very well
Moodle is very, very easy to learn. Easy to download to Excel, easy to upload
back to Moodle. The wording for totals (simple weighted mean, weighted
mean, mean, median, mode, etc) continues to be mystifying. The calculator for
equations is easy, once you get used to it. ( I never got used to the Bb Learn
grade book.)
The Moodle grade book took some getting used to, and I never was able to
figure out how to set up a calculated column...for final course grades, I ended
up exporting everything to Excel.
Still trying to figure out how to use calculated fields. It is a real minus that the
column and row headers are not 'frozen'
I have had troubles uploading data from a spreadsheet.
Very well
easier than bbvista once learned, quick learning curve
Unacceptable Moodle has a great system for quick grading of assignments. I give short
answer questions on my tests. Moodle gives a box ten lines high for responses
or comments. This is way too much space. One or two lines is sufficient. The
height of the box meant that a lot of time had to be spent dragging the grading
page down to see student answers. This is not a problem with a class of 25.
However, with a class of 70 or 100, the extra time is significant.
Also, Moodle is very buggy in showing grades to students. Grading short
answer questions calls for opening the test and grading the ungraded
questions. As soon as the test is opened for grading, Moodle hides the test in
the grade book. Any calculation using that item is also hidden. This means that
when grading late assignments at the end of a semester, the grade book winks
in and out of visibility to students. Students who completed work on time cannot
see their grades until the grader goes back into the grade book and 'unhides'
the test.
The equation editor is very difficult to use. I am sure that it is correct from a
strict mathematical sense, but having to constantly type the parentheses and
brackets was irritating. Simple algebra with +-/* ( and ) is about all most of us
want to handle when grading.
How well were you able to track students' progress in Pilot LMS?
Count of Ti LMS
How well w Bb Learn
Very well
Not applica
Grand Tota
Grand Total
students progress in Pilot LMS?
How well were you able to track students'
1:Bb Learn Unacceptable Reporting was atrocious, especially if I were using Safari.
2:Bb Learn Unacceptable I couldn't figure out how to do this. I could see the most recent log-on, but that
was about it.
I used student tracking frequently in Bb Vista and missed using it in Bb Learn.
3:Bb Learn Unacceptable Same as above comments. Tracking was non-existent in BB Learn!!
I didn't realize how much I NEEDED the "tracking feature"--it's how I needed to
find out what and how much each student was actually doing in the class....
4:Bb Learn Very well
5:Bb Learn Unacceptable Except in the grade book I found it difficult to track what students were doing
6:Bb Learn Adequate
7:Bb Learn Not applicable I didn't use this feature, but should have.
2:Bb Learn Not applicable
8:Bb Learn Not applicable I only uswed the quiz tool
9:Bb Learn Unacceptable The system I have access to now does not document the last time a student
"I do
h not
k dmake
i " t extensive
10:Bb Learn Adequate
use of features such as the Dashboard. Since the
capstone course is comprised of graduating seniors who "know the drill"
tracking is not a particularly useful feature here.
11:Bb Learn Very well
12:Moodle Adequate
The only thing I would wish for is highlighting in which threads someone has
posted to help me quickly spot-check new postings.
3:Moodle Adequate
Moodle didn't have the "tracking feature" I was used to in VISTA. Suffice it to
say that I found what Moodle had rather cumbersome and wordy. I couldn't just
go and get information quickly in a particular format. I had to look and scroll
way too much.
However, perhaps I just needed more practice with the "Recent Activity"
13:Moodle Unacceptable Grade book is difficult to use
2:Moodle Not applicable I didn't even try. I used the grade book to see who was taking the optional
2:Moodle Not applicable I didn't use a student report in Moodle. (I used it regularly in Bb Vista, could not
find on in BbLearn). Now that Summer II is ending, I will have to use it so I can
respond to Registrar's requests for the date a student last had activity in the
5:Moodle Adequate
14:Moodle Very well
Tracking was faster and easier to interpret with Moodle than Vista, in my
experience. It was easy to view overall progress on assessments, Lessons,
and other assignments.
2:Moodle Adequate
I have not spent much time doing this, as it is a hybrid class.
14:Moodle Adequate
15:Moodle Adequate
2:Moodle Unacceptable I would put this as almost unacceptable, but since you are quantifying this, I will
mark it as unacceptable.
e grade book was too wide
wide. I have two 25"
25" monitors
monitors, and
and the grade book
spanned both monitors. It would be nice to be able to have one title that the
students saw, for example "Click here to take Test 1" and field name in the
grade book, for example "T1". Short fields would have made working with
grades much easier.
I did like the user view. It let me quickly see what individual students had.
However, 90% of my work was using the entire file that took up two screens. I
spent much of my time moving columns in the grade book so I could see them
I did not like having to scroll through the whole class to move the grade book
columns to the left or right. This not a problem for a summer class of 25, but it
was a problem with a regular class of 70.
Th d
How well did Pilot LMS meet your needs in creating course content?
Count of Ti LMS
How well d Bb Learn
Very well
Not applica
Grand Tota
Grand Total
How well did Pilot LMS meet your needs in organizing course content?
Count of Ti LMS
How well d Bb Learn
Very well
Not applicable
Grand Tota
Grand Total
How well did Pilot LMS meet your needs in creating course content?
1:Bb Learn Adequate
I did most in Dreamweaver. I was disappointed I could not edit pages in Bb.
2:Bb Learn Not applicable I did not see anything in Bb Learn that I would have used to create content. In
their defense, when we had Study Mate, very few of use used. I was going to
buy a private license of Study Mate, but then learned that NAU was looking at a
new LMS, so decided to wait before spending the $85.
3:Bb Learn Adequate
It was ok, but not as intuitive to do when compared to Moodle.
4:Bb Learn Very well
5:Bb Learn Adequate
I needed assistance with this which I found very frustrating
Very well
Not applicable
Very well
10:Bb Learn Adequate
Content was transferred directly from the VISTA version of the course.
6:Bb Learn
7:Bb Learn
2:Bb Learn
8:Bb Learn
9:Bb Learn
11:Bb Learn Very well
12:Moodle Not applicable Wally Nolan kindly transferred my course content over from Vista to Moodle.
3:Moodle Very well
Because I had previously saved my word files as webpage, filtered, my files
were ready to upload with no difficulty.
I liked the "turn editing on" feature at the top of each page--that feature made it
13:Moodle Not applicable Hard to say... e-learning did the transfer of all material from Dreamweaver to
Vista to Moodle
2:Moodle Very well
I am not sure what you mean by this question. This could easily be "not
applicable" I create everything in Dreamweaver then zipped and uploaded. I
liked being able to edit all files in HTML within Moodle.
2 M dl
I am nott sure how
t answer this.
thi I create
t course content
t t in
i Dreamweaver
then zip and upload. File handling in Moodle was easy; their html editor was
excellent. I did not use Hot Potatoes, but will use it in my fall classes.
5:Moodle Adequate
14:Moodle Very well
2:Moodle Very well
14:Moodle Adequate
It was reasonably easy to set up "overview" pages of text, bring in graphics and
so forth even without any HTML skills to speak of.
no wsywyg editor
15:Moodle Very well
2:Moodle Not applicable I use Dreamweaver and Flash to create course content. I used Moodle to edit
the occasional broken link in my html files or to change a file name.
How well did Pilot LMS meet your needs in organizing course content?
1:Bb Learn Adequate
2:Bb Learn Adequate
3:Bb Learn Adequate
It was ok, but not as intuitive to do when compared to Moodle.
4:Bb Learn Very well
5:Bb Learn Adequate
6:Bb Learn Adequate
Again I needed to have assistance despite reading the help in the BBLearn
area - that I found frustrating as I rarely need assistance with technology
7:Bb Learn Adequate
The homepage divisions are too many & too fragmented. Instead of the logical
divisions of a course of study, the homepage more resembles a social
networking site. This is no doubt intentional, but it makes instructional material
more, not less, difficult to learn.
2:Bb Learn Adequate
Overall Blackboard was fine for this. I did have some issues with adding URLs
into the left hand navigation area. The links would work for a period of time and
then no longer work, even though no editing had been done to them.
8:Bb Learn Adequate
9:Bb Learn Adequate
10:Bb Learn Adequate
Course organization did not change from the VISTA version.
11:Bb Learn Very well
12:Moodle Not applicable Same as above: I didn't really need to reorganize anything in EDR 610 and
Wally kindly transferred the content for me.
3:Moodle Very well
13:Moodle Adequate
2:Moodle Adequate
2:Moodle Adequate
5:Moodle Very well
14:Moodle Very well
2:Moodle Adequate
14:Moodle Very well
15:Moodle Very well
2:Moodle Adequate
The process was easy and very INTUITIVE. It just made sense and the
program was written from the standpoints of faculty and student usage.
I don't really like having the entire course in one long scroll-down window. It
would be useful if we could get rid of the numbering. I put the most recent
material on top so students did not have to scroll down.
I don't like the topics format. I think the topic format is the weakest part of
Moodle. I re-designed my courses using a work-around that decreases the
numbers of topics students have to scroll through. So I can live with the topics.
I would like to be able to turn off the numbering. The numbers are meaningless
for my courses.
Students appreciated the weekly format of the main course page; I found I had
to do very little to rearrange things or make it clear what students should be
focusing on at any given point.
Limited ability to organize like I want.
I do not like the Moodle format. It is not unacceptable, because it will work.
However, I moved the most recent material to the top and the oldest material to
the bottom. I arranged all of my class units in frames, which reduced the
number of "topics" by about 75%. Even then, the constant scrolling was a
This was particularly true for students who fell behind. They had to scroll far
down to get to their assignments.
Overall, how satisfied were you with the process of moving your course from Vista or another
course management system to Pilot LMS?
Count of Ti LMS
Overall, howBb Learn
Grand Total
Very satisfi
Very dissatisfied
Not applicable
Grand Tota
Approximately how much time did you spend developing your course in Pilot LMS?
Count of Ti LMS
ApproximatBb Learn
0-20 hours
21-30 hour
51 or more
Grand Tota
Grand Total
Overall, how satisfied were you with the process of moving your course from Vista or another
course management system to Pilot LMS?
Somewhat dissatisfied
1:Bb Learn Somewhat dissatisfied
As my students noted in comments, this was no better than Vista
but required a learning curve that they already had in Vista. It begs
the question: why change?
It is not really a matter of being satisfied or not satisfied. Given a
choice between Bb Learn and Bb Vista, I am not sure I would select
Bb Learn. It is not significantly different, and it does not seem to be
an improvement. But NAU does not have a choice.
I am not sure that courses can be simply transferred from Vista to
Learn. The courses all need to be re-thought and re-designed.
Bb Learn is workable and usable. Work-arounds can be found
outside of Blackboard for instant messaging, on-line office hours,
and the grade book. But it should not be necessary to have workarounds.
51 hours does not even begin to touch the amount of time it took to
learn Bb Learn and to transfer the courses. I started three weeks
before the summer term began and worked constantly the first four
weeks of Summer I.
2:Bb Learn Somewhat satisfied
With the help of Sharon Gorman, we worked through any difficulties
together. It was when I was home and making changes, that I
started getting rather frustrated--the process initially was a bit
cumbersome and not that intuitive like Moodle is, in my opinion.
3:Bb Learn Very satisfied
The e-learning staff were very helpful.
4:Bb Learn Somewhat dissatisfied
I have to say that I expected support before the class started from
my ELearning "buddy" and despite emails and requests did not
receive that support before the class started making the course
cumbersome for students - once I got the support the class looked
much more streamlined and just easier for the students.
5:Bb Learn Very satisfied
It was all good, I have no concerns for the future on this one
6:Bb Learn Somewhat dissatisfied
7:Bb Learn Very satisfied
2:Bb Learn Somewhat satisfied
8:Bb Learn Very satisfied
Some dates on assessments imported in a way that created date
conflicts. For example, there are 3 different places where a dat can
be set on a quiz. when built from scratch, I only need to set one
thi i fi
9:Bb Learn Somewhat satisfied
10:Bb Learn Very satisfied
11:Bb Learn Very satisfied
Wally was kind enough to move my EDR 610 course content over
for me
12:Moodle Very satisfied
Sharon Gorman was a dear and we seemed to both feel (as we
were moving the course from VISTA to Moodle) that it was fairly
easy to do.
3:Moodle Not applicable
E-learning did this for me, so I did not have to do it; I still wouldn't
know where to begin
13:Moodle Somewhat satisfied
I am used to using Dreamweaver to create files and WebDAV to
get them up to the shell. Having to zip, upload, and unzip was
tedious but not as bad as I expected. Being able to edit the HTML in
Moodle far outweighed the zipping and unzipping problem. Moodle
seemed to be much faster in uploading the files.
2:Moodle Somewhat satisfied
moving the course would have been a lot easier if I could have used
WebDAV. But the Moodle file system is very easy to use. Given the
ease of using Moodle's html editor, the zipping and loading was not
as onerous as I expected.
2:Moodle Very dissatisfied
There was really no "moving" I had to create the modules last year
in moodle - I was able to transfer to this year.
5:Moodle Not applicable
14:Moodle Somewhat satisfied
2:Moodle Somewhat satisfied
14:Moodle Very satisfied
I was very satisfied, but that is only because of the devoted
assistance provided by Jerry Gile.
15:Moodle Very dissatisfied
Moodle needs Webdav
How well did the Pilot LMS HTML editor meet your needs?
Count of Ti LMS
How well d Bb Learn
Very well
Not applica
Grand Tota
Grand Total
How well did the Pilot LMS HTML editor meet your
1:Bb Learn Very well
When I used it, it did. But where did the files go, and how can I download and
archive them.
2:Bb Learn Not applicable I would actually give it a "completely unacceptable."
It should have been possible to toggle directly from WYSWYG to HTML Code
without having to save, wait while the program saved, exit the editing, wait while
the program closed, open the editing again, select the option to go to HTML,
see the [incorrect] message saying something could be lost if I went to the
HTML editor, wait, then get a solid block of HTML unbroken by any formatting
that a human eye could easily read.
I go back to the very earliest days of HTML when everything was coded by
hand. I am very experienced and comfortable reading HTML code. Aside from
being irritated at the delay, I could find the things I wanted to edit and make my
changes. I am not sure that most faculty could do that. The WYSWIG editor
was OK, but the HTML editor was awkward.
Uploaded files could not be edited at all. If I had a very minor change to make, I
had to make the change in Dreamweaver and upload the file.
3:Bb Learn Not applicable
4:Bb Learn Adequate
5:Bb Learn Not applicable
6:Bb Learn Adequate
Bblearn was sort of a pain here. creating original content was not so much fun
7:Bb Learn Adequate
2:Bb Learn Not applicable
8:Bb Learn Not applicable I did not use this much
9:Bb Learn Not applicable
10:Bb Learn Not applicable HTML editing is one place where BbLearn surpasses VISTA.
11:Bb Learn Very well
12:Moodle Not applicable
3:Moodle Not applicable Did not use
13:Moodle Very well
2:Moodle Not applicable Very easy to use. It was easy to toggle from WYSWYG to html code and back.
2:Moodle Not applicable The Moodle editor was very easy to use. I could go back and forth from
WYSWIG to html code with no problem. And, in html code view, Moodle kept
formatting that a human could read.
5:Moodle Not applicable I really prefer the system that allows dreamweaver - that seems to be a more
sophisticated system than using the html editor in moodle. And I have to be
connected to the internet to do the html editing versus offline with dreamweaver
14:Moodle Not applicable I was able to use the editor to put graphics into my lessons after getting some
help from ELC staff; not bad considering I lack HTML experience or skills.
2:Moodle Not applicable
14:Moodle Not applicable
15:Moodle Adequate
2:Moodle Not applicable I used Blackboard Learn. Moodle is much better for quick changes.
How well did Pilot LMS meet your needs in integrating library resources?
Count of Ti LMS
How well d Bb Learn
Not applica
Very well
Grand Tota
Grand Total
integrating library
library resources?
How well did Pilot LMS meet your needs in integrating
1:Bb Learn Very well
2:Bb Learn Not applicable Everything the Library set up went to the Media folder in Bb Vista, and I
transferred the links.
3:Bb Learn
4:Bb Learn
5:Bb Learn
6:Bb Learn
7:Bb Learn
2:Bb Learn
8:Bb Learn
9:Bb Learn
10:Bb Learn
11:Bb Learn
Not applicable
Not applicable
Worked closely with Damon - it all worked,
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Very well
Not applicable
Not applicable Did not use
Very well
Not applicable I provide links to everything. Even if the library gives me links, I edit the library
html to add comments or instructions for students.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
How well did the Pilot LMS online help meet your needs?
Count of TimeLMS
How well did Bb Learn
Very well
Not applicable
Grand Total
Grand Total
How do you
y rate your
level of expertise
in using
g Vista or another learning
g management
Count of TimeLMS
How do you r Bb Learn
Grand Total
Grand Total
How well did the Pilot LMS online help meet your needs?
1:Bb Learn
2:Bb Learn
Unacceptable Bb Learn help online was not at all useful. Ask Dr. C occasionally had useful
information. The body of users seemed to have more questions than answers.
However, in Bb Learn's defense, this is a very new system.
Erin and Dan always knew, but they are not part of Bb Learn online help.
BUT in Moodle ... Moodle 2 is not even out yet. I know more about what is in
Moodle 2 ( and there seems to be more help available for Moodle 2) than I
could find for Blackboard Learn.
3:Bb Learn
4:Bb Learn
5:Bb Learn
6:Bb Learn
7:Bb Learn
Slower than Vista!
Unacceptable It was difficult to find what I needed in a timely manner
Not applicable
I am not enthusiastic about it. I especially found the discussion tool to be
unsupportive of my interests in fostering discussion focused on an academic
2:Bb Learn
8:Bb Learn
9:Bb Learn
10:Bb Learn
11:Bb Learn
Not applicable
Not applicable
Very well
Very well
Erin, Dan and Wally are OUTSTANDING! Always very quickly responsive with
detailed, helpful comments! They are very patient with us "fledgling Moodle
Unacceptable Barely adequate... good in some ways, horrible in other ways
Very well
Absolutely outstanding. In Bb Learn it was *extremely* difficult to find out how
to do things. In Moodle, all I had to do was click on the Moodle Docs link to get
help or search online. Someone in cyberland had an answer. I found youtube
videos, http://clt.lse.ac.uk and Oakland university to be excellent. It was easy
to find out how to do things.
Very well
Even with zipping and no WebDAV, and the topic format, Moodle was much
easier to use than Bb Learn.
I attempted to use the "help" feature much more in BB Learn than in Moodle-the need was simply there to do so.
I did not use this feature enough to give a good evaluation. I guess that I didn't
need to use it is another way of putting it.
Unacceptable I frequently couldn't find an answer in time to "fix" a problem
The Moodle site for help was OK; heavy on discussion among Moodle experts,
light on specific fixes for common problems. I found that the Using Moodle 2e
book was a better resource for learning and self-help.
Very well
Very good to have the instant help next to most options. Help is concise and
very helpful
Not applicable
Very well
Moodle online help was outstanding. It was easy to find an answer to 99% of
my questions.