Cooper Ornithological Society Patterns of Sperm Storage in Relation to Sperm Competition in Passerine Birds Author(s): James V. Briskie and Robert Montgomerie Source: The Condor, Vol. 95, No. 2 (May, 1993), pp. 442-454 Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Cooper Ornithological Society Stable URL: Accessed: 06/09/2010 19:48 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. 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Using a techniquefor observingspermstoragetubules(SSTs)in whole-mount preparationsof oviducttissue,we estimatedthe numberand lengthof SSTsacross20 species of passerinebirdsin seven subfamilies.The averagenumberof SSTsper femalevariedninefold acrossthe speciesexaminedand was correlatedpositivelywith body mass and relative egg size, suggestingthat much of the interspecificvariationin the numberof SSTs may be a consequenceof allometry.However,aftercontrollingfor body mass, the numberof SSTs per female was also negativelycorrelatedwith the averagelength of SSTs and we suggest this patterncouldresultfromselectionforgreaterspermlengthwhenaccessto spermstorage sites is limited by females. SST length varied eight-foldacross the species examined but unlike the numberof SSTs, SST length was not correlatedwith body mass. Instead, SST length was stronglyand positively correlatedwith sperm length, suggestinga history of coevolution betweenmale gametes and sperm storagesites in females that is independent of body size. Neither mating system nor any of four other morphologicalvariables(testis length,oviduct length,clutch size, spermstoragecapacity)was consistentlycorrelatedwith either the number or size of SSTs. Variationbetween species in the potential for sperm layeringwithin an SST, however, indicatesthat the patternof sperm precedence(i.e., the patternof paternityrelativeto matingorder)may vary from speciesto species.We propose that a conflict of interestbetweenthe sexes with respectto sperm storagecould lead to an arms race between sperm length and SST length and may help explain both the diversity in spermstoragepatternsamongspeciesand the influenceof spermstorageon the evolution of matingbehaviorin birds. Key words: Sperm storage;sperm competition;spermprecedence;sperm;reproductive strategies;passerines. INTRODUCTION Poultry scientists have long known that female domestic fowl can store spermfor severalweeks (e.g., Van Drimmelen 1946, Lorenz1950, Lodge et al. 1971). In poultry, sperm are stored primarilyin specializedspermstoragetubules(SSTs) located at the junction of the uterusand vagina (e.g.,Bobret al. 1964,MeroandOgasawara1970) althoughsome storagemay also occur in the infundibulum (Van Drimmelen 1946). Recent studies of SSTs in several species of wild birds (Hatch 1983;BakstandBird 1987;Shugart1988; Birkhead1987, 1988; Birkheadet al. 1990) suggest that sperm storagemay be a universal feature of avian reproduction. The significanceof sperm storagefor the evolution of mating patternsin wild birds was recognized by behavioral ecologists only recently (Hatch 1983, Birkhead1988). One consequence of sperm storageby females is that sperm from differentmales are more likelyto co-occurin the 'Received22 July 1992. Accepted1 February1993. female reproductive tract. Competition between ejaculates from two or more males over the fertilization of ova of a single female was called sperm competition by Parker (1970) and subsequent work has shown that this process has played a large role in the evolution of a variety of mating behaviors (e.g., copulation frequency, duration of mate-guarding; Birkhead and Moller 1992a). Despite a variety of studies of avian SSTs (Mero and Ogasawara 1970, Shugart 1988, Birkhead and Hunter 1990, Lessells and Birkhead 1990), the proximate mechanisms of sperm storage and their effect on sperm competition are poorly understood. Fertilization in birds typically occurs in the infundibulum during a brief"fertilization window" of only 15-30 minutes duration, shortly after ovulation (Howarth 1974). The ovum then begins its descent down the oviduct where albumin and shell membranes are deposited. Unless protected in SSTs, sperm are unlikely to survive in the oviduct during egg formation and laying (Lorenz 1966). Thus, specialized sperm storage sites may have evolved in birds so that [442] IN BIRDS SPERMSTORAGE inseminations do not have to be synchronized with the fertilizationwindow to be successfulat fertilization(Hatch 1983). Several recent experiments on captive birds have shown that the last male to copulatebefore fertilizationenjoys considerablyhigherfertilization success than previous males, even if copulations from the last male are greatly outnumbered by those of the previous male (e.g., Compton et al. 1978, Chenget al. 1983, Sims et al. 1987, Birkhead et al. 1988). For example, Birkheadet al. (1988) foundthat, in ZebraFinches (Taeniopygiaguttata), the last male to mate before eggs were fertilized fathered approximately 80% of the subsequent offspring.Such observationshave suggestedthat sperm may be stored as stratifiedlayers within SSTs and possibly that the last inseminationis stored nearest to the oviductallumen, thus giving it the advantage of being the first out during ovulation (Comptonet al. 1978). On the other hand, Lessells and Birkhead(1990) have used the available data on poultryto model the sperm storageand fertilizationprocessbut did not findclearsupport for this sperm layeringhypothesis. Insteadtheir analysisshowed that displacementof a previous male's sperm by that of the last-copulatingmale could betteraccountfor the observedpatternsof last-malespermprecedence.Nevertheless,sperm precedenceexperimentsin birds have been limited to only a few species to date. It may thus be prematureto generalize sperm storage mechanisms from this small sample, particularlysince the patternof spermprecedenceis knownto vary widely from species to species in mammals (Dewsbury 1984, Birkhead 1988). AlthoughSSTs seem to be importantin sperm competition, little is known about variation in sperm storagecapacity among species and how such variation may be related to differencesin mating system or behavior patterns. Shugart (1988) measuredthe lengthsof SSTs in a dozen speciesof birdsbut he did not attemptto account for variationamong species. Recently,Birkhead and Moiler (1992b) compared the number and lengthof SSTsacross 11 speciesof domesticbirds to determine if the duration of sperm storage could be predicted from SST morphology. Although a weak relationshipwas found, they observeda strongrelationshipbetweenthe number of SSTs and body mass. In this paper, we estimate both the number and lengthof SSTs for a varietyof wild passerine 600 . 443 . 3:1 2:1 S400 S /, SF H 200 ? T bDK O C 0 ~f?E 5 100 150 200 250 300 Spermlength(rm) FIGURE 1. Variation in the potential for sperm stratification among 20 species of passerine birds. For each species, mean sperm length is plotted against mean SST length. Lines delineate different SST length: sperm length ratios. Species (no. of females, males examined) are: A, Least Flycatcher, Empidonax minimus (3, 3); B, Tree Swallow, Tachycineta bicolor (4, 4); C, Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica (3, 5); D, American Pipit, Anthus rubescens (3, 3); E, Horned Lark, Eremophila alpestris(3, 1); F, American Robin, Turdus migratorius (2, 1); G, Red-eyed Vireo, Vireo olivaceus (2, 1); H, Yellow Warbler, Dendroica petechia (4, 1); I, American Redstart, Setophaga ruticilla (2, 1); J, Red-winged Blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus (3, 1); K, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus (3, 4); L, Brewer's Blackbird, Euphagus cyanocephalus (3, 2); M, Brown-headed Cowbird, Molothrus ater (4, 3); N, Western Meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta (1, I1);O, Lapland Longspur, Calcarius lapponicus (5, 2); P, Smith's Longspur,C. pictus (3, 4); Q, Snow Bunting,Plectrophenax nivalis(4, 2); R, Common Redpoll, Carduelis flammea (2, 2); S, Hoary Redpoll, C. hornemanni(1, 2);T, AmericanGoldfinch,C. tristis(4, 2). species.We then examinehow interspecificvariation in the numberand lengthof SSTsis related to body size, sperm length, and the degree of sperm competition expected from the mating systemof thesespecies.Finally,we describesperm arrangementpatternswithin SSTsand show that differencesamongspeciesmay have the potential to affectsperm precedencepatterns. METHODS Oviductsfrom 59 femalesof 20 passerinespecies representing seven different subfamilies were collected in Manitoba, Ontario and the Northwest Territories,Canadaduringthe 1988, 1989 and 1990 breedingseasons (see Fig. 1 for list of species and scientificnames). Within an hour of collecting each female, we removed the entire reproductivetract(ovaryto vent). Oviductswere placedimmediatelyin 10%bufferedformalinin separatelabelledvials and stored6 to 18 months 444 JAMES V. BRISKIE ANDROBERT MONTGOMERIE beforeexamination.Only females that were laying or close to laying eggs (as evidenced by advanceddevelopingova) wereused.All birdswere collected under appropriatefederaland territorial permits. To prepare an oviduct for examination, all mesenteries, skin and other obstructingtissues were carefullyremoved to expose the lower reproductivetract.Oviductlengthwas determined by tracing the outline of each oviduct with a measuringthread.If present,developingeggswere removedand the diameterof the yolk measured. The oviduct was then straightened,pinned to a dissectingboard and a single longitudinalincision was made throughthe cloaca, vagina and uterus.The exposed mucosa was pinned flat and keep moist with water. Under a dissecting microscope,the uterovaginal(UV)junctionappears as a distinct band of thin, convoluted folds (see Bakstand Bird 1987, Birkheadand Hunter 1990, Birkhead et al. 1990). For each specimen, we counted the number of folds and measuredthe approximatewidth of the UV band with a ruler. To estimate the numberof SSTs, three individual folds (out of a total of 15-20) were removed in their entirety, beginningfrom the middle of the vagina and extendingthroughthe entireUV regionup to and includingabout 0.5 mm of the uterinefold containingthe shell glands. Any remaining connective tissue was carefullyteased away and the lamina propria of each fold was spreadopen onto a clean glass slide so that the medial surfaceof each half faced up. Each fold was placed undera cover slip and preparedas a wet mount. In some instances the preparation was flattened by gently tapping the cover slip with a blunt probe. We countedthe numberof SSTsper fold using a phasecontrastmicroscope(40 x magnification) calibratedwith a stage micrometer.Individual SSTs could be distinguishedand followed along theirlengthsby fineadjustmentsof the focusand iris diaphragm(see Fig. 2). SSTs could also be observedat high magnificationwith a dissecting microscope and transillumination (see Bakst 1987, Bakst and Bird 1987) but we found the boundariesof individualSSTsmore distinctand more easilymeasuredundera phasecontrastmicroscope. Although some SSTs were branched (< 15%of SSTs per individual, unpubl. data), spermwere stored primarilyin the distal end of each tubuleor tubulebranch(pers.observ.,Birk- head and Hunter 1990, Birkheadet al. 1990). As we were most interestedin the evolution of the number of sperm storagesites ratherthan their configuration,we counted each branchas a separate sperm storagesite for our analyses. Next, we measuredthe lengthof five haphazardlychosen, clearlyvisible SSTs per fold for a total of 15 per individual bird. BranchedSSTs were measured by following the length of one randomly chosen branchbeginningfrom its distal end and continuingto its opening into the lumen of the oviduct (i.e., the distance sperm travel to enter or leave an SST). In most preparations,sperm could be easily discernedwithin tubules by examiningthe tissue in variousfocal planesat high magnification.Passerinesperm are readily recognizable by their characteristicspiral-shaped heads (see Fig. 2A). We also attemptedto determine if spermwere presentin SSTs by carefully openinga few tubules.Photographsof spermand SST structure(Fig. 2) were taken using Neumarskioptics on a Leitz Dialux 20 microscope. To calculatethe number of SSTs per female, we multipliedthe mean numberof SSTsper fold studied by the total number of folds. Birkhead and Hunter (1990) and Birkheadet al. (1990) applied similartechniquesto estimate the number of SSTs in two species of estrildid finches. When more than one specimen of a species was available, we calculated a species mean using mean values from each female. To determine the relationship between SST length and sperm length, we collected sperm either by gentle massage of the cloacal protuberance of live birds (see Wolfson 1952) or by salvaging semen from the seminal glomera of freshly-killed specimens. We also measured spermcoaxedout ofSSTs in a few cases,avoiding those that were obviously damaged(e.g., broken tails) in the process. Sperm collected from tubules did not differ significantlyin length from that collected directlyfrom males so data from both sources were combined for analyses. Permanent mounts were made by placing a small dropletof semen on a cleanglassslide and lightly smearingit by passing a second glass slide over the first. The slide was allowed to air dry and then stored in a dry slide box for later examination. Total sperm length (head plus tail) was measured under a phase contrast microscope (100 x magnification;Fig. 2A) by averagingthe length of 10 haphazardlychosen sperm. As be- SPERMSTORAGEIN BIRDS ; I :ii :ii-.i ""i.::i . l:.. .,':, .. . :. 445 . ".: '. ":. . . - i: i•, ., hl- "- -"tl d.!:;. • r"..• i:,, ???:::?' "'?'???.... .. ." .i•i:.• .•\i?? '?'.' i '".,: .::ii..:: ? "••'; .....: ... :....,,... .• j•. • ,, .• , ,,i~ " I'i? !? - ,'•-.,,, * ,•2'-- •' FIGURE 2. Photomicrographsof sperm (A) and sperm storagetubules(C, E, G), with line tracings(B, D, F, H) to illustratestructuralfeatures.The line tracingsweremade directlyfrom the photographsbut wereenhanced to show featuresthat are not readilyvisible in a photographof a singleplane. Spermheads (h) and tails (t) and the distal ends (d) of SSTs are indicated.In D, F and H the walls of the SSTs are shaded and only one sperm in each layeris drawn.The scale bar on each drawingis 50 Mmlong. (A-B) Spermof Yellow-headedBlackbird. (C-D) SSTs of LaplandLongspurshowingtwo distinct layersof sperm fillingthe tubulewhere the heads of the second layer abut the tails of the first. (E-F) SST of Tree Swallow showing several layers of sperm filling the tubule-in this case the layersare not discrete.(G-H) SST of AmericanRedstartshowinga singlelayerof sperm fillingthe tubule. 446 ANDROBERT MONTGOMERIE JAMESV. BRISKIE fore, a single mean was calculatedfor each species fromthe meanvaluesforall individualmales studied. We used relative testis length as an index of sperm production and the intensity of sperm competition. Interspecificcomparisons of primates (Harcourtet al. 1981), birds(Cartar1985, Moiller 1991a) and mammals (Kenagy and Trombulak1986) have shown that non-monogamous animalshave relativelylargertestes than monogamous species. Large testes in polygamous and promiscuousspeciesare thoughtto be advantageouswhen the risk of sperm competition is high because they enable a male to produce large quantities of sperm to dilute or displacecompetingejaculates(Harcourtet al. 1981). We obtaineddata on testis size from freshmaterial collected by us in the field or taken from labelson museumskins housedin the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, the National Museum of Canada,Ottawa and the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature, Winnipeg.When possible, we used data only from the same geographical region as the oviduct sample to avoid any bias due to variation in testis size over the range of a species(e.g.,Rising 1987).At least 25 measures of testis size were used for each species. To estimate mean testis lengthat the peakof breeding, we fitted a second-orderpolynomial regression betweentestis lengthand date and used the maximum of the regressionfor each species. Body masses were taken from Dunning (1984). For all comparative analyses, we used the methods describedby Harvey and Pagel (1991) to controlfor phylogeneticeffects.Suchmethods arerequiredbecausetraitsmay not have evolved independently among closely related species. Thus traitsmay be similarin closely relatedspecies simply because of common ancestryrather than independentevolution and a failureto control for this artificiallyweights sample sizes and the influenceof some traits on the analysis. We used Sibley and Ahlquist (1990) to constructa phylogeny for the species studied. Then, using Pagel's Evolutionary Covariance Regression (,see Harvey and Pagel 1991), we calculated unique linear comparisons or "contrasts"within each taxon comprisingtwo or more descendenttaxa. These linearcontrastseffectively reducethe informationat each node in the phylogenyto a singledatumfor each variable being studied. To test for relationsbetween variablesacross taxa, we determinedwhetherlinearcontrastsfor one variablewere relatedto those of another.A variety of statisticalmethods can be used to assess such relations(see Harvey and Pagel 1991) but we used simple and multiple linear regressions forced through the origin (presented as "contrastanalysis"). In no case did the use of rank correlationor binomial tests on the contrasts (see Harvey and Pagel 1991) provide different results. RESULTS Sperm storagetubules were observed in all females of the 20 species examined. SSTs were confined to a 2-5 mm band (oviduct not stretched)at the junction of the uterus and vagina;no tubuleswere found in the infundibulum as has been reportedfor domestic chickens(Van Drimmelen 1946). The estimatedmean number of SSTs per female varied among species from a low of 603 in the Tree Swallow (n = 4 individuals) to a high of 5,640 in the Western Meadowlark(n = 1), a more than nine-folddifference (see Fig. 3). Most (64.8%)of the variationin the numberof SSTsoccurredat the specieslevel with lesser amounts explainedby individuals within species (24.4%) and folds within individuals (10.9%;nested ANOVA, P < 0.00001 at all levels). The mean lengthofSSTs also variedgreatly among species (see Fig. 1), with an eight-fold differencein size from the LeastFlycatcher(71.7 gm) to the Tree Swallow (581.5 Lim). Most (60.1%)of the variation in the length of SSTs occurredat the specieslevel with lesseramounts explainedby individualswithin species (10.3%), folds within individuals (2.6%), and samples within folds (27.0%;nested ANOVA, P < 0.002 at all levels). Sperm(Figs. 2A, B) were visible in the tubulesof all individualsexamined(Figs.2CH). In all tubules studied, sperm were oriented with their heads into the blind (distal)end of the SST (Fig. 2C-H). VARIATION IN LENGTHOFSSTs An analysis of independent contrasts revealed that SST length was not relatedto female body mass (b = 0.03, t = 0.12, P = 0.91, n = 16 contrasts,see Table 1 for details).Consequently, we did not control for body mass in subsequent analysesof SST length. As found in a previous analysis (Briskieand Montgomerie1992),SST lengthwas stronglyand positively correlatedwith sperm length across SPERMSTORAGEIN BIRDS 10000 A DH 0k 0O 1000 a0.00 R o S Z 1ooo I s H T G K L M No F P I00 Female mass (g) 0.8 S Partial b t P n Spermlength(Lm) Testis length (mm) Oviduct length(mm) 1.21 0.48 -0.20 8.80 0.68 0.24 0.001 0.91 0.82 16 16 16 monogamous species. We classifiedmating systems basedon fieldobservationsbut we also used testis size as an independentmeasureof the genetic matingsystem.However,testis length(controlled for male body mass) was not related to SST length (Table 1). We did not have enough independentevolutionaryeventsto compareSST 0.4 S ~ o -0.4 (3 Test variable B H o TABLE 1. RelationbetweenSST lengthand various traitsrelatedto spermstorageand fertilization.Results presentedhere are from multiple regressionanalyses (forced through the origin) of independentcontrasts usedto controlforphylogeny(Harveyand Pagel 1991). In each case, SST lengthwas regressedagainstthe test variablewitheithermale mass(fortestissize and sperm length)or female mass (for oviduct length)held constant. Samplesizes (n) are the numberof independent contrastsfrom an analysisof 20 species. *B 10 447 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 S 0.5 Contrastsin female mass A FIGURE3. (A) Relationbetweenthe numberof SSTs and female body mass across 20 species of passerine birds (species labelled as in Fig. 1) and (B) relation betweenindependentcontrastsforthesevariables,controllingfor phylogeny(see text for statistics). species (Table 1, Fig. 4). On average,SST length was twice that of sperm length so that each SST could hold about two layersof spermwhen lined up head to tail. However,it is instructiveto look at the exceptions to this pattern.In Figure 1 we have redrawnthe relationshipfrom Briskieand Montgomerie (1992) but with various SST length:sperm length ratios indicated. The pattern that emergesis that females in some species cannot accommodate much more than a single layerof spermin theirSSTs (e.g.,LeastFlycatcher, Red-eyed Vireo) while three or more layers of sperm are possible in others (e.g., American Robin). Indeed, sperm does form layers within single SSTs (Figs. 2C-F) when tubules are long enoughto accommodatethem, otherwiseonly a single layer may form (Figs. 2G, H). Next, we looked for a correlationbetweenSST length and mating system because sperm competition is thoughtto differamong avian mating systems (Birkhead 1988; Birkhead and Meller 1992a), being more intense in polygamousthan * S I" .. . .. .. . . .. ? ... ..• .0 ........ -o 0 a -0.5 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Residual log sperm length (inm) 0.6 B: ? 0.4 • S0.2 < 0 .5o -0.2 * 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Residual contrasts in sperm length FIGURE 4. (A) Relation between residual log SST lengthand residuallog spermlength(residualsfor both from regressionson female body mass) across 20 species of passerinebirds and (B) relationbetween independent contrastsfor these variables,controllingfor phylogeny(see Table 1 for statistics). 448 JAMES V. BRISKIE ANDROBERT MONTGOMERIE A H TABLE2. Relationbetweennumberof SSTsandvarious traits relatedto sperm storageand fertilization. Results presentedhere are from multiple regression analyses (forced through the origin) of independent contrastsused to control for phylogeny(Harvey and Pagel 1991). In each case, the contrastsin numbersof SSTs were regressedagainstthe test variablewith female body mass controlled.Sample sizes (n) are the numberof independentcontrastsfrom an analysis of 20 species. S S0.4 0.2 * a0 *+ *4 o -0.2 -0.4 -0.1 Residuallog egg volume 0.6 B mb Test variable Partial b t P n Egg volume (mm3) Oviduct length (mm) Clutch size SST length (gm) SST capacity indexa Testis length (mm) 2.27 0.99 0.03 -0.59 -0.56 0.08 3.44 1.69 0.28 4.61 1.43 0.15 0.004 0.11 0.78 0.0004 0.18 0.88 15 16 15 16 16 16 0.1 0 0.4 SSST length/sperm length. as o kee * P ? -0.2 -0.1 o o.1 Residualcontrastsin egg volume FIGURE 5. (A) Relation between the residual log numberof SSTs (i.e., from regressionof log number of SSTs on log femalebody mass)and residuallog egg volume (from regressionof log egg volume on female body mass)and (B)relationbetweenindependentcontrastsfor these same variables,controllingfor phylogeny (see Table 2 for statistics). length among mating systems but mean SST length in polygamous species (306.6 tm, n = 7) was about 30% longer than mean SST length in monogamous species (238.5 tm, n = 13). This suggests that SST length is greater in species with greater polygamy although further study is needed to determine whether this relationship holds up when the effects of phylogeny can be controlled statistically. Oviduct length (controlled for female body mass) also was not related to SST length (Table 1). A relation between these variables might be expected if SST size were related to oviduct size through simple allometry. VARIATIONIN NUMBER OF SSTs The numberof SSTsperfemalewas stronglyand positively related to body mass across species (b = 0.65, t = 13.7, P = 0.002, n = 16 contrasts; Fig. 3). Thus, in all subsequent analyses, we con- trolledfemale body mass statisticallywhen testing for correlationsbetweenthe numberof SSTs and other variables. Interspecificvariation in the numberof SSTs might be related to egg size if relatively larger eggs require more sperm to ensure fertilization. For example, Wishart (1987) found that fertility in chickens decreasedrapidly once the density of sperm trapped on the egg membrane dropped below a certainthreshold.If largereggsdilutethe numberof spermperunit areaof eggmembrane, moreSSTsmaybe requiredto insurethatenough sperm are available to maintain this threshold density and hence maximal fertility. To test this hypothesis we compared the number of SSTs per female to egg volume (calculated from measures given in Harrison [1978]). Ideally, the number of SSTs should be compared to ovum size at fertilizationbut data on ovum size are unavailableforthe specieswe studied.Eggsize, however, is directly correlated with ovum size across species (Ar and Yom-Tov 1978, Sotherland and Rahn 1987). Among the species we studied, for example, egg volume was highly correlated with yolk volume (r = 0.98, P < 0.0001, n = 13). As predicted, the relative number of SSTs was positively related to relative egg size (both variables controlledfor female body mass) across species (Fig. 5, Table 2). Oviduct length could also influencethe number of SSTs througha dilution effect.Thus, species with relatively large oviducts may require largersperm stores (and hence more sperm) to ensure that adequate numbers of sperm reach IN BIRDS SPERMSTORAGE the ova. However, the number of SSTs was not related to oviduct length across species (Table 2). Next, we examined the relationshipbetween number of SSTs and clutch size reasoningthat species with largerclutchesmight be expectedto store largerquantitiesof sperm since they have more eggs to fertilize. The relation between the number of SSTs and clutch size, however, was not significant(Table 2). The numberof SSTs could also be affectedby SST length, either positively, due to positive allometry,or negatively,as a resultof an energetic trade-off.In fact,the numberof SSTswas strongly and negatively correlated with SST length across species (Table 2, Fig. 6). Thus, species with relativelymany SSTs had small SSTs while species with relatively few SSTs had SSTs that were relativelylarge. If species capable of storing sperm in several layers can store a greater absolute quantity of sperm per SST than species which store sperm in single layers only, then fewer SSTs in total may be neededto insurean adequatespermstorage capacity.To determineif storagecapacityis related to the number of SSTs, we calculateda layeringindex for each species by dividing SST length by sperm length. Although sperm may overlapextensivelywithin a singleSST (Figs.2E, F), SSTs holding several layers of sperm are probably capable of storing a greater absolute number of sperm per SST than single layered SSTs. However, the number of SSTs was not significantlyrelatedto our sperm capacityindex (Table 2). Thus, the capacity of single SSTs to store sperm is not related to their number and females did not compensate for fewer SSTs by making largerones that could each potentially accommodatemore sperm. Finally, we looked for a relation between the numberof SSTsand matingsystem.Testislength (as an index of mating system) was not significantly relatedto the numberof SSTs across species (Table 2). As we had only seven species in our sample that were not classifiedas monogamous, our sampleof independentevents was too small to permitstatisticalanalysisof the number of SSTs against mating system. However, it is worth noting that the average residual number of SSTs (i.e., SST numbercontrollingfor female body mass) in polygamousspecies (-187.1, n = 7) was less than that found in monogamousspecies (101.1, n = 13). These values suggestthat a 449 S0.4 C 0 0.2 6 * * 0 o0 0 m 0. C8 S-0.2 -0.4 ? -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Residual log SST length 0.4 0 0 o S.• -0.4 -0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Residual contrasts in SST length FIGURE6. (Top)Relationbetweentheresiduallog numberof SSTsand residuallog SSTlength(bothvariablesregressedon femalebody mass)across20 species of passerinebirdsand (Bottom)relationbetweenin- dependentcontrastsfor these same variables,controlling for phylogeny(see Table 2 for statistics). reduction in the number of SSTs is correlated with increasingsperm competition. DISCUSSION This study provides some of the first estimates for the numberand lengthof SSTs in free-living birds, relating differences between species to variationin behavioraland other morphological characters.We found that the number of SSTs variedconsiderablyacrossa sampleof 20 species of passerinesbut that most of this variationwas attributableto interspecificdifferencesin female body mass. Birkheadand Moller (1992b) found similar results within a smaller sample of domesticated species. These findings are not too surprisingsince many morphologicaland physiological attributes of organisms are related to body size (Peters1983).Forexample,largerbirds may requirea greaternumberof SSTs to ensure successful fertilizationsimply as compensation for the higherlikelihood of sperm "gettinglost" or becoming too diluted in a largerbody. 450 JAMES V. BRISKIE AND ROBERT MONTGOMERIE In a similar manner, selection for increased egg size (for whateverreason)also may have favored the production of more SSTs to ensure that fertilitydoes not decline from the dilution of an otherwiselimited numberof spermspread over an increasedarea of ovum membrane.Indeed, we found that species with largereggs had a greaternumberof SSTs even when body mass was controlled.However,arguingagainstthis dilution hypothesis was the lack of a similar relationshipbetween oviduct length(correctedfor body mass) and the number of SSTs. Nonetheless,becausespermaretransportedfromthe SSTs to the infundibulumlargelyvia the contractions of the uterus(Allenand Grigg1957),it is possible that few sperm are lost or diluted by increased oviduct size relative to those losses that occur when sperm transportis dependentupon sperm motility (e.g., when swimming up the vagina to the SSTs or penetratingthe ovum membrane; Allen and Grigg 1957). An unexpectedresult of our analysis was the inverse correlation between the number and length of SSTs, even when body mass was held constant statistically. Initially, this suggests a trade-offbetween the number of SSTs and the capacity of each SST to store sperm, but there was no relationshipbetweenthe numberof SSTs and the amount of sperm each could store (as measuredby our sperm capacity index). Alternatively,the numberofSSTs mightdecreasewith increasedSST lengthif it wereenergeticallycostly to maintain largenumbersof large SSTs. Althoughit is not knownhow much femalesinvest energeticallyin maintaining sperm, such costs are probably minimal because the number of spermstoredper femaleis equivalentto only 5% or less of a singleejaculate.Thus, relativelylittle sperm is stored despite the fact that most birds copulaterepeatedlyfor each clutchof eggs(Birkhead 1992). In a recent study of interspecificvariation in spermsize, we founda stronginversecorrelation between the number of SSTs and sperm length (Briskieand Montgomerie1992). This relationshipis not surprisingsincespermlengthis strongly correlatedwith SSTlength(seeabove).However, it does suggest a possible adaptive explanation for the relationshipbetweenthe numberof SSTs and SST length that we found in this study. In mammals, it is known that longer-tailedsperm can swim faster (Gomendio and Roldan 1991) and should thereforebe favoredwheneverthere is intense competition to reach either the ova (Gomendio and Roldan 1991) or the sites of sperm storage(Briskieand Montgomerie1992). In birds, most of the variationamong species in sperm length is due to differencesin the length of the sperm's tail (Briskie and Montgomerie 1992); thus, females could conceivably induce greaterspermcompetitionby reducingthe number of sperm storagesites available,with the resultthatselectionwouldfavorlonger-tailedsperm that could swim fasterand would reachthe SSTs more quickly than short-tailed sperm. Since spermthatarenot held completelywithinan SST are liable to be swept out by eggs passing down the oviduct (Lorenz 1966), females,in turn,will be favored to match the length of their SSTs to that of the male's sperm. Thus, we suggestthat sperm competition for limited storagesites will result in an inverse relationship between the numberof SSTsand SST lengthvia selectionfor greatersperm tail-length. Although the inverse relation between the length and number of SSTs can be interpreted as a productof sperm competition, the number of SSTs was not related to differencesin sperm competitionas measuredby relativetestis length as an index of mating system. In species with moreintensespermcompetition,copulationsare morefrequentand malesgenerallyproducemore sperm and their ejaculateshave a higher concentrationof sperm than species with relatively low sperm competition (Moller 1988, 1991b). Whethera greaternumber of SSTs is expected as a consequenceis not clear,since females may also induce sperm competition by reducingthe numberof availablespermstoragesites. The absence of a relationshipbetween the number of SSTs and testis length is also surprisingsince Birkheadand Moller (1992b) found a positive correlationacross 11 speciesbetweenthe number of SSTs and the numberof sperm per ejaculate, suggestingthat femalesproducemore SSTswhen males producemore sperm. SPERMSTORAGE AND SPERM PRECEDENCE In contrastto variation in the number of SSTs, differencesin SST lengthacrossspecies werenot correlatedwith body mass. Instead, SST length was positively correlatedwith sperm length.Although the potential for sperm layering varied from species to species, a strongrelationshipbetween spermlengthand SST lengthwas obtained SPERMSTORAGEIN BIRDS because females in most species had SSTs that could hold an averageof two layersof sperm. In our sample of 20 species, SSTs could hold about two layers of sperm in 15 species, more than three layers of sperm in two species and only a single layerin three species (Fig. 1). Why should the patternof layeringdifferfrom species to species? One possibility is that sperm long enough to fill an SST might prevent access to SSTs by the sperm of other males. In the featherwingbeetles (Bambariaspp.),spermareparticularlylargeand the first male to mate fills the female's spermatheca to capacity,therebyexcludingany potential competitorsfor access to her single largeegg (Dybas and Dybas 1981). If a similar process operatesin birds, sperm stored by females with SSTstoo shortto allowspermlayeringmay result in a paternity pattern biased in favor of firstmating males. However, such a simple mechanism seems unlikely since many SSTs remain emptyor capableof storingadditionalspermeven after several inseminations(Vermaand Cherms 1965, Birkheadet al. 1990). On the other hand, sperm layered within an SST suggests a proximate mechanism of lastmale sperm precedencein birds. Because SSTs have only a single opening, it has been hypothesized that the last spermto enteran SST blocks the exit for spermalreadyinside (Comptonet al. 1978). Duringovulation, such last-storedsperm will be the first to exit into the oviductal lumen and make their way to the unfertilizedovum. It is this advantagethat presumablyfavors the last male in subsequentfertilizations(Comptonet al. 1978). However, sperm stratificationand last male precedencecan occur only if SSTs are long enough to accommodate two or more sperm lengths.When sperm are stored in a single layer within short SSTs, all sperm have the opportunity to exit at roughly the same time and the probabilityof paternityshouldbe determinedby the proportionof each male's sperm present,all else being equal. In reality, SST length in most speciesfallsbetweenone and a few spermlengths and sperm exhibit varying degrees of stratification and mixing within SSTs. Nevertheless,differencesbetweenspeciesin the proportionof short and long SSTssuggestthatspermprecedencepatterns may also vary from species to species. Differencesin the proximate mechanisms of sperm precedence between species could have considerableinfluenceon the evolution of male 451 behavior.When most sperm are stored in stratified layers, as in species with many long SSTs (e.g., AmericanRobin), the last male to copulate beforefertilizationwill be most likely to fertilize the next egg laid. In Zebra Finches, SSTs are about three times as long as sperm (Birkhead 1987) and last male sperm precedencein this speciesaveragesabout80%(Birkheadet al. 1988). In this and other species with sperm stratification, males could minimize cuckoldryby insuring they are the last to copulatebeforeeach ovulation. In contrast,the last male to copulatein species with a highproportionof shorttubules,and hence no layering(e.g., Red-eyed Vireo), may achieve paternityonly in proportionto the numberof its spermpresentrelativeto total numberof sperm presentin all SSTs. Thus it may be necessaryfor extra-pairmales in such species to copulate repeatedlyin orderto outnumberor displacesperm from previous males. As a result, it is possible that extra-paircopulationsdo not pose as great a risk to a pair male's paternityin species with no sperm layering.Unfortunately,there are currently no data available on levels of sperm precedence in species with small SSTs to test this hypothesis. Recently, Lessells and Birkhead (1990) examined several alternative models of sperm competition to determine whether sperm stratification or sperm displacementbest explained last-male sperm precedencein domestic chickens. Because last-male precedencedid not decline over time, as would be expected if successive layers of sperm were uncovered as sperm was depleted in the SSTs, they concluded that sperm displacementwas the most likely mechanism of spermcompetitionin this species. Our observationsof SSTanatomyand spermlayering in a varietyof wild passerinessuggestthat sperm stratificationmay in fact be an importantmechanism of spermprecedence.Ourresultsalso suggest that the mechanismsof sperm competition thoughtto occurin chickensmay not necessarily applyto otherspecies,particularlyif the patterns of sperm storage(i.e., in single vs. multi-layers) differ. AN ARMSRACE? In correlationalstudiesit is often difficultto separatecausefrom effect.Has SST lengthincreased in response to changes in sperm length or has sperm length evolved to accommodatechanges 452 JAMES V. BRISKIE AND ROBERT MONTGOMERIE tively shortertubules are less likely to exhibit a last male matingadvantage.Suchan experiment might also test the effectivenessof "retaliatory copulations"(Birkheadand Moiler 1992a)across a rangeof specieswith differentSSTsizes relative to sperm length. If differencesare found, it may be possible to relate these patternsto variation in the mechanisms of sperm storage and vice versa. Perhapsby labellingsperm (e.g., with radioactive tracers)from specific males, it might be possible to determine the degree of mixing and stratificationof sperm from both pair and extra-paircopulations within SSTs. Such techniques would then be useful for determining whetherspermdisplacementis more or less likely in species with differentpatternsof layering within SSTs. Finally,we needto determinehow storedsperm areused in the fertilizationprocess.For example, some sperm probablynever enter the SSTs, but instead travel directlyto the infundibulum(Howarth 1974). If inseminations are timed to coincidewith ovulation(Birkhead1988),thesenonstored sperm could potentiallyfertilizeeggs and therebycircumventany selectionimposedby SST morphology. Indeed, it is possible that sperm stored in SSTs may seldom be used to fertilize eggsin species that copulatethroughoutegg-laying (e.g., Smith's Longspur;Briskie 1992), althoughwe could not discernany morphological differencesin SSTsamongthe speciesin oursample that would suggestsuch a reducedfunction. Although our study gives only a preliminary view of the patternsof sperm storage and precedence across species, it is clear that the proximate mechanismsassociatedwith sperm comFURTHER STUDY petition vary widely from species to species and Our observationson the number and length of that these differencesmay play an importantrole SSTs and the arrangementof spermwithin SSTs in shaping the evolution of mating behavior. suggest several avenues for furtherresearchon Clearly,to understandhow the tremendousvariaspects of avian reproductivebiology not pre- ability in avian mating patternshas evolved, it viously consideredby behavioralecologists.For will be necessaryto determinehow both females example,we need to know more about the num- and males manipulatethe processof spermcomber and length of SSTs in a greaterrangeof spe- petition to their own advantage. cies and matingsystems beforeany generalconclusions can be drawn. Some taxa, such as the shorebirds(Scolopacidae)or grouse (Phasiani- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS dae) might be particularlyrewardingfor com- We thankGilles Seutin,SarahKalff,ScottPetrie, parativeanalysesof sperm storageas they com- Jan Lifjeld,WallyRendelland SariSaundersfor prise diverse mating systems within closely help collectingoviducts.The ChurchillNorthern StudiesCentre,the Universityof ManitobaField relatedgenera. More experiments on sperm precedenceare Station at Delta Marsh and the Queen's Unialso needed to determine if species with rela- versity BiologicalStation provided logistic sup- in SST length?From the female's perspective, changing SST length relative to sperm length could give her control over sperm precedence. On the one hand, by having long SSTs, females could control which male fertilizes each egg by makingsurehe is the last to copulatebeforeovulation. This strategymight be important if she wishes either to devalue a forcedextra-paircopulation or to be fertilizedby a male other than her own mate. Alternatively, if greater sperm mixing occurs in short SSTs, this process could induce greater male-male competition and it might be a strategyto insure that a male with the mostviableandfastestspermorhighestsperm productionfertilizesmost of her clutch (Knowlton and Greenwell 1984). From the male's perspective, sperm stratification resultingin last male precedenceallows males to devalue extra-pair inseminations by simply copulating again with his mate before ovulation. Alternativelywhen sperm are stored in single layers, extra-paircopulations may be swampedby resident male sperm. When males and females are under differentselection pressures with respectto extra-paircopulations,the net resultmay be an "armsrace"(Dawkinsand Krebs1979)betweenspermlengthandSSTlength for control over sperm precedencepatterns.Because the ratio between sperm length and SST length varies from species to species, independent of body mass and phylogeny, we suggest thatthe evolution of both of these structuresmay be the product of escalating adaptations and counter-adaptationsbetweenthe sexes to control the proximatemechanismof sperm precedence. SPERMSTORAGE IN BIRDS port and accommodation during the course of this study. Fundingwas providedby Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (Northern Scientific TrainingGrant),a NaturalSciencesand Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Scholarshipto J.V.B. and grantsfrom NSERC and the Queen's University Advisory Research Committee to R.M.D. Promislow provided sage advice on interpretingthe comparative analyses and T. R. 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