UWINDSOR GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS FAIR Institutions attending Tuesday, October 6, 2015 CAW Student Centre 11am-3pm BUSINESS SCHOOLS/PROGRAMS Institution *Note different institutions are participating Wednesday, October 7, 2015 Programs they are promoting Website McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business Co-op MBA Program (including a Health Services Management Specialization) http://mbarecruit.degroote.mcmaster.ca/ University of Toronto, Master of Management & Professional Accounting Master of Management and Professional Accounting (MMPA). The MMPA program is http://mmpa.utoronto.ca/ designed to be the most time concentrated, Master's level gateway to professional accounting and financial markets employment, particularly for students graduating from non-business programs. Advanced standing is available for business students. MMPA is accredited by CPA Ontario. University of Windsor, Odette School of Business MBA; MBA/JD Master of Business, Master of Science in Accounting, Master of Science in Taxation http://www1.uwindsor.ca/odette/ Wayne State University, School of Business Western University, Ivey Business School Master of Science in Management www.ivey.uwo.ca/msc York University, Schulich School of Business MBA, IMBA, MBAN, Macc, MF, MBA/JD, MBA/MFA www.schulich.yorku.ca LAW SCHOOLS/PROGRAMS Institution http://business.wayne.edu/ Programs they are promoting Website Canada Law from Abroad LLB, LLB Senior Status and LLM (Master of Laws) http://canadalawfromabroad.com University of Detroit Mercy, School of Law The Canadian/American Dual Degree Program www.law.udmercy.edu University of Glasgow, School of Law Law www.glasgow.ac.uk University of Windsor, Faculty of Law JD; Canadian & American Dual JD; MSW/JD; MBA/JD; LLM www.uwindsor.ca/law GRADUATE CERTIFICATES/COLLEGE PROGRAMS Institution Programs they are promoting Website Centennial College Graduate Certificate Programs www.centennialcollege.ca Conestoga College Graduate Certificate Programs www.conestogac.on.ca Lambton College A variety of full-time and graduate programs that are designed to give students hands www.lambtoncollege.ca on experience in a small class environment Graduate Certificate Programs - Animation, Aviation, Business, Communication & www.senecacollege.ca Public Administration, Community Services, Health Sciences, Hospitality & Tourism, Information and Communications Technology, Law & Public Safety, Media, Fashion & Design, Performance, Recreation & Wellness, Science & Engineering Technology. Seneca College MEDICAL/HEALTH RELATED PROGRAMS Institution Programs they are promoting Website New York Chiropractic College Doctor of Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Applied Clinical Nutrition, www.nycc.edu Human Anatomy and Physiology Instruction, Clinical Anatomy Queens University, Master of Science in Healthcare Quality Master of Science in Healthcare Quality www.queensu.ca/mschq/home Western University, Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering graduate programs (MESc and PhD) www.eng.uwo.ca/biomed GRADUATE PROGRAMS: Masters and PhDs (various subjects/majors) Institution Programs they are promoting Website Across the Pond, Graduate Programs in the UK For the past 11 years Across the Pond have been providing free personalized http://ca.studyacrossthepond.com/ counseling and advising service to Canadian students interested in graduate degrees at some of the best colleges and graduate schools in the UK. Across the Pond select and work with 40 top UK universities that offer internationally recognized degrees in the greatest range and breadth of courses at the highest academic level. If you are interested in attending a university in England, Scotland or Wales, we can offer you the support and guidance you need that will significantly improve your chances of acceptance. Each of our student advisors have studied in both Britain and Canada and provide each student with: information about programs/majors, application procedures, finance, scholarships, visas, entry requirements and much more. Brock University, Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate level programs Nipissing University, Graduate Studies The mission of the School of Graduate Studies is to define and support excellence in http://ibelongatnipissingu.ca/ graduate education at Nipissing University. To achieve this goal, the primary roles and functions of the School of Graduate Studies are to articulate a vision of excellence for the graduate community, to provide an inter-university perspective on graduate education, to enhance the intellectual and research community of scholars among graduate students and graduate faculty and to serve as an advocate for graduate education and graduate students within the institution. Master of Arts in History; Master of Education; Master of Environmental Sciences/Studies; Master of Science in Mathematics; PhD in Education with a focus on Educational Sustainability. Queens University, Master of Science in Healthcare Quality Master of Science in Healthcare Quality www.queensu.ca/mschq/home Study in Scotland Study in Scotland: Scotland has more world class universities per head of population than anywhere else in the world. With 19 world class institutions, Scotland’s university sector offers unparalleled quality and choice. We are proud to offer the highest rates of student satisfaction in quality of teaching in all of Britain. Scotland’s universities offer their graduates the highest rate of employment or further study in the whole of the United Kingdom. www.studyinscotland.org University of Toronto, Ontario Institute of Studies in Education (OISE) Master of Teaching, MA in Child Study and Education www.oise.utoronto.ca/oise/Home/ University of Windsor, Centre for Executive and Professional Education (CEPE) www.uwindsor.ca/cepe University of Windsor, Faculty of Education and Academic Development Master of Management; Master of Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Option); Master of Medical Biotechnology; Master of Applied Computing; Master of Applied Economics and Policy; Master of Actuarial Science; Master of Education; Master of Social Work for Working Professionals. Master of Education, Joint PhD in Educational Studies University of Windsor, Graduate Studies Master's and PhD programs at UWindsor www.uwindsor.ca/graduate Wayne State University, Graduate School 124 Master's and Ph.D. Programs http://wayne.edu/gradschool/ Western University, Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering graduate programs (MESc and PhD) www.eng.uwo.ca/biomed York University, Graduate Studies Graduate Programs (Masters and Doctoral) http://futurestudents.yorku.ca/graduate www.brocku.ca/nextstep www.uwindsor.ca/education/grad/