2015 Participation in Government Final Exam Review What's the

2015 Participation in Government Final Exam Review
What’s the Naturalization Process?
What is an immigrant?
Primary Election
General Election
Who chooses to be in a political party?
Who, in particular, does an interest group/political action committee help?
What is the purpose of a political party?
Who do citizens actually vote for in a presidential election?
What is the Grand Old Party?
How/where does one learn about political issues?
Political alignment (affiliation)
Why is money so important to a campaign?
Where do you get your first political ideas?
What is the purpose of freedom in America?
What is justice?
What is the purpose of government?
What are some forms of government? (ex. Unitary)
What is in the US Constitution? What is the Constitution’s purpose?
Who is supposed to listen to the people’s opinions in a democracy?
What are the requirements to be(come) a citizen of the US?
What does “Consent of the governed” mean?
What are some examples of representatives that citizens can elect?
Does an alien have the all, some, or none of the same rights as US citizens?
What are some duties of US citizens?
What is the difference between a duty and a responsibility as a citizen of the US?
What does it mean to “Contribute to the Common Good?”
How can someone take an active role in government?
“Who” makes the decisions of innocence or guilt in a trial?
What is the significance of Greece and/or Rome in American Government?
Why are the English Bill of Rights and Magna Carta important?
Why are Locke and Montesquieu important? What were their beliefs?
What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
Where was most power located under the Articles of Confederation?
Shays’ Rebellion showed Americans that the Articles of Confederation did not work.
Because of this, what did they want?
What is tyranny?
What are natural rights?
Why did some fear a strong federal government under the US Constitution?
Who has executive powers?
What types of cases does the Supreme Court settle?
Did the Federalists want to replace state government?
What did the Anti-Federalists want added to the US Constitution?
What type of government did the Federalists support?
The Constitution is organized into sections. What are these sections called?
What is popular sovereignty?
What do the first three articles of the Constitution do?
What were the inspirations for the Bill of Rights?
Where does the formal amendment process begin?
Who/what interprets the meaning of citizens’ rights?
Citizens can propose constitutional change, BUT who do they have to speak to in order to do
What is the purpose of the Supreme Court?
Who does a member of Congress answer to?
What is Congress’ job?
Representatives and Senators make up _______________________.
What is a requirement of all members of Congress?
What are some powers of Congress?
What is another name for the elastic clause?
What is a power that only the House has? (HINT: Think accusations)
What is the purpose of committees in Congress?
Where does a bill have to go through to reach the President?
If a President vetoes a bill, what can happen next?
Who is the leader of the House?
Who is the only person that can introduce a bill in Congress?
What is a filibuster? Where can it occur?
What do floor leaders do in Congress?
What are some ways to stop a bill from becoming law?
What are the qualifications to become President?
What is an example of a legislative power the President has?
What is an example of the President's judicial powers?
What is the purpose of the civil service system?
Which executive department carries out foreign policy?
The United States Post Office is an example of a(n)
a) FCC agency.
b) executive agency.
c) government corporation.
d) defense group.
According to the Constitution, what is the one duty of the Vice President
Because of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, what was created?
What are regulatory commissions, government corporations, and executive agencies?
If the President wants to appoint someone to a particular position in government, where does
he need to turn for approval?
Who is the most important representative of the United States in relations with other nations?
What is judicial review?
Why would a unitary system of government probably not work today?
What is a categorical grant?
A state’s lieutenant governor can best be compared with whom, on a federal level?
What is an attorney general?
A governor has many similar powers as the President. What are a few?
How many levels do most state court systems have?
Who are the top officials in the nation and a state?
What is federalism?
What can/do judicial action commissions do?
What are zoning laws? What is the purpose of the Westmoreland zoning board?
What are block grants?
Where are rules for government written down?
What are civil laws?
What are criminal laws?
What are laws?
How can a political party be a “watch dog?”
What is the purpose of a political party?
How can third party candidates change the outcome of an election?
How do you become a member of political party?
What are planks?
What type of primary election allows voters to participate in without declaring a party?
What are the requirements for voting in a general election?
When are Presidential elections always held?
What is an absentee ballot?
Do political action committees look at both sides of an issue?
How can candidates reach voters?
What does an opinion poll taker do in a presidential campaign?
What does the Federal Election Commission do?
To win a presidential election, a candidate needs a majority of popular or electoral votes?
What advantage does an incumbent have in an election?
What are polling places?
How is the number of electors determined for each state?
What are the main duties of a Congressman?
How long is the term limit for Representatives?
How long it the term limit for Senators?
What is an example of how New York State government would provide a public service?
Who is the leader of the executive branch of government in a state?
In New York State, our legislature is broken into 2 houses known as what?
What are the different levels of organization in the judicial branch of NY government?
Who represents the people of Westmoreland at the House of Representatives in Washington,
Who are the United States Senators that represent New York in Washington, D.C.?
Who is the Westmoreland Town Supervisor? (HINT: It was the gentleman with the gavel, in
charge of the Westmoreland Town Hall meetings.)
Know your political spectrum.
Know your Powers. (Reserved, Concurrent, Delegated)