Working Together - Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation

Working Together
Towards a future without breast cancer
Annual Report 2007/2008
Table of Contents
About the Foundation
The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation is the leading national volunteer-based organization
in Canada dedicated to creating a future without breast cancer.
About the Foundation 2
Message from the Chair
Setting our Sights on 2020
Signature Events
Employee Giving and In Honour
A future without breast cancer.
Online Navigation Map
As the leading national volunteer-based organization dedicated to a future without breast cancer,
CBCF works collaboratively to fund, support and advocate for:
Dr. Winkle Kwan Research Partner
2007/2008 Grants
• Relevant and innovative breast cancer research
Dragon Boat Grants
Mother Daughter Breakfast Tour
Health Sciences Association
• Early diagnosis and effective treatment
Run Team Profile
• A positive quality of life for those living with breast cancer
Leadership Giving
A Year of Giving
The BC/Yukon Region
Corporate Sponsorship
2007/2008 Financial Information
Lists 30
2007/2008 Community Partners
Community Fundraising Events
Board Members
The BC/Yukon Region of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF) was established in
1992 to make a difference in breast cancer and breast health for BC women. Every year CBCF,
along with its donors, sponsors and partners, raises funds to support unique and innovative
initiatives in prevention, early detection, treatment and research.
2 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
• Meaningful education and awareness programs
Message from the Chair
When Judy Caldwell gathered friends around her
kitchen table, it was because she knew that many
hands make light work. What seemed to be a
massive undertaking – getting our political leaders
and the public at large to take breast cancer
seriously – became possible with the help of a
dedicated few. In 1992, the BC/Yukon Region
of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation was
founded, and we’ve been building on the value of
teamwork, partnerships and friendships ever since.
The same philosophy was behind the 2020: The
Future Without Breast Cancer summit, which was
held in March of 2007. Since it took place, some of
the best minds in the country have stepped up to lead
the initiative into its next important stages. With a
concentrated focus on prevention, early detection,
treatment, research and the health care workforce, we
will be well on our way to beginning to see an end to
breast cancer by 2020. We are grateful to those that
have joined the initiative so far, and we look forward
to bringing more leaders to the table.
This year we added many new team members and
strengthened existing partnerships. Thanks to the
RBC Foundation and successful teamwork, the
well-received Breast Cancer Navigation Map was
transformed into an interactive web tool. Never
before has such helpful information been presented
in such an accessible way to newly diagnosed breast
cancer patients and their families.
Ongoing corporate partnerships help us to make our
bold plans for the future by providing consistent
support and valuable funding. CIBC’s commitment
and investment in our two signature events, the
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run
for the Cure and the Awareness Day Luncheons help
us to raise our profile as well as those absolutely
important dollars.
This year, Canada Safeway set a goal to raise $1.5
million in support of CBCF. They surpassed it,
raising an astonishing $1.947 million in over 200
Canada Safeway locations across Western Canada.
Canada Safeway also recently joined the TELUS
Tour for the Cure, now heading into its fourth year.
Through TELUS’ generous support of this interactive travelling exhibit, CBCF has significantly
raised awareness across the province, educating over
500,000 people.
The Tour, as well as the groundbreaking GOHAVE1
campaign, benefit from core funding from the
Government of BC. Because of support from the
Province, GOHAVE1 is resulting in significant
increases in the number of women who are going for
their first mammogram and therefore finding smaller
tumors earlier. While there is still more work to be
done, these encouraging and lifesaving results are only
made possible through the combined efforts of many.
And finally, we thank the thousands of people
across BC who have extended a helping hand by
participating in the Canadian Breast Cancer
Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure, organizing an
event to raise money on our behalf, or simply taking
the time to go and have a regular mammogram.
If we all work together toward our vision, one day
breast cancer will no longer need our attention, and
perhaps someday, we’ll meet around the table and
just have a good chat.
Greg D’Avignon
CBCF BC/Yukon Region Board Chair
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 3
Setting our Sights on 2020
The Future Without Breast Cancer
In 1992, Judy Caldwell brought together a group
of women around her kitchen table for a specific
purpose. What eventually emerged from that small
gathering was the BC/Yukon Region of the Canadian
Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF).
CBCF had that same kitchen table in mind when
they envisioned another gathering, this time to
develop a strategy to eradicate breast cancer altogether. In the spring of 2007, 120 of the leading
thinkers in cancer care and women’s health met
face-to-face in a unique venue. The Summit: 2020
– The Future Without Breast Cancer at the Wosk
Centre for Dialogue brought together researchers,
survivors, health care workers and leaders for the
first time in a true “round table” setting. They came
to listen, discuss, debate, and formulate a plan that
would set 2020 as the year we will finally begin to
see a future without breast cancer.
and the formulation of a task force and working
groups to make it happen.
Task Force Co-Chairs (and former CBCF Chairs)
Dr. Moira Stilwell and Virginia Greene have already
appointed three of the five leaders needed to steer
the working groups in each of the following five
areas. CBCF is grateful to Barbara Kaminsky,
CEO of the Canadian Cancer Society, BC &
Yukon Division, Reid Johnson, President of the
Health Sciences Association, and Dr. Samuel Aparicio, Chair of Breast Cancer Research at UBC and
the BC Cancer Agency, for bringing their valuable
experience and leadership skills to this groundbreaking initiative.
The concentric circles of the Asia Pacific Hall at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for
dialogue facilitate discussion and participation – much like a kitchen table.
To achieve a goal of this magnitude, dedicated team
members and a solid vision are needed. After key
presentations by leaders in the areas of prevention,
early detection, treatment, research and health
care workforce recruitment, participants discussed
the potential contribution of each toward a future
without breast cancer. The result was a five-point
plan of action – highlighting each of the five areas
Summit hosts and speakers join the Premier to rally together and make a commitment to creating a future without breast cancer by 2020.
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To see any future reduction in numbers will mean
sharpening tactics on breast cancer prevention: unambiguous messages about personal risk reduction; advocacy for public policies that facilitate population-wide
prevention, and more answers from research about
environmental impacts and risk factors.
Leading the Prevention working group is one of
the country’s most respected experts on cancer
prevention. Barbara Kaminsky is CEO of the BC &
Yukon Division of the Canadian Cancer Society and
an adjunct professor at UBC. Over the past decade,
Barbara has been instrumental in changing the way
government agencies, health care professionals and
individuals view cancer and their role in preventing
it. Barbara’s commitment to prevention is reflected
in her role as Past Chair of the Primary Prevention
Action Group of the Canadian Partnership Against
Cancer. Barbara has authored several publications
and studies, which have been used to advise the
British Columbia government and to teach Health
Administration students in the area of planning and
resource allocation.
Early Detection
To see increased participation in screening mammography will require the involvement of primary care
physicians and a renewed focus on messaging: clearer
messages that appeal to all women about how often
and why they need to go for regular mammograms.
To see further advances in breast cancer survival
will mean developing advanced clinical systems that
bring more precision into cancer care – the right
treatment, for the right woman, for the right type
of breast cancer.
To realize the potential survival gains to be made
from matching treatments to women with specific
diseases will require developing integrated cancer
care – where research is embedded with treatment.
The Research working group will be led by Dr. Sam
Aparicio (Principal Medical Consultant), the Nan
and Lorraine Robertson Chair of Breast Cancer
Research at UBC/BC Cancer Agency and a Canada
Research Chair on Molecular Oncology. The focus
of Dr. Aparicio’s research program is using genetics
and genomics to better understand the development
of breast cancer, help devise improved detection
methods, and identify new therapies.
Health Care Workforce
All related health occupations and organizations
will need to become more strategic about workforce recruitment, education and planning to avert
a potential future of high case loads in the midst of
personnel shortages. The best person to provide a
big-picture view of the health care workforce is Reid
Johnson, President of the Health Sciences Association
(HSA). A Social Worker at the Centre for Ability in
Vancouver, Reid became a member of the HSA Board
of Directors in 1997. As head of this working group,
Reid will help to integrate workforce solutions into
the master plan of a future without breast cancer.
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 5
2007 Signature Events
2007 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
Cibc Run For The Cure
For the 26,000 runners in BC who participated in the 2007 Canadian
Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure, overcoming challenges
was all in a day’s work. And a challenging day it was. In all but one of the
ten Run sites, teeming rain meant deep puddles and soaking wet gear.
The sun shone on the Prince George Run, but in Abbotsford-Fraser
Valley, Castlegar, Golden, Kamloops, Kelowna, Nanaimo, Port McNeill,
Vancouver and Victoria runners squished and sloshed their way along the
1K and 5K courses. Spirits were high however, as participants shouted
and waved to each other through dripping rain ponchos. Passing cars
honked encouragement, and dedicated friends and family members
applauded from under umbrellas on the sidelines.
There’s no question what motivates all of these people to weather such
conditions. The white bibs worn by each runner allow them to share the
name of the friend, family member or co-worker in their life who has
been affected by breast cancer. Individual runners and more than 1,200
teams vigorously fundraised in the days leading up to the Run.
By Run Day on Sunday, September 30, over $3.4 million was raised
toward a future without breast cancer.
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For the organizers of the 16th annual Canadian
Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure,
it is a testament to the power of the cause. At each
of the BC Run sites, a committee of volunteers led
by two volunteer Run Directors organizes the entire
event for their community with support from
CBCF staff. More than 1,500 volunteers across the
BC/Yukon Region contribute their time to make
the Run a success. “The white bibs keep the significance of the cause top-of-mind and keep everyone
inspired right through to the finish line,” said Talea
Pecora, Director, Run for the Cure. “I couldn’t
imagine a more dedicated group of participants,
volunteers and sponsors.”
New Official Run Site For 2008!
For 13 years Vernon has been holding its own Run
for the Cure. Launched by three local women and
with the support of the local CIBC, the event
attracts more than 1,000 participants in a 1K or 5K
walk or run. In 2007 it raised over $49,000, and to
date the event has raised more than $540,000 for
the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, BC/Yukon
Region. In 2008, the Vernon Run for the Cure
will become the eighth official BC Run site in the
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run
for the Cure. Welcome aboard!
16th Annual Vancouver Awareness Day Luncheon
Awareness Day: Illuminate,
Celebrate & Reflect
Breast cancer awareness and education are an
integral part of the Foundations’ work. Without
awareness, the road to a future without breast cancer
would be much longer. Today, more women than ever
know about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and
a regular mammogram. More men know that their
wives, daughters, sisters or mothers could be one of
the one in nine women who will get breast cancer.
That’s why the BC/Yukon Region of the Canadian
Breast Cancer Foundation, with the help of sponsors
like CIBC, hold an annual Awareness Day Luncheon in
Vancouver and Victoria.
The events give men and women of all walks and
every age a chance to gather together and honour
those lost, support those currently in treatment,
and celebrate survivors. It is also a time to learn
about the latest research advances and remind ourselves that, if we continue to work together, the end
may be in sight.
On November 1, 2007, speakers at the luncheon
gave 700 guests a vivid picture of breast cancer
from a variety of perspectives. Dr. Cal Roskelley,
breast cancer researcher and Associate Professor
in the UBC Department of Anatomy, described
how he and his laboratory team achieved a major
breakthrough for improved breast cancer detection
and treatments. Such breakthroughs wouldn’t be
possible without ongoing funding from sources like
CBCF. To illuminate the personal toll the disease
can take, Mark Startup and his wife Laura, a breast
cancer survivor, gave guests an update on how Laura
and the family are doing since Mark appeared at
the Awareness Day lunch in 2006. Premier Gordon
Campbell wrapped up the lunch by reaffirming
the Province’s commitment to the goal of a future
without breast cancer.
For this successful day of awareness, CBCF thanks
emcees Pamela Martin of CTV and Valerie Casselton
of the Vancouver Sun, our volunteers, and all the
Vancouver Awareness Day sponsors, including
presenting sponsor CIBC, Novartis Oncology,
Accenture, AstraZeneca, The Fairmont Hotel
Vancouver, GlaxoSmithKline, Carestream Health
and Diane’s Lingerie.
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 7
Signature Events (continued)
Awareness Day: Vancouver Island
The 13th Annual Vancouver Island Awareness Day
Luncheon was held on March 12, 2008, with CIBC
proudly sponsoring the event. Many of the staff
members from the local bank branches were in
attendance to show their support. The luncheon was
hosted by Meribeth Burton of A-Channel and began
with the inspiring sound of the Victoria Soul Gospel
Choir lead by Chico Tohomaso. Jan Engemoen,
CEO, spoke to the crowd of 137 on behalf of the
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, BC/Yukon
Region and introduced the video The Voices of
Breast Cancer. Sponsor representative John Guthrie,
Associate Vice President Southern Vancouver Island
spoke on behalf of CIBC.
Vice President, who presented CBCF with a cheque
for $11,407 raised through the sales of the Pink
Ribbon Raspberry Swirl Creams. The young dancers
from the O’Brien School of Irish Dance provided the
closing entertainment.
Vancouver Island Medical Researcher Dr. Elaine
Wai described her work in the area of breast reconstructive surgery, and Clare Barry, a local survivor,
provided a moving account of her experience living
with breast cancer. Now a member of the Island
Breast Strokers Dragon Boat Team, Clare reminded
the audience of what is truly important and to be
grateful for every day.
A special presentation by Rogers’ Chocolates was
made by Steve Parkhill, President, and Kate Phoenix,
A-Channel’s Meribeth Burton and performers from O’Brien School of Irish Dance
8 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
In addition to informing those present about the
Foundation’s work over the past year, the Awareness
Day Luncheons give everyone involved a sense that
they are not alone on their journey, no matter what
their role – survivor or supporter.
Message from CIBC: our signature partner
CIBC is committed to supporting causes that matter to our
clients, employees and communities. We are proud of our
association with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and
we are committed to creating a future without breast cancer.
With a two third female employee base, breast cancer is a
cause that has been close to our hearts for many years. As
the proud title sponsor of the Canadian Breast Cancer
Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure for 12 years now, Team CIBC continues to grow with over 10,000
members who together have raised over $15 million for the Foundation since 1992. One in three
employees participate in, volunteer or fundraise for the event each year.
The Run brings together families, friends, colleagues, and neighbours to honour individuals who have
been affected by breast cancer. Beyond the Run, CIBC is proud to sponsor Awareness Day in Vancouver
and Victoria.
Over the years, I have had the privilege of participating in breast cancer initiatives throughout the
province and I am always humbled by the resolve of communities, rural and urban, to come together
to make a difference. I am proud of the leadership role CIBC has taken in the fight of this disease,
and proud to be part of one of the largest volunteer-led events dedicated to raising funds for breast
cancer research, education and awareness. We are honoured to work with the many individuals and
organizations who are committed to the cause and the overall goal of a future without breast cancer.
Susan Ewanick
Market Vice President, CIBC Vancouver Island, BC Interior, & Northern Territories
Inspired Involvement in Creating
a Future Without Breast Cancer
We would like to thank the many individual,
community and corporate donors who supported
CBCF BC/Yukon in the last year through our
various donation options.
In Honour Gifts:
We appreciate those who named the Foundation
as a beneficiary while acknowledging a special
occasion, remembering a loved one or supporting
our Foundation in lieu of giving birthday or
wedding gifts.
Workplace Contributions:
Donations from individual employees and employer’s matching contributions offer significant support to our Region, increasing breast cancer awareness in communities throughout the province. We
are grateful to our individual and corporate donors
for involving their companies in philanthropy.
For more information about how to take part in
either of these options for involvement with CBCF,
please contact our office at 604-683-2873 or toll
free at 1-800-561-6111
CBCF Board Member
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 9
Transforming Fear into Knowledge
When it comes to health care, women often put themselves last. Aches and pains are ignored in the midst
of the daily whirlwind of family life. The Screening Mammography Program (SMP) of BC has been helping
women to manage their breast health for years. Easier than a visit to the dentist, quicker than getting a
haircut, it’s an appointment that every woman over 40 should put in her calendar. SMP has centres all over
BC where women can undergo a potentially lifesaving and very simple procedure. It’s free, you don’t need
a referral, and it takes only minutes. Simply put, if 70% of eligible women had a regular mammogram, the
breast cancer mortality rate would be reduced by 30-35%. So why aren’t more women having them?
With $1 million in funding from the provincial
government, CBCF teamed up with SMP in 2005
to address that issue. If more women were aware
of the importance of having a regular mammogram,
more women would book their appointment.
In 2006, CBCF received $1 million from the
government to continue the campaign into a
second year. In its first two years, this intensive
multi-media advertising campaign increased firsttime mammogram bookings by 46%.
In 2007, with an additional $2 million in funding
from the provincial government, the GOHAVE1
campaign set out to inform and encourage even
more women to have a mammogram. Approaching
the third year of the campaign also came with a
new creative direction. In its first two years, the
GOHAVE1 campaign, combined with other
initiatives like CBCF’s TELUS Tour for the Cure,
significantly raised awareness of the importance
of having mammograms. However, something
else was holding women back from booking that
appointment. Research revealed that women were
afraid to look because they were afraid of what they
might find. The 2007 campaign, which once again
featured television, radio and print ads, promotional
materials and an updated website (www.gohave1.
com), addresses the issue of fear head on. It reminds
women that, just like our childhood fears of monsters
under the bed, our fears of what we might find are
quickly dispelled once we’ve taken a look.
For a small percentage of women, mammography
will reveal something abnormal. However, if detected
early, breast cancer can be treated much more
successfully. CBCF is pleased to report that Year
3 of the GOHAVE1 campaign, which began in
October 2007 and is still airing across the province,
is showing preliminary results of over 10,000 more
first-time mammography bookings, representing an
interim 3-year total of over 32,000 more women
now going for regular mammograms. Through our
successful partnership with SMP and the provincial
government, we’re reducing the mortality rate of
breast cancer through early detection, bringing us
closer to a future without breast cancer – one
mammogram at a time.
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 11
Navigation Map Goes Live
RBC Foundation Makes Valuable
Tool Interactive And Accessible
The breast cancer journey is one that no one should
have to navigate on their own. Very often, women
are overwhelmed by the amount of information they
need to digest in a short period of time. Sometimes,
it’s hard to know where to begin.
Through funding from the RBC Foundation, and
in partnership with the Canadian Cancer Society,
BC & Yukon Division (CCS), CBCF has developed
an interactive website that will allow women, their
families, friends and support networks to better
navigate through the breast cancer journey. The
website helps users to equip themselves with the
knowledge and tools necessary to make the best
decisions possible. Each stage in the treatment
journey is accompanied by several short videos
of survivors talking about their own experiences.
CCS provided the resource information on the site,
including links to materials that can be downloaded
and printed.
“Through the RBC Foundation, this information is
now not only interactive, it can be accessed by
anyone in BC – or the world for that matter –
with a computer,” says CBCF BC/Yukon CEO,
Jan Engemoen. “We are proud to have made this
valuable tool available to thousands more women
and their families.”
“Consumers can now click through to an online
collection of easy to digest breast health information
that’s credible, comprehensive and informed by
current scientific evidence,” said Charlene
Krepiakevich, Vice President of Marketing and
Communications for the Canadian Cancer Society,
BC & Yukon Division.
Dr. Moira Stilwell, CBCF Past Chair and Head of
Nuclear Medicine for St. Paul’s and Surrey Memorial Hospitals has watched women try to navigate
their way through breast cancer, from diagnosis,
through treatment, and back to health again.
“There‘s a lot of information to absorb and then
use to make decisions in one’s treatment,” she says.
“Many existing tools used to inform women are
good, but there’s been so much information and it’s
overwhelming. This tool is designed to be userfriendly, and we know it is since women with breast
cancer helped design it.”
Also with the support of the RBC Foundation and
CCS, CBCF released an initial, paper copy of the
Navigation Map in 2005, using a task force that
included breast cancer survivors, doctors, oncologists
and other health professionals. This group worked
over a two-year period to gather, identify and
disseminate the proper information so that it would
be most useful to its intended audience. Today,
this map is available in its original paper version,
and now, in an enhanced online format at
“RBC is proud to have supported this initiative
since 2001,” said Lisa Wittet, RBC Regional Vice
President for Vancouver Downtown and West.
“It is our hope that together with the Canadian
Breast Cancer Foundation and the Canadian
Cancer Society, we can continue to find ways to
educate women everywhere about breast cancer.”
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 13
Dr. Winkle Kwan: Research Partner
Taking a Closer Look at Breast
Cancer Recovery
As a Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Winkle Kwan wants
to see his patients get better faster. He joined the
breast tumour group at the BC Cancer Agency in
1996. “The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
always had a special position in my mind. They
supported my first grant funded research at the
BC Cancer Agency – looking at the incidence of
lymphedema in breast cancer treatment,” says
Kwan. “Since then, I got interested in the rehab
side of treatment.” This year, he is glad to team
up again with CBCF and is the recipient of another
CBCF grant.
Today, Dr. Kwan treats mainly breast cancer and
prostate cancer patients and has been active in the
field of clinical research. In his position as Director
of Research at the BC Cancer Agency Fraser
Valley Centre, Kwan has been developing an
enhanced research program, where he and his team
now have access to high-tech equipment. Specifically,
Kwan has been working with a cone-beam
CT, which is good news for patients who’ve undergone lumpectomy surgery.
After a lumpectomy, breast cancer patients usually
receive radiation. Skin markings are applied about
two weeks before radiotherapy to indicate where the
14 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
surgical cavity is located. While this sounds straightforward, there is actually a degree of uncertainty as
the surgical cavity can change and move over time.
The cone-beam CT allows radiotherapists to see
the cavity in much greater detail during radiation
treatments with the potential of fine tuning the
delivery of radiation to the cancerous region. “In
the early days of radiotherapy, we went by skin
markings; then we went by bony landmarks, and
there has always been a margin of uncertainty as to
how these landmarks relate to the cancerous region,”
explains Kwan. “The cone-beam CT now allows us
to see the tumour bearing site directly during
treatment.” For the patient, greater accuracy means
sparing normal tissue. “We are hoping that this grant
will reduce the side-effects of cancer treatment,”
says Kwan. It can eventually lead to a shorter
treatment time.
The project began in January 2008 and will be
complete in 2009. The CBCF grant will allow Dr.
Kwan to add a Ph.D. candidate to his team to work
on improving the resolution of the equipment,
which will have applications for other types of
treatment too. “My experience with CBCF has been
very encouraging,” says Kwan. “I have a feeling that
this grant will lead to other research in the area.”
Dr. Winkle Kwan: Research Partner
2007/2008 Grants
Health Care & Research Grants
Dr. Elaine Wai – BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver Island
Post-Graduate Fellowships
Nine medical research grants totaling $700,000
Traditionally, CBCF funds one Post-Graduate
were awarded to BC researchers to support them in
Centre, $56,770. Project Title: Breast reconstruction
in British Columbia: access and complications.
their quest for better ways to diagnose, predict or
Dr. Winkle Kwan – BC Cancer Agency, Fraser Valley
breast cancer research in BC. Due to the high caliber
treat breast cancer. With these annual awards, which
Centre, $49,500. Project Title: Development of an
improved target volume localization technique for
accelerated partial breast irradiation utilizing new
image guidance technology.
of applications received in 2007/2008, CBCF was
Centre. Project Title: Breast Cancer Survivorship:
Optimizing Follow-up Care.
Dr. Fraser Hof – University of Victoria, $191,500
Project Title: Exploring and exploiting the protein
psoriasin as a new target for breast cancer therapies.
Dr. Tanya Berrang – BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver
Island Centre, $43,288. Project Title: How can the
accuracy of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) be
monitored after surgeons stop performing axillary
node dissections?
Dr. Stephen Chia – BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver,
Dr. Pauline Truong – BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver
$147,500. Project Title: The prognostic and
predictive significance of a biological classification
of primary breast cancers with tissue microarrays
from the NCIC CTG MA 12 trial.
Island Centre, $19,680. Project Title: Validation
of IBTR! A new computer-based tool for predicting ipsilateral breast recurrence in women with
invasive breast cancer treated with breast conserving
have been presented since 1993, the Canadian Breast
Cancer Foundation, BC/Yukon Region has committed
over $12.8 million to support a thriving community
of accomplished and acclaimed medical researchers
in this province.
Dr. Ujendra Kumar – University of British Columbia,
$110,000. Project Title: The role of somatostatin and
somatostatin receptors in breast cancer.
Dr. Rasika Rajapakshe – BC Cancer Agency -
Southern Interior Centre and Screening Mammography
Program (SMP) of BC. $65,000. Project Title:
Quantitative analysis of mammographic breast
density in digital mammograms.
Dr. Hannah Carolan – BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver & Fraser Valley Centres, $16,630. Project Title:
Development of a decision aid for patients diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast.
Fellowship award per year, to foster independent
pleased to award Fellowships to four outstanding
recipients, totalling over $630,000.
Sally Smith – BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver Island
Anna Stratford – UBC, Child and Family Research
Institute. Project Title: The regulation of Y-box
binding protein-1 (YB-1) by p90 ribosomal S6
kinase (RSK) in basal-like breast cancer.
Nelson Wong – BC Cancer Agency, BC Cancer
Research Centre. Project Title: Towards understanding and utilization of the inhibitory effect of the
extracellular domain of Notch4 in MDA-MB-231/
NOD-SCID xenograft model.
Hong Xu – BC Cancer Agency, BC Cancer Research
Centre. Project title: Conditional genetic screens
to define gene-gene and gene-drug interactions in
normal and malignant human breast epithelium.
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 15
Dragon Boat Grants
Since 1997, CBCF BC/Yukon has supported BC’s
Dragon Boat breast cancer survivor teams. This year,
a total of 26 boats, representing more than 650
paddlers from across BC took to the waters with the
help of $52,000 in grants from CBCF.
Congratulations to the
Courageous Teams of 2007/08:
Abreast In A Boat (Lower Mainland)
Island Breaststrokers (Victoria)
Sunshine Dragons Abreast (Sunshine Coast)
Abreast of Life (Central Vancouver Island)
Spirit Abreast (Fraser Valley)
Angels Abreast (Nanaimo)
Bust’N Loose (Kelowna)
Pink Panthers (Nanaimo)
Friends Abreast (Shuswap)
Dragon Divas (Cowichan Valley)
Survivorship (South Okanagan)
Hope Afloat (Comox Valley)
Buoyant Buddies (Vernon)
Paddling For Life (Powell River)
Kootenay Robusters (Trail)
Rainbow Warriors (Prince Rupert)
Kootenay Rhythm Dragons (Nelson)
River Spirit (Campbell River)
Northbreast Passage (Prince George)
Pink Pistons (Salmon Arm)
16 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
Mother Daughter Breakfast Tour
CBCF delivers breast health
information through breakfast
and conversation
CBCF is giving mothers another reason to call
breakfast the most important meal of the day. In
February and March of 2008, the fourth annual
Mother Daughter Breakfast Tour visited secondary
schools throughout Vancouver’s Lower Mainland.
Through a program of breakfast presentations,
valuable breast health information is shared in a
casual setting with young women and their
mothers at a critical time in their lives. Students
and teachers are encouraged to invite their
mothers, grandmothers, sisters, cousins and aunts,
and open discussion is encouraged.
Over juice and muffins, breast cancer survivors and
CBCF representatives share stories and information
on breast health awareness and the importance of
risk reduction. Candid discussions often emerge as
topics such as smoking, diet and exercise are introduced. Many young women are surprised to learn
that smoking while breast tissue is still forming can
increase the risk of breast cancer later in life. At the
same time, these young women can help encourage their mothers to go for regular mammograms.
Through this program, hundreds of BC women of
all ages are starting their day by learning how to
reduce the risk of breast cancer and techniques for
breast cancer detection.
In April, the tour proceeded through the BC
interior and northern communities. Since it began,
the Mother Daughter Breakfast Tour has visited
more than 150 schools throughout BC and
welcomed more than 5,000 participants.
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 17
Health Sciences Association
A Decade of Successful Partnership
Partnership seems to come naturally to the Health Sciences Association (HSA) and the
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, BC/Yukon Region. For 10 years, the two organizations have been working together to raise awareness of breast cancer and of the important role HSA members play in the breast cancer journey, from diagnosis and treatment
to rehabilitation.
The 2007 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure marked HSA’s
tenth year as an official silver-level sponsor, and hundreds of enthusiastic members
turned out in bright blue t-shirts to show their support. “This year’s committee set two
lofty goals,” said HSA President Reid Johnson. “Doubling last year’s Run team participation from 111 HSA members to 222, and raising $20,000.” While 165 people
officially registered as provincial team members, many more HSA members participated
by walking, running, handing out pink-ribbon tattoos and donating. As a result, an
unprecedented $32,000 was raised.
Over the last 10 years, HSA’s contributions to CBCF have reached almost $1 million
through direct support for the Run (donations and sponsorship), sponsorship of the
TELUS Tour for the Cure, and indirectly through advertising campaigns promoting
HSA members and support for Run-related events.
Front row, left to right, Agnes Jackman, Katie Jackman, Rachel Tutte.
Back row, left to right, Shaun Jackman, Ingo Schmidt
18 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
Women in Mining
Vancouver run team Inspires
Cross-Country Enthusiasm
The 2007 Women in Mining Team almost didn’t
happen. At eight months pregnant, about to begin
her maternity leave, Marni Turek, Corporate Relations and Sustainability at Cassidy Gold Corp., was
looking to stay connected with other women in
her industry. She contacted the Vancouver Chapter
of Women in Mining, an organization that connects and promotes the professional development
of women in the sector, with the idea of putting
together a team for the Canadian Breast Cancer
Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure. She thought
it would be a great way to connect the women in
what is a traditionally male-dominated industry to
an important female issue. But the Run was only a
few weeks away, and she wondered if they should
hold off until the next year.
It’s a good thing she made that call. Once word got
out, Turek was amazed at the amount of enthusiasm for the cause that spread not just locally, but
nationally. By Run Day, Women in Mining had
teams organized in five locations – Vancouver, Calgary, Kamloops, Toronto, and St. John’s – with 59
participants in total, including 23 runners in
Vancouver. “If you coordinate a team, you have
no idea what people will bring to the table,” says
Turek. Barbara Caelles, head of the Vancouver
WIM Chapter arranged T-shirts and prizes for the
team. “She did a fabulous job,” says Turek. “It gives
me goose bumps to think how much effort people
made on such short notice.”
Turek was grateful for the time her workplace gave
her to help organize the team. “Many don’t realize
the generosity of the sector,” she says. In total, the
five teams raised $31,000 with the largest donation
of $15,000 from Teck Cominco. This was Turek’s
first attempt at organizing something in support of
a cause, and she can’t believe she almost didn’t make
that first call. “That $31,000 wouldn’t have happened,” says Turek. Among the runners was Turek’s
3-month old daughter, Madeline. Turek reflects
how the experience combined with the birth of her
first child brought her new awareness and hit her
on a much more personal level. She realized that
someday, her daughter could be one of the one in
nine women in Canada who will get the disease.
“It was life changing for me,” she says. “I thought
if I could give her a great ‘welcome to the world’
gift, this would be it.”
Marni Turek’s family members and fellow Women in Mining teammates
James Gillis, Jamie Gillis and Diane Gillis.
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 19
Leadership Giving
Individual Donors with Annual
Contributions of $500 or more
We are grateful for the generous support of our
leadership partners who have demonstrated their
commitment to creating a future without breast
cancer by making a significant annual gift to
CBCF BC/Yukon this past year.
Our leadership giving program, judy&company,
is named after our Region’s founder, Judy Caldwell.
Leadership partners support the Foundation
through single donations, monthly contributions,
pledged gifts and gifts of securities. Benefits
of being a leadership partner include receiving
an invitation to our annual recognition event,
receiving updates on CBCF’s progress, activities
and achievements in the coming year through
our newsletter, special announcements and
research information.
Our leadership partners, along with our corporate
and community supporters, have truly made a
difference in the lives of women and their families in BC. We salute our leadership donors for
their commitment to improving women’s health
and their experience in the journey with breast
cancer. They have continued our Region’s history
of progress that has been achieved through shared
passion, energy and dedication to creating a future
without breast cancer.
Thank You.
For more information on leadership giving or the
benefits of being a leadership partner, please contact the
Manager, Leadership Giving at 604-683-2873.
Martin Donner: Leadership Partner
20 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
Martin Donner:Leadership Partner
Martin Donner doesn’t mind talking about money,
especially when the aim is to donate money to
worthy causes. As a senior partner at Canada’s
largest national law firm, Borden Ladner Gervais
LLP (BLG), Martin loves the law, but he also loves
philanthropy and motivating others to support
worthy charities as well.
His oratory skills have been put to good use for
the past several years at the annual Richmond Nite
of Hope gala, a fundraiser held each April for the
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, BC/Yukon
Region. There, Martin asks the 450 guests to reflect
not just on the purpose of the evening, but on the
purpose of life. He reminds them how good it can
feel to help others, and suggests that one meaningful way to help others is to generously support
the Foundation. Over four years, his challenge has
raised over $160,000 for the Foundation.
Martin believes in philanthropy primarily because
of his strong belief that if we want to have a better
world for our children, each of us has a duty to
do our part today. Martin lost both of his parents
to cancer, and several close family members have
battled the disease, including three who survived
breast cancer. “My sister Bev (Rossoff) is a breast
cancer survivor and my sister Joanne (Dr. Joanne
Emerman) is a breast cancer researcher. When
Bev was diagnosed with breast cancer, Joanne was
able to help her directly. As a concerned brother,
I also wanted to help. In addition to being a close
personal support, I knew there was more I could
do. I could donate money, certainly, but I also felt
that I might be able to inspire others to do the
same.” says Martin.
“Martin is the Man of the Year to the Nite of
Hope,” says Peggy O’Brien, the Nite of Hope
Richmond Event Chair. “He is very passionate
and committed to this cause and also many others.
He contributes in many ways not only in dollars.
He organizes many of his friends, family and
associates to assist in his plea.”
In 2003, Martin was diagnosed with colorectal
cancer. Even though he underwent two surgeries,
radiation and chemotherapy, Martin says there was
a positive side to his personal battle with cancer.
“I witnessed the compassion of health care workers
and the bravery and graciousness of fellow cancer
patients.” In addition to his commitment to the
breast cancer cause, Martin is a past member of
the Advisory Council for the Canadian Cancer
Society’s Diamond Ball. Martin chaired the 2002
ISRAELNOW Telethon Campaign, and was a
member of the Vancouver, B.C. Solidarity Mission
to Israel in 2002. Martin founded and co-chairs
BLG’s Annual Charity Volleyball Challenge, and
is also the President of the Vancouver Chapter of
the United Ostomy Association of Canada. Martin
has organized support for women and children in
shelters, and is a frequent hospital visitor for those
who have had ostomy surgery. Martin was recently
the recipient of the HELM Award in the category
of Lifetime Achievement given by the Vancouver
Chapter of the Legal Marketing Association.
Martin has served for 20 years as BLG Vancouver’s
charitable donations advisor. He chairs BLG
Vancouver’s Leadership Campaign for the United
Way. Martin is married to Sandy and has four sons.
CBCF BC/Yukon Region expresses sincere gratitude
to Martin Donner for his philanthropic leadership
and his commitment to the breast cancer cause.
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 21
A Year of Giving: 2007/2008 Event Highlights
Nite of Hope
April 3, 2007 Richmond, BC
Interior Provincial
Exhibition & Stampede
September 2, 2008 Armstrong, BC
In 2007 the Interior Provincial Exhibition and
Stampede took part in the Wrangler “Tough Enough
to Wear Pink” campaign. The event raises awareness
and funds at similar events all over North America.
The Canadian Professional Rodeo Association and
Wrangler partnered to raise $9213.95 for the
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation through
a 50/50 draw and the sale of pink shirts, hats,
lanyards, pins and bandanas. Organizers Mark
Dibblee and Lucille Van Horne presented a
cheque to breast cancer survivor Diana Inselberg,
who accepted the donation on behalf of the
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.
In its 9th year, the Nite of Hope Richmond raised
$196,871 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, bringing its total to date to $983,163. More
than 400 guests attended the gala night at the River
Rock Casino & Resort in Richmond. The 2007
theme was “Light of Hope,” and the featured guest
speaker was breast cancer survivor, teacher-researcher and author, Bonnie Skobel. The event’s founder,
Judi Miller, began fundraising for the cause 14
years ago. Acknowledgement goes to Peggy O’Brien
who chaired the event for the second year.
22 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
Pink Ribbon Charity Ball
September 29, 2007 Kamloops, BC
Local entrepreneur Anthony Salituro celebrated
the 10th anniversary of his Pink Ribbon Charity
Ball with 371 guests at the Italian Cultural
Centre in Kamloops, BC. Salituro, the owner of
Viva Bridal Boutique in Kamloops, paid tribute
to his family and local supporters for the event’s
success. The “10th Anniversary Diamond Ball”
dinner and dance raised $49,208 and the event has
raised more than $235,000 to date.
Canadian Breast Cancer
Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure
September 30, 2007
In 2007, 53 communities and 170,000 Canadians
participated in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure. Together, we raised more
than $27 million for breast cancer research, education,
and awareness programs. What an incredible success!
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 23
A Year of Giving (continued)
October 20, 2007 Victoria, BC
October 23, 2007 Vancouver, BC
In October of 2007, the Victoria Jazzercise
instructors and participants held their 11th annual
fundraising event led by founders Brenda
Richardson and Vicki Waters. For the second
year, the event was held at Hillside Mall and the
instructors led the crowd through enthusiastic
routines while raising funds and awareness for the
cause. Over 11 years they have raised an impressive
$167,991 for the cause of breast cancer prevention
and research.
The 2nd Annual Prêt-A-Pour-Tea - High Tea &
High Fashion Fundraising Event for the Canadian
Breast Cancer Foundation, BC/Yukon Chapter took
place at The Fish House in Stanley Park, with chef
Karen Barnaby serving up a classic high tea. Organizers Sharon Chan and Tammy Preast arranged
a fashion show featuring hot Vancouver designers
Jacqueline Conoir, Blushing Designs and Catherine
Regehr. Hosted by CTV’s Tamara Taggart, the event
raised $10,000, more than doubling the amount
raised in its first year and bringing the total raised for
CBCF to $14,000. Join us at the 2008 Pret-A-PourTea on October 21 at Seasons in the Park!
24 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
16th Annual Awareness
Day Luncheon
November 1, 2007 Vancouver, BC
Over 700 people attended this year’s Awareness
Day Luncheon at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver,
emceed by CTV’s Pamela Martin and Vancouver
Sun Executive Editor Valerie Casselton. Over
$114,000 was raised towards a future without
breast cancer.
13th Annual Awareness
Day Luncheon
March 12, 2008 Victoria, BC
Rogers’ Chocolates Ltd. President Steve Parkhill presents CBCF CEO
Jan Engemoen with a donation at the 13th Annual Vancouver Island
Awareness Day Luncheon.
Pink in the Rink
March 22, 2008 Victoria, BC
Marty the Marmot having fun at Pink in the Rink!
For the first time, the Canadian Breast Cancer
Foundation, BC/Yukon Region partnered with the
Victoria Salmon Kings, the local ECHL Hockey
team, for the Pink in the Rink charity night. On
game night 5,000 pink t-shirts were given out to
the crowd at Memorial Arena for a donation to
CBCF, and proceeds from the 50/50 draw and a
Chuck-a-Puck contest raised over $14,000 toward
a future without breast cancer. At intermission Dan
Belisle, General Manager of the Salmon Kings,
whose mother is a breast cancer survivor, presented
CBCF with a cheque for $7,800 at centre ice.
Special thanks goes to the 22 community volunteers who managed the raffles and to the Salmon
Kings staff who made the evening special by
painting pink ribbons in the ice and supplying the
players with pink ribbons for their uniforms and
the coaching staff with pink ties.
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 25
Corporate Spirit
Community / Retail Partnerships
CBCF is proud to have the ongoing support of a variety of corporations, including retail stores. Hundreds
of employees, managers, executives, customers and
suppliers donate both time and money throughout
the year to raise awareness and much needed funds
for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, BC/
Yukon Region, through sponsorships, partnerships
and fundraising events.
If your corporate or retail company would like to
champion our cause by holding your own fundraising
event or if you would like to learn more about how
your organization can partner with the Canadian
Breast Cancer Foundation BC/Yukon Region, please
contact the Senior Manager, Community Events and
Retail Partnerships at 604-683-2873 ext 227 or
by email at
In the month of October, Canada Safeway stores
across Canada raised $1.947 million in support of
the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF)
during its Breast Cancer Awareness Program.
As a result of the hard work of Canada Safeway staff
and volunteers, the dedication of over a hundred
of their vendors and the generosity of thousands
of their consumers, the dollars raised during the
campaign will fund and support a number of exciting education programs and research projects in
their communities. Canada Safeway has committed
$718,000 for direct support of initiatives here in BC,
including education programs and research projects.
In 2008, Canada Safeway joined as a proud sponsor
of the TELUS Tour for the Cure, helping to deliver
prevention education throughout the province.
Thank you Canada Safeway, your employees,
vendors and customers for the dedication and
commitment to a future without breast cancer.
26 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
A partner since 2003, Fields Stores raised over
$56,000 this year in BC and over $152,000 in total
across the country. Located primarily in Western
Canada, Fields is a general merchandise store
featuring extreme value price points. With leadership from General Manager Greg Crowder and
Marketing Manager Rory Banks, its dedicated
employees hold fundraisers throughout the year,
including head shaving and walk events, and
in-store sales initiatives, including pens, wristbands
and paper ribbons. To date, the company has raised
more than $450,000 for the BC/Yukon, Prairies/
NWT and now Ontario Regions. With 160 stores
and plans for expansion, the future is bright for
Fields Stores and its partnership with CBCF.
The excitement of high stakes poker combined
with a good cause has made the BC Lottery
Corporation’s Women’s Poker Classic a big success
for the last three years. This year 767 participants
played Texas Hold’Em over three days at the
Cascades Casino in Langley for a total prize pool
of $229,785. Sarah Maxine Farber won the top
prize plus a seat at the World Series of Poker
Ladies No Limit Hold’Em World Championship
in Las Vegas. The event raised over $39,000
for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation,
BC/Yukon Region this year and to date has raised
a total of $64,000.
Vincor Canada is the largest producer and marketer
of wine and related products in Canada. In the
Fall of 2007, specially-tagged wines from around
the world were promoted using end aisle displays
in BC liquor stores and raised $35,000 for CBCF
BC/Yukon Region. Vincor produces many of its
products at a family of estate wineries located in the
provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec
and New Brunswick and is a division of the world’s
largest wine company, Constellation Brands.
A sweet treat is nice anytime, but it’s especially
delightful when it’s a custom hand-wrapped
Victoria cream created to raise money for the
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, BC/Yukon
Region. Victoria’s Rogers’ Chocolates developed the
signature Raspberry Vanilla Swirl Cream flavour
for CBCF and generously donates $1 from the sale
of each chocolate to the Foundation. To date, the
initiative has raised over $11,000. Look for these
luscious treats wrapped in pink at any one of
Rogers’ 10 company owned stores and at several
hundred retailers across Canada. Rogers’ also
generously donates the chocolates to a variety
of fundraising community and gala events.
ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008 | 27
How a Dollar is Raised
The work of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, BC/Yukon Region relies on the generosity of donors
BC/yukon region Revenue
and the dedication of volunteers. CBCF’s signature event and major fundraiser of the year – the Canadian
April 1, 2007 - March 31, 2008
Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure – is a perfect example of how individuals and corporations can make a difference. Volunteers, participants and sponsors are all key to the event’s remarkable
success. CBCF is equally grateful to the many individuals and corporations who initiate their own events
or simply make a point of committing to an annual or monthly donation. This page illustrates the Region’s
sources of revenue for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2008.
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC
Run for the Cure :: 43%
Partner Support & Sponsorships :: 21%
26,000 participants, along with the support from
for the Region’s public education initiatives, includ-
over 80 regional and national sponsors raised over
ing the TELUS Tour for the Cure and the GOHAVE1
$3.5 million here in British Columbia for the
Screening Mammography Awareness Campaign.
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run
Community Events :: 10%
for the Cure in 2007.
Government, corporate and health partner support
Awareness Day Luncheons – Our Region’s annual
2007/2008 Sources of Revenue
Corporate/Individual :: 23%
signature awareness events, held in Vancouver and
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
CIBC Run for the Cure
Corporate Programs – This category includes
Victoria to highlight CBCF’s work in breast cancer
1,896,512 retail partnerships, employee giving, and
research, community education and awareness.
Partner Support
& Sponsorships
Third Party Events – Individuals and groups in the
Community Events
Individual Programs – This category includes
community who wish to support CBCF organize vari-
In Honour gifts, direct mail donations, and
ous fundraising events known as third party events.
individual gifts including contributions through
Other :: 3%
corporate donations.
our judy&company leadership giving program.
This category includes merchandise sold, proceeds
from gaming and investments, and other income.
These reports reflect the revenue for the BC/Yukon Region only. For a consolidated national audited financial
statement, please contact Lois B. Reimer, Director, Finance & Operations at 1-800-561-6111.
28 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
Your Money at Work
Breast cancer affects women all across BC, therefore the BC/Yukon Region supports women throughout
BC/yukon region Allocations & Expenses
the province, no matter where they live. From the GOHAVE1 Screening Mammography Awareness Campaign
April 1, 2007 - March 31, 2008
to the new online navigation map for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer, our programs are designed
to benefit all BC women and their families.
CBCF is a leader in funding important, innovative breast cancer research. With the organization’s focus solely
on breast cancer, it is best able to direct funds to the most promising research initiatives. Each Region has a well
developed and scientific peer-review model for medical research grants. CBCF is also a charter member of the
Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance (CBCRA) – a unique coalition of seven public, private and not-for-profit
organizations funding breast cancer research in Canada. While the research in BC tends to take place in major urban
centres such as Vancouver and Victoria, women everywhere benefit from this work.
All of this means that whether you live in Maple Ridge, Merritt or Muncho Lake, if you or someone you love is facing
breast cancer, you will benefit from the research conducted and funds raised here in BC and across the country.
This page illustrates the allocations and expenses of BC/Yukon Region in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2008.
Grant Allocations & Charitable Initiatives :: 58%
Charitable Initiatives – This category includes funds
Grant Allocations & Charitable Initiatives
Grant Allocations – Applications for medical research
that go towards the GOHAVE1 Screening Mammography
Public Education & Community Services
grants, studentships and fellowships are accepted,
Cam­paign, the TELUS Tour for the Cure, the Mother
BC/Yukon Region Grant Allocations
reviewed and awarded once a year by the BC/Yukon
Daughter Break­fast Tour and other regional programs
Region’s Medical Advisory Committee. Community
and initiatives aimed at public education, awareness
Total Grant Allocations & Charitable
grants are reviewed and awarded twice each year.
and community outreach.
Fund Development
This category also includes the Region’s contributions
Fund Development :: 31%
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
to national programs, including the Canadian Breast
This category includes funds to organize the Canadian
CIBC Run for the Cure
Cancer Research Alliance.
Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure,
Corporate, Individual, Community & Other
community events, individual and corporate programs
Total Fund Development
and direct mail campaigns.
Administration :: 11%
These reports reflect the allocations and expenses for the BC/Yukon Region only. For a consolidated national
BC/Yukon Region
National Support
Total Administration
audited financial statement, please contact Lois B. Reimer, Director, Finance & Operations at 1-800-561-6111.
Canadian Breast Cancer foundation BC/Yukon region | 29
2007 BC Volunteer Run Directors
2007 Determination Award Winners
Abbotsford-Fraser Valley
While every participant in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure
Lance MacDonald
Robert King
Gretchen Dunn
Bill Hardy
Port McNeill
Holly Smith
Roma Joseph
Cherryle Adams
Prince George
Lorri Kidd
Alyson Raposo
Brenda Drazenovic
Tammy Gordon
Amtul Siddiqui
Jo-anne Hofstede
Greg White
Heather Schroeter
Pat Summers
Lavonne Campbell
Michele Ricard
brings us one step closer toward a future without breast cancer, Determination Award Winners
are those acknowledged as the person who raised the most money by Run day at each of the
seven Run sites across British Columbia. We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of the 2007
Determination Award winners:
AbbotsfordFraser Valley
Ian Ogden
Jacki Andersen
Diane Slemko
Lynn Higgins
Prince George
Petra Leinemann
Joe Kelly
Barb Thomson
Thank you to all of our donors and to those who have requested anonymity. Every effort was made to ensure that each donor has been recognized for the fiscal year
April 1, 2007 – March 31, 2008. The Foundation sincerely regrets any errors or oversights. If your information is incorrect, please let us know so we can make corrections.
30 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
Top BC Team Fundraisers
AbbotsfordFraser Valley
Health Sciences
Association of BC
Dearborn Ford
Glenrosa Aces
Leslie’s Angels
The Hoofers -Second Year
Odlum Brown Ltd
Health Sciences
Association of BC
GMS Jags
Lolli’s Angels
Corporate Teams
Power Of Pink
Tam Team
On the Run from Matsqui
Pretty in Pink
UBCO Residents
Health Sciences
Association of BC
Save the Ta Tas
Pattis Rack Pack
Corporate Teams
School Teams
Team Debbie
Rosborough & Company
Service Canada
All Fired Up - Westide Fire
Aspengrove School
Team BRA--Bureaucrats
Raising Awareness
Enquiro Extreme
Women’s Teams
Friends and Family Teams
Cancer BUSTers
Carpe Diem Friends
Chasing Rabbits
Women’s Teams
Clinton Cleavages
Christie’s Crusaders
Dallas Barnhartvale Baptist
deBoers for deBoobs
Karen’s Krew
Friends and Family Teams
RHQ Friends and Family
100 Mile Angels
Screw The Whales - Save
The Breasts
Andersen’s Market for a
Speed Bumps
RBC Team Lachowicz
Seed’s of Hope
Wellness Works City Haulers
Women In Mining Network
Women’s Teams
Bust ‘N Loose
Save on Lifesavers
Saving 2nd Base
Dover Bay Secondary
Malaspina Nurses
Women’s Teams
Corporate Teams
42 Boobs & A Dream
Kelowna Flightcraft
Aviawest Quest
Devils for Kelli
Mama Meia
Coastal Community Credit
Health Sciences
Association of BC
Manteo Resort
Jumpstart Boot Camp
Prevention for Life
NCO Groupies
Gallagher’s Gals
Pushor Mitchell Positively
Team MacKay
BCMA Partners for the Cure
Friends and Family Teams
Team Turner VW
Spirit Abreast
Care Bears
4 Vic
Thanks for the Mammories
Prince George
team treena
Clearwater Breast Friends
Bras For A Cause
UBC Okanagan
Women’s Teams
The Clease’s & Friends
Dixie Cups
For Jenny
Westside Weakened Worriers
Tooth Fairies
Hangin’ Happy
Lisa’s Ladies
Winners Kelowna
Northbreast Passage
Twenty Feet For The Cure
Ric’s Breast Friends
Wacky W.W.
Team Beaulieu
Nanu’s 50th Itty-Bitty Titty
Team Chase
School Teams
Team Kalan Porter
Abbotsford Collegiate
The Hillbilly Hunnies
Sandy Hill Suns
School Teams
Corporate Teams
Chugging for Chalmers
Becker and Company
Corporate Teams
Cascade Chest Crusaders
Becker Daley LLP
CK Impower Strategies
Changes Hair Studio
Redlick Family
Steve Marshall Ford HighBeam Team
Friends and Family Teams
A Journey to Healing
Abreast In A Boat
Ali’s Angels
Bina’s Bosom Buddies
Brandy’s Babes
Breast Foot Forward
The Lady Bees
Breasts of Friends
Friends and Family Teams
Women’s Teams
All Nation -Hazelton’s
Burnaby Cancer Center
Chest Mates
Stale Air Experience
Nanaimo’s Breast Friends
Anita’s Angels
Street Walkers
Simply the Breast
Jugs Unlimited
The Y Hotties
Friends and Family Teams
T-Mac’s Krew
Breaspecially Fast
Matriarchial Society
Twin Peaks
Canoe Bay Crew
Rotary Prince George
School Teams
For The Love Of Boobs
Team Catherine
Boucherie Bears
Health & Happiness Team
The Heelers
Buxom Buddies
Cancer Sucks
Cristina’s Run
Cure Cruisers
Dashing Diva’s
Everyone Loves Breasts
Canadian Breast Cancer foundation BC/Yukon region | 31
Vancouver (continued)
The Booby Traps
BCAA-Cathy’s Comets
RN Abreast
School Teams
The Cure
Beancounters for Boobs
McCarthy Tetrault
Royal Colwood Birdies
Brentwood College School
Fifi’s Canadian Team
The Cure Crew
BH Rehab Crew
Nature’s Path Foods Inc.
Shimmies for a Cure
Shawnigan Lake School
Jeanie’s Angels
The God Squad
New Vista Striders
Friends and Family Teams
St. Margaret’s School
Jen’s Pinks
The OurGanG
Borden Ladner Gervais Keeping Abreast
Chikara Kickboxing
The Provincial Language
Odlum Brown Ltd
Evening Optimist Club of
UVIC Ringers Chemistry
Periodic Pacers
Friendship Baptist Church
Corporate Teams
Highgate Lodge
Boobie Brigade VII
Island Breaststrokers
Burnell & Petersen Make it
MJ’s Breast Friends
Mother Jugs & Speed
Pink Ladies
Pink Power
Rupinder’s Reason
Spiked Punch
Spirit of Hope
Survivors Vancouver
Canaccord Cancer Crusaders
The Spirit of Marlene
Canada Wide Bodies
Two Thumbs Up
CH2M Hill Commonwealth
Universal Brotherhood SNM
Club Medray
Coast Mountain Bus
School Teams
Crofton House Junior
Crofton House Senior
Handsworth Secondary
Team Carmen
Notre Dame Secondary
team chepil
Our Lady’s Ladies
Team Debby
UBC Women’s Basketball
Team Ellen 2007
WVSS Highlanders
Team Leni
Corporate Teams
Team Shooter
Team Spirit
Team Thomson
Back in Motion
Temple Sholom Sisterhood
BC Women’s Hospital &
Health Centre
The 2 of Us
Breast of Friends
32 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
Operating on the RuN
Pacific Blue Cross
Raymond James
SmartDesign Crusaders
Spectra Energy
Cure Factor
Sun Life Financial
Ernst & Young
Tammy’s Team
Genworth Financial Canada
Team Dental Hygiene
GVRD FUNdRunners
Team Ledcor
Hamilton Duncan Armstong
& Stewart
Haywood Haywire
UBC Medicine
Health Sciences Association of BC
Women In Mining Network
Healthcare Benefit Trust
TELUS Pink Panthers
Women With Wings
WorkSafeBC Helping Hands
Janices Breast Friends
Kowalko & Company
Lori’s Bosom Buddies
The Butchart Gardens
Forces of Nature
Pink Princess Posse
Victoria BMW-MINI
Pink Spirit
Wargo’s Warriors
Saving Second Base
SCP Yoga
Shawnigan Ladybuggers
Team Bosom
Team Jo
Just Cause
Women’s Teams
Team Revolver for Tina and
Key West Ford Sales Ltd
Blender Babes
Team Super Shelle
Cowichan Valley Dragon
Team with a Dream
Crofton Cougars
Vive Ut Vivas
Duncan Curves
La Vie en Rose
Lawson Lundell LLP
Health for Hope
Maximus Boobimus
Kruger 4 The Cure
Top BC Individual Fundraisers
AbbotsfordFraser Valley
Allison Oswald
Barb Clease
Brianna Shandala
Candice Robertson
Carol Golos
Carolyn Anderson
Christine Hylands
Cindy Helmer
Clara Klassen
Corrinna Neumann
Debbie Friesen
Debbie Burns
Deborah Hallinan
Doris Madigan
Elaine McGregor
Elizabeth Borgmann
Eric Grant
Eva Wong
Feather Janz
Heather Giuriato
Heidi Schmidt
Ian Ogden
Jackie Klein
Jaimie Webster
James Foster
Janice Macdonald
Jean Fox
Jill Simpson
Joan Welch
Joanne Willms
Karen Hansen
Katelyn Spencer
Kelley Fripps Cheung
Kelvin Koop
Kristie Johnson
Lea-Ann Clease
Linda Crowell
Lisa Matechuk
Livia Mior
Liz Tait
Lucie Bellavance
Lynn Prindle
Maggie Chan
Maggie Rodney
Mark Donnelly
Marlene DeBoer
Maureen Glover
Maureen Heffelfinger
Melissa Ogden
Michelle Burns
Nancy Alamwala
Penny Boehmer
Robyn Gray Lepki
Sam Ugolini
Shara Ogden
Sharon Hampton
Sherri Babcook
Shirley Rooke
Sonya Woollacott
Sue Mate
Tammy Bastiaansen
Terry Becker
Terry Reeve
Wanda Oliver
Wanda Lawson
Wendy Ogden
Ada Haines
Anita Ewart
Bryan Thompson
Caryn Stroh
Dorothy Randle
Hannah Bell
Jacki Andersen
Jamie Nesbitt
Jane Felker
Jean Finlay
Jennifer Edwards
Jo Fitger
Julie Dormer
Karen Boose
Kelly Hall-Dilley
Kevin Towhey
Krishna Parghi
Leah Tigchelaar
Leslie Groulx
Linda Wilson
Linda Selbee
Lisa Somogyi
Lois Thompson
Loranne Doyle
Mackenna Fink
Margaret James
Margo Wynn
Mary Ford
Mary Jean Kormendy
Megan Ewert
Nathalie Lambert
Sandra Dever
Shannon Styles
Sharon Lyons
Sherri-Lynne Madden
Tammy Gordon
Terry Gieselman
Amy Norton
Amy Goode
Andrea Ricciardi
Ann Bannick
Anne Brown
Arlene Schuppener
Barb Newman
Barbara Foerderer
Brenda Sheppard
Carrie Kassa
Christine Taylor
Cindy Belyk
Correne McRae
Dana Crichton
Daniel Middleton
Deanna Hodge
Debbie Dupasquier
Debra Camilleri
Deneen Kehler
Devon Copico
Don Turri
Elaina Dube
Ethel Hudema
Faye Sheldon
Graham Burns
Heather Schroeter
Heather Schroeter
Heidi Nicholls
Janet Skubiak
Jennifer Moffatt
Jennifer Knight
Jenny Wilkinson
Jenny Friesen
Jill Bonneteau-Smith
Jim Burns
John Chunta
Jordan Campbell
Karen St-Martin
Karen Jakubowski
Kerry Waters
Kiana Chuhaniuk
Kim Desrosier
Krista Zillt
Krista Stokell
Lavonne Campbell
Leigh-Ann Hardy
Linda DeSutter
Lisa Buskermolen
Liz Hope
Lucy Dias
Lynn Tsumuraya
Lynzee Schatz
Maggie Ricciardi
Malika de Scally
Mark Golbey
Mark Mariotto
Mechele Ashby
Mel Orlando
Mona Trussell
Nancy Thomas
Nancy Young
Pam Schlehahn
Patricia Topolniski
Paula Sangha
Petra Leinemann
Rita Chase
Rita Creurer
Sandy Lingor
Stan Sauerwein
Tammy Gil
Tammy Ervin
Tanya Stroinig
Tara Letourneau
Tavis MacDougall
Trish Rempel
Trudy Dionne
Val Zuchotzki
Vicki Bacon
Wendy Garding
Willy Kliner
Alexandra Veasey
Andrea McCaw
Ann Marie Ebdrup
Brett Hodgins
Bruce Kennedy
Carol Wagenaar
Cathy Kirkpatrick
Crystal Banks
Darlene Rouleau
Darlene Irvine
Dianne Slemko
Dominique Chabot
Edna McNabb
Jacquie White
Jennifer Hill
JoAnn Shelton
Karen Ross
Krista Tremblay
Lana L’Herault
Lynne Orvis
Marijke Peterson
Marion Everaars
Mary Anne Stagg
Maya Redlick
Michelle Hiller
Ramona Ruf
Rose Fowler
Ruth Bilesky
Sandy Przada
Sarah Rycroft
Shannon Gillespie
Sonya Tipper
Wilma Deneault
Prince George
Anita Eyles
Cheryl Thompson
Craig Misfeldt
Debie Byl
Donna Deck
Eduard Hausot
Joe Kelly
Canadian Breast Cancer foundation BC/Yukon region | 33
Prince George
Lara Clark
Linda Wilson
Linda Cutler
Lisa Prokopowich
Lois Douglas
Manpreet Kaur Sidhu
Marcela Navarro
Margaret Hinchliff
Mark Loth
Orlanthia Habsburg
Aida Chong
Alan Wallace
Alice Christensen
Allan Hanson
Amanda Archibald
Amtul Siddiqui
Amy Kashani
Angie Yee
Ann Yue
Ann McCusker
Audrey Harrington
Barb Parrott
Barb Davison
Barbara Caelles
Barbara Bednjak
Barbara Payne
Beth Mercer
Bina Kapahi
Brad Pruner
Byron Chan
Cal Jang
Carol So
Carole Cochran
Cathy Crockett
Cathy Cheung
Cedric Conwi
Cheryl Baumann
Christina Chan
Cindy Chang
Cindy Davey
Concetta Gulluni
Cori Ohirko
Cynthia Lui
Dana Finkelstein
Danilo de Joya
Dave Shaw
Deborah Rasiuk
Debra Hewson
Deena Magtoto
Denise Levine
Derek Chapman
Diane Wong
Donna Riback
Doris Gnandt
Edna Arcilla
Eleanor Sleath
Elizabeth Dobell
Eric Zaunscherb
Erin Shilliday
Gaby Bourbara
Gavin Fyfe
Georgina Lau
Gilly Tupling
34 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
Glenda Johnston
Greg D’Avignon
Haida Lane
Helen Fang-Ting Liu
Iris Dayson
Jacquie Suzuki
James Kang
Jane Gale
Jane Ambrose
Janet Plant
Janice Flormata
Janice Davis
Jassy Brar
Jeanne Liu
Jeanne Young
Jeannie Chua
Jenna Rasiuk
Jennifer Morrison
Jenny Li
Jessica Bradley
Jessie Dhanday
Joan Eastwood
Jody Ross-Gooselaw
Joseph Oppenheim
Josh Pekarsky
Josie Rubino
Juala Rana
Julie Broad
June Burton
Kanchan Bakshi
Karen Hallam
Karen C Lee
Karen-Jane Weir
Kata Acheson
Katherine Neufeld
Kathy Sove
Kathy Cameron
Kathy Stilwell
Kathy Butler
Kelli Glass
Kelvin So
Kerry McDowall
Kim Blake
Kristen Stevenson
Lauren Greenlaw
Lenora Gates
Les Brown
Lianne Cohen
Lillian Rihela
Linda Evans
Linda Robertson
Liz Lefeaux
Lois Reimer
Lori Wideman
Louisa Chow
Lucy Magh
Luisa Di Palma
Lynn Higgins
Manjit Sidhu
Marcel Godin
Marcia Rempel
Marcie Munro
Margaret Kury
Marge Radford
Maria Martin
Maria de Brigard
Marilyn Leung
Marilyn Wamboldt
Marina Watson
Marni Turek
Mary De Fazio
Mary Darvill
Melissa McFarlane
Mia Riback
Michael Dodds
Michael Wei
Michele Bendall
Mike Ben and
Tom Schaab
Mona Windl
Nancy Bailey
Nancy Temple
Nancy Neil
Naomi Gillespie
Narshi Dhokia
Navdeep Hundal
Nicola Valentine
Nicole Lyn Hill
Nikki Hill
Noah Rasiuk
Pam Cunningham
Pat Salmon
Paul Chung
Paula Garcia
Pauline Vallee
Rahesh Prasad
Rebecca Legge
Rita Kadota
Rod Fossen
Roger Lui
Rosanne P Tinckler
Rose Wong
Ruby White
Rupinder Kang
Sandra Weigmann
Sarah L Young
Sevena Khunkhun
Sharilyn Young
Sharon Hughes
Sheila Tynan
Shelley Dieckmann
Shelly Chandler
Sheri Goldman
Sherri Thomson
Spanky McKechnie
Stephanie Yorath
Sue Crosato
Surgit Gill
Susan Crysler
Susan Devlin
Susan Dick
Teresa Lung
Terri McEwan
Terri Nelson
Theresa Ziebart
Val MacLanders
Victoria Yehl
Yolanda de Joya
Yvonne Reynolds
Allison Boyd
Andrea Felix
Andrea Buchan
Andrew Betts
Angela Garnett
Barbara Thomson
Carla Davies
Carol Morgan
Christopher Mavrikos
Darlene Newburg
Dawn Cleasby
Denika Osmond
Devon Shortreed
Erik Ages
Jane Roozendaal
Jenna Robertson
Jordan Kowalko
Laura Brackenbury
Lauren Stein
Lorrie Klee
Louise Scuby
Mae Petersen
Maggie Gabel
Maggie Flynn
Marilee Pumple
Marlene Aitken
Marolyn Stevens
Mary Hayden
Nathan Hjermstad
Nicky Manak
Pauline Bertrand
Pritam Sunger
Sarita Sall
Sharon Krupa
Sheila Cooper
Shelly Tall
Terry Humphries
leadership donors for 2007/2008
Anako Foundation
Jacki Andersen
Megan Berg
Alan Berge
Peter Brown
Michael Burke
Jennifer Clarke
Joan P. Donaldson
Darryl Eddy
Susan Eldridge
Forrestor Empey
Amanda Girling
Marian Grimwood
Jackie Hays
Glenda Johnston
Tess & James Koehle
Brad Kotush
Michael Madsen
Aly Mawji
Djavad Mowafaghian
Ian Ogden
Lorraine Palmer
Leonard Schein
Diane & Ross Sherwood
Alan Burns &
Wen Lin Sun
Lois Thompson
Dr. Linda Wilson
Anonymous (6)
Angela Antonic
Anton Antonic
Jose Balderrama
Johnny Barone
Pat Barry
M. K. Beck
Randy Berg
Donald Bethune
Jean & John Bingham
David Black
Peter Bourke
David Briggs
Jodi Bryans
Paul Challinor
Mo Yin Chan
Susanne Charlton
Susy Chung Smith
Scott and Monica
Bob & Cathy Crockett
Hans Cunningham
Greg D’Avignon
Barb Davison
Yasmin De Joya-Pagal
Kim Desrosier
Luisa & Domenic
Di Palma
Gordon Diamond
Martin Donner
Deborah Dovidio
Ann Marie Ebdrup
Robert & Marianne Eng
Jan Engemoen
K. Ernesti
Victoria Fennell
Caroline Fraser
Evelyn & Anthony
Willie Gibson
Virginia Greene
Regine Gries
Orlanthia Habsburg
Ada Haines
Deborah Hallinan
Lyn & Norm Halvorson
Jason Hampton
Karen Hansen
Roy Hardy
Jillian Henderson
Debra Hewson
Elizabeth House
Paul Howard
R. Scott Hunter
Lorrie Jackson
Doris Johns
Anne-Marie & Peter
John & Molly Kewley
Corinne Kipping
Erik Kiss
Nicole Kowalko
Diana Lam
Ledford Lilley
Kenneth Lukawesky
Diane Lyons
Velma Mansell
Nancy Margitan
Hal & Helga Matthews
Katharine Mavrikos
Steve Mavrikos
Eleanor Maze
Catherine McLeodSeltzer
Donald Metcalf
Judi Miller
Jennifer Moffatt
Doreen Monson
John Montalbano
Shelley Munro
Delburn Murphy
Shara Ogden
Raymond Ophoff
George Pawliuk
Marijke Peterson
Henry Polessky
Harry Quong
Paul Rasiuk
Jane Roozendaal
Marilyn & Ray
William Sakounchareun
Rick Sales
Bradley Scharfe
Glenda Sherlock
Kuo-Ying Shiang
Debra Sing
Fraser Smith
Robert Smith
Teri Steele
Gail Steiger
Dr. Moira Stilwell
Grace Tamkee
John Thiessen
George Thomas
Chris Tidd
Julian Turner
Joe Vallee
Doug Varley
Garry Wagenaar
Anne Waghorn
Don Walden
Trevor & Carolynn
Dr. Lorna Weir
Lori Wiedeman
Jean Williams
Mona Windl
Craig Wirch
Michael Wood
Stephanie Yorath
Ken Ziebart
Krista Zillt
Anonymous (18)
Ghassan Abdul-Jawad
Elaine Adair
Helen Agon
Robert Agon
Danny Aldham
Seth Allen
Douglas Alward
Fred & Olive Anderson
Robert Anderson
Shelly Appleton-Benko
Susan Archibald
Theresa Arenault
Scot Atkinson
Yik Fung Au-Yeung
Gurmit Bains
Arthur Bargen
Lorraine Barker
Tom Barnes
Lynda Barr
Christine Basque
Marilyn Bater
Charlotte Belcher
Lucie Bellavance
Tom Belyk
Don Bigelow
Kim Blake
Cori Bonina
Jill Bonneteau-Smith
Jason Bosa
Evelyn Bowersock
Barbara Brooks
Marlene Buck
Wendy Buker
Peter Burges
Jonathan Burke
Audrey Burns
Graham Burns
Judy Caldwell
Bev Campbell
Mervyn & Susan Campbell
Daniel Casey
Paul Ceyssens
Bruce Chamber
Margaret Chan
Bettina Charpentier
Mike Chase
June Chaster
Jacinta Cheng
Kevin Chester
Ann Chiasson
Michael Chornoby
Stanley Chung
Coreen Claggett
Peter Clarke
Dawn Cleasby
Dustin Cook
Jim Cookson
Dave Coombs
Jean Critchley
Gary Cruikshanks
Alvaro Dacosta
Cindy Darrach
Ashit Dattani
Jackie Davies
Janice Davis
Irene Dayton
Dan De Joya
Yolanda De Joya
Wayne Deans
Randall Dejong
Nhi Denis
Darcy DeSutter
Canadian Breast Cancer foundation BC/Yukon region | 35
500-999 (continued)
Marie Dickens
Alan Dickinson
Paul Dipasquale
Stanley Dong
Robert Douglas
Susan Dujmovic
Barbara Dunfield
Charles Dunlap
C. Dvorak
Dorothy Dyck
Marian Dyck
Terry Edwards
Carolyn Egri
Thomas Ehlen
June Elder
Andrea Felix
Jessie-Ann Fink
Jo Fitger
Debbie Forbes
Joan Ford
Sara Forest
Rinda Fransbergen
Julie Frester
Lauren Gaglardi
William Gale
Rita Galea
M. Jane Gallagher
Heidi Gallo
Lenora Gates
Richard Genovese
Thora Gigliotti
Naomi Gillespie
Ruth Gillies
Mark Golbey
Jeffrey Goldberg
Tammy Gordon
P. E. Granger
Robert Grieve
Garry Griffin
Gea Grzemski
Janet Haberfield
Louie Hachey
R. S. Hager
Bob & Colleen Haney
Dan Hardy
Elizabeth Harrison
Laurence Harrison
David Harvey
Gail Harvey
Wendy Hatanaka
Barbara Hershberg
Michael Heskin
Darcy Higgs
Nancy Hill
Sharyn Hiltz
Elaine Hodgson
Susan Hogler
Karen Holden
Myrna Holman
Douglas Holtby
Darlene Hubard
Rodney Hunt
David Hunter
36 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
Sam Isaacs
Barbara Jaako
Richard Jackson
Dave Johnston
Patrick Julian
Rebecca Kalamaka
Shay Keil
Mark Kierszenblat
John Kilburn
Doug Knight
Gail & Gordon Konantz
Mary Jean Kormendy
Nanubhai Kothary
Natasha Krotez
Trina Kuhn
Kissun Lal
R. Lamb
Craig Langdon
Kitty Lau
Suk Mei Grace Lau
Peter Leacock
Karen Lee
Teresa LePoidevin
Dave Lesack
Pat Leslie
Ken Leong
Marilyn Leung
Muriel Li
Thelma Lindsay
Wendy & Peter
Clive & Susan Lonsdale
Colin Lyons
Sharon Lyons
Melissa Macdougall
Tavis MacDougall
Helen MacGregor
Rod MacInnis
Jennifer MacKinnon
Janice Magnolo
Janine Martin
Shanna Mason
Gary McCarthy
Barbara McCrindle
Priscilla McDonald
Nora & Craig McDowall
Colin McGlinn
Donald McInnes
R. T. McQuillan
Andrew Merritt
Joy Message
Patrick Miki
Anne Miller
Don Millerd
Pat Mirenda
Kathleen Mitchell
Ena Montador
Cecile Montague
Michelle Mori
Ann Moskow
Carol Murphy
George Muskovich
Penny & Riccardo
Greg Neumann
Edmond Ng
Otto-Hans Nowak
Thura Nyo
Peggy O’Brien
Sylvia Olsen
Karen Ong
Clodagh O’Reilly
Lynn Ormandy
Susan O’Shaughnessy
Anthony Ostler
Kathy Ostrowercha
Nancy Owens
Monir & Naz Panahi
Olivia Panis
Louise Paton
Susan Penosky
Peter Pershick
Robert Pfiefer
Dianne Pickering
Janet Plant
Juan Plessis
Wayne Popowich
Martha Powell
Bob Powers
Brad Pruner
C. Pulles
Shafqat Rai
Siobhan Rea
Lois B. Reimer
Dennis Rithhaler
Donald Riva
Peter Roberts
Carol Robertson
B. A. Rogers
Sonya Russell
Noreen & Jim Rustad
Anne Ryan
Teresa Salema
Gary Schajer
Ruth Schalkowsky
Walter Schibli
Janet Schnieder
Heather Schroeter
Gregory Shand
Brianna Shandala
Dave & Jenneen
Blair Shier
Craig Shishido
Melody Shudo
R. M. Skea
Donna Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Paul Smith
Timothy Smith
Dan Sprinkling
Judy Stewart
Richard Strange
Pritam Sunger
Jacqueline Sutherland
Brad Swanson
Ian Talbot
Rahim Talib
Darlene Tavares
Doug Thompson
Geoffrey Thompson
Jim Thomson
Sandra Thomson
Vicki Tickle
Edward Topolniski
Don Turri
Lucy Turri
Kevin Tymchuk
Faith Uchida
Julie Urquhart
Bill Vance
Fatima Varga
Valerio Vendrasco
Richard Verbeek
& Family
Ron Voyer
Leanne Wall
Martin Ware
Peter Warkentin
Michelle Warner
Vicki Waters
Karen-Jane Weir
Cheryl Wheeler
Eileen Wheeler
Sheila Wild
Anne Wilson
Doug Wilson
Vilborg Wilson
Linda Wong
Joyce Wright
Lorene Yonemura
Jeanne Young
Eric Zaunscherb
2007/2008 Community Partners
200,000 +
10,000 - 24,999
Canada Safeway
BC Place Stadium - Vancouver
Canpar Transport Ltd.
Canaccord Capital
CKRV-FM - The River 97.5 FM Kamloops
CIBC (Head Office & BC)
Canada Safeway-Marpole Store
Country 107.1 - Abbotsford
Country Harvest
Canadian Cancer Society, BC &
Yukon Division
De Dutch Pannekoek House
Restaurant Inc.
Canadian Springs Water Company
Einai Designs
Diageo Canada Inc
Fondation Roses De L’Espoir
Novartis Oncology
CJKC Radio-Country 103 Kamloops
AGF Funds Inc
CIBC Wood Gundy
Anthem Properties
City of Kamloops
Argo Road Maintenance Ltd. Kamloops
City of Nanaimo
Aspreva Pharmaceuticals
Cloud Nine Photography - Kelowna
Coast (VI) Environmental Ltd.
Audio Image
Coast Capital Savings Credit Union
BC Hydro
Concert Properties
GlaxoSmithKline Inc.
Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable
Connor, Clark and Lunn Financial
Rogers’ Chocolates Ltd
Kamloops Daily News
Benson Edwards LLP
Cossette Communication Group
Teck Cominco Ltd.
Kelowna Professional Firefighters
Charitable Soc.
Blackcomb Minerals Inc.
Costco Wholesale - Vancouver
BMO Fountain of Hope
Country Club Centre - Nanaimo
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Davey Darby Foundation
Brandt Tractor Ltd - Kamloops
Davidson and Company LLP
Bridge of Hope Charitable
Foundation 2005
DDB Canada
Prince George Citizen
99.3 The Drive - Prince George
Provincial Employees Community
Services Fund
British Columbia Christian
Delta Firefighters Charitable
A-Channel - Victoria
Quality Greens Canada Ltd.
Blair Sportswear - Kelowna
Dennis Jahner Construction Ltd
Curves - BC Locations
Abbotsford - Mission Times
RBC Foundation
Bull, Housser & Tupper
Devan Greenhouses
Accenture Inc.
Rykon Group Holdings Inc.
Buzz’s Auto Body Ltd.
Diane’s Lingerie
Health Sciences Association of BC
Art Knapp Plantland Port Coquitlam
Shawnigan Lake School
Canada’s National Brewers,
Western Region Office
Empress Painting - Victoria
AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
The Daily News - Kamloops
Ford Motor Co.
Ganong Bros. Ltd
Global Television
New Balance
Province of British Columbia
Victoria Salmon Kings
5,000 - 9,999
Running Room Canada Incorporated
50,000 - 199,999
25,000 - 49,000
BC Lottery Corporation Women’s
Poker Classic/Cascades Casino
British Columbia Nurses’ Union
Cooper’s Foods
101.5 Silk FM -Kelowna
95.5 The Ocean - Victoria
BC Cancer Agency
British Columbia Teacher’s
Brooke N. Wade Charitable
Rogers Radio - 104.9 Clear FM,
96.9 Jack FM, News 1130
Calibrium International Ltd.
The Vancouver Sun
Chilliwack Times
Vincor Canada - Kelowna
CHNL 610 AM-Radio NL Kamloops
Nanaimo Daily News
Payless ShoeSource
PG TV - Prince George
The Daily Courier - Kelowna
Delta Exploration Inc.
Ernst & Young LLP
Essentials Department Store Inc.
The River 101.3 - Prince George
Carestream Health Canada
The Wave 102.3 FM - Nanaimo
Castle Milano Lady’s Wear Inc.
Exhibitree Display Services
Thrifty Foods
CFAX/KOOL FM - Victoria
Fort Nelson’s Women of Industry
1,000 - 4,999
CFB Esquimalt - Victoria
Forum National Investments
CFJC TV 7 - Kamloops
Fraser Valley Cresting Sportswear
- Abbotsford
100 Mile Angels
A-1 Septic Tank Service - Nanaimo
Aberdeen Mall - Kamloops
Actual Landscaping
Chachkas Designs Ltd.
Checo Tohomaso & the VOC Soul
Gospel Choir - Vancouver
Estate of Kay Ruane
Funks Food - Abbotsford
Gap Foundation Gift Match
Canadian Breast Cancer foundation BC/Yukon region | 37
Community Partners 2007/08
1,000 - 4,999 (continued)
Landmark Centre - Kelowna
Odlum Brown Ltd.
Great West Fitness - Abbotsford
Ledcor Industries Inc.
Office Depot - Kamloops
Hanson Foundation
Lee’s Music - Kamloops
Hayes Marine Services LTD
Life Mark Health Centre - Kelowna
Okanagan Skysign Inc. Kelowna
Health Care Benefit Trust
Lignum Investments
Helping Hands Club of the Workers Compensation Board
London Drugs
Heritage Park Secondary School
M Manoj Lovic Holdings Ltd
Hi-Rise Communications Vancouver
Malaspina Univerity - College
Hoffmann-La Roche
Long Lake Nurseries - Nanaimo
Manteo Resort
Royal Canadian Legion #595
Strathcona Branch, Nevada
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 88
Royal LePage Kelowna
UNBC - Prince George
Union Securities Ltd.
United Rentals - Nanaimo
United Way of Greater Victoria
Orex Ventures Inc.
Rutland Glass (1994) Ltd.
Orko Silver Corp.
Rutland Land Development Corp
Pace Group Inc.
Saanich Police
Pacific Blue Cross
Salem Contracting Ltd.
Pacific Network Services
W. J. Mouat Secondary School Abbotsford
Pacific Produce
Save-On-Foods - Kelowna
Wenito Enterprises Inc.
Panago - Abbotsford
Save-On-Foods - Prince George
Western Foods
United Way of the Fraser Valley
University of Victoria
Vancouver Foundation
House of Knives - Burnaby
Maximum Sports and
Entertainment Ltd.
Peachland Lions Club
Seaspan International Ltd.
Western Region Rentals - Victoria
HSBC Bank Canada
Maxxam Analytics Inc.
Pedersen’s Rentals - Vancouver
Singer Valve Inc.
Imperial Parking / Canadian
Metropolitan - Vancouver
Mayfair Shopping Centre Victoria
Penta Transport Ltd. - Nanaimo
Spectra Energy
Wiseworth Canada Ind. (1996) Ltd.
Mega Screen - Victoria
Pharmasave #232
Staples Business Depot Abbotsford
Women Zone Fitness & Aerobics Prince George
Mile High Mechanical Ltd.
Starbucks - Abbotsford
Intrawest Corporation
Miller Thomson LLP
World Gym Fitness Centre Kelowna
Ipsos-Reid Corporation
Monrose Investments Ltd.
Ironwood Dental Centre
Morguard Investments
Isfeld Ford - Abbotsford
MSA Ford - Abbotsford
Island Arc Exploration Corp.
Muncipality of Saanich
Island Displays - Victoria
Island Farms - Victoria
Kenan Enterprises
International Inc.
Kenna Enterprises Limited
Navasota Resources Ltd.
Key Imports - Abbotsford
Navy Maritime Forces Pacific Victoria
Keystone Music Inc.
Kodak Graphic Communications
Canada Company
Lakeside Investments Inc.
38 | ANNUAL REPORT 2007/2008
Philoptochos Society
Post Haus Pub, Inc.
Stryker Endoscopy
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Susan Eldridge and Joan P
PRT Okanagan - Armstrong
TD Waterhouse - Kelowna
Quality Foods - Nanaimo
The Flag Shop - Vancouver
Murchie’s Tea and Coffee Ltd.
Quality Greens Farm Market Kelowna
Myron Creative
Raymond James Ltd.
Nature’s Path Food Inc. Vancouver
Raymond Salons Ltd.
Nored Development Inc.
Oak Bay Police -Victoria
Reiter Marketing ASAP Direct Kamloops
The Pawpular Pooch Boutique Kelowna
The Plaza Heritage Hotel Kamloops
The Storeroom - Vancouver
Ric’s Grill - Prince George
The Urban Tea Merchant Ltd.
Robert L. Conconi Foundation
Thomas Haney Secondary School
Royal Canadian Legion Cresent
Branch 240
Times Colonist - Victoria
Tyro Industries Corp
Yablonski Enterprises
Community Fundraising Events
100,000 +
Nite of Hope - Richmond
50,000 - 99,999
Pamper Me Day in the Woods Prince George
Party in Pink - Lumby
Wine, Women & Woods - Vernon
Pink Ribbon Hockey - Vancouver
20,000 - 49,999
Trudy & Friends Memorial Golf
Tournament - Vancouver
Pauline Chan Dress Up Challenge
Pink Ribbon Charity Ball - Kamloops
Vernon Run for the Cure
Winners - March for Marjorie Coquitlam
Fool’s Open Golf - Victoria
Susan Eldridge & Joan Donaldson
Craft Sale
1,000 - 4,999
Barone’s Breast Cancer Bash - Surrey
BC Barrel Racers Association - Lumby
Chinese Varsity Club Event Vancouver
SFU CAC Dating Auction
canadian breast cancer
foundation, bc/yukon region
2007/2008 Board of Directors
SFU - Strike Out Breast Cancer Burnaby
Greg D’Avignon - Chair
Skateboard Art - Vancouver
Barb Jaako
Something for Mary
Jennifer Clarke
Peter Bourke Event
Joan Chambers
Think Pink Days at Len Wood Middle
School - Armstrong
Kathy McGarrigle
Push for the Cure - Hope to Vancouver
Row for the Cure - Kamloops
Think Pink - Victoria Fights With
Ledford Lilley
Lenora Gates
UBC - Chinese Collegiate Society
- Vancouver
Lorna Weir, MD
Falkland Stampede
Fro for Joe - Surrey Firefighters
Charitable Society
UBC - Women’s Basketball Vancouver
Moira Stilwell, MD
Hip Hop Show - Nanaimo
Gobi Desert - March for the Cure
Ice Mice Ladies Bonspeil - Peach Arch
Curling Club - Surrey
University College Fraser Valley
Basketball Tournament
Jazzercise - Victoria
Pret-A-Pour-Tea - Vancouver
Tsawwassen Friends for a Cure
Interior Provincial Exhibition &
Stampede - Tough Enough to
Wear Pink
It’s All About Women Conference Salmon Arm
Vancouver Orchid Festival
Jazzercise - Richmond
Wycliffe Exhibition Association Cranbrook
Ledgeview Golf & Country Club Abbotsford
Kate Labou’s Party - North Vancouver
Yard Sale for the Cure - BC
Sparkle and Shine Soiree Montecristo
Jewellers & Mikimoto (Amercia) Vancouver
Susan Ewanick
Jan Engemoen - Chief Executive Officer
Western Foods Bake Sale
Jazzercise - Langley
Megan Berg’s Head Shave - Vancouver
Marie Shepherd
Kinette Club - Port Alberni
Kiya Carruthers - Cut for a Cure Chilliwack
Lillooet Run for the Cure
Mission 4H Beef Club
NRCS INC Golf Tournament
Canadian Breast Cancer foundation BC/Yukon region | 39
300-1090 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 2N7
direct 604.683.2873
toll free 1.800.561.6111
fax 604.683.2860
Charitable Registration No. 12799 3608 RR0001
Privacy Statement The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF) respects your privacy. We never sell, trade, or loan your information to any other organization. We will use your information only for
follow-up contacts, statistical purposes, and to process and recognize your donations. We disclose your information only to our own employees and agents and only to accomplish this purpose. If at any
time you no longer wish to be contacted by CBCF, please call us at 1.800.561.6111 or email our privacy officer at and we will be happy to remove you from our lists.