SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY COMPUTER ENGINEERING STUDENT PLANNING WORKSHEET This worksheet centralizes information pertaining to your progress towards graduation, including contact information, course planning, and transfers. You should keep an updated copy of this worksheet in your folder in the engineering office. Privacy note: By law, all student information and grades are kept strictly confidential and are only accessed by authorized personnel of the School of Engineering. Student Information Student ID #: Male Female Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________ LAST FIRST MI Main address where official mail may be sent: ___________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ___________________________________________________________________________________ CITY __________________________ ______________ STATE ZIP (________)______________________ PHONE ______________________________________ E-MAIL Alternate address (i.e. work/parents): ___________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ___________________________________________________________________________________ CITY __________________________ ______________ STATE ZIP (________)______________________ PHONE ______________________________________ E-MAIL Term/Year entered SFSU: ____________________ Transfer Student? Term/Year you expect to graduate: ___________________ If yes, are your transfer credits evaluated? Graduation plan O.K.? Advising Information Advisor Name Approval Signature Term Year Comments Required Courses • • • • • 15 units of mathematics, 8 units of physics, 3 units of chemistry, 21 units of lower division engineering and computer science courses and 46 units of required upper division courses, 6 units of elective courses and 33 units of General Education courses (for Engineering Track) Course prerequisites are strictly enforced. Students not meeting the prerequisites can be administratively dropped. All required lower division courses must be passed before upper division courses can be taken Required Math and Science Lower Division Courses Course Number CHEM 180 Course Name Units Grade SFSU or Transfer Term Yr Prerequisite Chemistry for the Energy and the Environment 3 MATH 226 Calculus I 4 MATH 227 Calculus II 4 550 or above on Entry Level Math (ELM) exam or approved exemption, or MATH 70 and satisfactory score on chemistry placement exam. Successful completion of ELM requirement; MATH 109 or equivalent. MATH 226 MATH 228 MATH 245 Calculus III Elementary Differential Equations & Linear Algebra General Physics with Calculus I & Lab General Physics with Calculus II & Lab 4 3 MATH 227 MATH 228 4 High school physics or equivalent; MATH 226; PHYS 222♥; MATH 227♥ PHYS 220 and MATH 227; PHYS 232♥ PHYS 220/222 PHYS 230/232 4 = Course must have been passed with a grade of C or better Required Lower Division Courses for Computer Engineering ENGR Course Name ENGR 100 ENGR 121 Introduction to Engineering Gateway to Computer Engineering Electric Circuits Circuits and Instrumentation Lab Introduction to Computer Programming Introduction to Unix/Linux for Engineers Introduction to C Programming for Engineers Data Structures Discrete Mathematics ENGR 205 ENGR 206 CSC 210 ENGR 212 ENGR 213 CSC 220 CSC 230 Units Grade SFSU or Transfer Term Yr F,S 1 1 Prerequisite F,S High school algebra and trigonometry High school algebra and trigonometry 3 1 3 F,S F,S PHYS 230; MATH 245♥; ENGR 206♥ ENGR 205♥ 2 F,S Consent of instructor 3 S MATH 226 CSC 210, MATH 226, MATH 227♥ or CSC 210, MATH 226, MATH 227♥ or 3 3 Required Upper Division Courses for Computer Engineering ENGR Course Name ENGR 300 ENGR 301 Engineering Experimentation Electronics Laboratory ENGR 305 Units Grade SFSU or Transfer Term Yr Prerequisite 3 1 F, S F ENGR 205; ENGR 206; ENGLISH 214 ENGR 206; ENGR 353♥ Linear Systems Analysis 3 F, S ENGR 205; MATH 245 CSC 340 ENGR 353 ENGR 356 ENGR 357 Programming Methodology Microelectronics Digital Design Digital Design Laboratory 3 3 3 1 F, S F F, S F, S CSC 220, CSC 230, MATH 227 ENGR 205, 206, 301♥ ENGR 205 ENGR 356♥ ENGR 378 Digital Systems Design 3 F CSC 413 Software Development 3 F, S ENGR 451 Digital Signal Processing 4 S ENGR 305; ENGR 213 or ENGR 290 (Matlab) ENGR 456 Computer Systems 3 F ENGR 356; ENGR 213 or CSC 210 ENGR 476 3 S ENGR 356; ENGR 213 or CSC 210 ENGR 478 Computer Communication Networks Design with Microprocessors 4 S ENGR 696 Engineering Design Project I 1 F, S ENGR 356; ENGR 213 or CSC 210 Complete 21 upper division CompE units ENGR 697 Engineering Design Project II 2 F, S ENGR 696 ENGR 356 CSC 340 = Engineering Course must have been passed with a grade of C- or better, = CSC Course must have been passed with a grade of C or better ♥ = Course must either be completed or taken concurrently Elective Courses A minimum of 6 upper division elective units is required and must be completed at SFSU. Upper division courses must have been taken within five years of graduation. Students with GPA of 3.0 or better may take graduate courses from this list with approval from advisor or Program Head: ENGR 844, 848, 849,851, 852, 853, 854, 856,869. Elective Upper Division Courses for Computer Engineering ENGR Course Name ENGR 306 ENGR 350 ENGR 442 ENGR 446 ENGR 447 ENGR 449 ENGR 453 ENGR 454 ENGR 491 CSC 415 CSC 510 ENGR 610 CSC 620 CSC 630 CSC 635 CSC 640 CSC 642 CSC 645 CSC 650 CSC 665 CSC 667 CSC 668 Grade Electromechanical Systems Introduction to Engineering Electromagnetics Operational Amplifier Systems Design Control Systems Laboratory Control Systems Communications Digital Integrated Circuit Design High Speed Circuit Board Design Real-time Digital Signal Processing Operating Systems Principles Analysis of Algorithm I Engineering Cost Analysis Natural Language Technologies Computer Graphics System Design Software Techniques for Computer Music Software Engineering Human Computer Interaction Computer Networks Secured Networked Systems Artificial Intelligence Internet Application Design and Development Object Oriented Programming Units 3 3 3 1 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ENGR 8XX▪ Units Completed Minimum Required 6 SFSU or Transfer Term Yr Prerequisite F,S ENGR 205 MATH 245, PHYS 240 S S F,S F,S F S F F ENGR 305, ENGR 447♥ ENGR 305 ENGR 305 ENGR301, 353, 356 ENGR 353, ENGR 350 ENGR 213, ENGR 451 PHYS 230, 232, CSC 310, CSC 313, MATH 324 CSC 313, MATH 324, MATH 325 ENGR 103 OR ENGR 213 and Math 227 CSC 413 CSC313 , MATH 325 CSC 413 or consent of instructor CSC 413 or consent of instructor CSC 413 CSC 415 CSC 415 or consent of instructor CSC 413 CSC 415 or consent of instructor CSC 413, senior or graduate standing, or consent of instructor = Engineering Course must have been passed with a grade of C- or better = CSC Course must have been passed with a grade of C or better ♥ = Course could be taken concurrently Graduation Requirements Passed library requirement Completed GE Worksheet Program Planning Term Year Course Numbers Transferred Courses Students wishing to transfer Math, Science, Computer Science and Engineering courses from other educational institutions should complete this form and see the Program Head of Electrical Engineering in their first term of residence at SFSU. If you haven't done your transfer credit evaluation with the Program Head, you may not be able to enroll in courses with prerequisites, so do it now! • Students transferring lower division courses from other schools in California only need bring a copy of their DARS and/or transcripts (official or unofficial) and this form. • Transfers of upper division courses and transfers from out-of-state institutions are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Students wishing to make such transfers should bring a copy of the Advanced Standing Evaluation (ASE) from SFSU, as well as all relevant supporting material, including course syllabi, books, notes, etc. Students must complete at least 30 units of coursework at SFSU, including 24 units of upper division courses. Twelve units (upper or lower division) must be in the Electrical Engineering major. Nine units must be Segment III GE. Course Number CHEM 115 or CHEM 180 MATH 226 Course Name General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chem. Calculus I MATH 227 Calculus II MATH 228 MATH 245 Calculus III Elementary Differential Equations & Linear Algebra General Physics with Calculus I & Lab General Physics with Calculus II & Lab General Physics with Calculus III & Lab Introduction to Engineering PHYS 220/222 PHYS 230/232 PHYS 240/242 ENGR 100 ENGR 121 ENGR 205 Gateway to Computer Engineering Electric Circuits ENGR 206 Circuits and Instrumentation ENGR 212 CSC 220 Introduction to Unix/Linux for Engineers Introduction to C Programming for Engineers Introduction to Computer Programming Data Structures CSC 230 Discrete Mathematics ENGR 213 CSC 210 Institution Course Units† Term/Year Grade Approval † Express as semester units. Each quarter unit = 2/3 semester units Examined by: ___________________________ Signed: _____________________________ Date: ______________ January 27, 2016