CST STUDIO SUITE™ 2006B Application Note RFID Simulation Overview Operating Principles Inductive Coupling Microwave Coupling Matching of RFID Tags Summary 1 twi / v1.0 / 09. Nov 2006 www.cst.com Overview Radio Frequency IDentification • Fundamental tool for Automatic Identification: authentication, ticketing, access control, supply management, parking, payment, vending, surveillance • Advantages: – – – – 2 Contains more information than e.g. Barcodes Can be read/write Contactless ID (in contrast to phone or bank cards) May become cheap mass product (e.g. in supermarkets) www.cst.com General Principle Data Reader RFID tag Energy Typical characteristics of RFID: • • • • • 3 Tag is a passive device, energy is transmitted from reader Distance mm to 10m (typically ~20 cm) Contains silicon chip, can be read only or read/write Responds with modulated signal Mostly printed (planar) structures www.cst.com Frequencies 4 125/134 kHz Animal identification, industrial applications, very robust, low data transmisstion (64 bit) 7.4 - 8.8 MHz Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) 13.56 MHz "Smart Labels" widely used for product/article ID 868 - 928 MHz Several applications 2.4 GHz Vehicle identification, electronic toll collection 5.8 GHz electronic toll collection in Europe www.cst.com Operating Principles • Inductive Coupling (125 kHz – 15 MHz) – Very small dimensions compared to λ – Coupling only through magnetic field – Tag typically a planar coil • Microwave Coupling (868 MHz – 5.8 GHz) – typically a regular antenna (e.g. planar folded dipole) – Matching network important to keep antenna small 5 www.cst.com Inductive Coupling RFID tags are mostly planar coils with small dimensions compared to λ Hexahedral or tetrahedral F-Solver are typically most suited. Example for 13.56 MHz At 13.56 MHz Measurement: (7.15 + 398i) Ω Simulation: (7.0 + 334i) Ω Measurement CST MWS simulation Imaginary part of impedance Curves are overlying each other, excellent agreement! 6 www.cst.com with courtesy and permission of Legic Identsystems AG Microwave Coupling 900 MHz RFID Tag Antenna Simulation of the planar structure with a standard 50 Ω port www.alientechnology.com/products/rfid_tags.php Mesh view 7 www.cst.com 900 MHz RFID Tag Antenna 50 Ω Wrong resonance frequency, low coupling Antenna is poorly matched 8 Non-resonant simulation, 3 min sim. time www.cst.com Matching Procedure Matching impedance: 1.55 Ω Lumped Capacitance for shifting the resonance frequency: Z_im = 89.5i Ω L = 15.8 nH (or: L from „Template Based Postprocessing“) C= 1 Lω 2 = 1.96 pF (or: Macros -> Calculate -> Calculate L-C-fres) 9 www.cst.com Matching in CST DESIGN STUDIO™ 1.5 Ω Simulation run in CST DESIGN STUDIOTM: 5 sec. Resonance frequency correct (900 MHz), excellent matching (-30 dB) 10 www.cst.com Alternative Approach Inclusion of lumped element in CST MWS simulation 1.5 Ω 1.96 pF Excellent agreement between matching in Design Studio and matching in CST MWS CST DS approach is 7 times faster 11 Resonant simulation, 20 min sim. time www.cst.com Field Monitors With lumped element included in CST MWS all field monitors are available Current Density Electric Field Farfield Dipole field 12 www.cst.com Test under Realistic Surroundings RFID tag in front of metal can 13 RFID tag in front of water bottles www.cst.com Field Distortion by PEC-Cans Unsymmetric fields Second resonance 14 poorer matching www.cst.com Summary • RFID is a general concept using different technical principals • CST complete technology approach offers best solution for each case – Frequency Domain / CST EMS for coil type – Transient Simulator for microwave type • Tags often contain lumped elements – Possible in both CST MWS or CST DS – CST DS typically more efficient 15 www.cst.com