Section I I: Prc- War Cemeteries Section 11. Pre-War Cemeteries And Graves In The Care Of The Commission. This section is concerned with pre-First World War cemeteries, formerly the responsibility of the Oftice of Works, British consuls, and local committees of British residents, which the Commission took over. 977 WG 1500 Taking Over P r e w a r Cemeteries From HM Office Of Works - General File. 14 June 1923 5 Feb. 1958 Main topics: proposal from Ot'fiice of Works that Commission take responsibility for cemeteries; histories of cemeteries maintained by Office of Works; terms on which Commission should take over pre-war cemeteries, and scope of its responsibilities; new arrangements for payment of caretakers and of cemetery expenses; revision of payments, and payment of arrears, after World War 2. Including: Letter from Sir I Maxse re care of pre-war Middlesex Regt. (57th Foot) graves, 18 July 1931. Envelope wntaining mounted photograph of graves at Canton, with letter, 5 Feb. 1958. 978 WG 1500/1/17 Pre-War Cemetery - Candia Cemelery, Island Of Crete. 29 May 1922 19 Oct. 1945 Main topics: restoration of damaged Ri tle Brigade graves in cemetery; responsibility of Greek church for maintenance of cemetery; work of British vice-consul in connection with cemetery. Including: Correspondence with Rifle Brigade Club re maintenance of graves at Candia. Envelope containing plan of cemetery, envelope containing 12 photographs of gravestones, and list of graves, with letter, 17 June 1931, Later re burial of German consul at Candia in British cemetery, 19 Sep. 1934. Letter re planned memorial ceremony for British soldiers killed in 1898, 9 Oct 1934. Letter from Royal Welch Fusiliers re regimental graves at Ciindiii, 22 May 1938. 979 WG 1500/1/19 Pt. l P r e w a r Cemeteries Cenielery . - Cathcart's Hill Crimean 13 Feb. 1924 15 May 1928 Main topics: payments to Russians for maintenance work at cemetery; appointment of superintendent to care for cemetery; assessment of gratuity due to superintendent for maintenance of cemetery during Revolution period; repairs to cemetery buildings and enclosure; resignation and replacement of superintendent protection of Lord Raglan's grave; arrangements for payment of staff at cemetery; arrests of superintendent and former superintendent by Soviet authorities; reports and accounts re maintenance work from superintendent; equipment and trade union payments for staff at the cemetery. Including: Summary of papers in Oftice of Works tiles 150015 (a)-(0. Envelope containing plan drawings of buildings, with estimates for repairs, 15 Aug. 1925. Photographs of buildings (in envelope), sketch plans of cemetery and drawings of monuments, with report of visit, 3 Dec. 1925. Letter referring to Russian custodian of Titlis British cemetery, 7 Sep. 1927. Further material relating to this cemetery is in cat. nos. 361, 363. 980 WG 150011119 Pt.2 Pre-War Cemeteries Cemetery. - Cathwrt's Hill Crimean 27 June 1928 26 Nov. 1931 Main topics: reports and accounts re maintenance work from superintendent; request to pay pension to gardener's widow; attempt by local authority to expropriate part of the cemetery and buildings; cost of living and materials in Soviet Union, increases in salaries, and Treasury approval for expenditure; numbers of visitors to the cemetery. Including: Envelope containing photographs of cemetery and building, with report of visit by member of Norwegian Legation at Moscow, 3 Oct. 1928. Foreign Oftice memorandum re original acquisition, concentration and tenure of Crimean cemeteries, 8 Nov. 1928. 981 WG 150011119 Pt.3 - Pre-War Cemeteries Cathart's Hill Crirnean Cemetery. 21 Jan. 1932 6 Nov. 1934 Main topics: reports and accounts re maintenance work from superintendent; robberies and security of cemetery; price rises, food shortage and payments to Russian staff in sterling; method for making up accounts in two currencies; repair work to cemetery buildings, horticulhrre and maintenance of monuments. Including: Letter referring to payment of Russian custodian of Tiflis British cemetery, 15 May 1932. Sketches of headstones to two Crimean War nurses, with notes on condition and letter, 9 Oct. 1932. Extracts from unidentified Oftice of Works files re boundaries of and water supply at Cathcart's Hill cemetery, 1902 - 1909. 982 WG 150011119 Pt.4 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Cathcart's Hill Crimean Cemetery. 31 DK. 1934 14 June 1967 Main topics: reports and accoimts re maintenance work from superintendent; difficulties in obtaining supplies and exchanging correncies; arrangements for repair of other British monuments in the Crimea; visitors to the cemetery; complaints about payment of wages by Scetioa 11: Pm-War Cemeteries cemetery worker; arrest of superintendent by Soviet authorities, and arrangements for his replacement; destruction of cemetery and impossibility of restoring it. Including: Table of visitors to cemetery since 1929, with report, 4 Feb. 1935. Report from British Embassy, Moscow, re inspection of cemetery, with letter, 15 June 1935. Letter from caretaker re deslruclion of cemetery. 6 Aug. 1944. 983 WG 15001111911 Pre-War Cemeteries - Cathcart's Hill Crimwn Cemetery - Drawings. 27 Feb. 1929 19 Dec. 1933 Contains (in envelopes, undated): Ink and waterclour drawing of wind-pump water supply system for cemetery, with estimate, in German. Incomplete pencil drawing plan of layout of memorials in cemaery Ink drawings of monuments in the cemetery. Coloured ink drawing plan of cemetery buildings, with Russian text. Most drawings pre-date the period covered by the file, some ace presumably late 19th century. 984 WG 150011 I 1912 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Cathart's Hill Crimean Cemetery Memorials Tu 57th Regiment. - 19 Apr. 1929 28 Jan. 1930 Main topics: renewal of inscriptions on monument, and obtaining correct wording; proposal for Middlesex Regiment to provide funds to rebuild monument. 985 WG 150011/19/3 - Pre-War Cemeteries Cathart's Hill Crimean Cemetery - Memorials To 19th Regiment. 31 Dec. 1928 28 Jan. 1930 Main topics: renewal of inscriptions on monument at expense of Green Howards; reports from cemetery superintendant on his work. 986 WG 1500/1/1914 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Cathart's Hill Crimean Cemetery - Photographs. 1 1 July 1929 20 July 1929 Main topic: gift to Commission of old photographs of Crimean memorials. 987 WG 150011 / 1915 Pt. l - Pre-War Cemeteries Cathurt's Hill Crimean Cemetery - Russian Documents And Spare Translations. 1928 - 1937 File of MS. lists of inscriptions, with sketches of memorials, and coloured ink drawing of memorial structure with TS. translation of statement. Refers to repair expenses. - 988 WG 1500/1/19/5 Pt.2 - P r e w a r Cemeteries Cathart's Hill Crimean Cemdery Russian Documents And Spare Translations. - 31 Mar. 1935 30 Sep. 1937 File of MS. and TS. correspondence, reports and statements of account, with TS. translations of statements only. 989 W G l5OO/l/ 1916 Pre-War Crimean Obelisks. 10 June 1935 17 Nov. 1937 Main topics: condition of Redan, Balaclava and Inkermann British memorials, and proposals for their repair from cemetery superintendent at Cathcart's Hill; repair of Balaclava monument by collective farm; possibility that Russian army might undertake repairs. 990 WG 1500/1/21 Pre-Wur Cemeteries - Ceripo. 26 Sep. 1924 15 Sep. 1955 Main topics: appointment of custodian; dilapidated condition of cemetery; construction of vault to contain all British graves and memorial tablets; discussions of construction of vault; granting of site for vault in Orthodox cemetery, in return for gift of British cemetery site to local authority. Including: Envelope containing 3 photographs of Armistice ceremonies in cemeteries at Sotia and Lembet, 1933. Notes on British cemaeries in rh Ionian Islands, March - April 1933, and 2 Sep. 1954. Pencil and ink drawings of vault design, with letter, 2 Jan. 1934. Envelope containing photographs of vault and site plan, with repon of construction, 26 Sep. 1935. 991 WG 1500/1/26 - Pre-War Cemeteries BritishProteslant Cemetery, Corunna. 21 Mar. 1935 26 Mar. 1935 Main topics: information from Oftice of Works file 1500/1/25 re condition of this cemetery, containing graves of Gordon Highlanders, and of Sir John Moore's tomb. 992 WG 150011/36 - P r e w a r Cemeteries lthaca Pre-War Cemetery. 20 Oct. 1925 2 Sep. 1954 Main topics: maintenance of cemetery; fraudulent conduct of custodian; abolition of cemetery and removal of remains to Corfu. Including: Memorandum re earlier reports on cemetery, 1899-1908, Envelope containing blueprint plan ol' cemetery site, 10 Aug. 1927. Secfiotr I I: Re- War Cemeteries Photocopy of ofiicial document re British cemeteries in Ionian islands, 1863, with letter, 8 Dec. 1953. File also contains references to maintenance of cemeteries at Zante, Cephalonia and Corh. 993 WG 150011141 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Lissa Cemetery. 7 June 1922 31 July 1933 Main topics: condition, ownership and future maintenance of cemetery established by Royal Navy containing British naval graves, tomb of Hon. C. Anson, and Austrian soldiers; offer by local authority 10 sell cemetery to Britain for nominal sum. including copies of documents re condition and maintenance of cemeteries, 1877-1878, with letter, 12 July 1922. 994 WG 150011I46 - P r e w a r Cemeteries Madrid Cemetery. 6 Jan. 1925 2 Feb. 1925 Main topic: proposal to give up some cemetery land for construction of public thoroughfare. Including letter re Treasury policy on financial support for British cemeteries overseas, 26 Jan. 1925. 995 WG 1 50011/48 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Messinil Cemetery. 12 Oct. 1924 23 Oct. 1924 Main topic: enquiry from British resident in Sicily if government funds might be available for maintenance of cemetery. 996 WG 1500/1/61 Pt. l - P r e w a r Cemeteries Anglo-French Cemetery, Phaleron, Athens. 18 Mar. 1924 26 June 1964 Main topics: repairs required to cemetery; proposals that Commission should take over maintenance of it, or that graves should be moved; validity of title to the land; presence of rope factory on cemetery site; discussions with French government on future of cemetery; proposals to sell site; use and maintenance of cemetery by British army after World War 2; proposal to remove graves to Phaleron War Cemetery. Including: Extracts from Oftice of Works reports re cemetery, 1914-1924, with letter, 21 Apr. 1928. Sketch plan of cemetery, with letter, 27 July 1928. Memorandum from Foreign Oftice re history of cemetery, with letter, 10 Nov. 1928. Photographs of dalnaged headstones and memorials, with letter, 13 July 1962. 997 WG 150011161 Pr.2 Pre-War Cemeteries - AngleFrench Cemetery, Phaleron, At hem. 3 Sep. 1964 9 May 1968 Main topics: removal of some graves and memorial to Phaleron War Cemetery; agreement with Greek government re removal of graves and gift of site; choice of appropriate form for commemoration of those originally buried in Crimean war cemetery at its new site; wording of inscriptions at new site. Including: Envelopes containing plan showing sites for monuments removed to Phaleron War Cemetery, with letters, 18 Feb. 1965 and 27 Feb. 1967. Envelope containing photographs of tombstones, with letter, 3 Feb. 1968. OftTcial text of exchange of notes with Greece, June 1966. 998 WG 1500/1/61 Pt.3 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Graves Of Crimean War Pha term War Cemelery, At hens. 19 Mar. 1969 20 May 1969 Main topics: notification that work of removing graves had been completed. 999 WC 150011173 - Pre-War Cemeteries Haidar Pasha, Sculari. 1 Feb. 1924 - 15 Apr. 1925 Main topics: transfer of responsibility for maintenance of Haidar Pasha cemetery to Commission from committee of local residence; financial arrangements for maintenance, and appointment of caretaker, Including: Summary of documents re Haidar Pasha and Ferekeui cemeteries from Oftice of Works file 150011173. Minutes of meetings of Scutari cemetery committee, 19 Aug. 1924 and 14 Jan. 1925 1000 WG I50011 174 - Pre-War Cemeteries Crimean Memorial And British Protestan t Cemetery, Smyrna. 7 July 1927 3 Sep. 1935 Main topics: history of memorial and proposal to repair it; local authority's demand that cemetery should be closed; consideration of site to which graves and memorial could be moved. 1001 WG 150011175 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Suukim Cemetery, Sudan. 25 Jan. 1924 15 Nov. 1924 Main topic: arrangement for Sudan government to take over maintenance of international Christian cemetery containing British military graves. Section I I: Pre- Wur Cemeteries 1002 WG 150011181 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Tinghai Cemetery, China. 21 Oct. 1924 10 May 1950 Main topics: payments for maintenance of cemetery by Roman Catholic nuns; re-establishment of arrangements for maintenance of cemeteries through British consuls after World War 2 and revolution. 1003 WG 1500/ 1182 - Pre-War Cemeteries Tripoli British Protestant Cemetery, North Africa. 17 Oct. 1925 25 Oct. 1950 Main topic: request from consul for tinancial support for cemetery. Including: Letter referring to Foreign Offrce policy re British cemeteria in late 19th century, 17 Oct. 1925. Also some correspondence referring to Tripoli, Lebanon. 1004 WG 150011188 Pre-War Cemeteries - Zan te. 12 Mar. 1924 18 July 1957 - Main topics: arrangements fbr maintenance of cemeteries; concentration of graves from 2 cemeteries into a third, and presentation of former cemetery sites to local authority; discussions re rehabilitation of cemetery afier earthquake. Including: Envelope containing sketch plans of 3 cemeteries at Zante, with letter, l I Feb. 1928. Envelope containing photographs of tomb constructed from remains of concentrated graves, and earlier English tombs dating back to 17th century, with letter, 8 Mar. 1932. 1005 WG 150011/89 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Santa Maura, 26 Sep. 1924 2 Sep. 1954 Main topics: condilion of cemetery and maintenance arrangement; decay of cemetery and commemoration of those buried in it at Corfu. Including sketch plan of cemetery, with report, 28 Apr. 1928. 1006 WG 150011/90 - Pre-War Cemeteries Bloemfontein. 22 Oct. 1924 File containing press cutting referring to Canadian memorial to dead of Boer War. 1007 WG 1500/1/91 Pre-War Cemeteries - Takao Cemetery. 17 Dec. 1924 19 Apr. 1926 Main topic: request for financial support for cemetery in Formosa, and reports of British consular property sold to Japanese government. 1008 WG 1500/1/92 Pre-War Cemeteries Boulair. - Graves At Erdek And I Oct. 1926 14 Sep. 1931 Main topics: maintenance and restoration of British graves in cemeteries in Turkey, including monument to Christian missionary H. Martyn; desecration of Royal Navy burial plot, and removal of demolished monument and graves to Haidar Pasha cemetery. Including memorandum re concern of British diplomats with graves of Crimean war dead in late 19th century, with letter from Foreign Oftice, 4 Oct. 1927. Erdek is also known as Artaki. 1009 WG 1 5 0 11194 Pre-War Cemeteries - Dhala Military Cemelery, Aden. 4 Aug. 1937 17 Nov. 1937 Main topic: request from Governor for assistance in restoring dilapidated military cemetery. 1010 WG 150011195 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Menlorial T o 541h Foot, Shirley Heights, An tigua. 1 Nov. 1937 22 Nov. 1937 Main topic: enquiry whaher Commission were responsible for the memorial. 1011 WG 150011196 Pre-War Cemeteries - Biarritz And Toulouse. 2 8 July 1938 1 l Aug. 1938 Main topics: descriptions of Napoleonic war tombs and monuments in the region; wreath laying ceremony by French reserve officers at British graves of Napoleonic war. 1012 WG 150012 Pre-War Cenleteries - Spain - San Sebastian (Monte Urgull). 2 5 Jan. 192 1 6 Sep. f952 Main topics: condition of military cemetery and description of monuments from Napoleonic and later wars; restoration and re-dedication; ownership o f cemetery; subsequent decay and repairs by local authority. lncluding: Envelope containing photographs of plaque to unknown dead, with letter, 17 Jan. 1929. Envelope containing photographs of cemetery site, various memorials? and postcard, with letter and copies of papers, 3 Nov. 1934, 1013 WG 1500/2/1 Pre-War Cemeteries - Passajes, San Juan, Spain. 2 June 1924 3 Feb. 1931 Main topic: discovery of dilapidated cemetery and proposal to restore it. lncluding envelope containing photographs. 1014 WG 1501 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Taking Over From Admiralty. 15 Feb. 1923 7 Jan. 1954 Main topics: discussion of policy re take-over of naval graves, and descriptions of some cemeteries and isolated graves. Section I I: Pre- Wur Cemeteries 1015 WG 150111 P r e w a r Cemetery Mina (Tripoli). - 'Victoria' Naval Cemelery, El 16 Sep. 1926 8 June 1953 - Main topics: request that Commission take over cemetery from Admiralty; Anglo-French wreath-laying ceremony; re-use of cemetery during World War 2. 1016 WG 1501/1/1 P r e w a r Cemeteries Tmngsund. - Naval War Grave, 5 May 1925 l1 June 1925 Main topic: description of grave of midshipman killed in action in 1855. Including envelope containing photographs of grave, with letter, 5 May 1925. 1017 WG 1502 Pre-War Cemeteries - Taking Over From War Office. 26 Oct. 1934 23 Apr. 1937 Main topic: enquiry re pre-war grave in Aden; complaint re road widening scheme in London disturbing military graves. 1018 WG 150211 Pre-War Cemeteries - Taking Over From Wur Office - Assiut British Cemetery. 7 July 1927 16 Apr. 1928 Main topics: request for financial support for American committee caring for cemetery; War Oftice responsibilities for cemeteries in Egypt. Including letter from Sir L. Earle to F. Ware re exhibition of paintings by Ware's son, with reply, 15 and 17 Feb. 1928. 1019 WG 1503 Pre-War Cemeteries - Japan - General File. 20 Mar. 1925 28 July 1925 Main topic: proposal to concentrate dilapidated British graves at Yokohama into a vault and erect a monument. 1020 WG 150411 - South Africa Boer War Graves Northumberland Fusiliers. - 8 June 1928 4 Nov. 1929 Main topic: enquiry re memorials erected by regiment in South Africa, and repairs to them. Including letter mentioning Australian and New Zealand concern re memorials in South Africa, 8 Oct. 1928. 1021 WG 150412 - South Africa - Boer War Graves Suffolk Regiment . 2 Mar. 1927 16 Nov. 1929 Main topics: complaint re condition of memorial and graves at Colesberg maintenance of Boer War graves; work of South African voluntary organisations concerned with military graves of pre-First World War period. - 1022 WG 150413 - P r e w a r Graves Keiskama Hoek. 14 Aug. 1929 3 Oct. 1929 - Main topic: concern of local branch of Toc H with British military graves of the 1850s and 60s. 1023 WG 1505 - P r e w a r Graves USA. 2 5 Jan. 1927 2 2 Apr. 1940 Main topics: proposals from US citizens to commemorate graves of British service personnel dating from 17th to 19th centuries; bequest of burial ground of British troops at Lexington to British government, and attendant legal problems; enquiry re possible sources of support for restoring tomb of officer died in 1692. 1024 W C 1506 P r e w a r Graves - Irish Free State. 27 Apr. 1929 3 July 1939 Main topic: condition of graves of Black Watch at Limerick, dating from 1890s. See also cat. no. 222-6. 1025 W C 1507 P r e w a r Graves In HoIlund (Bergen Op Zoom). 2 0 Sep. 1937 21 Feb. 1938 Main topic: maintenance of memorials to British dead of Napoleonic War. 1026 W C 1508 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Erilrea. 2 3 May 1944 4 Oct. 1948 Main topics: condition of cemetery containing bodies from Lord Napier's expedition to Abyssinia; replacement of cemetery with commemorative cairn. Including 2 envelopes containing photographs and tracing of site plan. 1027 Add 1/1/92 P r e w a r Cemeteries - Miscelluneous Notes. c. 1934 - 1937 Main topics: schedules of non-war British cemeteries abroad (mainly in Greece, Turkey and Egypt) maintained by the Commission, with details of history, location and other matters relating to them. Nore: for reference to pre-war graves at Shanghai, see cat. no. 477. Sectwa 12: Comntirswners, A r l i r ~ ~Advkers , Section 12. Commissioners, Artists And Advisers. Items in this section mainly concern the appointmen~s, terms of service and expenses of the individuals named, but some are working files. These items will only be produced at the discretion of the Director of Personnel. 1028 SDC 13 Chairmen. 18 Feb. 1921 1 1 May 1942 Including: Letters to and from W. Churchill re his period as Chairman, 18 and 21 Feb. 192 1. Letters from T . Shaw, Lord Hailsham, A. Duff Cooper, L. Hore Belisha, Charles d e Gaulle. 1029 WG 4 Sir Robert Wigham. 3 Apr. 1925 2 Mar. 1928 Refers to appointment of W igham as a member nf the Commission. Including copies of draft of royal warrant of appointment, and obituary of Wigham, Ernes, 30 June 1950. Wigham was appointed ex-officio as Adjutant General. Correspondence also discusses appointment of his successor as AG, Sir W. Braithwaire, in same capacity. 1030 WG 1011 M r Harry Gosling. 11 June 1930 21 May 1931 Main topics: death of Gosling, and inscription o n memorial tablet to him. Including: Copy of letter from C. Attlee to F. Ware re hospital treatment for Gosling, I I June 1930. Letter from Ware to E. Bevin re Commission's resolurion of sympathy, 13 Nov. 1930. Letter from Mrs Gosling to Ware asking for help re inscription, 1 3 May 1931. Letter from R, Kipling re inscription, 19 May 1931. File subsequently re-numbered COMI 11 I . 31 Oct. 1930 16 Dec. 1965 Main topics: choice of Commissioner to replace H. Gosling; appoinlrnent of Lawson as Commissioner; appointment as Secretary of State for War and ex officio chairman; obituary. Including: Letter from J. Ramsay MacDonald re appointment of Commissioner, 3 1 Oct. 1930. Later from C. Attlee recommending two candidates, 1 Nov. 1930. Letter from F. Ware to Attlee re proposal service at opening of Imperial Conference, and poem by R. Kipling, 3 Nov. 1930. Letter from Kipling approving appointment of Lawson, 20 May 1931. Note by Ware of conversation with Lawson, mentioning discussion of repatriation of bodies of World War 2 dead, 30 Aug. 1945. File subsequently re-numbered COM1112. 1032 WG 1013 Sir A. Montgomery-Massingberd. 8 Apr. 1931 23 Oct. 1947 Main topics: appointment as Commissioner (in capacity as Adjutant-General); obituaries. File subsequently re-numbered COM1113. 1033 WG 1015 Genl. Sir Cecil F. Ronler. 7 Apr. 1933 1 Feb. 1935 File containing 2 TS. letters and cupy of royal warrant. Main topics: appointment and resignation as Commissioner. File subsequently re-numbered COMI 115. 1034 WG 1016 Lt. Genl. Sir H.H. Knox. 3 July 1934 19 Feb. 1938 Main topics: appointment as Commissioner; army appointments. File subsequently re-numbered COM1116. 1035 WG 101711 Nonliniltion Of President Of IWGC - HRH The Duke Of Gloucester. 22 Dec. 1936 27 May 1977 Main topics: appointment of Duke to succeed Duke of Yorkon latter's accession to throne; continuation of his oftice as President while Governor-General of Auslralia; resolutions of appreciation by Commissioners Including: Memorandum re procedure followed in appointing Duke of York as President, with letter, 22 Dec. 1936. Obituary of Sir M. Hawkins, private secretary to Duke, 27 May 1977 Envelope containing copies of Colnmission resolution and tribute to Duke. File subsequently re-numbered COMllI7l 1 - Scc/iorr 12: Commivsiorren., AriirLs, Advisers 1036 WG 1018 l 8 Feb. 1936 15 Jan. 1948 Lord Bitldwir~. - Main topics: proposal to appoint Baldwin to take R. Kipling's place as Commissioner; approval of Dominion High Commissioners; appointment of Baldwin, and of E. Blunden as adviser; Baldwin's resignation as Commissioner and replacement by Lord Wigram; obituaries. Ir~cludingletter from F. Ware to Baldwin, 27 Feb. 1936. File subsequently re-numbered COM1118. 1037 SDC 16 Possibly 1937 1945 Letters From Commissioners. - File containing 2 undated letters from J.J.Lawson and S. Baldwin. Refers to appointment and resignation of S. Baldwin as Cornmissioner. Documents taken from file COM 118. 1038 WG 10110 I5 June 1938 1 June 1939 Lt. Genl. C.G. Liddell. Main topics: appointment as Commissioner in capacity as Adjutant-General. File subsequently re-numbered COMI I/ 10. 1039 WG 10111 Main topics: appointment; reports on visits to cemeteries in =tern resignation and replacement. File subsequently re-numbered COMIII I I. 1040 WG 10112 l June 1938 26 Sep. 1952 Adml. Sir W .A. Howard Kelly. Mediterranean area; Maj. Genl. Sir Johr~Kennedy. 7 Nov. 1938 16 Sep. 1948 Main topics: proposal for Kennedy to be a representative of the Red Cross U a Commissioner to replace Lord Stanley; resignation and obituary. File subsequently re-numbered COM11112. 1041 WG 10113 Sir Roberl Cordon-Finlayson. 1 June 1939 2 3 July 1956 Main topics: appointments as Commissioner in capacity as Adjutant-General and subsequently in personal capacity; resignation, File subsequently re-numbered COM11113. 9 June 194-0 17 May 1941 Main topic: appointment as Commissioner in capacity as Adjutant-General. File subsequently re-numbered COMI 1114. 1043 WG 10115 - Air Ministry Representative Air Marshal Sir William Mitchell. 12 Feb. 1941 4 Jan. 1945 Main topics: appointment as Commissioner; death. File subsequently re-numbered COM11115. 1044 WG 10116 Lt. Genl. Sir Ronslld Adani. 19 May 1941 1 1 Sep. 1946 Main topics: appointment as Commissioner in capacity as Adjutant-General; resignation. File subsequently re-numbered COM11116. 1045 WG 10118 Coloninl Office Representative On IWGC. 24 June 1942 31 July 1975 Main topics: attendance of representatives of Colonial Oftice at Commission meetings; replacement of Colonial Ofice by Commonwealth Relations Ofiice, and end of representation on Commission; relations with Dependent Territories Division of Commonwealth Relations Ofiice, and subsequently the Consular Department, Foreign Oftice. Including letter from F. ware to Colonial Oftice re importance of Ministers and Dominion High Commissioners themselves attending Commission meetings, 30 Dec. 1949. File subsequently re-numbered COMII 118. Also contains correspondence re possibility of Foreign Oft'ice having repraentation on Commission, and changes in position of other ministries, 28 Aug. 1984 - 2 Apr. 1985. 1046 WG 10119 Genl. Sir Walter Venning. 20 July 1942 12 Oct. 1942 Main topic: appointment as Commissioner, and revocation due to posting abroad. Including lelter from F. Ware mentioning S. Baldwin's position as a Commissioner, 21 Sep. 1942. File subsequently re-numbered COM11119. 1047 WG 10120 Adml. Sir Marlin Dunbar-Nasmilh. 27 Feb. 1942 16 Dec. 1965 Main topics: appointment as substitute representative of Admiralty, and subsequently as Commissioner in his own right; tenure of ofice as Vice-chairman; resignation a$ Vice-chairman, and letters of appreciation; resignation as Commissioner; obituary. File subsequently re-numbered COMI 1/20. 1048 WG 10121 Sir John Shute, 15 Dw. l942 20 Oct. 1948 Main topics: appointment as Commissioner; obituaries. Including lener from F. Ware re possibility of discussion of post-World War 2 war graves policy in Parliament, 28 Apr. 1944. File subsequently re-numbered COM1112 1 . 1049 WG 29 Sir R.A.Hudson. 27 Sep. 1920 10 Feb. 1928 Main topics: appointment to Commission; attendance at meetings. Including press cutting and letter re British War Graves Association, 1 and 11 Dec. 1922. Hudson was formerly Chairman of joint Finance Commirtee of Red Cross and Order of St John. File also contains correspondence re Hudson, 3-8 June 1980. 21 Dec. 1923 14 July 1960 Main topics: enquires about Kipling's work with Commission; composition or approval of inscriptions (epitaphs); involvement in Freemasonry; French official tributes to R. Kipling and son (Lieut. 1. Kipling); R. Kipling hneral service at Westminster Abbey. Including envelopes containing press obituaries of R. Kipling and cuttings and photographs re French tribute to J. Kipling at Loos. 1051 WG 118913 Gibraltar - Mr Kipling's Visit. 8 Mar. 1922 - 30 Mar. 1922 Main topics: suggestions that R. Kipling might inspect potential memorial sites at Gibraltar (including proposd Mercantile Marine memorial). Including: Correspondence between Kipling and F. Ware re travel arrangements and visit to Governor, 7 and 14 Mar. 1922. Letter from Ware to Sir H. Smith-Dorrien, re Kipling's visit, 17 Mar. 1922. 1052 SDC 8 Rudyard Kipling, Letters From. 25 Oct. 1917 6 Oct. 1924 Contents: l1 : Cartoon from Purtch, 15 Feb. 1928. 12: Letter to F. Ware re receipt of minutes of Prince of Wales's Committee for the Care of Soldiers' Graves, 25 Oct. 1917. 13: Note to Ware re words used in seconding resolution of gratitude to Belgium, no date. 14: Letter to Col. Stobart re seconding above resolution, 17 Nov. 1917 15: Letter to Ware asking to be removed from Memorials to Missing Committee, 11 Feb. 1921. 16-113: Letters with enclosures to Principal Assistant Secretary, Director of Records and Ware re inscriptions on tablets in Paris and Amiens cathedrals, on memorial to British Salonika Force, next of kin inscriptions on headstones, and wish to see Villers-Cotterets cemetery plan. 5 Mar. 1921 - 25 June 1923. 114-115: Letters to F. Ware re proposd private tour of cemeteries and attending ceremony at Portsmouth, 8 Apr. and 6 Oct. 1924. 1053 Add 11114 Rudyard Kipling - Correspondence (A) and (B). 25 Oct. 1917 22 Feb. 1932 Wallet of 2 t'ila containing photocopies of corrapondence. Including: Copies of some letters from tile SDC 6. Copies of 2 letters re forwarding of unidentified letter from F. Ware, 15 and 18 Nov. 1920. 3 letters re inscription on Menin Gate, 18, 20 Sep. and 9 Oct. 1923. Letters re journey by F. Ware to see Kipling, 6-14 Jan. 1926. Letter re inscription for Tyne Cot memorial, Jan. 1924. Letters and notes re inscription for memorial tablets in French cathedrals, Feb. 1932 (some undated). Some of these documents are copies of originals from tiles which are not in the archive. 1054 Add 11218 Rudyard Kipling, Burial Of. 20 Jan. 1936 23 Jan. 1936 - Folder containing l MS. letter and pr. order of service. Including later to F. Ware from H. Osborne, commiserating with him on Kipling's death. 1055 WG 548 Sir C .FA.Macready. 14 May 1919 - 24 Oct. 1946 Main topics: relations with Commission as Adjutant General and Commissioner; Commissions responses to report by Macready and Sir George Perley on cemetery construction in France; death and memorial plaque in Westminster Abbey. 1056 SDC 6 Letters From Commissioners And Advisers. 10 Sep. 1917 3 Jan. 1922^ Folder containing MS, and TS. correspondence collected as examples of signatures, with MS. note explaining purpose. Correspondents are: Lord Derby, W. Long, A. Mond, Dominion High Commissioners, H. Gosling, N. Macready, E. Pot!, H. Plumer, F. Kenyon, M. Fitzmaurice, A. Hill, D. Cockerell Documents were selected from WG tiles, and replaced with copies. 1057 WG 150 Architects General File. 3 Apr. 1924 11 Dec. 1957 Main topics: Commission's employment of architects: R. Truelove's relations with Commission after resignation (re Cabaret Rouge cemetery); correspondence with J . Burnet re remuneration and his cemetery work; architects' fees; inclusion of architects' and sculptors' names on memorials. Including schedules of cemeteries, memorials and their designers, unveilers W. Secthn 12: Comnthiorters, Artists, Advisers Refers also to F. Kenyon, Sir J. Simpson, E. Lutyens, E. Maufe, G . Ledward. 1058 Add 11612 Principal Architects. 6 Mar. 1918 2 0 Sep. 1928 File of 5 selected MS, and TS. letters from principal architects. Letters from: H. Baker re accepting appointment as principal architect and ceremony at Delville Wood cemetery, 6 Mar. 1918 and 20 Sep. 1928. R. Blomfield and E. Lutyens re accepting appointments as principal architect, 6 Mar. 1918. R. Lorimer re inscriptions on naval memorials, 31 July 1924. Documents taken from files WG 80, WG 10491111 and WG 1087 (none now in the archive). 1059 SDC 27 Artists, Craftsmen, Sculptors. 18 June 1923 15 Apr. 1928 - Correspondents: 11: H. Poole re payments for naval memorials, 18 June 1923. 12-3: A. Webb re judgement in Memorials to iMissing competition, 16 Mar. 1925, 26 Jan. 1926. 14-5: H. Bradshaw re Memorials to Missing competition, 21 Apr. 1925, l 5 Feb. 1926. 16: R. Anning Bell re mosaics for Jerusalem cemetery, 5 Nov. 1925. 17-8: C. Jagger re memorials at Port Tewfik and Louverval, 24 Mar. 1926, 19 Jan. 1928. 19: V. Rees re Soissons memorial, 2 5 Aug. 1926. 110: G. Ledward re Ploegsteert memorial, 2 0 Mar. 1928. / l l : J , Stevenson re Dar-es-Salaam memorial, l 5 Apr. 1928. 112: W. Reid Dick re Arras memorial, April 1928. Most of the documents taken from WG files. 1060 WG 41 1 Baker H. 2 3 Nov. 1918 1 Mar. 1946 Main topics: fees and expenses, including confusion over what services the principal architects' fees were intended to cover; travel arrangements for visits to France. Including: Copy letter from F. Kenyon re headstones and inscriptions, proposal by C. Holden for lettering on War Stone, and conditions of service of' principal architects, 27 Apr. 1919. - File of papers retained from Finance file F 6, re payments 1919 - 17 Mar. 1928. 10 Baker, 2 0 Mar. Blomlield, Sir R. 2 0 Feb. 1919 16 June 1944 - Main topics: appointment and salary; arrangements for visit to France; unveiling of Menin Gate; copyright to design of War Cross. Including: Correspondence with F. Kenyon re copyright in War Cross, 6-7 Jan. 1930. Correspondence with A. Blomtleld (including letter from F. Kenyon) re restoration of cemeteries in France and use of War Cross design, 6 Jan. 1943 16 June 1944. SDC 41 Seal Of T h e Conlmission. - 16 Nov. 1 Folder containing MS. letter and photocopies of design of seal. Refers to Blomfield's design submission, with brief explanation of symbolism. Letter from Sir R. Blomfield taken from file CON 102 (not in the archive). 1063 Add 11414 Papers Retained From Finance File F 5 (Blonlfield). 10 Mar. 1919 19 Feb. 1929 Main topics: expenses claims and fees re Sir R. Blomfield, including dispute over value of contract for Menin Gate. 1064 Add 1/1/32 Correspondence With Sir R. Blomfield. 19 July 1937 15 Sep. 1937 Main topic: communication with French ofiicials connected with Commission to obtain permission for Blomfield to see drawings by Vauban, held by French Army, and Citadelle at Lille. Material may have come from file WG 463 (not in the archive). 1065 WG 1019 Professor Edmund Blunden. I Mar. 1936 8 Mar. 1974 - Main topics: appointment as literary adviser to Commission; obituaries. Including letter from F. Ware to Blunden, and copy of reply, 2 and 4 March, 1936. File subsequently re-numbered COM1119. 1066 Add 1/15/ 1 Edmund Blunden. 4 Mar. 1936 - 2 Feb. 1953 Contents: Letter to F. Ware re appointment as adviser to Commission, 4 Mar. 1936. - Sectioa 12: Cornrnksioaers, ATIiw, Advisers Postcard to F. Sillar re inscription on Runnymede Memorial, 5 June 1952. Letter to Sillar re inscriptions for Alamein and Cassino cemaeries, 2 Feb. 1953. Documents taken from files A 52119, COM 119 and CM 412 (see part 2 of the catalogue). 1067 Add 11117 Burnet, Sir J. 2 Dec. 1918 I8 July 1938 Main topics: travel arrangements for various visits to Palestine and Gallipoli; Burnet 'S death and obituaries; appointment of assistant architect. Including: Letter from Burnet discussing his work on dmrative details for Jerusalem Cemetery, 3 Feb. 1925. 2 letters from F. Kenyon discussing Burnet's reports on Palestine and Gallipoli, 2 and 4 Aug. 1919. 1068 471 Burnet J.J. 18 Feb. 1919 24 Feb. 1919 - Main topic: travel arrangements. 1069 23286 Cockerell D.B. 31 Dec. 1919 29 Nov. 1945 Main topics: appointment as Technical Adviser on Cemetery Registers, and release from Ministry of Munitions; appointment as Joint Director of Records; description of duties; obituaries. Documents taken from Finance tile F 591 (not in the archive). 1070 T2012 Gordon Leith G.E. 8 July 1918 28 Mar. 1956 Main topics: appointment as architect in France (as representative of South Africa); negotiation on terms of appointment; proposal to appoint him as Senior Designing Architect (succeeding C. Holden); resignation; appointment as Advisory Architect to Commission's Soulh Alkican Agency. Including: Correspondence between H. Baker and F. Kenyon re appointment, 8 July - 11 Sep. 1918. Letter from H. Baker re Terlincthun Cemetery, 6 Jan. 1919. Hill A.W. 27 May 1916 12 Nov. 1941 Main topics: rank to be held as Botanical Adviser to DGRE; appointment as Botanical Adviser to Commission; proposing, interviewing and approving applicants to join horticultural staff; travel arrangements for visits abroad; obituaries. Including: Photocopy of minutes of meeting of Prince Wales's National Committee for the Care of Soldiers' Graves, 27 May 1916. Letter to Hill re employment of women gardeners, 10 May 1920. Copies of papers re appointment of Hill and relations between Kew Gardens and DGRE, 23 Aug. 19 l6 - 2 1 July 1921, with letter, 2 Aug. 1922. 1072 T2802 Sir George W. Hurnphreys. 7 Oct. 1936 2 1 Mar. 1945 Main topics: appointment as Honorary Consulting Engineer (succeeding Sir B. Henderson); retirement and nomination of Sir W. Halcrow as his successor. 1073 WG517 Lt. Col. Sir Frederic Kenyon. 17 Nov. 1918 January 1954 Main topics: travel arrangements on Commission business; consideration of Kenneth Clark and Lord Crawford to replace Kenyon as artistic adviser to Commission; proposal to abolish post of artistic adviser; retirement and appointment of E. Maufe as artistic adviser; obituaries. Including: Letter from Kenyon to F. Ware re forthcoming debate on war graves policy in House of Commons, and reply, 26-27 Mar. 1920. Letter to Kenyon re results of competition for Liverpool naval memorial, judged by E. Maufe, 10 Feb. 1948. Letter from E. Maclagan to Kenyon re numerals for inscriptions on headstones (20 Feb. 1940), and print of lettering designed by M. Gill, with letter, 29 Sep. 1952. File subsequently re-numbered COM/ 1/45. 1074 WG 464 Lorirner R. 19 Sep. 1918 31 Oct. 1931 Main topics: appointment as principal architect; travel arrangements for visits abroad; fwq; reference of designs for UK sites to him for approval; obituaries. Including: TS. copy and photocopy of personal letter re visit to ltaly and France, 14 Oct. 1918. Letter from F. Kenyon re appointment, 19 Sep. 1918. Letter from F. Ware to Kenyon re press notices on death of Lorimer, 17 Sep. 1929, - Correspondence with C, Hussey re illustrations for book about Lorimer, 28 May 1930 - 30 Oct. 193 1. 1075 Add 11113 Lutyens E.L. 27 May 1917 2 6 June 1931 Main topics: designing the war stone, and opinions of various people on it; war-time visit to France to see cemeteries; design of headstones; choice of site for the Mercantile Marine memorial; designs for Royal Air Force memorial, Arras, and Thiepval memorial. Including: Letter from J.M. Barrie to F. Ware re proposed designs for cemeteries, including idea for a memorial belfry, 25 July 1917. Letter from Ware to Lutyens re appointment of architect to work for DGRE in France, 31 July 1917. Letter from Lutyens including idea for Somme memorial, 3 Aug. 19 17. Letter from Lutyens re interview with Archbishop of Canterbury, 2 0 Aug. 1917. Memorandum by Lutyens: Graveyards On The Battle Fields, 2 8 Aug. 1917. Minutes of Meeting of architectural advisory committee re design of headstones and horticultural treatment of cemeteries, 21 Sep. 1917. Letter from Royal Fine Arts Commission to Office of Works re site of Mercantile Marine memorial, 8 June 1926. 1076 WG 462 Lutyens E.L. 15 Nov. 1918 16 Feb. 1944 Main topics: travel arrangements and expenses; fees; termination of half-time appointment and appointment a5 honorary consulting architect; appreciation and obituaries. Including: Letter from F. Kenyon re Lutyens' activities, 29 Oct. 1919. Letter from Lutyens' office re unspecified models and G. Goldsmith, 1 June 1923. File of papers retained from Finance tile F 4, G Jan. 1919 - 11 Jan. 1928. 1077 WG 568 Capt. TrueIove. 7 May 1919 15 Sep. 1944 Main topics: appointment as assistant architect and acceptance; question of demobilisation o r retention of commission (as Capt.); pay (including dispute with War Office); leave to work on hospital competition for Cairo; some correspondence on subsequent career and work for Commission after his resignation (including memorials to missing at Vis-en-Anois and Le Touret). Including appreciation from Yorkshire Telegraph, I5 July 1938. 3 letters 7-8 May 1919 also refer to appointment of N. Rew. 1078 WG 634 E.P.Warren, Esq., ARIBA. 30 July 1919 15 Dec. 1937 Main topics: appointment as Principal Architect for Mesopotamia; honorary commission (major); travel arrangements; correspondence on the progress of his work and personal finances; termination of appointmeni. Including: Letter from Warren m F. Ware mentioning W. Goscombe John's statue of Sir S. Maude, 8 Oct. 1919, MS. memorandum k o m F. Kenyon recommending Warren's appont ment, 30 July 1919. Letters from F. Ware to Gen. P. Hambro and Miss G . Bell, including discussion o f Commission's relation to administration of Mesopotamia, 15 Oct. 1919. Letter from F. Ware to Warren containing detailed insrrttctions for his work, with reply (mentioning E. Lutyens), 28 and 29 Oct. 1919. Obituary from 77le 7Tntes, 24 Nov. 1937. Section 13. Members Of The Commission Staff And Appointment Of Auditors. Items in this section mainly concern the appointments, terms of service and payments to the individuals named, but some are working files. T h n e items will onlv he nroducd at the discretion of the Director of Personnel. 1079 WG 1 Appointment Of Sir F. Kenyon And A Vice Chairman. 22 Aug. 1917 16 Nov. 1917 Main topics: Kenyon's proposals for composition and work of advisory committee to Commission on design of cemeteries; proposal of Kenyon as chairman of advisory committee, and F. Ware as Vice-chairman; approval of appointments by Commissioners. Including: Memorandum re acquisition of burial grounds in France and Belgium, 13 Oct. 1917. Letter from Sir A. Mond re appointments, 31 Oct. 1917. Letter from R. Kipling re appointments and suggesting regiments propose designs for headstones, I Nov. 1917. Letter from Lord Derby to Trustees of British Museum re appointment of Kenyon, 6 Nov. 1917. l080 WG 2 Appointment Of Secretary And Principal Assistant Secretary. 3 1 Oct. 1917 13 Nov. 1919 Main topics: obtaining Prince of Wales approval for 2 acting appointments; re recommendation from War Oftice for permanent post. Principal names referrd to: Lieut Col G .H. Stobart (Acting Secretary), J. E.Talbot (Acting Principal Assistant Secretary), Col Lord Arthur Browne (Secretary), F. Ware, Lord Derby. l081 Add 11412 Gratuities. 1919 - 1951 Bound book of tables. Main topics: termination of appointments of male and female staH, with notes of further employment in government service. 1082 Add 11417 Resignations Men M-2. 1921 - 1931 Loose-leaf hook of tabulated MS. entries. Main topics: rates of pay, states of health and notes on military service of employees (largely clerical staff). 1083 EIS129 Slatements Of Service. 1928 - 1939 Main topic: records of service and pay of Lieut. Col. C.P. Oswald, Maj. H.F. Chettle, Miss K.B. Blaikley, re superannuation. Including file F 107: Miss K.B. Blaikley, personnel file re appointment and duties. 8 Mar. 1919 - 6 Jan. 1931. Finance Section 171e 1084 P 624 Pt. 1 Arnistrong R. 6 May 1920 7 Oct. 1949 Main topics: appointment, resignation and reappointment to Commission staff; posts held; pay and superannuation; receipt of municipal awards; requests from relatives in Ireland for information about Armstrong during World War 2; relief payments for supporl of Irish relative; position of Armstrong as Irish citizen in France during war; news of Armstrong's aid to escaping allied aircrew, and of his death; consideration of statement by Commission to War Crimes Tribunal in Armstrong's case; accounts of Armstrong's arrest and trearment as a prisoner; proposal to commemorate Armstrong at Valenciennes; disbursement of insurance money, and claims from family and Irish government; family dispute over division of money. Including: Extract from statement by cemetery superintendent at Valenciennes describing placing of tlowers on allied aircrew graves afier Germans stopped burying them with military honours, 2 3 July 1945. Photographs of memorial plaque and ceremony, probably an award of honours. 1085 P 624 Pt.2 Armslrong R. 2 5 July 1945 I5 Dec. 1965 Main topics: erection of memorial plaque in Valenciennes Communal Cemetery. Including photographs showing a ceremony in a cemetery with wreaths and tlowers, wilh German soldiers, possibly prisoners. 1086 P 624 Temp. File Armstrong R. 6 Nov. 1945 15 May 1948 Main topics: dealh of head gardener during World War 2 in German captivity afier arrest for resistance activitia, and erection of memorial plaque at Valenciennes. File contents noted as spare copies of correspondence. 2 Oct. 1944 2 5 Oct. 1948 Main topics: death of head gardener during World War 2 in German captivity after arrest for resistance activities, and erection of memorial plaque at Valenciennes. IWGC Brussels oftice file. 1088 WG 459 Capt. A. Berrington. 2 Feb. 1918 5 Nov. 1919 Main topics: medical discharge frorn army; service with DGRE and as adviser to Commission on etching of headstone inscriptions (working on etching process he invented); decision of Commission's headstone committee against using Berrington's process; resignation; exploitation of the patent. Including: Correspondence with R. Blolnfield re Berrington's appointment, 6-23 Feb. 1918. Letter frorn F. Ware to F. Kenyon re appointment of Berrington, 18 June 19 18. Binnie W.B. 14 Jan. 1919 14 Jan. 1928 - Main topics: appointment as Assistant Secretary, Works; substitution as Inspector of Works, France during illness of H.P.Cart de Lafontaine. Including letter and minute of meering re appointment of Binnie as architect for memorial to the missing at Nieuport, 12 Feb. 1925. Earliest letters refer to R.K.Binney. Some papers transferred from finance file F 335. 1090 ACON 112 Major W.B. Binnie. 8 Oct. 1926 1 1 Jan. 1929 Main topics: change of terms of Binnie's appointment to half-time. so that he could develop own practice. Col. Lord Arihur Browne. 4 D=. 1919 22 Feb. 1934 Main topics: appointment; travel arrangements fur various tours abroad; sickness; termination of appointment and appointment as consultant to Commission, Lt. Col. T.B. Browne. 8 Apr. 1921 3 Aug. 1945 Main topics: travel arrangements for visits abroad on duty as Transport Adviser; appointment and salary. Including file F 183/10 re re-appointment as advisor, and appointment of Brig. E.F. Hacker, 19 July - 3 Aug. 1945. 1093 F100 Lt. Col. H.F. Chettle. Main topics: appointrnzrit, salary arid transfer from Charity Commissioners. 19 Dec. 1918 2 June 1930 - 1094 P 03 (485) Pt. l Chettle H.F. - 2 6 Feb. 1917 10 S q . 1930 Main topics: appointment as First Class Clerk; demobilisation from DGRE: travel arrangements for visits abroad. Including: Correspondence and reports made by Chettle re work of Grave Registration Units for DGRE,26 Feb.- 15 Mar. 1917, with note dated 30 Jan. 1922. Envelope containing invitations and programme for opening of Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont Hamel, 7 June 1925. 1095 P03Pt.2 Major H.F. Chettle. 13 Mar. 1929 12 Mar. 1958 - Main topics: salary and allowances; retirement and pension. Including letter to Chettle inviting him to inspect recently discovered Wehrmacht burial records, 29 Apr. 1947. Dowse Brenan F.E. - 14 June 1919 2 6 Sep. 1944 Main topics: appointment as First Class Clerk, Effects Branch; appointment as Area Inspector; sickness, leave and superannuat ion; retirement . Including letter re effort to obtain employment outside Commission for redundant gardeners, 21 Jan. 1927. Correspondence Re Lute Son Of Major Dowse Brenan. 9 Aug. 1938 1 Sep. 1939 - Main topic: provision of headstone through Commission's India agency for grave of son killed in flying accident in India. Including personal letter to H. ChettIe commenting on coming of war as negation of Commission's work, 31 Aug. 1939. Durham F.R. 2 3 Dec. 1918 18 Apr. 1947 - Main topics: appointment as Inspector of Works; proposed duties of a Director of Works, and organisation of Works Department; appointments as Director of Works; resignation. Documents taken from finance tile F 112 (not in the archive). 1099 T 2465 Lt. Col. Sir Herbert Ellissen. 27 June 1918 19 July 1952 Main topics: appointment as Assistant Financial Adviser to DGRE; appointment as Controller of Administration and Financial Adviser, and delegation of Vice-chairman's powers; travel arrangements for visits abroad; appointment as Adviser on Post-war Organisation and Reconstruction; appointment as Commissioner and member of Finance Committee. Including order of memorial service, 3 July 1952. - 1100 24298 Gell E.A.S. 10 Jan. 1919 7 June 1933 - Main topics: appointment as Assistant Director of Records; leave and travel arrangements; sickness and resignation; organisation of Commission business in Italy. Lt. Col. Gell E.A.S. 24 Jan. 1928 4 Feb. 1936 - Main topics: appointment as resident representative of Commission in Italy and member of Anglo-Italian Mixed Committee; salary; operations of Commission in Italy; search for a replacement in Gell's post; financial arrangements for Commission's work in Italy Also discusses work of Count Memmo as Commission's representative in Italy. 1102 WG 21988 Good la nd H .T. 13 Aug. 1919 2 3 Sep. 1936 - Main topics: appointment as Deputy Controller, France; termination of appointment and request for repatriation to Canada. Including: File CON 107: Col. H.T. Goodland re leave, participahn in a pilgrimage, and sickness, 31 May - 2 July 1926. Obituary, no date. Letter re ceremonies in France (including Toussaints), 3 Oct. 1924. Letter re loss of staf'fat Ypres, 10 July 1926. 1103 30772 Haddon C.G.G. 18 Aug. 1921 25 June 1943 - Main topics: appointment as Clerk of Works, Macedonia; claim against Haddon for debt from previous business; accusations of philandering and imposture. 1104 P 197115 Hnrris, John - Pupil Gardener. 2 0 Aug. 1936 16 Nov. 1955 Main topics: appointment as pupil gardener (father also Commission employee); enlistment m d service in World War 2; imprisonment in Thailand and death following release; provision of photographs of grave to family. 1105 P 720 Pt. 1 Appointment Of Sir H. Hurt. 7 Jan. 1936 24 July 1936 Main topics: search for replacement for C. Hughes as Deputy Controller, Eastern District; consultation with Australian and New Zealand governments; removal of Eastern District oftice to Palestine from Egypt; applications from other candidates for the post, with letters of reference; appointment of Hart as Chief Administralive Officer, Eastern District. - Including: Personal correspondence between F. Ware and Hughes, mentioning Abyssinia crisis. Letter from Hughes to Ware re Australian pilgrimage to Gallipoli, and Turkish plans for the area, 3 May 1936. Letter from Ware to Hart apologising for not meeting him on arrival in London, and describing his treatment for phlebitis, 10 June 1936. 1106 P720Pt.2 Brig.Gen, Sir Herbert Hart. 30 Apr. 1936 2 6 Mar. 1946 Main topics: salary and superannuation; leave and allowances; outbreak of World War 2; re-organisation and relations with army re cemeteries for World War 2; retirement; award of decorations for war service. Including: Letter to F. Ware mentioning political situation in Palestine, 29 Oct. 1937. Letters mentioning visit of H. Worthington to North Africa, 30 Aug. and 22 Sep. 1943. Also correspondence re biography of Hart, 1994. 8 Feb. 1920 24 Apr. 1941 Main topics: appointment as Chief Accot~ntant, France; appointment as Accountant and Auditor, Central European District; leave and travel; superannuation and salary; outbreak of war and appointment as Deputy Controller; Belgium; posts held in U K during World War 2 and ill-health. 1108 P144Pt.2 Captain R. Haworlh. l 0 June 1944 23 Feb. 1977 - Main topics: resumption of post as Chief' Accountant, France and Belgium; retirement and special superannuation arrangements; claim for loss of property during occupation of France; income tax problems; discussion of history of Commission; commemorative gift of flowers to convent at Wiscres (re evacuation in 1940). Including letter with watercolour painting of view from new home, 2 4 Jan. 1948. 1109 F53 Capt. F. Hi&' inso on. 27 Nov. 1918 23 Nov. 1928 Main topics: salary, and comparability with Canadian military pay; travel claims. 1110 P 315 Pt.1 Sir F r a n k H i a'~nson. * 9 Sep. 1918 23 Sep, 1938 Main topics: nomination and appointment as Canadian member ot' architectural staff in France; appointments as Assistant Inspector of Works, Assistant Deputy Director of Works. Deputy - Director of Works, France, and Chief Administrative Officer, Central European Area, Director of Works; leave and travel arrangements. Including: Letters from H. Baker and F. Kenyon re Higginson's suitability as architect, 18-19 Sep. 1918. Correspondence with R. Blomfield, F. Kenyon, Canadian High Commissioner and Province of Quebec Association of architects re appointment of a Canadian candidate, 4 Oct. - 31 Dec. 1918. Letter from Higginson mentioning completion of Villers-Bretonneux Australian memorial, 16 Apr. 1938. Copy of letter from F. Ware stating Commission policy on senior appointments, 2 1 Apr. 1938. 1111 P 315 Pt.2 Sir FrsnkHigginson. G June 1939 24 Aug. 1962 Main topics: salary and superannuation; appointments as Controller and as Secretary to the Commission; retirement. Including photograph of memorial plaque at Cabaret Rouge Cemetery. 1112 P 315 Pt.3 Memorial Service For Sir FrankHigginson. I I Dec. 1958 2 3 May 1962 - Main topic: arrangemnts for memorial service in Chelsea Hospital Chapel, 17 Dec. 1958. 1113 P 315/CON Sir Prank Hipginson. 24 NOV. 1958 15 Jan. 1959 Main topics: arrangements for memorial service; obituaries. Including order of memorial service, 17 Dec. 1958. P 31511 Pt.1 4 Higginson. F. Lt. Col., Appointment. 7 Nov. 1927 12 Apr. 1945 Main topics: discussion with Canadian Agency and High Commission re changes in Higginson's honorary military rank consequent on his changing appointments with the Commission. Including: Letter from Higginson to F. Ware re retention of A. lngpen on the staff, 7 Nov 1927. Correspondence with Canadian Agency mentioning visit by Daughters of the Empire to cemeteries in France, 12 and 2 6 Mar. 1928. l115 P 31511 Pt.2 Main topic: superannuation. Capt. F. Higginsoo, Insurance. 7 Mar. 1928 7 Jan. 1953 - 1116 P31514 Capt. F. H i g i n s o n , Travelling Claims. 3 May 1929 2 9 June 1931 Holton C.H. 2 8 Dec. 1921 30 July 1954 Main topics: appointments as General Duties Man, Gardener's Labourer, Gardener and Caretaker in France; injury at work; internment by Germans and death in captivity (of cancer); enquiries from sister; release of children from internment; winding up of affairs on behalf of French widow; employment of son by Commission; inscription for headstone. Including correspondence with relatives re tracing other members of the family, 1993. 1118 P 316 Pt.1 Major A.L.Ingpen. 9 Nov. 1918 15 Jan. 1953 Main topics: application for work and appointments as Land and Legal Adviser, France, and as Secretary General of Anglo Belgian Mixed Committee; staff and oftice arrangements. 1119 P 316 Pt.2 Major A.L.Ingpen, Insurance. 22 May 1928 13 Oct. 1932 Major A.L.Ingpen. 12 Feb. 1932 Main topic: superannuat ion. 1120 P 316 Pt.3 File containing 1 TS. letter referrring to notice of redundancy. R. Kett . 24 Jan. 1919 19 May 1939 Main topics: appointments as Foreman Gardener, Travelling Superintendent Gardener, Assistant Horticultural Ofticer in France, Horticultural Ofticer in Gallipoli, Area Superintendent, Eastern District; road accident 'and death; refusal by Commission to meet hospital expenses in spite of plea from Anglo-Egyptian Mixed Co~nmittee. Including: Reports re horticultural work in Gallipoli, 3 1 Jan. 1923, 17 Mar. 1925. Correspondence with R. Kipling re death of' Ketl and dift'icult circumstances of' Mrs Kett, 26 Apr. - 13 June 1930. 1122 Add 1/7/13 Cart De Lafontnine, Col. H.P. 3 Dec. 1920 8 Jan. 1925 File of MS. and TS. correspondence and reports. Main topics: tracing British graves in French communal cemeteries; negotiations with municipal and church authoritit$ and p r e f ~ t sre obraining perpetual concession of graves and preventing exhumations; presentation of cemetery registers to mairies of communes; memorial tablet for Amiens cathedral; British contribution to Notre Dame de Lorette. Including: Letter from French provincial sanitary official re recognition of' his work on military sanitation for the British during the war, I Mar. 1923. - Correspondence wib F. Ware re measures to raise morale of Commission staff in France, 27 Dec. 1924 and 8 Jan. 1925. Correspondence and reports by and to Lafontaine. 1123 Add 11715-11 Notebooks Of H.P.Cart De Lafontaine. 10 July 1920 23 Mar. 1927 7 volumes of hound, loose-leaf notebooks containing MS. notes of discussions with French oflkials, itineraries, sketches of architectural details and sketch plans of cemeteries, memorial sites and cathedrals. Main topics: 15-110 (vols. 1-6) negotiations with municipalities, prefects and church authorities re perpetual concessions for British war graves in communal cemekries and churchyards, and re preventing unauthorised exhumation; French attitudes to exhumation and to lWGC policy; condition of cemeteries and arrangements for maintenance of British graves, including work of Souvenir Francais; 19-11 1 (vols.5-7) negotiations re British Empire memorial tablets in French cathedrals, agreement with R. Hallward to execute them, and installation; negotiations re sites and competition procedures for memorials to missing, preliminary discussions with prefects and mayors re forms memorials should take (monumental or utilitarian). There are also occasional references to conversations on political topics. Volumes: 15: "No. l ", 10 July 1920 - 15 Nov. 1920 (also includes notes re conference of mayors from "Liberated Regions", and re organising internationa! architectural conference). 16: "No.2", 20 Nov. 1920 - 20 Apr. 1921. 17: NO.^", 27 June 192 1 - 2 Aug. 192 1. 18: NO.^", 4 Aug. 1921 - 27 Sep. 1921. 19: "NOS", 17 Jan. 1922 - 31 Dec. 1922 (also mentions feared effect of cemetery vandalism on British attitudes to French, and complaints by Mr Mullineux, probably re pilgrimage). 110: NO.^", 15 Jan. 1923 -25 Sep. 1923. 11 1: "Memorial Tablets", 12 Nov. 1923 - 23 Mar. 1927. 1124 Add 1/7/17 Lafontaine, Lt. Col. Cart de. c. 1927 or later. Envelope containing 2 MS. drafts (in French and English) of article and lecture. Main topics: article and lecture on history of the Commission and outline of its policy; organisation of Commission's administration and operations in France. lncluding letters re acquisition of Lafontaine documents by Commission, 1963. 1125 Add 11711-4 Lafontaine, Lt. Col. Cart de. 6 July 1920 29 Apr. 1927 4 volumes of loose-leaf binders containing MS. and TS. notes, sketch plans and sketches of grave monuments. Main topics: inspection of communal and churchyard cemeteries in France containing British war graves, comments on their condition; negotiations with French local authorities re acquisition of grave sites by Commission and forestalling private acquisitions; visits to cathedrals re sites for Commission memorial tablets; personal comments on aspects of Lafontaine's private and Commission work, on other Commission staff, and on the operations and policy of the Commission. Volumes are: 11: 6 July - 15 Dec. 1920. 13: including visits re cathedral memorial tablets, and negotiations with French authorities re proposed British contribution to Notre-Dame de Lorette, 18 Mar. 1922 - 28 Feb. 1923. 14: largely concerned with Commission memorial tablets in cathedrals, 10 Jan. 1924 - I May 1927. Documents are by Lafontaine. 15 July 1920 30 June 1966 Main topics: positions held (blacksmith, gardener) and promotions; employment record; life and work in occupied France during World War 2; life of employees' families abroad, labour relations. Including note by Sir A. Longmore mentioning Leech's participation in French resistence, 27 Apr. 1954. Capl. Marais J.G. I l Feb. 1925 - 13 Jan. 1942 Main topics: appointment as Secretary to South African Agency of Commission; salary; gratuity to widow; consideration on Commission's commemoration of its own staff. 1128 Add 7/2/1 M c h n , C. - Gardener 1922-28. c. 1925 - 1928 Wallet containing 1 mounted group photograph of Commission staff (3 identified) and envelope with 3 TS. letters of commendation and reference, photograph and postcard of cemeteries, signed menu and programme of events for inauguration of war memorial at Authuile, photocopy of passport. 1129 P658Pt.l Count G. Memmo. I Apr. 1919 22 Dec. 1945 Main topics: appointment as interpreter to Commission in Italy; salary and leave; appointment as Assistant Area Superintendent; refusal of admission to superannuation scheme; liability of Commission to dismissal compensation or pension in Italian law; outbreak of World War 2 and continuation of Commission work in Italy; Memmo's financial difticulties during the war. Including correspondence from E. Gell. l 130 P 658 Pt.2 Count G. Memmo. 19 Feb. 1946 30 Oct. 195 1 - Main topics: salary adjustments relative to economic situation; arrangements for salary in lieu of pension; Memmo's importance for re-establishment of Commission in post-war Italy; death and financial provisions for widow. Also includes correspondence re commemorative photograph, 2 Nov. 1988 - 5 Jan. 1989. 1131 27597 Merrigan J. 2 Feb. 1921 30 Oct. 1941 Main topics: appointment as gardener's labourer; newspaper articles maintaining Merrigan was model for Bruce Bairnsfather's Old Bill. Including: Letter from Mrs T. Sheckey re press harassment, 2 0 Oct. 1924. Cutting from Duily Mail re B. Bairnsfather, 30 Sep. 1959. 1132 WG466 Lt.Col. A.A. Mes5er. 3 Dec. 1918 22 Apr. 1934 Main topics: re-appointment as Assistant Director of Graves Registration and Enquiries (at DGRE); appointment as Technical Adviser to Commission in connection with British graves in neutral countries; travel arrangements for visits abroad; termination of appointment. 1133 20611 Michie J.B. 2 8 May 1919 15 Aug. 1959 Main topics: appointment as architectural draughtsman; leave and travel concessions; work on designs for memorials to missing; resignation; appointment as Architectural Assistant after World War 2 and resignation. Also includes press cutting re death of widow (Anne Redpath), 11 Jan. 1965. hlurphy R.W. 21 Feb. 1919 9 Dec. 1958 Main topics: nomination by Australian High Commission for post in Secretariat; appointments a s First Class Clerk, Assistant to Director of Works, Area Inspector, UK, Area Superinlendent, UK, Chief Administrative Officer, UK District; leave, travel, sickness and superannuation; early retirement due to ill-health. Including copies of correspondence re award of US Legion of Merit, 24 Sep. 1946. - 1135 37210 Lt. Col. L.M.Newell. 4 Oct. 1921 - 26 Mar. 1942 Main topics: appointments as Clerk of Works in France, Chief Clerk of Works, Deputy Assistant Inspector of Works; sickness; search for alternative employment. 1136 WG384 Capt. F.J.JNey. 14 Mar. 1919 6 Mar. 1920 - Main topics: DGRE staffing problems in France; appointment to Commission staff as Officer i/c Rationing; promotions, redundancy and demobilisation. Including press cutting re subsequent career, Daily Colonist, 5 Apr. 1929. Osborne Col. H. 13 Oct. 1920 18 Oct. 1949 Main topics: appointment as Secretary General, Canadian Agency, and renewals of it; leave and travel arrangements; retirement and choice of successor; death. Including: Letter re Dominion contributions to Commission, and transfer of memorial sites to Belgian government, c. 19 Sep. 1934. Some personal correspondence with F. Ware. Lt. Col. C.P. Oswald. 9 Sep. 1919 15 Dec. 1966 Main topics: appointments as Chief Accountant, France, Deputy Financial Adviser, Controller and Assistant Secretary, Finance; pension rights of civil servants transferred to Commission staff; retirement, death and composition of obituary. Cept. Parker J.S.. 17 June 1918 17 July 1939 - Main topics: duties as Horticultural Offrcer; salary and allowances; staffing problems of Horticultural Department; appointment as Chief Horticultural Officer; leave and travel expenses; retirement, death and funeral. Including correspondence with R. Blomfield re use of War Cross as memorial to Parker, 6-1 1 Nov. 1938. Papers relating to Parker are also held in the Department of Documents, Imperial War Museum. Parker J.S.- Insurance. Refers to superannuation. 17 May 1927 8 Feb. 1935 Memorial To Captain J.S. Parker. 17 Mar. 1938 2 Dec. 1940 - File containing MS and TS. correspondence, with subscription lists, faculty document, drawing and photograph. Main topics: F. Ware's personal concern for memorial; subscription fund for plaque in Bitmn church; design of plaque by E. Lutyens, and inscription; negotiations with vicar and PCC over size and material; obtaining faculty. Including: Correspondence with Sir F. Kenyon re inscription, 18-22 Aug. 1938. Correspondence with Sir A. Hill re inscription. Phillips C.K. 10 Dec. 1918 4 Feb. 1936 - Main topics: appointment as Land and Legal Adviser; travel arrangements; renewals of appointment; appointment as Solicitor to the Commission. including 2 minutes to Phillips re staff terms of service rind accommodation in France, 11-12 May 1920. 1143 32313 Phillips, Major G.L. 7 Apr. 1922 28 July 1937 Main topics: appointment as Area Superintendent in France (as an Australian representative); salary; termination of appointment and employment on temporary duties while seeking work. 1144 24136 Robi nson H. F. 10 Mar. 1920 2 1 Feb. 1945 Main topics: appointment as Assistant Secretary (Works); change of title to Deputy Director of Works; appointment as Direcror of Works. Including: Letter re condition of a memorial (perhaps Villers-Bretonneux), 21 Feb. 1945. Letter re death of Robinson, 21 June 1958. 1145 ACON 74 Lt. Col. Robinson H,F. 2 Mar. 1925 3 Mar. 1925 Refers to serious illness. Including letters to Robinson and his doctor from F. Ware. Lt. Col. Robinson H.F. 18 May 1927 26 July 1946 Main topics: appointment as Director of Works; salary; extensions of appointment; death. Including correspondence re Robinson's service with Commission, 1958. - Lunch to Colonel Robinson. l5 Jan. 1939 1 I Feb. 1939 Main topics: arrangements for farewell lunch, with letters of acceptance from guests. 12 Mar. 1919 27 Feb. 1922 Main topics: appointment as Ofticer in Charge, Survey Deparlment, Egypt; obtaining temporary commission as Lieutenant; travel arrangements, salary and allowances; accusations of misconduct and incompetence; resignation. Including article re war graves by de Savigny-Bower from ?he Spllitrr, 24 Jan. 1920. 28 Sep. 1918 22 Mar. 1985 Main topics: appointment as Higher Division Clerk, Chief Assistant, Finance, Assistant Secretary, Finance, Principal Assistant Secretary; sickness; superannuation; retirement and appointment in advisory capacity; correspondence re pension and historical records of Commission; obituary. Shonfield L.E.. 14 July 1923 18 July 1962 Main topics: appointments as Clerk of Works and Chief Clerk of Works in France; ter~nination of appointment and search for work; appointment as Clerk of Works to Villers-Bretonneux memorial; termination of appointment and income tax problems; appointment as Clerk of Works on naval memorials in UK. Including letters of recommendation from F. Ware and H. Robinson to Lutyens, Baker and Holden, with replies, 13 Sep.- 5 Oct. 1933. 1151 F 108 F.C.Sillor. 29 Apr. 1919 17 Mar. 1931 Main topics: sickness, leave, salary and war pension rights Including 2 letters re attempts to find new employment for redundant staff, 16-17 Mar. 1931. Stopford J.R.N. 7 Dec. 1919 12 Feb. 1940 Main topics: relations between DGRE and Commission re enquiries from public; appointment as Assistant Secretary; termination of appointment and subsequent occasional work for the Commission. Including 3 letters re General Strike, 4-6 May 1926. Viscount Stopford later became Earl of Courtown. I May 1918 3 June 1937 - Main topics: appointment as Principal Assistant Secretary, and duties of that post; return to Board of Education; death and obituary. 1154 S D C 38 Appointment Of Permanent ViceChairrnsn. 24 Oct. 1917 19 June 1920 Main topics: choice of Ware for Vice-Chairmanship; negotiations with Treasury re tenure of' the post and salary. Including: Draft by Ware for later to be sent by Lord Derby to Commissioners re propsal to appoint Ware a% Vice-chairman, 24 Oct. 1917. Letter from Ware to W. Churchill re continuation of his work for the Commission, with part of MS. draft, 10 Feb. 19 19. Letter from A. Chamberlain to H . Ellissen re salary for Vice-chairman, 19 May 1919. 1155 WG 789 Maj. Gen. Sir Fabian Ware. 24 June 1919 21 Apr. 1950 Main topics: travel arrangements, purpose of tour and report on visit to Middle East, 1920; powers and duties of Vice-Chairman; sickness; further tour arrangements. Including: Internal minute re Ware's concurrent duties with Commission and IWGC, 2 0 Nov. 1919. Resolutions re duties and powers of Vice-Chairman, 22 July 1920, 21 Apr. 1921. Copy letter from Adjutant General to G.O.C. Black Sea re handing over cemeteries to Commission by DGRE, I Oct. 1920. Internal minute to Ware re request from Director of Works for policy decision on running of operations in Egypt, 30 Oct. 1920. Later to Ware re annual report, Lady Selborne and War Graves Association, 18 Nov. 1920. Internal minute by Ware re delegation of his powers to Controller and Financial Adviser, 15 Feb. 1921. Correspondence with H.P. Cart d e Lafontaine re itinerary for Ware's visit to France and early 18th century tomb of Scottish general, 7-24 Sep. 1921. Interview with Ware by Violet Markham, 7 7 ~Queen, 28 May 1924. Correspondence with Mrs Kipling re visit by Ware, 6-1 1 Jan. 1926. Letter from League of Nations Union asking Ware to chair a meeting, 10 Mar. 1927. Press cuttings re speech by Ware on contemporary architecture, 14 Dec. 1927. Correspondence with Lady Ware re journey through France, I3 Aug.- 2 1 Sep. 1948. General Sir Fabian Ware. 29 May 1919 21 Jan. 1931 - Main topics: salary; travel expenses; delegation of financial powers of Vice-chairman. Including: Letter from Ware mentioning his post with Rio Tinto Co., 3 June 1919. Letter to R. Kipling from H. Ellissen re forwarding letter from Ware probably reporting on work in Eastern District (Ware's letter is not in the tile), 15 Nov. 1920. 1157 P 01 Pt.] Major General Sir Fabian Ware - Superarinuulion Scheme. 29 Mar. 1927 17 June 1948 Sir Fabian Ware. 2 Sep. 1942 12 Feb. 1948 Refers to insurance policy. 1158 P 01 Pt.2 Main topics: sickness and allowances 1159 P 01 Pt.3 Death Of Maj. Gen. Sir Fabian Ware. 26 Apr. 1949 3 June 1949 - Main topics: announcement of death; organisation of memorial service, invitations to attend and replies; obituaries and appreciation. Including letters from F. Kenyon and from British War Graves Association, 29 Apr. 1949. 1160 POlPt.4 Tablet to F. Ware In The Chapel Of Saint George (And In Gloucester Cathedral). l l June 1949 15 Nov. 1952 Main topics: design and installation of tabla at Westminster Abbey; various other commemorations of Ware. Including file F 2245 re financial approval for tablet, 6-10 Feb. 1950. 1161 P 0 1 Pt.5 Photograph Of Major General Sir Fabian Ware. 21 Sep. 1949 5 Dec. 1950 Main topic: presentation of portrait of Ware to commission by Lady Ware; distribution of copies to Commission oftices. - Section 13: Commirsion S W Entry For Sir Fabian W a r e In Book O f Remembrance At T h e King's Chapel O f T h e Savoy. 23 Sep. 1949 4 July 1950 - Main topics: design of page for hook of remembrance hy M.C. Oliver. 1163 P 0111 Biographical Note O n Sir Fabian Ware. 3 June 1953 2 Apr. 1954 - Refers to composition of entry for Dictionary of National Biography. Including correspondence with Lord Beveridge, with proofs of relev,mt sections o f Beveridge's autobiography and copy of an earlier article about Ware, 3 June 1953 - 8 Mar. 1954. Correspondence and papers hy F. Sillar 1164 SDC44 Armistice Day Broadcasts. 1 1 NOV. 1926 - 1 l Nov. 1927 Refers to radio addresses by F. Ware on Armistice Day. Contents: Text of address, 1 1 Nov. 1926. 2 letters of appreciation from Maj-Gen. Lord Ruthven and l. Reith, 12 and 17 Nov. 1926. Pamphlet Their Name Liverh For Evermore. An aildress broailcan by wireless on [he evening of Armistice Day 1927, hy F. Ware, London, no date, G pp. Documents taken from file WG 180/1/11 (not now in the archive). 1165 Add 1/1/141 Reniembmnce Service - BBC Radio. 1926 Main topics: Armistice Day broadcasts by F. Ware and J . Smuts, with press responses. Including: TS. copies of F. Ware's broadcasts for 1926, 1928-30, 1933-34.. TS. copy of broadcast by head gardener of Etaples, with introduction by Ware, 1935. Letter from Ware to J. Reith, 16 Nov. 1926. MS. letter and pr. leatlet from E. Boscawen, containing poem re Etaples cemetery, 7 Nov. 1927. Pr, booklet by F. Ware, Their Nunre Liverh For Evermore, London, 1927. 6pp. The Lis~ener,13 Nov. 1929. World Raclim, Vol. XVlI,No.434, 17 Nov. 1933, File: 'Broadcast by General Smuts', containing TS. correspondence with J. Smuts, R. Kipling, High Commissioner for Australia, and BBC officials. with - 1935 draft speech, re speaker to stand in for F, Ware on Armistice Day 1934, and re preparation of speech. 1166 Add 1/1/21 4 June 1926 12 May 1949 Ftrbinn Ware. Main topics: negotiations with Treasury re superannuation scheme for F. Ware; voluntary reduction of salary; extension of term of oftice of Vice-chairman beyond date originally set for its termination, with salary and superannuation, and subsequent further extension. Including: Copies of papers re original appointment in 1919. Letter from Ware to N. Chamberlain re not suppressing information about casualties, continued value of Commission's work, and contact with German war graves authorities, 9 Sep. 1939. Text of talk by L.S.Amery in memory of Ware, 6 May 1949. 1167 Add 1/1/34 Major General Sir Fabian Ware. 1919 - 1922 Envelope containing press cutting with photograph of Lady Ware and invitation cards. 1168 Add 1/1/49 - Fabian W a r e Commemoration Of. 1949 - 1950 Folder containing miscellaneous items. Including: Photocopy of design for grave layout by F.G. Relph, February 1950. Obituary from 7he iri,ncs, 29 Apr. 1949. Verification form for name on headstone, no date. Mounted photograph of headstone. Letter requesting customs clearance for floral tribute from France, 25 Mar. 1950. Pr. note of thanks from Lady Ware for tributes, no date. 1169 Add 1/1/51 - Sir Fabian Wnre Memorial Service And Funeral Service. 25 Apr. 1949 30 Apr. 1949 Main topics: Ware's choice of burial place; draft appreciation of him by H. Chettle; Treasury refusal of permission to hold memorial service at public expense. 1170 Add 1/1/52 Notice Sent Round The Offices At Wooburn. 28 Apr. 1949 Main topic: notification of Ware's death. Including obituary from Journal of the Royal Institure of Brilish Arclrirecrs, June 1949. - 1171 Add 1/2/12 Fabian W a r e - Memorabilia. File containing miscellaneous items. Contents: Poster for lecture by Ware, 12 Jan. 1925. Envelope containing press cutting of photograph of Lady Ware, 1919. 3 official invitations from municipality of Mons to ceremonies, 1922. 1172 Add81115 Sir Fabian Ware: fines Cuttings O n Death. - 2 8 Apr. 1949 7 May 1949 Folder containing press cuttings and duplicated transcripts. Main topics: Ware's last sickness, death and memorial service. 1173 WG 78911 Headstone For Major General Sir Fabian Ware. 7 June 1949 25 Nov. 1952 Main topics: choice of inscriptions and badge for headstone; construction of grave and installation of headstone; horticultural treatment of grave; maintenance arrangements; death of Lady Ware and addition of her ashes to the grave. Much of the correspondence is with Lady Ware. 1174 Add 1/2/1 T h e Church And T h e Age. Pr. book, by W.R. Inge, London, 88 pp., belonging to F. Ware. Ware's name is inscribed. 1175 Add 11212 Sermons And Addresses Selling Forth T h e Teachings And Spirit Of Judaism. Pr. book by H. Gollancz, Second Series, London, 298 pp., belonging to F. Ware. Inscribed to Ware by the author, 1928. 1176 Add 1/2/3 Fifty Years After: Sermons And Addresses Selling Forth The Teachings And Spirit Of Judaisrn. 1924 Pr. book by H. Gollancz, Third Series, London, 320 pp., belonging to F. Ware. Inscribed to Ware by the author, 1928. 1177 WG 838 Auditors T o T h e 1WGC. Main topic: appointment of auditors. 30 Jan. 1919 2 Oct. 1919 - Section 14. Offices And Facilities Used By The Commission. This section is concerned with leases of oftices and depots at Ypres and London, and use of Ypres British Settlement buildings at Saint Gwrge's memorial church. 1178 WG 360 Pt.2 Ypres - General File. 19 D=. 1931 30 Jan. 1932 - 28 Oct. 1922 11 July 1932 - Refers to proposed demolition of Ypres ramparts and vacation of offices. Including cuttings re Ypres ramparts and European politics generally. Main topic: lease of land at Ypres by Commission from Department of National Defence. l l80 WG 6381911 Building Of Permanen t Commission Office In Ypres. 25 July 1923 7 Sep. 1926 Main topics: proposal from Y p r s municipality that Commission should erect an office building to include a site for Ypres town war memorial. including: Envelope containing photographs of Ypres town war memorial and drawing of proposed oftice building. Envelope containing pr. plan of Ypres and tracing of plan showing proposed memorial site. Envelope containing pholograph of drawing of memorial site and blueprint plan. l181 WG 638110 - Leases New Nursery - Ypres. 2 0 Apr. 1923 9 Nov. 1923 - Main topics: renting land for nursery from religious community; inability to obtain a lease. 1182 WG 638112 I W G C New Office At Ypres. 2 6 Mar. 1931 4 Nov. 1931 Main topic: taking lease on an office at Y p r a . 1183 WG 638113 - t e a s e Of W o r b Store Ypres. Main topics: terms in lease relating to alterations to building. 18 Feb. 1948 29 Feb. 1948 - 1184 WG 683 Pt.l Accommodation And Furniture Etc. - London General File. 27 D=. 1918 30 Sep. 1920 - Main topics: defining requirements for oflice space and finding suitable accommodation; working conditions of typing staff. 1185 WG 683 Pt.2 Acconmoda lion And Furni lure Etc. - London General File. 12 July 1920 6 Nov. 1922 Main topics: occupation of offices at Baker Street, and allocation of rooms to staff; poor condition of accommodation; uses made of various rooms; effects of accommodation restrictions on departmental work; conditions in building during 1921 heatwave; search for alternative accommodation. Including: List of departments, personnel and duties, with letter, 7 Feb. 1922. Draft verbatim report of Commission's evidence to Accommodalion Investigation (de Banolome) Committee on functioning of Commission, with note, 2 Mar. 1922. 1186 WG683Pt.3 - Accommodation And Furniture Etc. London General File, - 15 Mar. 1923 18 Dec. 1929 - Main topics: maintenance of building and requests from various government departments for space in it; movements of departments within building; reductions of staff. 1187 WG 683/23 Accommodation - Sanctuary Buildings. 23 Oct. 1929 12 Mar. 1937 Main topics: removal of Commission oftices from Baker Street to Westminster; alterations to the building; equipping and arranging offices. 1188 WG683/24 Accommodalion - London. 1 Nov. 1928 30 Sep. 1932 Main topics: removal of Commission offices from Baker Street to Sanctuary Buildings, Westminster. 1189 WG 360/4 Pt. l Yprm klemorial Church And School. 3 Oct. 1924 19 Jan. 1945 Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; advice requested by Gen. W. Pulteney re negotiations over church; conduct of the appeal for funds; obtaining a site; foundation stone ceremony; stafing of school; opening ceremony for church: gifts of church furniture; establishing corporate ownership of church and school; erection of memorials in the church; broadcast of Saint George's day service 1939; administralion of trust for church and school; fate of buildings during the German occupation. Including: Envelope containing photographs of design for chapel by R. Blomfield and of proposed site at Lille Gate, with report, 19 Dec. 1924. Secrim 14: Offies and Facilirics Ypres Memorial Church Fund, appeal leaflets, with letters, 29 Nov. 1925 and 22 June 1926. List of gifis of church furniture. Several items of correspondence are MS. copies; originals in SDC 50 (not now in the archive). l190 WG 36014 R . 2 Ypres Memorial Church And School. l Feb. 1945 2 4 Sep. 1948 Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; re-opening of church and school as welfare centre; repair of buildings; IWGC contribution to funding chaplaincy; appointment of new chaplain (also as welfare worker to Commission); proposal for Commission to take over settlement; British Legion interest in taking over settlement. Including: Report on war damage and loss of property, 15 Sep. 1945, Annual Report of Ypres British Settlement, Oct. 1937. Correspondence re chaplaincy at Ypres also occasionally refers to chaplain in Arras area provided by Mission to Seamen, Dunkirk, then by Commonwealth and Continental Church Society (throughout WG 36014 tiles and WEL3). 1191 WG 36014 R . 3 Ypres Memorial Church And School. 8 Oct. 1948 4 Oct, 1960 Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; controlling interest taken by British Legion; visits by Rev. H.M. Sanders to Ypres; appointment of chaplains; continued funding and financial administration of settlement; Friends of Saint Gmrge's Memorial Church (with newsletters); education of children of Commission staff; Saint George's Day pilgrimages; Commission contribution to maintenance of settlement buildings; notices on Menin Gate giving directions to church; control of social events in settlement hall; Commission staff club at Ypres. Including: Minutes of meetings of settlement administrators. Rules for social and welfare club, Belgium area, and Commonwealth Club, Ypres. Envelope containing photographs of direction signs to church. 1192 WG 36014Pt.4 Ypres Memorial Church And School. 4 Oct. I960 16 May 1962 Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; suggestions for and approval of rules for Commonwealth Club, Ypres; proposed sale of settlement buildings; Friends of Saint George's Memorial Church (with newsletters); acquisition of settlement hall by Commission and alterat ions to building; administration of the settlement; end of full-time chaplaincy; disposal of vicarage and school; Commission's contribution to chaplaincy. Including: Newskerrer of rtte Anglicun Cllurch ill Nor111 culd Ctmrul Europe, No. 23, Winter 1960161, and No.25, Winter 1961162. Plan of Saint George's Settlement, Apr. l96 1. Minutes etc. of Ypres British Settlement administrators. Letter from R. Bekaert objecting to sale, l5 May 1962. 1193 WG36014Pt.5 Ypres Memorial Church And School. 23 May 1962 20 Mar. 1963 Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; disposal of school and vicarage; rebuilding of hall; disposal of school library provided by City of Sheffield; Friends of Saint Gwrge's Memorial Church (with newsletters); campaign to prevent sale (R. Bekaert , J. Yorath); preparation of guide to memorials in church; appointment of administrator of settlement. Including: Correspondence with Toc H (Rev P. Clayton) re pilgrimage facil it ies, school library and saving the settlement. Newslerrer of rhe Anglicut? Church it1 Norrh and Cenrral Europe, No. 27, Winter 1962/63. Plans of proposed alterations to buildings, Apr. 1961. 1194 WG 36014 Pt.6 Ypres Memorial Church And School. 28 May 1963 18 Sep. 1963 - Main topics: sale of vicarage and hall; conversion uf school building to club; Friends of Saint George's Memorial Church (with newsletters); preparation and installation of glide to memorials in church; appointment of administrators of settlement; representation of British Legion amongst administrators. Including: Correspondence with Rev P. Clayton (Toc H) re museum and hostel in settlement buildings, 4- 18 Apr. 1963. Plan of location for guide to memorials in church, 9 Apr. 1963. Descriptive leaflet re Saint Gwrge's Memorial Church. Newslerrer of rhe Atlglicutl Church in North atd Cenrral Europe, No. 28, Summer 1963. Plan of proposed alterations to buildings, 26 Apr. 1964. 1195 WG 36014 Pt.7 Ypres Memorial Church And School. f7 Sep. 1963 9 June 1964 Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; control and use of club building (renamed Church Hall); fitting out of building; business of the administrators; Commission's provision of welfare facilities; Friends of Saint Gwrge's Memorial Church (with newsletters). Including: Plans for alterations to playground and church hall, 2 0 Aug. and 9 Dec. 1963. Newsletter of the Anglican Church in North and Central Europe, No. 29, Winter 1963164. Secriotr 14: Off~es und Futilities 1196 WG 36014 Pt.8 Ypres Memorial Church And School. 10 June 1964 25 Feb. 1966 Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; administration of settlement; alterations to buildings; Commission's contributions to chaplaincy and settlement; proposed handover of church to Church of England authorities; Friends of Saint George's Memorial Church (with newsletters); investments on behalf of the settlement; proposals by Bishop of Fulham for new administrative and trusteeship arrangements. Including: Correspondence with Rev P. Clayton etc re Toc H pilgrimage?, 15-28 Oct. 1964. Chaplains report for 1964, with reference to Anglo-German service, with letter, 2 6 Apr. 1965. Minutes of meeting of administrators, 17 Feb. 1966. 1197 WG 360/4 Pt.9 Ypres Memorial Church And School. 25 Feb. 1966 28 Sep. 1967 Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; memorial plaque to Sir Winston Churchill in church; proposed new arrangements for funding and administration of settlement; investments on behalf of the settlement; request for financial support from British Legion; funding for structural repairs to church; Friends of Saint Gwrge's Memorial Church (with newsletters). Including minutes of meetings of administrators. 1198 WG 360/4 Pt. l0 Ypres ~MernorialChurch And School. 10 Oct. 1967 22 Mar. I969 Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; receipt of private bequest (T. Hedges); fixing of standard presented to church; investments on behalf of settlement; Friends of Saint George's Memorial Church (with newsletters). Including minutes of administrators' meeting, 5 Apr. 1968. 1199 WG 360/4 Pt. l l Ypres Memorial Church And School. 3 0 Mar. 1969 12 Aug 1970 - Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; Commission contribution to support of settlement and chaplaincy; presentation to J. Griffin @on. sec. of settlement administrators) by City of Ypres; investments on behalf of settlement; trust fund held at Eton College (Ypres British School Trust); Friends of Saint George's Memorial Church (with newsletter); repairs and alterations to church hall. Including press cutting and letter re financial support fbr playing Last Post at Ypres, 2 6 June 1969. 1200 WG 36014 Pt. 12 Y p r s Memorial Church And School. 12 Aug. 1970 18 Sep. 1972 Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; adniinistration of the settlement; change of object of Eton CollegelYpres British School Trust (devoted to church); investments on behalf of settlement; new h a t i n g system for church hall; Commission's contributions to chaplaincy and settlement; Friends of Saint George's Memorial Church (with newsktters). Including: Minutes of meetings of administrators. Letters re sketches and MS. by G. Cowan, 9 and 14 Sep. 1970. Correspondence re Friends' pilgrimage, 14- l 6 Mar. 1972. 1201 WG 36014 Pt. 13 Ypres Memorial Church And School. 22 Sep. 1972 2 9 Jan. 1975 Main topics: Ypres British Settlement; administration of the settlement; repairs to church; Friends of Saint George's Memorial Church (with newsletters); appointment of chaplain and contribution to his stipend; appointment of new administrators; investments on behalf of the settlement Including minutes of meeting of administrators, 5 July 1973. 1202 WG 36014 Pt. 14 - Ypres Memorial Church Press Cullings Only. 4 Aug. 1925 23 Apr. 1931 Main topics: proposed nondenominational chapel as memorial to FM Lord French; p r o p o s d designs by R. Blomfield; site for church; school built by Old Etonians. 1203 Add 1/1/20 Ypres British Selllemenl (And Suinl George's Church). 13 Dec. 1924 May 1993 Main topics: founding of Saint Gwrge's church; Ypres British school; Ypres League pilgrimages. Including: MS. and TS. correspondence between Gen. Sir W. Pulteney and Lord Plumer and Belgian Ambassador to UK, 13 Dec. 1924 - 9 Apr. 1925. Fund raising leatlets for Saint George's church, 1924-1926. First report of Ypres British school, 23 July 1929. Guide for pilgrims to Y p r a by B. Brice and W. Pulteney, no date. Photocopy of Ypres League membership application form, no date. Photocopy of pilgrimage arrangements, 1983, and report (in pr. booklet 71te Friends of Sain! Gcorge 'S Memorial Church), May 1993. Most of the earlier documents are taken from cat. nos. 1 190-1203. 1204 W E L 3 Pt.1 Ypres British Selllement. 2 5 June 1974 2 Feb. 1978 Main lopics: administration of settlement ( Y p r Memorial ~ Church and School); investments on behalf of settlement; increased expenses of chaplaincy; repairs to church hall and church; Friends of Saint George's Memorial Church (with newsletters). Sectwn 14: Oflies and Facilities Including: Minutes o f meetings of administrators. Documents re sale of some settlement buildings in 1963. Notes on history of settlement's administration, with letter, 15 Dec. 1977. Copies of correspondence wirh Belgian authorities re site and building of church, and formation of Ypres Memorial Church and British Settlement as legal entity ('civil person') in Belgian law, 24 Dec. 1924 - 29 Apr. 1932. No other parts of this file are in the archive. the public (to War Oftice and Ministry of Pensions, as well as IWGC); IWGC assistance with wreath laying; charges against Chanter (from IWGC staff and Saint Barnabas Pilgrimages); conducted visits to graves for relatives. Including: File of press cuttings re YMCA wreath service, IWGC announcement on return of wooden crosses to relatives, Saint Barnabas Pilgrimages, blessing of wreaths. Press statement and cutring re clandestine exhumations and faulty registration of Canadian grave, 20 July 1921. Reports of wreaths laid in cemeteries in France and Belgium at Christmas 1921, 17-18 Jan. 1922. Letter mentioning Saint Barnabas Hostels wreath-laying Fdcilitie$, 9 Apr. 1924. Letter mentioning return of wooden cross to relative, 22 Oct. 1924. Letters from relative agreeing that wreaths are unnecessary due to care of graves, 24 Dec. 1924 and 24 Mar. 1925. War Graves Wreath Co. circulars (1 with note re recipient's confusion), 16 Mar. 1925 and 29 Sep. 1927. Letters making case against Chanter, 8 June 1925. Legal Dept. report on current situation re commercial wreath-lay ing and photographing graves, 20 Jan. t 928. Letter from R. Blomtield complaining about trade cards on wreaths at Menin Gate, 20 Nov. 1928. 2 envelopes containing photos by Chanter, 1 mounted as sold. Permits to lay wreaths in cemeteries, I0 Aug. 1929 and 6 Aug. 1930. Circular and order form re British Legion wreaths for Tyne Cot memorial, and IWGC circular re rules for wreath-laying, with letter of complaint, 2 Nov. 1929. Memoranda re legibility of name panels on memorials, and photography, 13 Oct. 1930. 1252 WG 250/1/1/1 Pr.2 Placing Wreaths On Graves - Capt. H. Chanter. 19 Feb. 1931 31 Oct. 1944 Main topics: activities of The War Graves Wreath Co.; attacks by Chanter on Fabian Ware, the work of the Commission and "The Silent Cities"; consideration of legal action against Chanter; letters of enquiry and complaint from the public re allegedly fraudulent wreath laying business. Including: Summary of Commission's relations with Chanter, 4 Mar. 193l . Envelope of copy letters and photographs sent to P. Snowden by Chanter (see also copy correspondence and letter, 26 Feb. 1931 and 13 May 1931). See also cat. nos. 84, 280. 1253 WG 1277118 T h e English Church At Croix. 1 Nov. 1927 14 Nov. 1927 Main topic: wreaths laid by members of the church at a number of cemeteries on All Saints' Day. l254 WG 1544 Pt.1 HM T h e King Visit T o Frnnce And Belgium. 15 Mar. 1922 21 Apr. 1922 Main topics: King's itinerary from Brussels to Calais, arranged by Commission, to visit war cemeteries; arrangements re who should meet the King and accompany him on his visit; requests from journalists and film-maker for information about plans for the visit; requests from unofticial bodies to participate in ceremonies. Including: Copy of letter from President Poincar6 approving of royal itinerary, 28 Mar. 1922. Letter from Ware to R. Kipling re proposals for drafting King's speech, 2 8 Mar. 1922. Summary of procedure for registering burials by DGRE, verifying details. informing relatives and keeping records of graves, 2 0 Apr. 1922. Summary of Works Department procedure for production and erection of headstones, 25 Apr. 1922. Letters from H. Benson requesting information, 27-28 Apr. and 2 May 1922. Correspondence between Ware and Kipling re visits to cemeteries with Canadian High Commissioner, and reply, 28-29 Apr., 1-2 and 5 May 1922. Letter from Ware to Lord Burnham re press arrangements for visit, 2 May 1922. Copy letter from Marshal Foch accepting invitation to meet King, with note, 3 May 1922. SS WG 1544 Pt.2 HM T h e King Visit T o France And Belgium. 6 May 1922 October 1928 Main topics: arrangements for ceremony at Terlincthun cemetery, and issue of tickets; arrangements for Dominion representatives to show graves to King at Etaples; distribution of tickets for ceremony; notes on cemeteries to be visired and work of the Commission prepared for royal visit; congratulations on success of royal inspection of cemeteries; proposal to publish book about visit (77le King's Pilgrimage); F. Ware's thanks to those who assisted in arrangements; reports re various stages of the inspection of cemeteries; KCVO awarded to Ware; composition of text (with R. Kipling and F. Fox) and collection of illustrations for book. Including: Letter from R. Blomfield re meeting King at Ypres, 7 May 1922. Letters from H. Benson re ceremony, 9 and 16 May 1922. Report of royal visit to Etaples cemetery and meeting with Dominion representatives, 13 May 1922. Report re presentation of book to King by St Barnabas Hostels, 26 May 1922. LRtter from Ware to Kipling re manuscript copy of poem, 19 June 1922. Letter re stone commemorating King's visit to Notre Dame de Lurette, I I Aug. 1927. Empire Fellowship, October 1928. 1256 WG 154417 The King's Visit To France - Notes On Cemeteries. 25 Apr. 1922 2 May 1922 File containing loose TS. notes, two tiles and envelope of TS. notes. Notes re cemeteries and work of Commission, for use by F. Ware during royal visit. 1257 WG 154418 The King's Visit To France - Maps. April 1922 May 1922 - File containing envelope of drawn, traced and blueprint maps of itinerary for royal visit, and plans of Terlincthun and Vlamertinghe cemeteries. 1258 WG 1544111 - The King's Visit To France Travelling Arrangements. 1 May 1922 10 May 1922 Main topic: rail way travel arrangements for Commission staff and Colnmissioners attending royal visit. Including: Letter from R. Kipling re travel arrangements, 6 May 1922. Letter re attendance of H. Baker, 10 May 1922. 1259 WG 1544112 - The King's Visit To France Transport. 4 May 1922 10 May 1922 Main topic: motor transport arrangements for royal tour of cemeteries. Including letter to R. Kipling re use of his car, c. 5 May 1922. 1260 WG 1544113 The King's Visit To France - Sir Herbert Ellissen's Correspondence, 6 May 1922 15 May 1 E 2 Main topics: instructions issued to Commission staff in France re royal tour of cemeteries; transport and communication arrangements; programme for the tour. 1261 WG 1789 HM The King's Visit To Italy. 2 Mar. 1923 13 June 1923 Main topics: preparation of itinerary for royal visit to war cemeteries; arrangements for transport and for reception of King by Italian officials; requests from newspapers to send correspondents. - Sectiurr 16: Ceremonies and Pilgrinrages Including: Letter from Controller and Financial Adviser mentioning unveiling of war crosses at Colchester and Leicester, 23 Apr. 1923. Note of interview with chairman, Anglo-Egyptian War Cemeteries Executive Committee re business of that committee, 24 Apr. 1923. Copy of letter from controller and Financial Adviser to F. Ware mentioning Ministry of Labour proposal re employment of British labour by Commission in France, and dispute with Stone Cutters' Union re production of headstones, handled by H. Gosling, 19 Apr. 1923. Letter from Secretary General, Mixed Committee, to Ware re ceremonies in Belgium and visit by Prince of Wales to cemeteries, 2 6 Apr. 1923. Letter from father introduced to King at grave of his son, 15 May 1923. Letter from Lega halo Britannica re photograph of wreath laid in cemetery, 19 May 1923. Letter from Legal Adviser to Italian liaison officer re ribbons of Royal Victorian Order, 9 May 1923. Copy of letter from Sir F. Ponsonby to Count G. Memmo, sending gift of pin from King and Queen, 18 May 1923. 1262 WG 122/22/1 - - East Africu Visils HRH T h e Duke O f York. 4 Oct. 1924 5 Mar. 1925 Main topics: wreath-laying at Nairobi cemetery; consideration of suitable royal ceremony, with reports. Including personal description of visit by Deputy Director of Works, East Africa. 1263 1936/12/2 HM King Edward's Visit to Gallipoli. 18 July 1936 22 Oct. 1936 Main topics: arrangements for and reports of visit by Edward Vlll to British Empire and Turkish cemeteries and memorials; relations with press re publicatkm of letter of appreciation from Edward to IWGC. 1264 Add 1/1/138 Ceremonies Other Than Unveilings. Concerns ceremonies organised in conjunction with ex-service pilgrimages. Orders of ceremony at: Etaples, arranged by Commission and British Legion, 27 June 1931. Faubourg dYAmiens, Arras, attended by representatives of British Ernpire Service League, British Legion and Poppy Factory, G Aug. 1933. 1931 - 1933 1265 Add 41311 Back To The Battlefields, Ten Years After - The British Legion. 15 Dec. 1927 File containing TS. letter and pr. circulars and registration forms. Refers to pilgrimage to western fiont battlefields organised by British Legion and Empire Service League for August 1928. 1266 WG 64616181 I1 HRH The Prince Of Wales Visit With British Legion. 14 June 1928 14 Aug. 1928 Main topics: visit of Prince to Menin Gate for British Legion ceremony, and subsequent visit to visitors' hostels in Ypres and to Commission cemeteries; preparation of itinerary. Including: Envelope containing picture postcards Salvation Army hostel for pilgrims, Ypres. Letters and repons from Church Army and Salvation Army re provision of facilities for visitors to war graves (pilgrimages), 3f July and 1 Aug. 1928. Repor1 of visit, 9 Aug. 1928. 1267 Add 41313 British Legion Festival Of Empire And Remembrance. 1 1 Nov. 1933 The Empire Field Of Remembrance. 1934 Pr. programme, 12 pp. 1268 Add 41312 Pr. pamphlet, 8 pp. with enclosed subscription forms (2 copies). 1269 Add 41314 British h i o n Festival Of Remembrance. 1 l Nov. 1935 Pr. card acknowledging support. 1270 Add 81111 Canadian Pilgrimages (Visit To Orpington, Kent). August 1936 Including cutting from Fol&sro~w Herald re visit of Canadians to Shorncliffe cemetery, 2 July 1921. 1271 ACON 149 Visits - Gallipuli - Saint Barnabils. 8 Feb. 1928 3 Oct. 1928 Main topics: pilgrimage to Gallipoli and Asiago plateau; friction between pilgrimage organiser (Rev. M. Mullineux MC) and Commission ofi?cials (including references to previous pilgrimages); involvement of Foreign Oftice and British ambassador to Turkey; concerns of Commission that relations with Turkish aulhorities will be affected adversely by conduct of pilgrimage; incidental detail of Mull ineux's career. Including: Report on the pilgrimage and on condition of cemeteries by Lord Stopford, 18 Sep. 1928. Sectioion 16: Cerenro~riesand Pilgrimages Letter mentioning friendly attitude of a Turk to pilgrims, 20 Sep. 1928. Letter reporting on pilgrimage to Asiago, describing work of Counr Memmo for IWGC in Italy, 24 Sep. 1928. For further correspondence with Mullineux, see cat. nos. 569, 1124, 1281 1272 SDC 93 St. Barnabas Pilgrimages. 1928 - 1930 271~O p l i m i s t ('The national organ of the cheerful giver') is devoted exclusively to Saint Barnabas pilgrimages, and includes a letter from Ian Hay, and message from the Duchess of York, with photographs of pilgrimage activities. 1273 Add 4/5/1 Gallipoli And Salonika Cruise. Pr. leatlet advertising Cunard White Star cruise, with itinerary and prices. 1274 Add 8/1/3 Last Post - Dud Corner Cemetery, Loos. File containing 2 press cuttings. Main topic: Sounding of 'Last Post' endowed by R. Kipling. 25 Sep. 1930 20 July 1935 Section 17. Commission Publications And Proposed Histories. This section concerns the pub1ication of cemetery registers, the books The King 's Pilgrimage, and 7heir Name Liveth, a proposed history of the Commission. 1275 WG 1415 Pt.5 Requests For Copies Of Cemetery Registers. 8 Apr. 1946 27 June 1951 Main topics: enquiries re obtaining registers for World War I cemeteries. No other pans of this file are in the archive. 1276 WG 1544/2 Pt. l T h e King's Pilgrimage. 20 May 1922 29 Dec. 1922 Main topics: draft text for book by F. Fox, and approval from Buckingham Palace; permission to use press photographs as illustrations; distribution of complimentary copies and thanks from recipients; marketing of book. Including: MS copy of letter from R. Kipling re draft of text, 10 June 1922. Letter to Kipling from Principal Assistant S w r ~ a r yre marketing of book. and MS. copy ofreply, 27 July and 7 Aug. 1922. Letter re F. Ware's health, 29 July 1922. Letter from Sir E. Hodder-Williams (Hodder & Stoughton) to R. Kipling re marketing of book, 1 1 Aug. 1922. Envelope containing plan of Etaples Military Cemetery and plans of Dominion plots. 2 Envelopes containing pr. proof sheets. Originals of some MS. copy correspondence are cat. no. 1282. 1277 WG 1 R.2 T h e King's Pilgrimage. 3 Jan. 1923 21 Sep. 1935 Main topics: sales of book; contribution by Commission to exhibition in Paris celebrating jubilee o f King George V. Including letter from Anzac Day Cornmittw, Queensland, re using extract from book as pamphlet, 31 Jan. 1923. 1278 WG 154416 Pt. 1 2 Dec. 1922 29 Sep. 1923 The King's Pilgrimage. Main topics: preparation and distribution of leaflet advertising book; requests for book received from next of kin of dead circulated by Commission. Including correspondence with Sir E. Hodder-Williams (Hodder & Stoughton) re success of leatlet advertising book, 17-26 Apr. 1923. 1279 WG 154416 Pt.2 1 Oct. 1923 10 Feb. 1943 The King's Pilgrimage. Main topic: requests for book received from next of kin of dead circulated by Commission. Including correspondence with Sir E. Hodder-Williams (Hodder & Stoughton) re succtss of leatlet advertising book, 6-1 1 Oct. 1923. 1280 WG 1544110 The King's Visit To France - Distribution Of Profits From The King's Pilgrimage. I Nov. 1922 9 Oct. 1923 - Main topics: division of proceeds from sale of 7he Ki~tg'sPilgrimage between Saint Barnabas Hostels, YMCA,Church Army and Salvation Army to support pilgrimages to war graves; sales of book by Saint Barnabas Hostels; publisher's donation of own costs to fund. Including letter from Mullineux commenting on YMCA'sorganisation of pilgrimages, l May 1923. 1281 Add 1/1/57 3 May 1922 7 Aug. 1922 King's Pilgrimage. Wallet containing pr. book and 2 files of TS. correspondence and papers. Main topics: arrangements for pilgrimage by King George V, and publication of book 77w King's Pilgrimage. Contains: Copy of 7he King 'S Pilgrimage, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1922. File containing envelope of TS. drafts of speech made by Gmrge V at Terlincthun, with French translation and letters, 3-4 May 1922. File containing correspondence with R. Kipling and Sir F. Ponsonby re text of book 771e King 'S Pilgrimage, TS. draft of text, ofticial itineraries for the pilgrimage and plan of the royal train. Documents are mainly taken from cal. nos. 12556, 1277-8 and file WG 154419 (destroyed). 1282 WG 8151 1 Pt. l Report To Imperinl Conference London 1937 Correspondence Wit h Cambridge University Press. - 15 Apr. 1937 29 May 1937 Main topics: printing of report (7he I~nntortal Herifage) for the Imperial Conference by the university printers, and subsequent publication, pricing and distribution of published edition. Copy of draft text contains MS. letter with historical details frnrri H. Ellissen (19 Apr. 1937), p.25. - 1283 WG 8/5/1 Pt.2 Report To Imperial Conference London 1937 Correspondence With Cambridge University Press. - I June 1937 30 Sep. 1937 Main topics: printing and publication of report ( m e Immortal Heritage); pricing of published edition; enlisting support of ex-service organisations; terms of agreement with publisher; writing introduction; presentation and review uq-ks. Including: Correspondence between Ware and Blunden re introduction, 7 June 1937 24 July 1937. Letters to newspaper editors to accompany review copies, with some political comments, 14 Sep. 1937. Letters accompanying presentation and review copies, with raponsa, 7 Sep. 1937 - Sep. 1937. Introduction is by E. Blunden. 1284 WG 81512 Report To Imperial Conference London 1937 Corres. With Dominions And USA. - 7 June 1937 4 Aug. 1939 Main topics: encouraging purchase of published edition of report (as m e Inrmortal Heritage) in Dominions; approaches to newspapers and libraries with responses; texts of broadcasts. Including letters from H. Brookes (Australia) describing his promotional efforts, with idealistic appreciation of the book's influence in preserving peace, 7-1 1 Oct. 1937. Organisations include: Australian War Memorial, New Zealand returned Soldiers' Association, British Empire Service League, Macmillan Co. (Canada), Army Headquarters (India), British Great War Veterans of America (New York), Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Queensland Anzac Day Committee. 1285 SDC 14 The Immortal Heritage, 17 July 1937 File containing MS. introduction to The Immortal Heritage (version of Report on the Work of the Imperial War Graves Cum~ission,I91 7-1937) with letter. Document by E. Blunden. J286 Add 1/1/58 The Inmortal Herihge. 1937 Wallet containing 3 copies of pr. book Report on the Work of the inrperial War Graves Commission, 1917-1937, with order form, and pr. covering letter and note to Imperial Conference, 15 May 1937, and file of press cuttings. Including press cuttings from U K and overseas re publication of m e Imnlortal Heriragt. 1287 SDC 35 The ImmorlaI Heritage. 1937 - 1938 Main topics: presentation of report to Imperial Conference; thanks for presentation copies of m e Immortal Heritage from a large number of famous people associated with Commission, some including brief reminiscenca about their involvement in its work. Including correspondence re Macnaghten War Memorial Library, Eton College, 1937-38. Letters re Imperial Conference mainly taken from cat. no. 58. 1288 WG 1708 History Of T h e Commission. 14 Mar. 1928 16 Oct. 1934 Main topics: requests for historical and contemporary information re writing a history of the work of the Commission, and o f war burials more generally; information received re military burials in Canada. Including: Report o n graves concentration work in Iraq, 14 Mar. 1928 Memorandum re history of Graves Registration Commission (GRC), with letter, 8 Apr. 1932. Letter from secretary, Last Post Fund, re pre-war military burials in Canada and USA, with pamphlets, 31 Mar. 1932. Copy of letter from The lmperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire and Children of the Empire (Junior Branch), National Chapter of Canada, re South African War memorial, l l Apr. 1932. Letter from American Battle Monuments Commission describing US policy and administration re military burials, 12 Dec. 1932. Envelope containing press cutting of article by F. Ware re origin of Commission, with letters, 11 Nov. 1932. Letters from Ware to S. Baldwin and N. Chamberlain, re press article, f l Nov. 1932. 1289 Add 1/10/1 Colonel Chett le, Notes And Abstracts. 1932 - 1933 Box containing 19 folders of notes, abstracts of documents, press cuttings, magazine extracts, precis of foreign press coverage of war graves and memorials, pr. pamphlet and post cards. Refers to preparation of a history of war burials from ancient times, but with special emphasis o n World War 1. Including: / 1: Synopsis of project. 12: Forms of burial, international law and specitic regulations relating to war burials. 13: Ancient Greece and Rome. 14: Mediaeval, with correspondence re 15th century burials. /S: Modern, with some official correspondence re pre 1914 war graves, and pamphlet re Monmouth's Rebellion. 16: Drafi preface by Chettle for a proposed history to be published by the Commission. Seclion 17: Commirsion Publiclrtiorrs 17: Month by month list of events of signitkance to Commission, 1914-1932, 18-116 (folders numbered 1 1-20): Burial and commemorative practica in Hungary, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece and Italy, during and after World War 1, with postcards of Yser Monument, Dixmude, and monument to the tirst victims of gas warfare, Steenstraete, in Belgium folder (/10), and oftlcial reports from Commission staff re foreign countries' policies on war burials. 117 (numbered 21): Origins of the Commission and its mixed committees, with notes of a meeting at War Office between Adjutant General, DGRE and Dominion representatives re work of Army graves service and Prince of Wales's National Committee for the Care of Soldiers' Graves, 25 Sep. 1916. 118: United Stales national cemeteries. /l9 Draft by Chettle re British battlefield memorials and memorials to missing, with copy of F. Ware's radio address 'The Price of Peace'. 1290 Add l / 1/27 Commonweallll W a r Graves Commission [Beginning Of). 21 Oct. 1932 1960s Folder containing TS . papers and pr. pamphlet Contents: 11: Memorandum on establishment of war cemeteries, H.F. Chettle, 21 Oct. 1932. 12: Memorandum on inception and work of the Directorare of Graves Registration and Enquiries(DGRE), with prCcis of file WG 1298, no date. 13: Precis of tirst 5 meetings of the Commission, no date. 14: Pamphlet Conunonwealth War Graves Commission. Luyout a d Mainfcnance oJ Cemeferies', no date. 1291 Add1/10/2 Dominions' Position In The Event Of W a r And Newspaper Cuttings Up T o 1944. 8 Aug. 1939 22 Apr. 1944 Main topics: conditions in which governments participating in IWGC would be belligerents; question of giving military status to staff: declarations of war by participating governments. File belonging to H. Chettle. - Secrwrr 18: Privaie Papers Section 18. Private Papers Unrelated To The Commission 'S Work. 1292 Add 7/1/1 Williams E.G.- War Sketches And Memoirs, (Including T.S. Williams.) 1915 - c . 1975 Box containing envelope with 2 tape cassettes of reminiscences, photograph and 3 letters from friends; 2 files of MS., TS. and photocopied texts; 5 drawings, ink wash on board, 1916-17; 3 paintings, watercolour on board, 1915-16; 2 paintings, watercolour on card, 1969-70; 3 paintings, watercolour on board, 1970-75; with 1 painting, watercolour on card, 1921. Titles of texts are: 'Notes on officers and men of the 19th Dattn. Kings Liverpool Regt.' 'Pictures from France 19 15 to 1918 - memories of the Ypres Salient.' 'Bird life in a French orchard behind the lines'. Also included, by T.S. Williams: 'The Carnoy Cows.' 'Nature notes from no-man's land.' 'A Flanders chateau.' Watercolour painting, 1921, may be by R. Granton.