University of Winnipeg Scholarship Handbook

Student Awards 1
Arts, Science, Education, & Business and Economics
Awards administered by the Senate Committee on Student Services are made
from funds donated or founded by friends of the University. These include
scholarships, bursaries, prizes, awards, and medals and are awarded in the
spring or fall as required by the terms under which each is offered.
A scholarship is awarded for academic achievement and normally can be
used by students only while attending The University of Winnipeg. Recipients
must have grade point averages of at least 3.00.
A bursary is a grant made to a student who demonstrates financial need and
who holds a satisfactory academic record. Recipients must have grade point
averages of at least 2.00.
A prize is awarded for academic achievement and normally does not carry any
condition that the recipient register again at the University. Recipients must
have grade point averages of at least 3.00.
An award is provided for meritorious, non-academic achievement. Recipients
must be showing satisfactory academic progress, normally having a grade point
average of at least 2.50.
A medal is provided for academic achievement to students with the highest
standing at graduation in degrees and majors. Recipients must have grade
point averages of at least 3.75.
proceeding either from an undergraduate degree to an education degree or
from an education degree to any other undergraduate degree, however, will
be eligible for undergraduate scholarships and prizes. (Academic Proficiency
Scholarship eligibility will be in accordance with the regulations outlined
on page 5).
3. Up to 18 credit hours may be included in the calculations and eligibility for
undergraduate awards (not including the Academic Proficiency Scholarship program) among credits transferred in, obtained as a visiting student
elsewhere and obtained through challenge examinations.
4. To be eligible for departmental awards, normally:
a) a First Year student must have completed 30 credit hours with at least
6 credit hours in the Major.
b) a Second Year student must have completed more than 30 credit hours
with at least 18 credit hours in the Major.
c) a Third Year student must have completed more than 60 credit hours
with at least 30 credit hours in the Major. In order to qualify for any
departmental awards, a student MUST be on record with the Records
Office as having declared a Major in the department concerned.
d) All students must have an Grade Point Average of at least 3.00 on all
courses in the Major and on the last 30 credit hours completed.
General Conditions
1. Candidates for the awards listed in this Handbook must be pursuing a
first undergraduate degree in Arts, Science, or Education unless explicit
exceptions are indicated by the Conditions of Eligibility (particularly with
reference to an education degree) or by an award’s specific Terms of Reference.
2. The University is not responsible for the continuance from term to term of
any award which it has not itself created.
3. The terms governing an award are normally followed by the Senate, but
the Senate reserves the right to make such modifications in the terms as
the Senate Committee on Student Services recommends.
4. The Senate reserves the right not to award a particular scholarship in any
year where there is no candidate with an grade point average of at least
3.00 and not to award a particular medal in any year where there is no
candidate with an average of at least 3.75.
5. Except where the Senate has agreed to stipulations to the contrary for
donors, undergraduate awards administered by the Senate Committee on
Student Services are equally available for competition by part-time and
full-time students.
6. The University of Winnipeg will not administer any new student scholarships, bursaries, prizes, or fellowships that discriminate on the basis of
race, creed, political belief, colour, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, or age. Exceptions to these guidelines will be considered by
the Senate Committee on Student Services in accordance with the “special
programs” provision of the Manitoba Human Rights Commision, which
permits forms of assistance whose purpose is to address the needs of
disadvantaged groups or individuals.
Conditions of Eligibility
1. Students are not eligible for continuing, undergraduate scholarships until
they have achieved standing in 30 credit hours at this University. (Mature
Status and part-time students will be eligible for those awards set up
specifically for them with fewer than 30 credit hours).
2. Students who already hold an undergraduate degree will not be eligible for
any undergraduate scholarships or prizes at the University of Winnipeg in
a second degree, except those who proceed from a three-year degree to a
four-year general or honours degree of the same name. Students who are
Renewable Scholarships
Students in receipt of renewable scholarships will be assessed for renewal after
the Fall/Winter academic year and the Spring Term if their academic records
indicate completion of 30, 60, or 90 credit hours. In each group of 30 credit
hours, students must achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.55 and may
include no more than 6 credit hours taken elsewhere.
Renewable Bursaries
Students in receipt of renewable bursaries will be eligible for renewal provided
that they satisfactorily complete a minimum of 18 credit hours over the Fall,
Winter, and Spring Terms and achieve satisfactory academic standing on the
courses completed in those terms, i.e. obtain a minimum “C” average, or
achieve or maintain Regular Status.
Grade Points
All academic awards are assessed using the Grade Point System outlined in
The University of Winnipeg General Calendar.
Disbursement of Student Award Money
1. Scholarship entitlements will be applied against all fees assessed for the
session. If a student is registered for the maximum course-load (30 credit
hours) and the total scholarship entitlement exceeds the total fee assessment for the session, the full amount of the scholarship entitlement will
be disbursed.
2. If a student is registered for less than the maximum course-load of 30 credit
hours and the student’s total scholarship entitlement exceeds the total fee
assessment for that session, the scholarship entitlement will be disbursed
only up to the amount of the fee assessment. Any remaining scholarship
entitlement may be used in subsequent academic sessions which begin
within a twelve-month period of the end of the session in which the first
registration occurred.
3. Most awards require a continued registration at the University. There is
2 Student Awards
a twelvemonth period from the time the award is made until the award
money may first be claimed. (Entrance scholarships must be claimed in the
academic year for which they are offered).
4. The awards account will always have first claim to any fee refund which results from a course-load reduction, irrespective
of any fee payment a student may have made. Whatever amount is
forfeited because of a course-load reduction may be applied against tuition
fees in a subsequent registration in accordance with policy outlined in #2
1. Bursaries will normally be applied first to any unpaid fees for the current
term and then to any emergency loan balance that may be owing. Any
remaining entitlement will be disbursed by cheque.
2. Bursaries must be fully utilized in the academic year or term in which they
are awarded.
3. Any bursary amount forfeited because of a course-load reduction will be
Prizes will be disbursed in full by cheque.
Recipients for these scholarships will be decided from among the Major Entrance Scholarship nominations received from Manitoba high schools. Students
may receive only one major entrance scholarship and will not normally be
eligible for any other entrance scholarships offered by the University.
Other Entrance Scholarships
Advanced Placement Entrance Scholarships
Scholarships of $2250 each will be awarded to students who are entering The
University of Winnipeg as an Advanced Placement Program National Scholar.
To be eligible, students must write five Advanced Placement final examinations
and obtain an average of at least 4.0 on these examinations. These scholarships
may not be held in conjunction with a Special Entrance Scholarship.
*H.F. Allen Family Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship is established by Patricia Sheets (née Allen), Class of ‘35, in
honour of her family, who were strong supporters of The University of Winnipeg. It will be awarded to a graduate of a Manitoba high school, who has
financial need, and it will cover the costs of tuition for up to 30 credit hours.
This scholarship may be renewed for one year.
Special Entrance Scholarships
These scholarships are offered, without the necessity of a scholarship
application, to all graduates of Manitoba high schools who meet the
conditions below. Senior 4 (Grade 12) students must, however, apply
for admission to the University by March 1. Major funding is by The
University of Winnipeg Board of Regents. Additional significant funding
comes from the MacBean Foundation and the Elizabeth May Markle
Scholarship Fund (both through The Winnipeg Foundation), the Manitoba
Scholarships and Bursaries Initiative, and the James T. Watson Fund.
The Senate reserves the right not to award a particular scholarship in any year
where there is no candidate with a Senior 4 (Grade 12) average of at least 75%.
1 Only students with at least five 40S credits from an approved list
will be considered for a Special Entrance Scholarship.
Applications for entrance awards are available on request from the Office
of Awards & Financial Aid, Graham Hall. Completed applications, where it is
indicated that such are necessary, must reach the Office by March 1.
Major Entrance Scholarships
Alumni Entrance Scholarship Program (AESP)
Scholarships valued at $5000 each are to be awarded annually. Candidates
must be students completing high school in Manitoba, and application
is to be by nomination only, with each high school principal eligible to
nominate one candidate on an appropriate application form. It will be
recommended to the high schools that the following attributes be considered in selecting candidates:
2. The high school average will be calculated on the best five credits
as specified in #1. Interim grades, submitted by high schools in
spring, will be used.
3. The two students with the highest averages will be awarded $4000
Chancellor’s Special Entrance Scholarships.
• Students with averages of 95.0% or higher will receive a $2250
1 attainment of high school academic standing and promise.
• Students with averages of 90.0% to 94.9% will receive a $1750
2 noteworthy interest and participation in extracurricular activities
in school and community.
• Students with averages of 86.0% to 89.9% will receive a $1100
3 leadership qualities and strength of character.
• Students with averages of 80.0% to 85.9% will receive an
$800 scholarship
Six to ten Alumni Entrance Scholarships are awarded each year.
Marsha P. Hanen Entrance Scholarship
Scholarships of $10,500 ($4,500 at entrance and $2000 for up to three additional
years) is awarded in recognition of the presidency of the University of Winnipeg
of Dr. Marsha P. Hanen (1989-99). It will be awarded annually to an outstanding Manitoba high school graduate who has made outstanding leadership and
extracurricular contributions in school and the community.
$600 bonus President’s Awards of Merit will also be awarded to the
Special Entrance Scholarship recipients with the five highest averages
entering each of Arts, Science, Education, and Business and Economics.
Special Entrance Scholarship recipients normally will not be eligible for
other entrance scholarships offered by the University.
Walter Leatherdale Entrance Scholarship
Scholarships have been established by Douglas Leatherdale, a 1957 graduate
of United College, in memory of his father. They will cover a full year’s tuition
(30 credit hours) and provide allowances for living expenses and book costs for
one or more outstanding students from rural Manitoba, preferably from farming
communities.These scholarships will be renewable for up to three years.
* Alumni Family Entrance Scholarship
This $2000 scholarship, provided by the University of Winnipeg Alumni Association, will be awarded annually to an outstanding student entering the University
on the basis of high school credentials earned outside Winnipeg’s perimeter
highway or outside Manitoba. At least one parent or grandparent must be an
alumnus or alumna. Applicants also must have contributed significantly to
Student Awards 3
extracurricular activities in the school and the community. (Alumni are defined
as those who have completed at least 30 credit hours at the University of Winnipeg, who have received a degree from United College or Wesley College, have
completed a diploma or certificate program from the University of Winnipeg Continuing Education Division, or have completed the minimum course credit hours
required for admission to a professional program at another Canadian university).
* Francis Winston Armstrong Entrance Scholarship
Rev. and Mrs. Frank W. Armstrong have provided a scholarship in memory of
their son, Francis Winston Armstrong. It is to be awarded to a student with
financial need and with good academic standing who is entering the University
for the first time.
Dr. Isaac and Mrs. Sandra Battel Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to an outstanding high school graduate
entering the University.
Elinor F.E. Black Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship, which has been provided through the generosity of Dr. Elinor
F.E. Black, will be awarded to a student entering the University upon the basis
of his/her standing.
Board of Regents Canadian Association of Physicists Scholarship
Full-tuition scholarships for 30 credit hours will be provided to three students
who achieve the highest standing in the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP)
High School Prize Examination and who enter a degree program at the University
of Winnipeg. If none of the top three registers, then the single highest-ranking
student from the top ten who enrolls will receive the scholarship.
* James H. Cameron Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1982 by the Royal Canadian Legion (Manitoba No.1) Branch in
memory of its Honourary President, it is to be awarded annually to a Manitoba
high school graduate who has a high academic standing. Preference will be given
to the candidate who has graduated from a high school from the West Central
Core in Winnipeg and whose family members served in the military.
* C.A. DeFehr Memorial Entrance Scholarship in Mennonite Studies
This scholarship will be awarded to a student entering the University on the basis
of his/her matriculation standing and on the condition that he/she register in at
least one course in Mennonite Studies.
* Harry Dmytryshyn Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is presented by family, friends, and members of the Ukrainian
Canadian community in memory of Harry Dmytryshyn (B.Sc., 4-year, 1979)
who was an outstanding teacher of mathematics at St.John’s High School and
who made significant contributions as a coach and advisor to various student
groups. This scholarship will be awarded annually to a graduate of St. John’s
High School entering First Year at the University of Winnipeg who combines
outstanding achievement in mathematics with a significant contribution to the
extracurricular life of the school.
Henry Edmison Duckworth Entrance Scholarships
These scholarships were established by the Board of Regents on the occasion
of Dr. Duckworth’s retirement as President of the University (1971-1981) in
recognition of his encouragement of entering students. The scholarships will be
awarded annually to entering students of exceptional promise.
Carl N. Halstead Memorial Scholarship in History
Through the University of Winnipeg Alumni Association Fund ofThe Winnipeg
Foundation, Mrs. C.N.Halstead has provided a scholarship to commemorate the
long association with The Collegiate of her husband, the late Dean C.N.Halstead,
both as Dean and as Instructor in History. The scholarship is to be awarded annually to the full-course student in The Collegiate obtaining the highest mark in
History 40S who is continuing studies in the University in a program consisting
of at least four full courses.
Hong Kong Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The Hong Kong Alumni Scholarship will be awarded to a student demonstrating
academic achievement and financial need. Qualifying candidates will be Hong
Kong high school graduates who register for degree programs at The University
of Winnipeg. This entrance scholarship will be renewable for up to 3 additional
years. Applicants for this scholarship must complete a special application form.
* IBEW 2034 - Canadian Federation of Labour Manitoba
This scholarship will be awarded to an eligible dependent of a member in good
standing of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2034. It
will be presented annually to an outstanding high school graduate entering First
Year at The University of Winnipeg.
International Baccalaureate Entrance Scholarships
Scholarships of $2250 will be awarded to students who are entering the University for the first time on the basis of the International Baccalaureate Diploma.
To be eligible, students must present the International Baccalaureate Diploma
with a grade total of at least 30, including the extended essay and the Theory
of Knowledge course, and with no grade below 4 on the three higher level and
three subsidiary level papers. These scholarships may not be held in conjunction
with a Special Entrance Scholarship.
International Student Entrance Scholarship
Several scholarships of $5000 each will be awarded to international students
based on admission averages. These scholarships may not be held in conjunction
with a Special Entrance Scholarship.
Betty Anna Isfeld Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2006 in honour of Betty Anna Isfeld. Known
through the Interlake region, the Isfeld family proudly promotes its Icelandic
heritage while valuing academic excellence. This scholarship will be awarded
annually to a student with the highest average entering the University and graduating from one of the three high schools in the Interlake regional of Manitoba
(Gimli, Arborg, Riverton).
Dr. George & Doris Johnson Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to an outstanding high school graduate
entering the University.
* Ross A. Johnston Entrance Scholarship in Mathematics & Statistics
This scholarship was established by Ross A. Johnston (B.A., United College, 1952;
LL.B., Manitoba, 1956). It will be awarded to one or more students entering
the University of Winnipeg and intending to major in Mathematics or Statistics.
Leonard Krueger Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded annually to both a male and a female graduate
in Grade XII at The Collegiate who receive the highest academic standing in that
year and who continue their studies at the University of Winnipeg.
Alfred Duncan Longman Scholarship
The University of Winnipeg Alumni Association has provided a scholarship,
through The Winnipeg Foundation, in recognition of the long association of Mr.
Longman with United College. The scholarship is to be awarded annually to the
full-course student in The Collegiate who achieves the highest combined final
mark in at least two credits of English 40S and who is continuing studies in the
University in a program consisting of at least four full courses.
Lost Prizes Entrance Scholarship
This entrance scholarship was established by the Faculty of Education to support
Winnipeg 1 School Division students entering the Faculty. It will be awarded
to an outstanding student who has overcome disadvantages, and at the same
time contributed to the community and school. Financial need may be given
consideration as a supplementary criterion in the selection process.
MacBean Foundation Entrance Scholarship Fund
A number of awards made available through The Winnipeg Foundation and
varying according to the need of recipients are offered to students obtaining
good academic standing in the matriculation year and entering the University
for the first time. (See Special Entrance Scholarships).
4 Student Awards
* Manitoba Blue Cross Entrance Award
One award of $750 will be awarded on the basis of financial need and high overall
academic standing in Grade 12 to a student entering any full-time program at
the University of Winnipeg
Elizabeth May Markle Scholarship Fund
Funds are available, through The Winnipeg Foundation, to provide scholarship
awards to graduates of high schools in Manitoba. Awards shall be made on the
basis of scholastic merit and financial need. (See Special Entrance Scholarships).
Manitoba Schools Science Symposium Entrance Scholarship
The University of Winnipeg will award a $800 scholarship to an outstanding
Senior 4 participant of the Manitoba Schools Science Symposium on the recommendation of the MSSS Scholarship Committee.
* Meadwell Scholarship in French
This scholarship, in the amount of $1000.00, is established by Professor Kenneth
Meadwell in honour of the 75th birthday of his mother Shirley Meadwell and
the 80th birthday of his father Frederick Meadwell in 2002. It is to be awarded
to an outstanding Basic French 40S Manitoba high school graduating student
who enrols in French Studies 1111, Practical Language Skills, at the University
of Winnipeg in the academic year following high school graduation.
* Margaret E. Nix and Slade C. Nix Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. Margaret E. Nix, a 1943 graduate of
United College. It will be awarded annually to a female Aboriginal student who
resides in Manitoba and is entering an undergraduate degree program at the
University of Winnipeg.
Natanis Agnes Phillips Memorial Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship, provided by the University of Winnipeg Women’s Auxiliary, is
offered to an outstanding high school graduate who is entering an undergraduate degree program at the University of Winnipeg.
Erica and Arnold Rogers Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to an outstanding high school graduate
entering the University.
Cecil Essadelle Rombough Memorial Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship, established through a bequest to The Winnipeg Foundation
from Miss Rombough, will be awarded to an outstanding graduate of a Winnipeg
high school who is entering the University.
* Brina and Abraham Shubin Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to an outstanding high school graduate
entering the University.
* H. Emerson Snyder Entrance Scholarship
Mr. H. Emerson Snyder, dedicated educator in the Winnipeg school system
and co-author of a geometry text book used in Manitoba schools from 1924
to 1949, has established an entrance scholarship to be awarded annually to a
high school graduate who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship, character
and citizenship.
Luella Sprung Memorial Entrance Scholarship
Miss Sprung, Lady Stick of Class ‘31 and sometimes member of the Board of
Regents and Senate, has bequeathed an annual entrance scholarship to an
outstanding high school graduate entering this University.
* Silver Heights Collegiate 50th Reunion Legacy Award
This entrance scholarship was established by Silver Heights Collegiate alumni
following the school’s 50th anniversary reunion, which was held on the occasion of its closing in the summer of 2007. The scholarship will be awarded
to a Collège Sturgeon Heights Collegiate graduate who will be attending The
University of Winnipeg and who has made voluntary contributions to the school
and community and demonstrates a commitment to social justice and activism.
* St. James Collegiate 50th Anniversary Legacy Awards
Established by the St. James Collegiate Alumni following the school’s 50th anniversary reunion in the fall of 2001, two entrance scholarships will be awarded to
St. James Collegiate graduates who will be attending the University of Winnipeg
and who have made voluntary contributions to the school and the community.
One scholarship will be presented to a student who has excelled in the Humanities and one will be presented to a student who has excelled in Mathematics,
Science, and Technology.
* Gladys K.Thompson Memorial Entrance Scholarship
This scholarship, established in 1980 by Joseph W.Thompson and his children,
Beth and John, in memory of his wife and their mother, is to be awarded annually to a student of St. James Collegiate or Collège Sturgeon Heights Collegiate
who is entering the University with high academic standing and has shown
particular excellence in English.
Chancellor P.H.T.Thorlakson Entrance Scholarships
Two scholarships have been established in appreciation of Dr. P.H.T. Thorlakson’s
nine years of distinguished service as Chancellor of the University, 1969-1978.
These scholarships will be awarded to two outstanding high school graduates
entering this University.
University of Winnipeg Women’s Auxiliary Entrance Scholarships
These scholarships, provided by the Women’s Auxiliary, are offered to three
outstanding high school graduates who are entering an undergraduate degree
program at the University.
* War Amputations (Manitoba Branch) Entrance Scholarships
These scholarships, provided by the War Amputations of Canada (Manitoba
Branch), will be awarded to Manitoba residents with financial need who are
entering the University and who are either handicapped or children of a handicapped person.
James T. Watson Scholarship Fund
Funds are available to assist students of good academic standing, both freshmen
and undergraduates. (See Special Entrance Scholarships).
The University of Winnipeg Women’s Auxiliary
Since 1915, women’s auxiliaries of Manitoba College, Wesley College,
United College, and The University of Winnipeg have provided assistance
with raising funds for student projects. Fund-raising for scholarships has
been carried out since 1921. Scholarships have been established through
the fund-raising efforts and with the assistance of bequests and special
gifts from Dr. Annie Mae Moore, Florence May Riddell, Mrs. W.C. Graham,
and Mrs. G.B. King. Additional gifts to Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship
Fund are welcome. The following scholarships in the Faculty of Arts, Science, Education, and Business and Education are provided through the
generosity of the Women’s Auxiliary:
Natanis Agnes Phillips Memorial Entrance Scholarship
University of Winnipeg Women’s Auxiliary Entrance Scholarship
University of Winnipeg Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship
University of Winnipeg Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship in Criminal Justice
University of Winnipeg Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship in Women’s and
Gender Studies
The terms of these awards may be found in the appropriate sections of
this publication.
* These awards require the completion of the
Entrance Scholarship Application form.
Student Awards 5
A bursary is a grant normally made to a student proving financial need who
holds a satisfactory academic record. These awards all require the completion of a Bursary Application Form (except where otherwise indicated). Many
bursaries are available to students in any year. (See page 18).
Most undergraduate scholarships which are based on academic standing alone
require no application. Where one is required, it is so indicated. Application
for undergraduate scholarships should be made by July 31 on a form obtainable from the Awards Office, Graham Hall. Late applications may receive
consideration, but only after all applications received by the date indicated
above have been considered. There are also certain other requirements for
some awards as noted below.
Board of Regents Entrance Bursaries
The Board of Regents offers a number of entrance bursaries for First Year
students with financial need and good academic standing.
Logie Butchart Memorial Bursary
Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Butchart of Minnedosa founded, by endowment, a bursary in
memory of their son, Logie Butchart, who was a student in Wesley College before
he enlisted in the war of 1914-1918 in which he gave his life. Only soldiers, the
children of soldiers or direct descendants of soldiers may become beneficiaries.
Preference will be given to students registered in First Year.
* Tom Dercola Humanitarian Bursary
This bursary was established in June 2007 to honour Tom Dercola who retired
after teaching for 38 years at St. James Collegiate. It will be awarded to a St.
James Collegiate student with financial need and high academic standing in
Grade 12 who is entering any full-time program at The University of Winnipeg
and who has a record of community service.
* Manitoba Blue Cross Bursary for a Student with Special Needs
One bursary of $750 will be awarded to a student who is entering full-time
studies in any program at The University of Winnipeg and who must incur additional expenses to attend the university due to a physical or other handicap.
* Manitoba Blue Cross Travelers Bursary
One bursary of $750 will be awarded, on the basis of financial need and high
overall academic standing in Grade 12, to a student from rural Manitoba who
must travel more than 100 kilometres to enter a full-time program of studies
at The University of Winnipeg.
Joan Ellacott Ross Bursary
This bursary was established in 2006 by Joan Ellacott Ross and by John, Betsy,
and Gray (Eva) in honour of their mother, Joan. It will be awarded to a student
in good standing, who demonstrates financial need and is in the first year of fulltime studies in any undergraduate degree program at The University of Winnipeg.
Mr. and Mrs. W.A.V. Pearce Memorial Bursary
This bursary will be awarded to a student of good academic standing entering
the Faculty of Arts and Science. Financial need will be a prime consideration
in determining this award.
Inez Sellgren Bursary
This bursary has been established by Carol Shields (1935-2003) in honour of her
mother to provide financial assistance to a single parent entering any program of
study at the University of Winnipeg on a full-time basis. Selection will be based
on financial need with preference given to students whose assessed financial
need for government-sponsored student aid programs exceed the maximum
financial aid package available from these student aid programs.
* These awards require the completion of the
Entrance Scholarship Application form.
Manitoba Scholarships and Bursaries Initiative
The Government of Manitoba provides matching funds for donations
made to universities and colleges through its Manitoba Scholarships and
Bursaries Initiative (MSBI).MSBI matching grants are used to provide
direct scholarship and bursary assistance to students, and to supplement
endowments for both new and existing awards. The University is grateful
to the Government of Manitoba for its generosity.
Academic Proficiency Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded, without the necessity of an application,
to all full-time and part-time students who are eligible according to the
terms outlined below. Major funding is by The University of Winnipeg
Board of Regents. Additional significant funding comes from the Winnipeg Rh Institute, the Robert Bruce Scholarship Fund, and the Herbert
Leighton Draper Scholarship Fund.
Students’academic records are assessed for Academic Proficiency Scholarships in chronological order upon completion of the first 30th, 60th, and
90th credit hours of their undergraduate careers after the Fall/Winter
and Spring Terms. To be eligible for an Academic Proficiency Scholarship
upon completing the 90th credit hour, students must be entering the
final year of a 4-year B.A. or B.Sc, a B.A. (Hons.) program, the fourth
year of the Integrated B.Ed. degree, or the first year of the After-Degree
B.Ed. program. No more than 6 credit hours in each group of 30 may be
transferred in from another institution.
Two award levels have been established. The first level is awarded to
students with a grade point average of 4.00 and higher. The second level
is for students with an average below 4.00 but not less than 3.55. Eligible
students will be rank-ordered, and awards in the amount set for that
level will be offered to them, beginning with those at the top of the list,
until all the money in the scholarship budget has been disbursed or until
the last student on the list has received an offer, whichever comes first.
* Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz Aboriginal Student in Science Scholarship
Established in 2006 by Dr. Alaa. S. Abd-El-Aziz, former Professor of Chemistry,
Dean of Science, and Vice-President--Research, International, and External
Affairs, in recognition of the importance of science education for Aboriginal
students, this scholarship will be awarded to an Aboriginal student enrolling
in Second Year at The University of Winnipeg with a declared major in the
Faculty of Science.
* Alumni Family Achievement Scholarship
This $2000 scholarship, provided by the University of Winnipeg Alumni Association, will be awarded to a student who has completed at least 30 credit hours
at the University of Winnipeg, and is registered in an undergraduate or graduate degree program. Applicants must have made significant contributions to
extracurricular activities on the University of Winnipeg campus OR must be able
to document significant accomplishments outside the classroom which involve
innovation and entrepreneurship. At least one parent or grandparent must be
an alumnus or alumna.(Alumni are defined as those who have completed at
least 30 credit hours at the University of Winnipeg, who have received a degree
from United College or Wesley College, completed a diploma or certificate
program from the University of Winnipeg Continuing Education Division, or
have completed the minimum course credit hours required for admission to a
professional program at another Canadian university).
* Morag Duncan Apostle Scholarship
This scholarship is established by Morag Duncan Apostle (B.A., 1992) who,
having spent many years breeding Rhodesian Ridgebacks (Stalkmoor Perm.
6 Student Awards
Reg.), recognizes the essential qualities of compassion, natural ability, and
talent with animals that a good veterinarian must possess. It is established in memory of her parents, James N. and Agnes M. Duncan, and her
grandparents, John and Grace Anderson MacGregor, and James and Johan
MacLeod Duncan of Scotland, and will be awarded to a student entering the
final year of an undergraduate science degree intending to pursue studies
in Veterinary Medicine
* R. Fletcher Argue Scholarships
Mrs. Annie Argue, her family and friends have provided three scholarships in
memory of Dr. R. Fletcher Argue. These scholarships will be awarded to students
in any year who are preparing for Christian service in such fields as education,
social work, the ministry, etc., and who have good academic standing. Students
in the Faculty of Theology are eligible as well.
Board of Regents Scholarships for Transfer Students
The Board of Regents offers scholarships for up to 5 top students who are
granted advanced standing in at least 18 credit hours on transfer from other
post-secondary institutions. A minimum grade point average of 3.55 is required
on the transferred courses, in order for a student to be eligible.
Robert Bruce Scholarship Fund
There are a number of scholarships to be awarded on the basis of proficiency,
and a number of bursaries on the basis of proficiency and need, to students in
any year at the University. (See Academic Proficiency Scholarships).
* Rev. Thomas Buchanan Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, bequeathed by the Rev. Thomas Buchanan, of the Class of 1917,
will be awarded annually to a student who demonstrates academic proficiency
and is entering the second year of studies at this University.
* Jan & Fred Butler Scholarship
This scholarship is established by Dr. James Butler (B.A., 1990) in honour of his
parents, Jan and Fred Butler. It will be awarded to full-time students with disabilities who have completed at least 30 credit hours and are continuing their
studies at the University of Winnipeg.
Chancellor John A. Bulman Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1997 in honour of Dr. John A. Bulman with
gratitude for his many years of service on the Board of Regents (1967-1982)
including two years as Chair (1977-79), and 12 years as Chancellor (1984-96).
It will be awarded to an outstanding student or students in any undergraduate
degree program.
Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University Asper Scholarship
This scholarship has been established by the Asper Foundation to encourage
students to spend part of their academic careers at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem in Israel. Scholarships are open to any University of Winnipeg students
who have completed 30 credit hours, are studying, history, political science, or
other areas of the social sciences, and who intend to complete their degrees at
the University of Winnipeg.Scholarships for study in Israel may be awarded for
either a six-week or a one year program. Applicants for this scholarship must
complete a special application form.
Isabelle and Lew Miles Canadian Friends of the Hebrew
University Scholarship
This scholarship has been established by Isabelle Miles to encourage students to spend part of their academic careers at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem in Israel. These scholarships are open to any University of Winnipeg students who have completed at least 30 credit hours, are studying
humanities or social sciences, and who intend to complete their degrees at
the University of Winnipeg. Scholarships may be awarded for either a six
week or a one year program. Applicants for this scholarship must complete
a special application form.
Churchill Scholarship
Rev. J.W. Churchill, M.A., D.D., has provided a scholarship in memory of his
wife and his son, Dr. Harold Churchill, B.A., M.D. The award will be made to
the student who obtains the highest standing in second year and whose course
include 2000 or higher level courses in two of English, History, or Philosophy.
Class of ‘52 Reunion Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2002 by the United College Class of ‘52 in
celebration of its 50th anniversary. It shall be awarded annually to a student in
the final year of any undergraduate degree program at The University of Winnipeg who has demonstrated good academic performance and has been actively
involved in the University community.
* Cloverdale Paint Scholarship
Established in 2008, the Cloverdale Paint Scholarship will be awarded to a
resident of Manitoba or Saskatchewan who has demonstrated a commitment
to community service and career and/or entrepreneurial objectives. Preference
will be given to students related to employees of Cloverdale Paint.
Harry S. Crowe Scholarship
Established by the Class of ‘53 in honour of their professor, Harry S. Crowe, Senior
Stick in 1942 and recipient of the Military Cross for bravery during World War II,
this scholarship will be awarded to a student who has completed at least 30 credit
hours and who is continuing studies at the University of Winnipeg. Dr.Crowe was
the Gold Medallist in Arts and Science at the University of Manitoba in 1946,
and he returned to United College to teach after graduate work in history at
the University of Toronto and Columbia University. The Class of 1953 elected
him Honourary President. An inspiring teacher, both learned and compassionate,
he encouraged students to defend academic freedom both in and outside the
classroom, and by his example, to take seriously their responsibilities as citizens.
Patrick Deane Provost Prize
This prize honours the service of Dr. Patrick Deane as Academic Vice-President
(2001-2005) and Provost (2004-05) of The University of Winnipeg. It will be
awarded to a Student of Highest Distinction entering the final year of an undergraduate degree program.
Genevieve Doidge Memorial Scholarship in Arts
This scholarship is established from the estate of Genevieve A. Doidge (Class of
‘35) to recognize excellence in Arts. It will be awarded to a student who is entering
the fourth year of a B.A.(Hons.) or B.A.(4-year) degree program.
Fred Douglas Place Residents’ Tribute Scholarship
The Fred Douglas Place Residents’ Tribute Scholarship has been established
to honour The University of Winnipeg faculty who serve as speakers in the
Fred Douglas Place Residents’ Lecture Series. It will be awarded annually to
an outstanding student in Arts or Science who has completed First Year and is
registered in an undergraduate degree program at The University of Winnipeg.
Herbert Leighton Draper Scholarship Fund
A number of Academic Proficiency Scholarships are offered annually in memory
of Herbert Leighton Draper, a 1926 graduate of Wesley College. (See Academic
Proficiency Scholarships).
William L. Dyker Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established from the estate of William L. Dyker in 1995,
and from gifts from family and friends. It will be awarded annually to a student
who has completed 30 credit hours and is continuing at the University in any
undergraduate degree program.
* Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Scholarship
This scholarship, provided by Enbridge Pipelines Inc., will be awarded to an Aboriginal student who has completed at least 30 credit hours in any undergraduate
degree program, and who has participated in extra-curricular activities at the
University or in the community.
* Isabell Evans Virtuosi Concerts Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2004 in memory of Isabell Evans and her long
and varied involvement in musical and vocal performance. It will be awarded to
a student in any undergraduate degree program who has an active interest and
involvement in music through activities such as vocal performance, participation
in choirs, musical theatre, and instrumental study and performance.
Student Awards 7
* Frostiak & Leslie Scholarship
The Frostiak and Leslie Scholarship has been established by Larry Frostiak to
recognize a student in an undergraduate degree program who exhibits leadership
and a commitment to excellence. This may be demonstrated by involvement in a
leadership role in areas such as university affairs, sports, or community activities. The intent of this scholarship is to recognize and reward students who are
committed to excellence in themselves, as well as to helping others achieve, and
to encourage the development of society’s future leaders.
* Four Directions Aboriginal Student Scholarship
Established in 2008 by Donald A. Bailey, Professor of History (1969-2005), this
scholarship commemorates his deep regard for aboriginal teachers and his debt
to those aboriginal students who enriched his courses with their presence and
participation. The scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding aboriginal
student in any Faculty. The highest priority will be given to students who have
completed courses with a strong focus on aboriginal issues, with special weight
being given to courses in an aboriginal language. Financial need may be given
consideration as a supplementary criterion in the selection process.
Lillian Gibbons Scholarship in the Humanities
Provided through the generosity of Miss Gibbons, this scholarship will be
awarded annually to a student who has demonstrated excellence in some field
of the Humanities and who will be entering a fourth year of study in that field.
* Roger and Kathleen Graham Scholarship
This scholarship is given by Kathleen Graham in recognition of her husband’s
distinguished writing and teaching of Canadian history and of their undergraduate years together at United College (1939-41). It is intended to recognize excellence in History and English and will be awarded annually to a student who has
completed First Year (30 credit hours) with high academic standing and who
intends to continue studies at the University by majoring in both History and
English in a General, Four-year or Honours degree program.
* George A. Grierson Memorial Scholarships
These scholarships are donated through The Winnipeg Foundation from the
estate of Isobel Margaretta Grierson, a 1938 graduate of United College, in
memory of her uncle, George A. Grierson. Mr. Grierson was born in Brantford,
Ontario in 1867. He taught in Manitoba in Birds Hill and Minnedosa, and was
elected as a Liberal MLA for the Minnedosa area in 1913. The scholarships will
be awarded annually to students of Aboriginal origin, or whose families or
the students themselves have immigrated to Canada within the last 20 years.
Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated persistence and
strength of character, especially female students.
Marsha P. Hanen Undergraduate Scholarship
Established in 2004 by Dr. Marsha P. Hanen, President of the University of Winnipeg from 1989 to 1999, this scholarship will be awarded to a student who has
an outstanding academic record and who has completed at least 30 credit hours
and is continuing studies in an undergraduate degree program.
Hanna Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2007 by Alan (LL.D. ’92; Board of Regents,
1976-1991, and Chair, 1984-86) and Dianne (UW student of Classics and Art
History), proud parents of Robert (UW student of Philosophy), Douglas, and
Donald, all of whom are university medalists. It will be awarded to a student
with high academic standing who is continuing studies towards a degree at The
University of Winnipeg. Special consideration may be given to students majoring
in Classics, History, or Philosophy.
Dr. and Mrs. Roderick Hunter Scholarship
This scholarship is established in memory of Dr. R.O.A.Hunter, Third Chancellor
of the University of Winnipeg, and his wife, Doris Hunter. It will be awarded to
a continuing, undergraduate student with high academic standing, outstanding
leadership qualities, and significant extracurricular involvements. This scholarship will be awarded on the recommendation of the trustees of the Sir William
Stephenson Scholarship.
Roderick O. A. Hunter Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2003 in memory of the late Dr. Roderick O. A. Hunter, Third
Chancellor of the University of Winnipeg, this scholarship fund is made available to support a full-time University of Winnipeg student with financial need
who is entering second year in any discipline. This scholarship is renewable for
one additional year. Applicants for this scholarship must complete the Special
Awards for High Need Students application form.
Isbister Undergraduate Scholarship
The Board of Governors of The University of Manitoba has allocated four Isbister
Undergraduate Scholarships to students in a non-graduating year at The University of Winnipeg. Two scholarships are offered to two top students in Arts
and two to two top students in Science. A minimum average of B+ is required.
These scholarships are tenable at any of the three Manitoba universities in the
following year provided that the student continues in full-time studies.
Dr. Jessie Blackwood Lang Scholarship
Dr. Jessie Blackwood Lang graduate from Wesley College in 1937, where she
achieved high academic standing and excelled as a student leader and athlete.
Her experience as a student instilled in her a lifelong love of learning and service
to others. Jessie was awarded an Honourary Doctor of Laws from The University
of Winnipeg in 1997, in recognition of her distinguished contributions to the
community. Established in 2010, this scholarship celebrates the traditions and
values of Wesley College. It will be awarded to a student entering the Third Year
with an A average, who is involved in the University. Preference may be given
to a student majoring in Mathematics.
Iva Stewart Leins Scholarship
This scholarship is established by Iva Stewart Leins who graduated from Wesley
College in 1926. It will be awarded annually to a student who has completed
First Year (30 credit hours), is entering Second Year with high academic standing
and financial need, and who intends to continue studies at the University in an
Arts degree program. Applicants for this scholarship must complete the Special
Awards for High Need Students application form.
Arvilla Lightly Scholarship
This scholarship is presented by her family in honour of Arvilla Lightly.It will
be awarded annually to a student from rural Manitoba who has completed
First Year (30 credit hours) and is continuing in any year of any undergraduate
degree program.
Jo Lindal Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is given by the Alumni Association and Mrs. Ruth Hilland (United
College, Class of 1946) in memory of her mother Mrs. W.J. Lindal (Wesley College, Class of 1916) who went on to graduate with the Gold Medal in Law in
1919 after completing her B.A. at Wesley College. It will be awarded to a woman
entering third year who has the highest standing in a major in any of the Social
Sciences. The award will be made on the basis of standing obtained in second
year and, to qualify, the student must continue in third year.
* Judge Walter J. Lindal Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is given by Mrs. Ruth Hilland, United College Class of 1946, in
memory of her father, Judge Walter J. Lindal, graduate of Wesley College Class
of 1911, and later Law at the Universities of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. As
a renowned author and editor, he was deeply concerned about forging strong
identity among the many strands of the Canadian fabric. His service to the
community was recognized with an Honorary Doctorate from The University of
Winnipeg in 1971. The scholarship will be awarded to a continuing student with
leadership qualities who intends to pursue studies in Law.
* Edith Lindsay Memorial Scholarship
Established by Joan Anderson (B.A., 1983) in memory of her mother Edith Lindsay, this scholarship is given with particular appreciation for those University of
Winnipeg faculty members who provide understanding and support to students
who have returned to formal studies after some time away. It is intended to
provide support to a female student who has completed at least 30 credit
hours, who is pursuing a university education after a lapse of at least 7 years
since previous formal education, whose current program of studies includes the
humanities, and who shows determination to succeed. Financial need will be
taken into consideration.
8 Student Awards
* Lions Club of Winnipeg Housing Centres 25th Anniversary
This scholarship is presented by the Lions Club of Winnipeg Housing Centres to a
student enroled in gerontology-related studies who has a continuing interest in
the field of aging and who has demonstrated this interest through involvement
in community-based organizations and agencies. (Students in the Faculty of
Theology are also eligible to apply for this award).
Alberta Shearer Loeb Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is established from the estate of Alberta Shearer Loeb (B.A.,
United College, 1941). It will be awarded annually to a student with scholastic
ability and financial need who has completed First Year (30 credit hours), is
entering Second Year, and who is continuing studies in the Faculty of Arts and
Science at the University. Preference may be given to a student majoring in the
Humanities. Applicants for this scholarship must complete the Special Awards
for High Need Students application form.
Rose and Stefan Maroy Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, bequeathed by Helen S. Maroy to honour her parents, will be
awarded annually to a student who demonstrates academic proficiency and is
entering the second year of studies at The University of Winnipeg.
* James E. and Lyna McNeill General Proficiency Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1977 to commemorate the Rev. Dr. and Mrs.
James E. McNeill’s Golden Wedding Anniversary. It will be awarded to a rural
student proceeding from first year to second year at this University.
Mature-Status Student Scholarship
This scholarship, provided by the Mature Student Centre of the University of
Winnipeg, is to be awarded to the Mature Status student with the best record of
academic achievement after completing three or more courses at the University
as a full-time student.
* James G. Oborne Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2001 by the University of Winnipeg in honour
of James G. Oborne’s service as independent Chair of the Pension Committee.
It will be awarded to a student entering the final year of a degree program in
Business & Administration or Economics who has significant extra-curricular and
community involvements, has completed at least 18 credit hours of Humanities
courses, and who has a stated intention of pursuing a career in business.
Louis J. Reycraft Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to United Church theological candidates entering
second or third year Arts. The award will be made annually when the Student
Services Committee is convinced that the person so qualifying is eminently wellequipped and shows promise of an effective ministry in the Church. Application
for this scholarship must be made with the Faculty of Theology.
* Carl Ridd Scholarship in the Humanities
This scholarship is established by friends and former students of Carl Ridd in recognition of his years of teaching at United College (1966-67) and the University
of Winnipeg (1967-95). It will be awarded to a student who has an outstanding
record in a Humanities Major, Honours, or 4-year program. Preference will be
given to a student who has demonstrated involvement in humanitarian or social
justice organizations.
* Dr. James Ross (MC, M.D., FRCS) Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a full-time student or students in the final year of
an undergraduate degree program at The University of Winnipeg who intends
to pursue a career in the area of health services. Preference may be given to
students embarking on a career in medicine or nursing.
The H.V. Rutherford Scholarship
This scholarship, established by John and Kathleen Roberts in honour of Homer
Vincent Rutherford, Professor Emeritus of History, will be awarded to the most
academically outstanding student who will be completing the final year of an
undergraduate degree at The University of Winnipeg as a full-time student. In
a formal application, the student must indicate a clear interest in undertaking a career in teaching and research at the University level. Students in any
Scholarships Provided from the Erica and Arnold Rogers
Fund for Academic Excellence
Dr. Edgar Van Nuys Allen Memorial Scholarship – Biology
Dr. Isaac & Mrs. Sandra Battel Entrance Scholarship
Molly Rogers Brickman & Leo Brickman Scholarship – Chemistry
Philip Joseph Rogers Brickman Memorial Scholarship – Psychology
Doba & Maier Calof Memorial Scholarship – Philosophy
Morton Stanley Calof Scholarship – Inner City & Urban Studies
Dr. Charles Code Scholarship - Biology
Sarah & Isadore Gurevitch Memorial Scholarship - Anthropology
Gerritdina & Alphonse Hince Scholarship - French Studies
Dr. George & Doris Johnson Entrance Scholarship
Marion & David Korn Scholarship - Politics
Dr. Jean Memken & Dr. Michael Rogers Scholarship - Education
Religious of the Sacred Heart Scholarship - Religious Studies
Dr. Arnold Rogers Scholarship - Mathematics, Statistics
Celia & Philip Samuel Rogers Memorial Scholarship – English
Erica Rogers Scholarship - Economics
Erica & Arnold Rogers Entrance Scholarship
Erica & Arnold Rogers Scholarship – Applied Computer Science
Erica & Arnold Rogers Scholarship - History
Erica & Arnold Rogers Scholarship – Criminal Justice
Lori Ellen Rogers Scholarship - Developmental Studies
Patricia Ruth Rogers Scholarship - English
Susan L. Rogers Scholarship - Geography
V. Beatrice Shaw Scholarship - Theatre & Film
Brina & Abraham Shubin Entrance Scholarship
Dr. Herbert Shubin Memorial Scholarship - Physics
Robena (Robbie) Sykes Memorial Scholarship in Canadian Literature - English
Gabrielle Taubner Van De Pape Scholarship – English
Dr. Paul H.T. Thorlakson Scholarship - History
Dr. Kenneth Trueman Memorial Scholarship – Sociology
Dr. Henry Woltman Scholarship – Kinesiology & Applied Health
Beatrice & John Zack Scholarship - Classics
The terms of these awards may be found in the appropriate sections
of this publication.
discipline are eligible to apply. Applicants for this scholarship must complete a
special application form.
Rev. John H. and Mrs. Myrtle (Webster) Shemilt Scholarship
Established in 2005 by Leslie W. and Elizabeth Shemilt, this scholarship is named
in memory of Leslie Shemilt’s parents, a ministry couple who gave long and
faithful service to the Methodist Church, and later to the United Church in the
Conference of Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario. It will be awarded annually to a
full-time student in any undergraduate degree program of The University of Winnipeg. Preference will be given to student from Manitoba or northwestern Ontario.
* Campbell K. Shepherd Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family and friends of Mr. Shepherd, a distinguished public
servant and graduate of the University in the Class of 1961. This scholarship
will be awarded for outstanding academic and other achievements by a student
proceeding from second to third y ear.
* Catherine Sosiak Memorial Scholarship
This award is provided by Evelyn and Leonard Etkin in memory of Catherine Sosiak,
ardent environmentalist.The worthy student will be one who has demonstrated
devotion to and active participation in environmental issues.
Principal J.W. Sparling Scholarship
The family of the late Principal Sparling has endowed a scholarship which will
be awarded to a student entering second year who obtains the highest standing
on the examinations of the first year.
Student Awards 9
Sir William Stephenson Scholarships
These scholarships, established in 1984 by Sir William Stephenson through The
Winnipeg Foundation, are awarded annually to one or two students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, superior leadership qualities and
the potential to make a valuable contribution to Canada. The responsibility for
selection is shared by the Senate Student Services Committee and the Sir William
Stephenson Scholarship Trustees. Applicants for this scholarship must complete
a special application form.
* Henry Rieff Stewart Memorial Scholarship for Adult Learners in
Arts, Science, or Education
This scholarship is established by his wife Jocelyn in memory of Henry Rieff
Stewart, who graduated from the Collegiate in 1948 and attended United College
from 1948 to 1950, and in recognition of the extended family’s long involvement
with the University of Winnipeg. It will be awarded on the basis of academic
achievement and financial need to a student who has completed First Year (30
credit hours) and for whom at least seven years have elapsed between previous
formal education and the resumption of studies at the University.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2010 in recognition of the important work
of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and to honour students
who are descendants of survivors of residential schools or who themselves are
residential school survivors. Two awards will be made annually, one each to a
female and a male student, If there are no qualifying applications from a female
or a male candidate, then the scholarships can be awarded to two female or
two male candidates. Applicants for this scholarship must complete a special
application form.
* United College Class of ‘50 Reunion Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2000 by the United College Class of ‘50 in
celebration of its 50th Anniversary. It shall be awarded annually to a student
in the final year of any undergraduate degree program who has been actively
involved in the University community.
* UWFA Scholarships
Scholarships of $500 each, made possible through the generosity of the University
of Winnipeg Faculty Association, will be awarded to two students who have made
exceptional, voluntary contributions to campus life at the University of Winnipeg
or to the larger, off-campus community. Applicants must have completed at least
30 credit hours and may be registered in any undergraduate degree program.
University Women’s Club of Winnipeg
The following scholarships are provided through the generosity of
the University Women’s Club of Winnipeg:
Winifred Gamble Bursary - Education (Winnipeg Education
Bethia Henry Memorial Scholarship - Sociology
Bethia Henry Memorial Scholarship - Theatre & Film
E. Phyllis Smith Scholarship - English
Mary Talbot Memorial Scholarship - Education
The terms of these awards may be found in the appropriate sections
of this publication.
University of Winnipeg Retirees Association Scholarship
This scholarship is established to comemorate the countless years of excellent
and dedicated service provided by all retirees of The University of Winnipeg. It
is intended to encourage and support a continuing student who has completed
at least 60 credit hours, and who has a record of volunteerism.
UWSA Part-time Student Scholarship
This scholarship, provided by the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association,
will be awarded to the student who has the best academic record upon completion of the first 24 credit hours of a degree program and who has completed
those courses on a part-time basis.
* University of Winnipeg Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship
This scholarship, provided by the Women’s Auxiliary, is awarded to a continuing
student on the basis of high academic standing and an active contribution to
extra-curricular activities.
Joseph Wolinsky Memorial Scholarships in Social Sciences
One or more scholarships are provided by funds bequeathed to The Winnipeg
Foundation by the late Joseph Wolinsky of Winnipeg.
* These awards require the completion of the Undergraduate
Scholarship Application
Prizes & Awards
Prizes, unless otherwise indicated in the terms of award, do not carry any
condition that the recipient register in a subsequent session at the University
or continue in a particular course of studies.
Campus Sustainability Recognition Award
An annual award will be presented to a student who has made a significant
contribution to promoting the environmental, social, or economic sustainability
of The University of Winnipeg. The contributions may have been made over a
student’s entire career with the University or specifically during the past academic
year. An annual award also will be given to a University staff or faculty member.
Commercial Girls Club Book Prize
This prize has been provided through a gift to the University of Winnipeg by
the Winnipeg Commercial Girls Club. It is to be awarded each year to a woman
student entering second year on the basis of academic work done in the first year.
H.E. Duckworth Prize
The H.E. Duckworth Prize will be awarded annually to the outstanding Alumni
Entrance Scholarship Program (AESP) student of the past year’s class of AESP
recipients based on academic excellence.
Harris Consulting Award for Student Leadership
The Harris Consulting Award for Student Leadership is made annually to a student
who demonstrates the qualities of conviction and courage through leadership
in student government; as a student representative on a governing student
organization or committee; as a spokesperson for a student cause or issue;
or in other areas of student leadership at The University of Winnipeg. Eligible
students must be registered on a full-time basis at The University of Winnipeg,
maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00, and submit an application for this award to the
Awards & Financial Aid Office, accompanied by at least one letter of reference.
People’s Co-op Award
This prize was established by the People’s Co-operative Limited (1928-1992)
through The Winnipeg Foundation as a legacy to the Co-operative’s immigrant
founders who saw education as an important aim of the People’s Co-op. The
prize will be awarded to an undergraduate student with an interest and proficiency in progressive labour studies as demonstrated in a paper completed as
part of course requirements and submitted for this award. Preference will be
given to students whose work includes a study of the role and contribution of
Shanker Memorial Prizes
These prizes have been established by Dr. Prem Shanker in memory of his parents,
Dr. Vishnu and Vachan Shanker.These awards will be given to two students, one
from any University course and another from the Collegiate, who have written
the best essays promoting dialogue, understanding and mutual acceptance
between two or more religious traditions. Preference will be given to essays
which consider both Eastern and Western religious traditions, or which promote
10 Student Awards
the idea of non-violent ways of bringing about social change. A student may
submit the paper for consideration, or a teacher may forward the submission to
the Chair, Department of Religious Studies, on or before April 1.
Friends of Graham Hall Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to a student in an Anthropology Major or
Honours program who is entering third or fourth year and has a record of
outstanding achievement.
Sarah & Isadore Gurevitch Memorial Scholarship in Anthropology
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the 4-year Honours Anthropology program.
John Dee Maurer Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to a student in an Anthropology Major or
Honours program who is entering the third or fourth year and has a record of
outstanding achievement.
Erica and Arnold Rogers Scholarship in Applied Computer
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the 4-year program in Applied Computer Science.
Westcoast Energy Scholarship in Applied Computer Science
Scholarships will be awarded to two students entering the final year of the 4-year
program in Applied Computer Science. One scholarship will be awarded to a
student who has high standing in the Group 1 courses of the Applied Computer
Science Major. The other scholarship will be awarded to a student who has high
standing on all courses completed.
Art History Scholarship
This scholarship is offered on the nomination of the Department of History to a
student of outstanding academic promise who has taken at least three courses
in Art History or who has taken at least two courses in Art History and who is
registered in at least one additional Art History course.
Angela Elizabeth Davis Memorial Prize in Art History
This prize is presented in memory of Dr. Angela Davis, a 1977 B.A.(Hons.) and
1979 , M.A. graduate of the University, who had a long-standing and passionate
interest in both history and art. It will be awarded annually to the student who
obtains the highest standing in History 2800, History of European Art.
Katherine Jane Duckworth Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship in the amount of one 6-credit hour course is established in
memory of Katherine Jane Duckworth, a friend of the University who had a
strong interest in art and art history, by her family. It will be awarded annually
to a student entering third or fourth year and majoring in Art History in any
undergraduate degree program.
Keele Scholarship in Art History
This scholarship is awarded by the W. C. Keele family to a continuing student
majoring in Art History.
Klaus and Ingrid Philipp Scholarship in Biochemistry
The Klaus and Ingrid Philipp Scholarship in Biochemistry celebrates the lives of
Ingrid and Klaus Philipp.Klaus Philipp dedicated more than 32 years to his work
as an Instructor in the Department of Chemistry, retiring in 1999. The scholarship
was established in 2002 in memory of Ingrid Philipp, his wife of 34 years. It will
be awarded annually to a student, enrolled in the 4-year or Honours program in
Biochemistry, who has the highest grade point average in the best 18 credit hours
of Chemistry completed at the University of Winnipeg. The grades awarded for
the laboratories associated with Biochemistry 3502/3 and 3503/3 may account
for a full 6 of these 18 credit hours, if it is to a candidate’s advantage.
George Tomlinson Scholarship in Biochemistry
This scholarship was established with a bequest from Professor George Tomlinson, a member of the Chemistry Department from 1974 to 2007, Chair of
Chemistry from 2005 to 2007, and an esteemed teacher and researcher in
Biochemistry. He was a major contributor to planning and administration
at the University of Winnipeg from 1991 to 2007, notably as Vice-President
Academic from 1995 to 2001. The scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student, selected by the Chemistry Department in a 4-Year or Honours
Biochemistry or Chemistry program who 1) has completed 6 credit hours
of Biochemistry and 3 credit hours of Physical Chemistry, 2) has completed
or is registered in an additional 3 credit hours of Biochemistry, and 3) has
completed or is registered in an additional 3 credit hours of a) Physical
Chemistry at the second year or higher level or b) other Chemistry at the
third year of fourth year level, excluding Biochemistry.
Dr. Edgar Van Nuys Allen Memorial Scholarship in Biology
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the Honours B.Sc. program in Biology.
Dr. Charles Code Scholarship in Biology
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the 4-year B.Sc. or 4-year applied B.Sc. program in Biology.
James and Charlotte Dowsett Memorial Scholarships in Biology
These scholarships have been provided by Harry J. Dowsett of Willowdale,
Ontario in memory of his parents, James and Charlotte Dowsett.One scholarship will be awarded to a student who has completed 60 credit hours or their
equivalent and is entering the final year of the Major program in Biology. The
other scholarship will be awarded to a student who has completed 90 credit
hours or their equivalent and is entering or continuing in the Four-Year B.Sc.
program in Biology. Students will be selected on the basis of academic performance, potential and need.
Bill Evans Scholarship in Biology
Established by the Biology Students Association, this scholarship is presented in
honour of Dr. William S. Evans, who taught at United College and the University
of Winnipeg for 1964 to 1999 and who served as Chair of the Biology Department
from 1989 to 1996. It will be awarded annually to an outstanding student who
is entering second year and majoring in Biology.
Buhler Scholarship in Business and Economics
This award is granted to two students, one majoring in Economics and another
in Business & Administration, who have high academic standing and participation in extra-curricular activities in school and community showing leadership
qualities. Two scholarships of $2500 each will be awarded.
Buhler Business Major Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to up to three students who have a declared major
in Business & Administration upon completion 30, 60 and 90 credit hours of the
program. Three scholarships of $1000 each will be awarded.
Student Awards 11
Buhler Travel Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to two or more students who have a declared major
in Business & Administration or Economics, have completed at least 60 credit
hours, and are participating in a Faculty of Business and Economics study abroad
program or Business competition. This scholarship would help subsidize students’
travel overseas. Preference will be given to students with financial need. This
scholarship will have a total value of $5000.
Certified General Accountants Association of Manitoba Prize in
Business & Administration A prize of $500 will be awarded annually to a Business & Administration Major
with a concentration in Accounting entering fourth year of study with the highest
standing in BUS 2002/3, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting. The recipient
also will receive a $500 credit towards tuition in the CGA program.
Certified General Accountants Association of
Manitoba Graduation Prize in Business & Administration
A prize of $500 will be awarded annually to a graduating Business & Administration Major with a concentration in Accounting and the highest standing in the
major subjects. Should this student already have received the Certified General
Accountants of Manitoba Prize in Business & Administration, the Graduation
Prize will be awarded to the student with the second highest standing in the
major subjects. The recipient also will receive a $500 credit towards tuition in
the CGA program.
CMA Prize in Cost Accounting
This prize of $250, provided by the Society of Management Accountants of
Manitoba (Certified Management Accountants), will be awarded to the student
who achieves the highest standing in BUS-3003/3, Managerial Accounting, in
the Fall, Winter, or Spring Terms.
CMA Scholarship in Managerial Accounting
This scholarship of $500, provided by the Society of Management Accountants of
Manitoba (Certified Management Accountants), will be awarded to the student
who achieves the highest standing in BUS-2003/3, Cost Accounting, in the Fall,
Winter, or Spring Terms.
Enterprise Scholarship in Business and Economics
Established in 2008 by Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and the first award created for
the new Faculty of Business & Economics, this scholarship will be awarded to
a student or students majoring in Business & Administration and entering the
final year of study in the Faculty of Business and Economics.
Great West Life Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded annually to two students majoring in Business
& Administration and/or Economics in either the 4-year or Honours program
having completed a minimum of 60 or 90 credit hours of study. Students who
have completed less than 90 credit hours will receive a partial tuition scholarship
and those having completed at least 90 credit hours will receive a full tuition
scholarship. Each recipient also will be awarded $1000 to cover educational
expenses. All Great West Life Scholarship recipients must successfully participate
in a paid summer work placement at Great West Life in the summer preceding
their scholarship award.
Chancellor R.O.A. Hunter Scholarship in Business &
Two scholarships of $1000 each have been established in appreciation of Dr.
R.O.A. Hunter’s years of distinguished service as Chancellor of this University
(1978-84). These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of high academic
performance to students majoring in Business & Administration, one to a student
entering the final year of undergraduate study and the other to a student entering
the second to last year of undergraduate study.
Manitoba Chartered Accountants Aboriginal Business
This scholarship, provided by the MANITOBA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS
FOUNDATION, will be awarded to an Aboriginal student who has a declared
major in Business & Administration and has completed at least 30 credit hours of
a 4-year BBA degree. Preference will be given to students with a concentration
in Accounting. Two scholarships of $2500 each will be awarded
Manitoba Chartered Accountants Accounting Student
This scholarship, provided by the MANITOBA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS
FOUNDATION, will be awarded to two students who have a declared major in
Business & Administration and have completed at least 60 credit hours towards
a 4-year BBA undergraduate degree with a concentration in Accounting. Two
scholarships of $2500 each will be awarded.
Manitoba Chartered Accountants Business Student Travel Award
This award, provided by the MANITOBA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FOUNDATION, will be awarded to students who have a declared major in Business
and Administration and are participating in Faculty of Business and Economics
approved business competitions or travel abroad programs. This scholarship
will be $2500 in value.
Salem Abd-El-Aziz International Student Chemistry Scholarship
Established in 2006 by Dr. Alaa. S. Abd-El-Aziz, former Professor and Chair of
Chemistry, and Vice-President--Research, International, and External Affairs, in
recognition of his father’s dedication to post-secondary and graduate education, this scholarship will be awarded to an International Student enrolling in
the second or third year of a Chemistry major at The University of Winnipeg.
Molly Rogers Brickman & Leo Brickman Scholarship in Chemistry
This scholarship in provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the 4-year Chemistry program.
Chemistry Club Scholarship
This scholarship, established by the Chemistry Club of ‘88, will be presented to
a student enrolled in the third or fourth year of the 4-year Chemistry program
who is involved in extracurricular activities in the University or the community.
Chemistry Faculty Scholarships
A number of scholarships will be awarded annually on the nomination of the
Department of Chemistry to students with outstanding records in Chemistry
who are proceeding to further study in the Chemistry program.
Ingrid and Klaus Philipp Scholarship in Chemistry
The Ingrid and Klaus Philipp Scholarship in Chemistry celebrates the lives of Ingrid
and Klaus Philipp. Klaus Philipp dedicated more than 32 years to his work as
an instructor in the Department of Chemistry, retiring in 1999. The scholarship
was established in 2002 in memory of Ingrid Philipp, his wife of 34 years. It will
be awarded annually to a student, enrolled in the 4-year or Honours program in
Chemistry, who has the highest grade point average in the best 18 credit hours
in Chemistry completed at the University of Winnipeg.
Dr. Robert Gold Prize in Classics
This prize has been established by the Seniors Winnipeg Arts Group (SWAG) to
mark the occasion of Dr. Robert Gold’s retirement and to honour his dedication
as a teacher. Dr. Gold taught Classics at United College from 1960 to 1964 and
at the University of Winnipeg from 1969 to 1995. The prize will be awarded
annually to the student who achieves the highest standing in Classics 2002,
Greek Art and Architecture and Classics 2003, Roman Art and Architecture. In
the event that no student meets these criteria, the prize will be awarded to the
student who obtains the highest standing in one of the two courses.
Colleen M. Madson Memorial Prize
A fund has been established by relatives and friends in memory of Colleen Madson who attended the University from 1973 to 1975. The prize is to be presented
12 Student Awards
to the student who achieves the highest standing in the course Classics 2701,
Classical Mythology.
Economics and have completed a minimum of 60 and 90 credit hours of the
program. Two scholarships of $1000 each will be awarded.
John Dee Maurer Prize
This prize will be awarded to the student who obtains the highest standing
in the courses Classics 3754, Ancient Epic in Translation, and Classics 3755,
Ancient Drama in Translation. In the event that no student meets these criteria,
the prize will be awarded to the student who obtains the highest standing in
one of the two courses.
Buhler Scholarship in Business and Economics
This award is granted to two students, one majoring in Economics and another
in Business & Administration, who have high academic standing and participation in extra-curricular activities in school and community showing leadership
qualities. Two scholarships of $2500 each will be awarded.
Beatrice & John Zack Scholarship in Classics
This scholarship in provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the 4-year or Honours Classics program.
Condren Rex Keatinge Scholarship in Criminal Justice
This scholarship is provided through The Winnipeg Foundation in honour of
Condren Rex Keatinge who served in the North Kildonan Police Department
and the Winnipeg Police Service, receiving the Police Exemplary Service Medal
in 1988 and retiring in 1994 at the rank of Staff Sergeant. He also worked for
TD Bank Security and with the Justice Department of the Province of Manitoba.
The scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding student or students majoring
in Criminal Justice.
Erica and Arnold Rogers Scholarship in Criminal Justice
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the degree program Criminal Justice.
University of Winnipeg Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship in
Criminal Justice
This scholarship, provided by the Women’s Auxiliary, is awarded to an outstanding student who is majoring in Criminal Justice.
Lawson Scholarship in Economics
This scholarship has been established by Mrs. Gordon Lawson and Gordon
Lawson, LL.D. It will be awarded, on the recommendation of the Department,
to a student of outstanding ability who is entering the degree year in Honours
H. Sanford Riley Scholarship in Environmental Economics
Established in 2005 by Investors Group Inc., this scholarship recognizes the
legacy of excellence of University Chancellor H. Sanford Riley, former President
and Chief Executive Officer, and Chair of Investors Group Inc. It will recognize
and encourage the outstanding achievements of students entering the fourth
year of a 4-year or Honours degree program in Economics. Special consideration will be given to students with exceptional performance in Environmental
Economics or related study.
Erica Rogers Scholarship in Economics
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually the most promising student entering the
final year of the Economics Honours program.
Professor Jane Snidal Memorial Honours Prize
This prize is to be awarded in memory of Professor Jane Snidal who taught in
the Department of Economics from 1970 until 1987, and who served two terms
as Chair of the Department. It will be presented to a student formally registered
as an Honours student, on the basis of highest average grades achieved in
Economics courses taken to date.
The Lori Ellen Rogers Scholarship in Developmental Studies
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the Developmental Studies Major.
Professor Gordon G. Blake Memorial Scholarship in Economics
Established by the family, friends and colleagues of Professor Blake, a distinguished scholar and professor at the University from 1949 to 1977. Professor
Blake was the Chairman of the Economics Department during these years and a
Dean of Arts and Science from 1958-1960. These scholarships will be awarded:
a) to a student with high standing either in Economics 1101 or in both 1102
and 1103, who is proceeding to further study in the Economics Major
b) to a student with high standing in the Major or Honours program in Economics who is entering the third or fourth year.
W.W. Buchanan Economics Major Prize
This prize is awarded in memory of William Wallace Buchanan, a 1934 B.A.(Hons.)
graduate of Wesley College, to a student who is a declared Major in Economics
upon completion of Year II, on the basis of highest average grade achieved in
Economics courses taken to date.
Buhler Economics Major Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to two students who have a declared major in
Joyce Aitken Scholarship in Education
This scholarship was established in 2009 by Joyce Aitken (B.A. 1948, United
College; B.Ed. 1963, University of Manitoba; M.S.T., Rutgers University) who
taught high school for many years, specializing in Mathematics. It will be awarded
annually to an exceptional student entering the final year of either the Integrated
or After-Degree B.Ed. program with the intent of teaching Mathematics at the
high school level.
Edmond & Dorothy Dyck Scholarship in Education
Established in 2003 by their daughter, Judith Dyck ( B.A.Hons., M.Ed.), this
scholarship celebrates the 80th birthdays of Edmond and Dorothy Dyck, both
of whom studied at United College and the University of Winnipeg. It will be
awarded to a student in the Bachelor of Education program who is pursuing
studies in one of the academic areas in which Edmond and Dorothy Dyck taught
during their long careers as educators in the Manitoba public school system language arts, social studies and music.
Elliott-Harvey Scholarshp in Education
This scholarship is established by Dr. Carol Harvey in memory of her parents.
It will be awarded to a student proceeding from the third to the fourth year of
the Integrated B.Ed. program with the highest standing in French Studies as a
major teachable area.
Bill Gadsby Pre-Service Teaching Award
This prize was established in 2004 upon the retirement of Bill Gadsby who served
the Bachelor of Education program as both Director of Student Teaching and
Director of the Winnipeg Education Centre program. It will be awarded annually
to the graduating University of Winnipeg B.Ed. degree student who demonstrates
outstanding teaching skills and exceptional potential for a stellar teaching career.
Student Awards 13
Geography Teacher Book Prize
This book prize is provided by the Manitoba Social Science Teachers’ Association
in appreciation for the contributions of Dr.Tim Ball to the Association.It will be
presented annually to a student who has completed three years of the Integrated
Bachelor of Education program or the first year of the After-Degree Bachelor of
Education program, and who has demonstrated an interest in teaching Geography at either the elementary or secondary level.
Ross A. Johnston Aboriginal Student Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2009 by Ross A. Johnston (B.A., 1952, United
College; LL. B., 1956, University of Manitoba) for one or more aboriginal students
in the Faculty of Education. Financial need may be considered as a supplementary
criterion in the selection process.
Patty Kirk Scholarship in Education
This scholarship is given in recognition of Patty Kirk, B.A. (United College,
1959), B.Ed. (1960), M.Ed. (1965) and her interest in the field of education. It
is provided through the generosity of her husband, Anton Kirk. The scholarship
will be awarded annually to an outstanding student in the B.Ed. degree program.
Lost Prizes Award
Upon recommendation of the Faculty of Education, this award will be presented
at the Spring Convocation to a student graduating from the Faculty in recognition of exemplary service to the community and high academic achievement.
Manitoba Elementary Teachers’ Association Scholarship
This scholarship is provided by the Manitoba Elementary Teachers’Association
(META). It will be awarded annually to an outstanding student in the early,
early/middle, or middle years streams of the Bachelor of Education program.
Dr. Jean Memken & Dr. Michael Rogers Scholarship in Education
This scholarship is provided by the Erica & Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the Bachelor of Education program.
Evelyn Mills Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is given in memory of Evelyn V. Mills, Instructor Emeritus of
the University of Winnipeg Collegiate, who had a strong commitment to the
teaching of Mathematics. It will be presented annually to a student who has
completed three years of the Integrated Bachelor of Education program or the
first year of the After-Degree Bachelor of Education program and who has
demonstrated an interest in teaching Mathematics at either the elementary
or the secondary level.
Allan J. Ryckman Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by family, colleagues and friends in memory of
Allan J. Ryckman, educator. It will be awarded, on the recommendation of the
Dean of Education to a B.Ed. student entering second, third or fourth year, who
is deemed to best combine qualities of leadership and excellence.
Fred Smith Scholarship in Education
This scholarship is given in memory of Fred Smith, C.M.A., by his wife Jean Smith,
and his daughter, Jo-Anne Doerksen, in recognition of his career in the areas of
Aboriginal affairs and education. It will be awarded to an outstanding Aboriginal
student enrolled in either the B.Ed. program at the Winnipeg Education Centre
(WEC) or the Community-Based Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (CATEP).
TAWL Group Winnipeg Inc. Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded annually to a student in the Bachelor of
Education program with a demonstrated interest in Language Arts or Early
Childhood Education.The award is provided by the TAWL (Teachers Applying
Whole Language) Group Winnipeg Inc.
Mary Talbot Memorial Scholarship in Education
This scholarship, provided by the University Women’s Club of Winnipeg, will be
awarded on the recommendation of the Dean of Education to a B.Ed. student
who is entering the certification portion of the degree, and who is deemed to
best combine qualities of leadership and academic excellence.
Constance Waters Scholarship in Education
This scholarship is given by George Waters in recognition of his wife’s (B.Ed., 1977,
and B.A. Hons., 1992) contributions to the field of education and in recognition
of their family’s ties to the University of Winnipeg. It will recognize excellence
in education and will be awarded annually to a student who has completed
the fourth year of the B.Ed. Program and who is entering the final year of the
Integrated or After-Degree Program.
Joan (Black) Baragar Fine Tuning Scholarship in English
This scholarship was established by Joan Baragar, a Winnipeg writer and 1955
graduate of United College, to recognize passion, skill, and excellence in written English. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a second or third year
student who is majoring in English. Candidates must submit an essay, short story,
or part of a first novel, on any subject, not exceeding 3000 words, to the Chair,
Department of English, on or before the second Monday of April in any year.
Frederick and Edith (Robertson) Baragar Scholarship
This scholarship, established in memory of Frederick Baragar, 1914 graduate of
Wesley College, and Edith (Robertson) Baragar, 1917 Lady Stick and graduate
of Wesley College, by their family and friends, will be awarded alternately to a
student of high academic standing in English or Geography who is continuing
in a Major or Honours program.
Moira Bell Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship has been founded by the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association in memory of Miss Moira Bell, a distinguished 1969 English Honours
graduate of the University. It is to be awarded to a student with high standing
in the Major or Honours program in English who is entering the third or fourth
year. Special consideration may be given to a student who has participated
significantly in extra-curricular activities.
Lucy H. Bertschinger Memorial Prize
This prize was established by Gladys Mellon of Sarnia, Ontario in loving memory
of her sister. It will be awarded on the recommendation of the Department of
English to a student who reveals an unusual capacity for written expression in
English and who intends to write creatively in the future. Items must be submitted to the Chair of the Department of English no later than the second Monday
of April. General and Honours program students are eligible.
Howard Daniels Memorial Shakespeare Prize
This prize has been established by Professor Bruce C. Daniels in memory of his
father, Howard Daniels. It will be awarded annually to the student with the
highest standing in English 4311, Shakespeare.
Hattie Amelia Edwards Scholarship in English
This scholarship was established by the late Rev. John A.M. Edwards in memory
of his sister. It will be awarded to a student with high standing in the Honours
or Major English program .
English Department Scholarships
A number of scholarships will be awarded annually on the nomination of the
Department of English to students with outstanding records in English at the
University of Winnipeg who are proceeding to further study in an English Major
or English Honours program.
R.N. Hallstead Memorial Shakespeare Prizes
In memory of the late Professor Robert Nathaniel Hallstead, three awards, one
of $150 and two of $75, are offered annually for the best essays submitted on
any aspect of the work of Shakespeare. Candidates need not be registered for
a course in English, but must, however, be bona fide students of the University
during the session in which an essay is submitted. Neither need they register in a
subsequent session at the University to remain eligible for this award. All essays
to be considered for the awards must be submitted to the Chair, Department of
English, on or before the second Monday of April in any year.
14 Student Awards
Walter E. Kroeker Memorial Scholarship in Eighteenth-Century
This scholarship is established by his family in honour of Walter E. Kroeker, in
recognition of his interest in eighteenth-century literature, particularly in the
works of Samuel Johnson. It will be awarded annually to a student with a
demonstrated interest in eighteenth-century literature.
Perry Nodelman Scholarship in Children’s Literature
This scholarship was established by the Department of English to honour Dr.
Perry Nodelman, who retired in September 2005. It will be awarded to a student
registered in a second or subsequent course in Children’s Literature, recognizing
promise in critical writing.
Peter Pauls Scholarship in English
This scholarship was established in 2001 by Dr. Peter Pauls, who taught in the
University of Winnipeg Department of English from 1968 to 1996. It will be
awarded to a student entering the final year of the Honours, 4-year, or Major
program in English who has demonstrated an interest in Sixteenth and/or
Seventeenth Century Literature, including Shakespeare.
Elsa Redekopp Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2003 by the children of Elsa Redekopp, this scholarship celebrates
the life and work of Elsa Redekopp who graduated from the University of Winnipeg with a B.A. It will be awarded to a student who is studying children’s
literature. Preference will be given to a student in the B. Ed program who has
a financial need.
Patricia Ruth Rogers Scholarship in English
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the English Honours program.
Celia and Philip Samuel Rogers Memorial Scholarship in English
This scholarship is funded by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded to a student entering the fourth year of an English
Honours program who has displayed academic excellence. Financial need will
also receive consideration.
E. Phyllis Smith Memorial Scholarship in English Literature
This award is provided through the University Women’s Club of Winnipeg from
the estate of the late Miss E. Phyllis Smith, a 1941 graduate of United College.
It will be awarded to a student of high standing in English Literature entering
the third year of the Major or Honours program.
Walter E. Swayze Scholarship in English
This scholarship was established by members of the Department of English in honour of the contribution made by Dr.Walter E.Swayze to the Department through
the years 1953-1987. It will be awarded to a student who reveals academic
excellence and who is continuing in the Major or Honours program in English.
Robena (Robbie) Sykes Memorial Scholarship in Canadian
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to a promising student entering the final
year of the Honours or 4-year program in English with a demonstrated interest
in Canadian Literature.
Gabrielle Taubner Van De Pape Scholarship in English
This scholarship is provided bly the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to a student who has completed First
Year (30 credit hours) and who intends to major in English in the General, 4-year,
or Honours program.
Kay Unruh Des Roches Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is established by family and friends in memory of Kay Unruh
Des Roches who taught English at the University of Winnipeg from 1967 to
1995. It will be awarded annually to a student who is majoring in English in any
undergraduate degree program.Special consideration may be given to a student
who has demonstrated ability in the area of either drama or literary theory.
Writers’ Circle Prizes for Original English Fiction, Drama or
Candidates must be registered in at least one credit course at The University of
Winnipeg during the session in which an item is submitted.Work which has been
awarded a prize in another competition is not eligible. Items must be submitted to the Chair of the English Department by the second Monday of April, and
must be accompanied by a separate sheet of paper on which the writer’s name,
address and current registration are given.
Clem Wyke Prize
This prize is presented in memory of Dr. Clement H. Wyke who taugh a The
University of Winnipeg from 1971 to 1996. It will be awarded annually to the
top student in English 2142, Field of Literary and Textual Studies, a course he
designed and instituted.
Alice Chambers Forest Enhancement Scholarship
This scholarship is presented by Manitoba Hydro in honour of Alice Chambers,
in recognition of her life-long commitment to environmental stewardship
and education, and for her valued counsel on the Advisory Committee for the
Manitoba Hydro Forest Enhancement Program. It will be awarded annually to a
student who has completed second year, and is continuing in the Forest Ecology
stream of the 4-year B.Sc. Environmental Studies major.
Environmental Studies Scholarship
Established from the estate of Minty Springman, this scholarship will be awarded
to the student in the 4-year Environmental Studies major who has the highest
standing entering the 4th year.
Johnson Waste Management Ltd. Scholarship in Environmental
The Johnson Waste Management Ltd. has established this scholarship to
encourage people to make a difference in their community and the world at
large. It will be awarded to an outstanding student or students majoring in
Environmental Studies.
Leo Mol Scholarship
Created in honour of Leo Mol, this scholarship will be awarded to the outstanding
student in any year of the Environmental Studies program. It may not be held in
conjunction with the Environmental Studies Scholarship.
Orville Derraugh Memorial Prize in French
This prize is established by Tamara Bernstein, a University of Winnipeg student
from 1976 to 1978, in memory of Orville Derraugh. Through his inspiring,
imaginative, and rigorous teaching of French, English, and music, Orville Derraugh (B.A., United College, 1955) instilled a lifelong love of these subjects in
countless young Winnipeggers. It will be awarded on the recommendation of
the Department of French Studies for an outstanding essay submitted as part
of a French literature course.
Esclarmonde de Foix Memorial Travel Scholarship
This prize is established by Tamara Bernstein, a University of Winnipeg student
from 1976 to 1978. Esclarmonde de Foix, a 12th century aristocrat in what is now
southern France, was a prominent convert to the persecuted religious sect known
as catharism. In naming the award after her, the donor wishes to pay tribute to
a medieval woman of evident moral courage, self-confidence, and intellectual
vigour. It will be awarded annually to a student who has completed a minimum
of 30 credit hours, including at least 6 credit hours in French, for studies in French
language and/or French literature in France at a university, recognized language
institute, or any other institution approved by the Department of French Studies.
Senior French Department Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded on the recommendation of the French Department to
a French Major or Honours student with distinguished performance in no fewer
Student Awards 15
than two French courses (12 credit hours) at the 2000 level. To be eligible for the
scholarship, the student must register for 12 credit hours in French, at least 6 of
which must be at the 3000 level, in the Fall or Winter Terms following the award.
French Studies Continuing Scholarship: FREN 1001
This scholarship, funded by alumni and friends of French Studies, is awarded to a
French Studies student with distinguished performance in FREN 1001, Introductory French. To be eligible, the student must register for at least 6 credit hours
in French in the Fall and Winter Terms following the award.
French Studies Continuing Scholarship: FREN 1111
This scholarship, funded by alumni and friends of French Studies, is awarded to
a French Studies major with distinguished performance in FREN 1111, Practical
Language Skills. To be eligible, the student must register for at least 9 credit
hours in French in the Fall and Winter Terms following the award.
French Studies Continuing Scholarship: FREN 1112
This scholarship, funded by alumni and friends of French Studies, is awarded to
a French Studies major with distinguished performance in FREN 1112, Introduction to Francophone Literature. To be eligible, the student must register for at
least 9 credit hours in French in the Fall and Winter Terms following the award.
Gerritdina & Alphonse Hince Scholarship in French
This scholarship is provided by the Erica & Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the 4-year or Honours French program.
Victor Leathers Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, founded in 1982 in memory of Dr.Victor Leathers, will be
awarded to a graduating student with a Major or Honours degree in French,
Theatre or the History of Art, to assist him or her to undertake a period of study
at a recognized university in France, in one of the areas specified above.
Prix de l’Alliance française
These book prizes, offered by the Alliance française du Manitoba, will be awarded
on the recommendation of the French Department to a French 1111, Practical
Language skills, student as well as to a French 1381, Introduction to French
Literature, student who, at the end of the Fall Term, show promise in the study
of French. The prizes are accompanied by a bursary from the donor to the recipients to take a course of their preference at the Alliance française du Manitoba.
Ganesan Sri Ram Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship of $400 is awarded in memory of Ganesan Sri Ram, a 1997
graduate of the University of Winnipeg. It will be presented alternately to a
student of distinction who is majoring in French Studies or German Studies.
Mary C. Rowell Prize
This prize, given by the Alumni Association in memory of the late Miss Mary C.
Rowell, former Dean of Women, will be awarded on the recommendation of the
French Department to a woman student of the second or third year who shows
general proficiency in French, including oral French.
Swiss Ambassador Book Prize for Distinction in French Studies
This prize, a gift of the Ambassador of Switzerland, is awarded on the recommendation of the Department of French to a student who has achieved distinction
in French Studies.
Frederick and Edith (Robertson) Baragar Scholarship
This scholarship, established in memory of Frederick Baragar, 1914 graduate of
Wesley College, and Edith (Robertson) Baragar, 1917 Lady Stick and graduate
of Wesley College, by their family and friends, will be awarded alternately to a
student of high academic standing in English or Geography who is continuing
in a Major or Honours program.
Victor Dolmage Memorial Scholarship in Geography
This scholarship was established in 1980 in memory of Dr. Victor Dolmage,
F.R.S.C., Senior Stick of Wesley College 1911-1912, and distinguished geologist.
It will be awarded to the student continuing towards a degree in Geography
who has obtained the highest combined marks in Geography 1201, Introductory
Earth Science, and Geography 1202, Introductory Geology.
Brian Evans Memorial Scholarship in Geography
This fund was established in 1993 in memory of Dr. Brian M. Evans who
taught Geography at the University of Winnipeg from 1963 to 1993. Scholarships will be awarded, on the recommendation of the Department, to one
or more continuing students majoring in Geography in any undergraduate
degree program.
Marcia Anne Faurer/Peter Bennett Memorial Scholarship in
This scholarship was established in 1996 in memory of Dr. Marcia Anne Faurer
who taught geography at the University of Winnipeg from 1991 to 1995, and
also honours the memory of Peter Bennett who taught Computer Mapping and
GIS for several years in the Department of Geography. It will be awarded to the
continuing Major or Honours student in Geography who has achieved the highest
combined standing in Geography 2304, Introductory Computer Mapping, and
Geography 3302, Principles of Geographic Information Systems.
Humboldt Scholarship in Geography
Two scholarships have been established by Dr. Brian Evans in memory of his father.
Each will be awarded on the nomination of the Department of Geography to a
student of outstanding academic promise who is entering or continuing Major
or Honours work in Geography at the University. Usually these will be students
entering third or fourth year.
Anna Rikkelman Scholarship in Geography
This scholarship was established in 2001 by Anna Rikkelman, a former student
with a deep concern for the health of the environment and the welfare of her
fellow Manitobans. It will be awarded annually to a continuing student majoring in Geography in any undergraduate degree program who has contributed
to environmental or humanitarian causes through active participation in local,
national, or international organizations.
Susan L. Rogers Scholarship in Geography
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the 4-year or Honours Geography program.
German-Canadian Studies Prizes
Two prizes of $500, donated by the German-Canadian Foundation, will be
awarded to the two students who obtain the highest standing in at least two
courses related to German civilization and literature, or German-Canadian immigration. Students may obtain the list of acceptable courses from either the
German-Canadian Studies Chair or from the Director of Awards & Financial Aid.
German-Canadian Studies Inc. Travel Scholarship
This scholarship of $1500 will be awarded to assist a student who wishes to
study at the University of Bamberg or at another university in Germany. The
scholarship is open to any University of Winnipeg student who has completed
at least 30 credit hours, has proficiency in the German language, and who
intends to complete a degree at the University of Winnipeg. Preference may be
given to a student majoring in German Studies or pursuing courses in GermanCanadian Studies.
Der Berliner Club 1954 Scholarship
Established in 1986 by Der Berliner Club 1954, this scholarship is to be awarded
annually to a student entering a second year in German Studies who demonstrates
academic promise in this field.
16 Student Awards
German-Canadian Business and Professional Association
This scholarship is provided by the German-Canadian Business and Professional
Association of Manitoba.It will be awarded to a full-time student with high
academic standing in Intermediate German, who is continuing studies in German.
Charlotte Marie Kennedy Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, established in 1986 by the family and friends of Charlotte Marie
Kennedy, will be awarded on the recommendation of German Studies to a fulltime student who has achieved high academic standing in first year German and
is proceeding to second year with a Major in German Studies.
Ganesan Sri Ram Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship of $400 is awarded in memory of Ganesan Sri Ram, a
1997 graduate of the University of Winnipeg. It will be presented alternately to a student of distinction who is majoring in French Studies or
German Studies.
Swiss Ambassador Book Prize for Distinction in Germanic Studies
This prize, a gift of the Ambassador of Switzerland, is to be awarded to a student
who has achieved distinction in German Studies.
Frederick Bancroft Memorial Prize in Canadian History
This prize is donated by the family of the late Frederick Bancroft in memory of
his long-standing interest in history. It will be awarded annually to the student
who obtains the highest standing in History 2500, Survey History of Canada.
David R. Dyck Prize in History
This prize is awarded in honour of David R. Dyck (1933-2004) for his contribution to teaching the history of science at The University of Winnipeg. The prize,
which may be divided between two students, is awarded annually to the best
scholarly essay in the history of science, technology, or medicine in any of the
History Department’s course.
Muriel and Michael Ewanchuk Scholarship in History
This scholarship was established in 1999 by Dr. Michael Ewanchuk. It will be
awarded annually to a student who has completed 72 credit hours and is studying Canadian History with an emphasis on Manitoba.
History Students Association Prize
This prize is provided by the History Students Association to be awarded to
the student who obtains the highest standing in History 3001, Practice and
Philosophy of History.
Wilhelm Kristjanson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is established in memory of Wilhelm Kristjanson (B.A., 1924,
Wesley College, and L.L.D., 1972, University of Winnipeg) by his daughter, Evelyn
Downey. It will be awarded annually to a student with a distinguished record in
the study of the history of Canadian immigration and ethnicity. Preference will
be given to a student who has undertaken research on Icelandic immigration
to Manitoba.
Victor Leathers Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, founded in 1982 in memory of Dr.Victor Leathers, will
be awarded to a graduating student with a Major or Honours degree in
French, Theatre or the History of Art, to assist him or her to undertake a
period of study at a recognized university in France, in one of the areas
specified above.
Victor Leathers Scholarship in History
The members of the Department of History have established this scholarship
in honour of the late Dr.Victor Leathers for his contribution to the teaching of
the History of Art at the University of Winnipeg. On the recommendation of the
History faculty, the scholarship will be awarded to a continuing Major or Honours
History student of demonstrated scholarly ability in all subjects, with special
consideration for proficiency in either a second language or statistics. (Failing
a strong candidate in either of these fields the scholarship may be given to a
student with high standing in any second field). It is not to be held in conjunction
with any other specifically History scholarship.
A.R.M. Lower Scholarship
The members of the Department of History have established this scholarship
in honour of the contribution of Dr. A.R.M. Lower to the study of the History
of Canada and to the teaching of History at Wesley, later United College, the
antecedent of the University of Winnipeg. On recommendation of the History
faculty, the scholarship will be awarded to a continuing student with high standing in either the Major or Honours programs. It is not to be held in conjunction
with any other specifically History scholarship.
Robert Painchaud Memorial Scholarship in Canadian History
Established by the family and friends of Dr. Robert Painchaud, an outstanding
teacher of Canadian History at the University of Winnipeg and one who made
a significant contribution to the understanding of French-English relations. The
scholarship will be awarded to students of outstanding academic promise who
are studying Canadian History and who are entering either fourth year Honours
or a program leading to the Master’s degree at the University. Competence in
French is a desirable qualification. Application for this scholarship must be made
with the Department of History.
Osborne and Hazel Parkinson Scholarships in Canadian History
Established by Mrs. Hazel Parkinson of the Class of 1923, this scholarship will
be awarded on the nomination of the Department of History, to one student or
divided among several students of outstanding academic promise who enter or
continue the study of Canadian Social History at the University.
C.L. Prober Memorial Scholarship in History
This scholarship will be awarded on the nomination of the Department of History
to a student of outstanding academic promise who is entering or continuing
Major or Honours work at the University and normally to one entering third or
fourth year. It is to be awarded without prejudice to the holding of other awards.
Erica and Arnold Rogers Scholarship in History
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded to a student who has completed First Year (30
credit hours) and who intends to major in History in the General, 4-year, or
Honours program.
Rutherford-Altnow Scholarship in History
This scholarship has been established by Professor H.V. Rutherford in memory of
his grandparents, Charles P. and Malinda F. Rutherford and Henry J. and Edith M.
Altnow, who always encouraged education in their families. It is to be awarded
on the nomination of the Department of History to a student of outstanding
academic promise entering or continuing Major or Honours work in History at
the University, and normally to one entering third or fourth years. It is not to be
held in conjunction with the C.L. Prober Memorial Scholarship.
Dr. Paul H.T.Thorlakson Scholarship in Canadian History
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the Honours program with a demonstrated interest in Canadian
History and, preferably, but not necessarily, in Western Canadian History.
J.S. Woodsworth Scholarship in History
The members of the Department of History have established this scholarship in
honour of the contribution of J.S. Woodsworth to the history of Canada and in
recognition of his long association with this institution. On the recommendation
of the History faculty, the scholarship will be awarded to a continuing student
with high standing in either the Major or Honours History program. It is not to
be held in conjunction with any other specifically History scholarship.
Robert and Kathryn Young Scholarship in European History
This scholarship was established by Robert J. Young, who taught European
History at The University of Winnipeg from 1968 to 2008. It may be awarded
annually to a student who has completed at least 60 credit hours and whose
Student Awards 17
degree program includes at least 18 credit hours of European History. Preference
will be given to a student who has completed a course in any European language
other than English, and who has a record of extra-curricular service either within
the University or the wider community. Applicants for this scholarship must
complete a special application.
It will be awarded to a continuing student in the General, 4-year, or Honours
Mathematics program of scholarly ability and entering Advanced Calculus.
Preference may be given to a student who has demonstrated leadership
abilities through involvement in governance of the Mathematics/Statistics
Students’ Association.
Ross A. Johnston Scholarship in Mathematics and Statistics
This scholarship is established by Ross A. Johnston (B.A., United College, 1952;
LL.B., Manitoba, 1956). It will be awarded to one or more students entering the
final year of the Honours program in Mathematics or Statistics.
Angela Mattiacci Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Linguistics
This scholarship is established by Elizabeth Dawes in memory of her friend,
Dr. Angela Mattiacci (1965-2003) of the Institute of Canadian Studies at the
University of Ottawa. It is awarded annually to an Interdisciplinary Linguistics
major with distinguished performance in at least 12 credits of Interdisciplinary
Linguistics courses at the 2000 level. To be eligible, the student must register
for at least 6 credits of Interdisciplinary Linguistics courses at the 3000 or 4000
level in the followoing academic year.
Chuck Badcock Scholarship in Athletic Therapy
This scholarship is established by David Stewardson and the University of
Winnipeg Athletic Therapy Student Association in honour of Chuck Badcock,
founding member of the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association and former
head therapist for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and the Winnipeg Jets. It will
be awarded to a student who is a member in good standing with the Canadian
Athletic Therapist Association who registers for the third year of the Athletic
Therapy program.
Sam Diamond Athletic Therapy Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded in honour of Sam Diamond, founder of Diamond
Athletic Medical Supplies Inc., and long-time friend and supporter of amateur
and professional sport in Manitoba. It is established from gifts made by Diamond
Athletic Medical Supplies Inc. and the Wesmen Athletic Therapy Students Association (WATSA). It will be awarded to a student who is a member in good
standing with the Canadian Athletic Therapist Association who registers for the
fourth year of the Athletic Therapy program
Gord Mackie Scholarship in Athletic Therapy
This scholarship is established by the University of Winnipeg Athletic Therapy
Student Association in honour of Gord Mackie, founding member of the Canadian
Athletic Therapists Association and former Head Therapist for the Winnipeg Blue
Bombers. It will be awarded to a student who is a member in good standing
with the Canadian Athletic Therapist Association who registers for the fourth
year of the Athletic Therapy program.
Manitoba Brain Injury Athletic Therapy Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible by funds from the “Heads Up” dinner and auction sponsored jointly by the Manitoba Brain Injury Association and the University
of Winnipeg Athletic Therapy Association. It will be awarded to a student who
is a member in good standing with the Canadian Athletic Therapist Association
who registers for the third year of the Athletic Therapy program.
Dr. Henry Woltman Scholarship in Kinesiology and Applied
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the Kinesiology and Applied Health major.
Crawford Campbell Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics
This scholarship was established by family and friends in memory of W. Crawford Campbell, who served in the Mathematics Department of United College
and the University of Winnipeg for over 43 years, including 24 years as Chair.
Lawson Scholarship in Mathematics
This scholarship has been established by Mr. Gordon Lawson, LL.D. It will be
awarded to a student of outstanding academic promise who is entering or
continuing Major work in either Pattern A or B of the Mathematics Major at
the University.Thus, the recipient will be entering second, third or fourth year.
Dr. Arnold Rogers Scholarship in Mathematics or Statistics
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded to a student majoring in Mathematics or Statistics
who is entering the fourth year program with a record of academic excellence.
Financial need will also receive consideration.
The University Gold Medal in Mathematics
This medal was founded in memory of Dean O.T. Anderson by members of his
family. A stipend of $100 will accompany this medal.
C.A. DeFehr Memorial Scholarships in Mennonite Studies
Two scholarships will be awarded annually on the nomination of the incumbent
of the Chair in Mennonite Studies to students with outstanding records who are
continuing in Mennonite Studies.
Charlotte Marie (Reimer) Kennedy Scholarship in Mennonite
Established in 1986 by Mr.C.W.Kennedy in memory of his wife, this scholarship
is to be awarded annually to a student who has a minimum B average in first
year Mennonite Studies and who is proceeding to further studies in the subject
at the University.
William Burns Wittgenstein Prize
This prize was established at the time of his retirement to honour Dr.
William Burns and his years of teaching Philosophy at the University of
Winnipeg (1967-1999). It will be awarded on the recommendation of the
Department of Philosophy to a student who has achieved distinction in the
study of Epistemology.
Doba & Maier Calof Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy
This scholarship is funded by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the third year of the Philosophy Major or Honours program.
Sydney Gallis Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy
This scholarship will be awarded annually, on the recommendation of the
Department, to a meritorious student continuing his/her studies in Philosophy
who exemplifies the spirit of philosophy.
Peter Miller Environmental Ethics Prize
This prize was established at the time of his retirement to honour Dr. Peter Miller
and his years of teaching Philosophy at the University of Winnipeg (1967-1999).
It will be awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Philosophy to
a student who has achieved distinction in the study of Environmental Ethics.
18 Student Awards
Dr. David Owen Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy
Established by the family, friends and colleagues of Dr. David Owen, a distinguished scholar and professor at the University, 1932-1972. Dr. Owen chaired
the Department of Philosophy from 1935 until his retirement in 1966 and continued teaching until 1972; in 1973 he was made a Fellow of United College in
recognition of the outstanding contribution which he made to the institution.
This scholarship will be awarded on the recommendation of the Department to a
senior student in the Major or Honours program in Philosophy best exemplifying
qualities of academic excellence and breadth of interest.
Philosophy Prize in Aesthetics and Continental Thought
The Department of Philosophy Prize in Aesthetics and Continental Thought is
awarded annually for the best essay by a Philosophy Major or Honours student
in either of these two areas.
Victor Y. Shimizu Kant Prize
This prize has been established in honour of Dr. Victor Y. Shimizu, who taught
Philosophy at United College and the University of Winnipeg from 1958 to 1995.
It will be awarded annually for the best essay on an individual philosopher,
movement, or theme in the early modern period (seventeenth and eighteenth
Dr. Philip Wright Memorial Prize
In memory of the late Professor Philip B.Wright, Ph.D., an award is offered
annually for the best essay submitted on any aspect of the work of Plato in the
non-analytic tradition. Candidates must submit the essay to the Philosophy
Department Chairperson.
Henry Doidge Memorial Scholarship in Physics
This scholarship was established in 1980 by Genevieve Doidge (Class of 1935) in
memorial tribute to her husband, the late Henry G. Doidge. It will be awarded
to a student with standing in first year Physics who is entering the second year
of the Physics Major program.
Duckworth Scholarship
This scholarship in the amount of one 6-credit hour course has been established
by Dr. and Mrs. H.E. Duckworth in memory of the Reverend H.B. Duckworth,
D.D. It will be awarded on the nomination of the Department of Physics to a
student of outstanding academic promise who is a declared Physics Major and
who is entering or continuing Major work in Physics at this University. Thus, the
recipient will be entering second, third or fourth year.
B.G. Hogg Scholarship in Physics
This award has been established by the family, friends and colleagues of Dr.
B.G. Hogg as a memorial tribute. It will be awarded on the basis of academic
merit to a student in the Physics Major program for the purpose of attending
an undergraduate or professional Physics conference.
D.C. Hogg Scholarship in Physics
This award has been established by Dr. B.G. Hogg in memory of his father. It is
to be awarded on the basis of academic merit to a student entering the fourth
year of the Physics B.Sc. four-year program on a full-time basis.
Leonard Krueger Prize in Astronomy
This prize will be awarded to the student obtaining the highest grade in Physics
1701, Astronomy.
Dr. Donald Kydon Prize
Dr. Donald Kydon (1934-2003) served The University of Winnipeg enthusiastically and energetically for more than 30 years. The Dr. Donald Kydon Prize will
be awarded to a student entering second year or beyond with a distinguished
record who has excelled in physics. Eligible students must be continuing the
study of physics. Preference may be given to students with a demonstrated
interest in medical physics and/or to students from under-represented groups.
Dr. Herbert Shubin Memorial Scholarship in Physics
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the 4-year Physics program.
Lloyd Axworthy Scholarship in Politics
This scholarship was established by the Manitoba Council on Post-Secondary
Education to honour Dr. Lloyd Axworthy (B.A., 1961, United College; M.A., 1963,
Ph.D., 1972, Princeton) for his many years of public service. It will be awarded
to a student pursuing studies in the Department of Politics. Preference may be
given to a student with a demonstrated interest in international relations or in
urban issues.
Dieter Hoehne Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded, at the recommendation of the Department, to
an Aboriginal student with the highest standing entering the second, third, or
fourth year of the Politics three-year, four-year or Honours program.
D.J. Jessiman Scholarship in Politics
This scholarship, established by D.J. Jessiman, Q.C., in the 1970s, will be awarded
on the recommendation of the Politics Department, to a student who obtains
high general standing in first year, and who follows in second year with a Major
or Honours program in Politics.
Marion & David Korn Scholarship in Politics
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the 4-year or Honours Politics program.
Albert Clifford Matthews Memorial Scholarship in Politics
This scholarship has been established Douglas, Cameron and Valerie Matthews
(Class of 1975) in memory of their father, Albert Clifford Matthews (Class of
1948). It will be awarded, on the recommendation of the Department, to the
student who obtains the highest standing in the third year of a Major or Honours
program in Politics and who continues in Honours Politics in the following year.
Bill and Helen Norrie Scholarship in Politics
This scholarship, established by former Mayor of Winnipeg, Bill Norrie (B.A.,
United College, 1950; LL.D., 1982) and his wife, Helen (B.A., United College,
1953) is to be awarded, on recommendation of the Department, to the student
who obtains the highest standing in the second year of a Major or Honours
program in Politics and who continues his/her program in that Department
the following year.
Peat-Goodridge Prize
Established in 1974 by Dr. Allen Mills of the Department of Politics, this prize
will be awarded annually to the best student in a political theory course in the
Politics Department.
Yvonne Prefontaine Memorial Award in Politics
This scholarship is awarded in honour ofYvonne Prefontaine, a “Student of
Distinction” from 1989-91. It will be awarded annually to a student who has
done outstanding work in one or more courses in Politics.
Philip Joseph Rogers Brickman Memorial Scholarship in
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the Psychology Honours program and preferably, but not necessarily, with a demonstrated interest in Social Psychology.
Student Awards 19
Dr. A.R. Cragg Scholarship in Psychology
Established by the late Miss Edna Cragg in memory of her brother, the Rev.
Albert Russell Cragg, M.A., D.D., former head of the Department of Psychology
at the University. At the discretion of the Psychology Department the scholarships will be awarded:
a) to a student with a high standing in Psychology in first and second years
who is entering the third year of the Major curriculum.
b) to a student with a high standing in Psychology in the first year who is
entering the second year of the Major curriculum.
c) to a student with a high standing in Psychology in first and second years,
who is enrolled in the Honours program.
Religious of the Sacred Heart Scholarship in Religion and Culture
This scholarship is provided by the Erica & Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the 4-year Religion and Culture program.
Transcona Memorial United Church Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded annually to a Religion and Culture student
entering third year and continuing with Religion and Culture.
Quinn McNemar Memorial Prize in Psychology
This prize is established in memory of Quinn McNemar, who, in four editions
of his influential Psychological Statistics, in his other writings, and through his
students, was an important instrument in bringing to the psychological community the fruits of his talents as methodologist, critic, and devoted teacher.The
prize will be awarded annually to the student in “Intermediate Research Design
& Data Analysis” who is judged to have best sought out and comprehended
the underlying principles and common threads among the apparently diverse
design and data analysis components dealt with in the course, whether or not
in possession of the highest numerical standing.
English-Speaking Union Prize
The English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth offers this prize to the student presenting the best piece of expository writing in an upper-level Rhetoric
or writing course.
Gerry McVay Book Prize
This award was established in honour of Gerry McVay, a member of the Psychology Department from 1969-1990. The award goes to a student with high
standing in Psychology 2101, Introduction to Data Analysis.
Reeh and Pamela Taylor Family Academic Travel Award
This award was established in June, 2007 by friends, colleagues, and family
to honour Reeh Taylor on the occasion of his investiture as a Fellow of The
University of Winnipeg. It will provide financial support to students in the
Department of Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications to assist students with
travel and other costs related to presentation of papers at academic conferences,
symposia, or colloquia.
Ron Norton Prize in Psychology
This prize is awarded in honour of Dr. G. Ronald Norton who taught at the University of Winnipeg from 1968 to 1999, serving as Department Chair from 1986
to 1991. It will be awarded annually to the student who has written the best
thesis in completion of the requirements of the Psychology (Honours) program.
Dr. C.J. Robson Scholarship in Psychology
The Alumni Association of the University has established this scholarship with
The Winnipeg Foundation to commemorate the life and work of Dr. C.J. Robson,
who served as head of the Department of Psychology from 1954 until 1969. The
scholarship will be awarded on the recommendation of the Department to a
student with high standing in the Major or Honours program in Psychology who
is entering the third or fourth year.
George Bryce Memorial Prize
Awarded for the best undergraduate essay in Religion and Culture in a given
year, as determined by the departmental faculty.
Kenneth M. Hamilton Scholarship in Religion and Culture
This scholarship was established in 1982 by Kenneth Hamilton’s colleagues to
honour his 24 years of distinguished teaching in Theology and Religious Studies
at this institution. It will be awarded annually upon nomination by the Religion
and Culture Department to a student displaying excellence in the academic study
of religion and who will continue to take courses in the department.
Thomas MacLean Miller Memorial Scholarship in Religion and
This scholarship, endowed by Mrs. Helga Miller in memory of her husband,
is awarded at the discretion of the Department of Religion and Culture to a
student in second year.
Charles R. Newcombe Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1980 by Charles Newcombe’s colleagues to
honour his 32 years of distinguished teaching in Theology and Religious Studies at
this institution. It will be awarded annually upon nomination by the Department
of Religion and Culture to a student displaying excellence in the academic study
of religion and who will continue to take courses in the department.
Scholarship in Rhetoric And Communications
A scholarship will be awarded annually, on the nomination of the Department
of Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications, to students with outstanding records
at The University of Winnipeg who are proceeding to further study majoring in
Rhetoric and Communications.
Dr. Dan A Chekki Prize for Excellence in Sociology
This prize was established in 2005 through a contribution to the University
of Winnipeg Family Campaign by Dr. Dan A. Chekki, Professor Emeritus of
Sociology. It will be awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Sociology Department, to a student who has demonstrated excellence in Sociology,
has written the best Honours research paper or thesis in completion of the
requirements of the B.A.(Hons.) degree, and who intends to pursue a graduate program in Sociology.
Lorne J.C. Elliott Memorial Scholarship in Sociology
This annual scholarship commemorates Lorne J.C. Elliott who graduated from
Wesley College in 1937. It is awarded annually to a student with high academic
standing who is entering or continuing the Major or Honours program in Sociology.
Katherine Oakes George Memorial Scholarship in Sociology
Two scholarships will be awarded on the nomination of the Department of
Sociology to students entering third or fourth year who have an interest in the
areas of stratification or theory and have demonstrated a capacity to produce
papers of excellent quality and of a critical nature.
Rebecca and Roy Hambleton Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, established by endowment in 1986 by Mr. E. Lee Hambleton
in memory of Rebecca and Roy Hambleton, will be awarded annually on the
recommendation of the Sociology Department to a student who shows promise
in that discipline and who has financial need.
Bethia Henry Memorial Scholarship in Sociology
A scholarship has been provided by the late Mrs.B.L. Henry in memory of
her daughter, Bethia, who graduated from Wesley College in 1936. It will be
awarded, through the University Women’s Club of Winnipeg, to a student with
high standing in the Major or Honours program in Sociology who is entering
third or fourth year.
20 Student Awards
Alexander and Catharine Smith Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. Doreen Smith, Associate Professor of
Sociology, in memory of her parents, Alexander and Catharine Smith who were
staunch supporters of higher education. It will be awarded to an outstanding
student majoring in Sociology.
Marion Taylor Memorial Scholarship in Sociology
This scholarship will be awarded annually to a Sociology Major or Honours
student entering third or fourth year. Preference will be given to a student who
is involved in some capacity with social service work.
Dr. Kenneth Trueman Memorial Scholarship in Sociology
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to a promising student entering the final
year of the Sociology Honours program and preferably, but not necessarily, with
a demonstrated interest in medical topics.
Katharina Kehler Spanish Studies Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. Elizabeth Dawes in memory of her motherin-law, Katharina Krahn Kehler (1922-2007), who emigrated to Paraguay before
returning to Manitoba where she left school after grade six to help support her
family. It is awarded to a student with distinguished performance in SPAN-2001.
To be eligible, the student must register for SPAN-2109 and SPAN-2180 in the
academic year following the award.
Norman Kehler Spanish Studies Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. Elizabeth Dawes in memory of her
husband Norman Kenneth Kehler (1959-2007), whom she met through a summer course in Salamanca, Spain. It is awarded to a Spanish Studies major with
distinguished performance in SPAN-2109 and SPAN-2180. To be eligible, the
student must register for 9 credit hours in Spanish Studies in the academic year
following the award.
Bethia Henry Memorial Scholarships in Theatre & Film
These awards, provided by the University Women’s Club of Winnipeg, are granted
annually to the two returning students with the highest standing in theatre
courses. Eligibility is restricted to third and fourth year Theatre & Film majors
who have completed a sufficiently well-rounded program of liberal arts study.
Victor Leathers Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, founded in 1982 in memory of Dr.Victor Leathers, will be
awarded to a graduating student with a Major or Honours degree in French,
Theatre or the History of Art, to assist him or her to undertake a period of study
at a recognized university in France, in one of the areas specified above.
William “ Billy” Murphy Scholarship in Theatre
The William “ Billy” Murphy Scholarship in Theatre was established in 2002 in
memory of William “ Billy” Murphy who was active in Winnipeg’s theatrical
community. Billy had toured with the Great Circus of China and extensively with
the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, and at the time of his demise in 2001 was the Head
Electrician at the Pantages Playhouse Theatre and General Manager of Stagelite Manitoba. It will be awarded annually to a theatre production student who
has completed Theatre Production I and continues on to Theatre Production II.
William Shakespeare Scholarship
Established in 2008 by Donald A. Bailey, Professor of History (1969-2005), this
scholarship commemorates his passion for theatre (most palpably for Shakespeare) as demonstrated though his faithful attendance at University productions, and his frequent assignment of dramatic literature in his Early Modern
Europe courses. The scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding Theatre &
Film student well along in the Honours program. The highest priority will be
given to students who have completed courses in multiple areas, in addition to
acting, within the Department. Financial need may be given consideration as a
supplementary criterion in the selection process
V. Beatrice Shaw Scholarship in Theatre & Film
This scholarship is provided by the Erica & Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the Honours Theatre & Film program.
Ross A. Johnston Scholarship in Mathematics and Statistics
This scholarship is established by Ross A.Johnston (B.A., United College, 1952;
LL.B., Manitoba, 1956). It will be awarded to one or more students entering the
final year of the Honours program in Mathematics or Statistics.
Dr. Arnold Rogers Scholarship inMathematics or Statistics
This scholarship is provided by the Erica and Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded to a student majoring in Mathematics or Statistics,
who is entering the fourth-year program with a record of academic excellence.
Financial need will also receive consideration.
The Statistical Association of Manitoba (SAM) Bursary
A bursary of $200 will be awarded annually to a student entering the final year
of a Statistics program at either the University of Winnipeg or the University of
Manitoba. To be eligible, a candidate must have completed 24 credit hours in
the preceding year and must register for at least 24 credit hours in the current
Fall or Winter Term.
Morton Stanley Calof Scholarship in Inner City & Urban Studies
This scholarship is provided by the Erica & Arnold Rogers Fund for Academic
Excellence. It will be awarded annually to the most promising student entering
the final year of the Inner City & Urban Studies Major.
University of Winnipeg Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship in
Women’s and Gender Studies
This scholarship, provided by the Women’s Auxiliary, is awarded to an outstanding student who is majoring in Women’s and Gender Studies.
Candidates must demonstrate financial need on the standard University of
Winnipeg bursary application form which should be submitted to the Chair of
Mathematics/Statistics by October 1.
Women’s and Gender Studies Scholarship
This scholarship of $500.00 will be awarded annually to a student who has
completed at least 30 credit hours and is majoring in Women’s and Gender
Studies. Preference will be given to a student who has made a contribution to
the community
Professor Guenter Weiss Scholarship in Statistics
This scholarship has been established by family, friends and colleagues in memory
of Professor Guenter Max Theodor Weiss. It will be awarded, on the recommendation of the Department of Statistics, to a student of excellent academic
promise who is a declared statistics major and who is entering or continuing
major work in statistics at this university. Thus, the recipient will be entering
second or third year.
Students who, either by full or part-time study, achieve standing in 30 credit
hours with a grade point average of at least 3.55, are recognized on the Deans’
Honour List as “Students of Distinction.” Those who attain an average of 4.0 or
more are designated “Students of Highest Distinction.” Students are assessed
Student Awards 21
for the Deans’ Honour List upon completion of their 30th, 60th, 90th, 120th,
150th and 180th credit hour if they are in the first undergraduate degree, or
the second undergraduate degree if one of the two degrees is a B.Ed. degree.
The assessment criteria are the same as those used for Academic Proficiency
Scholarships. (See page 5).
In addition to the scholarships listed in the preceding pages, the University uses
the income from its General Scholarship Endowment Fund to award certain
academic proficiency scholarships, in recognition of outstanding academic
achievement. Gifts to this fund, to which the University cordially invites additional
gifts, have been made by friends, faculty and staff of the University.
A bursary is a grant normally made to a student proving financial need who
holds a satisfactory academic record. Most bursaries require the completion of
the University of Winnipeg Bursary Application Form available from the Awards
and Financial Aid Office. Some require the submission of the Special Awards
for High-Need Students Application Form, and several require the completion
of special application forms.
The following bursaries are open to students who satisfy the academic criteria
indicated in the Terms of Reference:
Dr. A. B. Baird Bursaries
Through the generosity of the late Rev. Andrew B. Baird and his daughter, Marjorie Baird, a trust fund has been set up to assist students with financial need
and high academic standing and of good conduct to enable them to continue
and/or complete their courses at the University.
Katherine Bender Bursary
This bursary fund was established from the estate of Katherine Bender through
The Winnipeg Foundation for the purpose of providing financial assistance to
needy students in the Faculty of Arts & Science, not including students enrolled
in cultural arts such as music, theatre, or ballet, or in nursing.
Mary Bergstrom Memorial Bursary
This bursary, provided by Miss Hazelle Bergstrom in memory of her mother,
Mary Bergstrom, is to be awarded annually to a female student (1) with demonstrable financial need and (2) acceptable academic standing, in the order
of priority indicated.
* Birks Family Foundation Bursaries
These bursaries are provided by the Birks Family Foundation to recognized Canadian universities and colleges.They are not restricted to any program or year.
The number and amount of such awards may vary annually, depending upon
the funds available each year from the Foundation. Applicants for this bursary
must complete the Special Awards for High Need Students application form.
Board of Regents Undergraduate Bursaries
The Board of Regents offers a number of bursaries for undergraduate studies
with financial need and good academic standing.
Robert Bruce Scholarships and Bursaries
There are a number of scholarships to be awarded to University of Winnipeg
students on the basis of proficiency and a number of bursaries awarded on the
basis of proficiency and need.
Dr. Ussher Raymond Claman Bursary
This bursary honours the memory and commemorates the character of Dr. Ussher
Raymond Claman, a longtime friend of the University of Winnipeg, and dedicated
and accomplished oral and maxillio-facial surgeon. It will be awarded to a student
with an overall grade point average of at least 3.00 who has completed at least
the first year of a pre-professional program directed toward admission to a
health-care professional program (e.g. dentistry, medicine, occupational therapy).
Cragg Bursary
This bursary will be awarded on the basis of need to a student who has adequate
academic standing.
Mark and Dorothy Danzker Bursary
Funded through the Mark & Dorothy Danzker Perpetual Trust at The Jewish
Foundation of Manitoba, this bursary provides support for students with financial need and in good academic standing enrolled in the Community-Based
Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (CATEP) who have demonstrated their
commitment to completing the Program.
Follett of Canada Inc. Textbook Bursary
These awards are provided by Follett of Canada Inc. to assist students in financial
need with the purchase of books and supplies required in University of Winnipeg
courses. They will be awarded, at the discretion of Awards & Financial Aid Office staff, to Opportunify Fund recipients and to applicants of other bursaries
and emergency loans.
Neil Harris Bursary
This bursary commemorates the extraordinary life and creative spirit of Neil Foster
Noah Harris (1925-2000), a man of deep learning who left a rich cultural legacy
to the Winnipeg community a a musician and composer, TV producer, architect,
teacher, filmmaker, playwright, music reviewer, and musical theatre director.
Mr. Harris taught in the University’s Division of Continuing Education from 1990
through 1995, and received Manitoba’s highest award, the Order of the Buffalo
Hunt, in 1997. This bursary will be awarded annually to a University of Winnipeg
student of demonstrated financial need, with a declared major in Rhetoric and
Communications, Theatre and Film, Philosophy, or English. Prference may be
given to a student who is involved in music. Applicants for this bursary must
complete the Special Awards for High Need Students application form.
* Frank and Minnie Hechter Memorial Bursary
This bursary is established from the Sue and Frank Hechter Bursary Fund in
tribute to the determination and ingenuity of immigrants such as Frank Hechter’s
paternal grandparents, Frank and Minnie Hechter.Frank Hechter was the eldest
of eight children who emigrated to Canada from Galati, Romania and settled
in Winnipegosis. In the years that followed he arranged for his siblings to join
him. He married Minnie Cohen whose family had emigrated from Besarabia.
Minnie and Frank had seven children, and died in 1934 and 1931, respectively.
Acknowledging the impact of immigrant pioneers on present day life in this
country, this bursary will assist a continuing student in the Social Sciences.
Preference may be given to a student in a student/faculty designed major which
focuses primarily on the social, political, and economic impact of immigrants
on contemporary Canadian society. Applicants for this bursary must complete
the Special Awards for High Need Students application form.
Sue and Frank Hechter Bursary Fund
The Sue and Frank Hechter Bursary Fund is established to provide support
for continuing students in financial need who also demonstrate good
academic standing. Annual awards are made for the following bursaries:
Dr. Ussher Raymond Claman Bursary - Pre-professional
Frank and Minnie Hechter Memorial Bursary - Social Sciences
Louis and Rachel Mindell Memorial Bursary – Inner City &
Urban Studies
This fund also supports the Elizabeth (Betty) Tresoor Memorial Bursary
through the Aurora Family Therapy Centre.
Hydro-X Bursary
This bursary will provide financial assistance to a full-time student enrolled in
a Faculty of Science degree program.
Tony Kozyra Memorial Bursary
A fund has been established by members of his family and his friends in honour
of Mr. Tony Kozyra, who served United College faithfully from 1929 to 1956 as
a restauranteur, colleague and friend. Bursaries will be awarded from this fund
22 Student Awards
to students with financial need.
Curtis Landega Memorial Bursary in Applied Computer Science
Ms. Ollie Landega has established a fund with The University of Winnipeg
Foundation in honour and memory of her nephew, Curtis A. Landega. At the
time of his passing in 2000, Curtis was a bilingual honours student at Collège
Pierre Elliott Trudeau in Winnipeg with a goal of completing a university program
in computer science. In keeping with the wishes of Curtis’ parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Andy Landega, this bursary will be awarded to a full time student in good
academic standing, with demonstrated financial need, majoring in Applied
Computer Science, who is a Canadian citizen and attended secondary school
for three years in Manitoba. If there is no Applied Computer Science student, a
student majoring in Administrative Studies may be considered.
Bryce Lawrence Bursary in Environmental Studies
This bursary has been established in memory of Bryce Lawrence by the Winnipeg Game and Fish Association, an organization that pioneered the concepts
and pursuits of wildlife conservation in Manitoba. Mr. Lawrence devoted
countless hours over many years to pursuing his personal commitment to
the preservation and enhancement of our wildlife heritage. The bursary will
be awarded to a deserving person studying Environmental Studies at The
University of Winnipeg.
Minnie E. LePage Bursary
This bursary, provided as a gift to the University by the late Mrs. Minnie LePage,
will be awarded on the basis of proficiency and need to a student continuing
in the University.
Henry Mak Memorial Bursary
This bursary is presented in memory of the late Henry Mak who served the University in a variety of capacities from 1964-83, most of that time as Awards Officer.
It is to be awarded to a student in the Humanities with good academic standing.
Manitoba Protective Officers Association Bursary in Criminal
Justice Studies
This bursary is established by the Manitoba Protective Officers Association in
recognition of its thirtieth anniversary. It will be awarded annually to a student
who anticipates a career in law enforcement and is entering the third year of
the Criminal Justice Studies Major.
Manitoba Teachers’ Society Bursary
A bursary of $2400 will be awarded each year by The Manitoba Teachers’ Society
to a student with financial need who is entering the final year of the Integrated
Bachelor of Education degree program. Applicants for this bursary must complete
the Special Awards for High Need Students application form.
MARRC Bursary
Two awards of $500 were established in the fall of 2002 by the Manitoba
Association for Resource Recovery Corporation (MARRC). It will be awarded
annually to a student pursuing a B.Sc.(4-year) degree in Environmental Studies
who is making satisfactory academic progress.
Mature-Status Student Bursaries
These bursaries, provided by the Mature Student Centre of the University, are
to be awarded to two Mature Status students who have demonstrated financial
need and satisfactory academic progress.
Louis and Rachel Mindell Memorial Bursary
This bursary is established from the Sue and Frank Hechter Bursary Fund in
memory of Dr. Frank Hechter’s maternal grandparents, Louis and Rachel Mindell.
In acknowledgement of their interest in urban development, this bursary will
be awarded annually to a continuing student majoring in Inner City and Urban
Studies. Applicants for this bursary must complete the Special Awards for High
Need Students application form.
P.E.O. Sisterhood Bursary
This bursary, established by the Manitoba Chapter of the P.E.O Sisterhood, will
be awarded annually to a student who demonstrates proficiency and need.
Press Radio Bursary Fund
A number of bursaries, made available through The Winnipeg Foundation, will
be awarded on the basis of proficiency and need to students in any year at this
Bonnie and Douglas Prophet Bursary in Education
This bursary was established in March of 2004 by Doug Prophet, Executive
Director of Financial Services for The University of Winnipeg, and his wife Bonnie. It is intended to support a student in the Bachelor of Education program
who has demonstrated financial need and who has completed a minimum of
30 credit hours.
Bill Riley Memorial Bursary
Established in 2004 by Sylvia Guertin-Riley in memory of her husband, William
Pitt Riley, Q.C., the Bill Riley Memorial Bursary will be awarded annually to a
University of Winnipeg student with demonstrated financial need.
Rutman Family Bursary
The Rutman Family Bursary commemorates the enduring spiritual legacy of Luba
and Fishel Rutman, and the life they build together in Canada. After surviving
the Holocaust and immigrating to Canada, they dedicated their lives to instilling
the highest positive values in their children and grandchildren - honesty, a joyful acceptance of people’s differences, an appreciation of the non-materialistic
aspects of life, and a love of learning. It will be awarded annually to a student
of demonstrated financial need.
Irene and Stuart Sanderson Bursary
In July 2006, Irene Sanderson (BA, 1995) established this bursary named for
her and her husband Stuart, through a bequest to The University of Winnipeg
Foundation. Irene valued education and wanted to support students of her alma
mater who hold a satisfactory academic record.
Percy R. Stapley Bursary
This bursary is provided by the Senator Norman M.Paterson Foundation in
recognition of the contributions to the Foundation of Percy R. Stapley, Q.C.,
B.A., (United College, 1947) and L.L.B.(1951). It will be awarded to a student
who has completed First Year (30 credit hours) and who has financial need and
satisfactory academic progress. This bursary is renewable provided that the
recipient maintains satisfactory academic standing. Applicants for this bursary
must complete the Special Awards for High Need Students application form.
Walter and Margaret Swayze Bursary in English
This bursary was established in honour of Dr.Walter E.Swayze who served the
Department of English with distinction from 1953 to 1987. It will be awarded to a
student with financial need who is entering the third or fourth year of an undergraduate degree and who also is majoring in English. Applicants for this bursary
must complete the Special Awards for High Need Students application form.
Tony Tascona Bursary in Art History
Established by Dr. Antonio Tascona, CM, RCA, this bursary will provide support
to a student with financial need who is majoring in Art History. Preference will
be given to a student whose studies emphasize Canadian Art History. Applicants
for this bursary must complete the Special Awards for High Need Students
application form.
Susan A. Thompson Bursary in Women’s and Gender Studies
This bursary was established in 2003 by Susan A. Thompson, the first C.E.O. of
The University of Winnipeg Foundation, the first woman mayor of Winnipeg, the
first woman Rotarian in Manitoba, and the first woman to be named Consul
General of the Canadian Consulate in Minneapolis. It will be awarded to a
deserving student who has completed at least 30 credit hours and is majoring
in Women’s and Gender Studies.
Thomson Biology Bursary
This bursary was established by the Thomson family in recognition of the
outstanding education provided by the Faculty of Science to a member of the
Thomson family who received her B.Sc. at The University of Winnipeg in 2004.
It is established in honour of the dedicated professors and staff in the Biology
Student Awards 23
Department. The bursary will be awarded annually to a student with financial
need who is majoring in Biology.
Vatrt/Watts Family Bursary
The Vatrt/Watts Family Bursary was established in 2008 to celebrate Terry Vatrt’s
and Bob Watts’ commitment to university education and support for students in
following their passion. It will provide financial support for a continuing student
majoring in English who has financial need. Preference will be given to students
with a demonstrated interest in poetry.
Walker Family Bursary
This fund was established in 2001 in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of
Bill and Grace Walker and in recognition of the contribution that made possible
a university education for their daughters, Linda (B.Ed. ‘74) Janet (B.A. ‘78)
and Sandra Walker-Forbes (B.A. ‘92). Bursaries are made available to support
University of Winnipeg students with financial need.
Ruth Warne/Berenice Sisler Bursary
This bursary has been established by Berenice Sisler in honour of her mother, Ruth
Warne. It will be awarded annually to a student who has completed First Year
(30 credit hours) and is majoring in Women’s Studies. Selection will be based on
financial need with preference given to students whose assessed financial need
for government-sponsored student aid programs exceeds the maximum financial
aid package available from the student aid program. Applicants for this bursary
must complete the Special Awards for High Need Students application form.
Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Bursary in Finance
This bursary, provided by Wawanesa Insurance, will be awarded annually to
two full-time students with financial need who have completed at least 30
credit hours and have a declared major in the 4-year BA or BBA in Economics
& Finance. Applicants for this bursary will complete a special application form.
Lucille D. Williams Memorial Bursary
This bursary was established in 2008 to commemorate Lucille D. Williams’ care
and love as a grandmother, giving inspiration and support to her grandchildren in
their pursuit of a university education. The bursary will provide financial support
to a continuing student in the Faculty of Business & Economics, in recognition of
the staff of the Faculty and its dedication to helping students overcome obstacles
and realize their potential.
The following bursaries have additional criteria. Students must
identify their eligibility on the appropriate application form.
Ed Allen Memorial Bursary
Established by his wife, Karen Fletcher, and his colleagues at the University of
Winnipeg, this bursary celebrates the life of George Edward Allen (1943 -2002),
his extraordinary dedication for over thirty years as a gifted and compassionate
professor of Psychology, his commitment to the highest humanistic ideals, and
his devotion to helping students discover their full potential, both professionally
and personally. It will be awarded to a student with satisfactory academic progress who has completed at least 30 credit hours and is majoring in Psychology
in any degree program. Preference may be given to a student who is a single
parent. Applicants for this bursary must complete the Special Awards for High
Need Students application form.
Norman J. and Gwen Axworthy Peace Education Fund Bursary
The Peace Education Fund, established by President Lloyd Axworthy, is dedicated
to the support of refugees and war-affected persons. These individuals will be
eligible for financial assistance in the form of tuition or registration subsidy for
participation in any University course or program. This bursary is offered under
the auspices of the Global College. Applicants for this bursary must complete
a special application form
Anthony J. Besarabowicz Bursary
This annual award of $1000 is established from a bequest from Anthony J. Besarabowicz through The Winnipeg Foundation. It will be awarded to a certified
teacher who has taught for at least one school year and who registers at the
University of Winnipeg in a degree, diploma, or certificate program leading to
further qualifications, not necessarily in the field of education. The applicant
must be planning to return to teaching in Manitoba. Preference will be given
to a student in need of financial assistance. Applicants for this bursary must
complete a special application form.
Board of Regents United Church Ministers’ Bursaries
The Board of Regents offers a number of bursaries to the children of United
Church ministers.These are awarded to students with financial need and with
good academic standing and are available for such students in any year.
Debra Blair Bursary
This bursary is to assist Aboriginal women with financial need to pursue a university education as a way of honouring the memory of University of Winnipeg
alumna, Debra Blair (June 3, 1954-January 23, 2004). Applicants for this bursary
must complete the Special Awards for High Need Students application form.
Joe Brain Foundation Inc. Bursary
Joe Brain was an amateur geologist and prospector who was named an “Honourary Citizen of the City of Flin Flon in recognition of his contributions to the
development of the North and his generosity.” This bursary will be awarded
annually to a student with financial need from northern Manitoba (including
Creighton, Saskatchewan) who is pursuing a B.Sc. or B.Sc. (4-year) degree in
Buhler Bursary in Business and Economics
This $10,000 bursary is awarded annually to a full-time student with a declared
major in Business & Administration or Economics with demonstrated financial
need and satisfactory academic progress, with preference given to a single
parent. The bursary will cover full tuition and provide allowances for living
expenses and book costs. The bursary is renewable for three years at $5000
per year. Applicants for this bursary must complete a special application form.
Bursary for New Canadians
This bursary was established by an anonymous donor in 2005 to honour his
parents who immigrated to Canada from Europe in the 1940s. It is intended to
provide financial help to people who have immigrated to Canada from other
countries by assisting them with the expense of gaining a university education.
Eligible candidates will have been born outside Canada and show financial
need. Preference will be given to those to have come to Canada as refugees or
displaced persons.
Canadian Daughters League Bursary
This bursary is provided by the Canadian Daughters League. It will be awarded
annually to a second-year student who is a Canadian citizen or Permanent
Resident from Manitoba or north-west Ontario. Preference in selection will
be given to a student who has demonstrated an interest in Canadian history.
December 6, 1989 Memorial Bursary
This bursary will be awarded annually in memory of the women killed at the
École Polytechnique in Montreal on December 6, 1989 to a female student at
the University of Winnipeg who is enrolled in a science program.
Eli and Betty Gallant Memorial Bursary
This bursary is established by Marie and Graham Lane in memory of Eli and
Betty Gallant, Marie’s deceased parents. Eli and Betty dwere born and lived in
Manitoba their entire lives.They had three children (Ray, Allan and Marie), and
eleven grandchildren. Eli served his country overseas for the full six years of the
Second World War, and his community thereafter.Betty was an excellent student,
and conveyed her love of learning and faith to her children and her community. It
will be awarded to an Aboriginal student in any undergraduate degree program.
Winifred Gamble Bursary
This bursary of $500 is presented by the University Women’s Club of Winnipeg
in honour of Winifred Gamble, a long-time member of the University Women’s
Club and a former Chair of the University Women’s Club’s Scholarship Commit-
24 Student Awards
tee. It will be awarded annually to an Aboriginal student who has completed
FirstYear and is entering the second year of the Bachelor of Education program
at the Winnipeg Education Centre. Applicants for this bursary must complete
a special application form.
Harry E. Gordon, QC, Memorial Bursary
This bursary is established by friends, colleagues, and clients of the late Harry
E. Gordon, QC, and by chiefs of the Southeast Resource Development Council
Corporation in recognition of his lasting contribution to the aboriginal community. It will be awarded to an aboriginal student with financial need who is
a member of one of the First Nations represented by the Southeast Resource
Development Council Corporation: Berens River, Bloodvein River, Brokenhead,
Buffalo Point, Hollow Water, Little Black River, Little Grand Rapids, Pauingassi,
and Poplar River.
Graduate and Professional Studies Application Expenses Bursary
This bursary is established to assist students with the high costs of applying
for graduate and professional studies. To be considered, applicants must
have documented financial need and an grade point average of at least 3.55
in the previous academic year, and normally must be in the final year of an
Honours or 4-year degree program in Arts and Science, or in the final year
of the Integrated B.Ed. program. Applicants for this bursary must complete a
special application form.
Houston Family Bursary
This bursary, provided by the Houston family of Brandwardine, Manitoba,
will be awarded to a student with financial need who is from rural Manitoba.
Applicants for this bursary must complete the Special Awards for High Need
Students application form.
Klinic Community Health Centre Bursary
This bursary is provided by the Klinic Community Health Centre. It will be
awarded annuallytoastudent whohascompletedFirstYear (30credit hours)
withademonstrated involvement in the community, particularly as it relates to
issues of health, community health or counselling, and who is a resident of the
geographic area served by Klinic Community Health Centre.
R.M. (Bob) Kozminski Family Bursary
This bursary fund was established in 2005 through the generosity of Bob
Kozminski , Chair of The University of Winnipeg Capital Campaign, and his
wife, Deirdre. It will provide bursaries for students who demonstrated financial
need, and who are involved in extra-curricular activities, especially sports and
student affairs. Community engagement in the form of volunteer commitments
would also be an asset.
Ethel May Lane Memorial Bursary
This bursary is established by Graham and Marie Lane in memory of Ethel May
Lane, the deceased mother of Graham and sister Susan. Ethel May Lane was
born and lived in St. James her entire life. She had two children, Graham and
Susan (Susan Larsen of Winnipeg, husband Niels), four grandsons and two
granddaughters. She was active in her church, St. James Anglican and in the
community, and for over twenty years was a volunteer at Oakview Lodge, a
personal care home. It will be awarded to an Aboriginal student majoring in
either Applied Computer Science or Administrative Studies in any undergraduate degree program.
Manitoba Association of School Superintendents Bursary
This bursary is established by the Manitoba Association of School Superintendents through The Winnipeg Foundation. It will be awarded to an Aboriginal or
Mètis student enrolled in the Bachelor of Education program.
Manitoba Teachers Society Aboriginal Student Bursary
A bursary of $2400 will be awarded each year by the Manitoba Teachers’
Society to a full-time, aboriginal student with financial need who is enrolled
in the Integrated Bachelor of Education degree program. Applicants for
this bursary must complete the Special Awards for High Need Students
application form.
“The Mabel”-Mabel Slatcher McPhedran Memorial Bursary
Established in 2007 by Dr. Marilou McPhedran, C.M., in memory of her mother,
Mabel Slatcher McPhedran, this bursary will support a student enrolled in any
Global College academic credit program and will be considered to be part of the
Global Citizenship Fund at The University of Winnipeg Global College. Applicants
for this bursary must complete a special application form.
Mooring-Griffioen Memorial Bursary
Two bursaries, established by endowment in 1986, will be awarded to full-time
students who have demonstrated active participation in environmental issues or
who are registered in at least 6 credit hours in the Environmental Studies major
in the current academic year. Special consideration, for one of these awards will
be given to a black visa students from African countries.
Mr. & Mrs. Ong Hoo Hong Memorial Bursary for International
Established in 2003 by Gim Ong, this bursary fund honours the memory of his
parents, Mr. & Mrs. ONG Hoo Hong. Bursaries will be awarded at the discretion of
the Awards and Financial Aid office to full-time international students who have
a minimum 2.5 grade point average and who are in dire financial circumstances,
such as those from war-affected or economically-deprived countries or whose
home countries experience economic collapse during their studies. Students at
the University of Winnipeg Collegiate also are eligible to receive bursaries from
this fund. Applicants for this bursary must complete a special application form.
Mr. & Mrs. Ong Hoo Hong Memorial Bursary in Religious Studies
Established in 2003 by Gim Ong, this bursary honours the memory of his parents,
Mr. & Mrs. ONG Hoo Hong. Bursaries will be awarded, at the discretion of the
Awards and Financial Aid office, to students with a minimum grade point average
of 2.5 and facing unique financial hardships, such as students with dependents
or with disabilities, who register for at least one Biblical Studies course in the
Department of Religious Studies during the academic year. Applicants for this
bursary must complete a special application form.
Opportunity Fund Bursaries
Bursaries will be awarded to student who show academic promise and financial
need, and who come from a population currently under-represented at The
University of Winnipeg. Priority may be given to first and second year students.
Applicants for this bursary must complete a special application form.
Ray Valdemar Pedersen Bursary
This bursary was established in 2006 by Ray Valdemar Pedersen (B.A., 1994). It
provides a second or third year student in Geography, or related discipline, who
is a Canadian citizen and who demonstrates an interest in projects in developing
countries, with an opportunity to explore his/her interest further. Applicants for
this bursary must complete a special application form.
Ganesan Sri Ram Memorial Bursaries
Two bursaries of $400 each will be awarded in memory of Ganesan Sri Ram,
a 1997 graduate of the University of Winnipeg.One will be presented annually
to an Aboriginal student who is in the second year of a degree program at the
University and who does not have funding from any other source. Preference
will be given to a student who has reading proficiency in an aboriginal language.
The other bursary will be presented to a student who has completed First Year
(30 credit hours) and who is an immigrant or a child of immigrants. Preference
for this bursary will be given to a student who has a reading proficiency in a
non-European language.
Louis Riel Bursaries
These bursaries in the amount of $1500 are established at the University of
Winnipeg by the Louis Riel Institute of the Manitoba Métis Federation. They will
be awarded annually to full-time entering or returning students with financial
need who are Manitoba residents of Métis status. Verification must be provided
by the Louis Riel Institute confirming applicants membership or eligibility for
membership with the Manitoba Métis Federation. Applicants for this bursary
must complete the Special Awards for High Need Students application form and
the Louis Riel Bursary application form.
Student Awards 25
Margaret Mabel (Riddell) Roberts Bursary
The Margaret Mabel (Riddell) Roberts Bursary was established by John (Class of
’66) and Kathleen Roberts in honour of John’s mother Margaret Mabel Roberts
(nee Riddell). It will be awarded to a student who intends to pursue a career in
the social services. Applicants for this bursary must complete the Special Awards
for High Need Students application form.
Madge O. Stevens Bursary in Education
This bursary was established in 2001 by Madge Stevens (B.A., 1937, United
College, B.Ed., 1945, M.Ed., 1959, A.R.C.T.). It will be awarded annually to a
student who has successfully completed at least 30 credit hours in the “Early
Middle Years” stream of the Integrated B.Ed./B.A. or B.Sc. Program. Applicants
for this bursary must complete the Special Awards for High Need Students
application form.
Grace Thomson Memorial Bursary
This bursary is established by her daughter, Meredith (B.A. Hons., 1971), in
memory of Grace Thomson. It will be awarded annually to an aboriginal woman
who is registered in any year of the Bachelor of Education program with the
Winnipeg Education Centre. Applicants for this bursary must complete a special
application form.
UWSA Bursary
This bursary, provided by the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association, will
be awarded to a second, third or fourth year student with financial need who
has demonstrated involvement in extracurricular activities in the University or
the community.
UWSA Margaret Laurence Bursary
This bursary, provided by the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association,
will be awarded to a continuing student with demonstrated financial need and
satisfactory academic progress who is a single parent.
UWSA Gabrielle Roy Bursary
This bursary, provided by the University of Winnipeg Students Association, will
be awarded to a continuing student with demonstrated financial need who
has shown significant academic improvement from the previous year of study.
UWSA Recent Immigrant Bursary
This bursary, provided by the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association,
will be awarded to a continuing student with demonstrated financial need and
satisfactory academic progress who has immigrated to Canada within the last
three years.
UWSA Bursary for a Student with a Learning Disability
This bursary, provided by the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association will
be awarded to the student who has financial need and a learning disability, and
who has completed at least 30 credit hours.
Carole Watson Memorial Bursary
This bursary will be awarded to a student who is in financial need and who is
entering the final year of the Major or Honours program in Psychology. Preference will be given to a student planning to do graduate studies and who has
participated in extra-curricular activities in the University or community.
The Wellington Distinguished Lecture Tribute Bursary
The Wellington, A Lifestyle Retirement Community, Distinguished Lecture
Tribute Bursary, has been established to honour University of Winnipeg faculty
who serve as speakers in The Wellington’s Distinguished Speakers Series. It will
be awarded annually to a student with financial need for whom at least seven
years have elapsed between previous formal education and the resumption of
studies at the University.
Victor and Marie Wyatt Bursary in Education
Bursaries will be provided through The Winnipeg Foundation to students with
demonstrated financial need who are registered in the B.Ed program and who
graduated from a high school located within the 1993 boundaries of the St.Vital
School Division: Collége Jeanne-Sauvé, Glenlawn Collegiate, or Dakota Collegiate.
Applicants for this bursary must complete the Special Awards for High-Need
Students application form.
The following bursaries are open to students in the Faculties of
Arts, Science, or Education, or the Faculty of Theology who are
planning to study for the ministry: Application must be made with
the Faculty of Theology.
Robert McKee Frayne Bursary
Established in 1954 in memory of the Rev. Robert McKee Frayne, D.D., Director of
Religious Administration (P), R.C.A.F. To be awarded to a student in the Faculty
of Arts and Science preparing for the ministry, or a student in the Faculty of
Theology continuing his/her education for the ministry.
Helen Hogg Bursary
This bursary, established by Grey Street United Church in honour of Miss Helen
Hogg, is offered annually to a United Church student in the Faculty of Arts and
Science preparing for the ministry, or a United Church student in the Faculty of
Theology continuing his/her education for ministry. The award will be based on
need and conscientious academic work.
C.A. Ray Memorial Bursary
This bursary has been established by Mrs. C. A. Ray in memory of her husband.
It will be awarded to a student who is preparing for ministry in the Church.
Students in the Faculty of Theology are eligible as well.
Walter J. Spence Bursary
This bursary, established by Jean Spence in memory of her husband, the Rev. Dr.
Walter J. Spence, devoted churchman and honoured alumnus of United College,
is offered annually to a student in Arts, Science or Education preparing for the
ministry, or to a student in the Faculty of Theology continuing his/her education
for ministry. It is awarded on the basis of financial need and conscientious work.
In addition to the bursaries listed on the preceding pages, the University has
established a General Bursary Endowment to make awards to students with
financial need. The University cordially invites additional gifts to this fund.
The University of Winnipeg Athletic Awards recognize those students who excel
as members of a varsity team. Recipients must have been registered as full-time
students at the University of Winnipeg in the previous academic year, and be
eligible to continue in a program the following year.These awards will be made
on the recommendation of the Directo of Recreation and Athletic Services. These
awards require the completion of application forms.
Athletic Scholarships
Board of Regents Athletic Awards
The Board of Regents offers two athletic awards to students who combine
evidence of superior athletic skills and good academic standing.
Ralph King Memorial Scholarship
An award will be made annually in memory of Ralph King to one woman and
one man who make their respective intercollegiate basketball teams, and who
most deservingly combine a good academic record with financial need and
basketball prowess. The scholarship is intended to honour Ralph King, who for
twenty years supported the University and Wesmen basketball with mind and
heart and soul; whose zeal and wit and good will remain.
Province of Manitoba University Athletic Scholarships
Full-time students who are graduates of high schools in Manitoba may be
eligible for athletic awards funded by the Province of Manitoba if they participate in a national championship sport program sanctioned by the Canadian
Intercollegiate Athletic Union and the Great Plains Athletic Conference.Further
26 Student Awards
information is available in the Awards Office or from the Director of Recreation
and Athletic Services.
University of Winnipeg Academic Athletic Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded to University of Winnipeg students who are
members of a University of Winnipeg inter-collegiate team and are a) entering the
University of Winnipeg with a minimum average in the final year of high school
of 80%, or b) continuing and full-time for at least two term s in an academic
year and have achieved a minimum standing of C+ (2.50) in the previous year of
study.These scholarships will be offered on the recommendation of the Director
of Athletics and must be approved by the Director of Awards & Financial Aid.
Athletic Bursaries
A number of bursaries, varying in value, will be awarded to students of the
University who will be participating in intercollegiate sports in the Fall/Winter
academic year. Applicants must submit application forms, detailing need, to the
Director of Recreation and Athletic Services.
The University expresses its gratitude to the following donors of these bursaries:
J. Hansen & Son Limited
Wesmen Booster Club
Medals are awarded at Spring Convocation to students who achieve the highest
standing for degree programs and for majors:
1. To be eligible for consideration for one or more University medals at the
Spring Convocation in any years, students must have completed the work
required for a University degree during the period which has elapsed since
the previous Spring Convocation.
The Chancellor’s Gold Medals - the gift of the Board of Regents in honour
of the Chancellor -are offered annually for competition among students who
have completed the work required in a course leading to the Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree, the Bachelor of Science(4-year) degree, the Bachelor of
Science (General) degree, the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree, the Bachelor
of Arts (4-year) degree, the Bachelor of Business and Economics (Honours),
the Bachelor of Business and Economics (4-year), the Bachelor of Business and
Economics (General), and the Bachelor of Education degree. The award for
Arts, Science, and Business and Economics degrees will be made to the student
who secures the highest standing determined by the final grades obtained in
the best 90 or 120 credit hours completed, as applicable, that satisfy degree
requirements. The award in Education will be made to the student who secures
the highest standing determined by the final grades in the last 60 credit hours
of B.Ed. program course work.
The Mayor’s Medal - the gift of the Mayor of Winnipeg - is to be awarded
annually at the Spring Convocation, on the recommendation of the Student
Awards Committee, to a graduating student whose record combines academic
distinction and service to the community of Winnipeg; students whose service
to the community derives from their study of urban issues may be given special
O.T. Anderson Award - This award was established by the Class of ‘62 in
memory of Professor O.T. Anderson, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science,
United College, from 1926 to 1958. The award of a miniature of the O.T. Anderson Trophy is made to the outstanding graduate of the year for distinguished
academic and extra-curricular achievement during undergraduate year.
4. No student may be awarded two medals in the same department or two
medals for overall performance in an undergraduate degree, except for
a student in the Integrated B.Ed. program who is receiving two degrees
The University Silver Medals - These medals are offered annually for competition among students who have completed the work required in courses leading
to the degree of Bachelor of Arts(Honours), Bachelor of Arts(4-year), Bachelor
of Arts, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Science (Honours), Bachelor of Science (4-year), and Bachelor of Science, the Bachelor of Business and Economics
(Honours), the Bachelor of Business and Economics (4-year), and the Bachelor of
Business and Economics. The awards will be made to the students who secure
the second-highest standing in their respective programs. For Arts and Science
degrees, standing will be determined by the final grades obtained in either the
best 90 or best 120 credit hours completed, as applicable, which satisfy degree
requirements. For an Education degree, standing will be determined by the final
grades in the last 60 credit hours of B.Ed. program course work.
Medals for Overall Performance in a Degree
1. Gold medals are awarded to the students who achieve the highest standing
for each major.
2. Arts, Science, Education, and Business and Economics students are eligible
for departmental medals in any year they receive their degrees.
3. Students who graduate in the fall are considered for medals at the next
Spring Convocation.
Medals for Performance in a Major
1. Gold and silver medals are awarded to the students who achieve the highest
and second highest standing for each undergraduate degree program.
2. Students must satisfy the minimum residence requirements for the degree.
The Governor-General’s Gold Medal - the gift of Her Excellency the
Governor-General of Canada - is to be awarded to the graduate student who
achieves the highest academic standing in a Master’s degree program.
The Governor-General’s Silver Medal -the gift of Her Excellency the
Governor-General of Canada - is to be awarded annually to the student who
qualifies for an Arts, Science, or Business and Economics Bachelor’s degree and
who has the highest standing determined by the final grades in the best 90 or 120
credit hours completed, as applicable, that satisfy degree requirements. Students
in the Integrated Education program will be considered on the basis of standing
in final grades in the best 150 credit hours that satisfy degree requirements.
The Lieutenant-Governor’s Gold Medal -the gift of the LieutenantGovernor of Manitoba - is to be awarded to the student who qualifies for the
Bachelor of Arts (General) degree and who has secured the highest standing
determined by the final grades obtained in the best 90 credit hours completed
that satisfy degree requirements.
2. Where a department offers a three-year degree program, a four-year degree
program, and/or an Honours degree program, medals will be offered for
each program.
3. Each award will be made to the student who secures the highest cumulative
standing in his or her Major, 4-year, or Honours subject.
4. Standing will be determined by the final grades obtained for all departmental courses and major requirements completed.
Some of the departmental medals have been founded in memory of certain
individuals and/or presented through the generosity of certain individuals. The
following is a list of such medals:
The University Gold Medal in Honours English founded in memory of
Professor R.N. Hallstead by his colleagues in the University.
The University Gold Medal in English founded in memory of Professor
R.N.Hallstead by his colleagues in the University.
The University Gold Medal in Mathematics founded in memory of Dean
O.T. Anderson by members of his family. A stipend of $100 will accompany this
Student Awards 27
The University Gold Medal in Psychology founded in memory of Dr. A.R.
Cragg by Dr. and Mrs. C.J. Robson.
The University Gold Medal in Honours Psychology founded in memory
of Dr. C.J. Robson by the University of Winnipeg Alumni Association.
Financial assistance is available jointly from the Government of Canada and
the provinces and territories in the form of grants and loans. Students from the
Province of Manitoba may obtain information on the internet at Students from other Canadian jurisdictions can consult to find their provinces’ student aid information websites.
Bank of Montreal Student Loan Program
To be eligible, students must be registered full-time at a recognized postsecondary Canadian institution. Contact the Bank of Montreal for further details.
Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Fund (Education
Assistance Loan Program)
The Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Fund offers an Education Assistance
Loan Program to assist serving and former members and their dependants with
costs of post-secondary education. The serving or former member must have
served in the Canadian Army after 1st of October 1946, or in the Canadian
Forces, after 31st of January, 1968, and must have a minimum of one year
Regular Force military service. Application forms are available at http://sisip.
com/en/Downloads_e/ealp_e.asp or from Canadian Forces Base Financial Counsellors, district offices of Veterans Affairs Canada, and the Provincial
Command Offices of the Royal Canadian Legion or by writing to CFPAF, 234
Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6K6, telephone (613) 760-3447 or
toll free 1-888-753-9828.
P.E.O. Loan Fund for Women
Further information and application forms may be obtained from the Awards
Office, University of Winnipeg.
United Church of Canada
The United Church of Canada provides certain funds for the aid of students in
Arts and Science proceeding to Theology. For information about these funds
students should consult the Dean of the Faculty of Theology.
Veterans’ University Loan Fund
To assist veterans receiving allowances pursuant to sections IX and XI of the
Veterans Rehabilitation Act. Assistance is also available to children under
Children of War Dead Act. Enquire at nearest district office of Department of
Veterans’ Affairs.
The high professional ability required of present day military officers demands
the best in education and training. The Department of National Defence therefore
sponsors programs of university education and leadership training for selected
young men and women who have the potential to become officers in the Canadian Armed Forces. The admission standards are high, but for those who qualify
the way is open to a challenging and rewarding career.
The programs sponsored are the Regular OfficerTraining Plan (ROTP), Medical
Officer Training Plan (MOTP) and Dental Officer Training Plan (DOTP). Training
given under these plans is divided into two parts: normal attendance at university
throughout the academic year and military training each summer. A period of
compulsory military service is a condition of acceptance to any of these plans.
ROTP - This plan combines university subsidization with career training as an
officer in the regular component of the Canadian Forces. Successful applicants
are enrolled in the rank of Officer Cadet. They are required to maintain a good
standing both academically and militarily while in the plan. All tuition and other
essential fees are paid by the Department of National Defence. As well, a monthly
salary is paid to cover living expenses. Free medical and dental care is provided.
Annual leave with full pay and allowances may be granted each year, usually
before and after the summer training period. On graduation the Officer Cadet
is commissioned as an Officer in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant.
Undergraduate students are also eligible to apply for this program provided they
have at least one full year remaining before graduation.
An applicant must a) be a Canadian citizen, b) be physically fit for enrolment
in the Canadian Forces, and c) if ROTP - be at least 16 years of age on the first
day of January of the year he/she commences first year studies at university, or
if MOTP or DOTP - be at least 17 years of age.
How To Apply - Individuals interested in obtaining more information on, or
wishing to make application for, any of these plans are requested to contact:
Commanding Officer
Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre
266 Graham Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0J8
28 Student Awards
2010-2011 University of Winnipeg Scholarship Recipients
Major Entrance Scholarships
Walter Leatherdale Entrance Scholarship $27,000
Adam Van Aert, Lord Selkirk Regional Secondary School
Marsha P. Hanen Entrance Scholarship $10,500
Alexandria van Dyck, Fort Richmond Collegiate
Alumni Entrance Scholarships $5,000
Anna Blankstein, Kelvin High School
Kanisha Cruz-Kan, J.H. Bruns Collegiate
Jennifer Duff, Morden Collegiate Institute
Riley Fonseca, Kildonan East Collegiate
Shanley Spence, Grant Park High School
Sara Thurlbeck, Westwood Collegiate
General Entrance Scholarships
Awards pending
H.F. ALLEN FAMILY ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP.................................... $2000
Dan Patriarca, Jr.
ALUMNI FAMILY ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP........................................ $2000
Bethany Cooke
Traci Orr
Candace Wall
SCHOLARSHIP ....................................................................................... $340
No award
Amir Agahi-Najafabadi
Samantha Buzza
Gregory Furmaniuk
Victoria King
Elizabeth Konrad
Justin Lavallee
Elizabeth Schachter
Andrea Steingrimsdottir
ELINOR F.E. BLACK ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP.......................................$100
Christie Warren
Thomas Douglas-Powell
Stephanie Richardson
JAMES H. CAMERON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ..................................$100
John Gilbert
BETTY ANNA ISFELD SCHOLARSHIP.................................................... $2000
Megan Giesbrecht
No award
DR. GEORGE & DORIS JOHNSON SCHOLARSHIP..................................$2150
Tierza Penner
No award
ROSS A. JOHNSTON ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP.................................... $850
Tanya Schriemer
TOM DERCOLA HUMANITARIAN BURSARY ...........................................$200
No award
HARRY DMYTRYSHYN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP.................................$750
Krista Cortez
Nathaniel Burdeny
Jordan Dahl
Meaghan Fallak
Jennifer Jonasson
Nicholas Lawrance
LEONARD KRUEGER SCHOLARSHIP ........................................................ $50
ALFRED DUNCAN LONGMAN SCHOLARSHIP.........................................$450
MANITOBA BLUE CROSS ENTRANCE AWARD .......................................$750
Courtney Klassen
MANITOBA BLUE CROSS SPECIAL NEEDS BURSARY .............................$750
Samuel Unrau
MANITOBA BLUE CROSS TRAVELLERS’ BURSARY .................................$750
Leslie Lobel
No award
Student Awards 29
MEADWELL SCHOLARSHIP IN FRENCH ...............................................$1000
Ryan Gill
Daria Kaegi
Katie Russell
Rachelle Gervacio
Keishia Carriere
Erika Willows
ERICA & ARNOLD ROGERS ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP ........................$2100
Brenlee Martin
CHANCELLOR P.H.T. THORLAKSON ENTRANCE .....................................$750
Faith Kieleman
Matthew Dyck
Jennifer Knight
Myckaila Grimes
SILVER HEIGHTS 50TH ANNIVERSARY LEGACY AWARD .........................$675
Madeleine Goodwin-Ominski
H. EMERSON SNYDER ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP .................................$250
Alyson Shane
Trisha Davis
Samantha Concalves
Tara Kachur
ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP .....................................................................$525
Danika Taylor
Special Entrance Scholarships
Chancellor’s Special Entrance Scholarships $4000
Gary Bellan
Jenna Lambert
Grade 12 average: 95.0% and higher $2250
Tamara Beauchemin
Kendra Kostecky
Shashibhushan Bhatt (President’s Award of Merit-Science)
Philip Lafrance
Brenda Charach (President’s Award of Merit-Education)
Lindsay Ledohowski (President’s Award of Merit-Arts)
Krista Cortez (President’s Award of Merit-Science)
Brandon Lischynski
Caroline Crescenzi (President’s Award of Merit-Education)
Leanne Loxton
Anna Currie (President’s Award of Merit-Arts)
Rachel Macewan (President’s Award of Merit-Arts)
Erika Day
Cameron McLachlan
Matthew Dyke
Mara Olthof (President’s Award of Merit-Education)
Alyssa Gabrielson
Jennifer Robertson
Aman Gera (President’s Award of Merit-Science)
Jennifer Sawchuk (President’s Award of Merit-Education)
Amy-Leigh Gray (President’s Award of Merit-Science)
Roberta Schoenfeld
Ian Griffin
Prince Sidhu
Anna Henderson
Gaganjot Singh (President’s Award of Merit-Science)
Sarah Huminicki (President’s Award of Merit-Business)
Jessica Smith (President’s Award of Merit-Education)
Carla Janzen (President’s Award of Merit-Business)
Matthew Thiessen
Michael Jonasson
Justin Wiebe
Danielle Kampen (President’s Award of Merit-Arts)
Amanda Wondrasek
Yael Kaplan
Adrienne Yeung
Tara Karasewich (President’s Award of Merit-Arts)
Grade 12 average: 90.0% - 94.9% $1750
Hazel Aduna
Alexandra Allardyce
Hilary Allum
Alyx Andrushuk
Alissa Armstrong
Holly Armstrong
Whitney Arnal
Darcie-Anne Bailey
Adam Benarroch
Daniel Birchard
Satu Bock
Rebekah Bowe
Dustin Brickwood
Hanah Bridgman
Christine Brown
Matthew Brown
Jaimie Bruce
Corbyn Burik
Ashley Cabernel
Brenna Campbell
Amanda Chalmers
Ishpaul Cheema
Tarun Chhibba
Georgina Crowder
Yvanne Dandan
Jairus David
Colby Deighton
Jillian Dempsey
Christina Derzko
Ann Marie Direito
Stefan Dirks
Michelle Dyck
Katherine Dzbik
Brielle Egilson
Jennifer Elmore
Robert Emes
Romel Feliciano
Hope Figueroa
Kathleen Fogg
Colby Gabler
Chelsea Ganaden
Matias Gervai
Parbinder Gill
30 Student Awards
Ryan Gill
Darren Girard
Jessica Gomes
Madeleine Goodwin-Ominski
Kelsey Grant
Josee Gregoire
Michael Grossi
Lauren Hanson
Laura Hatch
Christina Heather
Jodi Helms
Stacy Herda
Jennifer Hobson
Samantha Hunter
Riley Jasper
Sara Jewell
Gurpreet Joura
Jacob Kalturnyk
Victoria Karras
Samantha Kee
Spencer Keenes
Daniel Kesselman
Madilyne Kevany
Aisha Khizar
Breanne Klump
Irena Kovacevic
Heather Krahn
Susan Kroker
Dale Kuik
Aedan Ladd
David Lafleche
Jonah Langelotz
Alexander Laser
Luke Lazaruk
David Le
Brandon Leverick
Kyle Loehmer
Derek Loewen
Joseph Ludwig
Tanner Lysack
Jayde Majewski
Charmaine Manalang
Melissa Mangiacotti
Steven Marques
Kimberly Martin
Megan McCullough
Laura McLeod
Taylor Melnyk
Aasha Morley
Nicole Nault
Carlo Navarro
Hy Nguyen
Kenton Noble
Hannah Nordman
Emily Ormonde
Jonathan Paguia
Jazmin Papadopoulos
Jiwon Park
Dan Patriarca
Alison Pauls (President’s Award of MeritBusiness)
Jehu Peters
Stephanie Peters
Amelia Peterson
Kate Peterson
Julie Phan
Cassandra Phung
Galia Pollock
Jaryd Price
Kayla Quiring
John Rebenque
Anastasia Reimer
Elizabeth Reimer
Meagan Rempel
Kristine Ritchie
Taryn Rittberg
Stan Rohm
Vanessa Romans
Tyler Ruiter
Arista Ryback
Catherine Ryczak
Pam Ryczko
Christine Salahub
Ramon Sales
Molly Schaefer
Tanya Schriemer
Erin Schroeder
Dallian Sephton
Alisha Sharma
Leyna Shnier
Christine Skakun
Erin Smith-Powell
Elexa Soares
Katya Sokolowski
Julia Sotas
Samantha Steele-Mitchell
Amber Sucharov-Benarroch
Nicole Tamoto
Alexis Tarasenco
Jonathon Thomson
Trevor Thomson (President’s Award of MeritBusiness)
Robyn Thorington
Eugene Tran
Michael Tran
Phung Tran
Chelsea Ukrainec
Reena Villamayor
Stanly Wabick
Kaytin Waddell
Andrea Warkentin
Laura Warkentin
Katarina Weber
Devin Wehrle
Samara Weidman
Shasta Welsh
Elizabeth Whitbread
Josiah Wiebe
Joseph Wieser
Erika Willows
Natasha Woloschuk
Stefani Yap
Chelsea Zacharias
Joelle Zacharias
Jamie Zillman
Grade 12 average: 86.0% - 89.9% $1100
Kimberly Abadillos
Uzma Ahmed
Madison Allford
Courtney Anderson
Rachel Andrushuk
Cristobal Aravena
Jessica Badgley
Kadi Badiou
Christopher Baldoke
Katherine Ballard
Cameron Baydock
Joana Beltrano
Leah Berard
Brayden Bernstein
Carleen Bezdek
Shawn Bharadwaj
Sahil Bhayana
Danielle Bially
Jaime Bilinski
Karlie Blahut
Samantha Blanchette
Thomas Blicq
Cheyann Boisvert
Kirsten Brenner
Brittany Brewis
Hillary Brodoway
Hadley Burns
Katherine Burns
Sheila Burstow
Chelsea Caldwell
Regina Calixterio
Serina Camungol
Christienne Caperina
Connor Cattani
Danielle Champagne
Anthony Chikowski
Yan Lun Chiu
Noah Chochinov
Justine Clement
Karin Clyke
Suzanne Cobb
James Colp
Hannah Cruikshank
Andrew Curtis
Richard Davies
Kristin De Koninck
Al Karen Mae De Ocampo
Nicole Del Rosario
Jean Delgado
Katrina Derbecker
Rhéal Desorcy
Lori Devos
Maya Diaz-Hammond
Callie Diduck
Ryan Dingwall
Brittney Dola
Kathleen Dorrian
Jessica Elias Lopez
Ian Ellis
Alexandra Enns
Joelle Erickson
Andrew Evans
Kristen Falk
Ashley Feightner
Brittany Ferris
Lindsey Fingland
Student Awards 31
Justin Fleming
Rebeka Forlanski
Jennifer Friesen
Renae Friesen
Kristen Friess
Kelsey Fuller
Jennifer Garcia
Brittany Gaudreau
Rachelle Gervacio
Brina Gervais
Audry Goertzen
Kiersten Goertzen
Stefanie Goldberg
Danny Gomes
Rebecca Gomes
Brittany Goranson
Megan Grant
Max Griffin-Rill
Kendall Guinto
Maninder Gundhu
Alexi Hadder
Carson Hammond
Andrew Harrison
Erin Helgason
Luke Hildebrand
Cydnee Hildebrandt
Carrie Houston
Shelby Hunter
Sin Yan Ip
Bailey Jablonski Armstrong
Courtney Jansen
Aaron Janzen
Tasha Jones
Vanessa Jones
Allison Kayler
Cameron Kilpatrick
Adriana King
Karlie Klassen
Jordyn Knox
Alyssa Koch
Allison Kolly
Noelle Koseda
Cameron Krisko
Shelly Kroeker
Emilie Lafleche
Tara Lagimodiere
Alia Laidlaw
Tess Lamm
Sarah Lazar
Danielle Lazaruk
Justin Leblanc
Samantha Lee
Brook Lekopoy
Kyra Leib
Erin Lepp
Megan Leskiw
Amy Lieberman
Qian Wen Liang
Rachel Link
Barbara MacDonald
Jeff Manliguez
Erik Mann
Ronalynn Maquimot
Alexandra Martin
Eliza Massey
Hannah McCarthy
Kiera Mccharles
Rozlyn McCubbin
Paul Mcculloch
Daniel McDonald
Travis Mcdougall
Riley McMurray
Emily Middlestead
Christina Miladinovic
Tanis Milne
Mark Misir
Stephanie Molicard
Kristina Muise
Catherine Nadeau
Marie-Josee Nadeau
Zhuo Niu
Jenna Oman
Jaime Orr
Stephanie Pancoe
Coryn Pankratz
Hyewon Park
Mahalia Patterson-O’Brien
Nicholas Pele
Ma Roselle Peralta
Jenelle Perron
Kyle Peters
Mellisa Porco
Kendra Acheson
Karlomari Aguilar
Ysianel Aguinaldo
Jasmine Allen
Hillary Ambrose
Kristina Ansari
Paolo Aquila
Nicole Austen
Loribelle Austria
Cathrine Badiou
Xin Yang V. Bai
Dylan Baloun
Justinne Bambo
Trina Bannister
Christopher Bao
Jina Barker
Amy Barta
Colin Bartley
Nicole Beerman
Kiersten Beesley
Cassandra Behma-Chaikosky
Maria Bellisario
Erin Bencharski
Katrina Benner
Kelsey Berkowski
Julie Berube
Natasha Bhabha
Jordanna Bilinsky
Brendan Black
Olivia Blondal
Genevieve Boken
Chantelle Bonin
Matthew Boyer
Vaughn Boyer
Erica Prefontaine Dean
Lora Quitane
Zachary Raizman
Angel Raymond
Kira Regan
Ariel Remillard
Samuel Rempel
Catherine Rogers
Zairah Santos
Paul Schram
Theresa Schwager
Hans Schwarz
Yulia Senina
Dillon Seymour
Serena Shah
Alexander Sharp
Mary Signer
Onirah Silva
Jessica Smith
Matthew Smith
Natasha Snikeris
Cole Snyder
Brittany Steele
Emily Stefaniuk
Kieran Strobel
Bradyn Svencicki
Christy Taronno
Connie Tat
Danika Taylor
Amber Tetreault
Lauren Timlick
Karen Trent-Holmstrom
Jelena Tubin
Mickenzie Tyler-West
Erika Ulrich
Chantal Vaillancourt
Alyssa Verrelli
Andrew Viflanzoff
Christine Weston
Auriel Wiebe
Heidi Wiebe
Zabrina Yaremko
Frances Young
Ethan Zipman
Corey Zimberg-Collins
Grade 12 average: 80.0 – 85.9 $800
Jaclyn Brunet
Cameron Bugera
Cristelle Buisse
Ian Cadiz
Lorielyn Cadiz
Natalie Caister
Christine Caligiuri
Yi Fan A. Cao
Cameron Cerasani
Chloe Chafe
Melissa Chambers
Kelsey Charles
Heather Chernick
Kyla Chmara
Adrienne Chubala
Katelyn Chuckrey
Dennis Clayton
32 Student Awards
Holland Collingridge
Robert Contreras
Alisha Cooke
Damien Cote
Jessica Craig
Riley Curle
Nicolas Cyrenne
Danielle Da Silva
Kaylie Dangerfield
Jeidilyn Dayao
Alyssa De Guzman
Rebecca De Jong
Joseph Dearborn
Marycris Decena
Shelby Dickerson
Alexandra Di Curzio
Ashley Ducharme
Chantel Dunlop
Shanell Dupras
Jessica Egan
Sonia Engel
Brianna Faraci
Anastasia Fast
Ian Fast
Adam Fernandes
Ellen Filyk
Alexis Flynn
Emily Forrest
Katelyn Friesen
Samara Funk
Michael Gallagher
Dhona Garcia
Pamela Gaza
Simone Geber
Megan Giesbrecht
John Gilbert
Leah Glinter
Alaina Goertzen
Simone Goldstone
Ashley Grace
Randi Graham
Amanda Granados
Jenna Grose
Kirsty Guenther
Pauline Guitche
Jocelyne Guyot
Lindsey Habib
Carson Hamilton
Kyle Hand
Benjamin Hanlon-Dearman
Janine Hansen
Signe Hanson
Aaron Jing Lun He
Kelsey Heide
Brianna Hicks
Trevor Hnatowich
Carly Honke
Rebecca Horvey
Jordain Houdayer
Shen Yi Hu
Taylor Hudd
Reva Hudon
Monika Iskierski
Jenna Janzen
Erica Johnson
Andrew Johnston
Reanna Joseph
Edwina Kaderle
Chloe Kehler
Hailey Kell
Kaitlyn Kellsey
Sheralynn Kennedy
Amber Kindzierski
Rhylee Kirsch
Natalie Klapecki
Jenna Klassen
Stephanie Kleysen
Jin Ming S. Kong
Daniel Kulas
Melanie Labossiere
Susan Lahl
Janelle Laing
Catherine Land
Jan Laya
Bryan Leathwood
Quillan Leclerc
Andrew Lewis
Zi Jian D. Li
Jessica Lister
Melissa Livingstone
Michelle Lobo
Jacob Love
Jenikka Lumbera
Lindsay Machinski
Krista Magotiaux
Marina Malvern
Alex Manivong
Reily Mann
Xiao Rui N. Mao
Brittany Mardynalka
Kristen Martens
Dylon Martin
Nicole Martinez
Jenna Martinusen
Laney McGregor
Selena McKim
Janet Mclachlan
Samaarah McRorie
Cayla Mooney
Sean Morison
Jena Morris-Boissonneault
Nicole Musto
Ashly Muth
Michael Myschyshyn
Chuong Nguyen
Alex Nykoluk
Samuel Okwudili
Chelsea Oost
Michael Paille
Hazel Palacpac
Andris Palaschuk
Christian Palaschuk
Nicholas Palaschuk
Sean Parys
Daniel Pastuck
Whitney Patterson
Cassandra Payne
Silva Pelland
Nicole Pelletier
Ramy Penner
Melinda Penwarden
Caitlin Pescitelli
Madisyn Peters
Dylan Peterson
Alan Phung
Iman Pirzada
Robyn Ploquin
Karl Plummer
Kaitlyn Powell
Sarah Prendiville
Robin Quintana
Amarpreet Rehal
Alyssa Reimer
Meaghan Rex
Jaclyn Risk
Caitlin Roberts
Crystal Roberts
Crystal Rondeau
Daniel Russell
Caitlin Ryan
Allie Samson
Carly Sawatzky
Carly Schram
Tessa Schultz
Simon Scott
Taryn Selch
Curtis Shonoski
Michal Shvartsman
Melissa Sieben
Chelsea Siemens
Kristine Sigua
Sadie Silverstein
Maninder Singh
Pawel Skrzypczak
Alison Smith
Kyle Smith
Reid Smith
Taralena Smoat
Allysa Solberg
Casey Stafford
Stevie-Ray Stewart
Kezia Stoesz
Dyan Stroski
Connor Sutherland
Hollie Swart
Cassandra Szabo
Shelby Szarko
Kevin Tan
Desta Tataryn
Nicholas Taylor
Nathaniel Therrien
Samantha Thiessen
Michael Thievin
Samantha Thorvaldson
Chung Ping To
Kristyne Toews
Mae Ann Tolentino
Hayley Tonnellier
Brenda Tran
Melanie Tremeer
Laura Ukena
Jennifer Unruh
Daniel Van Eerd
Noelle Vong
Joshua Watts
Susan Waycik
Michelle Wehrle
Callie Weir
Student Awards 33
Lucas Wichenko
Brendan Wiebe
Erik Wiebe
Hailey Wiebe
Michelle Wiezbinski
William Winters
Daniel Wiseman
Samantha Wood
Sarah Yagilnicky
Qiyun Yang
Paul Yuriy
Jingfang Zhao
Ying Ying Zhu
Katherine Zulkoski
General Undergraduate Scholarships
SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIP ........................................................................ $775
Bryce O’Donnell
ALUMNI FAMILY ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIP ................................. $2000
Heather Ewert
MORAG DUNCAN APOSTLE SCHOLARSHIP .......................................... $400
Rachael Searle
R. FLETCHER ARGUE SCHOLARSHIPS ................................................... $750
Breanna Armstrong
Meghan Bargen
Tara Craigen
Kristina Dueck
Jasmine Dyck
Caleb Elias
Jared Enns
Janis Folkerts
Carly Friesen
Marc Gatien
Elviene Giesbrecht
Melissa Golas
Joel Gonske
April Hiebert
Teri Kuhl
Michelle Loewen
Jody Martens
Chelsea Morissette
Crystal Patzer
Kirby Penner
Michelle Reimer
Phoebe Thiessen
Jensen Anderson
Doris Brooks
Jeffrey Fulton
Andrew Peters
Nick Pizzi
Spiridoula Garoufalis
CHANCELLOR JOHN A. BULMAN SCHOLARSHIP................................. $3200
Naomi Langelotz
Trevor Vincent
JAN & FRED BUTLER SCHOLARSHIP ....................................................$1000
Laura Kilbrai
ASPER SCHOLARSHIP ..........................................................................$1000
Gabriel Hurley
No award
CHURCHILL SCHOLARSHIP ....................................................................$100
Loralee Dyck
CLASS OF ‘52 REUNION SCHOLARSHIP .................................................$375
Ksenia Broda-Milian
CLOVERDALE PAINT SCHOLARSHIP .......................................................$675
Christina Reineke
HARRY S. CROWE SCHOLARSHIP ........................................................$1850
Jean-Pierre Deniset
PATRICK DEANE PROVOST PRIZE ......................................................... $800
Claire Landin
Shelagh Pizey-Allen
Joel Kosowan
WILLIAM L. DYKER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP .....................................$275
Sarah Livesey
ENBRIDGE PIPELINES INC. SCHOLARSHIP ........................................... $1575
Stacy McPhee
Dorice Lee
FROSTIAK & LESLIE SCHOLARSHIP ......................................................$1050
France Blais-Shiokawa
Karen Jonasson
Lynne Church
ROGER & KATHLEEN GRAHAM SCHOLARSHIP .................................$10,000
Kelly McFadden
GEORGE A. GRIERSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS ........................... $2000
Ronald Gervacio
Marsha Giesbrecht
Soojin Yoo
Samantha Paradoski
HANNA FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP ...........................................................$1025
Emma Fieldhouse
R.O.A. HUNTER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP .......................................... $900
Airyn Lancaster
Thang Tien
34 Student Awards
DR. & MRS. RODERICK HUNTER SCHOLARSHIP ................................. $6500
Megan Dooley
H. V. RUTHERFORD SCHOLARSHIP ......................................................$2190
Alannah Hallas
Keiko Kobayakawa
Takeshi Ochiai
Angel Perera
Vidhur Sharma
Mekala Wickramsinghe
Lisa Haydey
ISBISTER UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS ....................................... $900
Kaitlin Adey
Hilary Bews
Joshua Fineblit
Laurel McLeod
DR. JESSIE BLACKWOOD LANG SCHOLARSHIP .................................. $2000
Robin Bryan
IVA STEWART LEINS SCHOLARSHIP .....................................................$1025
Alison Millar
ARVILLA LIGHTLY SCHOLARSHIP ...........................................................$475
Morrissa Boerchers
CAMPBELL K. SHEPHERD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ............................$275
Timothy Pellissier
CATHERINE SOSIAK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ....................................$100
Award pending
PRINCIPAL J.W. SPARLING SCHOLARSHIP .............................................$100
Joshua Fineblit
SIR WILLIAM STEPHENSON SCHOLARSHIP ......................................... $6500
Caleigh Christie
Angela Yen Minh Cung
FOR ADULT LEARNERS ..........................................................................$975
Kristy MacDonald
JO LINDAL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ................................................ $1775
Rebecca Martin
OF CANADA SCHOLARSHIP ................................................................ $5000
Rachel Green
Nicole York
Kendall Dyck
Jordyn Lerner
EDITH LINDSAY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ...........................................$925
Karen Jonasson
Sara Janssen
Robert Moquin
25TH ANNIVERSARY SCHOLARSHIP ....................................................$1000
Sydney Earpwiebe
Rachelle Sorin
Tanya Wiebe
ROSE & STEFAN MAROY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP .............................$325
Gabrielle Levin
MATURE-STATUS STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP ............................................$200
Shauna Turner
Kerri Paschke
Andrea Blanchard
UWSA PART-TIME STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP ......................................... $300
Chelsey Lindsay
IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES ......................................................................$750
Nicole Jowett
Dunja Lukic
Robin Stonebridge
JAMES G. OBORNE SCHOLARSHIP ......................................................$1600
Ritha Abemba Mulamba
ROBERT P. PURVES MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ...................................$1800
Sayoan Ratna
CARL RIDD SCHOLARSHIP IN THE HUMANITIES .................................$1250
Rachel Siebert
DR JAMES ROSS (MC, MD, FRCS) SCHOLARSHIP ............................... $5000
Hilary Bews
Thomas Winter
No award
H.E. DUCKWORTH PRIZE .....................................................................$1200
Joshua Fineblit
No award
No award
Student Awards 35
Undergraduate Department Scholarships
FRIENDS OF GRAHAM HALL SCHOLARSHIP ..........................................$350
Brigitte Savard
IN ANTHROPOLOGY ..............................................................................$565
Joshua Lindal
JOHN DEE MAURER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ....................................$100
Boeseya Man-Van Dyck
No award
No award
ART HISTORY SCHOLARSHIP ................................................................ $500
Bonnie Dowling
CMA PRIZE IN COST ACCOUNTING ...................................................... $500
Brandon Yestrau
CMA SCHOLARSHIP IN MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING ........................... $500
Donmeng Zhang
Jiamin Liu
ABORIGINAL BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIP .............................................. $2500
Samantha Garand
ACCOUNTING STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP ............................................ $2500
Mario Raimondi
Brandon Yestrau
Shwingping Thomas
Aline Gagnon
IN CHEMISTRY .......................................................................................$575
Rebecca Hiert
Alexis Kinloch
Award pending
KEELE SCHOLARSHIP IN ART HISTORY ..................................................$100
Ruth Krindle
IN BIOLOGY .......................................................................................... $500
Zachary Corso
CHEMISTRY FACULTY ............................................. $200, $500, $700, $900
Jonathan Challis
Bronte Charette
Yen Ming Cung
Megan DaSilva
Daniel Froese
Maria Kalaw
Gabrielle Levin
Thomas Morris
Christopher Muirhead
Alla Pryyma
Navjeet Sidhu
Justin Silverstein
Alison Smith
DR. CHARLES CODE SCHOLARSHIP IN BIOLOGY ...................................$475
Luke Vanderhooft
Paul Sarte
Zachary Corso
Tyler Atchison
Rebecca Rittberg
Lauren Whittaker
BILL EVANS SCHOLARSHIP IN BIOLOGY ................................................$450
Natasha Jenkyns
Dongmeng Zhang
IN BUSINESS & ADMINISTRATION........................................................$1000
Zena Kavanagh
Allana Smith
DR. ROBERT GOLD PRIZE IN CLASSICS ................................................... $85
Maria Monica de Castro
COLLEEN M. MADSON MEMORIAL PRIZE ...............................................$35
Rachel Cameron
JOHN DEE MAURER MEMORIAL PRIZE ....................................................$30
Kaitlyn Boulding
BEATRICE & JOHN ZACK SCHOLARSHIP IN CLASSICS ...........................$700
Joseph Gerbasi
36 Student Awards
Mark Doerksen
Bryce Hamulton
Tess Klachefsky
Monica Shannon
EVELYN MILLS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ........................................... $300
Soojin Yoo
Tanis Melnyk
FRED SMITH SCHOLARSHIP IN EDUCATION ......................................... $325
Julie Ross
Christina Reinke
Jon Kornelson
Alison Hoogervorst
Paul Shirtliffe
Deborah Ekuma
Steffen Gouzeky
Laura Valenti
LAWSON SCHOLARSHIP IN ECONOMICS ...............................................$200
Charles Beckley
IN ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS........................................................ $500
Natalia Giraldo-Gomez
Gaku Tobinou
ERICA ROGERS SCHOLARSHIP IN ECONOMICS .....................................$575
Xiao Yi Sun
Michael Long
JOYCE AITKEN SCHOLARSHIP IN EDUCATION .......................................$375
Tera Woodyard
Kara Zylstra
ALLAN J. RYCKMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ...................................$525
Katelyn Westervelt
No award
CONSTANCE WATERS SCHOLARSHIP IN EDUCATION ........................... $650
Krystin Cullum
Awarded in 2010-11 through the Geography Department
Justina Elias
MOIRA BELL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ............................................... $125
Cory Spiegel
LUCY H. BERTSCHINGER MEMORIAL PRIZE ..........................................$375
Marika Prokosh
No award
Cory Spiegel
ENGLISH DEPARTMENT SCHOLARSHIP ................................................ $500
Krystin Cullum
Bronwen Jerrett-Enns
Sarah Livesey
Karina Scham
No award
ELLIOTT-HARVEY SCHOLARSHIP IN EDUCATION ..................................$575
Janis Folkers
No award
Paul Figsby
Katherine Dow
Alana Jenkinson
Natalie Fitkowsky
PATTY KIRK SCHOLARSHIP IN EDUCATION .........................................$1250
Megan Dooley
ELSA REDEKOPP MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ........................................ $500
Michaela Vickar
Natasha Jenkyns
IN ENGLISH ............................................................................................$550
Sheridan Evans
SCHOLARSHIP IN EDUCATION ...............................................................$550
Sandra Smith
PATRICIA RUTH ROGERS SCHOLARSHIP IN ENGLISH ............................$525
Lynne Church
Student Awards 37
Melissa McIvor
Awards pending
WALTER SWAYZE SCHOLARSHIP IN ENGLISH ....................................... $950
Jon Kornelson
GANESAN SRI RAM MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ................................... $400
Awarded in 2010-11 through German Studies
IN CANADIAN LITERATURE ...................................................................$475
Jared Enns
MARY C. ROWELL PRIZE ........................................................................$100
Christine Desjardins
IN CANADIAN LITERATURE .................................................................. $500
Adrienne Teitsma
Megan Dooley
KAY UNRUH DES ROCHES MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP .......................... $850
Shada Sagher
Justin Waito
ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES SCHOLARSHIP ........................................... $525
Megan Seddon
Mark Behrendt
Genevieve Berard
Caleigh Christie
Ruth Dickinson
Julie Donak
Paul Figsby
Jason Garton
Jonathan Kornelson
Robert Moquin
Matthew Morison
Meaghan Sawka
Kaitlyn Young
IN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ...............................................................$325
Robert Bruce
IN GEOGRAPHY .....................................................................................$550
Adrian Werner
LEO MOL SCHOLARSHIP ..................................................................... $3400
Philip Mukulic
HUMBOLDT SCHOLARSHIP IN GEOGRAPHY ..........................................$250
Megan Dooley
Meaghan Sawka
WRITERS’ CIRCLE PRIZES ...................................................................... $500
Cory Spiegel
CLEM WYKE PRIZE .................................................................................$750
Leezann Freed-Lobchuk
Katherine Dearborn
ORVILLE DERRAUGH MEMORIAL PRIZE IN FRENCH ..............................$100
Rachelle Thiessen
ANNA RIKKELMAN SCHOLARSHIP ........................................................$550
Nicole Jowett
Chelsea Bailey
SUSAN L. ROGERS SCHOLARSHIP IN GEOGRAPHY .............................. $600
Caleigh Christie
SENIOR FRENCH DEPARTMENT SCHOLARSHIP .....................................$750
Rachelle Thiessen
FREN 1001 ............................................................................................ $500
Chelsea Peters Parkinson
FREN 1111 ............................................................................................. $500
Naomi Langelotz
FREN 1112 ............................................................................................. $500
Ryan Winning
Lauren Partridge
VICTOR LEATHERS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ......................................$525
Lane Gibson
DER BERLINER CLUB 1954 SCHOLARSHIP ...............................................$55
Leah Borchert
Christian Boulley
Michelle Watson
GANESAN SRI RAM MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP.................................... $400
Christian Boulley
No award........................................................................................................
No award
38 Student Awards
Anna Choy
DAVID R. DYCK PRIZE IN HISTORY .........................................................$925
Ashley Kowalchuk
No award
HISTORY STUDENTS ASSOCIATION PRIZE .............................................$150
Christie McCullough
No award
VICTOR LEATHERS SCHOLARSHIP IN HISTORY ..................................... $500
Rachel Siebert
A.R.M. LOWER SCHOLARSHIP ...............................................................$625
Katherine Nault
IN CANADIAN HISTORY .........................................................................$425
Paul Figsby
C.L. PROBER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP IN HISTORY ............................$325
Allana Foster
ERICA & ARNOLD ROGERS SCHOLARSHIP IN HISTORY ........................ $500
Jody Martens
RUTHERFORD‑ALTNOW SCHOLARSHIP IN HISTORY ............................$2100
Loralee Dyck
IN CANADIAN HISTORY .........................................................................$525
Paul Figsby
J.S. WOODSWORTH SCHOLARSHIP IN HISTORY ....................................$550
Emma Fieldhouse
IN EUROPEAN HISTORY ...................................................................... $2000
Alexandra Kroeger
IN INTERDISCIPLINARY LINGUISTICS ................................................... $800
Brendon Yarish
IN KINESIOLOGY & APPLIED HEALTH ................................................... $600
Laura Durling
CRAWFORD CAMPBELL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ............................ $1175
Matthew Morison
Blake Madill
LAWSON SCHOLARSHIP IN MATHEMATICS ............................................200
Dylan Buhr
IN MATHEMATICS OR STATISTICS .........................................................$200
Awarded in 2009-10 through Statistics
Johanna Krahn
IN MENNONITE STUDIES ........................................................................ $90
Kelly Ross
WILLIAM BURNS WITTGENSTEIN PRIZE ................................................. $50
Marc Kruse
Allana Foster
Kajia Eidse-Rempel
PETER MILLER ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS PRIZE ..................................... $50
Katherine Dearborn
Marc Kruse
No award
DR. VICTOR Y. SHIMIZU KANT PRIZE .....................................................$975
Dylan Procter
No award
Megan Pomarensky
SAM DIAMOND ATHLETIC THERAPY SCHOLARSHIP .............................$925
Kirsten Mundle
Jared Enns
Erika Andrejowch
DUCKWORTH SCHOLARSHIP IN PHYSICS ............................................$1000
Trevor Vincent
Nicole Smith
Awards pending
Student Awards 39
D.C. HOGG SCHOLARSHIP IN PHYSICS ..................................................$100
Mathias Pielahn
Rachel Matheson
LEONARD KRUEGER PRIZE IN ASTRONOMY ...........................................$30
James Babb
RELIGIOUS OF THE SACRED HEART SCHOLARSHIP ...............................$550
Reta Chapman
DR. DONALD KYDON PRIZE IN PHYSICS .................................. $200, A Book
Morgan Mercredi
Sheila Terra
Jared Wiebe
LLOYD AXWORTHY SCHOLARSHIP IN POLITICS ................................... $450
Paul Burbank
No award
No award
MARION & DAVID KORN SCHOLARSHIP IN POLITICS ........................... $600
Dylan Roberts
IN POLITICS ...........................................................................................$150
Adelina Petit-Vouriot
BILL & HELEN NORRIE SCHOLARSHIP IN POLITICS ................................ $175
Katherine Kidder
PEAT-GOODRIDGE PRIZE .......................................................................$200
Andri Shchudlo
Cahterine Thomas
Brittany Budzan
DR. A.R. CRAGG SCHOLARSHIP IN PSYCHOLOGY .................................. $90
Jessica Dupasquier
Lisa Haydey
Additional award pending
Andrea Globa
GERRY MCVAY BOOK PRIZE ................................................................... $50
Lisa Haydey
DR. C.J. ROBSON SCHOLARSHIP IN PSYCHOLOGY ................................$450
Patrick Gordon
GEORGE BRYCE MEMORIAL PRIZE ....................................................... $400
Jared Rombough
Holly-Ann Sanduliak
IN RELIGION AND CULTURE .................................................................. $125
No award
ENGLISH‑SPEAKING UNION PRIZE ....................................................... $325
Alison Zenisek
SCHOLARSHIP IN RHETORIC & COMMUNICATIONS ................. $1000, $500
Allison Ferry
Richard Stecenko
Anne Thomas
ReeH and Pamela Taylor Academic Travel Awrd...................... $300
Monica De Castro
Kendall Dyck
IN SOCIOLOGY .......................................................................................$200
Renato Mamucud
Sara Vandramelli
Shayna Gersher
IN SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY .................................................................. $600
Brent Maunder
Shayna Gersher
Tessa Blaikie
Kelly Leask
NORMAN KEHLER SPANISH STUDIES SCHOLARSHIP ............................$700
Anna Weingartl
Awarded in 2009-10 through Mathematics
OR STATISTICS .......................................................................................$525
Katie Galloway
Tyler Clearwater
Ksenia Broda-Milian
Samantha Walters
40 Student Awards
Madeleine Roger
Sarah Petty
Cari Simpson
IN INNER CITY & URBAN STUDIES .........................................................$675
Alison Millar
IN WOMEN’S & GENDER STUDIES .........................................................$925
Raena Penner
WOMEN’S & GENDER STUDIES SCHOLARSHIP ......................................$250
Kimberley Hunter
Academic Proficiency Scholarships
These scholarships are pending.