CHEMISTRY 313 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I Fall 2007 1:40 - 2:55 pm, MW, Razran 343 Optional: 3:00 - 3:30, M, Razran 308 Optional: 1:00 - 1:30, W, Razran 308 INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Instructor: Office: Office hours: Telephone: E-mail: URL: Dr. Cherice M. Evans Remsen 206G or Remsen 014 10:00 - 11:00 am, MW (718) 997-4216 or (718) 997-4182∼cevans COURSE Content: Chemical thermodynamics. Goals/Objectives: This course will focus on thermostatics, chemical equilibrium, phase diagrams and chemical kinetics. Webpage:∼cevans/courses/Chem313/home.html Required Text: Physical Chemistry Vol. 1, 8th edition, P. Atkins and J. dePaula (Freeman, 2006). Material Covered: Chapters 1 - 7 and select topics from Chapters 8 - 11. Classical statistical mechanics will also be presented when appropriate. Recitation: An optional mathematical methods recitation will be held each week from 3:00 - 3:30 pm on Monday and from 1:00 - 1:30 pm on Wednesday in Razran 308 unless otherwise noted. Students who feel that their mathematical and physics preparation for this course was not adequate are strongly encouraged to attend. POLICIES/RULES Attendance: It is your responsibility to attend class and to be punctual. Unexcused absences and/or habitual tardiness will result in a grade penalty, in accordance with university policy. Cheating: While it is natural to discuss problems among each other, copying will NOT be tolerated on a homework or any take home assignment. Copying on homework or 1 examinations will be treated in accordance with university policy. This policy can be found at ur/content/2004/policies/image/policy.pdf EVALUATION Homework: There will be eleven homework assignments, each worth 20 points. The lowest grade on the homework assignments will be dropped. Homework assignment dates and due dates are given below: Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: Assignment date Wed, Aug. 29 Wed, Sept. 5 Mon, Sept. 17 Wed, Oct. 3 Wed, Oct. 10 Wed, Oct. 17 Mon, Oct. 29 Wed, Nov. 7 Wed, Nov. 14 Mon, Nov. 19 Wed, Dec. 5 Due date Wed, Sept. 5 Mon, Sept. 17 Mon, Sept. 24 Wed, Oct. 10 Wed, Oct. 17 Wed, Oct. 24 Wed, Nov. 7 Wed, Nov. 14 Mon, Nov. 26 Wed, Dec. 5 Wed, Dec. 12 Unless otherwise indicated, homeworks must be neatly written in blue or black ink (or typed) with the problems in order and the pages numbered. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a maximum 2 point deduction from the assignment grade. Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Late assignments will NOT be accepted. Students will have until the next class period to protest a grade on any homework assignment. After this time, the student must follow the standard academic procedures to formally protest the grade given on the assignment. The policy for a formal grade protest can be found at: Examinations: There will be three in-class examinations, each worth 100 points, and a final examination worth 200 points. The lowest grade of the in-class examinations will be dropped. Therefore, there will be NO make-up examinations. The examination schedule is below: 2 Examination 1 Examination 2: Examination 3: 100 points 100 points 100 points Mon, Oct. 1 Wed, Oct. 31 Mon, Dec. 3 Final Examination: Part A – Take home 75 points Part B – In-class 125 points Assigned: Wed, Dec. 5 Due: Day of in-class final To be announced. A recitation period will be scheduled from 3:00 - 4:00 pm on the following days: Exam 1: Wed, Sept. 26 Exam 2: Mon, Oct. 29 Exam 3: Wed, Nov. 28 An additional extended recitation will be held during the week of finals with the time and date to be announced during class. The room for these recitations will be announced in class. During this time, the instructor will be available to answer any questions and to work problems from the homework. Examinations must be written in blue or black ink (or typed). Students will have one week to protest a grade on an examination. Protests will NOT be considered if the examination was written in pencil. After one week, the student must follow the standard academic procedures to formally protest the grade given on the assignment: Grading: Homework Exams Final Total 200 points 200 points 200 points 600 points There is no curve in this class. The grade breakdown is as follows: A+ A B+ B 579 537 519 477 – – – – 600 578 536 518 pts pts pts pts C+ C D F 3 459 – 476 pts 417 – 458 pts 357 – 416 pts < 356 pts