AP Computer Science A
Course Design:
This syllabus is for a two-semester course, assuming 30 weeks are available prior to the AP
exam. The course meets for five 50-minute class periods per week, one of them devoted to
individual or group work on lab assignments. The course includes several individual
programming projects assigned for one or two weeks each. The time after the AP CS Exam is
devoted to enrichment activities such as learning to program cell phones. The course includes
units on files, graphics and GUI that are not required for the AP exam.
Computer Programming I, or a grade of B or better in Geometry, or written consent of the
instructor is a prerequisite for this course.
Course Objectives:
Understand the basic elements of computer hardware and software and their roles in a
computer system; understand the Internet
Get familiar with Java syntax and good programming style; learn to pay attention to code
clarity and documentation
Learn the basics of Java syntax for declaring classes and methods, constants and
variables, arithmetic expressions
Understand the concept of an algorithm; implement simple algorithms in Java using
if-else statements and simple loops
Understand the main principles of object-oriented software design and programming
Learn to code fluently in Java in a well-structured fashion and in good style; learn to pay
attention to code clarity and documentation
Learn to use Java library packages and classes within the scope of the AP/A Java subset
Understand the concept of an algorithm; implement algorithms in Java using conditional
and iterative control structures and recursion
Learn common sorting and searching algorithms: Sequential Search and Binary Search,
and Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, and Mergesort
Understand one- and two-dimensional arrays and the ArrayList class
Acquire skills in designing object-oriented software solutions to problems from various
application areas
Study the Marine Biology Simulation case study and accompanying exercises and
questions provided by The College Board
Discuss ethical and social issues related to the use of computers
Prepare for the A-level AP exam in computer science.
Texts and Supplementary Materials:
Horstmann, Cay. Java Concepts: Fourth Edition: AP Edition. Wiley Publishing, 2005.
Deitel & Associates, Inc. Java: How to Program: Sixth Edition. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005.
The College Board’s Marine Biology Simulation (MBS) Case Study Manual.
Books and articles discussing ethical and social issues related to computer use.
Additional resources are available at http://www.horstmann.com/bigjava.html and
College Board website for AP Computer Science A (includes links to course description) at
Course Outline:
Chapter numbers for readings and exercises refer to Java Concepts. The labs, case studies, and
projects proposed below come from Java Concepts and are subject to change.
1. Introduction
2. Using Objects
3. Implementing Classes
4. Fundamental Data Types
5. Programming Graphics (Optional)
6. Decisions
7. Iteration
8. Arrays and Array Lists
9. Designing Classes
10. Testing and Debugging
11. Interfaces and Polymorphism
12. Event Handling (Optional)
13. Inheritance
14. Graphical User Interfaces
15. Exception Handling
16. Files and Streams
17. Object-Oriented Design
18. Recursion
19. Sorting and Searching
20. Marine Biology Case Study
21. Enrichment
Duration (in days)
8 (end of first semester)
Tests will be given as follows:
Test 1 (covering chapters 1, 2, and 3)
Test 2 (covering chapters 4 and 5)
Test 3 (covering chapters 6 and 7)
Test 4 (covering chapters 8 and 9)
Test 5 (covering chapters 10 and 11)
Semester 1 final exam (covering chapters 1 -11 in AP exam format)
Test 6 (covering chapters 12 and 13)
Test 7 (covering chapters 14 and 15)
Test 8 (covering chapters 16 and 17)
Test 9 (covering chapters 18 and 19)
Test 10 (covering the Case Study)
Semester 2 final exam (comprehensive in AP exam format)
Note the semester 2 final exam is optional for students taking the AP exam in early May.
Topic 1. Introduction (duration 5 days).
1.1 What is programming.
1.2 The Anatomy of a Computer.
1.3 Translating Human Readable Programs to Machine Codes.
1.4 The Java Programming Language.
1.5 Becoming Familiar with Your Computer.
1.6 Compiling a Simple Program.
1.7 Errors.
1.8 The Compilation Project.
To understand the activity of programming
To learn about the architecture of computers
To learn about machine code and high-level programming languages
To become familiar with your computing environment and your compiler
To compile and run your first Java program
To recognize syntax and logic errors
Chapter 1
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
P1.6, P1.8
Programming Projects
Project 1.1
Lab 1
Supplemental Materials
USB (flash) drive or 3.5" floppy disk
Topic 2. Using Objects (duration 5 days).
2.1 Types and Variables.
2.2 The Assignment Operator.
2.3 Objects, Classes and Methods.
2.4 Methods, Parameters and Return Values.
2.5 Number Types.
2.6. Constructing Objects.
2.7 Accessor and Mutator (Get and Set) Methods.
2.8 Implementing a Test Program.
2.9 The API Documentation.
2.10 Object References.
To learn about variables
To understand the concepts of classes and objects
To be able to call methods
To learn about parameters and return variables
To be able to browse the API documentation
To realize the difference between objects and object references
Chapter 2
Review Exercises
R2.6, R2.7, R2.8
Programming Exercises
P2.2, P2.4, P2.10
Programming Projects
Project 2.2
Lab 2
Supplemental Materials
Topic 3. Implementing Classes (duration 5 days).
3.1 Black Boxes.
3.2 Design and Public Interface of a Class.
3.3 Commenting the Public Interface.
3.4 Instance Fields.
3.5 Implementing Constructors and Methods.
3.6 Testing a Class.
3.7 Categories of Variables.
3.8 Implicit and Explicit Method Parameters.
To become familiar with the process of implementing classes
To be able to implement simple methods
To understand the purpose and use of constructors
To understand how to access instance fields and local variables
To appreciate the importance of documentation comments
Chapter 3
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
P3.3, P3.9, P3.13
Programming Projects
Lab 3
Supplemental Materials
Topic 4. Fundamental Data Types (duration 8 days).
4.1 Number Types.
4.2 Constants.
4.3 Assignment, Increment, and Decrement.
4.4 Arithmetic Operations and Mathematical Functions.
4.5 Calling Static Methods.
4.6 Strings.
4.7 Reading Input.
To understand integer and floating-point numbers
To recognize the limitations of the numeric types
To become aware of causes for overflow and roundoff errors
To understand the proper use of constants
To write arithmetic expressions in Java
To use the String type to define and manipulate character strings
To learn how to read program input and produce formatted output
Chapter 4
Review Exercises
R4.6, R4.9, R4.11, R4.12, R4.16
Programming Exercises
P4.4, P4.8, P4.13, P4.14
Programming Projects
Project 4.1 (with a partner)
Lab 4
Supplemental Materials
Topic 5. Programming Graphics (duration 7 days).
5.1 Frame Windows.
5.2 Drawing Shapes.
5.3 Graphical Shapes.
5.4 Colors.
5.5 Drawing Complex Shapes.
5.6 Reading the Text Input.
5.7 Comparing Visual and Numerical Information.
To be able to write simple graphical applications
To display graphical shapes, such as lines and ellipses
To use colors
To display drawings consisting of many shapes
To read input from a dialog box
To develop test cases that validate the correctness of your programs
Chapter 5
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
P5.4, P5.14
Programming Projects
Project 5.1
Lab 5
Supplemental Materials
Topic 6. Decisions (duration 8 days).
6.1 The if Statement.
6.2 Comparing Values.
6.3 Multiple Alternatives.
6. 4 Using Boolean Expressions.
To be able to implement decisions using if statements
To understand how to group statements into blocks
To learn how to compare integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and objects
To recognize the correct ordering of decisions in multiple branches
To program conditions using Boolean operators and variables
Chapter 6
Review Exercises
R6.1, R6.5, R6.6, R6.9, R6.10
Programming Exercises
P6.1, P6.12, P6.16, P6.17, P6.18
Programming Projects
Lab 6
Supplemental Materials
Topic 7. Iteration (duration 8 days).
7.1 while Loops.
7.2 for loops
7.3 Nested Loops
7.4 Processing Sentinel Values.
7.5 Random Numbers and Stimulations.
To be able to program loops with the while, for, and do statements
To avoid infinite loops and off-by-one errors
To understand nested loops
To learn how to process input
To implement simulations
Chapter 7
Review Exercises
R7.2, R7.4, R7.5, R7.8
Programming Exercises
P7.1, P7.2, P7.3, P7.4, P7.18
Programming Projects
Lab 7
Supplemental Materials
Topic 8. Arrays and Array Lists (duration 8 days).
8.1 Arrays.
8.2 Arrays Lists.
8.3 Wrappers and Auto-Boxing.
8.4 The Generalized for Loop.
8.5 Simple Array Algorithms.
8.6 Two-Dimensional Arrays.
8.7 Copying Arrays.
To become familiar with using arrays and array lists
To learn about wrapper classes, auto-boxing, and the enhanced for loop
To study common array algorithms
To learn how to use two-dimensional arrays
To understand when to choose array lists and arrays in your programs
To implement partially filled arrays
Chapter 8
Review Exercises
R8.12, R8.17, R8.18
Programming Exercises
P8.13, P8.15, P8.18
Programming Projects
Project 8.2
Lab 8
Supplemental Materials
Topic 9. Designing Classes (duration 7 days).
9.1 Choosing Classes.
9.2 Cohesion and Coupling.
9.3 Accessors, Mutators, and Immutable Classes.
9.4 Side Effects.
9.5 Preconditions and Postconditions.
9.6 Static Methods.
9.7 Static Fields.
9.8 Scope.
9.9 Packages.
To learn how to choose appropriate classes to implement
To understand the concepts of cohesion and coupling
To minimize the use of side effects
To document responsibilities of methods and their callers with pre and post conditions
To understand the difference between instance methods and static methods
To introduce the concept of static fields
To understand the scope rules for local variables and instance fields
To learn about packages
Chapter 9
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
Programming Projects
Project 9.2
Lab 9
Supplemental Materials
Topic 10. Testing and Debugging (duration 7 days).
10.1 Unit Tests.
10.2 Providing Test Input.
10.3 Test Case Evaluation.
10.4 Regression Testing and Test Coverage.
10.5 Logging.
10.6 Using a Debugger.
10.7 A Sample Debugging Session.
To learn how to carry out unit tests
To understand the principles of test case selection and evaluation
To learn how to use logging
To become familiar with using a debugger
To learn strategies for effective debugging
Chapter 10
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
Programming Projects
Project 10.1
Lab 10
Supplemental Materials
Topic 11. Interfaces and Polymorphism (duration 8 days).
11.1 Using Interfaces of Code Reuse.
11.2 Converting Between Class and Interface Types.
11.3 Polymorphism.
11.4 Using Interfaces for Callbacks.
11.5 Inner Classes.
11.6 Processing Timer Events.
11.7 Accessing Surrounding Variables.
To learn about interfaces
To be able to convert between class and interface references
To understand the concept of polymorphism
To appreciate how interfaces can be used to decouple classes
To learn how to implement helper classes as inner classes
To understand how inner classes access variables form the surrounding scope
To implement event listeners for timer events
Chapter 11
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
Programming Projects
Lab 11
Supplemental Materials
Topic 12. Event Handling (duration 6 days).
12.1 Events, Event Sources and Event Listeners.
12.2 Building Applications with Buttons.
12.3 Processing Text Input.
12.4 Mouse Events.
• To understand the Java event model
• To install action and mouse event listeners
• To accept input from buttons, text fields, and the mouse
Chapter 12
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
P12.9, P12.17
Programming Projects
Lab 12
Supplemental Materials
Topic 13. Inheritance (duration 6 days).
13.1 An Introduction to Inheritance.
13.2 Inheritance Hierarchies.
13.3 Inheritance Instance Fields and Methods.
13.4 Subclass Construction.
13.5 Converting between Subclass and Superclass Types.
13.6 Polymorphism.
13.7 Access Control.
13.8 Object: The Cosmic Superclass.
To learn about inheritance
To understand how to inherit and override superclass methods
To be able to invoke superclass constructors
To learn about protected and package access control
To understand the common superclass Object and override toString and equals methods
Chapter 13
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
Programming Projects
Lab 13
Supplemental Materials
Topic 14. Graphical User Interfaces (duration 6 days).
14.1 Using Inheritance to Customize Frames.
14.2 Layout Management.
14.3 Choices.
14.4 Menus.
14.5 Text Areas.
14.6 Exploring the Swing Documentation.
To use inheritance to customize frames
To understand how user-interface components are added to a container
To understand layout managers and arrange user-interface components in a container
To become familiar with buttons, combo boxes, text areas, and menus
To build programs that handle events form user-interface components
To learn how to browse the Java documentation
Chapter 14
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
Programming Projects
Lab 14
Supplemental Materials
Topic 15 Exception Handling (duration 5 days).
15.1 Throwing Exceptions.
15.2 Checked and Unchecked Exceptions.
15.3 Catching Exceptions.
15.4 The finally Clause.
15.5 Designing Your Own Exception Types.
15.6 Case Study: A Complete Example.
To learn how to throw exceptions
To be able to design your own exception classes
To understand the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions
To learn how to catch exceptions
To know when and where to catch an exception
Chapter 15
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
Programming Projects
Lab 15
Supplemental Materials
Topic 16. Files and Streams (duration 7 days).
16.1 Reading and Writing Text Files.
16.2 Text and Binary Formats.
16.3 An Encryption Program.
16.4 Random Access.
16.5 Object Streams.
To be able to read and write text files
To become familiar with the concepts of text and binary formats
To learn about encryption
To understand when to use sequential and random file access
To be able to read and write objects using serialization
Chapter 16
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
Programming Projects
Macarthur speech text analysis
Lab 16
Supplemental Materials
Topic 17. Object Oriented Design (duration 6 days).
17.1 The Software Life Cycle.
17.2 Discovering Classes.
17.3 Relationship Between Classes.
17.4 Case Study: Printing an Invoice.
17.5 Case Study: An Automatic Teller Machine.
To learn about the software life cycle
To learn how to discover new classes and methods
To understand the use of CRC cards for class discovery
To identify inheritance, aggregation, and dependency relationships between classes
To master the use of UML class diagrams to describe class relationships
To learn how to use object-oriented design to build complex programs
Chapter 17
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
Programming Projects
Lab 17
Supplemental Materials
Topic 18. Recursion (duration 7 days).
18.1 Triangle Numbers.
18.2 Permutations.
18.3 Recursive Helper Methods.
18.4 Mutual Recursions.
18.5 The Efficiency of Recursion.
To learn about the method of recursion
To understand the relationship between recursion and iteration
To analyze problems that are much easier to solve by recursion than by iteration
To learn to think recursively
To be able to use recursive helper methods
To understand when the use of recursion affects the efficiency of an algorithm
Chapter 18
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
P18.4, P18.15
Programming Projects
Lab 18
Supplemental Materials
Topic 19. Sorting and Searching (duration 7 days).
19.1 Selection Sort.
19.2 Profiling the Selection Sort Algorithm.
19.3 Analyzing the Performance of the Selection Sort Algorithm.
19.4 Merge Sort.
19.5 Analyzing and Merge Sort Algorithm.
19.6 Searching.
19.7 Binary Search.
19.8 Sorting Real Data.
To study several sorting and searching algorithms
To appreciate that algorithms for the same task can differ widely in performance
To understand big-Oh notation
To learn how to estimate and compare the performance of algorithms
To learn how to measure the running time of a program
Chapter 19
Review Exercises
Programming Exercises
Programming Projects
Lab 19
Supplemental Materials
Topic 20. Marine Biology Case Study (duration 20 days)
Read source code written by someone else.
Work with a program of significant length.
Become familiar with good coding, design, and documentation practice.
Learn about testing in a non-trivial context.
Think through design and implementation tradeoffs.
Experience an approximation of the master/apprentice relationship.
College Board Case Study for AP Computer Science A (now MBCS)
Analysis Questions / Exercise Sets (chapters refer to Case Study narrative)
Chapter 1
Exercise Sets 1, 2, 3 (all parts)
Analysis Questions 1, 2, 3 (all parts)
Chapter 2
Exercise Sets 1, 2, 3, 4 (all parts)
Analysis Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 (all parts)
Chapter 3
Exercise Sets 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8
Analysis Questions (none)
Chapter 4
Exercise Sets 1.5, 1.7, 2.8, 2.9
Analysis Questions (none)
Chapter 5
Not covered in AP Computer Science A
Programming Projects
"Fish" Project (handout)
Supplemental Materials
Topic 21. After the AP Exam (duration varies)
Suggested Activities:
• Learn the mobile edition of Java and program cell phones
• Study text chapter 20 (data structures) and 21 (advanced data structures)
• Study text chapter 22 (generic programming)
• Study an example of a non-trivial computer game
AP Computer Science A Topic Outline (Syllabus Topics Cross Reference)
I. Object-Oriented Program Design
A. Program Design
1. Read and understand a problem's description, purpose, and goals. (3, 9)
2. Apply data abstraction and encapsulation. (3, 9)
3. Read and understand class specifications and relationships among classes
("is-a", "has-a" relationships). (9, 17)
4. Understand and implement a given class hierarchy. (17)
5. Identify reusable components from existing code using classes and class
libraries. (13, 17)
B. Class Design
1. Design and implement a class. (3, 9)
2. Design an interface. (11)
3. Choose appropriate data representation and algorithms. (8, 19, 20)
4. Apply functional decomposition. (2)
5. Extend a given class using inheritance. (13)
II. Program Implementation
A. Implementation Techniques
1. Methodology
a. Object-oriented development (2, 3, 9, 17)
b. Top-down development (3, 9)
c. Encapsulation and information hiding (3, 9)
d. Procedural abstraction (3)
B. Programming constructs
1. Primitive types vs. objects (2)
2. Declaration
a. Constant declarations (2, 4)
b. Variable declarations (2)
c. Class declarations (3)
d. Interface declarations (11)
e. Method declarations (2, 3)
f. Parameter declarations (3)
3. Console output (1, 3)
4. Control
a. Methods (3)
b. Sequential (4)
c. Conditional (6)
d. Iteration (7)
e. Recursion (18)
C. Java library classes (1, 2)
III. Program Analysis
A. Testing
1. Test classes and libraries in isolation. (3, 10)
2. Identify boundary cases and generate appropriate test data. (10)
3. Perform integration testing. (10)
B. Debugging
1. Categorize errors; compile-time, run-time, logic (1)
2. Identify and correct errors (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17)
3. Techniques; use a debugger, add extra output statements, hand-trace code (10)
C. Understand and modify existing code (17, Case Study)
D. Extend existing code using inheritance (13, Case Study)
E. Understand error handling
1. Understand runtime exceptions (15)
F. Reason about programs
1. Pre-and post-conditions (9)
2. Assertions (9)
G. Analysis of algorithms
1. Informal comparisons of running times (19)
2. Exact calculation of statement execution counts (7, 19)
H. Numerical representations and limits
1. Representations of numbers in different bases (1, 4)
2. Limitations of finite representations (4)
IV. Standard Data Structures
A Simple data types (int, boolean, double) (2, 4)
B. Classes (3, 9, 13)
C. One-dimensional arrays (8)
V. Standard Algorithms
A. Operations on data structures
1. Traversals (8)
2. Insertions (8)
3. Deletions (8)
B. Searching
1. Sequential (19)
2. Binary (19)
C. Sorting
1. Selection (19)
2. Insertion (19)
3. Mergesort (19)
VI. Computing in Context
A. Major hardware components
1. Primary and secondary memory (1)
2. Processors (1)
3. Peripherals (1)
B. System software
1. Language translators/compilers (1)
2. Virtual machines (1)
3. Operating systems (1)
C. Types of systems
1. Single-user systems (1)
2. Networks (1)
D. Responsible use of computer systems
1. System reliability (1, 10)
2. Privacy (13)
3. Legal issues and intellectual property (1)
4. Social and ethical ramifications of computer use (1, supplemental readings)