Business Access Saver Application and Authority

Business Access Saver
Application and Authority to Operate
St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 and Australian credit licence 233714.
This form can be used to open the Business Access Saver For Companies, Partnerships, Sole Traders,
Associations, Co-operatives, Trusts and Government Entities. Please completed the required sections based
on your type of entity from the following table.
Sections to Complete
Complete Sections: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10,11
Complete Sections: 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10,11
Sole Traders
Complete Sections: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Complete Sections: 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Attach copy of Minutes of Committee Meeting appointing officers to open
Account and Certified Copy of Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)
Complete Sections: 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Certified letter on government letterhead appointing officers and
authorised signatories to open and operate the bank account
If the entity is also
a Trust/Trustee
Complete Section: 6
Attach to this Application a certified copy of the Trust Deed (or “relevant
pages”) where the names of the trust, trustees and beneficiaries are evident
If the entity is also
a Foreign Company
Documentation Required
Attach to this application a certified copy of the Partnership Deed
Also complete a separate Foreign Company Application Form – excluding
Section 5 and 6. Please submit with this application
If you aren’t already a St.George customer you will need to complete an identification check
1. Account Full name of account, ie full name of company, partnership, sole trader, association, co-operative, trust or government
Details body.
Full trading name (business name) if any
Address of principal place of business/administration/operations (no PO Box allowed)
Country in which entity was established (if not Australia)
Nature of Business/Industry
Contact Details Primary contact (all mail and notices will be sent to the nominated person)
Postal Address
Mobile Number
Phone Number
Fax Number
* The password is used to assist our staff to verify your identity when assisting you during phone support. It must be 6 to 8 characters in length and
can be a combination of letters and numbers.
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Business Access Saver
Application and Authority to Operate
St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 and Australian credit licence 233714.
Tax File Number You do not have to supply your Tax File Number. The Bank’s collection of Tax File Numbers is authorised by tax law and
(TFN) Details the Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth) regulates the use and disclosure of this information. It is not an offence if you decide not to
(Optional) supply us with your Tax File Number. However, if you do not supply us with your Tax File Number, withholding tax will be
deducted from your interest earned at the highest marginal tax rate plus Medicare Levy and forwarded to the Australian
Taxation Office.
If you are exempt from quoting your Tax File Number you must indicate this or tax will be deducted from your interest.
We will erase your Tax File Number from this document immediately after we have recorded your Tax File Number.
I authorise the Bank to apply the Tax File Number already on file to the New Account(s) above.
TFN exempt – please state reason for exemption:
I wish to supply the Bank with my Tax File Number as detailed below:
Note: If more than one entity, please provide an annexure detailing TFN for other entities.
Bank Use
Strike out the TFN once the application has been processed. It must not remain legible.
2. Company/
Company How is the Company Registered Trustee If Company Acting as Trustee, Number of Company Trustees the remaining as an attachment
if more than 1, copy this page and provide
Full Name of Company as registered by ASIC
Full Trading Name (Business Name) if any
Principal Place of Business (PO Box not allowed)
Country (if not Australia)
Full address of the Registered Office (PO Box not allowed)
Same as above
(Note: may be same or different to Principal Place of Business)
Director(s) Details
Provide all Directors. If more than 6 copy this page and provide the remaining as an attachment.
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Full Name of Director (1)
Full Name of Director (2)
Full Name of Director (3)
Full Name of Director (4)
Full Name of Director (5)
Full Name of Director (6)
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Business Access Saver
Application and Authority to Operate
St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 and Australian credit licence 233714.
2. Company/
Trustee Provide the following details for all Shareholders who are Beneficial Owners.
Beneficial Owners are individuals who hold more than 25% of the share capital of the company either directly or through
one or more shareholdings.
Number of Beneficial Owners?
(there can only be a maximum of 3)
Full Name of Beneficial Owner (1)
Residential Address (PO Box not allowed)
Full Name of Beneficial Owner (2)
Residential Address (PO Box not allowed)
Full Name of Beneficial Owner (3)
Residential Address (PO Box not allowed)
3. Partnership Number of Partners
if more than 4, copy this page and provide the remaining partners as an attachment.
Regulator, if applicable, including details of membership
Country in which Partnership was established
Full Name and Address of ALL Partners
Full Name of Partner (1)
Full Name of Partner (2)
Residential Address of Partner (PO Box not allowed) (1)
Residential Address of Partner (PO Box not allowed) (2)
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Full Name of Partner (3)
Full Name of Partner (4)
Residential Address of Partner (PO Box not allowed) (3)
Residential Address of Partner (PO Box not allowed) (4)
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
4. Association or Full Name of Chairman or equivalent officer
Residential Address (PO Box not allowed)
Full Name of Secretary or equivalent officer
Date of Birth
Full Name of Treasurer or equivalent officer
If incorporated, Unique Identifying Number (Issued by relevant Registration Body)
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Business Access Saver
Application and Authority to Operate
St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 and Australian credit licence 233714.
5. Government
Body of the Commonwealth of Australia
Body of a State or Territory of Australia
Which State, Territory or Country?
Body of a Foreign Country
If the Government Entity is established under legislation, name of legislation
6. Trust Full Name of the Trust (Please Note: The Business Access Saver cannot be opened if the Trust is a Foreign Trust.)
ABN of Trust (if applicable)
Type of Trust
Country in which Trust was established
*Any Trust that is regulated by government legislation, or a Commonwealth Government regulator, or managed investment scheme (regulated by ASIC
or strictly wholesale)
Individual Trustee
Number of Individual Trustees?
if more than 2, copy this page and provide the remaining as an attachment
Full Name of Individual Trustee (1)
Date of Birth
Residential Address (PO Box not allowed)
Full Name of Individual Trustee (2)
Date of Birth
Residential Address (PO Box not allowed)
If Private Trust, please provide Beneficiaries: Full name of the Beneficiaries and details of the Class
Class Details
Beneficiaries Full Name (1)
Beneficiaries Full Name (2)
Beneficiaries Full Name (3)
Beneficiaries Full Name (4)
7. Account Register all customers for either Phone and Internet Banking or Business Banking Online.
Phone & Internet Banking
Method of Operation
Where an Account is opened in the names of more than one Applicant, each Applicant may use the Account without
the acknowledgement or consent of any other Applicant to that Account.
BBO Primary Company Name
Business Banking Online*
Please Complete BBO Application Forms
*If you would like to access your Business Access Saver using BBO and you are not currently registered for BBO, you will need to apply for BBO
separately. If your BBO Profile is not in the same name as your Business Access Saver, you will need to complete an Additional Linked Company
Application Form. Visit, phone 133 800, Monday to Saturday, 8am-8pm (AEST) or contact your Relationship Manager to
complete either of these applications.
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Business Access Saver
Application and Authority to Operate
St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 and Australian credit licence 233714.
8. Authorised ‘Authorised User’ means a person you nominate to us to operate your Business Access Saver. You agree that each
Users Authorised User may use the Business Access Saver and have access to the Business Access Saver without your
Because the Business Access Saver is primarily an online account, Authorised User 1 should have access to the
account either on their personal Phone and Internet Banking or Business Banking Online (BBO) to be able to
operate the account. If you do not agree to give either personal Phone and Internet Banking or BBO access to any
other Authorised Users, they will not be able to use (view or transact over) the account.
Authorised User 1
(This User must have the Business Access Saver linked to either their personal Phone and Internet Banking or BBO)
Full name
Position Held
Date of Birth
Residential Address (no PO Box, include Post Code, State and Country)
Will this User access this account on either their Personal Phone and Internet Banking or BBO?
Yes, existing St.George account: No, Register me for Phone and Internet Banking
If you elect to make any of the below individuals Restricted Users they will not be able to use (view or transact over)
the Business Access Saver.
Print name
Authorised User 2
Full name
Position Held
Date of Birth
Residential Address (no PO Box, include Post Code, State and Country)
Give this User access to the Business Access Saver on their Personal Phone and Internet Banking or BBO.
Yes, existing St.George account: or
Register me for Internet and Phone Banking
No, make this a restricted User (Trustees and Partners cannot be restricted Users)
Print name
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Business Access Saver
Application and Authority to Operate
St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 and Australian credit licence 233714.
8. Authorised Please photocopy this page, complete and attach if you require more than 4 Authorised Users.
(continued) Authorised User 3
Full name
Position Held
Date of Birth
Residential Address (no PO Box, include Post Code, State and Country)
Give this User access to the Business Access Saver on their Personal Phone and Internet Banking or BBO.
Yes, existing St.George account: or
Register me for Internet and Phone Banking
No, make this a restricted User (Trustees and Partners cannot be restricted Users)
Print name
Authorised User 4
Full name
Position Held
Date of Birth
Residential Address (no PO Box, include Post Code, State and Country)
Give this User access to the Business Access Saver on their Personal Phone and Internet Banking or BBO.
Yes, existing St.George account: or
Register me for Internet and Phone Banking
No, make this a restricted User (Trustees and Partners cannot be restricted Users)
Print name
If any Authorised Users are not currently St.George customers please also complete the Customer Identification Form
(CID) found at
*The Password is used to assist our staff to verify your identity when assisting you during phone support. This should not be the same as your
Internet Banking Password or your Internet and Phone Banking Security Number. It must be 6 to 8 characters in length and can be a combination
of letters and numbers.
Note: If you would like to access your Business Access Saver using BBO and you are not currently registered for BBO, you will need to apply for
BBO separately. If your BBO access is not the same as your Business Access Saver, you will need to complete an Additional Linked Company
Application Form. Visit, phone 133 800, Monday to Saturday, 8am-8pm (AEST) or contact your Relationship
Manager to complete either of these applications.
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Business Access Saver
Application and Authority to Operate
St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 and Australian credit licence 233714.
9. Working To open a Business Access Saver you need to have an eligible working account.*
Account Do you have a current open eligible working account?
If Yes, what is the BSB and Account Number
If No, would you like to open one with this application,
please indicate which product?
Account Number
Freedom Business Account
Business Cheque Account Plus
Other *An eligible working account is any of the following products offered by St.George Bank.
(For Sale Products: Freedom Business Account, Business Cheque Account Plus, Society Cheque Account, Incentive Saver Account, Investment Cash
Account, Power Saver and Commercial Money Market Account)
(Not for Sale Products: Business Cheque Account, Superannuation Account, Business Maximiser, Freedom Plus, Investment Savings, Gold Cash
Management, Portfolio Cash Management, and Standby Account.)
For Corporate Relationship Managed customers this includes the following products.
(Business Cheque Account, Cash Management Account, Call Deposit and Commercial Overdraft)
10. Privacy I/We also consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my/our personal information as referred to in the section
Statement “Privacy” in the Terms and Conditions and as set out in our Privacy Statement at In particular
please note that we may use your personal information or give access to your personal information to any member
of the Westpac group to assess your relationship and assess your product needs. We may also inform you of
products and services offered by us or preferred providers which we think may be of interest to you, unless you tell
us not to by calling us on 133 800.
11. Declaration Terms of Application
and Agreement The particulars completed on this application form are true and correct
• I/We acknowledge that the terms and conditions that govern the St.George Business Access Saver are contained
in the St.George Business Access Saver Terms and Conditions and General Information Booklet, the Interest Rate
Schedule, and Fees and Charges Booklet (“Terms and Conditions”).
• I/We have read and understood the Privacy Statement in this application and I/We consent to the collection, use
and disclosure of personal information in accordance with the Privacy Statement, where I/We have provided
information about another individual, I/We declare that the individual has been made aware of that fact and the
contents of the Privacy Statement.
I/We acknowledge that:
• in the case of a company, the company is incorporated and the company has the necessary authority to acquire
the Accounts. I am a director or a company secretary of the company and have full power and authority of the
company to open and operate the Accounts and appoint the Authorised Signatories, in the name and manner set
out in this Authority;
• in the case of partnerships, I/We have full power and authority to bind the partnership and each of the partners
and to open and operate the Accounts and appoint the Authorised Signatories, in the name and manner set out in
this Authority;
• in the case of a company trust, I/We are entitled, under the trust deed to open and operate the Accounts and
appoint the Authorised Signatories, in the name and manner set out in this Authority.
• in the case of a government entity, I/We have full power and authority to bind the government entity and to open
and operate the Accounts and appoint the Authorised Signatories, in the name and manner set out in this Authority.
• in the case of an Association, I/We have full power and authority to bind the Association in accordance with the
Rules and to open and operate the Accounts, in the name and manner set out in this Authority.
Signing Clause
Executed in accordance with section 127(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwth) by authority of its directors.
(Cross out, if not a Company)
Signature (1)
Signature (2)
Signature (4)
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Signature (3)
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Business Access Saver
Application and Authority to Operate
St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714 and Australian credit licence 233714.
Bank Use Only Business Access Saver Account Number
Method of Operation
RO Code
Primary CIS (BBO Purposes)
Staff Member Name of who verified the form
Business Contact Person
Date Business Access Saver was opened
Once the account has been opened, please complete the Bank Use Only section and fax this application to:
BBO Administration on (02) 9845 4308
Retain original form in branch.
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