
ANS 4931 Seminar (1 credit)
Spring 2013
Section 071H, Thursday (5:10 – 6:00 PM)
Course Description:
Senior level course designed to assist students in formatting and presenting a comprehensive
seminar based on their cumulative educational experiences as emerging animal scientists. Furthermore,
this course will develop student’s argumentation skills. Argumentation skill is the development of
logical explanations and reorganizations of opposing assertions, weights of evidence, and determination
of merit for each assertion with regards to evidence. Class participation will be critical in evaluating
peers and for developing a student’s argumentation skills while widening student’s breadth of
knowledge in a wide range of topics pertaining to the animal sciences.
Course Objectives:
Students will be able to:
o Identify public speaking Do’s and Don’ts
o Provide constructive feedback to a colleague or peer
o Develop argumentation skills in a controlled environment
The capstone activity of this course will be student’s ability to synthesize the information
presented and present a 10 minute seminar on the topic of their choice with instructor
Dr. Chris Mortensen
125D Animal Science Bldg.
392-0133 (voice mail)
Participation and attendance is required for this course. Each class period will be worth 10 points and
will be based on your attendance, and participation for a total of 140 points. Your seminar will be worth
100 points based on instructor (50%) and class (50%) evaluation. Student participation in a message
board (see below) will be evaluated on argumentation skills and will be worth a total of 140 points.
Grading rubrics will be provided.
Grades will be a percentage from a total of 380 points:
A =
92 – 100
76 - 77.99
A- =
88 - 91.99
75.99 – 70
86 - 87.99
68- 69.99
B =
82 - 85.99
B- =
78 - 81.99
60 – 65.99
D- =
Less than 57.99
TR 3:00 – 5:00 (or by appointment)
Students are required to register with the ANS 4931 Seminar-University of Florida Facebook group to
participate in classroom discussions on the topics presented each week. After students present their
seminars on Tuesday evening, Dr. Mortensen will open a discussion thread on each seminar topic that
evening. Students are required to post a 250 word or less response taking a pro or con argument on only
ONE of the topics presented. The topic chosen is of the student’s choice. Students will be evaluated by
Dr. Mortensen using the argumentation rubric given at the beginning at the semester and will be given a
maximum score of 10 points each week. Responses will be due by no later than the following Monday
evening at 11:59PM. No late responses will be accepted.
Bonus: students are encouraged to vote for the most persuasive argument submitted each week by
“liking” only ONE of the posts. The student whose post receives the most likes each week will receive a
mystery prize given to them by Dr. Mortensen at the next class session. Students who vote each week
by the above deadline will receive a 1 point bonus for a total possible bonus of 12 points applied to their
final grade.
Students will be required to register for ANS4931 using the web-based clicker tool at The Top Hat Monocle is a response system that will facilitate classroom
discussion following a student’s seminar. Students will be allowed to text in their questions to the
seminar presenter anonymously (to them, not Dr. Mortensen who can monitor student participation).
You can use your cell phone, laptop, smartphone or Ipods to participate in class. In addition, each class
meeting Dr. Mortensen will take attendance using Top Hat Monocle and you will earn your daily
attendance credit.
Lecture Topic
Introduction to Seminar
Developing Argumentation Skills
Seminars (+5 points)
Message board participation
Seminars (+4 points)
Message board participation
Seminars (+ 3 points)
Message board participation
Seminars (+ 2 points)
Message board participation
Seminars (+ 1 points)
Message board participation
Message board participation
No Class- Spring Break
Message board participation
Message board participation
Message board participation
Message board participation
Message board participation
Seminars/Course Wrap Up
Message board participation
Topics due
As a result of completing the registration form at the University of Florida, every student has signed
the following statement: I understand that the University of Florida expects its students to be honest
in all their academic work. I agree to adhere to this commitment to academic honesty and
understand that my failure to comply with this commitment may result in disciplinary action up to
and including expulsion from the University.
Students with Disabilities
The Disability Resource Center coordinates the needed accommodations of students with disabilities.
This includes registering disabilities, recommending academic accommodations within the classroom,
accessing special adaptive computer equipment, providing interpretation services and mediating facultystudent disability related issues.
0001 Reid Hall, 392-8565,
Software Use
All faculty, staff and students of the university are required and expected to obey the laws and legal
agreements governing software use. Failure to do so can lead to monetary damages and/or criminal
penalties for the individual violator. Because such violations are also against university policies and rules,
disciplinary action will be taken as appropriate.
Academic Honesty
In 1995 the UF student body enacted a new honor code and voluntarily committed itself to the highest
standards of honesty and integrity. When students enroll at the university, they commit themselves to the
standard drafted and enacted by students.
In adopting this honor code, the students of the University of Florida recognize that academic honesty and
integrity are fundamental values of the university community. Students who enroll at the university
commit to holding themselves and their peers to the high standard of honor required by the honor code.
Any individual who becomes aware of a violation of the honor code is bound by honor to take corrective
action. The quality of a University of Florida education is dependent upon community acceptance and
enforcement of the honor code.
The Honor Code: We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold
ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
On all work submitted for credit by students at the university, the following pledge is either required or
implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this
The university requires all members of its community to be honest in all endeavors. A fundamental
principle is that the whole process of learning and pursuit of knowledge is diminished by cheating,
plagiarism and other acts of academic dishonesty. In addition, every dishonest act in the academic
environment affects other students adversely, from the skewing of the grading curve to giving unfair
advantage for honors or for professional or graduate school admission. Therefore, the university will take
severe action against dishonest students. Similarly, measures will be taken against faculty, staff and
administrators who practice dishonest or demeaning behavior.
Students should report any condition that facilitates dishonesty to the instructor, department chair, college
dean or Student Honor Court.
(Source: 2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog)
It is assumed all work will be completed independently unless the assignment is defined as a group
project, in writing by the instructor.
This policy will be vigorously upheld at all times in this course.
Campus Helping Resources
Students experiencing crises or personal problems that interfere with their general well-being are
encouraged to utilize the university’s counseling resources. Both the Counseling Center and Student
Mental Health Services provide confidential counseling services at no cost for currently enrolled students.
Resources are available on campus for students having personal problems or lacking clear career or
academic goals, which interfere with their academic performance. The Counseling Center is located at
301 Peabody Hall (next to Criser Hall). Student Mental Health Services is located on the second floor of
the Student Health Care Center in the Infirmary.
University Counseling Center, 301 Peabody Hall, 392-1575,
Career Resource Center, CR-100 JWRU, 392-1602,
Student Mental Health Services, Rm. 245 Student Health Care Center, 392-1171,
Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)
Center for Sexual Assault / Abuse Recovery & Education (CARE)
Eating Disorders Program
Employee Assistance Program
Suicide Prevention Program
Please consult UF’s new grading policy at: