TRANSLATION OF SHORT STORY “THE LOTTERY TICKET” Nama NPM Dosen Pembimbing Kelas : Mochammad Sutopo : 10608074 : Arie Sugiyartati, SS., M.Hum : 6SA05 • • • • • • • • 1. ABSTRACT Nowadays, many English short stories have been translated into Indonesian, but the quality of the translation is categorized in low quality such as not accurate enough, not easy to be understood, and not natural in translation. The data that used by the writer in this translation research is a short story entitled “The Lottery Ticket” written by Anton Chekhov Pavlovich. As a result, in this paper the writer focused on transferring the meaning of the short story from English (SL) into Indonesian (TL). 2. INTRODUCTION Language is a communication device for human life. People need language to communicate, to interact and to get information. Human is needs to live side by side with others. They need to share the information with other people by using language. Nowadays many English short stories have been translated into Indonesian, but the quality of the translation is categorized in low quality such as not accurate enough, not easy to be understood, and not natural in translation. The aim of this research is to focus in transferring the meaning from Source Language (SL) into Target Language (TL). Because of that, the writer hopes this research will improve his ability in mastering and understanding English. 3. Description of the Text The source of data that is used for the translation paper, is a short story entitled “The Lottery Ticket” which taken from The reason why the writer chooses this short story as the material for this research is because Ivan and his wife who deeply obsessed to win a lottery, and they had a plan if they won it. At the end, they are very close to win the lottery but unfortunately they not because the last two number are 46 not 26. • • • • • • • • • • • • 4. Theoretical Review 4.1 Definition of translation According to Cambridge Learner’s dictionary, translation is described as “something which is translated”, or “the process of translating something from one language to another”. In Oxford dictionary, translation is explained as (1) a process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language; (2) a text or work that has been changed from one language into another; (3) the process of changing something into different form. From two definitions above it can be concluded that translation is an activity of changing or transforming particular text into a different language. 4.2 Kinds of Translation Larson (1984) divides the types of translation into two; they are meaning-based translation and form-based translation. 1. Meaning-based translation. Meaning-Based Translation makes every effort to communicate the meaning of the source language text in the natural form of target language (Larson,1984:15) Example: (SL) English (TL)Bahasa Indonesia “It is our series” “Itu adalah nomor seri kami” Meaning-based translation is try to reproduce the original message, it tends to get the same meaning not the same form or structure, like the example above It is our series translated into Itu adalah nomor seri kami. This type of translation emphasizes meaning by ignoring the form of the source language. • • • • • • • 2. Form-based translation. Form-based translation attempt to follow the form of the source language (Larson 1984; 15). Example : (SL) English (TL) Bahasa Indonesia “It is our series” “Itu adalah kami seri” Form-based translation is attempt to follow the form of the source language, it tends to get the same form or structure, like the example above It is our series translated into Itu adalah kami seri. This type of translation is seems to be awkward in target language although the form is same. According to the theory above the writer conclude that Meaning-based translation is more effective because the most important thing in translation is to get the same meaning not the same structure. 5. Result of Study SL (Source Language) TL (Target Language) “What is the number?” “Berapa angkanya?” SL (Source Language) TL (Target Language) “Series 9,499, number 26.” “Seri 9,499, nomor 26.” SL (Source Language) TL (Target Language) “Series 9,499, number 46! Not 26!” “Seri 9,499, nomor 46! Bukan nomor 26!” END OF PRESENTATION THANK YOU VERY MUCH