Montréal, December 14, 2011 Mr. Raymond Brassard, Executive Editor The Gazette 1010 Ste-Catherine St. West, suite 200 Montreal (Quebec) H3B 5L1 Mr. Brassard, As President of Association of the Families of Persons Murdered or Disappeared (AFPAD) I find myself having the obligation to react at a Montreal Gazette article that appeared on December 12th 2011 entitled “Theo Fleury hypocritical for blasting justice system’s handing of Graham Jones’ written by the sports writer Mr. Pat Hickey. In his article, Mr. Hickey has some harsh words and opinions in regards to victims. I would like to ask that Mr. Hickey and The Montreal Gazette retract the article, apologize to all victims and take the opportunity to meet victims, speak to victims and write an educated piece on the struggles of victims and their fight to bring on change. AFPAD would like to congratulate all victims who stand up and speak up about crimes committed against them and volunteer their time to see that change is brought within our justice system. Though AFPAD represents victims of murder and criminal disappearances we stand by all victims and their rights. Sincerely, Elizabeth Pousoulidis President 6540, rue Beaubien Est, bureau 300D Montréal (Québec) H1M 1A9, 514.396.7389 Téléphone sans frais : 1.877.484.0404