E-Examination Solutions CAAi and ASPEQ Raising aviation examination standards worldwide CAA International (CAAi) works closely with National Aviation Authorities (NAAs) around the world to provide services to support their national licensing and examinations requirements. CAAi and ASPEQ Ltd, through a collaborative partnership built on the strengths of the two organisations, provide world class support for electronic examination solutions including, • Fully outsourced examination programmes • Provision, development and maintenance of question banks • Examination environment, results and records management • Examination consultancy High Stakes Exams CAAi and ASPEQ The partnership between CAAi and ASPEQ has been formed to combine CAAi and the UK CAA’s capability and technical competence with ASPEQ’s technology solutions and experience of delivering electronic examinations. Both organisations are experienced in the development and management of licensing examinations and can offer tailored services to meet the local variations of an Authority. Our E-Exam systems currently include: • UK CAA/EASA Part-FCL (Flight Crew Licence) • UK CAA/EASA Part-66 AML (Aircraft Maintenance Licence) • National and Local aviation examinations (FCL and AML) Benefits to National Aviation Authorities • Improved examination security - Variable question population to ensure every examination is different, mitigating question exposure and enhancing aviation safety. • Enhanced NAA reputation - Through improved stakeholder/candidate user experience. • Exam quality and integrity - Enables the client NAA to promote National pilot and aircraft maintenance and licensing standards. • Enhanced oversight - High quality management reporting functions to enable better control of examination services. • Bespoke question bank - Developed for National and Regional examination and licensing requirements (e.g. Air Law or Operational Procedures subjects). • Performance monitoring - Identifies candidate’s areas of weakness and deficits in training. • Increase efficiency - Streamlined business processes to reduce administration. • Cost effective - High quality, sustainable and affordable modern examination solution. • Management portals - Administration and Invigilator management and reporting. Our E-Examination System Our process for delivering and managing electronic examinations is set out below: Benefits to candidates • Hassle-free customer portal Candidates can book, pay and amend bookings at the click-of-a-button through a self-service online portal and TASMAN e-Exams platform. • Same-Day Results After the examination, candidates have access to their results record and knowledge deficiency reporting. • Enhanced user experience Modernised examination process Our support also includes • High Stake Exams • Online Customer Portals • E-Exam Systems • E-Licensing Systems • Question Banks • English Language Assessment • Computer Booking Systems • Assessment Consulting Case Study: Implementation of EASA electronic examinations (e-Exams) for the Department of Civil Aviation, Malaysia (DCAM) The Challenge To support the DCAM in the transition from CAAi supplied PartFCL and Part-66 paper-based exams to the more convenient, modernised electronic examinations based on the European (EASA) DCA Malaysia requirements. Our Approach was a landmark move “This for the DCAM switching to the more convienient e-exams ” Capt. Datuk Yahaya Abdul Rahman, DCA Malaysia • Robust project management and ownership of the assignment and provisions of the CAAi service and contract. • Clear understanding of the Client’s specifications and requirements through a comprehensive needs analysis and documented measures. • Supervision and timely completion of all the implementation stages in accordance with the Client’s requirements including, - Business and regulatory rules application - Preliminary systems and resource set-up - Question bank development and management - Examination centre installations and industry engagement - User training and guidance materials - Post-implementation support - Robust programme of communication to all stakeholders. Benefits • A modernised and scalable examination application for the DCAM and local Industry. • Robust question bank management processes supported by a pool of Subject Matter Experts respected for their technical competence. • Business Process Re-Engineering including, - Online booking, payment, sitting and results capability - Streamlined and automated business processes, removing onerous manual burden and inefficiencies for all users - Improved customer / user experience - Cost effectiveness and sustainability. CAA International Limited Aviation House Gatwick Airport South West Sussex RH6 0YR United Kingdom T +44 (0) 1293 768700 F +44 (0) 1293 573992 E info@caainternational.com www.caainternational.com ASPEQ Limited Level 3 21 Andrews Avenue Hutt Central PO Box 30-056 Lower Hutt 5010 Wellington New Zealand T +64 (0)4931 0061 F +64 (0)4931 9711 E info@aspeq.com www.aspeq.com 140812-01 A wholly owned subsidiary of the UK CAA