Math 5322 01: Real Analysis MWF 1:00, MA 010 Course Information: Instructor: Email: Office: Phone: Office Hours: Required Text: Chris Monico MA-252 (806)742-2580 x 271 T/Th 10:00-12:30, or by appointment. Real Analysis, H. Royden and P. Fitzpatrick, 4th Edition Important Dates: Exam 1 Last day to drop a course Last day of classes Final Exam Wednesday, 10/20 Monday, 11/1 Wednesday, 12/8 Monday, 12/13, 7:30am–10:00am Expected learning outcomes Upon completion of this two semester series, students should master concepts and theories of outer measure, the Caratheodory extension theorem, general measures, Lebesgue integrals with respect to a measure, Lebesgue measures, Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures, product measures, convergence theorems, Fubini-Tonelli theorem, signed measures, functions of bounded variation, absolutely continuous functions, differentiation theory, differentiation of a measure, metric spaces, compactness, Banach spaces, Lp spaces Hilbert spaces, basic Fourier analysis, bounded linear functionals, dual spaces, and bounded linear operators. Assessment of learning outcomes The expected learning outcomes for the course will be assessed through scheduled exams and homework assignments. The student’s final grade in this course will consist of the following weighted components: Homework: Exam 1: (Cumulative) Final Exam: 50% 25% 25% Homework will be assigned regularly and collected weekly. (Late) homework assignments will not be accepted after I’ve made solutions available. Students may work on assignments cooperatively (indeed, I encourage it), except when otherwise instructed. Your final letter grade for this course will be determined as follows. 90–100% 80–89% 65–79% 55–64% 0–54% A B C D F Attendance: Class attendance is mandatory. It is assumed that you will attend, so I will not waste your time by taking attendance. However, keep in mind that it will be decidedly difficult for you to pass this course if you do not attend. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed (assignments, notes,...); you may do so by asking a fellow student, or stopping by during my office hours. I will not answer email which amounts to “I overslept and missed class; what assignment is due tomorrow?” Extremely important: If you are absent for an exam, you will not be permitted to make it up unless you are absent for one of the following reasons: 1 • You are out of town performing duties on behalf of the university (i.e., athletics). Advance notification is required. • Religious holiday (see below). • Severe illness, documented by a physician. • Death in the family. • Other extenuating circumstances, at the instructor’s discretion (I’m not particularly generous with this). ADA Accommodation: Any student who, because of a disability, may require special arrangements in order to meet the course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make any necessary arrangements. Students should present appropriate verification from Student Disability Services during the instructors office hours. Please note instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from Student Disability Services has been provided. For additional information, you may contact the Student Disability Services office in 335 West Hall or 806-742-2405. Religious Holy Day Observance (OP 34.19) tenorino tenore tenor tenoplasty tenoplastic tenophyte tenophony tenontoplasty tenontothecitis tenontotomy tenontophyma tenontomyotomy tenontomyoplasty tenontolemmitis tenontography tenontology tenontitis tenontodynia tenontagra tenons tenontotenonitis tenonostosis tenoning tenonian Tenonian tenoner tenoners tenoned tenonectomy tenon tenomyoplasty tenomyotomy tenology tenography tenodynia tenodesis Tenochtitlan tangentiality tangential tangental tangent-cut tangentally tangencies tangent tangency tangences tangence tangelo tangelos tangeite Tangaroan Tangaroa Tangaridae tanged Tanganyikan Tanganyika tangalung tangantangan Tangaloa tanga Tanga Tang tang tan-faced Taneyville T’ang Taneytown Taney tanekaha tane tanega Tane Tandy tandstickor tandour tandsticka tandoori Tandoori sweet-smelled sweet-smiling sweet-smelling tandoor sweet-singing sweetshop sweet-shaped sweet-seasoned Sweetser sweet-set sweet-scented sweet-savored sweet-sad sweet-sacred sweets sweet-recording sweet-roasted sweetroot sweet-pickle sweet-piercing sweet-murmuring sweet-natured sweetness sweetnesses sweetmouthed sweet-numbered sweetmeats sweetmeat sweet-minded sweetmeal sweetmaker sweetman sweetly Sweetland sweet-leafed sweetling sweet-looking sweetleaf sweetless sweetlike sweet-lipped sweetishness sweetkins superengraved superengrave superenforcement superenergetically superenergetic superendow superendorsing superendorsement superendorsed superendorse superencipherment superencipher superempirical superemphasizing superemphasized superemphasize superemphasis supereminently supereminent supereminency supereminence supereloquently supereloquent supereloquence supereligibly supereligibleness supereligible supereligibility superelevation superelevated superelevate superelementary superelegantly superelegant superelegancy superelegancies superelegance superelated superelastically superelastic superelaborateness superelaborately superelaborate sullow Sullivan Sulligent sullies sulliable sulliedness sullied sulliage sullen-wise sullen-visaged sullen-sour sullen-seeming sullens sullennesses sullenness sullenly sullen-natured sullen-looking sullenhearted sullen-eyed sullener sullenest sullen-browed sullen sullages Sullan sullage sulla sull Sulla sulkylike sulky-shaped sulky sulking sulks sulkinesses sulkily sulkers sulkiness Seychelles sulkier sulkiest Seyhan Seymour sulkies Seyler Seymeria seybertite sexuparous sey sexy sexupara sexually sexuous sexualizing sexualized sexualize sexualization sexuale sexualities sexuality sexualisation sexualist sexualism sextus sexual Sextus sextur sextupling sextuply sextuplicating sextuplicate sextuplicated sextuplets sextuplet sextuplex sextuples sextuple sextupled sextula sextulary sextuor sextumvirate sextuberculate sextubercular sexts nonconvertible nonconvertibility nonconversion nonconversationally nonconversational nonconversant nonconversantly nonconversancy nonconversance nonconversably nonconversableness nonconversable nonconvergently nonconverging nonconvergent nonconvergency nonconvergence nonconventional nonconventionally nonconvectively nonconvenable nonconvective noncontumaciousness noncontumaciously noncontroversially noncontumacious noncontroversial noncontrollablely noncontrolling noncontrolled noncontrollably noncontrollable noncontrivance noncontributory noncontributories noncontributor noncontributiveness noncontributive noncontributively noncontribution noncontributing noncontributable noncontrastive nimble-pinioned nimbler nimblenesses nimbleness nimble-moving nimble-mouthed nimble-jointed nimble-heeled nimble-headed nimble-fingered nimble-footed nimble-feathered nimble-eyed nimblebrained nimble nimbification nimbi nimbiferous nim NIM nimbed nimbated nimb Nilwood Nils nils Nilsson Nilus Nilson nilpotent Nilotes nilotic Nilotic Nilous Nilote nilot Nilot Niloscope Nilo-Saharan Nilometer nilometer Nilometric nectarlike nectarized nectarizing nectarize nectarium nectarious nectarivorous Nectaris nectarising nectarise Nectariniidae Nectarinia nectarised nectarine nectaried nectarines nectaries nectarian nectarin nectariferous nectarial nectareously nectar-dropping nectareal nectareousness nectarean nectareous nectared nectar-breathing nectar-bearing nectar Nectandra necrotypic necrotomy necrotype necrotomist necrotomic necrotomies necrotized necrotizing necrotize necrotization muspike necrotising Muspelsheim Muspellsheim Muspell Muspelheim musophobia Musophagidae musophagine Musophagi Musophaga muso MusM musnud musmon muslins muslinet muslinette muslined muslims Muslems musky Muslem Muslim Muslims muslin Muslimism muslim muskwood musk-wood Muskwaki musks musk-tree muskroot muskrats musk-root musk-rat muskrat muskoxen muskox muskone muskogee Muskogees musk-ox Moslems Mosley moslems Moslemism Moslemize moslings mosoceca Moslemite Moslemin Moslemic Moslemah moslem mosks Moslem Moskow Moskva mosker Mosinee Mosira Mosier moskeneer mosk Moshi Moshesh Mosherville Moshe Mosheim Moshell moshavim moshav Moshannon moseys MOSFET Mosgu moseying moseyed mosey mosette Mosetena morsing morsels morsure mosesite Moses morselize moses morselling morseling morselled morselization morseled morse morsel Morry mors Morse Morrowville Mors morsal morrowtide morrow-tide morrow morrowspeech morrowmass morrowing Morrow morrows morrowless morrow-mass morros morro Morrisville Morrissey Morriston Morristown morris-pike Morrisonville morris-dance Morrison Morrisean morrises Morrisdale morphiomania morphism morris morphiomaniac morphins morphinomaniac morphinize morphinomania morphinization morphinist morphinic morphinism morphin morphines morphine morphinate morphically morphic morphiate morphia morphias morphgan morpheus morphew morphetic Morpheus morphemics morphemic morphemically Morphean morphemes morpheme morphea morphallaxes morphactin morphmorphallaxis Mooreton Mooresville Moorestown mooress Mooresburg Mooresboro Mooreland Moorefield moored moore Moore Moorcroft moorcock moor-cock moorburning moorburner moorburn moor-bred moorbird moorberry moorberries moorband moorball moorages moorage moor Moor moop moony moonworts moonwort moon-whitened moon-white moonway moonwards moonward moonwalks moonwalking moonwalker moonwalk moon-trodden monticulous monticulose monticuliporoid monticuliporidean Monticuliporidae Monticulipora monticuline monticule monticulate monticola monticoline monticolae monticle Monticello monthly Montia monticellite monthon Monti months montia monthlong Montherlant monthlies montgomeryshire month Montgomeryville Montgomeryshire montgomery Montgomery montgolfiers montgolfier montezuma Montford Montgolfier montevideo Montezuma Montfort Montevideo Monteverdi Monteux Montevallo Montessorianism montessorian fashery fasherie fasher fashes fash fashed fasels fascistize fascists fascistization fascisticize fascisticization fascistically fascistic Fascisti fascist fascista Fascista fascism Fascist fascisms Fascism fascis fasciotomy fascioplasty fascioloid Fasciolidae fasciolet fascioliasis fasciole Fasciolariidae Fasciolaria fasciolar fasciolae fasciola fasciodesis marybud Marydel Marydell Maryd Fascio Maryellen fascintatingly Maryborough Marybob Marybeth Marybelle Maryanne Maryanna Marybella mary Maryalice Marya Maryann marxists Mary Marxist-Leninist Marxist marxist Marxism-Leninism marxian Marxism Marxianism marxism marx Marwin Marxian Marx marwer Marwari Marwar Marvin marver marvy Marven marvels marvelry marvelousnesses aigre-doux aigremore aigret marvelousness aigre Aigneis aiglets aiglette aiglet Aigialosaurus Aigialosauridae aigialosaur AIF aiger AIEEE Aiello aiery aiel Aiea AIDS aids aidman Aidin aids-de-camp Aides aides aidless Aidos aiders aides-de-camp Aidit aidmanmen aidful Aidoneus aiding aidmen Aidenn Aiden Karmen aider aide-mmoire karmic scritch-scratch karn karmouth scrit scripuralistic scritch scritch-owl scripulum scripula scriptwriter scriptwriting script-writer scripturist scripturism Scripturist Scripturism scripturiency scripturient Scriptureless scriptures Scripture scriptured scripture Scriptured scripturalness Scripturarian scripturally scripturalize scripturality Scripturality scripturalist Scripturalist scripturalism scriptural Scripturalism scriptum scripts scriptory scriptoriums scriptorium karmathian Karmathian karmas Karluk Karlotte Karlyn karmadharaya Karly Karlotta Karma karma-marga Karlow Karlsruhe Karlsbad Karlstad karma Karloff Karlis Karlik Karlise Karlin Karlens Karl-Marx-Stadt Karlie Karlfeldt Karling Karli Karlene Karlen Karlan Karla Karlee Karleen karite Karl kariti Karita island-born Island island-belted island Islamorada Islamizing Islamize Islamized Islamization islamic Islamitish Islamised Islamite Islamistic Islamisation Islamise Islamist Islamism Islamising Islamitic Islamic islam Islamabad Islam Islaen isis Isl Iskenderun Isis ising-star isinglass Isla isl is-it isize ISIS Isinai isindazole ising Ising Isin Isimud intracosmical intracosmic intracortical intracorpuscular intracorporeal intracontinental intracompany intracommunication intracollegiate intracolic intracoelomic intracoastal intracloacal intraclitelline intracity intracistern intrachordal intracervical intracerebrally intracerebral intracerebellar intracephalic intracellularly intracellular intracartilaginous intracarpellary intracardially intracanonical intracarpal intracardiac intracapsular intracardial intracanalicular intracalicular intrabuccal homothallic homotaxic homotaxy homotaxis homotaxially homotaxial homotaxia homotaxeous homotatic homotactic homosystemic homostyly homostylism homostylous homostylic Homosteus homostyled homospory homosphere homosporous homosexuals homosexually homosexuality homosexualist homoscedasticity homoseismal homosex homosexual homosexualism homoscedastic homos Homosassa homorganic Homorelaps homopterous homopteron homopteran homoptera Homoptera homopter homopolymerize homopolymerization homopolymer homopause homopathy homoousious Homoousion Homoousiast Homoousianist homoousianism Homoousianism homoousian Homoousian homoousia homo-organ homonymy homonyms homonymous homonymously homonymity homonym homonymic homonymies homonuclear homonomous homonomy Homoneura homonid homomorphy homomorphous homomorphisms homomorphosis homomorphism homomorphic homomorph Homomorpha homometrically homomerous homometrical homomeral homolytic homomallous homolysis homologumena homolosine homology homolysin gay deboned debone debonairty debonairness debonairly debonairity debonaire debonair DeBolt antistrophic antistrike antistrophal antistriker antistrophe antistreptococcus antistreptococcin antistreptococcic antistreptococcal antistock antistimulation antistimulant antistes Antisthenes antisterility antisteapsin antistatist antistatic antistatism antistater antistate antistat antistaphylococcic antistalling antistadholderian antistadholder antisquama antisquatting antispreader antispreading antisplitting antisplenetic antisplasher antispiritualistic antispiritualist antispiritualism antispiritually antispirochetic antispiritual antispermotoxin antispending deboites deboite deboistness deboistly deboist DEBNA deboise deblocking deblocked deblock deblateration debituminize deblai deblaterate debituminization debitumenize debitum debits debitrix debitor debiting debitable debiteuse debite debit debited Origin Athelred athelings evolution Darwin Athelstan athena Athelstane athematic athelia Athena atheling atheists Athelbert atheize Athel atheizer atheisticness athel atheisticalness atheistically atheistical atheistic atheisms Athecae Athecata atheist Atharvan atheism athbash athecate Atharva-Veda athar athapaskan athanor athanasy Athapaskan Athapascan athanasies Athanasianist Athanasianism Athanasius athanasian Athanasian athanasia rights of Species by natural selection 1. “Religious holy day” means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under Texas Tax Code §11.20. 2. A student who intends to observe a religious holy day should make that intention known in writing to the instructor prior to the absence. A student who is absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence. 3. A student who is excused under Section 2 may not be penalized for the absence; however, the instructor may respond appropriately if the student fails to complete the assignment satisfactorily. Academic integrity “It is the aim of the faculty of Texas Tech University to foster a spirit of complete honesty and a high standard of integrity. The attempt of students to present as their own any work that they have not honestly performed is regarded by the faculty and administration as a serious offense and renders the offenders liable to serious consequences, possibly suspension.” It is expected that students will comply with all usual academic integrity standards, as described in the Texas Tech University Catalog. For example: if one consults any source other than the textbook or material from in-class lectures in order to complete an assignment, then it must be cited. This includes working with your peers, information found on the Internet, problem solutions from previous semesters, other textbooks,... 2