Preview #5 - Symphony League of Santa Cruz County

SLSCC 2013-2014 Season Number 5
League •
May 5, 2014
Preview #5
The Previews are a wonderful opportunity for League members and season subscribers to meet the
conductor and hear more about the music chosen for the concert.
A reception follows at which you have an opportunity to socialize with League members. Of course,
we’ll have our food and wine catered by League members. You can help make this an extra-special event
by bringing one of your great appetizers or desserts that everybody raves about!! Call Kate Sutherland
at 688-0768 and let her know what you will be bringing.
Join us ON
Friday, May 16th
4:00 p.m.
at the
Santa Cruz
Civic Auditorium.
Please make reservations in advance.
League members are $15, Symphony Subscribers (non-League members) are $20, or you may register
online by going to, then scroll down to the bottom and click on Reserve Now.
Checks may be made out to SLSCC, and sent to
Cheryl Hammond
1505 42nd Ave, #30
Capitola, CA 95010
Reservations may be made online at
with payment through PayPal with your credit card
Questions may be directed to Kate Sutherland, Event Chair, at 831-688-0768.
President ROGER KnAcKE’s column
When you read this, we will be preparing for the last regular concert of the
season on May 17, 18, and the Pops concert on June 7. I know you’ll agree that
Maestro Daniel Stewart’s premier season has been a spectacular year for music in
Santa Cruz and Watsonville.
The League helped make music happen, and I am grateful to everyone who
contributed their time and energy to our several fund raising events; or who
supported the League in other ways. I’d like also to acknowledge a few people
who work somewhat behind the scenes, but who are nevertheless important to the League’s mission.
Dan and Vicki Rutan have organized the lunches for the Symphony for the last two years. The musicians
greatly appreciate the lunches and organizing them takes most of Saturdays when there is a concert. Thanks
also to the many people who contribute the food. Last year, Connie Adams took over the program to house
the musicians when they come to Santa Cruz to rehearse and play. It’s been moving forward without a hitch.
Thanks to Connie, and to the generous folks who open their homes to the musicians of our orchestra.
Remember our Annual Meeting and Party on June 13, 3-5 pm, at Barbara Canfield’s beautiful home at
129 Hillcrest Terrace, Santa Cruz. This is our one general meeting of the year for all of the membership.
It will be a very enjoyable summer afternoon with good company, food and drinks, introductions of new
League officers and Board members, and updates about the League’s activities.
At the April meeting, the Board of Directors voted to raise annual League membership dues by $5, so
starting in the new fiscal year, the Active Membership dues will be $35; Family Memberships will be $60.
Our costs are going up, as are everyone’s. No one could quite remember the last time the dues were raised,
so it must have been quite a while ago.
Summer is a quieter time for us, but we still have exciting events coming up. There is a midsummer
20/20 Bocci Ball on June 19. We are also going to do the popular Autos d’Elegance at the end of summer.
It will be at Canepa in Scotts Valley again, but with new and different cars in the showrooms and shops,
a display of alternate fuel vehicles, and the barbecue, which got rave reviews. Mark your calendars for
Saturday, September 13th.
2014 Symphony league Events
mark your claendar
Round Robin Bridge: Gather with friends to support the Symphony League by playing bridge.
Contact Jan Davis-Hadley, 438-4494.
Ballots for Sympony League Board of directors will be mailed during the
week of May ???
Symphony League’s annual meeting and party will be on Friday, June 13, 2014.
See Page 3
Santa Cruz Oil Painters Exhibit at Santa CruzCounty Bank Branches
To Benefit Symphony League On June 12th from 5 – 7 PM. See Details on page 4.
Emily Stewart’s 100th birthday party will be on Friday, June 29, 2014. See page 5.
Bocci Ball: a 20/20 event will be held on July 19, 2014. Details later.
Autos d’Elegance will be held on Septeember 13, 2014. Details later.
SLSCC 2013-2014 Season Number 5
Looking ahead to “renewal”
on May 17th and 18th
By Ann Haley
The final and fifth concert of our symphony promises to be spectacular. Our orchestra teams up
with the Cabrillo Symphonic Chorus and four award-winning soloists to sing two of Mozart’s most
eminent religious works: the short but thrillingly bell-like “Ave Verum Corpus” and his monumental
“Requiem”. Between these two great works is Leonard Bernstein’s “Chichester Psalms”.
Regardless of his flamboyant life style, Mozart’s religious side was fully expressed in the two
pieces we will hear. His Requiem was completed after his death, thanks to his young widow’s
determination to see it through. Leonard Bernstein was more fortunate to hear his “Psalms” played in the venue for which he had
intended them, and he was pleased with the result. Annual Meeting and Party
Remember our Annual Meeting and Party on June 13th, 3-5 pm, at Barbara Canfield’s beautiful home at
129 Hillcrest Terrace, Santa Cruz. This is our one general meeting of the year for all of the
membership. It will be a very enjoyable summer afternoon with good company, food and drinks,
introductions of new League officers and Board members, and updates about the League’s activities.
Next Year’s Season 2014-15
By Ann Haley
The program selected for next season is filled with a variety of wonderful music--some composed by
such local favorites as our own Daniel Stewart and the late Lou Harrison. We won’t want to miss any
of this; Harrison’s music is seldom heard because it is so difficult to play. Lou used a multiplicity of
styles and rhythms, with amazing results. Apart from the season is the Family Concert, which will highlight “Peter and the Wolf”. Next season
promises to have something for everyone. Reserve early.
Volunteers Needed
for Renewal Drive
The Symphony office needs volunteers to help
take subscription renewals and orders at the
May 17th and May 18th concerts. If you are willing
to to help before the concery or during the
intermission, please contact Benjamin Short at 831-462-0553, ext. 11 or email him at
SLSCC 2013-2014 Season Number 5
Please add the following to your directory
Gonzales , Marsha M. D. (husband - Ralph)
621 Cliff Drive
Aptos, CA 95003
day/eve phone: 831-688-6043
Santa Cruz Oil Painters Exhibit
at Santa Cruz County Bank Branches
To Benefit Symphony League
The Santa Cruz Oil Painters will be exhibiting their work at five Santa Cruz County Bank locations starting May 15th. They have made the Symphony League the beneficiary of 30% of any sales made between
May 15th and June 12th. On June 12th from 5 – 7 PM, please join us for a wonderful reception at Santa
Cruz County Bank, 720 Front Street, Santa Cruz.
SLSCC 2013-2014 Season Number 5
ON JUNE 29, 2014
FROM 4:00 TO 6:00 P.M.
AT 466-9524
Emily moved to the Santa Cruz area in 1982 and shortly afterward became a member of the Women’s
Guild (later renamed the League) and attended performances of the orchestra at that time which had many
temporary conductors until the appointment of Larry Granger, who remained until 2013 and turned it into
the outstanding symphony orchestra it is today. She chaired the previews, which were held in private homes, during that early period. She served as a
member of the Board of the League and was Treasurer for two years and aided in the Home Tours, which
were held outdoors during the spring during which she provided the refreshments. Another area in which
she was involved was chairing the annual sale of donated merchandise which was held in a downtown
Santa Cruz church which was finally dropped from the schedule because it did not warrant the time and
effort it entailed because of the limited return. She was named “Women of the Year” in 1992 and was
asked to be President of the League but could not accept since she was President of another organization
and committed to other activities, which occupied most of her spare time. She continued to be involved
in the fundraising events, especially at the Home Tours, and in later years donated and sold her large
collection of costume jewelry at those events. When her husband became ill in 2010, she cared for him
until he passed away in 2012 and she was limited in her outside activities. Since then she has returned to
her efforts in fundraising for the Home Tourr.
SLSCC 2013-2014 Season Number 5 5
Magical Guitar Factory Tour- A 20/20 Event
By Bill Mowatt
On Monday, April 7, Richard Hoover, master craftsman and owner of Santa Cruz Guitar Company, treated
League members to a unique tour of his factory. In the morning, he led a group of 14 through the process of
making upscale, made to order guitars (He has sold one celebrity guitar for $240,000!), and explained the
various stages of construction. Richard and his staff of about 15 craftsmen devote time and care on these
gorgeous creations made from exotic woods from all over the world. Besides using high tech equipment,
Richard “listens” to the resonance in the wood before construction.
After the morning tour, this group met the afternoon group of 10 at Barbara Canfield’s beautiful
Santa Cruz home for a scrumptious three soup lunch. People selected either Julie Mazurek’s clam chowder,
Gail Mowatt’s sturdy vegetarian lentil, or Sheila Vaughn’s savory mulligatawny which they enjoyed on
Barbara’s huge, beautiful deck on a gorgeous, sunny day. After lunch, the afternoon group then took
the same tour, and each group enjoyed their experiences. These are just a couple of many appreciative
“The factory is a hidden gem on the west side of Santa Cruz. Our tour consisted of the owner, Richard
Hoover, taking us through the entire process of making a guitar. And what a process it is! Unique to
this factory are the old and reclaimed wood properties used, versus new cuttings. I found him to be very
informative and he showed how much his work is a labor of love by not only him but his employees, as
well. Great tour and yummy lunch afterwards. Nice way to start a week”. – Eileen Sambrailo
“Really great 20/20 event. Took me into a world I did not know about.” – Roger Knacke
“Thank you for planning the event at the Santa Cruz Guitar Company. I was totally unaware of the
workmanship that goes into crafting a guitar, nor how much time and craftsmanship goes into the process.
Richard Hoover gave us an excellent tour into every area of this process and introduced us to the talented
people who work together to make a beautiful instrument. We all enjoyed it very much. We also enjoyed a
beautiful luncheon at Barbara Canfields’s beautiful home. Thanks to the Symphony group who sponsored
the event.” - Mary Blanchard
Richard Hoover addressing the group - Eileen Sambrailo,
Bill Mowatt, Ola Monaghan, and
George Hoffman in his guitar shop.
SLSCC 2013-2014 Season Number 5 Julie Mazurek and Joni Nuttal-Stokes
in Barbara Canfield’s kitchen
Dance Prisms
Symphony Performance of
March 22 and 23, 2014
By Ann Haley
Our fourth concert explored the many facets of the dance. It covered the color spectrum of European
and Slavic folk dances, including Bartok’s Rumanian Dances and Bach’s orchestral suite of dances,
Stravinsky’s “Pulcinella Suite” and Charles Ives’ very undancy “Unanswered Question”. Stewart appropriately worked with a reduced orchestra, as full symphonic orchestras seldom play dances. However, he added a harpsichord, which gave a contemporary tone to the Bach Suite. As has become
his welcome habit, Stewart used solo winds very well throughout this program, which was so varied he
might have used mixed media for the very interesting effects he achieved. Bela Bartok’s Rumanian Folk Dances were particularly beautiful, faithful to their original character, in 4/4
time and filled with very exciting harmonies. The flute solos were particularly beautiful, while the bass
provided an ostinato for the melodies above. In Bach’s seven-movement orchestral suite--written in one key using fine voicing and phrasing--again the
flautist was a standout. Each of the different dance styles was very tuneful.
The audience held its breath throughout Charles Ives’s “Unanswered Question” as the invisible
pianissimo strings and orchestra provided a consonant harmonic background--a tapestry supporting the
intermittent frenetic four wind instruments in the foreground. Ives, true to the rugged individualism of
his yankee roots, composed a work for his time, full of symbolism, and while not a dance per se, might
certainly have been performed by the Martha Graham Dance Troupe. The work depicted most accurately
our desultory behavior against the serenity of all-wise nature and the cosmos.
Last but not least on the program, Stravinsky’s “Pulcinella Suite,” based on Pergolesi’s music, consisted
of nine movements of sparkling melodic themes. Solo winds were used beautifully with splendid results
in this performance. Revising an 18th Century composer’s music resulted in interesting complex results. Stravinsky used pretty motifs to bring out the many voices of a small orchestra. This very exuberant
music brought this program of dance to an energetic end. The audience thundered its approval. All were regretting the approaching close to this season. New Storage for the League
The Symphony League has a new storage
facility for its records and the materials it uses
in events. It is an 8’ x 20’ shipping container
donated to the League by the Omega Nu of
Santa Cruz philanthropic organization. The
container was moved to the Mission Industrial
Land industrial park in space loaned by League
member, Peggy Minier. Thanks very much to
Omega Nu and Peggy Minier. several people’s homes, will be consolidated in
the new facility in the coming weeks.
Thanks also to Russ and Mary Ann Hobbs who
stored the bulk of the League’s materials in
their garage for several years. That material,
as well as stuff apparently scattered about in
SLSCC 2013-2014 Season Number 5
Student concert testimonials
Dear Docents,
Thank you for your important work in introducing classical music to young people in our county. With
the cutbacks in schools resulting in the reduction or loss of arts programs, our outreach efforts are more
important than ever. There is no way the visits to the schools and the free concerts could occur without your
help. We appreciate your willingness to give your time and we hope you will be able to help again next year
with this worthy endeavor. With our dynamic new conductor, Maestro Daniel Stewart, we are hopeful that
the symphony will appeal to a more youthful audience, and your work is part of this effort. Please send your evaluation form in as soon as possible. These are necessary when we apply for grants
to support the programs. For those of you who attended the concerts, the experiences must have been
gratifying as you witnessed the enthusiastic response of the children. Thanks for what you contribute to our
community. Sincerely,
Catharine Gill, Chair of Youth and Family Committee
Hi There!
I teach first grade at Del Mar Elementary. I got started a little late on using your amazing program, but wanted
you to know that we absolutely love it! I have been using it to break up my intensive math program so that
the children could use another part of their brain for a bit and possibly retain more of what I am teaching. The
first day that I did it, the kids made so many great comments; ‘beautiful’ was in so many of them. We have
been learning about adjectives, so describing their feelings and thoughts after listening to a piece, has been a
fun way to use the adjectives. It’s also great for oral language development, as many of my students need help
with expressive language. I have been using it to teach some geography, as well.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to do this. To connect to quality music and the stories behind it is a
treasure my students will carry with them forever! I’m excited that next year I will be able to begin the year
with it and center more projects around it.
Jennie Anderson
SLSCC 2013-2014 Season Number 5
New Member Party
New members and Board members enjoyed the sweeping ocean view from the West Cliff home of
Helen Jones at the New Member Welcome on April 6. Thirteen of our new members learned about the
League and its main goal….fundraising to support our symphony from activity leaders while enjoying wine
and appetizers, and admiring the art in the home of our generous hostess, Helen Jones. Special thanks go to
Helen, to Dan and Vickie Rutan, to Bill Mowatt, to violinist Nancy Kvam and her students who performed
and to Beatrice Barbakow, who documented it all with her wonderful photos, some seen below.
New Member and Hostess Helen Jones
and New Member Outreach Gail Mowatt
New Member Kathy Hatfield and
Gail Mowatt
New Members Lynn Hauser, Marsha Gonzales,
and Dick and Judy Zschelle
Mary Ann Hobbs with New Members , Judy Zschelle,
Shirley Ashworth, Marsha Gonzales and Marian Langdon
SLSCC 2013-2014 Season Number 5
League President Roger Knacke
New Members Fancine Thomas, Lee DiGeronimo,
and Marie Italia
Symphony violinist Nancy Kvam on piano and
three of her students entertaining the group
By Gail Mowatt
Hello to Kathy Hatfield: Kathy has a
long history with music starting when she played
violin in elementary and high school. In Santa Cruz,
Kathy and her late husband were long time symphony attendees, and Kathy sang for a number of years
with the Cabrillo Symphonic Chorus….enjoyed
travelling with them too. She connected with the
children’s music program by going into the schools
as a docent with symphony musicians for several
years until her frequent travels interfered. So what
did it take to inspire her to join the League? It was
her friend Peggy Ard, an Association board member,
who told her about the Music Director search and
invited Kathy to the November Preview Luncheon.
That was the tipping point! When she saw Austin
Huntington and Danny up close, and heard their
commentary and performance, she decided that being in the League would be a good idea; she joined
that day. Like many of our new members, she is
excited about the opportunity the previews present,
and is looking forward to the next one.
Welcome Kay Carron: Kay is a new mem-
ber who has had a lifetime connection with music,
but only became inspired by it recently. She studied piano from 6 years to 11 years of age and always
practiced since she was a good girl who wanted to
please her mother. It seemed to her just another kind
of homework. She loved to sing and joined choirs
and choruses, but no spark ignited…she mainly recalls her cranky choir leader. As her Navy family
travelled about, she had many chances to enjoy music, but never formed a love of it, even when she took
a required music appreciation class for her teacher
training….ho, hum. So what got her excited about
music suddenly? It was her opportunity to hear our
new Music Director Danny Stewart at a preview, to
appreciate the enthusiasm of the symphony performers , and to witness his impassioned conducting of the
concerts. Now she gets it….and says, “I’m in awe of
Danny and find him so inspiring!” She has already
put her enthusiasm to work with League activities,
helping her friend Kate Sutherland with the home tour
last year. She is looking forward to another season
of hearing music that makes her feel good inside and
lifts her up and helping in League activities to support
the music. How wonderful to hear her enthusiasm
and inspiration!
SLSCC 2013-2014 Season Number 5
Introducing Marsha Gonzales: As a
young girl growing up in Fresno, Marsha took piano
lessons from the age of 8 to 16. When I asked why
she stopped at 16 as so many budding musicians do,
was it all about being a teenager, she replied that she
wasn’t sure, but did recall hating recitals. Marsha
did appreciate being taken by her piano teacher to her
first symphony concert in Fresno, and the help she received to became a good sight reader, but wishes still
that she could play by ear. Marsha has continued her
connection in music by singing in the church choir
here in Santa Cruz where her sight reading is valuable, and furthered her connection when she and her
husband Ralph attended a Santa Cruz Symphony concert last year where they enjoyed the conducting of
one of our five music director candidates, not Danny.
The performance was impressive enough to motivate
them to become season subscribers this year with
friends Lynn and Jerry Houser, but they still weren’t
prepared for the energy and enthusiasm that Danny
inspired in the musicians at this year’s first concert!
The next step for Marsha is joining the League and
volunteering to help with set-up for the Derby. She
is just the kind of new member we are looking for.
Thanks, Marsha.
Meet Patty Lockett: Patty has a special
reason for joining the League, to honor the memory
of her sister, Edie Henderson, our beloved Association Board member and president-elect, who died
tragically last summer. Patty and Edie grew up in
a musical family with three sisters playing strings
starting in 4th grade. Edie chose violin, Patty played
cello, and the other sister chose viola. Patty further
honored her late sister by sponsoring Loretta Taylor,
our principal 2nd violinist, the same position Edie
played for several years in the San Jose Symphony
under the direction of George Cleve. Patty had an
adventurous career, including service with the Peace
Corps in Brazil and always continued her love of
music, recalling attending the Boston Symphony and
musical evenings at Hearst Castle when she served
as a tour guide there. She continues to honor her
sister by becoming a member-at-large on the League
board and helping to advance our support of the
symphony. We are so pleased to welcome her!
continued on page
Say Hello to New Meber Lynn Houser
When Lynn received a call from her friend Marcia Gonzales telling her about an offer too good to refuse, 2 for 1
symphony tickets, she jumped at the chance! She and husband Jerry have always loved music, and their tastes,
as she told me, have evolved from country, to Dixie land jazz, to opera and now to symphony, but then she took
the next step and joined the league to help our goal of supporting her new enthusiasm, our symphony. Lynn
loved the last concert with the wonderful solos by our flautist, Laurie Camphouse, since she played flute through
8th grade. She especially enjoys soothing music like Mozart. And she is already planning for the next season.
Welcome, Lynn!
Musicain Interview
by Gail Mowatt
Guy Clark and Laura Shea Clark:
a Truly Brassy Couple: My mother’s
favorite expression to describe other peoples’ children
was, “bold brassy brats.” Sometimes I qualified for
that category too. Now, right in the midst of our
symphony we have a truly brassy couple,
Laura and Guy , substitute trumpets, whose
lives and courtship were defined by brass
and who continue to share a bond forged
in brass.
Both grew up in Chicago.
Laura was
nurtured in the musically rich culture of
the Salvation Army, learning to play cornet
at the age of nine when she played in the
church band. She continued with cornet through
high school and majored in trumpet performance
in college.
Guy played cornet and trumpet in his
school bands and with youth orchestras and semiprofessional bands through college where he majored
in biology and bioengineering.
It’s not a coincidence that their love of brass and one
another began in Chicago, since the brass band, styled
on traditional English brass bands, is an important
part of the local musical scene. The Salvation Army
originated in England and brought the brass band to
America, evoking our images of the performers in
“Guys and Dolls.” It was in such a setting that they
met when Laura substituted in Guy’s quintet. When
they married in 2000 they celebrated, of course, with
a honeymoon tour of England accompanied by the
Illinois Brass Band!
Guy and Laura began playing with the Santa Cruz
County Symphony when they moved here in 2006.
Like many of our symphony performers, both have
SLSCC 2013-2014 Season Number 5
day jobs, Laura as technical services manager for the
Mountain View Public Library and Guy working on
electrical engineering contracts. They also perform
with many local musical ensembles. For most of
the years they have lived here they have had the
“great pleasure of playing for the Santa
Cruz Ballet Theatre Nutcracker ballet”,
comments Guy. Laura adds, “I love
playing the flugelhorn in brass band which
provides the top voice of the middle of the
band which is where the brass band gets
its unique sound.”
With all those performances, rehearsal
time must be very important for Guy and
Laura when they are at home in Redwood Estates. As
an audience, they have six music critic cats. As Guy
explains, “When they see the horns come out of their
cases, the cats disappear into the farthest reaches of
the house. “ In our May concert Guy will be playing
in Mozart’s Requiem. Look for him at the rear of
the orchestra, his trumpet shining between the horns
and trombones. Laura sums it up nicely, “We are
definitely a brassy couple. We are fortunate of be able
to play in all these groups and have these experiences
Restaurant Benefit
for Subscribers
Subscribers can bring their tickets to receive a
20% discount off their pre-concert or post-concert
meal at El Palomar restaurant in downtown
Santa Cruz or the California Grill in Freedom.
board of directors
Directors and Officers V.P., Communications
Clyde Vaughn
Recording Secretary
Roger Knacke
Ola Monaghan
Past President,
Corresponding Secretary
Kate Miller
Clyde Vaughn
Vice President, Fundraising Treasurer
Connie Adams
Sheila Vaughn
V.P., Educational Programs Board Members at Large
Cheryl Hammond
& Previews
Mary Ann Hobbs
Kate Sutherland
Helen Jones
Vice President,
Membership, Recruitment, Donna Large
Jeanne Shada
& Directory
Joan Nuttal-Stokes
Dan Rutan
Gene Wright
V.P., Public Relations
Bill Mowatt
Standing Committee Chairs
Fred Dunn Ruiz
Rehearsal Refreshments
Dan & Vickie Rutan
Housing Musicians
Connie Adams
Danene Forman
Marie Tomasi
Property Manager
Mary Ann Hobbs
Round Robin Bridge
Jan Davis Hadley
20-20 Chair
Clyde Vaughn