MALAcANaN PALAcE MANILA tsYTHEPRESIDENT OF THEPHILIPPINES EXECUTIVE ORDERNO. 49 MANDATINGTHE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MEMORANDUMOF AcneemrrurDATED o+ ruli ,,TowARDs zot1,ENTITLED rHE CORDILLERA PEOPLELIBERATION ARMY'SFINAL DISPOSITION OF ARMS AND FORCESAND ITS TRANSFORMATION INTO A POTENTSOCIO.ECONOMIC AND UNARMEDFORCE''AND FOR OTHERPURPOSES WHEREAS, the Government and the Cordillera PeoplesLiberation Army (CPLA)signedthe MountDataPeaceAccordon 13 september1986; WHEREAS,Administrative order (Ao) No. 1B (s. 2001)mandatedthe integration of the CPLAmembersintothe regularforceof the ArmedForcesof the Philippines (AFP)as officers,enlistedpeisonneland/oractiveauxiliaries of theCitizen ArmedForceGeographical Units(CAFGU) andprovided livelihood for them; WHEREAS, on 04 July2011,the Government andthe Cordillera Bodong Administration (CBA), CPLA signeda Memorandum of Agreemententiled "Towardsthe cPLAs Final Dispositionof Arms and Forces and its Transformation into a PotentSocio-Economic and UnarmedForce"(Closure Agreement); WHEREAS, the ClosureAgreement coversall the areasthatAO No. 1B soughtto achieve,in additiori to puttingclosureto the MountDataPeaceAccord; and WHEREAS, thereis a needto streamline the operations of government with respectto the CBA and CPLA,promotecoherenceamonggovernment agencies in theirrelations withCBAandCPLA,andavoidduplication of efforts. Now, THEREFORE, l, BENIGNOs. AeulNo lll, presidentof the Philippines, by virlueof the powersvestedin me by law,do herebyorder: SECTION1. Guidelineslmplementing the ClosureAgreement.The Officeof the Presidential Adviseron the PeaceProcess(OPAPP)is hereby authorized to createguidelines to fullyimplement the Closure Agreement. sEcrloN 2. winding Down Processof Ao No. 18 (s. 2001);The Department of NationalDefense(DND)andtheArmedForcesof the Philippines (AFP)are herebydirectedto implement a windingdownprocessand closethe -ffi ilffi ffi iililiftlfrilililiilr liliifi Iflfr iiiliffifr il PNOY003009 livelihood programs beingimplemented underAo No. 1Bwithinsix (6) months from the effectivityof this ExecutiveOrder.In relationthereto,the presidential Adviseron the Peaceprocess(pApp) is herebydirectedto exerciseprimary oversight functionsto overseeand monitorthe effectiveand efficientwinding downprocessof Ao No. 18. For this purpose, the DNDand the AFp may carl uponanyGovernment agencyor officefor suchassistance as maybe necessary in the implementation of thewindingdownactivities. SECTION3. Assistance.All headsof departments, agencies, bureaus andoffices, including government-owned and-controlled corpor"tionr, are hereby enjoined to renderfull assistance and cooperation to the OpApp'as may be required to carryoutthe ClosureAgreement. SECTION 4. Funding.The fundingfor the windingdownprocessof the livelihoodprogramsshall be sourcedfrom the payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan (PAMANA) funds. SECTION 5. Separability Clause.lf anyprovision of thisExecutive Order is declaredinvalidor unconstitutional, provisions the other not affectedthereby shallremain validandsubsisting. sEcrloN 6. Repeatingclause. Ail orders,rules,regulations, and issuances, or partsthereof,whichare inconsistent withthis Execuiive Order,are herebyrepealed, amended, or modified accordingly. SECTION 7. Effectivity. This ExecutiveOrder shall take effect immediately uponpublication in a newspaper of generalcirculation. D _ ON Ei n , th e C i tyo f Ma nila,this tgr r r yearof Our Lord,Two Thousandand Eleven. C H OA " day of , in the July \#w COPY: CERIIFIET} VeSecretary MAfiIAI{ITtl M,OI DmECIIln ry 0 PNOY00301