July1987] ShortCommunications 535 $ULKAVA, $. 1969. On smallbirdsspendingthe night in snow. Aquilo Ser. Zool. 7: 33-37. TAYLOR, W.K. 1971. A breeding biology of the Verdin, Auriparusfiaviceps(Sundevall) in Arizona. an energetics.Pp. 127-204 in Granivorous birds in ecosystems(J. Pinowski and S. C. Kendeigh, Eds.). New York, Cambridge Univ. Press. KNORR,O.A. 1957. Communal roosting of the Pygmy Nuthatch. Condor 59: 398. McNICHOLL,M.K. 1979. Communalroostingof Song WALSBERG, G.E. 1986. Thermal consequencesof roost- Sparrowsunder snowbank.Can.Field-Natur.93: site selection:the relative importance of three 325-326. modes of heat conservation. NEWTON,I. 1969. Winter fattening in the Bullfinch. Physiol. Zool. 42: 96-107. PITTS,T. D. 1976. Fall and winter roosting habits of Carolina PORTER,W.P. chambers. Chickadees. Wilson Amer. Midl. 85: 289-328. Auk 103: 1-7. ß& J. R. KING. 1978. The heat budget of incubating Mountain White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichialeucophrys oriantha)in Oregon. Physiol. Zool. Bull. 88: 603-610. Natur. 51: 92-103. 1969. Thermal radiation in metabolic Science 166: 115-117. Received11 August1986, accepted7 February1987. ROl•IN$ON,D. E., G. S. CAM?I•ELL,& J. R. KING. 1976. An evaluation of heat exchangein small birds. J. Comp. Physiol. 105: 153-166. The Center-edge Effect: The Result of a War of Attrition Between Territorial LuC-ALAIN Contestants? GIRALDEAU L3 AND RON YDENBERG 2 *Department of Psychology, Universityof Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, Canada, and 2Departmentof BiologicalSciences, SimonFraserUniversity, Burnaby,BritishColumbiaV5A 1S6,Canada Residentbirdsoften respondmoreintenselyto simulated intrusions at the center than at the edge of their territories[thecenter-edge(CE)effect;Falls1982]. Very few hypotheseshave been proposedto account for the ecologicalsignificanceof the effect. Explanations of the CE effect are of two types. First, the intruders are more likely to be closerto residentsin the center than at the edge of the territory. It follows that if a resident'sresponseis graded as a function of the distance to the opponent (and not position on the territory), CE effectsmay be the result of proximity between contestants rather than of the intruder's lo- cation on the territory. A secondtype of explanation arguesthat the centerof a territory hasa higher value to a residentthan the periphery. We examinedthe ways territory centersmight be more valuable than the periphery and used game theory to generate predictionsfor each hypothesis.We testedthe predictions againstdata from an exhaustivereview of the literature on avian territorial defense. The intensity of a resident's responseto intrusion can vary continuously from mild through intense threat displays,to outright violence.Territorial contests can be analyzed in terms of a war of attrition (Parker 1984). In a war of attrition with no informa- tion about opponents(Bishopet al. 1978), the evolutionarily stable strategyis to choosea persistence time based on the ratio V/K, where V is the value of winning and K the rate at which costscan be expendedduring the contest(Parker 1984).We assumed that the intensity of an individual's responsedenotes its evaluation of V/K, an assumptionsupported by Enquist et al. (1985), Ewald and Orians (1983), and Krebs (1982). The rate at which costsare expended(K) during a contestis set by an animal's resourceholding potential (RHP). RHP is not likely to explain the CE effect because,although an individual's RHP can change slowly over time, there is no reason to expect it to changewith position on the territory. On the other hand, there are three ways the value of winning (V) can changewith the distancefrom the territory center to the location of the contest. In the strategic-center hypothesis, losing possessionof the center of a territory more likely leads to lossof the whole territory than does forgoing an equivalent surfaceat the periphery. The center therefore has a higher strategic value than the periphery. Becauseall territories have centers, the CE effect should be a characteristic of all territorial defense. In the central-placeforaginghypothesis, many birds feed their young with food collected on their large territories. If birds defend exclusive access to food resources located around • Presentaddress:Department of Biology, Concordia University, 1455 ouest, Boulevard de Maisonneuve, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8, Canada. a central nest, then the value of winning exclusiveaccessdeclines with distancefrom the territory center. This is becausethe rate of food delivery to the nest declines 536 ShortCommunications [Auk,Vol. 104 T^BLE1. Presenceor absenceof differential responseto intrusionsat the territory center and periphery in 24 species.Information was obtained by observation(O), playback (P), or stuffed or live model (M). Territories were classifiedas central-place foraging (CPF) or central nonfood resource(CR). Family Species Method CPF CR Source M M Yes Yes Nest Nest Spray 1978 Baeyens1981 Spizellapusilla P Yes Nest Goldman Zonotrichia P Yes Nest Falls and Brooks 1975, Me- O No Nest Burger and Beer 1975 Haematopolidae Haematopus ostralegus O, M Yes Nest Vines 1979 Mimidae Dumetella P Yes Nest Harcus Paridae Parusmajor P Yes Nest Dhondt 1966, Falls et al. 1982 Parulidae Dendroica discolor O Yes Nest Nolan Setophaga ruticilla P Yes Nest 1978 Ickes and Ficken Caseswith center-edgeeffect Corvidae Corvus cotone Pica pica Fringillidae albicollis 1973 lemis and Falls 1982 Laridae Larus atricilla carolinensis Caseswith no center-edgeeffect Icteridae Agelaiusicterocephalus 1973 1970 P No Nest Wiley and Wiley 1980 Motacillidae Laridae Motacilla alba Larus ridibundus 0 0 Scolopacidae Tetraonidae Numeniusarquata Centrocercus urophasianus Lyrurustetrix tetrix 0 0 0 No No No No Nest No Davies and Houston 1981 Patterson 1965 Ens and Zwarts 1980 Trochilidae Amazilia tzacatl Atthis heloisa Colibri thalassinus 0 0 0 Eugenes fulgens Hylocharisleucotis Lampornisclemenciae L. amethystinus Selasphorus rufus 0 0 0 0 0 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Wiley 1973 Kruijt and Hogan 1967 Boyden 1978 Lyon 1976 Lyon 1976 Lyon 1976 Lyon 1976 Lyon 1976 Lyon 1976 Paton and Carpenter 1984 as distance between the food and the nest increases (Ydenberget al. 1986).If the CE effectis the result of central-placeforaging,then the effectshouldbe present only in territoriesthat are usedfor central-place foraging and contain the central place. The intensity of the resident's responseto intruders should decreasegraduallywith distancefrom the centralplace. In the central-resource hypothesis, the centerof the territory may containa discreteresource(nest,young, refuge) that makesit more valuablethan the rest of the territory. The CE effect should occur only when and Ficken 1970, Vines 1979), suggesting that the number of instances of CE effects reported in the literature may be overestimated.The prediction of the central-place foraging hypothesis therefore is consistent with the distribution of CE effects. Unfortunately, there are important problemswith the data set that warrant caution in the interpretation of the results. Of the 14 speciesreported to show no CE effect,only 1 wasstudiedexperimentally.The data for the other 13 speciescamefrom observationalstudies in which the author(s) stated that the intruders were invariably chasedupon detection.We assumed We collected results from 21 studies dealing with this meant that owners used a maximum-intensity 24 speciesin 12 families (Table 1). Evidencefor a CE behavior (chase) in response to all intrusions irreeffectwasfound in 42%(10/24) of the species.Because spectiveof their location.Becausechasesare the most the strategic-centerhypothesispredictsCE effectsfor conspicuousform of territory defense, however, the all territories, it cannot account for the distribution lack of CE effectsmay not be the result of observaof CE effects.The 9 specieswith CE effectsusedtheir tional bias. More quantitative evidence from experiterritories for central-place foraging, while the 14 mental studiesis required. specieswithout CE effectsdid not. Of 15 specieswith Although our resultsmatch the predictionsof the a non-central-placeforaging territory, only 1 (Larus central-placeforaging hypothesis,they are also conatricilla;Burgerand Beer 1975) showeda CE effect.In sistent with the central-resourcehypothesis. All 12 L. ridibundus, however, when proximity between con- specieson territorieswithout a centralresourcelacked testantswas kept constantthe CE effectsdisappeared CE effects, while 10 of the 12 specieson territories (Patterson1965).Only 2 of the 10studiesthat reported with central resources showed CE effects. Thus, alCE effectscontrolled for contestantproximity (Ickes though we can reject the strategic-centerhypothesis, the centers of territories contain such a resource. July1987] Short Communications 537 We thank J. Bruce Falls for numerous suggestions we cannotdistinguishbetween the central-placeforhypothesis)and Pete aging and the central-resourcehypothesesbecause (including the strategic-center territories used for central-placeforaging will often McGregorfor commentingon an earlier version of be territories with central resources. the manuscript.L.-A. Giraldeau was supportedfrom One could distinguish between the central-place a NSERC PostdoctoralFellowship and a NSERC opforaging and central-resourcehypothesesby inves- erating grant to Jerry Hogan. R. Ydenbergwas suptigatinghow defenseintensitychangedwith distance portedby a NSERCUniversityResearchFellowship from the centerof the territory. Becausethe response and Operating Grant. intensityis basedon an individual'sV/K and because K is unlikely to changewith distance,only changes LITERATURE CITED in V are likely to influencethe response.The centralG. 1981. The role of the sexesin territory placeforaginghypothesiscorrectlypredictsa decel- BAEYENS, defensein the Magpie (Picapica).Ardea 69: 69erating decline in V with distancefrom the central 82. place,as observedby Vines (1979)and Melemis and Falls (1982). Unfortunately,there are no equivalent BISHOP,D. T., C. CANNINGS, •r J. MAYNARD SMITH. 1978. The war of attrition with random rewards. modelsfor predictingthe changein defenseintensity J. Theor. Biol. 74: 377-388. with distance to a central resource.Arguments can BOYDEN, T.C. 1978. Territorial defenseagainsthumbe made for either gradual or abrupt decreasesin V with distance. Without better predictions from the mingbirdsand insectsby tropicalhummingbirds. Condor 80: 216-221. central-resourcehypothesiswe must concludethat the observationsare consistentwith the predictions BURGER, J., & C. G. BEER.1975. Territoriality in the Laughing Gull (L. atricilla). Behaviour 55: 301of the central-placeforaging hypothesis. 320. We could distinguish between the competing hypothesesby examiningthe territorial defenseof cen- DAVIES, N. B., & A. I. HOUSTON. 1981. Owners and tral-place foragersthat do not forage on their terrisatellites:the economicsof territory defencein the Pied Wagtail Motacillaalba.J.Anim. Ecol. 50: tories. Only the central-placeforaging hypothesis 157-180. predictsthe absenceof CE effectsin all cases.We have found only three avian studiesof this type (Table 1). DHONDT, A. A. 1966. A method to establish the boundaries of bird territories. Gerfaut 56: 404Two of the three cases,including the most detailed 408. analysis(Wiley and Wiley 1980),failed to find a CE effect.The casein which an effectwas reported fails ENQUIST,M., E. PLANE,& J. ROED. 1985. Aggressive communication in fulmars (Fulmarusglacialis) to controlfor proximity(Burgerand Beer1975).These competingfor food.Anita Behav.33: 1007-1020. resultssuggestthat the central-resource hypothesisis incorrect. Territories that are not used to collect food ENS,B., & L. ZWARTS.1980. Territoriaal gedrag bij wulpen buiten her broedgebeid.Watervogels5: by central-placeforagersdo not showCE effects.Ad155-169. mittedly, the nonforaging territories of the three speciesof central-placeforagersused in this analysis EWALD, P. W., & G. H. ORIANS. 1983. Effects of resourcedepressionon use of inexpensive and esare considerablysmallerthan the territorieson which calated aggressivebehavior: experimental tests CE effectsusuallyare described.It is not clear,howusingAnna'sHummingbird. Behav.Ecol.Socioever, how territory size can affectthe existenceand biol. 12: 95-101. observationof CE effects.More experimental studies are requiredbeforeoneor both of the hypothesescan FALLS, J. B. 1982. Individual recognitionby sounds in birds. Acous. Comm. Birds 2: 237-278. be rejected.The studiesshould focuson the defense of large territoriesthat are not usedfor central-place --, & R. J.BROOKS.1975. Individual recognition foraging. by song in White-throatedSparrows.II. Effects We conclude that the center-edge effect is not a of location. Can. J. Zool. 53: 1412-1420. universal property of avian territorial defense.The --, J. R. KREBS, & P. K. MCGREGOR.1982. Song resultsof our analysissuggestthat the center-edge matchingin the Great Tit (Parusmajor):the effect effect arisesbecauseof a systematicchange in the of similarity and familiarity. Anim. Behav. 30: 997-1009. fitnessvalue of exclusiveuse of a territory parcel as a function of distancefrom the central place. In the GOLDMAN, P. 1973. Songrecognitionby Field Sparrows. Auk 90: 106-113. caseof central-placeforaging species,we understand how the fitnessvalue changeswith distance.A game- HARCUS,J. L. 1973. Song studies in the breeding theoretical framework provides a consistentexplabiologyof the CatbirdDumetella carolinensis (Aves: nation for the occurrence of center-edge effects. A Mimidae). Ph.D. dissertation, Toronto, Ontario, Univ. Toronto. similar game-theoreticalinterpretation of neighborstranger discriminationsalso proved useful in un- ICKES,R. A., & M. S. FICKEN. 1970. An investigation of territorial behavior in the American Redstart derstandingthe underlyingecologyof aggressivebehavior (Ydenberg et al. in press). utilizing recordedsong.Wilson Bull. 82:167-176. 538 ShortCommunications in the Black-headed KREBS,J. R. 1982. Territorial defence in the Great 11: 185-194. S?i•A¾,C.J. 1978. Territorial behaviour of the Carion Crow Corvuscorone L. in relation to food supply: KRUIIT,J.P., & J. A. HOGAN. 1967. Social behavior on the lek in BlackGrouseLyrurustetrixtetrix(L.). Ardea an experimental study. Ph.D. dissertation, Aberdeen, Scotland, Univ. Aberdeen. 55: 203-240. LYON, D.L. 1976. A montane hummingbird territorial systemin Oaxaca,Mexico. Wilson Bull. 88: 280-299. MELEMIS, S. M., & J. B. FALLS. 1982. The defense function: a measure of territorial behavior. Can. J. Zool. 60: 495-501. NOLAN,V., JR. 1978. The ecologyand behavior of the Prairie Warbler Gull Larus ridibundus. Ibis 107: 433-459. Tit (Parusmajor):do residentsalwayswin? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. [Auk,Vol. 104 VINES,G. 1979. Spatialdistribution of territorial aggressivenessin Oystercatchers,Haematopusostralegus.Anim. Behav. 27: 300-308. WILEY,R. H. 1973. Territoriality and non-random mating in SageGrouse,Centrocercus urophasianus. Anim. Behav. Monogr. 6: 87-169. --, & M. S. WILEY. 1980. Territorial behaviour of a blackbird: mechanismsof site-dependent Dendroica discolor. Ornithol. dominance. Behaviour 73: 130-154. Monogr. No. 26. YDENBERG,g. C., L.-A. GIRALDE•U, & J. B. FALLS. In PARKER, G.g. 1984. Evolutionarily stablestrategies. press. Neighbours,strangers,and the asymmetPp. 30-61 in Behaviouralecology:an evolutionary ric war of attrition. Anim. Behav. approach (J. R. Krebs and N. B. Davies, Eds.). Sunderland, --, Massachusetts, Sinauer Assoc. PATON,D.C., & F. L. CARPENTER.1984. Peripheral foraging by territorial Rufous Hummingbirds: defenseby exploitation.Ecology65: 1808-1819. PATTERSON, I.J. 1965. Timing and spacingof broods & D. L. KRAMER. 1986. Interference competition,foragingasymmetries and the social relationshipsof central place foragers.Theoret. Pop. Biol. 30: 26-44. Received 28 August1986,accepted 7 February1987. On the Extent and Sourceof Instability in Avian Nomenclature, as Exemplified by North American STo•s Birds L. OLSON Departmentof VertebrateZoology,NationalMuseumof Natural History, Smithsonian Institution,Washington, D.C. 20560 USA (1908:x): "the whole courseof scientificnomenclature has shown that the law of priority--lex prioritatis--is the one great underlying principle." Dissenting viewpoints had been expressedpreviously,and attempts were made to set some sort of a statuteof nithology.The need for this originatedin part from limitation in modificationof the law of priority, or to adopt the nomenclaturethat had been usedby the the debatable viewpoint that birds are "very well known globally, and mostproblemsin their nomen- most previous authors, the so-calledauctorumpluriclature have been solved with a resulting high level morumprinciple. Theseeffortsto abrogatethe law of of stability" as opposedto "imperfectly known" in- priority were rejectedunequivocallyby the A.O.U. vertebrategroupswhose "nomenclatureis still in a Code (1908: xlvii): "The 'statute of limitation' prinstate of flux ..." (W. J. Bock, SCON chairman, memciple is akin to the auctorum plurimorum rule; both are Utopian, and both radically set at defiance the lex orandum of 8 May 1986). Although SCON stoppedshort of departingfrom prioritatis." Later, however, a reactionagain aroseto the strict the restof zoologyanddecidedit shouldwork within the framework of the International Code of Zoolog- application of the law of priority, and further atical Nomenclature, the committee agreed at the outset temptswere madeto modify it (reviewedby Mayr et to embrace a "Principle of Established Usage," be- al. 1953:215-220). This eventuallyled to the notorious causethe fundamentalprinciple of the International Article 23b (the "fifty year rule") of the International Code, the Law of Priority, was perceived as a threat Codeof ZoologicalNomenclature(ICZN 1964),a rule socontentiousand unsatisfactorythat it was changed to the stabilityof avian nomenclature. In the first half of this century, most systematic in the next edition of the Code,althoughit washardly ornithologists, at least in North America, were con- improved. At present, all casesinvolving "unused" tent to follow the law of priority,in conformance with seniorsynonymsare supposedto be referred to the the Code of Nomenclatureas set forth by the A.O.U. ICZN while "existing usage" is maintained. "Estab- Among the proposalsconsideredat meetingsof the Standing Committeeon Ornithological Nomenclature (SCON) held during the XIX International Ornithological Congressin Ottawa, June 1986, was one to createa separateset of rules of nomenclaturefor or-