File - Brenham Christian Academy

Summer Reading Assignment
English 11/12
Mrs. Hernández
This summer English 11/12 will read Silas Marner by George Eliot You
are provided with one copy of the novel—if you lose your copy you are
responsible for replacing it.
Set aside time regularly and read one chapter (or so) at a time. Begin the
novel early in the summer; do not wait until school starts to begin this
You will need to complete each section according to its directions. Please
follow directions closely. Please turn in your completed work in a threepronged folder (of your choice) with each section being separated by a
page indicating the section’s name. Remember, grammar and style will
be evaluated in each section—including spelling. Please have all sections
typed in Times New Roman, font size 12 (unless otherwise indicated).
Section I: Pre-Reading
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. What are the consequences of being victims of lies, gossip, or rumors?
2. Read the following Scripture verses: Psalms 34:13,
Proverbs 20:19, Ephesians 4:29, James 1:26. According to these
verses, what instruction/what consequences do we have regarding
using our words in an unwise way?
3. How does home environment influence people? Give some examples.
4. What connections does social class have with happiness or with
responsibility, both personal or social?
Section II: Characters and Their Traits
As you read, complete a character analysis chart for the characters in
the novel listed on the character list chart (included). You may
handwrite the specifics of the chart, but please use black ink and write
neatly. Cite the page number and the paragraph that proves these
characters have the traits you mention.
I have included a list of possible character traits. Please feel free to use
the list, but you are not limited to using those traits.
Section III: Symbolism Chart
Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving
them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense.
Some common symbols we use are:
 A dove symbolizes peace.
 A fish sticker on the back of the car symbolizes a Christian
 A red rose might symbolize love or romance.
 A country’s flag symbolizes one’s loyalty to their country.
As you read, complete the symbolism charts (included) using symbolism
from the novel. Explain the meaning of each symbol in the context of the
novel. Three symbols have been provided for you; select three more
symbols for the second chart. (Fill in your answer in the space to the
right of each symbol.) You may handwrite the specifics of the chart, but
please use black ink and write neatly. Cite the page number and the
paragraph that proves these characters have the traits you mention.
Section IV: Post-Reading
After you have read the novel, answer the following questions. Please give
in-depth answers. For each question with a *, find a biblical principle to
support your answer. Include the citation from the Bible (the verse or
• *What are some examples of social isolation operating in our world and
society today? Include examples of both group-imposed and self-imposed
isolation. What are their intended purposes? What are their actual
• *Generally speaking, people get what they deserve, for better or worse.
True or false? Support your stand. To what degree did this rule apply to
characters in this novel?
• Which characters underwent change? What brought about these
• How would Molly’s death be regarded today, and how would it be
• How would the issues raised in this novel be modified if the setting
were changed to the modern world?
• *What are the respective roles of material wealth, social interaction,
and social position in the attainment of happiness?
• *What are the disadvantages of practicing deceit and secrecy? What
public figures have you known to use such practices? What were the
• *What are the benefits and consequences of accepting and meeting
responsibilities? Cite examples of people who have either met or not met
their responsibilities.
• *It has been said that givers are enriched by giving. How did this
principle operate in Silas Marner? In what way have you seen it work in
your experience?
• To what extent are Godfrey and Dunstan’s shortcomings attributable to
their home life? To their own irresponsibility?
• *On the subject of adoption, who do you agree with most, Godfrey or
Nancy? Why? To what extent do your reasons hold for adoption in
• It has been said that people need people. Is this true? To what extent
do people also need time to be alone? Why? What is a proper balance
between these two needs?
Section V: Extending Your Knowledge
Make a gift for each of the characters listed on the character trait chart.
Be prepared to explain to your classmates your reasons for giving
particular gifts to particular characters. These may be tangible or
intangible gifts, but you must have a visual representation of each gift.
You will turn this in with your summer reading project, but you will
explain it during the first week of class.
For your folder, please type the character’s name and the gift you made
for the character. Also, type your explanation.