Physics 215 - Experiment 12 The Current Balance

Physics 215 - Experiment 12
The Current B alance
Fig. 12- 1 Curren t Ba la nce Arran ge me nt for Varying Curre nt or Le ng th
From Left to Right: Power Supply, Ammeter (DMM - 10A or 20A Jack and Scale) Loop
Assembly (Balance Arm/Wire Loop/Magnet),
Note: North pole of magnet is red; south pole of magnet is white.
Current Limiting Resistor
Equ ip me n t:
Pasco Current Balance
Digital Balance
Wire Loop
Power Supply
3 Connecting Wires
Fig. 12- 2 Sch e mat ic for Vary in g Curr en t or
Le ng th
Physics 215 - Experiment 12
The Current B alance
4) angle between the field and the
Adv ance Re ad in g
current, Urone- (Chapter-section) 21-3, 21-4 and
The magnitude of the magnetic force in
this case is given by:
Ob jec tiv e: The objective of this
experiment is to measure the effects of a
FB =ILBsin ()
(Eq. 12-2).
magnetic field on a current carrying
To determine the strength of the
magnetic field, we will measure the
Th eory: A magnetic field exerts a
"mass" (effective mass) when current is
force, F B , on a moving charge. The
flowing through a wire that is placed
magnitude of F B is:
inside a magnetic field. The "mass" is
due to the magnetic force. We will vary
FB = qvBsin()
(Eq. 12-1)
three of the four parameters.
where q is the charge, v is the magnitude
Proced ure
of the velocity of the charge, B is the
Force vs. Curre nt (I)
magnitude of the magnetic field
Arrange the equipment as in Fig.
strength, and is the angle between the
12-1 and Fig. 12-2, using the
magnetic field direction and the
current loop numbered SF 42. The
direction of the charge velocity.
magnet for the wire loops is in the
box with the wire loops.
Current is a collection of charges in
the equipment away from the
motion, thus a magnetic field also exerts
computer. On the digital balance
a force on a current carrying conductor.
there is a "Zero" button. Push this
button once to zero the balance.
The magnitude and direction of this
Center the magnet on the balance
force is dependent on four parameters:
1) magnitude of the current, I
The wire loop should pass through the
2) length of the wire, L
pole region of the magnet (i.e., the
3) strength of the magnetic field, B
horizontal part of the wire is just below
Physics 215 - Experiment 12
The Current B alance
the top of the magnet). Refer to Fig. 12-
Plug in the power supply. Adjust
the power until the current is
approximately 0.5 A. When the
current is on, the magnet should
deflect downward (positive mass
reading). If it is pulled upwards
Wire Loop
(negative mass reading), reverse the
wires connected to the power
Measure and record the "mass" and
current; calculate FB.
Fig. 12- 3 W ire Loop Arra ng e men t
Increase the current in 0.5 A
increments through 5.0 A. Record
the current, "mass", and FB for each
Once you begin this experiment do not
move the equipment on the table,
although you will raise and lower the
Force vs. Len gt h o f W ire ( L)
balance arm to change attachments.
Note: For this part of the experiment
you will need to know the effective
Measure and record the mass of the
length of the wire loops. They are listed
magnet with the current off.
in Table 12-1.
Calculate the weight, Fg.
Tare the balance (push the zero
SF 40 1.2 cm
SF 37 2.2 cm
Before p lu gg ing in the po wer
SF 39 3.2 cm
supp ly, yo ur in str uctor mus t c hec k
SF 38 4.2 cm
the circ uit. Mak e sure t he po w er
SF 41 6.4 cm
supp ly is turn ed of f b efore
SF 42 8.4 cm
plu gg in g it in.
Tab le 12- 1
Physics 215 - Experiment 12
The Current B alance
Fig. 12- 4 Curren t Ba la nce
Acce s sory ( CB A) Arran ge men t for
varyin g .
Insert the shortest wire segment (SF
40) into the balance arm. Always
check for contact between the wire
loop and the magnet before
recording your data.
Adjust the power supply until the
current is 2.0 A. Measure and
record the "mass". Calculate FB.
Repeat for each of the wire loops.
Turn off, then unplug, the power
supply. Return the wire loops and
magnet to their box. The balance
arm will be used for the Current
Balance Accessory (CBA, Fig. 12-4);
adjust the height as needed.
Fig. 12- 5: To p v ie w of CB A
Physics 215 - Experiment 12
The Current B alance
Fig. 12- 6 Clo se- Up of CB A: W ire
Loop s I ns ide Ma gn et.
Physics 215 - Experiment 12
The Current B alance
magnet. Calculate Fg. Tare the
Equ ip me n t Not es:
Center the magnet (from the CBA
13. Set the angle to 0o, with the direction
box) on the balance pan.
Plug the CBA into the balance
of the wire coil parallel to the
arm and lower it into the magnet.
magnetic field. Set the current to 2.0
The horizontal section of the wire
A. Measure and record the "mass".
loops must be just inside of, but
Calculate FB.
not touching, the magnet (Fig. 12-
14. Increase in 10o increments through
Turn CBA to 0° (Fig. 12-5).
15. Calculate FB for each .
Initially, the wire loops of the CBA
must be parallel to the magnetic
Graph ing
field of the permanent magnet. If
16. Plot separate graphs of the following
they are parallel and the current
data; include the data point (0,0) on
is on, FB = 0 T, and the mass
each graph.
measurement will not change. If
the mass changes when the
FB vs. I
current is turned on, adjust the
FB vs. L
alignment by carefully rotating
FB vs. the magnet. When you have the
correct arrangement, turn the
17. Calculate B from the graphs of
CBA from 0° through 180°,
checking to see that it will not hit
FB vs. I
the magnet at any point.
FB vs. L
FB vs. F orce vs. An gle ( )
(Assume that for the CBA L = 11.5 cm.)
11. Referring to the Equipment Notes, set
up the CBA arrangement.
18. Compare the values of B that you
12. Before plugging in the power supply,
obtain from the graphs of FB vs. I
measure and record the mass of the
and FB vs. L.
Physics 215 - Experiment 12
The Current B alance
Que s tio ns
What is the relationship between
current and magnetic force?
What is the relationship between
the length of a wire and magnetic
What is the shape of the curve for FB
vs. ? How does it relate to Eq. 122?
Show that Eq. 12-1 and Eq. 12-2 are
dimensionally equivalent.
There is a magnet at the end of the
Dial-O-Gram balance arm. The arm
has an aluminum plate in the
magnetic gap. What is the purpose
of this magnet system? (Refer to
Urone Chapter 22, Section 22-4 and