Securus - GS Plus

How else can you see
what’s really happening
to pupils in your school?
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What is Securus?
Why monitor?
Securus is a safeguarding tool which protects
pupils from cyberbullying, online grooming,
explicit images and inappropriate websites,
among other threats.
Monitoring can provide vital opportunities
to protect vulnerable young people from
serious harm – opportunities which could
otherwise be missed.
By monitoring activity across a network, including laptops
and other devices, Securus alerts schools to anything
that suggests that a child may be at risk or breaching
acceptable use policies. A screen capture is taken of
every incident, showing what was displayed at the time,
who was involved and when the incident took place.
Some of the issues and concerns that Securus
detects include:
The screen captures enable staff to respond to potentially
serious or disruptive situations with confidence, deciding
on the most appropriate action to take and helping to
meet Ofsted safeguarding criteria.
• Depression, self-harm and suicide
• Cyberbullying
• Online grooming and child abuse
• Explicit images
• Racial, homophobic and religious harassment
• Use of drugs or weapons
• A
ttempts to use a proxy bypass to access
restricted sites
Our partners work with us to
safeguard and protect
“No school, primary or secondary, can afford
to operate without some form of protection,
which needs to be active and provide specific
information leading to resolution of the issues,
rather than simply blocking. The solution also
needs to not only address the problems a school
may have today but also the ones of the future.
of children in the UK
report being bullied
of children and young people have
met someone in the real world who
they initially met online CEOP
At least
children and adolescents a year
commit suicide because of
being bullied BeatBullying
of children under 13
believe everything
they see online CEOP
We found answers to all these issues in Securus.”
Simon Uttley, Headteacher
St John Boscoe College, Wimbledon
How Securus works
Securus detects inappropriate content as soon as it appears on screen, whether
it has been typed or received by the user. This enables Securus to capture issues
frequently missed by internet filtering or classroom control systems, which are
unable to detect malicious or other unwanted behaviour. It also ensures that
any worrying content is recorded before it can be hidden or deleted, making it
impossible for a bully or vulnerable child to cover their tracks.
Every time a user logs into
a computer, the school’s
Acceptable Use Policy is
displayed and the user
then clicks on this to
This reminds and educates
children about the
boundaries of usage for
technology (this can also
be used to promote specific
messages, e.g. about online
safety events or activities)
Once installed on your
computers and laptops,
Securus monitors
anything inappropriate,
either typed or appearing
on a screen
It covers applications, like
Word and PowerPoint –
even if content is not saved
or deleted
It covers all internet activity,
like email, Facebook, Twitter,
MSN, Bebo, MySpace and
chat rooms
Securus covers both online
and offline material and
recognises inappropriate or
concerning words and phrases
pupils use, even slang and
text speak
Securus alerts you if a child
visits a harmful website, makes
a bullying comment, uses
language which could indicate
that he or she is being groomed
or uploads inappropriate
material to your network
Securus can monitor every
computer in your school at all
times. It scans both online and
offline ICT use, capturing issues in:
• Websites, blogs, online games
and social networking sites like
Facebook and MySpace
he pressure to report is
taken away from the victim:
even if the incident goes
unreported, a school remains
aware and can still take
appropriate action
This allows you to
identify the children
involved, assess whether
the situation is serious
and decide what action
to take
mail and online applications
• E
like MSN Messenger
rograms such as Microsoft
• P
Word, PowerPoint and Publisher
otebooks and laptops, even
• N
when disconnected from your
Text and image recognition
I f it finds something of concern,
it takes a picture of that screen
and stores it for you to review
E ach of these captures
provides a visual record of
what was happening at the
time and why Securus thought
it might be harmful
Securus makes it easy for
teaching staff to review
offending content – no
technical expertise is required
With Securus in place,
teachers and parents
can be confident
that children are
using ICT safely and
appropriately at
school and be made
aware of any offline
vulnerabilities which
manifest on the
network: what you
would see and hear in
the playground, you
can now see online
Hundreds of key words and
phrases are contained within
twelve different libraries, enabling
Securus to detect incidents
of bullying, swearing, racism,
hacking, pornography, online
grooming, drugs, weapons,
gambling and the use of proxy
bypass sites. The libraries are
customisable, allowing you to add
your own words and phrases to
capture any specific concerns.
Securus also detects explicit
images by scanning the tone,
shape and composition of an
image to assess how closely it
resembles pornographic content.
• Protects children from harm
• O
ffers complete reassurance that school
networks are safe and secure
• E
mpowers staff to take action when
something is wrong
• Helps schools to meet Ofsted requirements
Suicide/Self Harm
The benefits of Securus
e/self-harm sites
Every year in the
UK, 600-800
young people bet
ween the ages
of 15 and 24 tak
e their own live
In England and
Wales alone
around 24,000 atte
mpted suicides
are made by 10
to 19 year olds
one every 20 min
If a child is visiting
websites, they ma
y be in urgent
need of suppor
Prevention of You
ng Suicide
offers the followin
g advice when
talking to a chi
ld who may be
considering suic
• P
rovides clear evidence with ‘easy to read’
screen captures
• Reinforces positive messages about e-safety
• E
ncourages children to assess risk and to take
greater responsibility for their actions
Securus and Ofsted
2.5 Searches for su
prevention of you
ng suicide
• ask the young
person what’s wro
• listen to what
they are saying
– take
it seriously
• make it clear
t you care abo
ut them
• reassure them
that things can
probably will get
• involve parent
s, carers or friends
if you
think it’s approp
• keep an ope
n dialogue going
• try to persua
de them to sha
re information
with people wh
o can help
• give informa
tion about where
they can
get help
• make light of
• criticise or be
• pressurise the
m about their sch
ool work
• make assum
ptions: self-confid
ent young
people do not
necessarily hav
e high
self-esteem. Sim
ilarly, intelligence
motivation do not
always go togeth
• break confide
nces unless abs
If you think that
the young person
’s safety is at risk,
you will have to
report it. Try to get
If you think that
there may be a
their permission
ater risk to the you
need to record
ng person by disc
your view and con
losing sensitive
sult with the col
information, you
league respons
ible for child pro
• M
akes it easier for children and their teacher
to stay focused in lessons
Ofsted has recently issued new guidelines
regarding e-safety provision in schools.
Inspections will place a high priority on how
the school protects and educates staff and
pupils in its use of technology, and what
measures the school has in place to intervene
and support should a particular issue arise.
In particular, Ofsted will make judgements about three
key areas:
• T he extent to which a school’s leaders promote safe
practices and a culture of safety, including e-safety
– Securus makes pupils safer by alerting a school to
any worrying activity on its network
Easy to manage
Scalable and secure
Our simple reporting and management tools
keep the time spent reviewing records to a
Securus is a network solution configured and
ready to run on its own tamper-proof server.
• R
eports show incidents by type, level of risk,
individual user, group or time
• Email alerts can be set for specific concerns
• L ow-priority captures are set aside to help
highlight incidents of greatest concern
• D
ynamic web blocking stops inappropriate
websites automatically
• Exceptions can be set to allow trusted websites
Securus Safeguarding Handbook
Responding to potential safeguarding incidents flagged by Securus
In association with
Safeguard, monitor, protect
The Securus Safeguarding
Handbook contains advice
and support for schools about
how to respond to specific
situations which might be
flagged by Securus
• A
ll data captured by Securus is encrypted
and stored on the server securely to prevent
it from being altered or deleted
• C
ompatible with Windows operating systems,
Linux, LDAP and Active Directory
Why Securus?
• A
ssociate Member of The UK
Council for Child Internet Safety
(UKCCIS), the Governmentled body which works to keep
children and young people
safe online.
akes intelligent use of bandwidth to avoid
• M
network performance being affected.
• P
artner of BeatBullying, the
UK’s leading bullying
prevention charity
an be implemented across a single school,
• C
a number of schools or an entire region,
making it a highly affordable choice for local
• E
stablished for over 10 years,
adapting our systems to meet
the needs of schools as new
technologies have developed
Securus is also available as a subscriptiononly service, which allows primary schools to
introduce computer monitoring without the
hardware overheads.
• S ecurus works closely with
law enforcement and child
protection specialists to provide
cutting-edge advice and support
to our schools
– Securus helps to educate children about the
importance of e-safety
• T he behaviour and safety of children at the school,
including the effectiveness of the school’s actions
to prevent and tackle all forms of bullying and
– Securus flags up incidents which may indicate
bullying or harassment, allowing a school to respond
before a situation becomes more serious
– Securus sets out defined boundaries so children
understand what is expected of them, enabling
schools to act on any problems
• W
hether or not pupils feel safe at school and the extent
to which they understand what constitutes unsafe
situations, including in relation to e-safety
– Securus helps pupils feel safe because they know
that the school will be aware of any threatening
behaviour on its network
– Securus teaches pupils to know the difference
between acceptable and unacceptable situations
Securus Education
Monitoring can provide vital opportunities to
protect vulnerable young people from serious
harm – opportunities which could otherwise
be missed.
Some of the issues and concerns that
Securus detects include:
• Cyberbullying
• Online grooming and child abuse
• Explicit images
• Depression, self-harm and suicide
• Racial, homophobic and religious harassment
• Use of drugs or weapons
• A
ttempts to use a proxy bypass to
access restricted sites
Securus Safeguarding Handbook
Responding to potential safeguarding incidents flagged by Securus
In association with
Safeguard, monitor, protect
The Securus Safeguarding Handbook
contains advice and support for schools
about how to respond to specific situations
which might be flagged by Securus
Redstor Limited
St James' Wharf, 99–105 Kings Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 3DD
Tel: 0118 951 5200
Securus Software Ltd
Claremont House, 34 Molesey Road, Hersham, Surrey KT12 4RQ
Tel: 01932 255480
Our Education partners in the Securus Community work with us to
safeguard and protect. For more information about Securus, visit: