Sirius International Insurance Corp. Remuneration Principles 2011 Remuneration Principles 2011 Contents 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Regulation ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 1 2 2.1 REMUNERATION IN SIRIUS ........................................................................................... 2 General. ......................................................................................................................... 2 2.1.1 Balance between fixed and variable components .......................................................... 2 2.1.2 Combination of individual and collective performance ................................................... 2 2.1.3 Risk Based Approach............................................................................................................. 2 2.1.4 Long term view ....................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Decision-making process. .............................................................................................. 3 2.3 Remunerations components 3 2.3.1 Basic Salary. ............................................................................................................................. 3 2.3.2 Variable remuneration ........................................................................................................... 4 2.3.3 Occupational Pension. ........................................................................................................... 5 2.3.4 Other allowances. ................................................................................................................... 5 3 PERSONNEL WITH A MATERIAL IMPACT ON THE RISK PROFILE.............................. 5 4 RISK ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................... 5 Remuneration Principles 2011 1 INTRODUCTION This report aims to define and describe remunerations which apply to Sirius International Insurance Corp (Sirius). Sirius has a remuneration policy adopted by the Board of Sirius. 1.1 Regulation The Swedish FSA has issued a general guideline on remuneration policies and practices for insurance companies (FFFS 2011:2). According to these, the remuneration policy and practice should: promote sound and effective risk management and shall not encourage risk taking that exceed the business´ risk tolerance limit, promote the company’s long-term interest, be based on risk-based profitability measures that take cost of capital and liquidity into consideration, have a sound balance between fixed and variable remuneration components, use a combination of individual, business unit and company performance for calculation of variable compensation, and for employees with a material impact on the risk profile at least 60 percent of the variable remuneration shall be deferred over 3 years. Regulation in the form of general guidelines allows alternative solutions provided that these lead to the same result and can be motivated. 1.2 Scope The remuneration policy applies to the business as a whole, including all remunerations and all employees. The policy sets the basic principles for remunerations that are common for all different jurisdictions within Sirius. However, to get the full picture of how employees are compensated, local salary policies, local legislation, local regulatory requirements and union agreements as to vacation, healthcare, working environment, compensation etc. have to be recognized. 1 Remuneration Principles 2011 2 REMUNERATION IN SIRIUS 2.1 General The overriding principle for compensation to Sirius employees is that salaries and other remuneration are in line with the market level in the insurance industry. The remuneration policy and remunerations practices shall be in line with Sirius business and risk management strategy promote sound and effective risk management and not encourage excessive risk-taking or counteract Sirius´ long term interests. 2.1.1 Balance between fixed and variable components When remuneration schemes include both fixed and variable components, these shall be appropriately balanced so that the fixed component represents a sufficiently high proportion of the total remuneration to avoid that the employees are overly dependent on the variable components and allow Sirius to operate a fully flexible bonus policy. 2.1.2 Combination of individual and collective performance A variable remuneration component shall be based on a combination of the assessment of the individual and the collective performance, such as business area and the overall results of the undertaking or group. In the assessment of individual performance nonfinancial performance shall be considered. . 2.1.3 Risk Based Approach The measurement of performance, as a basis for bonus or bonus pools, shall include an adjustment for current and future risks related to the underlying performance and shall take into account the cost of the capital employed and the liquidity required. 2 Remuneration Principles 2011 2.1.4 Long term view The payment of variable remuneration to risk-takers shall contain a flexible, deferred component that considers the nature and time horizon of the undertaking’s business in order to align the remuneration practices with the long term interest of shareholders. 2.2 Decision-making process Sirius´ board decides on the remuneration policy. 2.3 Remunerations components The remuneration policy stipulates that an employee´s remuneration can consist of a fixed and a variable component, consisting of one or more of the following components: Basic salary, i.e., a fixed salary that is paid out monthly Bonus (variable remuneration), which pertains to remuneration based on results. Such remuneration is paid out based on results and performance in relation to expectation Occupational pension Other benefits such as car benefit, lunch subsidy and wellness grant. Severance payment 2.3.1 Basic Salary Sirius has adopted a Salary policy. The policy stipulates that the company should strive for a salary structure that is accepted as being fair and objective. The objective of the company is to give all employees competitive fixed salaries adjusted to the market conditions. CEO confirms the overall yearly level for the salary review. 3 Remuneration Principles 2011 2.3.2 Variable remuneration Variable remuneration within Sirius consists of three types of variable remunerations: All employee bonus Annual bonus Long term incentive plan (LTIP) a) non share-based b) share-based All Employee Bonus includes all permanent employees in Stockholm except for those who are included in other bonus programs. The objectives with the All employee bonus are to i) clarify the relationship between performance and reward ii) reward employees when the Companies result and individual performance are good iii) clarifying the Companies and individual employees ability to meet strategic objectives. The predefined targets for the year are decided by the Board at the beginning of every year. The Sirius Group Annual Bonus Plan (Annual bonus) is intended to provide performance incentives for officers and other key employees who are not participating in All employee bonus. Participation in the Annual Bonus plan is discretionary based on annual recommendations by CEO and are finally approved by the Compensation Committee of White Mountains Insurance Group. The predefined target for the year is decided by the Board of White Mountains at the beginning of every year. Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) is an additional bonus program to the Annual Bonus Plan. LTIP is designed and approved by the Board of WTM. LTIP is intended for a limited number of senior executives as key member of Sirius management and defined risk-takers. In general, awards vest, subject to attainment of pre-specified performance goal after three years. Performance units are designed to reward company-wide performance. 4 Remuneration Principles 2011 Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) share-based. LTIP share-based is designed and approved by the Board of White Mountains. The participant is entitled to receive a pre-defined number of shares if pre-defined terms and conditions are fulfilled. 2.3.3 Occupational Pension Sirius applies the basic principal for pension plans that are common for all different jurisdictions within Sirius. 2.3.4 Other allowances A limited number of employees are entitled to company car benefit. CEO approves the company car benefit. 2.3.5 Severance payment Employees could under certain circumstances receive severance payment. 3 PERSONNEL WITH A MATERIAL IMPACT ON THE RISK PROFILE Personnel with a material impact on the risk profile are defined as holders of key functions, parts of senior management and personnel undertaking activities that involve significant risk-taking. Personnel belonging to this group has to be defined on a regular basis by the management and the Board as special rules apply for this category as regards deferral of variable remuneration according to the Swedish FSA (FFFS 2011:2). 4 RISK ANALYSIS Sirius is assessed annually by the Risk management and control system to ensure that the remuneration principles within Sirius are followed. 5