psychology 2301

FALL 2013
Student Information Plan
Course Description This course gives the student a broad view of the field and
acquaints him/her with the fundamental laws of behavior that have
to do with daily conduct in various life situations.
DIRW 0310 or READ 0310 and ENGL 0310
Title: Psychology in Everyday Life
Author: David G. Myers
Worth Publishers, 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4292-0789-8
To get details about how you can order your book online from the
college store and have it delivered to you, visit the ACC College
Store's Web page
The text can also be purchased from online vendors or directly
from the publisher at
The student should consider shipping times in selecting a vendor
because the book is required when you begin the class.
Ms. Nancey Lobb
Phone -281-756-3734
Fax 281-756-3880
Office Hours:
8:00-9:30 M-TH; 11:00-11:30 M, T &TH; 1:30-2:30 T & W;
8:00-9:00 F
Office - G-144
Use mail function in Blackboard
unless Blackboard is not available
Software required: MS Word or other word processing program that will produce
documents in rich text format (.rtf).
Course requirements and grades:
 There are specific assignments and deadlines for this class. See the course
calendar. This is NOT a self-paced class.
 There is a pretest and a posttest in this class that are used to evaluate the course
content. They will not count toward your grade. You must complete the pretest to
access the Exercise Chapter 1 Subfields in Psychology and Quiz Chapter 1 which
are both due soon. The posttest must be completed before you can view your grade
for Test 3 Final. Completing these two assessments will help me continue to
improve the course content in this class.
 Tests: There will be three tests in this class. The tests will cover the following
material: Test 1, Chapters 1-4, Test 2, Chapters 5-9 and Test 3 Final will count as
200 points. Half of this test will focus on the new material, Chapters 10-14, and half
will be a comprehensive review of the previously covered chapters. These tests
must be taken online on the date specified in the Calendar.
 Assignments: There will be 5 assignments. These can be found under Assignments
on the Course Menu in Blackboard. Each assignment will count 20 points and the
total for the assignments will equal one test grade.
 Attendance: Students are expected to log in at least once a week and complete
assignments, quizzes and exams on time. Contact the instructor regarding any
missed or late work.
 Student Resources: The publisher provides free support for the textbook. Click on
the Student Resources link on the home page and follow the instructions to create a
student account to log in.
 Quizzes: There will be a chapter quiz for each chapter. These quizzes will be taken
Online using Blackboard. These can be found under Quizzes and Tests on the
Course Menu in Blackboard. Each quiz will count ten points. The total of the highest
10 of the 14 quiz grades will equal one test grade.
 There is a mandatory writing assignment for this class. Directions for the completion
and submission of this assignment can be found under the assignment for Essay
Assignment. The grade for this paper will equal one test grade.
 The final grade will be determined by the total of the grades described above divided
by 7 according to the following guidelines:
A = 90+
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 59 or lower
 Students who withdraw will receive a grade of W. The last date to withdraw is
September 30, 2013.
Support Information
 Blackboard – Any technical problems or issues with Blackboard should be
directed to the Distance Education Department at Include
your first and last name, student ID number and a description of the problem.
 WebACCess, Passwords or Computer Labs – Contact the IT Help Desk at
281-756-3544 or or
 Additional Support:
 Computers are available for use by all registered ACC students in many
of the 23 ACC/PCC computer labs, including the Cyber Lab, room A-173.
Call 281-756-3544 for more information about all ACC computer labs.
Students will not be penalized if there is an interruption in Blackboard
service and the instructor is notified of such an issue by the Distance
Education Department.
The ACC Library website:
The ACC Learning Lab and Writing Center, A-204B, is for tutoring,
exams, and additional computer access:
Learner Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to correctly answer
objective, short answer or essay questions dealing with the following topics:
 The definition of psychology, various research and employment
fields/specializations within psychology and the view of psychology as a valuable
social science.
 The scientific method, the types of research techniques utilized by psychologists
and the critical thinking skills required to assess the strengths and weaknesses of
each research technique.
 How the brain, nervous system and brain chemistry impact every aspect of our
daily lives.
 Development throughout the lifespan and the major physical, cognitive and
psychological changes in each major period of life.
 How the application of psychological concepts and theories (including, learning,
memory, motivation, perception, cognition, emotion and stress) can help people
pursue a better quality of life.
 The major social factors that influence human behavior and how social influences
interact with individual differences.
 The causes, symptoms and treatments associated with various psychological
disorders and an empathic understanding of these disorders.
Scholastic Integrity:
Students are expected to maintain a high level of academic honesty. Textbooks are not
to be used on quizzes or exams and the exercises submitted as assignments should be
the student’s work. Plagiarism policies are clearly stated with the directions for each
assignment. If I suspect that a student is violating any of these rules, the student will
have one opportunity to complete an assessment in a supervised setting and
demonstrate consistency with their previous performance before an accusation of
academic dishonesty is made. Students who violate these rules will receive a course
grade of F. A formal sanction will be placed on file with the Director of Admissions and
Academic Advising and the Dean of Students.
Equal Educational Opportunity:
ACC complies with ADA and 504 Federal guidelines by affording equal access to
individuals who are seeking an education. Students who have a disability and would like
accommodations must register with the Office of Disability Services, A 130, (281)7563533. Instructors are not able to provide accommodations until the proper process has
been followed.
Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) – Letting someone know
The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) at Alvin Community College is committed to
improving community safety through a proactive, collaborative, coordinated, objective
and thoughtful approach to the prevention, identification, assessment, intervention and
management of situations that pose, or may reasonably pose, a threat to the safety and
well-being to the campus community. College faculty, staff, students and community
members may communicate concerns to the BIT by email, , or
through an electronic reporting option located on the BIT page of the college website,
Tentative Schedule
Use dates from the calendar in Blackboard for specifics.
Topics and Assignments
Introduction, Psychology’s Roots, Exercise Chapter 1,
Quiz Chapter 1
Biology of Mind and Consciousness, Quiz Chapter 2,
Developing Through the Lifespan,
Quiz Chapter 3, Gender and Sexuality,
Exercise Chapter 4, Quiz Chapter 4
Exam 1, Sensation and Perception, Quiz Chapter 5,
Learning, Exercise Chapter 6, Quiz Chapter 6
Memory, Thinking, Language, Quiz Chapter 7,
Intelligence, Exercise Chapter 8, Quiz Chapter 8, and
Motivation and Emotion
Quiz Chapter 9, Exam 2, Stress and Health
Quiz Chapter 10, Personality, Quiz Chapter 11,
Psychological Disorders Quiz Chapter 12
Therapy, Quiz Chapter 13, Social Psychology, Exercise
Chapter 14, Quiz Chapter 14 Exam 3 Final
This syllabus may be adjusted or modified as required.