meditory journal (Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013).

The Journal of Medical Laboratory
Pembaca yang terhormat,
Salam hangat dari kami kepada para pembaca meditory journal, tidak terasa sudah 6 bulan yang
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baik dalam bentuk artikel ilmiah maupun hasil penelitian di tengah-tengah para pembaca, dengan harapan
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Pada pada penerbitan edisi kali ini, sembilan artikel ilmiah yang dimuat, disajikan beberapa bidang
kajian, antara lain: pada bidang kimia klinik, Ni Luh Putu Erayanti, dkk., membahas tentang gambaran
proteinuria pada ibu hamil trimester III di puskesmas I Denpasar Selatan dan Yully Trisna Dewi, dkk.,
membahas tentang hubungan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dengan kadar glukosa darah sewaktu pada
Pada bidang hematologi, Putu Purwanthi, dkk., membahas tentang hubungan kadar hemoglobin
dan perilaku sarapan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMPN 2 Sukawati. Pembahasan tentang
swamedikasi hiperkolesterolemia dengan ekstrak air daun gonda dan buah juwet pada Rattus norvegicus,
disajikan oleh: Lely Cintari, dkk., dan artikel optimasi macam pengikat (PVP K-30-Amylum manihot) dan
macam pengisi (Laktosa: Manitol-Laktosa: Sorbitol) dalam formula tablet hisap ekstrak daun sirih merah
(Piper crocatum), disajikan oleh: Gusti Ayu Made Ratih Kusuma Ratna Dewi.
Pada bidang mikroorganisme (virologi dan bakteriologi), Luh Ade Wilan Krisna, dkk., membahas
tentang isolasi virus Avian Influenza subtipe H5 pada unggas di wilayah Surabaya periode Tahun 20112012; Ni Made Dwijayanti, dkk., membahas tentang perbedaan berbagai konsentrasi ekstrak bawang
putih (Allium sativum linn) terhadap zona hambat pertumbuhan Escherichia coli; dan Ayu Sukma Wedha
Kristyanti, dkk., membahas tentang kejadian infeksi saluran kemih pada ibu hamil di desa Dalung,
Kecamatan kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung-Bali. Pada bidang kimia makanan dan minuman, pembahasan
tentang tinjauan kandungan boraks pada bakso yang dijual di Desa Sidakarya Kota Denpasar, disajikan
oleh: Ni Luh Putu Ari Sundari, dkk.
Harapan kami, semoga para pembaca dapat mengambil manfaat dari penerbitan meditory journal
ini, namun kami sadar bahwa masih banyak kekurangan yang kami alami. Kami juga tiada hentinya
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Akhir kata, kami sampaikan ucapan selamat membaca dan terima kasih.
Denpasar, Desember 2013
Alamat Redaksi:
Jurusan Analis Kesehatan
Poltekkes Denpasar
Jl. Sanitasi No. 1 Sidakarya, Denpasar-Bali 80224 Indonesia
Telp. +62-361-710 527, Fax. +62-361- 710 448,
Daftar Isi
Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
The Journal of Medical Laboratory
Original Article
11. Gambaran Proteinuria Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III
di Puskesmas I Denpasar Selatan
Ni Luh Putu Erayanti., Ida Ayu Made Sri Arjani., IGA. Dewi Sarihati.
70 - 76
12. Hubungan Indeks Massaa Tubuh (IMT) Dengan Kadar Glukosa Darah
Sewaktu Pada Lansia
Yully Trisna Dewi., IGA. Dewi Sarihati., Burhannuddin.
77 - 83
13. Hubungan Kadar Hemoglobin dan Perilaku Sarapan Terhadap
Prestasi Belajar Siswa di SMPN 2 Sukawati
Putu Purwanthi., Cok. Dewi Widhya Hana Sundari., IGA. Sri Dhyanaputri.
84 - 93
14. Swamedikasi Hiperkolesterolemia Dengan Ekstrak Air Daun Gonda
dan Buah Juwet Pada Rattus norvegicus
Lely Cintari., A.A. Nanak A., I.A. Eka P.
94 - 107
15. Optimasi Macam Pengikat (PVP K-30-Amylum manihot) dan Macam
Pengisi (Laktosa: Manitol-Laktosa: Sorbitol) Dalam Formula Tablet
Hisap Ekstrak Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum)
Gusti Ayu Made Ratih Kusuma Ratna Dewi.
108 - 117
16. Isolasi Virus Avian Influenza Subtipe H5 Pada Unggas
di Wilayah Surabaya Periode Tahun 2011-2012
Luh Ade Wilan Krisna., dkk.
118 - 125
17. Perbedaan Berbagai Konsentrasi Ekstrak Bawang Putih
(Allium sativum linn) Terhadap Zona Hambat
Pertumbuhan Escherichia coli
Ni Made Dwijayanti., I Wayan Merta., Burhannudin.
126 - 135
18. Kejadian Infeksi Saluran Kemih Pada Ibu Hamil di Desa Dalung,
Kecamatan kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung-Bali
Ayu Sukma Wedha Kristyanti., I Nyoman Jirna., Heri Setiyo Bekti.
136 - 145
19. Tinjauan Kandungan Boraks Pada Bakso Yang Dijual
di Desa Sidakarya Kota Denpasar
Ni Luh Putu Ari Sundari., IGA. Sri Dhyanaputri., A.A. Made Sucipta.
146 - 154
Diterbitkan oleh:
Jurusan Analis Kesehatan Poltekkes Denpasar
Persatuan Ahli Teknologi Laboratorium Kesehatan Indonesia (PATELKI) DPW Bali
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
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The Journal of Medical Laboratory
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Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
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merupakan pustaka-pustaka terbitan 10
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adalah sumber-sumber primer berupa
laporan penelitian (termasuk skripsi, tesis,
disertasi) atau artikel-artikel penelitian dan/
atau majalah ilmiah.
• Buku dan Monograf
1. Bannister, B.A., Begg, N.T.Y., Gillespie,
S.H. Infectius Disease. Edisi pertama.
Oxford: Blackwell science; 1996.
2. Departement of Health. Caring for People
with Severe mental illness. London:
Departement of Helath; 1994.
3. Murti B. Prinsip dan Metode Riset
Epidemologi. Jilid pertama, Edisi kedua.
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University
Press; 2003.
Singarimbun, M., dan Efendi, S. Metode
Penelitian Survai. Edisi revisi. Jakarta:
LP3ES; 1989.
White, R., dan Efan, C. Conflict
Management. London: Chapman and
Hall; 1996.
Sudiono, H., dkk. Patologi Klinik
Urinalisis, Jakarta: Bagian Patologi Klinik
Fakultas Ukrida; 2006.
Merta, I Wayan. Pengaruh Berbagai
Kontainer dan Sumber Air Terhadap
Perkembang biakan Larva Aedes
aegepty [thesis]. Fakultas Pascasarjana
Universitas Mahasaraswati; 2010.
• Majalah/jurnal/koran
1. Connors, N.M. Risk Perciptaion, Risk
Taking and Risk Management, Soc-Sci
Med 1998, 34 (6): 595-607.
2. Sucipta Made, A.A. Risk Factors For
Cefotaxime Resistance in Children With
Pneumonia, Paediatrica Indonesiana
2012, 52 (5): 255-259.
3. Sjaaf, A.C. Analisis Layanan Biaya
Kesehatan Rumah Sakit, Medika 1991:
4. Baraldi, E., and Filippone, M. Chronic
Lung Disease after Premature Birth. N
Engl J Med 2007; 357:1946-55.
• Publikasi Lain
1. Morse S.S. Factors in the emergence
of infectious disease. Emerg Infect Dis
[serial online] Jan-Mar 1995 [cited 5 Jan
1996]; 1910:[24 screnn]. Didapat dari:
URL: http: //
2. Hemodynamis III: the ups and downs
of hemodynamics [program komputer].
Versi 2.2. Orlando (FL); Computerized
Educational System; 1993.
3. Amsjari, F. []. berbagai
Macam Uji Stastitik Untuk Uji Hipotesis.
E-mail pribadi untuk Choirul Hadi
[] [cited 28 Nop
Jadwal Penerbitan : Jurnal terbit 2 kali setahun, tiap bulan Juni dan bulan Desembar
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
Original Article
The Journal of Medical Laboratory
Number 1
Gambaran Proteinuria Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III
di Puskesmas I Denpasar Selatan
Ni Luh Putu Erayanti, Ida Ayu Made Sri Arjani, IGA. Dewi Sarihati
Background proteinuria in pregnant women is a state of protein in the urine identifying the symptoms of
preeclampsia. Some causes of the proteinuria are glomerular diseases, tubular disease, non-renal
disease (fever, strenuous exercise and heart failure), and urinary tract diseases.
Objective this study aims at describing the proteinuria in the pregnant women of the third trimester in the
South Denpasar Public Health Center 1.
Methods this research applied a descriptive survey by means of cross sectional method. The amount of
samples taken was using non-probability sampling method with saturated sampling technique where the
data were collected from 30 respondents during the period of February to May 2013. The samples were
examined semi-quantitatively by using boiled/heating test with 6 percent acetic acid.
Results of the examination to 30 samples indicated that 21 urine samples (70%) was negative, five urine
samples (16,66%) positive + (1+), two urine samples (6.67%) positive ++ (2+) and two urine samples
(6.67%) positive ++++ (4+).
Conclusions to pregnant women that her proteinuria results are mainly positive (4+), we suggest in order
to consult a midwife or obstetrician to get a better treatment. Besides that, avoiding stress and have an
enough rest can prevent the occurrence of preeclampsia.
Keywords: proteinuria; pregnant women; third trimester.
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
Original Article
The Journal of Medical Laboratory
Number 2
Yully Trisna Dewi, IGA. Dewi Sarihati, Burhannuddin
Background recently, obesity has become an epidemic with the assumed increasing prevalence of
obesity shall reach 50% by 2025 within developed countries population. Obesity is one of the causes of
insulin resistance that occurs in the elderly which implies the increasing risk of diseases, such as
hyperglycemia and Diabetes Mellitus.
Objective this study aims to examine the relationship of Body Mass Index (BMI) towards blood glucose
level of the elderly in Banjar Buana Kubu, Tegal Harum Village, District of West Denpasar.
Methods is an analytical survey research with Cross Sectional Design. The research was conducted in
the Banjar Buana Kubu, Tegal Harum Village District of West Denpasar. The population in this study shall
be all elderly in Banjar Buana Kubu as many as 50 people. Sample are 34 elderly and non probability
sampling method with saturation sampling technique based on inclusion and exclusion criteria to obtain.
Result showed that 17, 4% elderly with overweight have high blood glucose level, and 11,1% elderly
with normal BMI.
Coclusion of data showed that p < 0.05, (r = 0.497, p = 0.003) there is a significant relationship between
BMI and blood glucose level.
Keywords: Body Mass Index; Blood glucose level; Elderly.
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
Original Article
The Journal of Medical Laboratory
Number 3
Putu Purwanthi.,Cok. Dewi Widhya Hana Sundari., IGA. Sri Dhyanaputri
Background learning activities need an adequate nutrition from breakfast habits. In addition to losing
concentration, nutrient deficiencies can also cause anemia of nutrients that affect to learning achievement
of student. Anemia can be determine based on the decrease in hemoglobin values below 12,00 g/dL.
Objective this study aims to know the relationship between hemoglobin value and breakfast habits with
learning achievement of students in SMPN 2 Sukawati.
Methods this research applied a with cross Sectional design that conducted in February 2013 to 38
respondents based on simple random sampling technique.
Results the Chi square test result showed that there is a relationship between hemoglobin value with
learning achievement of students (sig 0,007), there is a relationship between breakfast habits with
learning achievement of students (sig 0,006) and there was not relationship between the breakfast habits
with hemoglobin value (sig 0,938).
Conclusions the researches recomended to the following reasearch, should be investigate about more
factors that can be affect to hemoglobin value and learning achievement of students, which is carried out
in a longer period of time.
Keywords: hemoglobin; breakfast; learning achievement.
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
Original Article
The Journal of Medical Laboratory
Number 4
Lely Cintari., A.A.Nanak A., I.A.Eka P.
Background determination of Effect of extract chlorophyll irrigate the leaf gonda (Splenocle a Zeylanica
Gaertn) and antocyanin of fruit juwet (Syzygium Cumini ( L.) Skeels (Myrtaceae) or more knowledgeable
as black plum fruit by comparing between extract irrigate the leaf of gonda of fruit juwet ( EADGBJ) and
sediaan patent " E" what have circulated in marketing. Obstetrical of chlorophylin in leaf gonda
representing compound of chlorophyl show the ability antioxidatif by in vitro and ex vivo, and also energy
hipocholesterolemic by in is vivo . content of Fruit of juwet antocyanin representing compound of acid of
amino phytosterols, saponins, steroids, and triterpenoids. Result of research show by having a meaning
of that there is correlation by having a meaning of between extract concentration given by prosentase
pursue the happening of free radical and peroksidasi lipid. Others, Alfa-Phytosterol that is of a kind sterol
having the character of anticholesterolemic, able to prevent the cholesterol excess .
Objective to identify the influence of extract chlorophyll irrigate the leaf of gonda and antocyanin of juwet
fruit ( EABJDG) to reduce cholesterol level Rattus Norvegicus Hypercholesterolemia.
Methode this research represent the true eksperimental study with the device of Randomized Control
Trial ( RCT). Research executed at Laboratory of Nutrition in Health Polytechnic Denpasar with the
minimum amount sampel 30 tail divided into 5 same group, then fasted by during 24 hour fixed is given to
drink the white water sufficiently. Group I (standard), group II (cholesterol + patent " E"), group III
(cholesterol+EABJ), group IV (cholesterol+EADG) and group V (cholesterol + EADGBJ). As comparator
used drug " E" what have circulated in Indonesia. Blood taken twice that is before and after treatment gift
that is on to 0 and 28 days. The total Cholesterol serum level specified by kit from CHOD-PAP Merckotest
with the test of fotometric enzimatic ( enzymatic photometric test).
Result the study is indicate that degradation of cholesterol also improvement after gift of extract of Juwet
fruit, extract of gonda leaf and mixture of juwet fruit extract and leaf of gonda extract by significantly (p<
0.05). Juwet fruit extract and gonda leaf extract can degrade the profile lipid after treatment during 28
Keywords : Swamedication hypercholesterolemia; Ekstract etanol of leaf gonda; fruit of juwet
extrac; Praclinical.
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
Original Article
The Journal of Medical Laboratory
Number 5
Gusti Ayu Made Ratih Kusuma Ratna Dewi
Background red betle has long been used by people as a medicine to cure various kinds of diseases.
Objective the aim of this study was to know the influence of binder type (PVP K-30 - amylum manihot),
filler type (lactose:mannitol - lactose:sorbitol) and their interactions in the lozenges formula of red betle
(Piper crocatum) leaf extract and obtain the optimum composition of the lozenges formula that has
appropriate physical properties.
Methods optimization techniques used this research is factorial design method with two factors and two
levels are binder type with PVP K-30 5% as a low level and amylum manihot 5% as a high level, and
filler type with lactose:mannitol (2:1) as a low level and lactose:sorbitol (2:1) as a high level. The observed
response to determine the optimum formula is the hardness, friability, and disintegration time.
Result showed that PVP K-30 and amylum manihot as a tablet binder, combination of lactose:mannitol
and lactose:sorbitol as a tablet filler material, as well as their interactions significantly influenced the
hardness, friability, and disintegration time of red betle (Piper crocatum) leaf extract lozenges.
Conclusion based on the Design – Expert optimization program obtained the lozenges formula with
optimum physical properties that is by using a combination of PVP K-30 - lactose:sorbitol, a combination
of PVP K-30 - lactose:mannitol, and combinations of amylum manihot – lactose:sorbitol.
Keywords: amylum manihot; factorial design; lactose; lozenges; mannitol; optimization; Piper
crocatum; PVP K-30; red betle leaf; sorbitol.
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
Original Article
The Journal of Medical Laboratory
Number 6
Luh Ade Wilan Krisna., Masaoki Yamaoka., Aldise Mareta Nastri., Emmanuel Djoko Poetranto., Laksmi
Wulandari., Resti Yudhawati., Landia Setiawati., Retno Asih Setyoningrum.
Background the H5N1 subtype of avian influenza viruses have recently become an important zoonotic
pathogen. Since 2003, H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has been endemic in poultry found
in Southeast Asia (Soda, 2008). Among the Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia is the most affected by
H5N1 HPAI, with the virus being found in 31 of its 33 provinces. Yet, little is known about the diversity of
H5N1 HPAI viruses circulating in backyard farms, where chickens and ducks often intermingle.
Objective here, we report on H5N1 HPAI viral strains isolated from domestic poultry (backyard chickens
and ducks) in west Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia during 2011-2012.
Methods we obtained a total of 30 cloacal swabs. These samples were inoculated into 11-day-old
embryonated chicken eggs, incubated at 37°C for two days, and followed by harvesting of allantoic fluid.
Eleven samples were positive for hemagglutinin (HA). We obtained two positive samples for the H5
subtype by RT-PCR using a H5-specific primer pair. HA and neuraminidase (NA) genes from the samples
were subsequently sequenced and processed for phylogenetic analysis.
Results molecular characterization of the H5N1 viruses confirmed that they harbored the cleavage site in
HA genes characteristic of HPAI, although none had mutations that accelerate mammalian adaptation.
Phylogenetic analyses revealed that H5N1 viruses belong to clade 2.3.1, which is prevalent in Indonesia.
Gene homology analysis revealed a more than 90% match with the sequences of human isolates.
Conclusions our findings suggest that virus surveillance studies are useful for understanding the genetic
characteristics and evolution of endemic influenza viruses in Indonesia.
Keyswords: Avian Influenza; poultry; H5N1.
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
Original Article
The Journal of Medical Laboratory
Number 7
Escherichia coli
Ni Made Dwijayanti., I Waya Merta.,Burhannudin
Background Allium sativum linn is a well know advantageous herbal . Previous studies show that Allium
sativum linn had antibacterial effect to Escherichia coli .
Objective the purpose of this research was to know the differentiation of multy concentrate garlic extract
(Allium sativum linn) against zone inhibition germination to Escherichia coli.
Methods this research was an experimental study with posttest only control group design with difusi disk
method . The sample of this experimental study was extract of Allium sativum linn with multy concentrate.
The antibacterial activity test uses difusi disk method , these were divided into five test group with
concentration 20% , 40% , 60% , 80% , 100% , positive control , and negative control . Minimum Inhibition
Results consentration was determined by ability to prevent Escherichia coli from growing on Mueller
Hinton Agar .Statistic analysis was done by using One Way Anova test and LSD (Least Significant
Conclusions concentration of effective or sensitive is concentration 20% significantly inhibited bacterial
growth and had a sensitive compared to positive control . All concentration did show different ability in
bactericidal activity . Minimum Inhibition Concentration to Escherichia coli is concentration 20% .
Keywords: concentrate; garlic; Escherichia coli.
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
Original Article
The Journal of Medical Laboratory
Number 8
Ayu Sukma Wedha Kristyanti., I Nyoman Jirna., Heri Setiyo Bekti.
Background urinaryTract Infection (UTI) that caused by bacteria is commonly happened in women, such
as pregnant women. Untreated UTI can leads to premature birth and low weight in newborn baby.
Objective this study aims to determine whether there is any indication of the incidence of UTI in the
pregnancy women.
Methods research is descriptif study with cross sectional design. Total samples urine 38 from pregnant
women at various weeks of gestation who live in the Dalung Village, Sub District of North Kuta, BadungBali are cultured. Samples urine that examined are morning urine samples and clean mid-stream urine.
Bacterial examination of urine samples is done using colony count method.
Results of the study showed that 5 pregnant women (13%) have colony count results more than 100.000
CFU/ml. The colony count results more than 100.000 CFU/ml presences of bacteria in the urine
(bacteriuria). Untreated cases of bacteriuria can leads to infections in the urinary tract.
Conclusion to pregnancy women to do some laboratory tests if there are some symptoms of UTI and for
pregnancy women to be more concerned with the hygiene of urinary tract.
Keywords: Colony Count Method; Pregnant Women; Urinary Tract Infection; Urine.
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013
Original Article
The Journal of Medical Laboratory
Number 9
Ni Luh Putu Ari Sundari., I Gusti Ayu Sri Dhyanaputri., A.A.Made Sucipta.
Backgroud meatballs are one of the typical food in Indonesia. The use of Food Additives in food
production need to be monitored. Based on Permenkes 1168/Menkes/Per/X/1999 about food additive,
boric acid and its compounds is one of the prohibited use of additives in food, because borax can give
harmful effects for human health. Meatballs are food products made of the main ingredients of meat
crushed, mixed with other additional materials, round-shaped circle and then boiled.
Objectives the purpose of this research was to prove the existence of borax content on the meatballs
that sold in the Sidakarya village.
Methods this study was an observational study. The sample studied was meatballs non packaging sold
in the stalls meatballs and branded packaging meatballs sold in traditional markets. Total sample
meatballs used in this study are 15 samples. then testing with the laboratory flame test method and the
results were analyzed descriptively.
Results the results showed there were two positive meatballs samples (13.3%), while 13 other sample
obtained negative results boraks contain (86.7%)
Conculsions borax was found in two meatballs sample of branded packaging meatballs sold in
traditional markets in the Sidakarya village, the branded packaging meatballs was without registration
number of the national authorities.
Keywords: borax, meatballs, flame test method
Meditory | Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2013