Week 6 Quiz- Weathering, Soil, Plate Tectonics Name: Period

Week 6 Quiz- Weathering, Soil, Plate Tectonics
Name: ______________________________________________ Period: _____ Date: ________
___1. What are the forces that can change Earth’s crust?
A. weathering and erosion
C. volcanic eruption and earthquake
B. runoff and flood
D. All of the above
___2. What type of climate is favorable for weathering?
A. warm and dry
B. warm and moist
___3. What type of weathering is frost wedging?
A. mechanical
B. chemical
C. erosion
D. sedimentation
___4. How is weathering different from erosion and deposition?
A. Weathering is breaking rocks while erosion is grinding of sediments and deposition is settling
of sediments.
B. Weathering is breaking of rocks while erosion is moving sediments and deposition is when
sediments settle.
___5. What is the most common agent of erosion in the desert?
A. rain
B. snow
C. hail
D. wind
___6. What is the agent of erosion responsible for creep?
A. water
B. Living things
C. gravity
D. wind
___7. Which agent of erosion leads to the formation of sand dunes?
A. ice
B. wind
C. water
D. gravity
___8. Karst topography or underground caves are formed when underground ____________ is
weathered or dissolved.
A. granite
B. limestone
___9. Karst topography or underground caves can form ________________.
A. sinkholes
B. volcanoes
___10. The best soil for plants is _____________.
A. sand
B. silt
C. clay
D. loam
___11. The parent material of soil is/are ___.
A. granite
B. limestone
C. weathering
D. rocks
___12. What kind of soil is made of 70% sand, 20% silt, and 10% clay
A. sandy loam
B. clay
C. silty clay
D. loam
___13. What type of soil is made of 10% sand, 80 % clay, and 10% silt?
A. sandy loam
B. clay
C. silty clay
D. loam
____14. The mid-ocean ridge in the Atlantic Ocean is a _______________
A. divergent boundary
B. convergent boundary
____15. Why was Wegener’s theory forgotten?
A. He could not explain how the continents could move.
B. He did not publish his theory.
____16. Tectonics plates float on the _____________________
A. outer core
B. Inner core
C. asthenosphere or mantle
D. lithosphere
____17. Why is Earth not growing in spite of sea floor spreading?
A. because of subduction in the Atlantic Ocean.
B. because of subduction the Pacific Ocean.
____18. The ________ in the asthenosphere is described as a “giant conveyor belt”.
A. magma
B. convection
C. spinning
D. lithosphere
____19. Most earthquakes happen along the _____________________, around the Pacific Ocean.
A. fault
B. volcanic mountains
C. Pacific Ring of Fire D. mid-ocean ridge
____20. The oldest crustal rocks are found _________ the mid-ocean ridge.
A. farthest from
B. nearest to
C. along
D. away from
____21. San Andreas fault in California is as example of _______________________.
A. horizontal shear or strike slip fault
C. convergent boundary
B. divergent boundary
D. none of the above
____22. Where does sea floor spreading happen?
A. At the rift valley along the mid-ocean ridges.
C. At the Ring of Fire.
B. At deep sea trenches .
D. At the Pacific Ocean.
____23. Where is old crust melted back into magma?
A. at the mid-ocean ridge
B. along plate boundaries
C. at deep-sea trenches D. volcano
____24. The theory of plate tectonics combine which two other theories?
A. sea floor spreading and continental drift
C. continental drift and fossil theory
B. sea floor spreading and tidal theory
D. continental drift and Big Bang theory
____25. Large pieces of the lithosphere that float on the asthenosphere are called:
A. asthenosphere
B. the mid-ocean ridge
C. deep-sea trenches D. tectonic plates
____26. A boundary where plates move away from each other is called:
A. divergent
B. convergent
C. transform D. shear boundary
____27. Why is a divergent boundary also called a constructive boundary?
A. Magma flows up between the plates and forms new crust.
B. Old ocean floor is re-melted into magma
5 points Extra Credit: Do not ask your teacher to explain or elaborate. This is only an extra credit. It is
your choice to answer it or not! Do not answer it if you are not willing to think.
Define and explain the similarities and differences between a geyser and spring.