Background BIOCHEMISTRY LAB ! ! CHE-554 ! Experiment #1 Spectrophotometry In day 1 we will use spectrophotometry as an analytical technique using a known extinction coefficient to assess the precision and accuracy of common operations in a biological chemistry lab: pipetting. In day 2 we will undertake an experiment wherein we will determine the extinction coefficient of a protein and then use it to learn the concentration in a solution. Relevant material is provided in the text in experiment 1, beginning page 15. However, we will use the Bradford Professor Testa reagent instead of Folin-Ciocalteau, we will omit studies of riboflavin and adenine, we will instead measure A280 of lysozyme protein when native and when denatured. Thus this experiment will have two parts: 1-Bradford reagent chromogenic assay and -2- A280 of lysozyme. (Introductory material beginning on page 3 of the text may also prove useful.) ! ! ! Photometry relates to the study of light. An experimental tool for producing and measuring a spectrum of light, visible or ultraviolet, is the UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The UV-VIS spectrophotometer produces incident light and measures the light that passes through the sample (is not absorbed). The machine calculates how much light was absorbed, and presents that to the user. Solutions absorb at specific wavelengths (energy levels) of light, and this is a function of the material in the solution. Particular materials have a characteristic absorption spectra through a range of wavelengths. Therefore, one can obtain information about a solution by measuring its absorbance. The absorption of a solution at a specific wavelength also depends on the concentration of sample. Therefore, one can measure the concentration of known material via UV-VIS spectroscopy. In the visible range, wavelengths of light not absorbed by the sample make up the color of the sample that you see. Theory of absorbance -2 Theory of absorbance -1 # photons absorbed = # photons entering dye x γNAπr2 C l = # photons entering dye x ζ C l d (# photons) = - # photons x ζ C dl Each photon has a probability γ of being absorbed if it encounters a molecule of dye (absorbing substance). X photons incident Upon passage through a small amount of solution, the path length is very short: dl (a small change in position ‘l’) (1-γ)X photons transmitted dP= -ζ C dl x P dP/P = - ζ C dl γX photons absorbed (γ = 0.333 here) ln(P)-ln(Po) = -ζ Cl - -ζ C 0 ln(P/Po) = -ζ Cl P/Po = e-ζCl r If a photon’s path passes through a solution with C x NA molecules of dye per L , we consider that a photon affects molecules within a cross-section of area πr2 and the length of the path through the dye is l (letter ‘l’), then the photon is expected to encounter C x NA x πr2 x l molecules and have a probability γ C NA πr2 x l of being absorbed. r is assumed to depend only on the molecule’s identity and the wavelength of light. C is the concentration (moles L-1). # photons absorbed = # photons entering dye x (γNAπr2) C l ln (P/Po) = 2.303 log(P/Po) log(P/Po) = -ζ Cl /2.303 = - εCl, ε=ζ /2.303 l 3 The number of photons changes by a small amount: dP. Incident light transmitted light Po (power at zero thickness of absorber) 4 Pl (power at ‘l’ thickness of absorber) l (letter l) Theory of absorbance -3 log(Io/I) = A = εCl, Eq. 1-7 C is concentration, l is path length, ε is molar extinction coefficient. ε (and therefore A) is a function of the wavelength of the light. If the dye is too concentrated, some molecules may be in the shade of others and not have their expected probability of absorbing a photon. Non-linear regime, Beer-Lambert law no longer holds for high C or long path lengths. The Beer-Lambert Law A=εcl This equation relates the concentration of the lightabsorbing compound and the path-length of incident light to the absorbance of a solution. A ε is the extinction coefficient, which is a constant that depends on the structure of the material, the wavelength of incident light, and the solvent C 5 Units of ε: is the calculated concentration of the sample l is the length of the path that the incident light travels through the sample Plot A/ Cl = ε A = εCl, slope = εl is the measured absorbance of the sample M-1 cm-1 In these experiments, measure the absorbance using a spectrophotometer and calculate the concentration of sample in solution. The electromagnetic spectrum Absorbance vs. wavelength λ (nm) 266.50 nm 349.00! 445.25! ε (M-1 cm-1) 33000 11138 11051 in ethanol band II band I 7 8 Significance of wavelength λ = c/ν, ν is the frequency, λ is the wavelength and c is the speed of light. ΔE = h ν, = hc/λ h is Planck’s constant, = 6.6 x 10-34J/s Transitions between electronic states λmax is the wavelength with the maximal ε for a given band. It corresponds to the energy of the transition associated with that band. Long wavelength photons carry less energy, shortwavelength photons carry more energy. Longer wavelengths ≈ n-π* transitions, mid-wavelenths ≈ π-π* transitions. Usually 260, 180 nm, respectively. Eg. N-containing bases of DNA: 260 nm absorbance. Hence the danger of UV light to DNA. 9 10 The visible portion of the EM spectrum • • • • • • • 11 Violet: 400 - 420 nm Indigo: 420 - 440 nm Blue: 440 - 490 nm Green: 490 - 570 nm Yellow: 570 - 585 nm Orange: 585 - 620 nm Red: 620 - 780 nm Making a measurement Spectrophotometer Sample standard curve Sample data set Interpolation or the use of the equation of the line allows determination of the unknown concentration. Selecting a wavelength Spectrophotometer A Slit Sample 14 C (M) A non-zero intercept may be real, for example due to a reaction with the buffer. In this case the unknown falls out of range and requires extrapolation, which is much more dangerous than interpolation. In this case the unknown falls out of range and requires extrapolation, which is much more dangerous than interpolation. 15 A Sample standard curve A Sample standard curve C (M) 16 C (M) Why use absorbance ? ! ! ! Validation of techniques and refresher on uncertainties. Bromophenol blue It is often a MUCH more accurate way to know concentrations than the weights and volumes used to produce them. The advantage provided depends on the magnitude of the extinction coefficient (why ?) Accuracy is different from precision (how ?) Concentration ? c = mass/mw•vol Make an ‘illegal’ measurement, break BeerLambert’s law and evaluate error. Dilute to A < 1 ! 17 We will compare the actual concentration of a solution prepared by weighing, dissolving and diluting with the concentration predicted based on the execution plan. Concentration ? c = A/εl Statistics based on independent repetitions of the dilutions and absorbance measurements. Validation based on comparison with authentic standard 18solution. First experiment: A chromophorogenic assay Non-absorbing compounds can be detected via a reaction that generates a chromophore in proportion to the compound’s concentration. ! Either a known ε or a standard curve are used to relate the A to the starting compound’s concentration. (The standard curve in-essence yields ε). ! We will use the Bradford reagent, which is a solution of Coomassie blue G250 in ethanol/phosphoric acid. This is less tricky than the text’s recommendation of FolinCiocalteau. ! The product sheet for Sigma’s Bradford reagent is provided on the course web site. We will use a 19 variant of the standard procedure A. Bradford Assay ! ! ! ! Marion Bradford published and patented the assay. Bradford, M. M. (1976) Anal. Biochem. 72: 248-254. (This is one of the most heavily cited scholarly articles of all time). Based on a shift in the absorbance maximum of Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 upon binding to arginine side chain (red form of dye converted to a more blue form). Two chemical bases for the λmax shift: – – – 20 Acidic dye is added to protein, λmax of the dye shifts from 465 nm to 595 nm. Dye binds to basic and aromatic amino acids especially Arg. Detergents and alkaline pHs interfere with the dye’s colour shift. Coomassie Brilliant Blue and Mechanisms of Protein Staining and Bradford-Assay Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 Precautions for Chromophorogenic assays ORIGIN ! The name Coomassie was first used in the late 19th century, adopted from the town of Coomassie (modern-day AtKumasi acidic pH, the Ns protonated, the sulfonates in Ghana), as a trade name of theare dye manufacturer Levinstein Ltd. for two similar triphenylmethane dyes used as acid ionized, wool dyes. The twonet blue dyes were then firstis produced 1913 by Max is Weiler based in Elberfeld, remain charge +1 incolour red. Germany. Today, the term ‘Coomassie ’ is a registered trademark of Imperial Chemical Industries. xy’, while only Coomassie only G250 and one Coomassie there are approx. dyes called AtOverall, neutral pH 40the Ns‘Coomassie are deprotonated, is R250 play a crucial role in biochemical analyses. During the last years, however, most authors referred to these dyes +ve, molecule is an an anion. Molecule is green with simply as ‘Coomassie ’ without specifying which dye is actually meant. -1cm-1. ε~ Mwas The 43,000 term ‘250’ originally used for denotation of the purity of the dye. The suffix ‘G’ in ‘Brilliant Blue G250’ was added to describe the Binding stabilizes the anion, and slightly greenish to colourprotein of the blue dye. The suffix ‘R’ in ‘Brilliant Blue R250’ is an abbreviation for ‘red’ as the blue colour of the dye has slight reddish produces the blue-green form aeven when free dye tint. Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 differs from Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 molecules remain cationic (red). by the addition of two methyl groups. Brilliant Blue G250 Initially used to dye wool (keratin). TM ! TM TM ! TM TM ! TM ! ! TM BACKGROUND OF COLOUR CHANGES The colour of the two dyes depends on the acidity of the solution and on its binding status to amino acids or peptides. At a pH of less than 0 the dye has a red colour with an absorption maximum at a wavelength of 470 nm. At a pH of around 1 the dye is green with an absorption maximum at 620 nm while above pH 2 the dye is bright blue with a maximum at 595 nm. The different colours result from the differently charged states of the dye molecule, corresponding to the amount of positive charges at the three nitrogen atoms present, while the two sulfonic acid groups are normally always negatively charged. • At a pH of around zero, all three nitrogen atoms are positively charged, thus the dye will be a cation with an + overall charge of +1, being in the red form. • In the green form (pH of approx. 1) the dye will have no net overall charge (+2 and -2). +Arg - ! R-250 lacks two methyl groups ! 1 Structure of Coomassie brilliant blue Coomassie_Brilliant_Blue G-250. 21 22 The reaction must be limited ONLY by the compound to be measured. (Every molecule of compound is counted) A linear relationship must be demonstrated for the absorbance and the reactant that forms the dye. Conduct the experiment in such a way that the readings corresponding to unknown samples fall within the reading that make up the standard curve. If necessary, make dilutions of the unknown. Do this BEFORE conducting the reaction. Amino acids that absorb strongly in the UV. Second Experiment: 2- Direct absorbance measurement on a protein ! ! ! 23 We will exploit the strong absorbance of UV radiation by tryptophan (Trp) and tyrosine (Tyr) side chains in a protein. Each protein species has a characteristic 3D structure that places its various Trp and Tyr side chains in unique environments and causes them to have extinction coefficients that vary quite widely. However if a protein is denatured to a ‘random coil’ all the side chains are exposed to the medium and behave as if they were all simply amino acids dissolved in that medium. Garrett and Grisham, 3rd ed. Fig. 4.15 24 UV-absorbing amino acids A typical protein: Lysozyme 6 Trp and 3 Tyr. 25 2ZYP.pdb 26 UV-absorbing amino acids Denatured protein ! ! In a denaturing medium, the extinction coefficient of the protein at 280 nm can be approximated as the sum of the contributions of the Trps and the Tyrs: εprotein = nTrp • εTrp + nTyr • εTyr We will use the protein lysozyme from chicken egg white. the amino acid sequence of this protein is known1 : LYS ARG ASN THR TYR ASP PRO VAL MET THR ! Trpand and33Tyr. Tyr. !! 66Trp ! 27 Some are buried, others are stacked. VAL HIS TRP GLN GLY GLY CYS ASN ASN ASP PHE GLY VAL ALA ILE ARG SER CYS ALA VAL GLY LEU CYS THR LEU THR ALA ALA TRP GLN ARG ASP ALA ASN GLN PRO LEU LYS VAL ALA CYS ASN ALA ARG ILE GLY LEU LYS ALA TRP GLU TYR LYS ASN ASN SER SER ILE TRP ILE LEU ARG PHE THR SER ARG SER VAL ARG ARG ALA GLY GLU ASP ARG ASN ASP SER ASN GLY ALA TYR SER GLY TRP LEU ILE ASP ARG CYS ALA SER ASN SER TRP CYS THR GLY CYS ARG MET LEU PHE THR CYS ASN ALA ASN LYS LEU LYS GLY ASN ASP ASN ILE SER GLY GLY In our denaturing medium, at 280 nm εTrp = 5690 M-1cm-1 and εTyr = 1280 M-1cm-1. 28 J Biol Chem. 1963 Aug;238:2698-707 The experiment We will determine the concentration of a lysozyme solution indirectly, by first determining the concentration of an aliquot of that solution that we dilute into denaturing conditions. We do that because under denaturing conditions, we can calculate the extinction coefficient because we know the Trp and Tyr content. This extinction coefficient enables us to determine the concentration. ! From the dilution factor we will calculate the concentration of the parent native solution. ! The calculated concentration and the measured absorbance at 280 nm will then be used to calculate the native protein’s extinction coefficient at 280 29 nm. ! Experiment 1, Precautions for Chromophorogenic assays ! ! ! ! 30 The reaction must be limited ONLY by the compound to be measured. (Every molecule of compound is counted) A linear relationship must be demonstrated for the absorbance and the reactant that forms the dye. Conduct the experiment in such a way that the readings corresponding to unknown samples fall within the reading that make up the standard curve. If necessary, make dilutions of the unknown. Do this BEFORE conducting the reaction. The assay conditions ! ! ! ! ! ! 31 The Bradford concentrate contains methanol and phosphoric acid . These are potentially hazardous. How might this formulation be changed for reduced danger ? How will you handle it ? How will you dispose of your reactions ? Standard has a concentration of ≈2 x 10-2 mM. (Check with your T.A.)